Sword Art Online Franchise

Why are they still making sword art online? Didn't the first one got bad reviews? Did it became good again? Can anyone rate the shows from good to bad? Can Guts beat Kirito?

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My newfag senses are tingling!

Kirito is the true Black Swordman. You must be new if you think otherwise.

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Berserkfags BTFO!
Enjoy your idolm@ster-lite

There was a thread up already.

redditfags still think SAO is bad, lmao

fuck off boomer

>fucks his girlfriend
>beats everyone at every game
>his gf gets raped
>he gets raped

guts is the real swordsman
title was bestowed by donovan

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People like them for different reasons. Berserk and SAO aren't really comparable

SAO is one of the biggest pile of shits the industry has ever created. If you think otherwise (You) should go back to plebbit, underage-kun.

You are right but so is Berserk.

If you think about the manga: Agree
If you think about the CG-shit anime: Agree
If you think about the 1997 anime: Kill yourself

1997 anime is good, You are right again.

Black swordsman
Blacked swordsman

Dot Hack is better

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Tv Tome Adventures > SAO


that's not how this meme works

why are there so many ESLs on 4channel lately

لأنك شاذ جنسيا.



The SAO web novel predates dot hack by a few months.

I blame Hiro for setting a bad precedent, as well as the board’s increading acceptance of battle shounen trash in the past few years for drawing in spics.

They're still making this trash for filthy casuals

ITT Yea Forumsermin that have seen a whole ten shows and a few miyazaki quotes being mad about modern anime.

Don't you have some anitubers to watch, ironic weeb?
Just because you were told it's bad doesn't actually mean it's THAT bad, in fact, it's a decent series.

It got bad reviews from critics?
It really is objectively bad, with zero story and character develoment?
It’s so bad that it unironically has a male fantasy insert protagonist that is good at everything he does, so good in fact, that he manages to create a new game item and transfer his virtual daughter’s data into it in the 10 seconds he had access to an admin console?

This kind of bullshit is also true for the last 2 Star Wars movies. That didn’t stop them or SAO from getting mad profits from idiot otaku and rabid fans, and is why SAO is still ongoing with an ever increasing budget.

The 97 anime wouldn't be nearly as good if pic related wasn't involved.

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Animation and production values are great.
It's the writing that sucks.

>I only watch intelligent mature shows for real mature intellectuals such as myself

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At least Kirito didn't take it up the ass.

Sao is mediocre and has nothing to be called le biggest piles of shit, if you ever watched at least more then your average reccomendation list.
I mean it's just funny when some underage newfag calling someone being underage when he's basically acting like one.

Comparing to what exactly? if you wanna compare every single anime/manga to classic literature then they are all nothing but pile of garbage.

He didn't say it was made earlier, he said it was better, ESL-kun

I don't even like the show, but if SAO is even in the worst 25 shows you've ever seen, I have to question how much anime you've watched

I feel like looking at my younger self when I was edgy teenager myself.

>It’s so bad that it unironically has a male fantasy insert protagonist
So basically Guts.
>that is good at everything he does
There's been several series with characters that are good at everything yet no one cares, in fact they love those.
Smells like hypocrisy, leddit-kun.
>This kind of bullshit is also true for the last 2 Star Wars movies
Lmao, you have no fucking clue what are you even talking about you dumb npc, as you don't get why people hate new star wars movies.
They aren't hated because they are badly written, but because of small secondary moments that people didn't like, remove those moments and they will ignore so called, "bad writting".

>classic literature
because all of it is good
you only think so because you think it makes you more intelligent lol

There is nothing wrong with iM@S.

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Dude berserk died sometimes between years long hiatus and CG masterpiece of anime
sao on other hand stand strong, it has issues of course but is still enjoyable so stop sucking your favorite youtuber dick and think for yourself goy

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Based and Xingpilled.

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