Just finished pic related, what do I think of it?

Just finished pic related, what do I think of it?

Attached: Jin Roh.jpg (1280x720, 47K)

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I dont know, I'm not the voices inside your head.

You think it's great but you also wish that they had spent more time showing off those cool suits in some fights or missions like Gyakusatsu Kikan did, also at first you didn't really understand the story but after reading some shit on the internet you now understand the complexity behind it and think it's actually really good.

It's Japanese nationalist fascist shit.

you think its a perfect representation of the world according to Cheetos Chester Cheetah

Attached: back to the woods.gif (500x270, 1.99M)

fascism is bad right?

Better than being a pantifa queer.

Attached: giornald trump.jpg (800x1000, 84K)

You've been around this neck of the woods awhile huh

should have used a mexican

i was afraid you were going to say the n word

You were disappointed by it going nowhere. It's just vapid shock factor anime from back when they could sell that kind of thing.

That scene with the wolves eating that girl was pretty SHOCKING. Fuckers started skinning her... shit was pretty savage.

yeah what was that scene supposed to mean

Attached: homo.png (722x525, 523K)

"Wolf Brigade."

Linger on that thought. Fuse was The Big Bad Wolf in what is essentially anime's fucked-off answer to Little Red Riding Hood.



>hurr durr muh suits
Go back to /k/ you mongoloid, some of us here actually appreciate art

which one is you?

Attached: SJW troops at the ready.jpg (1026x767, 174K)

You understand it is a neo-nior love story with political undertones rather than something about cool lookin facists killing commies.

Hilariously enough I just finished this film last night too and it might be the best looking anime ever produced

Would unironically fuck the feminism out of the fatty.

You thought it was really boring with flat characters and dragged out scenes, and that Okiura needs to stick to animating and stop fucking pretending he can tell stories, because Momo was boring as shit too.

I love that scene for the fact that the first time around I thought it was some PTSD vision, when in fact it was foreshadowing

You thought it was really engaging with complex characters and well paced scenes, and that Okiura needs to both continue animating and directing, because Momo was fantastic too.

The script was written by oshii though

>le boomer
great, intricate working between (((terrorist))) being real human beings and the wolf brigade being the real monsters etc.

What about somebody who isn't a complete piece of shit?

People actually get confused by this movie and need a youtube video to explain it to them?
It's probably the most straightforward of all Oshii's stories besides Assault Girls

Attached: eyes.jpg (349x344, 22K)

It's not bad for a native isekai.

We may never know, those people don't come to Yea Forums.

I also appreciate the asthetics of the suits, that's why i said he probably would have liked to see them more.

uhhg...sorry to be THAT guy but it's actually a semi-reversed type one

yes you are by the way

You think you don't want to watch more anime, you think you want to rethink your life.