why is Yea Forums so MEAN?
Why is Yea Forums so MEAN?
You can cry on my shoulder if you want. Be warned, I will probably use your tears to masturbate.
Elitism keeps Yea Forums pure so we don't get run over by election tourists and wojaks and frogs. It's a necessary evil.
But I love you
Because of that. Fuck off.
I tried to watch this show but I don't understand the appeal. Sure the animation is cute but the plot isn't that great and the comedy is lacking. And I don't really understand the point of making the angels seem like devils and the devils seem like angels. Did someone (the author) really sit down and think, yeah, haha, that will be unique!
Get the fuck out you dumb avatarfag
It's a show about bullying, but unlike all other shows about bullying, the stupid idiot baka actually deserves it!
I watched it for the cunny
>Sure the animation is cute but the plot isn't that great
You don't watch those shows for the plot for fuck sake.
If you want good plot watch re zero instead.
fucking kys
I love you too.
This. The thing gets quite repetitive and boring after like 3 episodes. I thought no one from Yea Forums would unironically enjoy it
Don't be a plotfag. There's more to anime than that.
If I told you the actual reason I'll get banned because this board is a huge hugbox.
do it fag
Why would the mods move that to /pol/?
Incels with pathetic lives who only masturbate to cartoons.
you fucking told them, how will they live with it now
there are lolis in gabdrop? maybe I should give it a try
leave and don't return
Well unfortunately it isn't working.
What do you expect when most of us have zero social interaction in reality? As far as I'm concerned, you're all figments of my imagination
Probably not considered to be lolis, especially on Yea Forums where the l-word triggers the fuck out of the nu-pedo - but I find them sexually attractive.
check'm trips
Do NOT lewd the debiru
Satania carried the show IMO.
She's so fucking endearing.
But Satania would never pull a prank like that off due to anti-plot armour.
Because everyone has shit taste except i.
>What do you expect when most of us have zero social interaction in reality?
Stop projecting. I live with three other people, and work as a dev in an office full of people.
I don't know why I keep coming here, though. Something about it is comfy.
We aren't, though??
This. There should have been more than just the frog scene for her revenge against Raphe though.
>everyone has shit taste except i.
>posts Astolfo
can't argue with that
Look at this avatarfag I bet he gets bullied by angels at his school
Shut up and go fap to that doujin again, strayan satan.
Snek is better.
How did you know I was a New Zealander?
Snek is meat
You don't sound like the typical Yea Forumsnon.
Fuck off, no one likes you. Quit riding coat tails
Takes one to know one.
Listen here little baby. You're gonna get a lot of hurtful and degrading comments, but that ain't what I'm about. Let me just say, you are perfect the way you are. You hear me sugar? PERFECT. Don't ever change. You deserve anything and everything you want. Stay safe for me, baby girl. >mfw thinking of you hurting
Listen here little baby. You're gonna get a lot of hurtful and degrading comments, but that ain't what I'm about. Let me just say, you are perfect the way you are. You hear me sugar? PERFECT. Don't ever change. You deserve anything and everything you want. Stay safe for me, baby girl.
>mfw thinking of you hurting
Why are you so dumb?
She maxed Constitution.
>le big scary frog boogeyman
>not dropping everything into Charisma
>There are people who actually believe this
The intrnet is a serius busness
Dum debil
Don't worry. The big bad boogeyfrog isn't coming to eat you in your sleep.
Don't worry OP were hear to protect you're feelings
>what is CGDCT
>what is chill anime to turn your brain off
lol @ this tryhard attempting to fit in
These fat cunts couldn't even defeat a slightly steep hill
and here we see a very nice effort from Yea Forums's moderation
She probably put that as her second highest, hence her Devilish Ds.
I want to procreate with Satania so bad! Hell, she can have my children as many as she likes. After each pregnancy, her tits are going to become much bigger and obscene. Every night will become paizuri night and there won't be one without my semen staining all over her breasts, cleavage, and nipples. Of course, I wouldn't allow her to wash them! She can wear her bra with my seed staining her perfectly perky breasts and fantasize about me all day with the stank permeating her nose all the time. At first, she might be a lot shy and all about sex but with successive titillating intercourses, she would become a cum loving ahegao nymphomaniac. Each night after the long day of work, me her husband will be greeted by her semen craving expression on her face. As I eat dinner, there will be thumps of her heavy breathing on my shoulder as she tries desperately to gaze at my crotch which is being covered by the table. When the time's on, it will be the peak of her stupid cock yearning face as she unzips my pants. A blowjob and a subsequent swallow by a semen loving whore.
it was moved to /bant/