This is safe thread. Discuss only the show and who´s the cutest girl, no /fit/fags allowed.
Danberu nan kiro moteru
Other urls found in this thread:
what about the manga?
user. Only you will improve your self! God walk up and down the stairs untill you have walked up 10 times. Then do 10 squats and 10 push ups.
Don't have stairs? 5 more push ups and squats!
Be worthy of your waifu!
>worthy of a non-existant character
This is the point on no return.
Reminder that you cant post in this thread unless you bench over 100 (kg) for reps.
Gains goblin will never be best girl
I just want you to improve user. I have to figure out some way to get you to do it. Now get moving and comeback to tell me how much better you feel.
This anime surprised me, i was expecting just a cute anime with some fanservice and i got awesome animation and motivation to get fit because best girl weighs the same as me and i basically got told i was fat.
An adult male weighs at least 200lbs so I sure hope you start by bulking
Asking for no /fit/fags for this show is like asking for no /k/fags during upotte. It's completely unreasonable for obvious reasons.
ayaka is best girl
/fit/ posting wouldn't be so bad if the 3DPD and morbidly obese posters were banned.
The actual episode thread was alright and on topic so it doesn't matter that much that all these extra threads are of mixed quality.
Catchy op
sweet, it'll probably get ruined though
>animeonlies saying Ayaka a shit friend that fat shames Hibiki and Hibiki should stop being friends with her
>this is consider obese by Japan's standard
>fatshaming is a bad thing
>Can't animate a proper walking animation cycle.
Normalfags don't deserve anime
35% body fat btw
Looks more like peak female performance.
I pray for art of her by NDC/Metal Owl
one ticket to snap-city
Literally me at the age of 26
How do I reduce bf bros?
Next episode means
>Akemi and Hibiki visit the pool!
>Ogling the other girls' muscles and learning about Dynamic Stretching before workouts, not static stretching!
>Ayaka and Hibiki hang out at Ayaka's house and watch the new Dogegenzenegger action movie! They love it!!
>Turns out Ayaka's home is also a boxing studio and that Hibiki can put all those calories to WORK and she didn't know it!! Let's learn Planks!
>Machio, Akemi and Hibiki all exercise at the gym!
>Turns out, Hibiki has actually GAINED weight, Akemi and Machio explain why, why a "fad diet" is a bad thing, what a GOOD change in "diet" really means, some tidbits and also the Lat Pulldown!
>Protein shakes!
If the 3-chapters-per-episode keeps up, we should get all the way to the completion of the Harnnold Classic!
You start by going to gay conversion therapy and get a gf instead
There was a good post I saw at the end of one of the last threads that explained Calories. I wonder if it's still around.
Any other methods lads ?
Didn't know there was a previous thread I will take a look thanks.
what is there to explain about calories?
if you eat too much you get fat
and that is a good thing
>35% body fat
>No /fit/tards
Good luck with that
Something about
>what is it
>how much is it
>what to do about it
>>Any other methods lads ?
1g of DNP a day.
eat less, do exercise, or if you´re feeling real brave, eat less AND do exercise
East Asians suffer the health effects associated with obesity at much lower body fat percentages than other races. Just a fact of life.
>added 3x10 squats with the small weight to my usual 3kb jog routine
I think I'm good for now.
Imagine a weight
Consider 35 percent of that weight total is just burnable, expendable fat
Consider THAT weight total of burnable, expendable fat is whatever number you've come to (in kg or lbs) x 3500 Calories
Consider that you will not lose any of that bodyfat whatsoever unless you literally consume fewer Calories than you expend and force your body to leech from its stored supplies
Consider you don't need more than a few % of bodyfat as a male human, and only a liiiiiitttttle bit more % bodyfat as a female
By the power of the Tyrant's eye, /fit/ will leave the fucking Dumbbell threads and go back to their board so we can have comfy, fun threads instead of their unbridled autism.
Asking for no /fit/fags for this show is like asking for no morbidly obese furry posters on any non-stick aka "chubby" "child bearing hips" etc thread. It just won't happen.
She's not even 35%
No, I'll eat more and avoid exercise.
Not much art. That's sad.
Lets muscle, Yea Forumsnons!
Bulking is fine too! Gotta eat big to get big!
I don't exercise and never will.
if you look like this why are you browing Yea Forums at all?
>she´s not even 35%
whatever you say bro
Needs more female muscle
Well, religionfags are doing it for years and their community is still going.
I wish I had a source, figure long as you sleep in an ice bath you can do 1 gram/day
Is that a website or a program?
>Complaining about fit in an anime/manga made for fit
This shit, showing his 3dpd self, lurking in Yea Forums
I want to die
Are you physically disabled? That must suck!
This show really has kickstarted me to do some cardio and exercises that utilizes my own weight (push ups, pull ups, plank etc).
Should I mix in some lifting now? Though that requires me to get a gym membership.
It's not really him, and if he does, look at Yea Forums, it became too tamed and shit
Why would /fit/ be interested in a show with no men in it?
More /fit/ girls in the thread is always a good thing.
I actually have both. It integrates with most of the booru sites.
>not being a /fit/izen Yea Forumsutistic
>reddit spacing
>should I get a gym membership
Nah, I have full control of my body, I can walk, talk, cycle, run, lift heavy objects, the works. My body is physically and mentally fine, I do not exercise and eat like shit by choice. Because fitness, after all, is for faggots.
Why does anime have these nonsensical hairstyles with sidelocks shorter than the rest of the hair
Did you even see the first ep?
Yeah, mentally disabled, got it!
How ?
Go to the fit sticky, but short answer Yes
>one space
>equivalent to reddit
One huge buzzword. Also how do you know it? unless you've been on reddit
You can't be autistic while having a good body.
That's no the problem. Those are just plain faggots.
Y-You too!
Imagine coming to a thread to complain about something you don't even watch or read
Reminder to eat like a pig every Danberu episode.
cola, chips, ice cream and other various junk foods are always great with anime. Of course afterwards you should be browsing Yea Forums, watching another anime, or even playing a video game afterwards is always great too.
Might chow down an entire pizza next episode.
Me new? aren't you? I really need to see 3dpd in Yea Forums? kil yourself, pretending newfag
Machio is a big guy...
The threads are trash anyways, not like it matters anymore. It's better to contain all the /fit/ards in one thread.
You underestimate the degree of autism needed to be a powerlifter or body builder
Yeah you are new lol
>f/a/ties larping as /fit/itzens
/fit/ is slow, there can’t be this many crossboarders or Yea Forums is just big enough to outfit /fit/ by sheer number.
>literally says that their body is physically and mentally fine
>lol you're mentally disabled got it
is this the reading comprehension of the average /fit/shitter?
You explain why they are calling others newfags with their reverse psychology
Here's your (you).
Work harder next time!
Ok, self-loafer
PS If you're going down this rabbit hole, I suggest you to prepare some space.
Batch downloading is addicting.
>@debian-torrents-new my-shimmie-docker du -sh .
> 330G .
>this new
I don’t think so!
It's all pretending games, look at the board
If you watch this show backwards, it's about a girl who stops going to the gym and starts putting on weight.
Is /fit/ the objectively worst board on Yea Forums? Bunch of braindead roided out normalfags.
Why don't they just stay on reddit or 8gag?
>this braindamaged
I'd watch it. Gyms and the people who go to them are gross.
I'm sure lots of other people here are fit but don't feel like posting on /fit/.
I don't have any fitness shit I want to discuss but like posting about anime and manga and I like this series.
This. Fuck gyms.
All me
What are the nip reactions to Hikari's VA?
Yea Forums is worse, the sex and hentai boards are filled with normalfags and cuckposters too.
You caught me
>he doesn't know
Who here is /home gym/ ?
not all of us are obese americans, user.
Have you seen /vg/ ?
Take a good look user and tell me if Kami exists
Not an anonymous imageboard
/fit/ is dead over there
What should he know? how to impress girls? are you by any chance having testicle cancer?
Feeling fit, buddy?
No, gyms are gross and so is exercise.
>caring about girls
Yea Forums is the worst and it's not even a contest. It has so many crossboarders, plebbitfags, falseflaggers, twitterfags, outrage culture warriors and blatantly underage children all combined to make the board completely unuseable.
Who has space for that?
I only go there for /hgg2d/, it's pretty good.
Oh, it's out already? nice!
Invest in some gym equipment if you don't want to leave the house.
Feeling like fitting a few spoonfuls of ice cream into my mouth.
>not using the treadmill while listening to OPs
You are missing out dude
You have no fucking idea, you really don't.
You need to get out of your bubble and see what other people are really like, or at the very least stop being a little faggot and prejudging people you don't know shit about.
I have encountered autists from /fit/ so intense that I guarantee it would put whatever autism you have going on to shame.
Seething fatty will never achive aestethics and being an Yea Forumsutist at the same time.
Tried it.
Gross and boring.
> dusty barbell, a bar despite not being able to do even one pull-up and the treadmill for when it's raining
Not much of a gym.
Only normalfags care about that shit.
>stop being a little faggot and prejudging people you don't know shit about.
Where do you think you are?
Except /k/ is welcome and /fit/ is not, as /k/ aren't pushy faggots.
>as /k/ aren't pushy faggots.
Good joke but I read GATE so your argument is invalid.
Not in /r9k/
That’s for sure
/fit/ is just one aspect of Yea Forums like all the other boards.
/k/ is also infested with normalfags who hate anime.
The /k/fags on Yea Forums aren’t the same ones.
Fucking good thread
The difference is that everyone love guns but nobody likes exercising
big mistake to assume they're normalfags just because a lot of them are in shape
/fit/ is literally the biggest homo board filled with autists on Yea Forums
/k/ is gay, but they're not fags. There's a big difference between someone being gay and someone being a faggot. /fit/ is majority insufferable faggots.
then go discuss it on /fit/ and leave us alone
I can redirect you to
so many fatties coping from this anime
how can you not want to be able to walk around without a cane when your 70?
>Watching or reading a manga about physical fitness with no interest in physical fitness
Double cringe
calorie=energie that is needed to raise temp of one gram of water one degree celsius
kilo-calorie= 1000 calories, but when people talk about calories they usually mean kcal. so if the back of your food stuff says calories it actually means kilo calories. to lose weight you simply have to burn more calories than you take in. how much you burn depends on age, body type, sex, height. you also burn like 1000 (k)cal just by being alive.
It's strange considering anime isn't exactly nice to fatties in general. They're usually comedy characters to be laughed at.
Maybe he already has the solid plan to kill himself before that.
Caring about your health is the most normalfag thing you can do. True NEETs know that dying a relatively quick death from a heart attack is better than a slow and painful death from cancer.
Think about the gains bro!
I don't want to live to be 70.
Am I retarded or is this not on nyaa yet?
Yes I know I'm retarded either way, shut up
>He doesn't go on 5 mile walks with a 10KG weighted backpack on, and then eat 3000 Calories worth of burgers and meat
Fucking faggots, also the main girl is too relateable with the working out and the struggling to keep off overeating.
imagine getting so upset over people being in shape
I don't want gains, muscles look goofy. I like being a twig.
sad, i am gonna be 70 and collecting pension and neeting out while feeling good and being able to take care of myself for a long ass time after i retire. i wont be needing any old people homes
Very retarded dumbbell
I want a bloatlord cameo.
Imagine being Noafag and thinking anyone on Yea Forums that notices you likes you.
Have fun with hereditary dementia
Or you can just be a NEET now and die early.
getting an ottermode body is already hard enough to maintain. and thats still pretty twig
You can get shit ton of other diseases before heart attack
Start doing 100 Push-Ups, 100 Sit-Ups, 100 Squats, 10KM Running every day. Then come back after you have managed to do this for a few days.
Don't want it. Don't want any of it. Don't want to go to gym at all and I'm happy being a weak nobody.
>Japanese title: 0 results
>English title: 0 results
>A mashup of the two: oh, there it is
Why do they do this?
I have a job. If your family willing to give you money - good for you.
>quick death from a heart attack
You're an optimist. What if you survive and turn into the vegetable unable to even kill yourself properly?
Your brain may be damaged which means you can't even enjoy anime in this state.
completely preventable by doing exercise
>missing out on free neet years
then say that you fucking faggot.
dont pretend you think a very little amount of muscles you get from going to the gym now and will look bad on you and just say you dont ever want to workout.
Then I fucked up, who cares?
Then why bother watching this anime or reading this manga lmao
also big chance of spending 5+ years in the hellholes called retirement home
It's a fun manga and the adaptation looks good.
Coping fatties ITT
>then say that you fucking faggot.
I did. And the very little amount of muscles I would get would look bad.
The same reason you fake fitcucks do, the girls.
Only you faggots that supposedly hate women and want the bro culture are bitching about the anime not being sexy enough.
I'm all caught up with the manga, sad times. The author is getting more creative with the ways Machio busts out of his jumpsuit.
your like a retarded female
they say muscles will look bad and then complain about how their triceps and tummy's dont look tight.
newsflash, if you want to look like a tight twig you need to have enough muscles to at least get to 4 pack
I lift to mog weak twinks like you, I don't care about any thot.
I don't want to look like a tight twig, I'm fine being a normal twig.
This is very incorrect. An average size (5'10") male should weigh 170 at the most.
You. You will not like this fact, but you're still alive.
I've broken my leg one, it wasn't fun. This will be ten times worse with no hope to get better.
The answer is simple
>Dumbbell Nan Kilo Moteru?
>/fit/ caring about their health
>roid and then die in a sauna in thailand
The only thing they care about is hiding their autism and insecurities behind a wall of muscles hoping that one day a girl will overlook their personality due to their gains.
>Caring about your health
Are you retarded? I ate nothing but mcdoubles to push my max deadlift numbers up, I'll probably die younger than you. The overlap between people who lift for strength and MMO players is strangely kinda big because they're both based around the idea that NUMBER GO UP = GOOD
Stop fighting and let's enjoy this goddamn catchy OP
>eat a fuck ton of food
>never get fat
I’m never gonna make it bros...
My body won’t let me get fat
>this amount of projection
You overestimate how much I care about how future me feels.
If it was true junk food, sweets, and other shit wouldn't be so popular. You are the normalfag.
How do you control the angle when squatting? Every 3 squats I have to grab the desk to avoid falling because I end up going too low
You're not counting your calories, twink.
That’s oddly specific user....
I dunno, go to /fit/ and ask there.
What enlightened individuals
haha this is prime r/Yea Forums material!
ass to grass squating is better than half squats anyway
we can have waifus too you know
this is partly true
don't tell me your a bloatlord
Don’t forget larping about hating women to try and fit in with /pol/ while at the same time worshipping their fit thots
well there is way to many bloatfags on /fit/ now. some threads literally devolved into "eat a sandwich" from jealous women facebook tier
/fit/ has less /pol/ crossies than this board
do you fall forward or backwards?
Can we talk about the amount of good taste the author has? A Gyaru /fit/ main character, that's fucking beautiful.
>muh ironic futa
Fuck off, true 4channelers fap to futa fucking them.
And you overestimate your ability to push your fears away just by wishing.
We are conditioned to avoid pain. Long-term memory exists mostly for this reason.
The author is a true man of culture in general.
I don't browse /fit/, but I'll always love them for that thread where the one user told everyone about how his roommate made the ghosts haunting his apartment afraid of him instead of it being the other way around.
That's good to know, I'm not concerned but that's nice to hear.
From my observations it's impossible to have a "good body" if you're not autistic.
Maybe if you are s genetic freak.
I don't disagree that exists but /fit/ isn't one person.
The sort of guy that idolizes zyzz and the dude that respects scooby are necessarily pretty different people.
Is it wrong if I want to die being crushed by abs?
y-yeah... what are the chances of that happening.
Point your toes out.
Where're the streams
Mods should just nuke these threads or move them to /fit/ at this point.
Flabs > Abs
You're alright.
I can open the port for my Plex if you want.
>tfw enjoy working out and being in shape
>but also am attracted to chubby/fat girls
I'm conflicted about this show.
Fuck off dumb wojakposter, go back.
>Adam shows up
>he’s the same cgi as kengan is done in
Would you be mad or amused?
What are you on about? The two go hand-in-hand. /fit/ guys love fatass chicks.
The post to IP ratio suggests it wouldn't take getting rid of many people to clean them.
True friends would speak the truth
The other way around.
The schedule, diet and lifestyle you need to engage in to have a "good body" as opposed to a normal one, is so autistic especially if you overlay it on top of daily life with a job and a social life, that you'd need to be suffering from some sort of disorder to manage it.
This is why normal people have normal bodies as opposed to "good" ones.
Or you might not have a job and social life, but that only increases the probability that you are indeed an assburger, rather than dispel it.
Of course it boils down to perception. You might be lardwhale and then anything else might look like a "good" body to you.
Stop blogging
Man, the /fit/ crossboarders aren't even trying to hide it.
They should unban SakuraFish
But I don’t seem them doing it
I mean that some small subset of people need to really try not to look good.
I already am. Listening to the 10hr version.
God, I wanna fuck her.
3DPD and fatty posting isn't discussing fitness in an Yea Forums relevant way.
Before the anime announcement fitness posting happened in danberu threads and some /fit/ memes turned up but it didn't have the 3DPD posting.
These are her shoulders *prior to* working out.
A good test of autism is if you can only learn new exercises from a fucking manga. It has been helpful though.
Fuck off, /fit/
God, I wanna fatten her
>tfw no fat gf to waddle over to me and tell me how hot I am once I've finished lifting weights
How about you and me settle this right here in the ring
pick up a football weeb
/fit/ is fucking nowhere near the worst board.
Yea Forums, /r9k/, /pol/, /x/, and of course Yea Forums are the pinnacles of shit in this site
Sports are shit
Speak for yourself dyel
>one day a girl will overlook their personality due to their gains
>implying /fit/ is straight
There is a fine line for girls between delicious fit and disgusting muscles
>No landwhale gf to have hot sweaty sex with
>No blubbery fat belly that squishes and rubs against my chiseled abs whenever he hug
Stop posting 3dpd.
>He doesn't like being close to throwing up and barely able to stand after an exercise routine
Some people
If you can barely see their muscle there's no point.
>all the skeletons are fatties in complaining about fitness on a thread for a fitness themed anime
Lmaoing at your lives right now famalams
It's if they start getting broad shoulders.
Stop blogging on Yea Forums
Your post is way closer to blogging you retard.
nice anime thread
also not my type of exercise lmoa
For me it's if they are going for that body builder look instead of being athletic.
3D should be reported, it's as simple as that.
Same, but with tall and fit instead.
How do I get a gf just like this but 3D?
Sakurafish was banned originally not for fishposting itself, but as a mistake by some mod for some arbitrary reason (no surprise there). They were going to overturn the ban but Sakurafish had enough of their shit and told them something similar to "Fuck you, keep me banned, faggot."
Source: I know things and people. Also mods are actual retards.
How do I get a gf just like this but 3D?
So why would I watch this if I don't enjoy waifushit?
Anyway start working out you stinky dyel weebs lmao
Be successful.
There's alright comedy, they do a varied amount of exercise and explain it in a fun way, but outside of that it's waifushit.
Working out is for faggots and the manga's good.
How do you read a manga about exercising while hating exercise
Yeah that's an odd combo, reading this manga just ends with me getting up and doing some exercise, it's written by a dude who knows his stuff.
Because I like manga and this one is fun. I hated programming but like New Game!.
Friends don't let friends live unhealthy lives.
Well shit there goes my chances of getting into relevant weight classes.
The best reason to get swole
First off if you're thinking of getting into any combat sport don't.
Second off, the only irrelevant weight classes are Bantam, Fly and Featherweight.
Does the guy who wrote Baki have a "muscular feet" fetish or something?
Reminder that you are not allowed to watch this anime unless you can bench 1x your bodyweight.
I've never benched in my life because I only have time to workout at home with dumbells and a pull up bar.
Anything below Light Heavyweight in Boxing and Middleweight in MMA are fucking garbage irrelevant.
Land of Giants mother fucker
i can squat bodyweight, does that count
sorry but treadmill is the only thing you need. Just run and leave your bitch waifu behind when there's danger
I personally want an anime where the girls try to become fatter, not more muscular.
You can bench with dumbbells user. In fact it's arguably better than doing it with a bar because it trains more stabilizer muscles.
I need some fucking tight abs artwork already for fucks sake.
Then why is /fit/ against using dumbells then?
daily reminder that if you can't do 100 pushups, 100 squats, and 100 sit-ups or crunches, then you aren't a man and might as well order a robe and wizard hat off amazon
Okay Vince.
I've never seen anti-dumbbell sentiment on /fit/. They're fucking great. You can do a metric fuckton of exercises even at home with a couple of adjustable dumbbells.
go to
Don't you need a bench for that? I kinda lack the bench part of the bench press
Thanks /fit/.
You can get creative. Really anything you can lie on to put you at least a foot off the floor, with room for your elbows to drop.
because your main lifts should be done the big 4 barbell movements. after that you can focus on whatever you want with dumbbells
Or you know, go get a bench? They're like $50 for a basic one.
/fit/izens Yea Forumsnonymous!
I've never seen anything against dumbbells on /fit/
Dumbbells are good, it's just that barbells are better because they allow you to use more weight. But dumbbell work is great as an accessory after your barbell lifts
>no /fit/fags allowed
>show about lifting
but Yea Forums and /fit/ make a perfect couple.
When will summer be over?
>lifting for girls, never gonna make it
squats/benches/flies? i don't know a fourth offhand
Its a start. I started off lifting to try and get girls but then realized error of my ways about 2 months in.
flies was supposed to be spoilered there but i learned today that they're illegal on Yea Forums
barbell lets you use more weight for more resistance, and you should typically use as much weight as you can handle to get results
A bench, squat stands (can be use for bench press), adjustable dumbbell bar and you're pretty much set.
Never in the life of me will I understand why this abhorrent fetish is tolerated by Yea Forums
It isn't, but it turns out that one autismlord got really upset by this show's existence.
I wouldn’t call it Abhorrent.
I don't exercise and have read the entire manga and am watching the anime while pigging out every week.
Fatspammers have always spammed their shit everywhere, even years ago when Yea Forums still had /e/ threads. Not a single tummy thread without Fatfuck spammers.
Yes, that's the aim of the shitposters. Mods are too lazy to just simply remove the obvious shitposters and will always just nuke the thread.
Fuck /fit/shitters, they aren't funny, are autistic in the bad way and ruined the chances of comfy dumbbell threads. Fat people along with fat fetishists can go fling themselves off a cliff too.
Amen, brother
Where did those guys go after that scene?
They're the background muscle dudes, that's literally what they are, throughout the manga they're there as the ultimate supporting cast.
>Fuck /fit/shitters, they aren't funny
>meanwhile Yea Forums
>average thread consists of people posting variations on "i want this girl to step/take a shit/pee on me" ad nauseam
>this is considered peak humor on the board
It's not supposed to be humor. Yea Forums is just that desperate for affection and attention.
Neat program, but how does it compare to Hydrus? Less/More grabbing options?
>Yea Forums is just that desperate for affection and attention.
So is /fit, you'd think we'd get along better.
i don't know whether to be disgusted or disappointed
yes, because those statements require a spine to say instead of cowering and trying to keep a good social image. That's why it's funny
Part of the board culture is to not post anything about 3D and especially not about yourself.
It just goes against fitfags blogging about their gains.
Yea Forums (at least according to history) is a board that enjoys having fun, and in Danberu's case, people can have fun with both saying how much they want to fuck the girls and discussing /fit/ stuff.
The issue is that fun is highly harmful to certain people. That's why they keep spamming unrelated images, doing obvious ridiculous falseflagging, and accusing random targets of being the reason why everything is so bad. Falling for them means you're part of the problem, so just ignore them until they find a new shitposting target.
tl;dr just ignore angry metafags until they start spamming porn and hope mods aren't retarded enough to not understand where the real problem is
This is an anonymous imageboard, any perceived sense of image you have for yourself goes completely out the window the second you hit the post button. Moreover, there isn't anything """brave""" about acting like a cumbrained teenager when there's 50 other people in the thread doing the exact same thing as you. It's completely stale and creatively bankrupt at this point.
Be like me. Be both.
That one? Never used it, so I can't tell.
And it's getting really late, so I'm going to bed for now. Good night.
Nice anime thread you got here
Hibiki's voice actress is kinda cute
summerfag go back
Reminder that females aren't actually attracted by beefcakes, only gay men are.
There is nothing wrong with liking larger women.
I don't know user, I think they just told you that so they wouldn't hurt your feelings.
t. fatfuck
If you think women prefer stinking hambeasts or skinnyfat doughbois you're delusional.
>but planet fitness told me the dad bod was in!
Lmao stay chunky bro
Do you just assume anyone who doesn't like fitness is fat
>Be worthy of your waifu!
She doesn't even like /fit/fags.
peak performance
She probably doesn't like you either.
But I'm cute.
>No /fit/fags allowed
What's wrong user, are you intimidated?
Based Pierce.
prove it
No but they're annoyingly autistic in the worst most unfunny way.
No way, fag.
>wants someone to post pictures of themself on Yea Forums
that sounds more like Yea Forums
To be fair, it's a series based on fitness. expecting people who love fitness not to be interested in it is silly
Also everyone on this site is annoyingly autistic in the worst most unfunny way.
Dude your fukin gay.
I don’t see them spamming shit when X shit happens on X anime m8
Nice anime thread
only for you bb
What are you talking about? Everyone in One Piece threads pirate the manga and anime.
What I meant was
>Re:Zero threads when it was airing
>Same with Franxx
Not sure how mods didn’t do shit about it lol
Because Yea Forums doesn't need general faggotry.
No, but everyone who gets triggered over any mention of fitness is definitely fat.
Hey, /fit/ crossboarders annoy me and I'm a twig. Don't judge a book by its cover.
>people like thing
>people make thread to talk about thing or use a thread about it to talk about thing
Shock and awe.
Fun fact: if your kind wasn't trying so hard to shitpost about this show (including making your own threads as proven by this OP), there wouldn't be as many people trying to talk about it or its subject right now.
Damn, I didn't think these threads would be this bad.
It is really unfortunate because this adaption is tons of fun and it doesn't deserve threads this shitty.
Perhaps, but there's a difference between being annoyed and making 57 posts about how mad you are that someone mentioned fitness in a thread for an anime about fitness. 100% chance of fat. I challenge that guy to post his body with timestamp to prove me wrong.
>I challenge that guy to post his body with timestamp to prove me wrong.
Anyone that posts themselves on Yea Forums deserves a ban.
The issue isn't people talking about the show it's the crossboarders that make the threads 90% not about the show and just make them /fit/-lite.
They're actually doing fine enough when fags aren't forcing the meta-hour. Just come back at a later time and hope they haven't spammed so much that lazy mods decide to wipe everything.
>tranny discussion in ranma threads
>perfectly fine
>fitness discussion in danberu threads
Who the fuck cares which boards are "normalfag" and which ones aren't? Ignore and report any shitposter you see fit.
They love her, from what I can tell.
/dorm gym/ reporting in.
reminder /fit/
The show is literally about fitness. People talking about fitness is to be expected. People have always talked about fitness in the manga threads. And somehow you believe that's an issue now? This isn't even the first show about fitness, last time there was one people talked about /fit/ stuff and not a single soul raised any fuss about it so why the fuck are you insisting that "they" are the problem instead of "you"?
Let me just remind you of one thing: subjects aren't exclusive to a single board on Yea Forums. Especially on Yea Forums, where every season is full of shows that have varied subjects, and thus cross-board interactions are inevitable - and that's a normal thing. Do you know why threads for shows about cute girls aren't banished to /c/, or shows about giant robots aren't only allowed on /m/? Because of the same fucking reason.
Now please shut the fuck up and kill yourself.
>using a biases strawpol to justify mental illness posting on Yea Forums.
ITT: My board is better than yours!
Except the manga threads were more than just posting about fitness. There's more to those threads than fitness, people actually talked about the manga there. There was more to it than just people asking shitty entry level /fit/ questions that would be answered if they went there and looked at the sticky or most threads there at a given time. They were there sure, but they weren't all that it was.
I'm fine with killing myself but I'm not going to shut up because you're a bitch that can't take people who don't like your ilk.
>spamming the same images as always
Someone seems upset.
Away with you, foul devil!
holy shit this is so true
>They were there sure
And there's your answer. I have no idea how you haven't noticed this but they aren't all there is in the few anime threads that haven't been ridden with shitposts either, especially in the same day an episode airs. And on top of that you have threads like this, started with a contradictory subject (discuss the show but don't discuss the show's focus) and a shitposting subject (which girl is best girl), likely for no reason other than shitposting and flaseflagging so people can pretend to be offended by something, where there's no actual new content to discuss, meaning that people will, of course, default to talking about the show's subject in general. Which is fitness. Also which, due to the show's content, is actually perfectly fine.
As said, if you don't want generals (or pseudo-generals) then you don't create generals. Not that there's any point in trying to tell shitposters that they're wrong.
Haha cool anime thread
I never said there wasn't any, but every thread, even the one that came when the show aired, was still mostly things that should be in /fit/. In most hobby anime threads the threads are about mostly the show and the hobby is a side subject, because there are boards for that shit. An Initial D thread is mostly about the show and the cars discussion is on the side. If you want to talk about fitness, and not the show itself, go to /fit/. The threads are about the show itself, the subject matter should be relegated to the side and not the main subject. Yuru Camp threads aren't all discussion about camping, it's mostly about the actual damn manga and anime.
Thanks for the bump bro
there there user calm down, here have this (You) you don't need to spam
This is the thread bros.
No, this is.
Elf San Wa is also about fitness.
are you having a tantrum redditbro
Seething tubbies
And the point is that discussion about fitness is still welcome in here because it's the show's subject as I've said many times already. The thing is that the show barely has any content outside of that so that's why it seems there are so many posts about it, but you seem incapable of understanding why this isn't an actual problem. Those other hobby shows as well had more content to be discussed in their threads most of the time, and even when they had dedicated boards for discussing their subjects nobody found any issue in talking about them in their threads but now /fit/ is apparently an evil board and anything to do with it should be kept over there for some reason. No, that's not how it works on Yea Forums. I don't need to say anything else.
By the way, before you accuse me of being from /fit/ I'll say that I have never touched that board and I have no intention of ever doing so.
More like fattiness
Except there's also a manga to discuss and ways of talking about the subject material in an actual meaningful way that relates to the show rather than just posting /fit/ questions. Asking shit that's just entry level fitness and "how do I get into fitness" don't contribute to discussion about the show in any way, are blogposting for the most part, and can be answered in four words, "Go to /fit/'s sticky".
>before you accuse me of being from /fit/
I wasn't going to since I coould tell you weren't but alright, but I was going to call you a faggot.
90% of the show's content revolves around the topic of fitness and the remaining 10% is just fanservice. There's very little in the way of discussion in the latter aside from "hurr cute feet", so I don't see why you're being so autistic about this.
you know /fit/ exists, right?
Why aren't you fags posting the girls? This thread fucking sucks.
I like that /fit/ hangs out in the threads!
Note that the last on-topic post was (4 hours ago) and the last on-topic /fit/ post was , 30 minutes before it.
>basically the people who are keeping these threads alive are the ones who hate it, just so they can whine about how they're cancer and need to go back to /fit/
Oh the irony.
So then talk about the show's characters and scenes and if you discuss /fit/shit keep it relevant to the actual episodes or manga in some way. If otherwise just don't post or go to /fit/.
There is no safe space on Yea Forums for you, fatty.
bros i dont want to work out anymore
Then don't you blogposting faggot.
Yea Forums and /fit/ just starting a few different reply chains within the same thread is probably less annoying than this nonsense that's going on. Get over yourself.
how strong do you have to be to do something like this? i feel like even kpops are stronger than me.
I dunno, ask .
What the fuck is happening to his bicep?!?
It said "Fuck it, I quit."
Tore his biceps tendon.
This is why I only do calisthenics.
He's using a supinated grip, with his bicep turned forwards. With that grip, you have to maintain a neutral arm, elsewise the bicep will activate and start lifting, instead of lifting with your back/legs. He didn't maintain a neutral arm, lifted with his bicep, and the sheer weight tore it. Supinated grip is retarded IMO.
That's pretty easy if you aren't skelly or fat. It's mostly muscle coordination, not strength
I can't tell if this is supposed to be bait or not lmao
Mate, Yea Forums can't even do one bloody push-up or walk up the stairs without dying from tiredness and cursing their neckbeard existence. Expecting them to self-improve is like asking an addict to stop drinking
Quads of truth
Dear god I just watched a 3 min video compilation of people tearing their bicep. I guess its common. Thanks for giving me one more irrational fear.
Is it even possible to be 35% body fat with her measurements? I didn't think the BF% was in the manga.
I'd take care of that cake
That would honestly be fuckin hilarious
I would laugh my ass off
>have fat fetish
>always hated the stupid trope of girls freaking the fuck out and dieting when they're still tiny and not fat at all
This show is really fucking good though, it's a shame. The MC should keep getting fatter and eventually get a hot boyfriend anyway because men like me exist, that would be the real life lesson.
Ojisan to Marshmallow was super cute
>imagine playing a kengan mobile game
I'd snap into that bitch like a Slim Jim.
RIP sex sensei
God damn her droopy eyes + mole are so hot.
Is it ok that I'm watching this because of her? Since I almost have the same age
This entire manga is a goldmine.
>cosplayer /fit/ cake
>ryan gosling.jpg
I just tried it. I fell down, smashed my knee, and hurt my wrist. Thanks a lot.
But who's the boss of this gym?
i hope with the anime, we'll see an influx of muscle related manga and anime. replaces isekai and enters a golden era
>tfw can't even keep up with 30-year-old cake idols
I have a pull up bar. What's the best way to add weights? Bag filled with books?
It's not that hard when you weigh like 40kg
Saotome-senshu adaption when?
>been getting fit over the last year, but literally too poor to really progress any further
>>maxed out the weight on my personal adjustable barbell/dumbell, physcially can't duct tape any more bricks to it or figure out how to get it heavier
>>can't afford enough food to bulk up, trapped in low ottermode
>>can't afford to weasel my way into a gym to use equipment
>>shoes are so worn out from doing jogs/runs that they barely keep my feet dry, let alone hold together with the amount of internal duct tape they have inside them to hold them together
>basically just stuck doing the same weight reps on repeat and other simple muscle excercises
I hate these kind of anime so fucking much, because it just implies that getting /fit/ is only about how much effort you put in. At least One Punch Man was aware how ridiculous it was when it gave Saitama's power regimen away. Oh, and >inb4 just get money bro; I'm on 25 a week, of which 5 is actually open to be expendable on random shit- of which said random shit includes transport to interviews and family stuff. I'm an involuntary NEET.
It's not hard when you've been doing this for at least half of your entire life
Yeah, it's true they're really light, but don't underestimate how much the girls in groups like these stay in shape. They're all flexible and have good stamina in order to be able to master choreography and singing while dancing.
Damn, some people here really feel fragile when other people discuss fitness. I wonder why
Real drive.
buy chainlink tokens fren. next year you be rich
Most of them just go on strict diets but don't properly work out. Only a few actual work out. It's true that they're flexible, though.
I want to make sensei feel young because I'm older than her!
on the topic of this why are the gunfags so much better than /fit/fags
is it just a case of /fit having more newfags than /k/
based first post
But that's the second post
>hating on fitness
Fuck yeah! Did you roll for pushups?
I miss him so much.
sleep tight, aniki
How can I go fit mode but without going to the gym because autism?
Work out at home. Buy some weights, run in the early morning/late at night when there's not many people around.
My only question is: is the mangaka of this series huge as fuck, or does he look like a weenie? This is an important question as this will decide whether I listen to the advice of this anime or not.
oh shit based anyway
He's a competent short, bulky Japanese guy.
Here he is.
buy a set of adjustable dumbbells
Not that guy but
>run at night to avoid people
>my apartment complex recently implemented smoke-free policy, so anyone who smokes has to be away from the building and out on the sidewalk
>people who don't give a shit about their health and are actively killing themselves stand outside and give me dirty looks when I pass by
That's a very old image of him.
Here he is (2nd from the left) hanging out with staff for the Kengan Asura anime. It's about a month old. He is constantly at events like this and doing stuff.
Run earlier then, retard-kun
Tis' a great season for fit girls, I say.
>ayy puros MACHOS!
Kill yourself, stop pretending to be some epic non normalfags
thats what he said, cant you read?
it is literally just technique
rest your elbows on your knees.
do you think vidt will pump up soon? i kinda wanna sell 50% so i dont miss stuff like quant again. but at the same time it is so fucking assured to moon on binance listing in a month or 2.
Just did now I have the will to water my plants with the 16l watering can instead of the 12l
It used to be western standards too.
Simpler times. Seemingly better times in every way, yet squandered.
i thought she had twintails when they entered the room, but seem slike my eyes weren't real
[kvetches externally]
Is this show trying to bait me into becoming fit fag?
t. 172kg
5 cents what a bargain
Yeh, I'm just a lucky guy.
body goals
I first read that as 172cm and I thought "well your height doesn't have anything to do with fitness"
Then I read it again. I'm shocked.
that's like asking tg to leave goblin slayer threads or v to leave log horizon threads
why would you?
I mean, if you are a manlet, why even bother
Is this show that is equal parts cute girls and education on exercise supposed to encourage fitness?
I wonder.
>Lifting has made me feel worthy enough to fap to better looking waifus
But my legs are already bigger than his, it's the torso I want.
I love her dedication to her love of muscles, nothing is cuter than being truly passionate about something even if you want to create a monster in the process.
I wonder if we'll get doujins of this? I mean its pretty lewd so it might be too lewd for any content.
mirin. im only 134kg at 193cm and i feel like a skelly. you should become BLOATLORD. you are already close to the bodyweight for min/ maxing human strength. just start doing zercher shrugs
Why are you telling someone to become an ugly beast. There's nothing respectable about a mass of fat and muscle without restraint to look good as well.
>t. 60kg twink
if youre strong enough, how you look doesn't matter.
>only choice is HS
Is this every show now?
You're close. I'm a 64KG step above twink with a bit of muscle. I suppose from a perspective point no one can challenge you for your looks if you can just bench press them out the room but I think I want to be able to sit up from my bed without having to use momentum or flop out of it like the Bloatlord does.
Go back, crossboarder.
How would sex with her feel like?
Oh I get ya' now, I'm not a crossboarder I'm just fucking dumb
you have to be like 1 step into manlet tier from dwarf tier to have muscle at 64kg. guess
is a good enough answer
Nice bulku!
5ft8/9 and 64KG. I'm a manlet for sure, I meant more I'm not a twig thin as fuck twink.
Before we get too off topic
This is legit the best OP of the year.
>normal fanservice manga bores you spitless
>this one turns you on without fail
God bless.
ill agree with that. isekai quartet ed is my ed so far
It got confused.
If 3 chapters per episode is anything to go by
Teacher will appear at episode 3
Zina at episode 6
Also I bet that episode 2 aftershow workout review will be planks
Episode 3 = Dumbbell Curl
Episode 4 = Burpees
For you
>if you train your hamstring , the effects will also show in your waist
wait what
arent hamstrings a leg muscle ?
When training legs your abs should be helping balance your body, I assume that's what he means.
I don't know what year that poster is from, but judging by the hairstyle let's assume it's 1950.
$1 in 1950 = $10.63 today
From which follows that $ 0.05 in 1950 = $ 0.53 today
Still pretty cheap for an entire roll of peppermints though.
Given that Sghatham and Doggy and the other sensei's appear in the OP, it's safe to say we'll probably skip a few chapters as well. Makes sense if the manga is an advertisement for the anime, you want to get all the major characters out there (even if they're introduced late). I also expect Zina's introduction to be pushed forward.
She ends up being one of the main 4/5 girls, so yeah.
This is why /fit/ swears by compound training: you end up training muscles besides the "main" muscles you're targeting.
What the fuck? I meant artstyle
The cake and the Gyaru are the best girls, there is no contest
As usual the manga is superior. Anime rarely adapts fanservice right.
As usual the user doesn't know how to crop nor to scale.