>Does your waifu sound too good to be true?
>That's because she is.
>We made her up.
Does your waifu sound too good to be true?
Other urls found in this thread:
Real women are horrible, but then again they're only horrible because they won't tolerate my sorry ass.
a real woman could give me more than she could even if she were real
but I don't care
I'd still choose her
with all her damage, baggage, and infertility.
>We made her up.
No you didn't
I made her, both character and tulpa
It never happened.
>It never happened.
It all happened, but only in my head
Someone post the screenshot of ringo
Shut up you fat fuck.
It's an urban legend.
Riker without facial hair creeps me out.
>everyone in that image is completely rotten or died long ago
Not this time
Patrick aged like fine wine what do you mean? And there's going to be a new star trek series with him in it.
Fuck off, Riker. I never lost a galaxy class to a 40 year old bird of prey.
And it's a good thing. The only reason why they would tolerate any guy's sorry ass is because they want to #metoo him when they get the chance, so if they don't want to tolerate your sorry ass, that means you're more or less safe.
That's not Voyager.
Reminder that Jonathan Frakes lost weight and isn't fat any more, so it's not fair to make fun of him based on old photographs.
Jokes on you, Hishi Akebono isn't a fictional horse.
So by being fat ass did he inspire an entire generation of acceptance for lazy fatties? Truly the Next Generation.
>implying they wouldn't set things up if user was even slightly well-off
Thanks captain obvious. I just don't give a fuck.
Most of your waifus were made by guy, so she acts like a man would think a woman should act and thats gay, having a waifu makes you gay
user, it is joke.
>anything but not shit
But at least it isn't DS9.
That means they'd be willing to tolerate user's sorry ass. You just have to notice their change in attitude.
Pure fiction
You have been played. You have posted the thread because you have just seen those videos on youtube, and you have watched them because they showed up in your recommended. But here'sthe fun part. They've been showing up in a lot of people's recommended lately. I know they were in mine. Coincidence? No, it's Google who are doing this. They are creating memes to manipulate mass consciousness.
This post is based on an urban legend that never happened.
If it’s anything like Discovery, I’m hoping he dies before he gets to act in it.
Did Ningen Isu pop up in your recs?
Maybe it didn't happen, but a similar event took place.
So is this Star Trek thread?
you mean like that shitty yugioh dub clips last month?
I hope the Yea Forums copypasta about the new Picard show being an allegory of Brexit is wrong, but I would love to see what the Alpha Quadrant is like post-Dominion War.
That's a lie! She's real, I tell you!
She sounds like engine noises and cannon fire and such.
She might have been designed but that's different from being made up.
DS9 is great, fuck you.
TNG > DS9 > OS > Voyager > Discovery > Enterprise
Where do I start with Star Trek?
Watch a bit of the original series, I think it's a good place to start. After you feel you have a good feel for the series start TNG.
TNG is in my opinion the best though and it's the longest running so theres plenty of amazing episodes in it. S1 isn't as good as the later seasons but it's still pretty nice.
Eh, Star Trek in general was boring. I prefer Andromeda Ascendant myself. Dylan Hunt is a more interesting protagonist than any of the Captains from the Star Trek series. The humor and fight scenes are better too.
What would your moms say if they saw those posts, anons? For shame.
Fuck you and fuck your sexy voice.
I disagree. I love TOS and TNG everything else after that is just alright though.
No fuck you, DS9fag. Your show will always be black sheep of Trek.
>Discovery over Enterprise
Fuck you you fucking piece of shit season 4 as boss nigger
Some of the stories on this show really scared me as a kid. I loved it.
The original series is really good and is the obvious place to start. But if you can't get into that, watch TNG.
>Here's an update to a story we brought you last season: user is still a virgin.
who the fuck cares? my mom's horrible too
Enterprise was just bad through and through. At least Discovery got somewhat interesting when Pike showed up.
>Waaaaa, plot!
Some theories say it will be post the events that created the rebooted timeline.
Early series Riker... Frakes didn't age that well.
i actually greatly enjoyed enterprise, it reminded me a lot of stargate more than trek though.
contrary to most of the people who do defend enterprise, i didnt like the xindi arc or the miniarc format of the final season (wasting more time on travel shenanigans and space nazis was already tired when voyager did it)
I greatly enjoyed SG1. Stargate in general was a really good series. I can understand why you'd compare it to Enterprise though, both if them feel pretty different but have similar premises.
Just felt that Discovery did everything that previous trek series did and what SG1 did pretty poorly, it was like a shitty version of both of them crammed into one show.
Discovery did not want to be trek. you can tell Fuller tried to leave some kind of "cerebral" imprint on it like with Hannibal, and from the general post-BSG "dark scifi" trend that afflicted SG Universe.
>previous trek series did and what SG1
there is really no point comparing it to anything that came out before BSG.
I never watched The Expanse, but it is manifestly closer (themes, visuals, and behind the scenes production) to Discovery than something older.
Fuck you and your LE BASED BLACK MAN.
to be fair you're annoying
>Dark and mysterious
Might as well start spouting random garbage at this point man.
Fuck you Riker you slimy cunt. It's bullshit. All of your "real" stories are complete fucking lies based on fucking hoaxes. Ooh, wow, a horse can count, that means he must've solved a murder for sure. Fuck off and take your fucking back pain with you.
DS9 already had a movie out in theaters. When will Voyager and Enterprise (the actual black sheeps) be able to say the same?
I am still so fucking bitter about that.
Its the only one thats still aged well
DS9 went to shit when Sisko just decided to be Space Jesus. In the early seasons he was blatantly uncomfortable with being considered the Emissary and the religious icon of an entire race. He tried hard to balance his position with his responsibilities as a Starfleet commander and it was an interesting dichotomy. I liked watching him try to navigate both worlds but then without warning he just decides to go full Icon, conducting religious ceremonies and blessing station personnel. It was contrived and awful.
I can confirm it is just as dull and boring today as when it was new
If you can handle the cheese the original
TNG, if you hate what you're watching skip to season three
Voyager is a safe skip until you really want more
DS9 is probably the strongest all-around
Enterprise first two season are godawful but the last two are good
that is voyager
>what is Discovery
voyager gets the most views on netflix of any trek. it isnt nearly as disliked as some people would think
no one even counts that
Babylon 5 >DS9
Sisko kept being torn between the two duties and eventually he just goes full-bore into his spirituality. From a certain point of view it even makes sense as he did things he found morally and ethically reprehensible all for the war effort against the Dominion and it leads him into embracing spirituality more and more as everything is fated and the work of the Prophets whose celestial temple exists outside of time. Literally being the son of a goddamn Prophet because ooo that was some bad writing didn't help.
Also they were riffing off of Babylon 5, and Commander Sheridan was becoming a semi-spiritual figure in it too.
You misunderstood the Netflix press release.
Voyager itself doesn't get the most views, just specific episodes. The Borg episodes.
Can we at least agree that James Sloyan, Randy Oglesby, Vaughn Armstrong and Jeffrey Combs are the most based recurring extras of the series?
Daily Reminder that Sheridan's "dead wife" plotline was stolen from DS9. It wasn't part of JMS' original vision for Sinclair until after JMS watched DS9.
Daily Reminder that Ivanova was stolen from Kira. Ivanova's personality wasn't part of JMS' original vision for Takashima, the original B5 XO, until after JMS watched DS9.
those voice clips were used in a million fucking social media memes right after the Iran business involving that tanker started happening, them popping up in YouTube recommendations mean you probably usually watch shitpost material on it
Yeah it had few episodes that weren't like that but main plot was and that is what you only care about because you faggots don't like Trek just the DS9 version of it.
What if my favorite episode was Trials and Tribble-ations?
>NOOO you aren't allowed to like that nooooo!
Nah at least that felt like Trek. I was there when DS9 first started here in Finland and almost everyone either hated it or was indifferent with it.
It wasn't until last 10 years it has picked up small fanbase who don't care about Trek at all and call it escapism garbage.
>when Gul Dukat became so popular it offended the writers so they condemned him to everlasting fire amongst the eternal foes of the Prophets
>but it doesn't make Gul Dukat less cool
Adding to what the others said, I would say even if you can't get into TOS you should watch the movies, imo they're much easier to get into.
That doesn't mean shit. DS9 still shitted on everything that TNG had put on table. DS9 Q episode is perfect example everything wrong with the show.
Dukat is only popular among beta incels.
Look at how he gets with women. If he asks them out directly, they turn him down because he's a loser. The only way for him to have sex is by tricking and manipulating a woman. First he separates her from her family, implying that their safety and well-being is dependent on her behavior. Then he manufactures an artificial scenario where one of his subordinates harasses her, and then he valiantly comes to her """rescue""" like a knight in shining armor.
You should have grown out of these fantasies after middle school.
yea he was literally the hitler of the universe and people still liked him so the jew writers started working hard on his character assassination in the last season.
TNG, TOS is too outdated for a good impression imo
>But I like fun episodes which have nothing to do with the main plot, like __________.
Yea Forums-tier argumentation. You have to go back.
>if you can't get into TOS
Then you aren't worth of anything. TOS is great and season 3 isn't that bad as people like to give it.
t. Gorgon
when a meme becomes popular google starts recommending it more so it becomes more popular
theres no conspiracy behind it
Its got Spocks's Brain user
So? It is one episode.
can a mod move this thread to Yea Forums instead of the usual 404?
Why did you bump? The thread was about to die on its own.