Why do people like yanderes so much?

Why do people like yanderes so much?
I understand the fantasy of having a cute girl be obsessed with you but does it need to involve so much blood and violence.

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Probably something to do with a girl loving you so much they are blind to any faults you might have and are willing to destroy everything for you. Also crazy and bloody is unique and sexy.
With a few exceptions I think just about anyone would hate it if it really happened, especially as the situation set in over time.

So do people actually like it when yanderes are violent?
Couldn't there be a girl that's still obsessed with you that doesn't murder everyone.

The girl disregarding everything for your happiness is very attractive.
On the other hand, I dislike the double suicide yanderes, which is what all non-anime yanderes inevitably turn into.

>Couldn't there be a girl that's still obsessed with you that doesn't murder everyone.
So a stalker? Those are sexy too.

>So do people actually like it when yanderes are violent?
Certainly a lot do, because violence and blood is sexy. A girl killing others for you means a lot.
>Couldn't there be a girl that's still obsessed with you that doesn't murder everyone.
Yeah but it's not as novel.

edgy teenagers

To find a higher meaning, one you're willing to kill for, is something some nihilists desire.
A girl willing to give you the motivation for that is pretty nice.

depends on whether they're losers or not

IRL, you'd want to run for your life. Same thing with abusive tsunderefags. Stay away from mentally ill people unless you're a masochist.

Yuno was a great character because her batshitness was channeled into doing awesome shit and she had actual depth and complexity

As an archetype yandere is absolutely worthless, which is probably why it's done so rarely. That dumb manga I forgot the name of that Yea Forums used to shill tried it and it fucking sucked.

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You see, blood and violence won't happen if you don't fuck up. Yandere deserves the same amount of love she gives to you, from you. If you properly return her feelings it will turn into the ultimate vanilla lovey-dovey relationship.

this exactly, if you want random violence and being on edge perpetually you want a YANGIRE
but then again this place is flooded with idiots who don't know that "waifu" isn't the same as "anime girl"

It's a dead trend living in name only. The fact that you need to use Yuno Gasai images proves that point well enough.

I think the appeal is how "simple" or "pure" the love of an yandere can be, there is no mind games, no guessing where you two are in the relationship, no shit tests, she loves you, and if you are in doubt she will carve into your flesh the proof of her love.
Besides, I always liked this kind of forceful love, must be all the times my mother almost beat me half to death.

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depends on whether they're losers or not
nobody wants someone who smells like trash chasing after them

gotcha covered

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just the idea of having the opposite sex actually care about you even if that means they are insane or psychotic is kinda nice.

Worst route

>t. nigger

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the "violent yandere" trope is just a cancerous symptom of mirai nikki due to the nature of the plot

Its an exaggerated version of a girl who openly will confess feelings to you without you needing to do anything, and will work hard to win you over and get jealous of other girls because she views you so highly desirable for some reason.

It's because crazy is hot. Why do you think the most comprehensively ignored piece of advice in the world is "don't stick your dick in crazy"?

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Yuno Gasai figure when?

Some people find the thought of living on the knife's edge of disaster appealing. I'd venture to guess that psychologically it's not much different from what makes some women stay with abusive men.

Because crazy.