Wow Japan’s military really is amazing
Wow Japan’s military really is amazing
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I wish China would blockade Japs already
>Wow Japan’s military really is amazing
SDF user not military remember SDF(Self Defense Force)
Japanese military is in a rapid build up stage because they recognise america is not in a position to properly defend them anymore after the rise of china.
In reality they're a fucking meme because of nearly 0 actual experience.
cant we just give them nukes and icbms?
It's not that America is incapable of 'properly defending' Japan, it's that Japan recognizes that it's the front line of a US/China conflict and will have to be able to step up accordingly or be turned into a wasteland.
Further, they realize the the US has neither reason nor desire to enforce treaty provisions barring military buildup, and since it's the US holding the keys on that front the only real limit to Japanese military growth is political will.
America would be forced to intervene because of our treaty’s
Is it really much easier to have a strong army than not shit on the streets?
North Korea is chinas mad dog on a leash. America should help japan go full imperialist buildup and let them finish the job they started.
I could only wonder what would be the scenario here on Earth if the entirety of Japan gets isekai'd.
Would the bugmen andor the BEST/WORST KOREA lay claim on the waters where nipland used to be?
Sure Japan's "military" may not be amazing, but how's the track record of their intelligence agencies like the foreign affairs division?
That's literally everyone in the fucking world. No one's been in a real conventional war in fucking forever.
I'm pretty sure Japan, just like Germany, could build nukes in under a year. If the situation starts to escalate, they'll rapidly move towards in (in secret).
That's just by the numbers though. In practice they make poor soldiers, too autistic and not independent enough
I wouldn't trust em with nukes considering we dropped a couple of nukes on them and some japs still seem to think they weren't asking for it.
Doesn't matter, they would just come up with an excuse and not help japan.
This is why Abe had to be put in for prime minster and start the jsdf build up.
>the nukes were dropped
How's the coolaid?
>first or second place
in what? virginity?
lmao even flip niggers are better fighter than japs.
Hello, this is wrong
The whole middle East is in a constant war for the past decade, so there's at least a few counties that gain experience there all the time
T. IDF (unironically)
worst Korea has been lobotomised by american/circle practices
ironically best korea has somehow been maintaining some form of unintentional eugenic selection on their population...
thenukes werwn' about passifying japan the second nuke was completely pointless and american military reports state as much
they were about demostrating to the soviets.
Worth pointing out that they used Nagasaki's massive cathedral for bomb positioning big boi and that Nagasaki was the most christian region in all of japan...
almost as if it's part of the plan, they literally test military tech on the palestinian civilians and market it to the world.
yeah second place after you
Best jap jsdf series here.
kek, roasted like hiroshima
China can't do shit to Japan besides nuke it.
>forced to intervene because of our treaty's
ha ha let me tell you about world war 2 user
We occupy them user. The whole reason we occupy them is to watch China.
Sooooo, did the Gulf War of 1991 never happen or are you a zoomer with a short memory?
not true ask what's left of your mum
>If we do not count the countries that possess nuclear weapons, Japan can proudly take the first or second place
>If we don't count all of the powerful countries, we're totally on top
Lol, know your place, Japan.
define conventional war?
Open confrontation between state actors?
>if they didn't have nukes we'd totally be the best!
Why bother giving any other country nukes?
If we need nukes nearby we just have the nuclear subs chill out near Japan instead of giving them their own nukes.
Also every other country allied with the US would want nukes as well if the Japs get some, and nobody knows if Japan could go full nippon banzai sometime in the future especially after getting nukes.
what was south sudan?
Asian countries have two choices
A. Build up their military to aid the USA and/or build a military that can inflict sizeable casualties against the PLA that they would not dare any aggressive military action (Japan, SoKor, Vietnam, Indonesia, Taiwan)
B. Suck up to China and pretend all is well (Philippines, Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia)
This shit reek of middle-schooler writing.
The USA has some nukes in a US military base in Germany. Should Germany get attacked by some country (which seems unlikely, but still), they would probably use them. (Although the whole thing is kind of pointless, because France has nukes and it's right next to Germany).
They could do the same with Japan, but I believe Japan doesn't want that. But this way you could "have" nukes in Japan without actually giving nukes to Japan.
probably partly the reason for the proposed EU army
so frogs and krauts can share weaponry
>if we move goalposts far away then Japan can be considered first place
The absolute state of japan stronk pol nerds.
No kidding.
>ignore nukes
>also ignore the fact that those nuke wielding countries have significantly larger forces even without them
I get the idea, but the example fails to show how the failure was on a strategic level.
And how it failed to understand the realities of copying Dhjenghis Khan on the sea.
It's not really fair. America had Jews with 200 IQs, the Japanese never stood a chance.
1. Saying rank without nuclear arms is irrelevant, as well as dumb to even bring up, considering japan has numerous treaties declaring their unwillingness to harbor nuclear arms for themselves or any allies.
2. It isn’t surprising a military essentially formed by the worlds (undisputed) most powerful military would be formidable. This is phrased as if Japan-U.S. tight military relations aren’t a major contributing factor to their military status.
Also the fact that Japan's access to resources and industrial capabilities was a tiny fraction of the US at the time. The US cranked out so many fucking ships during WWII it's kind of ridiculous.
US production during the War: 28 carriers, 23 battleships, 72 cruisers, 377 destroyers, 232 subs
Japanese Production: 16 carriers, 9 battleships, 51 cruisers, 63 destroyers, 167 subs
Sure, some of those ships were deployed in the Atlantic (pretty sure the UK bore the brunt of the naval war in the Atlantic), but considering both countries' fleets were about the same size at the start of the war, the US Navy was insanely larger than Japan's by the end of the war.
But that's not even fair because the US has more landmass to build ships on!
What about drones and laser space stations. Also do Japan have weapons of mass destruction besides nukes? What about resources? How much Japan can sustain itself on long term war?
Answer is Japan not that cool.
>Also the fact that Japan's access to resources and industrial capabilities was a tiny fraction of the US at the time.
If USA and Japan where 1:1 in size, Japan would still lose WW2. For many of the same reasons why France lost the Blitz opening of WW2.
I.e Pearl Harbor turned out to be insignificant because it was never capitalized on.
This, but unironically.
don't you have a war to die for Israel, goy?
Japan doesn't have any war, will never have, anymore. Because of being cucked to condition cunt.
Not just protocol, they also prioritized saving face and MUH BUSHIDO HONOR. The Navy would often lie about what was actually happening to their superiors on the mainland, and defeated competent Admirals would go down with the ship rather than escaping, meaning that they were then replaced by less competent people.
You lost Japan when you couldn't claim the south china sea, mutt. Now it's only a matter of time until China takes it from you and you won't be able to do shit about it.
USA is always superior. That how it is.
Pearl Harbor is the most important thing to happen in that war.
It showed that the US and western allies were not invincible.
Japan pretty much shook off the unbeatable justice personality america was going for.
Pearl harbor today is full of chinese and the south is drowned in latin americans.
Japan knew that winning wouldn't happen but went through with it for the sake of moral to other countries.
>USA is always superior. That how it is.
>cherry picking
the Chinese are already producing anime on par with the standard seasonal shit, the moment they let some artsy people get more wild and spend more money will be the moment Japan will become fully obsolete
Chinese even sounds nicer
Chinese eat people.
fantastic isn't it
I always thought these guys were stronger.
Fantastic that no one nuked chinese to the extinction. Cannibalism is savagery.
Imagine if the nips didn't kamikaze themselves. They probably would still lose the war but they wouldn't get ass raped once they got into national waters.
>this level of revionism
being as white as you should be illegal
>20,000-30,000 civilians eaten
>Decisive Tang strategic victory
I think an old godtier trip OPpenheimer said in the past that if Japan wanted nukes, they could have them with in 6 months or so.
Not really, to be honest, if you are asking me. Something, something monstrosity. Must be destroyed.
yeah, don't fuck with the college board
50 nukes on Japan is the solution to all of the region's problems
>Chinese even sounds nicer
have you ever listened to chinese?
shut your hole angus
World of strife.
no one cares my guy
Fucking japs not even understanding the concept of the UK
No, they couldn't. In fact, he precisely said the opposite of what you just said.
Its not that.
So if you where to take out the most important and fortified port.
What do you do next? You would actually need to start besieging ports, to start denying your opponent the ability to field boats in that ocean.
Meanwhile Pearl Harbor failed in taking the land, taking the resources, and continuing that towards the US mainland.
I would also like to quote wikipedia, since its eloquently put:
>A major flaw of Japanese strategic thinking was a belief that the ultimate Pacific battle would be fought by battleships, in keeping with the doctrine of Captain Alfred Thayer Mahan.
>As a result, Yamamoto (and his successors) hoarded battleships for a "decisive battle" that never happened.
From what I have read, what carried Japan trough out the 1900s where the fact they operated in what was a "Colonial area" from most of the western point of view. British didn't view it as essential, neither did any of the other Colonial powers. Russia has wrong strategic goals since Japan borders the desolate barrier of a Siberian wasteland towards the east.
The general consensus is that:
1. If you know how to build nukes
2. And you have the manpower and economy
3. Some familiarity with how to acquire Uranium
4. You can build nukes in 6 months
Japan could never acquire Nukes in WW2, just like Germany was on the wrong research track.
Manhatten project is simply amazing for working around all the pitfalls, and it still ended up with incomplete bombs.
you have your own board for all political nonsense
Welshfags btfo LMAO
Japan got off almost free and even got payed, it's written as a US victory but in reality it was a stalemate since a japan mainland invasion would have crippled the US military especially since Japan knew the landing spots of the invasion fleet.
Well, that's actually true, Japan is one of the countries with a most advanced military. Thing is they don't have an army, its a defense force, therefore their numbers are quite limited so even if they have top tier equipment they are still just a bunch of them.
>US production during the War: 28 carriers, 23 battleships, 72 cruisers, 377 destroyers, 232 subs
Don't forget the 2,710 Liberty Ships we built between 1941 and 1945.
Bla bla boring. Go back to china or japan.
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That would require a national mobilization in order to create viable nuclear weapons. That would mean not only the whole nation being on board with building nukes which is a bigger ask than you might imagine, and also the US completely sleeping on something that would violate every treaty we have with them. As much fun as it is to laugh at /japol/, the average nip isn't a warmongering hyper nationalist. They mostly really don't like the idea of being involved in another war or having nuclear weapons around like any sensible person would.
>this post
>muh nukes
She doesn't look very japanese
Maybe my memory is off, but I was pretty sure OPp said that modern day Japan could be producing nukes in about 6 months.
USA was protecting Japan from USSR.
India has 750m people so it has an extremely large pool of manpower to feed into infantry ranks should the need arise. However, most will be poorly trained and equipped, only good for rear area activity.
So did the Japanese.
Japan doesn't have drone army. Japan is still fucked.
No nation more odious than the US in the modern world. No greater source of sinful misconduct in every sphere of life. A great example of how not to live. A Moloch to conquer and feast on its bones. My grandchildren will remember the US from bedtime stories, for no such entity will exist.
Absolutely not.
They lose in the same arc they appear in.
This jeep wheels are amazing.
Imagine being disappointed that commies didn’t have rape gangs running through the streets of Japan.
I suspect that it was translated by a Yank. But yeah this seems odd.
Destroy the savagery.
So they are fighting some sort of immortal guy? Does he regenerate? It seems like a human body would quickly stop functioning mechanically if it gets holes like that put in it.
Fuck off ESL. It's paid, you retard. How is this word so difficult for ESL, hell, even Americans. How? Do you not learn English?
Why is Japanese nationalism so pathetic compared to countries of serious power?
Its like a midget with a needle dick running up to you and swearing he's a sex machine that fucks all the chicks.
don't get your panties in a twist over a language which isn't your own anymore it's public property and nobody can claim otherwise
Didnt trump literally tell them to build up and he was ok with it. To counter Chinese misbehavior in region with their own army immediately instead of waiting on us response from their land.
Yeah he's immortal.
I'm American, retard. I've seen a lot of Americans fail to spell a four letter word. I'm sure Bongs do it too. How is it so difficult? Why are you defending this shit?
Repent yourself, you nippers.
>it's public property
How much of a defense could they put up unless they have every man woman and child strap themselves with explosives and suicide bomb the chinese?
because it's inconsequential bullshit for retards like you to froth over
it's pronounced the same
The rest of the world is culpable for what the United States has become by getting it involved in two world wars it wanted no part of and then being a bunch of spineless fucks in 1945.
Mishima rises from the grave, captures nuclear missile facilities and ensures a final solution to the ch*nkoid problem when?
Man I shoud read Ajin.
never, the japanese are all onions herbivores who get endlessly fussy when you forget your -sans and arigatos
ajhsg thj edrjk j fasdfafdg
What? You can't understand that sentence? Lol user! The English language is public now! Totally don't need to spell words correctly! Come the fuck on.
user they can produce them in matters of months if they decided so. There are speculations that foreign aid was refused during Fukushima disaster because it was used to enrich uranium.
it's a string of random keystrokes, a product of you banging your empty skull against the keyboard
trying to misrepresent a no-brainer like 'English has arbitrary spelling rules which make little sense' with such juvenile strawmen sure makes you a champ
You might as well since it's in it's last arc.
Holy goodness, this kind of weeb levels is dangerous for your life user
Go for a walk and think more about your current lifestyle
They weren't used, just bombardments.
There are reports of japanese being told to stay quiet and lie about it.
USA was funding USSR and even Germany.
Japan brought them into the war to let hem taste some defeat before the war ended.
USSR went rogue afterwards but they were no threat to mainland japan itself.
Not him but US did nuke japan to avoid landing and working through fortifications for years.
>Implying it needs to do anything else: They dont need Japan, they have all they need in the mainland. Japan is just an operation base for the USA and in case of war first thing would be to turn Japan into a crater in the sea
>user they can produce them in matters of months if they decided so.
This is 100% wrong.
>There are speculations that foreign aid was refused during Fukushima disaster because it was used to enrich uranium.
This is one of the most retarded things I have ever read.
Japan didn't have army by the end of war. And also war industry, all was burned to the ashes.
welcome to Yea Forums enjoy your stay
remember not to post your first decade here
>This is one of the most retarded things I have ever read.
Your entire post is.
>nukes are a myth
Holy /x/-files Batman!
Sorry mate, but anime ultranationalist fanfiction wont save Japan's ass. China has a debt to repay and they are just waiting for an excuse
What's the ponit of having an army if the war between two super-powers will end in a nuclear exchange anyway?
>makes one of the most outrageous claims you could possibly make in regards to the Fukushima disaster
>calls other people retarded
Okay user, please do tell us about the secrets of Fukushima.
Japans army is a deterrent against butthurt chinese and koreans
yup, nothing to do with the 300 MILLION tons of ships the US built in 3 years to the Japanese's 100 million tons. By 1945 we had built over 25 fleet carriers, 50 light carriers and 250 jeep carriers, just to name a single class of ship.
yes im sure such heated conversations were a staple of whatever fucknut community you crawled here from but i am not the person you are trying to convince of whatever you think is the smartest thing ever were just both called anonymous
Modern trend is advancing low-yield high-tech nukes not doomsday devices.
With those in play they become far more tempting to use and not get glassed in return.
GItS have this scenario: limited nuclear war then conventioanl war.
I have no side to pick, just dont go spewing stupid shit like Japan's army can rival China when even the US would need to go full nuclear to have a chance against them.
modern trend is nuclear disarmament, before that they were doomsday weapons (and still are)
Global Firepower is a dogshit website.
are you lucid at the moment my friend
Just dropping here to remind you all that China has managed to lose every single war they had against any opponent not themselves. They couldn't even win a war in which they had moral superiority against western drug addicts that weren't even close to any reinforcement.
Nukes keep peace.
Because you haven't read up on M.A.D. means. Or how WW3 would work.
Essentially: There isn't enough nukes to nuke everything, so whatever is left will still have to fight a conventional war. Whoeverr launches first might manage to disable some of the enemy silos or mobile launch platforms, and get a advantage from the enemy destroying less infrastructure. But you can't really be sure.
So its basically:
MAD -> WW3 -> Somebody fight and wins WW3 -> Possibly some WW3 strategic nukes
Clearly not if I'm wasting my time with you.
yeah, thats why they are doomsday weapons
a conventional war involving nuclear weapons makes no sense
>a conventional war involving nuclear weapons makes no sense
Yeah it does?
Wrong: quantity of payload decreases but quality increases. This isn't exactly disarmament, that's rearmament.
too woke and redpilled for you my friend
>It showed that the US and western allies were not invincible.
That would have been the 5 previous years when they were losing to Germany
>Essentially: There isn't enough nukes to nuke everything, so whatever is left will still have to fight a conventional war
America and Russia both have enough nukes to wipe out basically every major population center of the other counry, making conventional war pointless because there would be nothing to take over
>disable some of the enemy silos or mobile launch platforms
Aren't majority of US nukes are on submarines?
World will crack, atmosphere get damaged and all would be died because that. Don't fuck with it.
what's the "quality" of a payload?
That's not how strategic nuclear weapons are used.
holy shit everyone in this thread is retarded
Including you.
If they didn't have an army why did the US order to disarm the military? it didn't matter anyways since the self defense force was made and all the military things were kept.
pol spillover
yes it is. first they target military targets, then industry and population centers. Russia have (or had) enough nukes to reduce the US to ruin, and I assume USA has the same
Delivery methods: hypersonic missiles and crafts, autonomous unmanned nuclear submarines that can outrun any torpedoes, medium range ballistic missiles as well as stuff like Damocles - gen4 nuke plasma weapons, anti-personell neutrino bombs, developments are made into reduced fallout nukes etc.
Everything that is realistically easier to use without triggering complete retaliatory annihilation.
All that japan had is death from hunger and lack of water supplies.
80% of nukes probably wouldn't fly at all by now.
nukes certainly aren't going to crack the earth, ozone damage is possible but temporary
>every major population center
Thats just a Holocaust user, not a strategic asset to win WW3.
Nevermind there isn't enough nukes to glass those entire population centers, because the fireball and shockwaves is only so so big on missiles.
Which leads to catch 22: There isn't enough nukes, and thats before you consider interception and sabotage.
Again that leads to another catch 22: If you start WW3 you don't know what will be nuked.
"KG of TNT"
Image using nukes that is essentially entire airplales sized.
Yay user. Go you.
You failed to prove your point
Most should be. Because its the only way to make sure they launch mechanism doesn't get destroyed.
They are capable of bombing everything. Or Kurils islands became a Japanese by that time including Russian far east.
Don't fuck with big bangs.
yea because dweebs here are in charge of nucular warfare lol
go easy on the posturing kid
Also I think we lifted their restrictions a while back but it's in their law that they cant have a standing military and a bunch of peace love japs don't want any more than the SDF. So the government has been underhandedly bolstering the SDF as a stand in.
Pretty much. Did you know that North Korea has the strongest navy in the world? Global Firepower apparently thinks so, since it ranks fucking patrol boats and shit the same as a destroyer or aircraft carrier.
It capable to reduce all life to low numbers or to zero.
Nuclear bombs won't kill that many people, they will just destroy all industry, military and adminstrative capabilities a country has, completely ruining it and making any idea of a following conventional war irrelevant
No, it isn't. The goal of a nuclear exchange is not the destruction of the opposing country but the destruction of the opponent's nuclear strike capabilites and ensuring the recovery of your own country. You are probably under the mistaken belief that one warhead is used for one target, that is entirely wrong. Most of the likely targets in the US are not even close to major population centres.
Maybe they were able to, back in USSR.
>Nevermind there isn't enough nukes to glass those entire population centers, because the fireball and shockwaves is only so so big on missiles.
The blast isnt the most dangerous thing about nukes, its the radiation contamination that would poison everything during decades. You cant rebuild the cities, there would be massive exodus of people that would make war inviable for every major country. It would be by all accounts the fall of modern civilization
Nukes keeps world in peace that is the true.
>became a Japanese by that time including Russian far east.
Can we just cede all Russian territory to the Japanese?
>all these morons eager to go to war
I see none of you running this morning. Fucking civilians make me laugh
>its the radiation contamination that would poison everything during decades.
No, it wouldn't.
Russia has robots and drones. Japan will be destroyed by machines. Future warfare.
according to pop science yes. but in reality nuclear war would result in hundreds of millions of deaths, maybe billions, but it certainly would not end all life on earth.
pretty sure they just measure what country has bigger nuclear penis
Still enough to force a stalemate.
Even with all the boasting and yelling the US did to kill the emperor they didn't go through with it and even pardoned unit 731.
What if super volcano will wake up from that?
>having robots and drones over japan
I mean it's not even funny
okay now you're just trolling
Japan was low on resources. It is dead end.
>Most of the likely targets in the US are not even close to major population centres.
Military targets come first, after that is industry / big cities
Like I said, Russia has enough nukes for both
The goal of nuclear deterrance is "I have enough nukes to completely obliterate your country making the very concept of going to war too costly to even think about"
Future warfare.
Why would russian government destroy their own property and children?
All of them live in US and europe.
Japan being forgiving of America nuking them and then becoming an ally probably plays a part in America's thirst for war, with the mistaken idea that you can create allies by attacking and destroying countries.
I guess the circle of violence doesn't apply when nukes are involved, only when soldiers are involved? Because why were there no Japanese terrorists created as a result? So many people died of radiation poisoning and they were just sad not even mad lolol a country of beta males who never even wanted revenge for their loved ones slowing dying.
Hasn't anyone seen the TV show "Chernobyl" nukes turn you into a green zombie skin looking motherfucker
Desperation is scary, you don't want a desperate japan waging war.
See operation cherry blossom, they were implementing disease warfare, just another way that the invasion forces would be fucked.
when is the king's avatar season 2 going to air? should be around now, but there's no news yet.
Why not?
>400 nukes
>enough to disable an archipelago
enjoy eating 8 thousand
Japan doesn't have recourse to put a fight on.
Because they worked really hard to rob those money off the population?
The one and only true reason for USSR dissolution is that government elites wanted to enjoy luxuries of first world countries openly, without need to stash money on their dachas.
>its the radiation contamination that would poison everything during decades.
Reality: Nagasaki and Hiroshima was essentially dirty bombs.
Anything after the 50s are cleaner because you want more Nuclear Blast instead of more Nuclear Radiation. Both cities also turned into one big data experiment to see what happens to Ground Zero, and the surroundings.
>It would be by all accounts the fall of modern civilization
what sort of shitty Green Peace propaganda have you been reading user?
Thats quite the overstatement. The crux of the problem is that once MAD is in effect, you don't know what will survive.
Will they glass city centers? Infrastructure? Ports? Central railroads?
Or will they prioritize military goals to make the first months of WW3 easier to fight in?
Will even the stockpile of planes and fuel be salvaged afterwards?
Which allies will be prioritized for nukes? And what of their strategic assets?
Do you gamble on silos or centers that can make more weapon grade nukes survive? Its essentially a really big list of unknowns.
To wage WW3, you need to pay a investment cost. And so far the investment cost has been far bigger than what anybody has been willing to pay.
What will collapse, is modern global trade. Like it always do for larger wars. That isn't new.
Holy fuck a smart user.
You just spitting official propaganda world doesn't work like that.
Dude you really should talk about things you don't know about
I don't know why you continue to ignore the people that tell you that your "big cities" and "population" quack is wrong but it is. So, for the last time. Nuclear exchange is not based around the eradication of the opponent's population or even country in general. It is based around guaranteeing your own survival and recovery. Neither can be achieved by wasting precious resources on big cities and population centres.
It quite literally does and europeans are happily taking corrupt russian money, so far.
You really underestimate how big earth is, nuclear range is pretty fucking small
I hope the opposite. Neo Manchukuo will conquer the godless commies.
>I don't know why you continue to ignore the people that tell you that your "big cities" and "population" quack is wrong but it is
Like unlimited for ballistic missiles capable of putting warheads in orbit?
You don't know all the truth. Maybe Donald Trump know.
Map is entirely wrong. Can't believe people still throw this shit around.
>You don't know all the truth
The truth is in public registries retard you can google properties russian politics and big money own abroad.
>Map is entirely wrong.
according to what?
oh wow a map, that really proves your point dumbass
"potential nuclear targets" ie anything of value or importance. A real nuclear target map would be about crippling the US's ability to retaliate which is impossible due to the triad.
Bla bla I listened enough of your blabbering.
>after that is industry / big cities
Its like you don't understand that refinement places are not in the same place as the logistics for distribution to urban population centers.
And you don't understand that if you just nuke New York, the city is so large that you will only leave a very large and visible hole, but New York will still be there.
Which leads to the dilemma: Do you nuke the storage of Oil, the Refinement of OIl, the Drilling of Oil? Or the Place where Oil is used to fuel the economy? Or the roads/railroads that the Oil need to pass to get somewhere?
if you fuck up and nuke the wrong one, thats one nuke that could have gone and disables some part of the military chain of command or surplus.
And the answer is even more complex because you don't have enough missiles. And rebuilding isn't that hard, especially if you prioritize it.
>A real nuclear target map would be about crippling the US's ability to retaliate
yes, which is why the targets include nuclear silos and military bases
>would be about crippling the US's ability to retaliate
How do you do that if most US missiles are on subs and anglo-saxes + nato control all ocean exists for Russia?
I would recommend reading the map user.
Start with how the 2000 and 500 missile scenarios target completely different objectives.
Or how the man is inflated to only display cities if they are "big", despite nukes missing them by 40+ km for those strategic nearby goals.
Which is only in your 2000 nuke scenario which is completely unrealistic, no country even has more than 1500 nukes deployed.
your 500 nuke scenario is the only "realistic" one and it really does nothing to cripple the US's ability to retaliate. the targets selected in that are more of a "fuck you" instead of an actual attack
According to logic? Possible targets are not likely targets. This map ignores important CnC targets and includes utterly retarded shite. It assumes that all of these targets are to be hit, which is impossible seeing as how double digit numbers of warheads would be assigned to specific targets.
>Start with how the 2000 and 500 missile scenarios target completely different objectives.
I'd assume the 2000 scenario includes the 500 scenario
why would you decide to not hit an important target with 2000 nukes that you would with 500?
I found it funny that Spec-Ops Asuka was quite aware of this. They put together an 'elite unit' and the four soldiers in it, far from being drawn from special forces, are a bunch of second-stringers and maybe one of them ha ever been in combat.
I didn't make the map genius, the sources are written on the picture
No country on the planet has 2000 strategic nukes.
you're the one who brought it here as the word of god you retard
an hour of that defcon game would educate you more than that fucking map
I don't agree on that user.
The 2000 scenario and the 500 scenario are different. Its primarly marked by how different it is when you look at the areas where the marked locations are dense.
If you really want to think: How it looks like near Helena or Bismarck is a dead giveway sign that there isn't enough nukes. Because the rest of the map isn't like that. And its not matched with population density or urban sprawl either.
Anime will protect Japan. Any major hostility by anyone on this Earth projects towards Japan in the next 30 years is going to get wrath of several generations of anime-addicted weirdos all over the world unleashed upon them. Future historians will praise the japs for their amazing propaganda program post ww2.
Yeah I'm sure a video game is a more reliable source of information than the real-life american authorities
Try 1.2bil, they breed like rats.
Besides the peaceniks I can't see Japan building it's military up. Article 9 was actually a great boon to Japan because all the money that would've been sucked up by the military was instead diverted towards infrastructure and manufacture. Plus just making things (steel and all that good stuff) and logistics meant that the Japs made a lot of money arming the Americans during the Korean War and they would then buy shit like tanks back on the cheap to convert it into scrap for use in more infrastructure. There's a reason why, within a decade of getting nuked, the Japs were one of the strongest and fastest rising economic powers around and if they'd had a military that might not have been possible. Most of the government thought the same because any time the idea of Japan going back to a proper military would be brought up by the US and other allies they'd basically weasel out of bringing it back.
Nah we can just tariff them to death like how we're doing right now. Hit them where it hurts.
>anime-addicted weirdos
I am not sure what you are trying to say but I'm pretty sure those huge clusters of targets are missile silo locations
What the fuck do they even do besides bomb Palestenians and the occasional Syrian base? They got pushed to a draw against fucking Hezbollah and they'd likely get their shit pushed in by Iran the same way the vaunted Saudi military can't deal with the Houthis. All the tech in the world won't mean shit without the actual combat experience to back it up.
Over half of the jsdf are otaku, the anime promotions aren't for nothing.
I thought he was referring to the male population
is migration a tactic of war? you force hostile immigrants on an opposing nation to set division and weaken them politically or for pure sabotage?
>real-life american authorities
Entirely irrelevant if you can't even understand the difference between possible and likely. Also entirely irrelevant if you don't understand how strategic weaponry is used.
At the end, it's pretty similar to how you don't have to post statistics if you can't understand how they came to be and what they mean.
American citizens are the ones who pay the tariffs.
Are you implying the Saudis and Israeli Jews who stir shit up in the middle east are not your allies?
What gave you that idea?
Yeah. It's hard to nationalize a country with constant immigrations.
Even if I didn't understand how strategic weaponary was used, my personal understanding is irrelevant if I'm posting information from another source, and apparently you just think it's wrong because you don't understand that the 2000 scenario probably includes the 500 scenario
It would. Your map was put together by a authority that has nothing to do with actual nuclear war. They list "potential" targets focusing on possible civilian casualties as that's FEMA's fucking job.
The game would teach you the importance of targeting your enemies ability to retaliate in a prolonged nuclear exchange.
>video game
What do you think wargames are?
How? Isn't tariffs basically a tax on nations that want to sell something into the nation behind the tariff? The country with the tariff is paying to sell stuff, how do normal people have to say for it?
>my personal understanding is irrelevant if I'm posting information from another source
I'm sure that started some wars actually, mostly the mongols.
In a sense you are right. Language is public property, and always has been. If you go to France, there are like 60 million people there. You can't take one French person and say "The French language belongs to this guy". No, it belongs to all French people. It is public property. In fact, it doesn't just belong to all French people, but to all Native French speakers. Although there are dialects of course... And usually, there is a large group of people with a common understanding of that language/dialect, and they tend to have rules for grammar, spelling and such. Sometimes this is regulated by an authority that is acknowledged by these people - like the Académie française for France's French, I believe there is one for Germany's German, too, among others - and sometimes it is not (America's English for example). But in that case, that simply means there is no central authority, it's more like a democracy? So you still need the approval of a lot of native speakers to change the spelling of words etc.
I'm assuming you are not a native English speaker, so if you butcher English spelling and grammar and pronunciation, you're straight up making mistakes and you can't claim that this is some weird alternate spelling. Only native speakers can do that.
>The game would teach you the importance of targeting your enemies ability to retaliate in a prolonged nuclear exchange.
nuclear silos and military bases are on the map though?
No business would ever take a loss. They just increase the prices on the consumer and if the consumer doesn't pay then there's no sale.
It's like the tobacco tax, the tobacco companies aren't paying for it they push the tax onto the consumer.
Because if the consumer doesn't pay for the tariff you'd just be selling at loss and you don't do that. The end user always pays for everything.
You are ignorant. No country on the planet has 2000 ready strategic warheads. Also, BOTH scenarios are POSSIBLE NOT LIKELY targets. That means that the chance of all of the targets getting hit is lower than you understanding why this is a key point and this map is not reliable.
>No country on the planet has 2000 ready strategic warheads
They did during the Cold War when nuclear exchanges were an actual possibility you idiot
>Fail to produce their own rifles and have to rely on imports
>Fail to produce their own tanks and have to rely on imports
>Fail to produce their own planes and have to rely on imports
>Their naval ships are said to be of shoddy workmanship and have literal slaves onboard
>The people are too stupid and superstitious to not shit in the streets
>The people tried to pass off the wreckage of a mig as an F-16
>The rivers are clogged with trash, rotting corpses (both human and animal) and is said to be a large increase in cancer
The only thing India has going for them is their eternal butthurt towards the Pakis and Chinese as well as a large number of inbred retards that reside in their borders
matter little.
and stinky curry.
Is english your second language or are you just really stupid
None of your arguments are logically coherent
I'm still confuse because I'm a brainlet. Can you elaborate more if possible? You're saying the product gets more expensive or something due to tariffs? If that's true then for other nations who put tariffs on whoever, do their own citizens also pay for those also? Like say if Germany places tariff the UK on say cars or something, do German citizens pay for it?
No, the US nuked Japan to have them hurry the fuck up and surrender so there wasn't a mad dash towards Tokyo against the Soviets. If the Russians weren't getting ready for a landing in mainland Japan than the US wouldn't have blown their full load as quickly as it did.
>ranked lower than their neighbor who literally has half the population and like 1/4th their GDP and is a functionally younger state who went through a devastating civil war that never ended
>wow we're so great compared to everyone else we really punch above our weight
How would they land on the mainland with no navy or airforce?
If the 2000 scenarrio included the 500 scenario, there wouldn't be dots like those around Helena, Bismarck or Cheyenne.
It would be far more uniform.
Instead its far more uniform.
And what is interesting is how "dense" its where there is a lot of 'targets'. Which again implies you only hit what you hit.
Yes, they are. We live in the here and now my friend. What the Soviet Union once had is not relevant to what Russia has nowadays. You don't understand the map you posted. Why bother posting evidence to support your claim even though you don't actually understand what it is you posted?
The Soviets were using Korean and Chinese located ports as a means to build up landing forces, they were already sending their reserves over to the far east once it was obvious that the Germans were finished.
The vast majority of all nuclear weapons are gravity delivered. Meaning that you would have to fly a plane to your target.
Of course I understand the map I posted, seems to be confusing alot of other people though
Those dots are nuclear missile silos
Commie rush swim?
Or fucking Boise, which should never even be on the map in the first place. Not to mention all those targets in Washington, which only hosts VLF station(s) and SSBN bases.
Fuck I didn’t know we got BTFO this hard
Why do you say that you understand the map when you quite clearly do not? It's not a subjective question but an objective matter. The map you posted details possible targets, not likely targets. No country in the world could hit all of these targets and even if it could it would not do so. The point of the discussion, before you posted the map, was that almost no major population centres would be in danger. You never actually understood what a nuclear exchange would look like so how can you claim you understand shit?
Not sure what that 28 is. That's more than the total number of Essex-class ever built but too small to be all carriers. Including mid and small size carriers we manufactured close to a hundred, but only about half were commissioned IIRC, either because they weren't fitted or because the navy didn't assemble crews for them (I think, since some were done but not used). Had the war gone on one or two more years over a hundred would have entered service.
Wut the US didn't even enter the war before Japan attacked. They just put export restrictions and embargoes on Japan to help the dumbass brits. In fact before WW2 the US was still considered a secondary nation compared to the British and French, the former of which still had the most powerful navy and the both of which controlled vast territories across the world, basically true empires until WW2 happened. Japan was just responding poorly to the fact that FDR was really signaling for his british lover, Churchill. Prior to WW2 the US was mostly focused on their economy, not their military. In fact, Japan's navy and airforce were outright superior the US until the US entered WW2
>implying black women wouldn't be able to use their superior gorilla strength to tear through their puny non-black women
MacArthur surrendered since he had let the airforce be caught on the ground, spread his forces thin trying to cover everything instead of focusing on a strongholds, and then snuck away under the cover of night leaving his men to the Baatan death march.
He is a continuous stream of fuck ups and shows why the Army command are bunch of retarded politician rejects. He and that stupid fuck Truman is also the reason why North Korea exists.
A single nuclear missile is not enough to destroy a silo. They specifically built them to withstand direct hits. You would also send more then enough to account for misses (you are trying to hit a target across the world that is big as a 40 by 40 meter box), interception, and sabotage/failure to fire. And then you have to account for the number of decoy silo sites.
>Of course I understand the map
The statement you made was:
1. Posting the map
2. Claiming a nuclear Holocaust on the population centers
3. The map shows that the nukes in both 500 and 2000 misses A LOT of population areas
4. The map also shows a extreme density in some areas, suggesting the nukes are not effective in taking out areas
India is getting a boost in navy and tech thanks to Japan.
Alot of countries in SEA are getting Japan investments.
The empire will rise again soon.
speaking of japan/s military. I want to share a pretty good history dude recently that explains it in ways that are much better than wiki's biased/shallow explanations.
I don't think many people really realize nowadays how close Japan was to just demoralizing the americans out of WWII and ju
I believe it details carriers that weren't converted merchant vessels, so Essex-class, the Midway-class ships deployed towards the end of the war, and smaller carriers such as USS Wasp.
Funding the countries means you are in the war.
Hindsight is 20/20 right? I want to see you command an army with millions of soldiers and try to do a better job.
This is vastly overstated commie propaganda. People still believe the soviet basically won WW2 by themselves even though Stalin himself has gone on record multiple times saying they would have been done for without american material aid and vehicles.
Someone was ALWAYS going to get nuked. Japan had the misfortune of being the last one standing. That's all.
I wish all of China burned to the ground.
America has enough resources to build many ships is it needed. Also US didn't get bombed, except some balloon bombs.
Why? What if Japan simply surrendered at the same time as Germany? Who would of been nuked then?
Yes he let them him and Abe are BFFs
Pretty sure it's not counting light/escort carriers at all. The Casablancas were designed as carriers, not conversions afaik
trump would just backstab them
Also Japan invaded on Alaska.
Ah, I guess my count was wrong but it's obviously still a lowball count which only supports my point more.
During the cold war when nuclear exchange was an actual threat all of those sites could have been hit several times over. When I said "population centers" I didn't mean that they were going to wipe out the population with nukes, I meant they would drop bombs on big cities after military and industrial targets, which you disagreed on, which is why I posted the map
I'm somewhat sure Rome thought that, too. Before the "barbarians" wrecked it.
It fucked itself over though.
did enforcement of monogamy and greater women's rights help pacify japan?
More like massive industrial aid and virtually evaporated need to have it's own military.
No the anime and manga industry boomed so no one cared about war anymore.
>proceeds into dark age
Ok, not how I meant. US leadership just wasn't particularly picky about it I mean. FDR had inquired about having some ready to wipe Berlin off the face of the earth before the nuclear bombs were ready. The US simply wasn't wearing kid gloves, they were going to use it on anyone who looked at them funny.
Didn't the Soviets nearly lost to the Nazis but only managed to push them back because winter settled in?
didn't meen to quote
Nazies did run out of resources.
Muslims never actually advanced beyond the Middle Ages in terms of international politics
It wasn't really the winter, the nazis were just outmanned and outproduced, they had an advantage over Russia at the start but once Russian industry started to kick in the overextended Nazis couldn't really do anything
British and American supplies did save the Russians in the early years of the war before that though
after they were nuked japan was a bunch of limp-wristed betas for not continuing the circle of violence like middle easterners do
pls respond
a lot of encamped jews died because of it
>women's rights
Tokyo Medical University specifically lowers the test scores of female students who want to become doctors.
Why do people still have a weird preconception that Japan is weak militarily or has no military?
It has almost an entirely American weapons arsenal and top tier American training to boot.
So we should nuke the guys in the middle east too?
it was a couple of reasons primarily the crushing Nazi defeats at Stalingrad and Kursk
also soviets were getting lots of aid from the allies
if the allies hadn't D-Day'd the nazi might have been able to halt the soviet advance and broker for peace or a ceasefire
They could have lost Moscow and the nearby oil fields if the winter didn't slow the Germans down enough, and if the germans didn't go full retard and overextend and waste so much time and effort on Stalingrad.
Even if they did lose Moscow, they probably wouldn't have lost unless morale completely collapsed, they've lost their capital before during wars and still won.
Most of their factories were already moved further east because they thought the blitz might actually reach Moscow, so the biggest hit on losing Moscow would be morale-wise and losing the main hub of their train infrastructure that basically connected all of the important bits of Russia.
Its a bit more complicated than that.
Essentially regardless of how well Hitlers Reich would do, they would never have been able to go inland enough to take over USSR. Their plans for how to invade Russian clay was essentially too naive.
You could blame the seasons, but lack of infrastructure and size is a bigger problem. Essentially once you start going as far inland as St. Petersburg or Moscow there is too many miles of supply lines.
If Hitler's Reich had better plan, and better logistics? Its possible they could have pushed USSR's shit inside and out. But execution is always a mess
The Soviets are babies at winter warfare
t. suomi bull
It's called a handicap in golf terms. Women are vastly more intelligent and naturally get such high scores, that they have to lower the scores so the men have a chance too
yes, apparently nukes inspire no revenge. Why was there no 9/11 from japanese terrorists?
Japan is now America's ally thanks to nukes.
No, Nazies and japs was dead from the begining.
>Why was there no 9/11 from japanese terrorists?
they knew they deserved it
The russians suffered worse from the "winter" than the germans did, although I think the consensus is that based on journals the weather was never too terrible anywhere the nazis went, so there's no reason to believe the weather was a big factor. The soviets were coming out of famines and civil unrest and shiet and were always teetering on the edge of defeat because their country was a hot mess. They were pushed back every time they fought because even with a (moderate, largely overstated based on the actual size of troops in major battles) numbers advantage their men were starving monkeys with poor equipment. The Nazis really just ran out of steam trying to manage both sides, which is ironically why they went into Russia, to capture resources.
europe probably could have stalled the axis into a stalemate if they had better planning and the french were spineless nazi sympathizers in all but name, all of the axis powers were resource weak and went around capturing factories and mining and shit to fuel their war efforts. Which is actually why the holocaust is fucking retarded. They definitely did it, they definitely killed millions of people, we know because the germans fucking ate shit and lost like a bunch of retards, piping resources to camps that were largely unnecessary in terms of the war effort. They would have stood a better chance, maybe even won real quick, had they used integrated the jews into their normal military.
The schools admitted they did it because they didn't want more female doctors.
if the american carriers had been in the harbor at the time pearl harbor could have truly been a devastating blow to the US and would have severely limited their ability to defend Midway, it wouldn't have given the Japanese a win but it would have allowed them to at least reach a more advantageous position in the pacific
Pearl harbor was the best choice for the Japanese to make out of many bad options.
>Why was there no 9/11 from japanese terrorists?
Operation Bagration:
We just accidentally lost all of Army Group Centre.
They totally misjudged the situation. The Nazis thought that the Soviets would go for a negotiated peace after losing enough battles. But this isn't like WWI, where the Russians are fighting for the Tsar's alliance. Everyone quickly realizes the Nazis want to do to the Slavs, what the Americans did to the Indians. And there is no point in a negotiated surrender with that kind of enemy.
>9/11 from japanese terrorists
But 9/11 was carried out by israel, saudi arabia, and a small fraction of the US government and security agencies?
That fucking American flag is backwards on the flagpole, what the fuck
>Pearl harbor was the best choice for the Japanese to make out of many bad options.
It was the worst choice
if Japan never attacked America, America would have never gotten involved at all
Maybe the dumbest decision anyone made during WW2
>saudi army
Middle Eastern Armies for the most part in modern times are a fucking JOKE.
Japan would have done fine if it didn't wage war with USA. The colonial powers would be unable to send over a navy around the world to defend their colonies, until WW2 was over. And still then, they wouldn't take it seriously before losing a fleet.
Third Reich had lots of opportunities to win the war.
I.e better logistics to support the inital Blitz, possibly doing more on the sea side of the Dunkirk evacuation.
Another possibility was a plan for invading Russia that wasn't doomed before they even marched a meter.
Or even just a better army structure for a longer war, where the Lufwaffe wouldn't turn into a joke of new recruits and dead veterans.
Here is the thing: Nazi invasion of Russia was doomed from the start. If they really wanted to win that war they would have to send more men into the Finish winterr war, get more knowledge, work out more logistics, and have a far better plan.
supposedly the yanks blockaded the japs into doing it
it's always a little suspicios that the main fleet weren't in harbour at the time of the bombings
>I meant they would drop bombs on big cities after military and industrial targets
>which you disagreed on
Yes, I disagreed with it because it is largely wrong. In fact, the beginning of your thought process is already wrong. This has already been explained by the way.
chinks struck back
Japan was in war with Britain. No one can fight against british and survive.
The closest the JSDF has been to actual combat was literally like 15+ years ago in Iraq as non-combat support
>Yes, I disagreed with it because it is largely wrong
Aside from the obvious demoralizing effect of it, nuking city centers cripples the economy and administration of a country
You haven't actually given any reasons why not unless you think "not enough bombs" is a reason
Germany, and the Axis in general, lost the war as soon as they lost the Battle of Britain, and even then they went full retard during the battle and started bombing population centers instead of focusing on the air force bases which let the brits repair and recrew damaged but not completely destroyed aircraft and put them back up in the air to keep fighting.
At best they could have somehow succeeded in suing for peace and ended up with a bit more territory than before.
>Brits: we're the greatest navy in the world!
>u-boats and japanese imperial navy
>supposedly the yanks blockaded the japs into doing it
yeah cause going to war is going to make them remove their trade embargo right
Does japan still need the U.S in their country?
Britain rules the waves for a reason.
I am not sure if the Britsh track record is even that good. Most of it consist of bullying civilizations on tech levels far below them, and then dying of Malaria when trying to push inland in Africa.
And the Brits being Brits, would be unable to take the Japanese siege of Asia seriously. So they would lose that clay, and then start fighting for it once the "serious matters" where over. Which essentially means nothing would be done until WW2 was over/peaceful on the European side.
PH was still the dumbest choice, because it didn't achieve any long term goals.
I.e it didn't even end with a occupation.
stop saying this, it makes you sound like a /pol/tard
The last real chance for peace was the Konoe's proposal. This was an offer from Washington to totally pull out of mainland China. In return, the US would recognize the conquest of Manchuria, end all sanctions (iron and scrap) against Japan. But instead, negotiations failed, and Japan invaded Vietnam. So the US put a total oil embargo on Japan. Since >80% of all oil used by Japan came from the US, the only options now were for Japan to back out of Vietnam, or make war. If you know anything about the Imperial Japanese culture of the time, there is no way they would ever un-invade Vietnam. So war was inevitable at that point.
What do you is about superior british magick? Also who do you think dominates the world?
Not anymore they don't.
War wouldn't have made the USA start trading oil with them again. Pearl Harbour was a pre-emptive strike because Japan thought America would declare war on them if they started conquering territories in the Pacific. America had absolutely no plans to do so and probably wouldn't have done so even if they invaded the American-controlled Phillipnes
They were really good at convincing other Europeans to fight Britain's enemies while they picked of easy colonies at sea. That's how they earned the nickname "Perfidious Albion".
Dirt is dirt user.
While you shape Clay.
So saying Clay is far more right, as the Japanese ideal was to take over, be Overlords, and start some Industrialization/Advancement on a higher tier than what the colonial powers had done.
So Japan would take Asian clay, and shape it, as one do with clay.
1. Have global trade
2. Bet on the right horses
3. Turns out that 50-60km of moat is enough to stop anybody from pulling a land invasion
4. Turns out that 50-60km of moat is 10/10 for having a navy
5. Turns out having a Navy is important if you sail around the world and colonize it.
Britfucks are cool people, but they are also stupid due class segregation.
I have been over conditioned by reddit's polandball page, I'd read what he wrote as land until you brought it up
They have basically no one with practical combat experience where the US, UK, Russia, etc have lots of people with real field experience.
True. But the only alternative to war was to back down. Imperial Japan was totally unable to back down, no matter now much of a good idea it was. Even if Amaterasu herself told them to back down, I'm pretty sure they would not be able to back down.
>germany is rank 10
since when do we have a good military force?
>Dirt is dirt user.
>While you shape Clay.
>So saying Clay is far more right, as the Japanese ideal was to take over, be Overlords, and start some Industrialization/Advancement on a higher tier than what the colonial powers had done.
>So Japan would take Asian clay, and shape it, as one do with clay.
you do realise britain has been slowly subverted by a certain religion's adherents since Oliver Cromwell was funded by the jewish bankers of amsterdam to overthrow charles ii and let them back in after edward i expelled them in 1290?
It's not like they were declaring an honorable war, it was a hit and run attack, the alternative was just to ignore America and take over the Pacific anyway
Old magick>else.
Everything you said is wrong. You just seem to ignore what multiple people have already told you.
I've told you multiple times that Strategic Nuclear exchange is not about the destruction of the population or country but the ability to survive and recover. Both are inherently linked to denying the ability of the enemy to hit you. It has nothing to do with "demoralizing effects" or "crippling of the economy". It is resource managment. Every nuclear warhead not used on selected targets that can help in guiding the opponent's nuclear weapons increases the chance of the destruction of your own ability. No, population centers are almost entirely removed from that list. "Not enough bombs" is THE most critical reason you god forsaken fool.
You don't understand what a nuclear exchange would look like, please shut up already.
Today, I will remind them
>clay being /pol/
You're a dumbass, it's a reference to polandball comics which used to be popular a few years ago.
Movies, anime and manga are going to give them a grossly distorted interpretation...
>guaranteed replies on /k/
Nagasaki had bugger all military or industrial power
Urban legend.
I miss those before Russians ruined them
nah they were literally caught selling fertility tablets made out of fetuses a while back for muh erection
chinese canabalism is fairly well documented
Is that sarcasm?
Meanwhile, in reality, it was one of the most important industrial cities of Japan. Its port was one of the most active, big steel and shipbuilding industrial sites were present in Nagasaki.
It’s a common revision
That's the essence of Imperial double think. They really believed they were fighting to free Asia from Western imperialism. But they also really believed they needed to impose Japanese imperialism on all of Asia for the good of Japan. Pretty much every Asian colony besides Vietnam initially welcomed them as liberators from imperialism. But then they turned on the Japanese for being more oppressive than the Europeans.
Poor attempt dude, I accept that you are out of arguments.
>Stop invading other asian countries or we'll stop giving you oil
>Unreasonable demand
Do they unironically believe this?
what the fuck are you talking about? Now i've provided you with two external pieces of information to support what I'm saying all and all you can amount to is "no you don't understand, I've played Defcon"
Both Nagasaki and hiroshima were top strategic targets. Tokyo was already burnt to ash, so no nukes required there.
Has africa woken up to this idea yet?
Tokyo wasn't a strategic target, they just bombed it to kill civilians
>t.Keisuke Itagaki
Implying africans have woken up to an idea within 2000 years
Never played Defcon, sorry.
>all you can amount to
Seeing as how I wrote multiple posts with numerous arguments you decided to ignore I take it you are in fact brain dead? Once again, multiple people have told you why you are ignorant on the matter and fail to understand the basic idea of a nuclear exchange. You ignored it all so please do shut up and educate yourself.
since Nagasaki was third choice but got pushed because of bad weather what was the original 2nd target?
There's not much competition. Surely the German military is more powerful than ... Nigeria, the Seychelles, or Saint Kitts and Nevis.
But jokes aside, I'm surprised Israel isn't higher up. I always thought they had this huge military because they live right next to all the terrorists.
>a nation’s capital isn’t a strategic target
I would recommend reading up on the wikipedia page you link to user.
MAD is a abbriviated talkshow word used to describe the concepts related to re-emptive nuclear strike and second strike.
Fire missiles
You don't react
Oh boy, there goes your entire nuclear stockpile and quite a bit of infastructure
You can't actually wage WW3 now, and will lose WW3. Shock!
So what do you do? You react by fire everything!, Where every missile is already setup with a goal in mind.
So what is MAD? MAD is that if you fire, everybody else has to fire their missiles, or they are guaranteed to lose WW3.
What is the problem with MAD? The problem is that its essentially a entry cost.
And: Once thats combined with espionage, missile interception, outdated technology and spread of facilities and infrastructure?
MAD is then no longer Assured Destruction. Its instead WW3 and a entry fee larger than anybody has been willing to pay. And it will make the WW2 Blitz seem like a joke, since the first WW3 goal is to deny your enemy strategic abilities to fire more nukes.
>They have basically no one with practical combat experience where the US, UK, Russia, etc have lots of people with real field experience.
wtf are you talking about.
they do a lot of """peacekeeping""" that the whole self-defense thing is just a joke, but america doesn't care because they suck each other's dicks anyways
their population is around 9m
You seem to be arguing about a different hypothetical scenario where nuclear weapons are put into strategic use in the context of a greater war while I'm talking about the actual nuclear standoff that happened in real life
What happens after you nuke Tokyo and completely level it to the ground?
Even with conscription Israel doesn't have that many soldiers and they still pretend that they don't have nukes.
Tokyo still had quite a bit of industries going on at the time and i think the yanks thought they could demoralize the japs into surrendering by wasting a gajjilion people..
Israel's military is just to save face their real military is the US and all the terrorists are on their payroll
Why are you summarizing the page I linked to assuming I don't already know what it is?
o-oh okay then, I understand..
Kyoto, which was culturally significant and a would've been a very dick move to bomb.
No, what you are actually doing is arguing about whatever the fuck flies through the door. You have no clear line on anything because you don't understand the material at hand. If you did, you wouldn't have said all of these things and you most certainly would not have posted a wikipedia link to MAD and then claim you are arguing about something "that happened in real life" instead of "a different hypothetical scenario". Being ignorant is no crime, just move on and if you are actually interested educate yourself.
It was a dick move to bomb pearl harbor, tanaka-san.
MAD = everyone fires their missiles
Axiom: Nukes destroy civilization, so MAD means end of civilization
Reality: There isn't enough missiles, and everything has been spread out for 70 years now
Japs become very sad and know and their heart if they made another place the capital it would be the next target for bombing.
ISIS = Iseral special intelligence service
Hamas were founded by an israel linked guy.
There was enough missiles to do so during the Cold War, at least for America and Europe, obviously not the entire planet
I have always been talking about MAD, you are talking about something else
to neutralise the worlk of the PLO
I meant America and Russia, not Europe
Not as strong as the Gurkhas, but I agree
>It was a dick move to bomb pearl harbor
Yeah, but bombing boston, the whitehouse or the National mall would be worse
? There is not enough missiles, and there never was.
Thats the point of MAD. Otherwise it might be worth risking sabotage following a preemptive strike.
Why didn't the US just invade Japan using Japanese-Americans in civilian clothing??? Japs wouldn't be able to tell them apart!
you are a weak male
There were more than enough missiles during the Cold War to effectively destroy the USA or the USSR as a state. Arguably there still are even now
You know that modern A-Bombs are very powerful and a few of them are enough to destroy Japan?
>Seeing fellow japs arrive on your shores
>They have american accents and behave strangely.
Yep, nothing suspicious here.
top kek, stick to video games.
I mean that's not difficulty considering the feds, NY, CA, and Texas basically ARE the US.
iirc one of the other criteria they used for choosing targets was largely undamaged cities, since it was going to be the first time a nuke had been used and they wanted an accurate gauge of its power
I swear gurkhas live partly on legend. definitely helped against the argies in the falklands.
? But thats the point user, there wasn't.
There is enough nukes to glass the 3-5 largest population centers, but not enough nukes to do anything else.
RL isn't some shitty apocalypse show where a random suitcase goes missing and suddenly a city is gone. At most you remove a few blocks.
No really, modern bombs are scary. What do you know about annihilation weaponry?
Destroying the state doesn't mean killing everyone, but if killing lots of people was your goal then you could do alot more than "glass 3-5 cities" with the entire nuclear arsenal of the USA or USSR
>anti-matter bomb
It's not even real, at least Neutron and Hydrogen bombs are a thing.
>but if killing lots of people was your goal then you could do alot more than "glass 3-5 cities" with the entire nuclear arsenal of the USA or USSR
This is where a laugh at you, because you don't get it.
And you haven't gotten it so far during the thread.
You even have anons posting stuff like Where the measurement is KG of TNT, instead of diameter fireball.
And yet it doesn't show delivery mechanism.
Mike is a 82 TON bomb. Its not deliverable by conventional means. Bravo and Tzar Bomba is similar: They are not conventional weapons.
Overestimation of the size of nukes, you do.
You also severely underestimate Urban sprawl of cities, and how big they actually are.
If you repeat yourself without a argument, you are essentially a lost cause.
Thanks to nukes, no world wars anymore. Or this is a end.
That's gong to include Israel but the Saudis were basically always talked up as being a good military because MUH US TECHNOLOGY AND WEAPONS and fucking look at them. Iranian troops have been fighting ISIS on the regular for years at this point and helping out the Syrian government + Hezbollah is pretty battle tested at this point. I don't think a war with Iran would go the way people who want a war (Israel itself, Israel First neocon hawks) would like.
Uhh it could totally work out. Just dress them in Speedos and drop them off underwater at the beach. Then have them swim to shore and just act like they just returned from a casual swim.
Also, never have them speak.
10-20 bombs would level the (inner) city of New York. The soviets had several thousand ICBMs. Do the math
Good thing that no one would use "10-20" bombs on "the inner city of New York". It seems you are incapable of understanding how nuclear warheads are used.
Nihonkoku shoukan
Did I say they would?
>Good thing that no one would use "10-20" bombs on "the inner city of New York"
Why not? Isn't New York like the Jew capital of the world?
>why not?
Has been explained so many fucking times by now.
>The soviets had several thousand ICBMs. D
no no no
They do not. They absolutely do not have several thousand ICBMs.
the Japanese were sitting with their main access to oil running right past the american held Philippians.
on a whim the US could have chosen to completely destroy the Japanese's ability to wage war.
which was significantly likely because the Japanese were attacking and capturing European colonies in the pacific.
"had". Past tense
Because it's written by people who lost, hate that they lost, and never got over that they lost.
Japan is more mad about WW2, which I think 60% of the populace wasn't even alive for, than America is about Vietnam which I'd say 75% of the country was alive for
the only goal behind pearl harbor was to cripple the american fleet for 1 year max, during which the Japanese would capture and control the Philippians and other US holdings in the pacific including Midway.
Once Midway was captured and the route for oil to reach the main island and Korea secured via the capture of the Philippians the Japanese would have likely only captured Hawaii as a long term goal as they'd be more focused on gaining control in china and the south pacific.
I get the point you're making but wtf is up with those numbers? "12.5% [of the Japanese] are aged 75 or above" not like 40%
They never in their entire history had "several thousand ICBMs".
I just pulled numbers out my ass cause I'm tired.
Like every other nation? the japan hypocrisy truly is the greatest, each time it’s like only japan ever waged war, got colonies and did experiments.
collectively, combined in total over the many years when you count them all together. also inclues the dark number. shut up it's not that important
2000 in 1990 according to google
Pretty sure GERMANY is less mad about losing WW2 than Japan.
nice anime thread
You know Japanese Nationalism is bad when you make a manga that actually derails it's initial premise JUST to shit on you own government, BUT THEN SAY 'BUT AMERICA WAS THE *REAL* EVIL THE WHOLE TIME'
Instead modern warfare is like the pokemon of war.
>Instead modern warfare is like the pokemon of war.
Modern war is about drones and robots.
no its about two big powerful people grabbing two funny looking animals and getting them to fight each other to settle disputes
>The bunyan shit
Also this.
You're reading /pol/ too much. Leave geopolitics aside, it's not for you.
They don't have nukes and they have an air force smaller than shitholes like Pakistan.
Fucking gooks. Nothing sacred about them.
Ironic considering whose daddy helped fund and industrialise Nazi germany made.
Japanese have a huge fucking fleet and strong economy. They are can fight with Russia, but still will be nuked in the of war.
like battlebots but a bit more serious
>still will be nuked in the end of war.
Japan can probably get Nukes on their own. It's just they have numerous cultural reasons against it.
Aren't sea fleets just giant money drains and slow moving targets in the age or ICBMs and fifth gen jet fighters?
The Aryans only want American or Russian semen. Maybe Canadian or British but not Asians.
Yes but Japan need self defence army to sustain nationalism.
oh damn
If I remember right, they can do stuff like house & provide clean water during disaster relief but I doubt that's a good enough reason for such expenses.
does this gif mention patton's we fought the wrong enemy line or his assasination?
Stupid foreigner.. fifth gen jet fighter good for destruction and kamikaze.. sea fleet good for transportation of war prisoner and comfort worker
>Destroy the savagery.
>Wow Japan’s food really is amazing
>a fucking bowl of soup
I was referring to proxy wars
Simple things made very well are delicious, who would've thought?
You don't need to drown your food in gajllion spices to make it tasty.
>I love Japanese culture
>a piece of raw fish
>smallest of the three major impactors that hit Earth, that which killed dinos was 126 teratones of TNT.
>current global stockpile is around 5-7 gigatones, 117 orders of magnitude less.
Naw user, try again.
Also true of a few british foods
Like i said food made well with high quality ingredients are regarded very highly.
That's why french, Italian and Japanese food are considered quite good.
Except the US lost vietnam on political grounds because of weak politicians who weren't willing to risk unpopularity at home and pulled out after the peace treaty, knowing that the norks would break it because they were never trustworthy. The US won almost every single major battle by literally slaughtering everything that so much as rustled including civilians. The only time the north stood a chance was when they outnumbered the US by like 5:1 in an ambush
What was the estimated value for that one in russia a few years ago?
that's not what anime told me
The carriers have decent defenses too and carry the planes saving fuel, it provides a nice base for the planes and increases attack/defense.
Submarines are stealthy and deadly.
They are necessary, battleships have become obsolete and destroyers are becoming obsolete.
Japan needs to make an updated Yamato.
To be fair there's a reason why no one talks about british fine cuisine like Italian, French, or even Spanish
Japanese subhumans are no match to the superior Chinaman.
Thousands of years of superior warfare, politics, and spirituality are harnessed by the average Chinese man. We have inherited the will of Cao Cao.
not huge
the Tunguska event from 1908 was 10-15 MT
>Too much Marmite
>Black sausage
>Egg fried to thai hell
>No tomatoes
>No bacon
>No baked beans
>No Hashbrowns
>No sausages
This pisses me off
krakatoa volcanic eruption was estimated at 200MT
Add good mushrooms fried too, not those slimy supermarket ones that taste of cardboard.
Black pudding made right is great
all other points stand thhough I keep feeling I'm forgetting something else
literally pushes into China for no reason
Soldiering and warfare capability isn't as exclusive as you'd think. The JSDF has received amazing support from its allies in improving its doctrine and tactics on the battlefield.
I personally got to meet and observe JGSDF WAIR soldiers cross training in Camp Pendleton years back. They're perfectly capable of doing what really counts in the heat of battle of chaos, and that's doing what you're told, when you're told, without hesitation.
t. Former USMC Cpt, 0302 Infantry Officer
True chinese were killed and mongol mixed into extinction.
I mean you're not wrong, but sushi is technically raw fish. If you intentionally leave out everything that makes sushi more than a piece of raw fish, it's just raw fish that people seem to go crazy over. Plus, it's funny to strawman people's interest in Japanese culture to liking raw fish.
People really underestimate how much the earth can absorb
fuck of with your shitty meme using The Course of Empire the "good times" represented the destruction of nature, presupposing the eventual destruction of the city and an eventual return to the ideal pastoral state, not your jerk-off fantasies about Rome
It's honestly the other way around. Mixed sure but that's because the mongols were the ones assimilated. The chinese have never been known for being genetically monolithic exactly
Hadean Era was a trip.
Well they can be just as good as anyone else once they get rid of the article.
>Mars 2 crashes into the earth
>no problem, guess I'll just create life now
Whatever you say Zhang
Good luck with that dogshit Naval force. Found the chink in your armor there.
Based Japan
I hope the opposite happen. How can you live in a place like China and be ok with it? Hong Kong was awesome before it was return to China, look what happen to Hong kong right now. Why the fuck would you want to live in a dictatorship where you can’t speak out against the government and all the shitty censorship? And why the fuck would you want that dictatorship to spread?
It'd be pretty fucking awesome to watch.
She is from ww1+ww2 mix not germany they got isekaided from a world were germany won the war.
Krakatoa bkew apart an entire island and created a bunch of massive tidal waves, the ash cloud apparently also affected the climate
mongol tribes were only ever a couple hundred thousand strong
though an 1/8 of asia is estimated to be descended from him.
Because it's flat.
Chinese is the ugliest major country language
>Sure howda.
>noo row mien.
What did i just say? It's just some chinese stuff i've overheard.
Yea and look what his descendants are doing now. Well, you can't look actually, because it got diluted into the sea of chinamen
>superior Chinaman
>Kills sparrows thinking that would solve crop problem
And the coolest thing about it? It was essentially a steam explosion.
supposedly there are a couple historical super breeders 11 or moe based on genome records
His descendants got dabbed on by the Han, and then the Manchus and then the rest of the world.
scary thought isn't it
now imagine old yellowstone were to wake up...
Genghis Khan was born way after the time of the Han lol
Est. at least 400-600Mt.
Chink "anime" is shit.
smaller than I expected
ash cloud would probably fuck up global climate for a while.
Alright, the Ming dynasty, whatever.
Possibly larger. IF the whole thing goes like the Granger explosion, yes, you'd be looking at something as large as 100 Gt or more.
North Korea is supposed to have another fucking big one.
Manchus and Qin who are related to the Wu Yamato will rule China once again.
I'm okay with both. Modern Americans and Japanese are pussies. Nationalism needs to rise once again.
So apparently th USA has three of the worlds biggest super volcanos
the yellowstone caldera
the long valley caldera, mono lake, califirnia
the valles caldera, santa fe, new mexico
4th is
Lake Toba, Indonesia
found a list
Yellowstone - Wyoming, USA
Long Valley - California, USA
Valles Calderas - New Mexico, USA
Lake Toba - North Sumatra, Indonesia
Taupo Volcano - North Island, New Zealand
Aira Caldera - Kagoshima Prefecture, Kyūshū, Japan
Siberian Traps - Russia.
Laacher See - Germany
La Garita Caldera - Colorado, USA
Kikaki Caldera - Osumai Islands, Japan
Mount Aso - Island of Kyushu, Japan
Mount Tambora - Sumbwawa Island, Indonesia
Campi Flegrei - Naples, Italy
Baekdu Mountain - Borders of China and North Korea
Whakamaru - North Island, New Zealand
Snowdonia - Wales, United Kingdom
Lake District - England, United Kingdom
Glencoe - Scotland, United Kingdom
Cerro Galan - Catamarca Province, Argentina
Bennett Lake Volcanic Complex - British Columbia/Yukon, Canada
Macauley Island - Kermadec Islands, New Zealand
>valles caldera
That iirc was the biggest one in the planets history.
not all of these are active eg snowdonia
>La Garita Caldera
Whoops! it was this. 230Gt of explosive force. However...
>Siberian Traps
Is a contender for what may have also wiped the dinos out too.