Previews tonight!
Episode 92 - The Wizard King Vs. The Leader of the Eye of the Midnight Sun (Chapter 143)
Episode 93 - Julius Novachrono (Chapter 145)
Episode 94 - New Future (Chapter 146)
Episode 95 - Reincarnation (Chapter 149) - New OP!
Previews tonight!
Episode 92 - The Wizard King Vs. The Leader of the Eye of the Midnight Sun (Chapter 143)
Episode 93 - Julius Novachrono (Chapter 145)
Episode 94 - New Future (Chapter 146)
Episode 95 - Reincarnation (Chapter 149) - New OP!
Other urls found in this thread:
I'm not ready to see it happen in the anime...
This couldn't be more perfect
#92(chapter #143 title):
Episode Director: Akira Shimizu[清水明]
Storyboard: Yukihiro Matsushita [ユキヒロマツシタ]
#93(chapter #145 title):
Episode Director: Rokō Ogiwara[荻原露光]
Storyboard: Yoshihara [吉原達矢]
#94(chapter #146 title):
Episode Director: Tazumi Mukaiyama[向山鶴美]
Storyboard: Yukihiro Matsushita [ユキヒロマツシタ]
#95(chapter #149 title):
Episode Director: Fumio Maezono[前園文夫]
Storyboard: Shigehisa Iida[飯田薫久]
Animation Supervisor: Hiroshikō Shiratori[白鳥弘公]
Which one of these are good
All of them will be good but 92 is sakuga
>Episode 92 - The Wizard King Vs. The Leader of the Eye of the Midnight Sun (Chapter 143)
>Episode 93 - Julius Novachrono (Chapter 145)
>Episode 95 - Reincarnation (Chapter 149) - New OP!
baiting all the anime only kids
>Previews tonight
It's Saturday
Today is Saturday nikompoop
Yeah previews don't come out on Saturday
This month will be fucking good.
user, please not this.
Yoshihara is doing the storyboard for 93 though.
Considering rank is earned by achievement rather than powerlevel faggotry, could Yuno and Asta become captains after this? Defeating a demon that even the first wizard king struggled against is a big feat
Yukihiro Matsushita is doing episodes 92 and 94. Any user know about this guy? He's basically taking care or a part of Julius vs "Licht".
I've already predicted the outcome.
>Yami will become wk.
>Asta and Yuno become captains of two new squads
>Asta obviously will get everyone from the black bulls and name it "Black Clover"
I dont think it will happen more yami being wk
>I did it! I've finally got the...Black Clover!® (By: Yuki Tabata)
could they get away with it?
It wont happen anyway
Your really bad at prediction
Yeah and that's what you said about my dwarf theory yet here we are with a canonical dwarf in the series
You called asta a dwarf when it was charmy.
So you calling asta and yuno captains and yami wk means fuego will be wk vanessa captain and the golden dawn disbanded
>vanessa captain
She'll turn it into a whore house!
I called out the Rades 1 page 2 spells moment, here's a better prediction.
>nozel becomes wk
>he gets the mark that julius has and is influenced by it
>he exiled the bulls and elfed people
>they all leave on the bull mecha
Why would he exile the bulls you clown
What's gonna happen when the anime catches the manga?
Because he's brainwashed, Julius not going against the royalty can be explained by this too.
The bulls need to go since they are getting too powerful.
Everybody called that dont think your special
Ya you tell em. Im the only special one here since I called dwarfs being a thing in bc and you all said I was dumb
I'm the only that called that while you bitch about not making theories.
How's that asta dwarf theory coming? Because that's what you called.
Pretty good since now the likelihood of him being one has shot up tremendously with the Charmy dwarf reveal
Charmy was the undipusted shortest character in the series matching the depiction of the dwarf in manga.
Asta is taller than dorothy who is human
Sure thing bud
Are you disagreeing? Because there hieghts are listed
Yes and her human height is?
What about her human height? Here dwarf hieght is shorter than fucking marie
Her dwarf height doesn't mean shit. Maybe Asta is also half dwarf and human and doesn't know how to switch
Hes taller than dorothy a human. He ain't a dwarf lest you try to say dorothy is a dwarf too
Can we expect others than dwarves?
Yeah after im done fucking my wife Charmy there shall be many dwarves
Thanks Tabata.
this shit's trash, MHA is better
Is Sekre a dwarf because she’s short too? Is Mimosa a dwarf too for that matter?
Im not sure what you are getting at when women are naturally short. Men are naturally larger. Asta being so short is kind of weird
Trolls, in myths they are the scum of gods that look like normal humans who can’t handle sunlight and who have been chased out of society.
>naturally short
In Europe not as short as asta
Please provide source for Clover kingdom's setting being europe
Tabata greatly researched European history agriculture and archetexture.
Many names are Roman, French, Germanic
Clover is the Roman Empire
Reminder that Pierrot is going to absolutely ruin Julius vs Patri.
What will the anime do once it catches up?
wtf this isnt like my world of warcraft at all