ITT: Subtle ways to show your character is intelligent

ITT: Subtle ways to show your character is intelligent

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Cringe and dropped

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>Plays chess

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should have been 1+2+3+... = -1/12

For some reason he looks very smart and mech specialist.

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Literally me

watch the damn show first you niggers


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chess is certainly the laziest one.

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do you know about schrodinger kot?

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He has a petrified piece on his neck and him constantly touching it is to give his friend a clue to depetrify it to save his life after he gets killed by the bad guy early in the story

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I've never understood where does this come from, we only used this shit on a semiconductor class

yes I know about the insigificant plot point
it's still embarrassing

the character is anime jimmy neutron, i wouldn't expect anything more than dumb fun from this

easy with the spoilers nig nog

>anime jimmy neutron,

kek, he really is.


>he thinks just showing the special case is 'intelligent'

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>a super powered mind
>a mechanical canine
It's shit

I can’t put my finger on it, but I have a sinking feeling something’s off about him
Is he, perhaps, a robot?

This one makes me want to die

Daily reminder that meme has been BTFO by scientists, they have confirmed the cat can be saved. In short, quantum jumping can be reversed at an atomic level. Allowing you to anticipate the jump and save the cat.

hey dont be like that, he may look a bit different but calling him a robot? the hell is wrong with you


>Monoma poster


>Yea Forums suddenly likes Dr. Stone
What happened?

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No, he isnt socially awkward

>Watch every episode of a show and read the manga before commenting.

Yes. How hard is that?


Jesús Christ what the fuck is that hair lmao. How can you watch this and not be embarrassed about it

it's shonen shit so most people are dumb

It looks like fucking vegetables

i miss [gg] bros

>being a nerd mechanical physicist and not a Chad optical physicist
Do you guys even light wave

Dr. Stone > BnHA

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SnK>>>>>>>>Shit>>>>>Dr. Stone > BnHA

impossible since my goal is to not waste my time watching something I don't like, that's why I have to make assumptions based on my previous experience.

Actual answer.
Kills the Big Bad without even laying a finger on him.


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Megane, quiet, autistic.

>character-kun is a genius who always passed his tests without studying

Make their hair look like a scallion?

the hell are you talking about?


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this is everyone on Yea Forums kappa

yes, all one episodes

This works in real life too, some of the goofiest motherfuckers i've known look like this, but people believe they are really smart until they get to know them

Kek last frame literally says "Please don't try this at home". Is this a show for little kids?


>7 quirks

I don't know why so many writers have a hard time making smart characters even if the writer is stupid.
Characters have to come up with their plans based on limited information and some kind of time limit, beyond any extra factors a writer needs to account for like their emotional state.
Writers have the advantage of omniscience on the story and almost unlimited resources to do research, even if they only have so much time. Just research into historical solutions to problems and show your work through the character's process, the character will look smart instead of looking like he ass-pulled a victory out of a retarded plan.

Anime is for little kids you fucking manchildren

Better 7 quirks in a character with flaws, than a gary-stu with shitty hair.

It's to keep some retarded failed abortion down syndrome kid from trying to recreate his favorite chinese cartoons. Because if he gets hurt or dies (god forbid a retard that will never accomplish anything dies) his rich mommy with 5 other kids with autism and microcephaly will sue

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stop shitposting dr stone

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What did you expected from a kids show user

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Do you laugh or "cringe" at kids wearing their favorite band t-shirt?

looking like this

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People talked trash about this show and it's definitely campy as fuck but unlike most trash of the season the direction and art were pretty decent. I don't even remember any awful 3DCG.

>being a physicist at all
>not a chemistry chad

The special case is close enough for most scenarios. Unless the object is moving at near the speed of light or has little to no mass. The (pc)^2 component is infinitesimal compared to the (mc^2)^2 component since in that one the c basically gets squared twice.

Now that is fascinating but can you explain it with a cat, a box, a flask with poison and a radioactive source.

Dr. Stone does a really good job of being just the right level of complicated. In the last chapter they showed off the principal behind an electric motor, and it was diagrammed very well considering it only took up ~.75 pages.

Go on Wikipedia, what do you find? A bunch of useless nonsense that nobody who didn't already know how motors worked would be able to use. There was only one picture that looked anything like the thing in the manga, everything else was an obviously hyper modern version with parts so small and numerous that the picture was frankly unnecessary - it didn't help explain anything at all.

Like you can laugh all you want at pseudo-intellectualism or popular science, but Dr. Stone is obviously real intelligence because it can explain concepts from scratch to you so that you actually LEARN them.


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>i miss [gg] bros
Am I remembering wrong or didn't they do the new Code Geass movies too?

If I was 12 and watched this I'd probably try and recreate his experiments. Kids are dumb, but think they're smart.

Neanderthal ignoramus.

The character in question speaking fluent Engrish gets me every time.

You wanna die, talking shit like this about Mechazawa ?

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Wow. You sound really intelligent.

Show that they're really good with logic.

That would be lame.

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I agree and I'd even go as far to say that time isn't such a big issue because you can plan ahead.

>weekly schedule
>enough time to research and plan ahead
choose one.


>Yea Forums users are all underage
I knew it


Read the manga nig nog. God I fucking hate animeonlys

Have to cover their asses in case kids start making their own bombs or worse, cola, rip user.

>*adjusts glasses*

I tought the whole point of his character was to be a dumb but knowledgeable person,and to show that knowledge = power

He explains later on what the equation represents and why it's so important to him

But both of those apply to your MC

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Hire someone to do the research for you for free

>Hire someone
>do for free
kek ESL

the manga literally teaches you how to make bombs and at one point encourages the audience to make paper by boiling bleach

So what? GTO also taught you how to make bombs with empty bottles and lighters

you do know this is a shounen, right?

You're coming at this from the wrong angle.
I am smart. I don't want things explained to me. I understand that some people do, so just make sure I'm not triggered by the author getting it wrong. And never try to BS your way through by saying buzz words like "quantum" and "computers" as if I wouldn't understand.
That said, a friend of mine was triggered when Spice and Wolf decided trading needed to be explained. So maybe just stick to the story. Nobody is debating "I don't know how warp drives work, I'm just a pilot" type explanations.

You must be older to post here

Older than 30? Ok, see you in 6 months :-(

I believe they did work on the recent movies, they also did the same chess joke subs during the chess scene too.

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You can easily derive it from the general work and energy theorem to show it's dimensionally correct and it makes for a cool slogan to explain a somewhat counterintuitive idea. What else do you need?

Akiyama is a retard

Is his father a Nazi too?

his hair is retarded

No, his father is a retard that was sent to space. He comes back when everyone is petrified and bangs his pop-star waifu to create a new generation of humans. He also tells them 100 lies about the prior world, because he's retarded.

I'm literally going to marry this insane and utterly irresponsible retard. Wish me luck, anons.

Shitsoka is a fucking retard, though.

Too much Bleach.

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>no Oberstein

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>top 5 smartest characters
>not a single woman
>not a single black/latino character
This is sexist and racist and homophobic and therefore invalid. I demand a more inclusive list.

>Not mentioning LGBQT

Fucking hypocrite...

How can you even compare SnK with Dr. Stone? The theme is completely different.
Also Boichi who does the drawing majored in physics, so what's the problem with that.

get back to tumblr

I watched all of Monster but I don't understand how Johan is smart at all

All he did was go around killing people with his sister because of the institution and than gets caught because he wants to

In what aspect is he some hyper level genius?

Guts is a good example of a subtly intelligent character. You'd never guess, based on his lifestyle, but if you carefully examine his behavior, you'll find that he almost always makes reasonable/logical decisions, which is a sign of intelligence.

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>Character answers some basic braindead question or starts to translate perfect Engrish despite not paying attention

200 iq folks

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Having you're seemingly dumb character point out an obvious solution that none of the "smart" characters had even considered.

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>neck crack fx
I see

ITT: StoneChads scienceposting and BTFOing everyone

It's a plot point.
Goudy is 300+ IQ

Not a very scientific approach

I know why he did it, I recognise it as a smart move

>I am smart
You sure are, buddy.

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This doesn't actually happen I hope

Manchildren that would actually attempt to reproduce the inventions.

Fuck off. Gash Bell had Kiyomaru displaying some high level tacticool shit on almost every battle. Way better than the spaz garbage you see in HunterxHunter, for example.

>teacher not just throwing him out
I bet this is written by that one loner kid having fantasies about BTFOing all his bullies with his brain.

Leave it to me.

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Your loss.

>Kek last frame literally says "Please don't try this at home". Is this a show for little kids?
It's a Shonen Jump series, what do you think genius?

So why do the two fags have those marks on their eyes?

Everyone that gets depetrified gets those snazzy tattoos.

everyone who gets unpetrified has lines like that from the stone breaking

>Boichi who does the drawing majored in physics, so what's the problem with that.
Now I know why all the girls look like an alien.

explain I'm sub 100 iq esl

Dr. Push who lost to fucking AA?

When you break out of stone the places where the first cracks happened remain a cool tattoo. Later you'll see people having them on different parts of their bodies.

StoneChads don't care about competing with other shows. Just stoneposting.

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Why would the teacher throw him out? He just answered his question and nothing else.

this is him 276 chapters later

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>being delusional
The state of dr. push fan

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Oh yeah, mentioning impossible IQ is a sure way for me to cringe.

Discipline, that's how it worked in the old days *sip*
You gave the teacher the lip and he'd just give you detention. Furthermore if this guy skipped classes he'd be out of that school a long time ago.


>Gets into high social positions
>Manipulates everyone doing so
>Brainwashes killers

2.2 mil sales in 11 volumes as of may 2019
And still the StoneChads keep posting

Go to school kids

>Black Clover just over 1 million
>JJK at 900k
it cracks me up that Horikoshi saying "read this manga because I think it's good" is as effective a sales push as an 80 episode anime that's one of TV Tokyo's top money makers

I'm 30, they don't let me in anymore.

>Herofag delusions

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Anton is sent into the last anime you watched to kill one of the characters, how does he do?

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>Tsukasa dies
>Senku immediately proves him right by reviving the type of guy he was trying to get rid of in the first place
god damn it

Is this sarcasm? I can't tell. There was nothing subtle about how they tried to convey that this fucker was intelligent. Ironic that it actually made him seem less so...

There's a lot going on in this scene, Not just Chess.

The memes that Tsukasa is rolling in his fridge haven't died yet, however Ryu-boy does turn into a good lad

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>a lot going on
let me guess, everyone in that room is gay?

Should I finish Monster? I'm at ~ep12. Feels really slow still. People call it a masterpiece but does it always stay in this sort of arc style where Tenma encounters some crazy people and it tangentially takes him closer to Johan?

The equation is gonna have a stone solid meaning, however that's not the subtle part. Will make sense later

It's ok, Tsukasa loves his sister more than his ideals and will stick by Senku out of gratitude.

No. Monster is a meme.

Maybe Senku would listen to his ass if he could drive a boat. But all he did was revive assholes.

I need more Gen fanart

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It isn't as bad as the other guy suggests, but definitely way too long for its own good.
You should just read the manga instead, it's way faster that way.

>"Have you heard of... schrodinger's cat?..."

There's should be a lot more in a month or two.

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This is now a Dr. Stone thread

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This honestly would drop it instantly

>anime looks like shit
>manga is gonna get axed
yeah dont think im missing much

Why don't they just chip off the stone if it's just a layer?
Like why is it so different from using acid to corrode it off?
Why not just make some fucking sandpaper and sand it off?

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What would you prefer? E=mc3? lmao

It's not just a layer. It's all the way through.

Tsukasa looks like the perfect fangirl fantasy version of him

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You did notice that Taiju was collecting the broken pieces of some chick and they're completely turned to stone, right?


When they de-stone people the process starts from the inside out.


We call those types big oaf single core brainlets in the stone world

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Okay yeah, but then what the fuck does Nitric Acid have to do with this?

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Every version of Tsukasa is my fantasy.

We don't know yet. That's the primary mystery of the story.

Hold the fucking phone, isnt the mystery whatever the fuck that light was? Also why are only humans and a very specific kind of bird afflicted by this? Why not other birds or mammals? What even is this show?

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This was so retarded

Nitric acid is just a component to make nital which is the depetrification liquid.
Senkuu and Taiju managed to make it out with just nitric acid because their consciousness did not fade.
They're gonna go into detail on this and Senkuu is gonna 101 you on ep 5.

Are you high? Do you need to step-for-step explain this anime for 12 year olds to you?

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>"We're gonna be the Adam and Eve of this new world"
Okay real shit, who's Adam and who's Eve? This better have some damn m-preg in it soon or I'll be very disappointed.

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this show gives me "i fucking love science" vibes
the author is probably a wannabe nerd who watched too much pop sci featuring neil degrasse tyson and michio kaku and others

those are all related facets of the mystery. What the petrification beam was, why it only affects humans and swallows, why nital removes the stone, and why it petrified everyone on earth but didn't affect people in space

don't forget about the smartest anime character in the multiverse

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The most popular theory is that swallows was a rehersal test to see if everything works right. Then was tweaked to human. Humans and swallows did not turn to stone at the same time. Swallows came first

They're gonna fleshify a wifu

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I'm actually impressed they could show chemistry in a children's show. Look at the USA. There was a mythbusters episode where they showed off some EXTREMELY DANGEROUS SUBSTANCE you can mix with household items, that was such an EXTREMELY DANGEROUS SUBSTANCE that they censored its name, even though it was just some standard explosive that you can find after 5 seconds in Google. Mythbusters is (also) directed at adults,yet they feel the need to treat them like kids.

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He is an accurate example of a genius because very hard academic subjects are easy as piss to him in a way he cant even grasp how its hard for everyone else.

Just wait till they build actual inventions and the processes behind it.
It will appeal to the pop science crowd, but we're too dumb for Senkuu to give us the real phd explanation for 5 hours.

Smart characters prevent plots, theres a reason why shonen protags are usually idiots. A 120 IQ Luffy would never attempt the Wan Piss.

120IQ luffy would find a piss by ep 300

Even Vegapunk cant find Raftel.

>A 120 IQ Luffy would never attempt the Wan Piss.
Sounds like you have low IQ user

That's not his field, bestboy can tell you all about that

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But vegapunk is not the 120IQ MC, see where I'm going with this

One Piece is an impractical goal user, considering even the Yonko the most organized pirates on Earth have yet to find out, its absolutely assinine to assume you would ever find it before them. Thus you have an idiot like Luffy to think you can find it.
Vegapunk is 300 IQ he creates technology so advanced that they dont even exist in OUR world yet.

Roger found it

And Roger was as organized as Edward.

But he's not the MC. Imagine a smart luffy, he'd have gear 2 before he hit the GL cause he'd realise how a rubberguy could use high bp to his advantage. Walks right up to Enel and spits on his face. He'd catch on to haki early on. Most of the series would be a walk in the park.

bazinga hhaha

Well a smart Luffy wouldnt be a fighting autist so he would finish battles quickly not giving his opponents anytime to even use their strongest moves. A smart Luffy would just throw Don Krieg into the ocean and call it a day all that heavy metal turns him into a hammer in the water so he would drown to death.

Character has suicidal tendencies and photographic memory

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Now you see how many chapters we could skip

He would also be pragmatic and ruthless going into G4 at the start of the battle to instantly kill his enemy so he doesnt have to deal with a long ass winded battle he has time for better things than that. Oh yh he would kill every person he fights rather than just beat them up too.

I'd watch wun piss if it was made this way

>being smart means killing dudes

Smart guys think about the long term and realize its better to kill a troublesome person than worry about what they will do to you later.

Except a large portion of "enemies" Luffy made ended up as his allies later on. If he had killed them, Luffy would be dead by the time he went into Impels Down. You're a complete retard.

Show Not Tell is beautiful.
Telling the watcher/reader that MC is smart sucks

It depends on the person people like Croc and Doffy need to die, and killing a Yonko Commander is a serious blow to the military power of Yonko crew though it would get a crosshair on your ass for the rest of your days so its better to just beat them up and let them live I suppose until you can kill the Yonko.

Didn't Oda say that if Akainu was the MC he'd find the One Piece in one year?

>he thinks of a smart luffy
>will go into ID alone like a retard
555-come on now

Does it make you feel mentally deficient?

>I'm going to prison but only if you let me bring my friends
the fuck is this, elementary school? lmao

No, it makes me feel more curious instead of the narration fellating the MC while showing otherwise

>not just waiting at the execution site
>not having your buds infiltrate
>not saving ACEEEEEEU
Please return to your designated thread

But that's not how Dr. Stone goes

You do remember when ID took place, right? Absolute brainlet

>he doesn't get it
>he still imagines a retard luffy
Leave, this is your last (You)

Bestgirl soon

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I know he's a little stiff to be around, but that's fucking harsh dude

This touching neck shit was really stupid, one of those things that wouldn’t work at all in real life but would work in fiction

I did and it's bad.

Imagine being so fat that you can't touch your own neck


>tfw too intelligent.

I "cringe" at any human, what's your point?

>smart MC BAD
>retard MC GOOD

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Nice strawman.

>gets BTFO
>"muh strawhat"
Sure is cope in here

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>Hey, that little boy is playing 3 games at once!

>projecting some bullshit is BTFO
If it helps you sleep at night.

ITT characters that are literally you


>gets BTFO post after post

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He was plotting a warp drive course for fun in the first episode so that confirms he is really fucking smart.

I really hope you are merely pretending.

best girl is actually gen

waiting when volumes and BR flops harder than ever and see dr. gary stu fags coping hard

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>"why is my crying not working?"
Let me guess, single core brain anirite?

Literally who.

>"We're gonna be the Adam and Eve of this new world"
>It's fucking Adam and Steve because they are 2 dudes
What did he mean by this?

They are either retarded or lazy and the audience is okay with this bullshit so why should they try harder.
Also you seem to be forgetting that this is a shounen.

>one picture that looked anything like the thing in the manga, everything else was an obviously hyper modern version with parts so small and numerous that the picture was frankly unnecessary - it didn't help explain anything at all.

This is a huge problem. I honestly prefer starting with books and videos from before 1960 to learn the basics for this reason. I didn’t fully understand the differential in cars until I saw some old video that used something akin to a connects toy to explain the process.

Better safe than sorry

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>reads and works his way up to the top to become intelligent
>suffers decades of endless hallucinations unable to solve the mystery of the 7 walls
>has to have Emma help him via "dude just turn your brain off lmao"
>gets sent back to the physical world anyway because too smart to imagine

Be less obvious if you want to falseflag.

He's gonna revive the girl and they'll take turns impregnating her till civilization is rebuilt

Reminder that Senkuu is smarter than your fav MC.
How does this make you feel?

This was **** and gay.

What if Senku is my fav MC? Would that be like dividing by zero or throwing mentos into diet coke?

Divide Senkuu with Senkuu, you get (the right) 1

Is anime hate bias a thing? When something's a manga people are more open to it. When it's an anime everyone looks for shit to make fun of. Or maybe you guys just hate science due to mandatory high school exams?

>not euler's identity

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> that zoomer face
> those edgy phrases
Fucking cringe. Is this ultimate zoomer anime? I thought western zoomerism illness won't affect Japan, bros..

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the E=MC^2 might be the most effective pleb filter I've ever seen. People get so assblasted over it that they don't even consider that there might be an explanation for it either than "me smart so me write smart thing"
based Inagaki

Congrats! You are more stupid than OP

>he is an old man at the ripe age of 17
I'm sorry user


I don't understand why they get so triggered, it's almost as if these people hate physics class.


>muh catbox

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Hey, sorry your entire field falls apart without mathematics.

I always thought the e=mc2 was dumb but I don't mind anymore

Sorry dude, mathematics are nothing without gender studies.

>doctor piedras

gohan blanco.....

>Manga threads were comfy and civil as fuck
>Anime comes out and this shit happens
SO this is what Herofags and Cloverfags felt

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Troll pic of the season.

Try hard Japanese Neil De'Grasse

Still watching because I like survival genre, like Naked and Afraid

The use of never before seen 200IQ concepts like crop rotation

what the fuck is this notation

Doesn't always happen. I think Kimetsu no Yaiba threads are somewhat civil

That retarded hair of his almost made me drop the anime after the first episode. But I'm still hoping that we will get fanservice from the girl that the dumb guy wants to fuck, and possibly that she will cuck the dumb guy by having sex with Mr. Leek over here.

The shitposters will tire themselves out eventually

Animeonly fags just aren't as mature as us Mangachads

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Best you'll get, at least next ep

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Japanese law. Also it airs at 10PM.

it's just phi[i][j]

>stone ass

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why kot?

BDs don't matter anymore.

No, what actually happens is just as dumb if not dumber though

First episodes always have biggest number of shitposting.

What's BD?

A smiley of a man wearing sunglasses, laughing. It's more obvious if you add the nose B-D

Bluray Disc

Then don't make a comment about it, for fucks sake

>tries not to waste time
>makes a post that wastes his time

im too dumb to understand this shit

Only one writer I know in my life was able to write smart characters right.

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Is there a manga where the writer is real genius and the characters are really geniuses?

Akira Toriyama?

>smug science bro
ok automatically watching. Hope there's not too many side characters or it will probably get boring

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Make them mathematics teacher.

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Not for like 50 chapters and even then it focuses on the most useful crews that switch it up based on specific needs

for most of the manga the focus is either on smug science bro or smug psychology bro, who are both based as fuck

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Go back to twitter faggot

haha le epic meme im mad because she broke the pasta dumb anime you dont break pasta

Convert into a taylor series.

I didn't realize how bad that moment is when i read the manga.

Make them vegan. Vegans are more intelligent than meat-eaters by 8-10 IQ points.

Attached: 1411951205668.jpg (640x480, 42K)


>Source: Yea Forums

Never fails to make me laugh.

I've seen one episode of Sherlock and that is only a slight exaggeration.
Imagine that but half a step less a parody of itself and slick editing so you don't think too hard.
I even like mystery shows it was just fucking stupid.

what's so bad about it?

try harder, retard


Bande Dessinée

>jewish physics

Why would I watch a show for kids and mentally stunted manchildren?

Cause you'r on Yea Forums retard