

Attached: D-17jf6UIAA_yep.jpg (640x1048, 135K)

Other urls found in this thread:

That last face is golden.

Also, Tomo and Jun working together is a long time coming. Can't wait.

Did I miss something? How is she there already?

Yes, it is indeed me.

We could have had the final chapters being about closing off the relationships between certain characters, and Tomo and Jun dating and being complete cute retards with one another, instead we have this giant mess.

Why the fuck are so many Romcom mangaka afraid to show a little dating and cute shit, instead of just ending the fucking story when they get together?

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B-dum tsss

Please be a Ryona end.

After all the bullshit dragging this manga has had I want to see Tomo get her guts beaten to shit

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Just read the ones in which they do.

Scissor Sisters!!! Pls do what Trigger didn't have the balls to do and give us 'Scissor Sisters - Heterosexual Tomboy couple edition'.

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she fast.

just end it now

TOP KEK this can't be real.

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>another hiatus

So, does this mean it's ending in 7 days or that it's on hiatus for 7 days. Hopefully the latter.

Final Hiatus in a week. This shit's literally ending on this, HAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHA

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Yeah. A permanent one.

Final update is on 7/14.

Break, more than likely


All the potential side character development and main relationship fluff cast aside for an arc that's only telling the readers what we already knew. Hopefully there's at least a page or two of fluff and hopefully this fight literally ends on the next page.

No, it's the last page next week.


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>tfw final arc is a filler arc

Too late even if they dropped it, someone else will do it
Even some Yea Forumsnon could do the rest since there are so few left, it wouldn't be a big workload

>there's only 7 see you tomorrows left until you don't get to say it again.

I want Carol to ride my face

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That Tomo a cute

Look on the bright side everyone
This means Misuzu won't get with Tanabe

>Even some Yea Forumsnon could do the rest
who? there's like three people left.

Aw fuck, haven't kept up but it's ending?

Truly the only good thing that ended up happening.

Fumita will just do an epilogue omake in the final volume that will flash forward and show everyone married
We'll just never see how Tanabe wins her over

you forgetting about the volume bonus material, she'll be paired up with that shitty non-entity and there's nothing you can do about it. and she won't even get the dignity of it happening through the build up of whole arc or too. you underestimate hakmita's hack powers.

Next Saturday will be published the last chapter.
There's the 4komas in the volume, user.

who the fuck even still reads this shit? it was nice for the first hundred chapters or so but it got stale fucking years ago. why drag it on this long?

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I don't have the money to fly to Japan so could you be so kind as to not put ideas into Fumita's mind?

Jun and Tomo's confession arc was some of the best material in the manga (the play arc with Jun as a tree was great as well).

>hur who the fuck even reads something that gets daily threads
Eric post.

You people whine about this shit everyday. Yes I know, you hate it so much. Fuck off already, you're the only mystery here.

>he actually enjoys this garbage arc

Thank god it's almost over.

Idk, I self inserted as Tanabe and this literally killed me

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Who are you quoting?

>who the fuck even still reads this shit?
Tomboyfags, we're even dumber than the tomboys we like, hell I watched Cells at Work because Red Blood Cell reminded me of Tomo. that's the level of intelligence you're dealing with here.

But you're already dead? Just like Tanabe's relevance. Actually, it was never alive to begin with.

my inner self laughing at you.

>【Notice】Tomo-chan is a girl " will be the final update on July 14 next week. I would appreciate it if you could watch it until the end for another week. Thank you so much for your support
It's over next week

Tomboy == intelligent taste, don’t generalize your rare stupidity

>Who reads this shit?
>I did, but it's garbage
Top fucking kek mate

Tomboy=Good taste, but you don't have to be smart to have good taste.

I read it for cotton candy though.

oh, the irony
>the state of Luke Rockhold
Also, fuck Jon Jones. I hope Santos fucks his shit up.

By the way, I was about to mention us maybe being late on the 21st and August 1st on the account of me going to Fantasia Movie Festival to see Joe Bob Briggs and Promare, but I think that's not necessary anymore.

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How do the nips feel about this series? Even reddit is hating it.

I been saying that the people claiming we still had like 30 pages left were insane



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I have skipped like 10 pages since the sex-bait arc

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How do you know what reddit hates?

Remember you can only say that 7 more times, don't waste it

Is he saying that the final page is on 7/14? How the fuck?

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Yes, the series will end on the 14th of July

>Self inserts as Tanabe
>Probably feels identified as Maki
Poor user

Excellent news.
Fumita basically pulled a Yu Yu Hakusho and ended the story with a filler tournament arc.

>last 8 pages are all going to be stretched out nonsense and no dating shenanigans
well its nice knowing you bros

Cute Tomo is cute.

*for most of the world.
it'll end in the US on the 13th
but the TL will be out for the east coast a little after midnight

People who still read this trash are getting exactly what they deserve.

>he's going to skip most of the final fight like Yusuke vs Yomi

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>7 updates left
Nothing less than a full length chapter of fucking Tokyo Ghoul style can save this trash heap.

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>i-i-it's ending this time for good, I swear
>said increasingly nervous Hackmita shitsucker for 5000th time this century (that's how much time passes between each hiatus)

He's going to fuck the tomboy. It's coming.

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Pretty sure pic related is not going to happen, Fumita will probably draw the hentai version 10 years later

Man this was a long, mostly lame ride. These threads were also more awful than they needed to be. Cya later fags, hoping not to meet any of you in other manga threads.

Though it's kind of poetic how after years of people complaining about this being dragged on it will actually finish in a rushed manner.

>retweeted by hackmita

What does it say

Something something disapointment, something something creator, something something I cant make something that everyone will love.


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>July 3rd

>Tomo is going to be over

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>First Noku girl
>Now this
I can only hope Senko-san manga goes on forever to read those live translations with Yea Forums

>Yeah! It's me!
the cutest

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Aw yes, I can already taste it, the glorious flavor of freedom.

I didn't even know there were liveTLs of Senko. After this it's back to waiting monthly for everything else.

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Hasn’t Tomo thread always been shit though

>Tomo is going to be over

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Because the writers are pathetic virgins who don't know how relationships actually function

He gained 10 years.

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So everything with misuzu was a waste of time

I love the characters in this series, but it's needs to be put out of its misery.

>self inserting as the perverted loser friend cliche

But Fumita created such a character with maximum fuckability, it’s still worth it

Because Misuzu is perfect and Tanabe is literally me who can never fuck Misuzu


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For the first 150 chapters it was beloved by Yea Forums. After that people started to get burned out after the hiatus's

after tomo
fumita will lewd her

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>when google actually worked instead of "comic"

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>hai, Tomo desu

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I hope it comes soon.

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What made Komi so angry?

Because unironically. They don’t even know what that looks like.

Stop posting Fuuka I fucking hate that manga


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>7 pages left
>last page is them just starting dating
I wanted to reread this series once its over because I really enjoyed those 4-5 volumes but I don't know how much enjoyment will I get now with this garbage ending. I hate this fucking hack

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This. We all hate isekai manga. That's why nobody's posting fuuka here.

No that's not what I meant I fucking hate all manga where tomboys win or where the main character has sex with a tomboy

>I fucking hate all manga where tomboys win or where the main character has sex with a tomboy

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In fuuka the main character canon kisses and has sex with tomboys so I fucking hate it

Fumita better draw a doujin of jun and tomo hard fucking after this.

Why would you hate it though?

>takes over 800 chapters for them to even start DATING
>kaguya did it in under 200
>kaguya will still continue to show their dating chapters


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>over 800 chapters

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>not fucking by chapter 20

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Can tomboys be delicate?

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>not having tomboy fucking in Chapter 1
Explain this

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I don't like it when they fuck tomboys

those are doujins. Not actual romcoms of highschool students.

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sure, sure

Manbagi's victory.

The first volumes are still legitimately good.

Remembering pages.

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>he thinks those are doujins

Looks like someone didn’t read the official Fuuka mangas by the same guy.

This page is really well composed. The double-size Carol portrait and lighter background in the top 2 panels distract you from the bottom panel so the punchline is more surprising and hits harder.

It's better than dreck like Bokuben and 5Toubun that the majority of Yea Forums fawn over.

>Last page is next week

It's been a fun ride lads

Absolutely based and bagipilled

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The art was so much better back then
What happened? I know a daily schedule is tough, but you'd think he would use his breaks to draw a backlog or something

That word doesn't mean what you think it means.

I've always figured it was like western sitcoms and cartoons. Actors and animators tend to "settle" into things after a few seasons, things get caricaturized and lose their raw appeal.

Mousou still going strong ye'

it's been wrapping up for even longer

Wow, there's no way this ending wont be shit.

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It would be as shit without the hiatus.

It's not a hiatus; the story is ending on 7 pages.

Why are the Japanese so bad at writing romcoms? For every good one, there's at least 20 bad ones.

How can one man be this much of a hack?

>that last panel
Tomo a cute. A CUTE!

I hope you found it as hilarious as I did that Jon let that 1 dimensional, 1 legged BR take him to a split decision

>he's reacting like Gorou with akemi

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Impregnating when?

That match was a giant fucking piece of shit. It's a shame a rat like Jones can't OD on picograms of whatever fucking roids he's taking. USADA is bullshit, either enforce the rules or let everyone fucking do roids.

>I think that's not necessary anymore.

Manga is ending next Saturday. How Rednecks Saved Hollywood is on the 21st and Promare on the 1st.

>Manga is ending next Saturday.
What? But there are so many unresolved plotpoints.

>What? But there are so many unresolved plotpoints.
New to romcoms, are you?