Why did Promare rip off this shit?
Fire Force
Maka with tits
This is worse than fairy tail
>IPs: 1
jesus fucking christ
OP seek help
You help me then
This is kind of sexist.
And pedo
Do you want to talk OP?
Why are you bumping your own thread?
consent age in japan is 14, so not pedo for them
Honestly what a fucking pig.
Maka’s ass is bumping this thread
isn't that the one with ntr?
Is you the /manga/ retard who made the thread with all this pics? Get help or something.
>girl keep showing her ass/pussy in others people that don't even care about her at all
How about her fucking wear real cloth
This looks a hell of a lot better than Promare, though
You help me!
Do you really need to "reverse shill" user? Really? Just act like a normal people it's obvious you like the manga you don't need to do this to have discussions.
But I hate the mango
I see that this series already has it's own dedicated shitposter. How many times are you going to spam the same images you sperg?
Where can I read this shit?
>Best boy is a devil
>Best girl is a nun
They rip off the premise and just made it super fucking gay, which is way promare is infinitely more shit
those people don't even know the definition of misogynistic
What is happening here even
Is there more to her prayers or is it all just ceremonial? I suppose in-universe its probably important.
It's just ceremonial. In-universe, however, people have big faith in religion. Pretty much everyone worships the sun god.
Literally Yea Forums on the right.
I'm glad I saw this pic yesterday. I'm reading the manga now. It's not great, but it's enjoyable and cute at times.
Did animeonly Souleaterfags that Ookubo's manga have fanservice cats?
>All that fanservice
Shounen is trash
The girl has an unfortunate luck where she constantly gets groped or stripped wherever she goes and whatever she does.
Where were you when Bones was completely btfo by David Production? Mob fags are crying in the corners in despair.
fuck i hope fit girl get a little of fan service
Is this what Fire Force would look like if it was drawn by a talentless artist like Isayama?
Sounds hot.
I haven't caught up yet (i'm on chapter 114) but I have a question, when does this get good? i'm not trying to shitpost or make fans angry but seriously when does it get good or something more than mildly interesting?
As someone who likes the series, no
>i'm on chapter 114
>asks when does it get good.
I was really enjoying this manga until
>you lack something
>nani???!?!?!?! what do I need to be stronger?!?!?!?!
best girl
What is this girls problem?
I'm going to assume it's a shitty translation and should say trump card because that makes more sense. Then again with him running around screaming that he's a hero and doing rider kicks, a final move fits even if it sounds stupid.
What you see is what you'll be getting. Straight up shounen.
Man, this episode was great, this is going to be a great seas-
>4 cour
Dropped, some day I will watch it all.
How do people like this function when the specific media they consume consists of 90% of this type of thing? I always wonder if they're in a constant state of seething at what they see or just exist in some weird perpetual state of cognitive dissonance that wraps their perception of whatever they watch.
Reminds me of someone I saw talking about how Kanna and Riko's relationship was totally innocent and non-sexual when the mangaka literally draws loli hentai.
Can someone make webms of the OP?
Why is this one autist so obsessed with shitting on this anime and spamming the same images 24/7?
In terms of generic battle shonen, this is one of the better ones, because it doesn't take itself serious and has better animation than every current WSJ anime combined.
I really don't get why he target this specifically. It also never got threads here in the first place.
>this is one of the better ones
Top kek
Unironically, its people who get their fix out of acting offended about things in the media of their choosing.
They receive their dopamine hits by acting morally smug about certain topics on social media while usually being very boring autists in real life.
explain how it's not or rather which is better.