Lord El-Melloi II Case Files

Episode 1 discussion thread.

Lolis interested in 20 year old virgins edition.

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If you think Waver was still a virgin after the war, you were clearly not paying attention.

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Am I the only person here who prefers Gray? She's cuter and has thicker thighs.


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do you know you can kill?

Do you know you can kill?

Why not both?

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Why is she so thirsty?

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Here's the latest saber face... Just look at her pure smile

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Do crossboarders like this show?

You're not alone.
Zettai ryouiki win by default.
Also scythe.

How wet is she over Waver?

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God I want a Reines

Can you just kill yourself?

Lord El-Melloi II Gay Files.

>fate shit
>but has cute loli

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You better pray that picky mod is not here tonight

What is a mystery? Is it a resource or power amplifier of some sort? Like what would happen if Waver was allowed to continue reconstructing Edelfeit jewel magic in volume 1?

People who hate Fate are fucking retarded though.

Can I watch it even if I don't know jack shit about Fate?

She would rape him if he didn't keep close eyes on safety of his penis.

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I thought it was canon after some drama CDs that he and Dude fugged.

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Reines is too cute

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Why doesn't Reines just request Waver impregnate her as part of his debt?

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Why do you want to watch this if you haven't seen F/Z and/or UBW?

She looks like 11 years old over there.
Probably not a good idea to get pregnant at that time.

He only fucks kings.

My take is that it has something to do with the collective subconscious of people and how they perceive the world. Plus throw in some other quantum observer theory shit in there too

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>Reines /e/ dumping
>people asking is this Fateshit despite literally googling it is so easy
>OP fucking it up
It's one of those threads I guess.

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Because the girl is cute.


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So like any Fate then, why did you skip those?

Smug loli is pure sex and cute. I'm not sure if my dick can survive this season.

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>is this Fateshit
Shit literally cracks me up

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What did OP do wrong?
t. Not OP

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>Yorokobe Stops

You are a scholarly man.

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Do I need to know about the story from the gachashit to enjoy this anime?

god i wish she sat on me

I liked the first episode. About time we got some Clocktower shenanigans. TM has been teasing that shit since KnK.

Never found the franchise interesting and there's a lot to catch up on, for some reason I'm tempted to pick this one.

Superior burger genes.

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So both his lolis want to fuck him? Please tell me he isn't one of those shitty protags who will stop all advances.

yeah if you haven't played at least half of fate go you'll be lost.

No, it's written in a way that anyone can jump in. Also it's based on LNs not the mobile game.

Does Waver sell Rin to old men for debt repayment?

I want to do unspeakable pure and lewd things to the both of them.

He will stop all advances.
But I'm sure we get plenty of doujins.

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Waver is pretty gay for Dude.

No, but expect a lot of references and shameless advertising like happened with Apo.

she sells himself