Loli proportions

>loli proportions

for what purpose

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I don't think you understand what loli means

>160 cm
Too tall to be a loli.

That's definitely nowhere close to loli. Don't know what you're talking about

I swear Yea Forums gets more retarded each day

Not to mention she's already an adult

you have absolutely no idea what loli means

Idk user, there is also a timeline in which she is small enough to fit in your pocket.

played BL2 in jap
lilith is voiced by the same VA as kurisu - it's so weird

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Why do Redditors like OP always mistake petite girls for lolis?

What in the fuck user.

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OP, take note;
Left is Loli
Middle is DFC
Right is Oppailoli

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Obvious bait thread, but Kurisu still has tiny tits lol

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>Petite women don't exist
Lmao amerilards

Are you fucking retarded?

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>Left 6
>middle 12
>Right 18

How th- no, you're just retarded.

>loli with a huge bulge
Fucking yes please

Blame lwatard fanbases

Great bait

Is this an Organization plot?

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please be baiting, motherfucker, I hope this is bait

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