Just marathoned this, what did I think of it?
Just marathoned this, what did I think of it?
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I literally don't know
You thought it was good because you're still new to the medium and you still aren't sure of what's good and bad but hopefully one day you will learn.
H-how did you know?
>what did I think of it
So it's not good if you watch a lot of anime?
I think it's average.
You thought it seemed too rushed but it was heartwarming and the music was nice
I really like piano music, I set about learning the theme right after I heard it
I enjoyed it, I felt as if the romance was extremelly forced in the end to try and make it a sadder parting though.
The Tenshi clones were fucking stupid and there were some other really dumb parts with the conclusion, but overall it's pretty damn solid.
Way better than anything Key has done without Maeda writing the story anyway.
Fine. Should have been longer to flesh out sad stuffs more.
It's one of the best ever ppl just talk shitt
it was okay
Why dont you go back to Yea Forums and take your fucking template shitposts back with you, you inbred nigger?
Terrible forced drama series with emotional manipulation only good if you are like 10 and watched like 5 anime.
"emotional manipulation"
So it wasn't soulless drivel? Emotional manipulation is a good thing as otherwise it would mean the viewer isn't particularly invested.
No, it meant it exploited the watchers without putting effort into it, AB's "drama" is manufactured so it makes you feel sorry for the characters, but no real thoughts went into it. It's like taking a box full of puppies and putting them on fire. Sad and tragic? Yes, but also effortless when it comes to making the audience feel sad.
Thats exactly why its good. You probably loved the shit 4 years ago then u got insecure about it when other 17 y/os start talking shit bc they have terrible taste themselves and they spiral down some bullshit ugly as anime lol
Posting best girl. I wish her singer had a more successful career, but alas.
The girls were cute, but the story was shit. It reminded me of a weeb that used to play shitty characters in a RPG that got flirty as a mechanism to bait regular quest groups.
>ou probably loved the shit 4 years ago
No, I immediately called it for the trash it was, fuck off.
I just wanted to know TKs story
What similar recommendation would you give?
> you can put a ring on her and knock her up in the first volume of the VN
> find out babies can't be born in the afterlife school grounds
> run to find and tell her
> she disappears because her true happiness was actually having a nice family and being a mother
> leaves you with a letter saying she knew babies couldn't be born there but she was still happy she met you. envelope has the ring inside.
> MC spends the rest of the novel having a strong hatred for god because he took her away from him
fuck it hurts
It's only great if it's baby's-1st-kyoani/key-tearjerker. Air, Clannad, and Kanon were superior. Otherwise it's good, but not exceptionally great.
Only thing exceptional about it is that fucking song.
OP made a shitty thread, what was he thinking?
it was simultaneously too short and too long
it got worse after tenshi swapped sides and fizzled out, but still didn't manage to tell the whole story it seemed like it wanted to
the soundtrack was decent enough
>Air, Clannad, and Kanon were superior.
Thanks, I'll check them out
I think, therefore I am.
you loved it and moved you so much that you will now become an organ donor
It made me feel things
I haven't even played the VN and this hurts my soul.
I liked the first half especially the characters and comedy but felt that the whole plot twist at the end was meh and totally useless.
there is no english patch, and the people working on the official english localization said they were 50% done back in 2016
I wish I didn't read that
Suffers from rushed ending syndrome. Seasonal anitis.
it was fun
>it's real
holy shit even in the VN she suffers
Just ruin my fucking day won't you user.
I wouldn't know
Looking back it was alright for what it was but it'll always have a special place in my heart because it was the first anime I ever watched.
I was having a good day, we were all having a good day.
It's pretty obvious he's a westaboo. He's obviously a Japanese teen who speaks in broken English and is obsessed with American films and music. You don't need a backstory to put 2 and 2 together
Was it just me or was the whole "tackle the Tenshi's for death" hilarious in its absurdity at how unglamorous it all was?
Why user? Why?
forced drama is forced when there's no context on it. I admit that the last chapters were forced drama, but the (few) backstories and the part where yui disappears were all according to AB's main idea
I literally got banned for a day for saying the exact same shit that you did. Jannies are fucking trannys and i hope they kill themselves
You thought it was an anime.
Angel beats more like Gayngel beats lmfao
The only good thing out of it was Kanade my daughter
Angle Beats. Tenshi very acute.