This fucking little cunt I will kill her

This fucking little cunt I will kill her

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But she's cute! She's just expressing her love user, she's done nothing wrong!

I'm going to fucking round kick her fucking face in
This bitch

You're jealous she doesn't tease you aren't you user?

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Just sack-up and kill the bitch

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destroy her fucking little cunt

I want to fuck the smug out of her

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She's saving herself for Nishikata. Sorry to dissapoint.

What time does the episode air

10 or so hours from now.

I will deliver unto her, le petit mort!

>tfw no doujin of Nishikata paying his whole class to gangrape her with them
It sucks

Which is good?

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while he watches

But they only get smugger when you fuck them, the smug is there to weed out weaklings and make their mate jump them. They literally win the moment you breed them.

>she reaches peak smug when you cum inside
What a fearsome opponent

>ne, nishikata, whoever cums last loses
>i'll show you
>congratulations on your victory, daddy
>takagi-san meeee!

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What is the best chapter

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>Whoever cums last loses
>Nishikata bragging out loud about how he's so good and lasts so long
>Inward "Heh, Takagi has no idea, but I'm a total quickshot"
>5 seconds later
>Why does it feel like I didn't win

>ne, nishikata, i bet you can't pull out in time
>ok, but we're doing it wheelbarrow-style this time, i'm not falling for that
>oh shit, i'm almost there, i better pull out now
>reverse leglock.jpg
>nishikata crying himself to sleep

There's more than one reason Nishikata would need to do it from behind to have a chance of pulling out.

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Yea Forums, I know how to defeat Takagi-san! Just ignore her.

>fug to increase smug

>fails to pull out the first time because she smiled at him
>second time she leglocks him
>third time
The only miracle is that they have only one daughter.

I assume Takagi keeps it that way so they can keep their comfy home life. It'd be hard to finance having a dozen kids and a housewife when you're just a gym teacher.

So she planned their entire lives since they were children? That's actually kinda scary.

You only really need to plan to not have more than one kid by the time you've been knocked up the first time user.

True. She seems pretty smart and capable but it could also be that Nishikata is the only one dumb enough to repeatedly fall for the same trick with minor variations.

I was more talking about the last line of it being a miracle they have one kid. Takagi is the one in charge 96% of the time, so even if she wants it every day she'd know to practice safe sex so they don't have to take multiple jobs or anything.

That is correct, but it feels like my man Nishikata didn't have a choice in anything. I guess that's what happens when there's that big of a difference in intelligence between partners.

>practice safe sex
>ne, nishikata, i bet you can't jerk off 10 times in a row
>if you can do that, we'll go bareback tonight
>i'll show you!
>by the time they do it, he's shooting dust, and takes more than 5 minutes to hit refractory period
>all according to keikaku.png

This looks like a job for Seki-kun

How devious

And on the nights when he looks too tired from work for that, she'll relax him with a nice, hot bath before they do it.

>Takagi gets madly good at every type of non insertion foreplay to drain Nishikata before they do it
>The reason Nishikata smiles so easy and is so careful around Takagi while Chi is around is she can make him cum far too easily.

Happy dad, happy home. Grumpy dads are only good as source material for movies.

What's the point for the top

Female nipples are illegal to expose in public. The frills give the illusion of volume.