Dr. Stone

I though i was over shounen shows. For years nothing of them interested me in any way as it did when i was younger.

And yet i watch it today without any expectations and get blow away by the fact its utterly amazing.

Holy shit, i feel young again. This has to be Big One for Jump.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Dr. Stone - 01 [1080p].mkv - 11;49;13.999.jpg (1920x1080, 687K)

Other urls found in this thread:


paid shill.
there's nothing interesting about muh superhuman mc. its just shitty isekai cheato skill without isekai

>t. Seething hunterfag
I love that it's actually based on reality and there aren't things like chi, chakra, nen and other childish things. Just one bestboy advancing humanity 1 step at a time.

I was hooked from the get-go. Senku might become my first husbando.

Keep crying you fucking retard. Not every shonen needs spiky-haired retards screaming for ten minutes and throwing multicolored power blasts.
>its just shitty isekai cheato skill without isekai
Thanks for confirming you don't understand one of the most basic fucking genres in anime, you absolute clown-ass.

It's going to shit and devolve into power levels eventually that's the rule. Strong start is always the easiest step.

i hope Boichi makes a Boichiverse confirmation
and it will be all Kens fault
My theory: Dr. Stone is part of Sun Ken Rock Universe. Because Sun Ken Rock Is releted to Wallman, H.E, Origin. Bet his corporation experimented with some weird shit and it endet up fcking up the world. Just look what happened in Origin.

>assuming everyone has seen hxh
what's does that have to do with this?

Fortunately in this case, almost everyone agrees the start is the weakest part, it only gets better once he reaches the village

Crossover with Jumps other best manga, Act-Age when?

Been hooked since the first chapter, the art got me interested, it's crisp and aggressive, at least in the manga. Has this cozy comfy feel to it. Also no dudes flying through walls without a scratch, so sick and tired of that gimmick.
>cooking with Senkuu
Hope to see these segments well executed.

Who more shitposting in Yea Forums then hxhfags

Yeah it's pretty nice, the anime also has surprisingly good production values.
Honestly this is also one of the manga that does its best if followed weekly, because you get to see what crazy shit Senku will come up with each week and it let's you take it easy with what would otherwise be overly fast pacing.
Probably following the anime weekly will have the same perks.

In the manga threads one specific hunteranon keeps baiting every week till the point he became a meme

There are no powerlevels whatsoever

This one surprised me, too. I didn't bother with the manga and now I feel I've made a mistake in skipping it thus far. I admit I'm more vested in interest in the science and in the changes in the world over that 3,700+ years than in the characters, though.

Ironic, since Togashi listed Dr. Stone as one of his top 3 favorite new manga in an interview a while back.


>thats the rule
Another reason why I love this series cause this rule is nonexistent.

Powerlevels will be tech-levels instead. If village A has got salt and fermentation and basic metalworking down and village B doesn't, village B is in for a rough time if they lack anything barter-able that hasn't got a uterus.

Unless you are a mod who can see IPs, you're comment is just retarded.

They already concluded the anime on the very first episode, there's no reason to watch anything after this

>literally the same baitposts every week
So either hxhanons are all seething or just one is.
Frankly I don't care, I'm here for dr. Stone


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I wonder if there will ever be a need for much longer timeskips for infrastructure development. The important characters could eventually petrify themselves and set up something to ensure they come out again 100 years later.

>another episode of anons baiting you into watching new shounenshit

>Frankly I don't care
You cared enough to bring it up.

>overpowered MC

>utterly amazing
Too obvious.

Like I said, there are no powerlevels. Everyone has their own strengths, even if it's just another set of able hands.


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What did user mean with this? Finding the formula isn't the endgame. Restoring humanity finding the culprit, taking the stonification beam and going to space is

That's fine though, it's a hell of a step up from "MY NUMBER IS BIGGER THAN YOURS SO ME PUNCH HARDER"

Attached: 1547838905377.gif (1298x592, 526K)

Superfags. Their threads are nothing BUT shitposting. Not a single serious post in any of them.

Isn't Dr Stone dangerous for kids though? I heard there was a chapter where the author explained how to make a bomb or some shit

Animefag here, is the manga worth checking out? I usually don't go for manga, just not really my thing, but if it's good enough I can easily get hooked and this first episode pulled me in like a gay fish

There are no powerlevels and even if there were, fighting isn't the main point of the series, it's Senku's science. If anything we'll probably get another scientist trying to outsmart Senku's science later on but I doubt you can really apply powerlevels to that.

You have that warning not to do it at home.
Based series weeding out the brainlets stupid enough to make bombs

Yes it's worth it. The art is great and it has good pacing.

Begone Hunterbitch

Dr. Stone is Fairy Tail tier shit where nobody ever dies and everyone wins through the power of friendship. It's one of the cases where a series starts off with a strong premise and then craters downward and never stops digging.

More like an arms race, really.

It's worth it for Boichi's art, you'll find his style familiar if you read Sun-ken Rock

Attached: senkuumad.jpg (823x887, 222K)

Senku is fucking useless by himself though, he already admitted that he barely kept himself alive while he was waiting for Taiju to wake up

>It's worth it for Boichi's art
But his girls are ugly as fuck

When I inevitably give in to my retard urges and try to make a bomb going off those instructions I will post the video of my death

The comedy and memes are on the extreme levels, you won't get the same intensity in the anime. Only thing, the pacing is super fast so don't speedread or you'll get lost. Great art, but be prepared for ayy lmaos, the author loves kawaii ugu faces.

Goddamn that looks nice.

Tsukaka should have died, his character arc is pretty much done
there is no power of friendship though

>New shonen anime adaptation
>Seem people like it
Shitposter sheeting

>series are only good if people die
literally too stupid for Dr. CHAD

It sells like shit so enjoy seeing it cancelled.

First episode represented the tone of the manga pretty well, though it lacked flowcharts and a real shitting me moment

Attached: drstone.jpg (1317x197, 67K)

Grashros suffered the same problem.


But user, Tsukasa IS dead.

I checked and the females look fine.

Thanks anons, I guess I'll be checking out the manga
Where is the best place to read manga anyway, I seriously almost never do. The last manga I read was Midori Days and I have the physical volumes, they were a Christmas gift.

Swollen potatoes are not fine.

There doesn't have to be death in a series to make it good, but a series is definitely bad if it tries to pretend death doesn't exist in scenarios where it absolutely would happen. Especially when the series tries to pretend that someone dies and then /surprise/ they're still alive through some bullshit. Those two things make it lose all feeling of suspense. The MC will win and there wont be any negative consequences for anyone. Already out the gate you know how the manga will end.

Viz for quality scans, mangastream for that quickshot straight in your vein.

They look normal. Unlike the bug-eyed girls in Bochi's art.

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Boichi draws the same male character to be the MC, tweaking it a little with every revision. It's cool to see he finally found something that can stick as a shounen MC. I personally like this design, and his art is damn unique

So glad to see him doing well in WSJ after getting so much shit in the earlier days.

it's not in the red enough to be cancelled in the short term, so there should be enough for the next 2 arcs and a proper conclusion if the author keeps up the pace

Thank you for helping a poor noob out user

This. 3000 years of no people and the beasts will have forgotten what it means to fear people, and they'll have domination over the lands. Just wakers will be easy meat, realistically.

is this going to turn into another Slime isekai? it seems exactly the same minus the MC being a slime.

Dr. Stone is the definition of writing himself into a corner. They (mangaka and editors) thought it would be a good idea to show the glorious march of scientific progress triumph over brute strength, religion, etc... except this will just get stupider and more boring as it is clear Senku and his friends never gonna lose anything. They can't make a gritty realistic survival show anymore, as they introduced several broken unrealistic characters (french cook, really ?). They can't go full comedy as they introduced a clear long running plot tied to real science being explained.

It's now a failed hybrid show with no idea were to go. This was a one shot they shouldn't have turn into a serie without thinking more ahead. They should have stick with a slightly darker tone with slower scientific progress, set backs, dying people and real difficulties (and not conquering Japan in 10 chapters) a la Cage of Eden.

No problem, remember to read left to right in the panels

I hope not, I dropped that fucking garbage like a bad habit

>left to right
nani? I literally have the Dr. Stone volume 1 from Viz sitting in front of me and you read right to left.

How's the OP?

What the fuck do you want then? For every single person on earth to be exactly the same? Anti-spirals get out!

>he is a dirty speedreader and doesn't understand in what kind of situation the current main cast is
Every week

I don't think we got one for the first ep did we? I was lukewarm on the ED

I fucked up lmao, yes right to left.

>no Sulfy-chan in OP
Fucking dropped.

Hey user
Most of the main cast have been repetrified again, and their statues shattered, and he has no means currently of repairing or freeing them.

was Senku's reaction to finding out.

they played the OP as the ED in the first episode

>as it is clear Senku and his friends never gonna lose anything
Tsukasa is dead
Most of the crew are stoned (including the one person who can fix broken statues)
It works the same as other shonen, they just scale up the threats. First it's difficult for them to survive, then it's difficult to bring revive statues, then it's difficult to protect the village, and so on.

I want a realistic approach to how things would be if the modern world were reduced to zero and had to be started from scratch. You think every ancient civilization survived its neighbors once the neighbors got their leg up on them? The ancient world is an abattoir of lands conquered by others.


I guess being a drunk retard while watching does me no favors

No, I promise. Senku's brain is OP but he can't ever fight for shit and has to build all his inventions step by painstaking step.
Still mad that the tsundere dragon became irrelevant after episode 1.

Nope. Dr. Stone gets boring later on. Read One Piece or Attack on Titan instead. They're better.

user, a realistic approach would mean that the protagonists die in the first week because they were a gibbering mess after being trapped in isolation for 3700 years, and barely any modern human can survive in the wild alone with no tools or prep.

>Wan Piss and Attack on Enjoyment

At the very least, he's not wrong that Dr. Stone is worse than them later on.

Except these are people with modern day morals. They're not gonna conquer a village for shits and giggles.

>trying to push away potential fans
besides OP is extremely bloated and going for 1000 chapters soon, nobody got time for that shit

>sells like shit
>over 200k a volume, steadily, before any promotion was done

Far from stellar sales, but not even close to be "shit". Plus it ranks high in the poles, so cancellation isn't even on the table at this point.
If the anime boosts sales enough, we might even see S2.

You'd be surprised how fast modern day morals go out the window when you're in a post-apocalyptic wasteland.

>read one piece
>first 100 chapters are literally just them getting to the grand line, basically only had 1 interesting arc
>read dr stone
>first 100 chapters are literally everything that's happened so far, encompasses multiple interesting arcs, character development has already occurred for several characters, many goals have been accomplished while others are being actively worked on

The two are so night and day that comparing them is laughable.

It's just shitposters, just ignore them.

I find it hard to believe anything can be worse than One Piece other than like Dragon Ball or Naruto or something

>lush forest
>a place filled with food
>a place filled with drinkable water
One of these things is not like the others

This. If survival means raiding some other poor fuck's village and stealing all their shit and possibly being violent about it, most people would be at least willing to very strongly consider it. Somebody pragmatic like Senku would do it in a heartbeat.

Thankfully they are in a lush wilderness and not a wasteland, so cooperation is key to getting anything done.

>The MC will win and there wont be any negative consequences for anyone. Already out the gate you know how the manga will end.
You're very likely correct about this.
And, frankly, I love it. I just want to see how they get there.

This is also true, I'm just saying that if they're ever pushed to be fucking dickholes to survive, I feel like at least most of them are going to.

>First episode's ED is actually the OP
Name one time this wasn't kino.

>nobody got time for that shit
You have time for a mediocre series but not a good one? One Piece still gives you a better return on time spent than Dr. Stone.

There's never a time where Senkuu can do that tho. He always lacks one aspect or is shoved into a wall and has to play nice. He exploits people that are useful to him all the time and breaks moral rules without an afterthought. Why kill everyone if you can use them for free manpower.

>I have no argument
I'm caught up to the manga and Dr. Stone has become boring.

A series where people might die is certainly better than a series where no-one can ever die by design.

Boil bleach kids.

Attached: Mecha Senku gets dumb humans to kill themselves.png (920x1300, 554K)

>but one sip is still interesting
Kek, this guy

>stupid enough to make bombs
Or too stupid to do it correctly.
t. someone with all of his fingers left


I always feel like a retard when I forget that they do that sometimes because I forget every time

Based ISIS recruiter

Then there's no problem, nothing blew up.
Or try harder next time.

Yeah, Dr Stone is so much better than One Piece that it can't even sell 100k in it's first week.

Attached: 1561762880012.jpg (500x334, 48K)

>thinks Wan Piss is interesting
>expects his opinion on anything other than the flavor profile of literal feces to be taken seriously

>when you reveal your final villain in a gag multiple arcs before they appear

eating shit is good because every dung beetle on earth does it

Reminder not to engage with fanbase warriors

You're an idiot if you think anybody gonna stay that way

>argumentum ad populum
Do you also have to be regularly shorn?

>the virgin "don't try this at home" vs. the chad "you should try this at home, boil bleach if you do!!"

Yes, dr stone blew its load too quickly

Yeah no miss me with that shit kek
Just tell me how it be

>"if you're honestly considering making this just kys"

>Slow good
>Fast bad!

It be like it is.

No one conquered villages for shits and giggles; shits and giggles were what raids were for.

I tried doing this and the grass turned into cool crystals. Thanks Mecha-Senku!

Has all the characters of the arc, even Gen and Kaseki, pretty OK.

>A series where people might die is certainly better than a series where no-one can ever die by design.
One problem in a series where people might die is that, if they don't, there is always the accusation of "wimping out". It almost becomes an expectation to kill off a character because they can.
Besides, Dr. Stone had millions, if not billions of deaths in episode 1. There's a lot of Humpty-Dumpties out there that can't be put back together again.

>no argument good
>argument bad!

An arms race wich would be presented on knowledge. Sounds fun plus them adding more people means they can make some sort of assembly line for more complex stuff.

Raids were for making rape babies and stealing other people's good genetics. That's why bongs look like shit and scandinavians look like aryan gods.

It is perfectly legal to make explosives for personal use, provided you do not transport them.
It's pretty safe, so long as you're not making something highly shock or impact sensitive. Kids typically get hurt making flash powder, which is quick way to be blind and short a hand. ANFO and ANAL are near impossible to accidentally detonate, so they're safe as can be.

>ANAL, safe as can be

Attached: 1517680128533.jpg (1074x810, 86K)

> Remember kids, down the road not across the street.
What did Mecha Senku mean by this?

>after the anime aired and shitposters arrived people are still scienceposting in dr. Stronk threads
Proud of you guys, keep it up

natural selection

Does AA even have any fan here?

Attached: holy fuck.jpg (4032x3024, 1.94M)

Bitch you just had to make me post here didn't you? Also check the archives

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How is the animation lads ?

I don't see any science at all in this thread.

Eugenics isn't science?

Shishio "the zoomer-grooming boomer doomer" Tsukasa

Nice to see Primitive Technology got an anime.

it's basicly 'modded minecraft' the anime

Good enough I guess
Backgrounds look nice and wacky faces are just right
We'll see about movements when Tsukasa revives

Looked solid to me, though not much happened. But then again I admit that I'm an easily-pleased fag

Attached: zoomkasa.png (1204x838, 108K)

Mecha Senku is pure and adorable and in no way evil.

Attached: stone laugh2.webm (658x720, 302K)


Attached: gfdgdf.png (243x370, 45K)

I tried.

Attached: Untitled.png (613x693, 323K)

Senkuu is like the Saitama of science. At first this is funny, but it gets boring quickly because it doesn't let the plot have real conflicts.

cola chapter

>paid shill for a brainlet farming series
lmao, axe soon you desperate fuck

Cept that Senkuu can't actually build anything complicated beyond a certain point without experienced craftmanship.

>seething hxhfag
Never gets old

Keep seething.

I enjoyed it.

>Cept that Senkuu can't actually build anything complicated beyond a certain point without experienced craftmanship.
How convenient that he has master crafters for literally anything he needs.

For a series about science, the fanbase sure are a bunch of buzzword using, low IQ shitters.
p.s. cope

Get back to your shitposting general, Superfag.

>still on hiatus

Yes, it is convenient, that's the point of division of labor.

Just because I don't read it every week or talk about it every day doesn't mean I don't like it.

Attached: sigh.png (590x404, 196K)

When I read the manga I knew it would translate very well into anime. It's pretty much Hype: The Anime.

So it's true, Dr. Stone really is the worst fanbase on Yea Forums. Absolutely reddit.
And I thought Hiatusfags were bad. At least they can form coherent arguments.

>he needs to have shitty craftsmen
Why? It never works on the first go, slow and steady wins the race. Literally the gimmick of the show said by Senkuu himself

>Series about rebuilding civilization
>Surprised when it involves networking and taking advantage of others strengths
Did you want Senku to just do everything effortlessly and yell about how God isn't real for 20+ episodes?

master crafter (singular)
everyone in Dr. Stone has their major talent, Senku's the brains, Kaseki is the hands, Taiju is the backbone, Yuzuriha is unwavering focus, Kohaku has her eyesight, Tsukasa is the martial god, and so on. It's almost like there's a diverse cast of talented individuals that rely on each other to do the shit they can't do themselves.

Attached: kaseki.jpg (957x933, 194K)

Inb4 senku makes a tech priest cult.

>comes into a thread where people are just discussing the show and starts screeching and shitposting
>gets told off

>That's the point
Nice way of trying to excuse plot convenience.
> It never works on the first go
What? Most of it work almost immediately.

>Did you want Senku to just do everything effortlessly
Are you stupid? That's exactly what happens in this series.

The alternative is for him to literally do everything himself while the camera routinely pans to the amazed "S-Sugoi!" faces of the other irrelevant characters as they collectively cream themselves over how amazing he is. This isn't Dragon Ball or SAO, you fucking faggot.

>part of the plot is the MC looking to find allies in order to utilize division of labor, so he can make greater scientific advancements
>durrr it's just plot convenience
it's literally part of the plot that the MC is seeking the convenience of allies, why are you making this out like it's shitty writing?

Seek help. Imagine thinking that autistic screeching is 'telling someone off'.

>he didn't even read Dr. Stone

Jujutsu on the other hand

So you admit that you just came in here to shitpost? Fucking pathetic.

Fuck you okay someone on Yea Forums told me plus I looked up a summary

Actually delusional.

Why does it trigger people so hard that people like this series? If you don't like it then you can ignore it. If you think it's bad, there's a lot worse out there that's actually popular on this board.

It's not like you're trying to make actual discussion either, it usually just amounts to
>nonono it's bad! stop reading/watching it!
and not much else, just ignore it and move on if you don't like it.

gorilla ass

Being pretentious is the biggest feature of all JUMP SUPER PUSH fanbases.

Attached: jsp.jpg (720x704, 871K)

It's a Huntercuck/Superspic/Narutard/Acagaymiafag that can't help but seethe and rage uncontrollably whenever any other shonen gets any sort of attention.

>it just works
This is the issue with speedreaders. The manga has mini timeskips all the time, just look at the alcohol making process. It did appear as if Senkuu just shat it out in 2 minutes, but half a year passed in the story. Same for any other invention. Or would you rather watch 10 episodes of filler failed attempts before it works on the 100th try?

What? This thread is nothing but shitposting.

>>part of the plot is the MC looking to find allies in order to utilize division of labor, so he can make greater scientific advancements
It's plot convenience because all this is achieved easily.

>sole survivors in the wilderness are good at building
They don't have Yea Forums to suck their life away, they actually do things to survive.
>this is bad!

>the MC of a series succeeding at his goals is bad writing
why does this retarded non-criticism get pushed in every thread about shonen. Do people really want a series where nothing ever gets resolved for 100s of chapters?

>dr stonelet can't even read
Holy shit, the rumors are true. How's junior highschool going?

Dude it's a fucking shonen manga. None of the Konoha 12 died except 1 in the final arc. None of the main Bleach characters died. None of the Dragon Ball Z characters died and stayed dead. None of the straw hats will die (or anyone in One Piece barring 5 characters). All of those were put in much more unbelievable situations than the ones that happen in Dr. Stone. Get a fucking grip.

Friendly reminder to ignore all shitposters

You can't damage control your way out of this one, kid.


If you want a realistic approach read a book, shonen isn't for you.

Holy fuck. Huntercopes are mad.

ITT: Stonebros dabbing on seething shitposters

>calls someone kid
Summertime, and the posting is shitty

when i was reading the gaiden for origin that came out recently, i thought that the space crew was going to be the astronauts from senku's father. that would have been neat

>The manga has mini timeskips all the time
It is precisely because of this that the conflicts are never felt.
>It did appear as if Senkuu just shat it out in 2 minutes
>Or would you rather watch 10 episodes of filler failed attempts before it works on the 100th try?
I love this kind of argument. How about we use that in a battle shonen? What if Slam Dunk matches used timeskip instead of spending a few chapters exploring the highs and lows of the game?

If the author is good, development becomes something interesting and not just filler.

Friendly reminder that I'm your superior master, dog. Kneel before me.

ITT: Stonefags revealing themselves as seething brainlets

>dr stone is like danganronpa but with science

>>the MC of a series succeeding at his goals is bad writing
If he can get it all effortlessly, yes, it's bad writing.
>B-but muh timeskip
Relying on timeskips to compensate build up is bad writing too.

How the fuck did the MC count seconds for thousands of years?

>battle shonen
I don't watch battleshonen. The mini timeskips are perfectly portrayed, the fact you can't spot and visualize time passing is on you.

Because he is the MC.

it's never effortless though

>he's going all out

Attached: 1561751025259.jpg (472x437, 32K)

>literally admitted that he barely survived on his own
Do you actively try to be stupid or does it come naturally?

Why don't they just free the lower bodies of girls and mass produce onaholes?

Attached: Untitledjk.png (1028x754, 742K)

Because they're not necrophiles or murderers

because breaking the stone allows them to get out, you can't half-free someone

Mediocre OP and garbage Ed.
>said Dr Stone is very popular with Kid
>airs the anime in Late night slot
Seems good decision to me

This is why you wouldn't get revived.

>Big One for Jump
If the big you mean sub 100k seller then yes.

Confirmed for not even watching. We didnt get both an OP and ED retard

>said Dr Stone is very popular with Kid
>airs the anime in Late night slot
I'm also surprised by their OP choice. I thought it will be "having fun with funky science" type of thing, not this generic edgy shit.

This is the stupidest fucking thing I've ever read on this board. Read the manga and understand that you have the IQ of a wall-mounted moose head.

There are a lot of broken off parts though.

>crunchyroll shills on full damage control
o i am laffin

The question is if you could revive a decapitated head.


Attached: dqjumpdrstone.jpg (887x1280, 269K)

Hmm. If depetrification recovers all damage, shouldn't reviving decapitated head just regenerate the whole body?


Attached: sciense.png (770x700, 810K)

kek, nice

The OP was the ED you fucking idiot, stop pretending you even watched the episode.

No. This was already addressed. Depetrifying severed limbs gives you severed, dead limbs. Do it properly or you're going to kill people trying to revive them.

>he mad
Stay seething

I mean that mangaka did have a piece of his head missing and it regrew, we don't know if there's a limit, but apparently you can't depetrify decayed statues as yuzuriha stated

if the stone world advances enough for him to switch to this outfit, i'll be very happy

>mediocre op
Opinion discarded, all three best boys are represented and animation is beautiful
>garbage ed
Confirmed non-watcher. They didn't even show the ed yet, retard.

>accidentally outs himself as not having watched the episode and just wanting to shitpost like a retard
You Huntercopes really are pathetic.

What kind of book is Senkuu reading?

Cute homos.

>"oh fuck he caught me being a lying hunterfag"
>"better call him seething so that everyone still thinks I'm cool"

Attached: fdoik.jpg (680x1020, 81K)

sengen fanfiction

No wonder Gen is paying close attention


Attached: 0071.jpg (394x1171, 168K)

> unepetrify prime girls
> immediately imprison them
> voila, breeding factory
doujins with them repopulating the earth literally fucking when

Ya know the recent arc had a pretty big reset where almost all of the crew got petrified, right? All they have right now is a small portable lab and like 6 characters. Also progressing technology is exactly the point of the show. And all Senku can do is make shitty primitive devices since manufacturing isn't an option and won't be for a while

Stop posting, Tsukasa, you haven't even shown up in the anime yet

i want to hold him in my hand

Attached: small man.png (75x100, 9K)

I agree about the song being edgy at least. The visuals are great

>Senkuu action figure FUCKING WHEN

To be realistic the manga would need decades of timeskip for that guy to make all what he did.

It's the N. E. W. S
Tsukasas most valuable asset

>song being edgy

Imagine being this unfamiliar with the concept of hard work

Attached: fag.gif (290x189, 1.03M)

Do you expect the fat NEETS on Yea Forums to understand working hard for any reason other than to waddle into the fucking kitchen for some tendies?

yeah it has that semi-edgy bit where there's all the gears and shit coming out of senku's back and then has him doing the eyes closed toward the camera thing, but other than that I thought it was super uplifting

>for a water wheel
>for glasses
>for a ship
>for anything they've made in this show

Nice of you to include a pic of yourself.

>no u

God so pathetic.

Agreed, Dr. Stone seems to appeal to some really pathetic, childish fans. Must be the reddit-tier sciencewank.

>no u again
I love watching Huntercopes BTFO themselves.

Didn't Inagaki say he was making a scientific databook containing the science he's used so far for the series? Is there any news on that?

>no u
Twice in a row, dude? Come on.

And you still deflecting , why are you even here.PATHETIC PIECE OF SHIT.

Why doesn't Dr. Stone have ANY doujins?

so this is what you call a shitposter huh

Honestly Hunterchad bros, i feel bad now for Stonefags. I know it's hard to believe someone liking that unironically but maybe they genuinely do?

I mean to each his own, i just feel pity for them after being utterly and completely destroyed by our superior arguments and the fact that WE WON and now Hunter x Hunter has become the most acclaimed shounen since Dragon Ball i feel bad kicking a dead horse.

I won't make fun or bash Stonelet fans again, if they like it good for them, i honestly expect they can enjoy their anime ironically now.

I feel like we mustn't criticize them anymore now that our superiority as the most based and the ones with the better taste in manga has been set in stone, we should be magnanimous towards them.

Of course so long as they don't mess with us, which i highly doubt seeing how they are getting destroyed like this they are scared of us now.

I could not get into it but at least it is unique for a shounen compared to the other generic shit this season.

>mommmm the internet is disagreeing with me agaiiiiin!

Attached: bait4.jpg (625x626, 31K)


>For years nothing of them interested me in any way as it did when i was younger.
>And yet i watch it today without any expectations and get blow away by the fact its utterly amazing.
>Holy shit, i feel young again.
Either bring up something worth discussing or describe what is making you feel that way
You can't fucking just go on like its pleasuring you for no fucking reason
You sound like a shilling faggot.

Edgy trash.. i dunno what u weebs see in it

>being a dr stone thread
>doesnt like the anime
Why are you even here?YIKES.

Ask me how I know you're fat.

Tsukasa is too pure for nonsense like that.

Bombs? pssh, wait until the episode where they make cola. We still haven't heard back from the one user that tried it.

Honestly StoneChad bros, i feel bad now for Hunterfags. I know it's hard to believe someone liking that unironically but maybe they genuinely do?

I mean to each his own, i just feel pity for them after being utterly and completely destroyed by our superior arguments and the fact that WE WON and now Dr. Stone has become the most acclaimed shounen since Dragon Ball i feel bad kicking a dead horse.

I won't make fun or bash HxHlet fans again, if they like it good for them, i honestly expect they can enjoy their anime ironically now.

I feel like we mustn't criticize them anymore now that our superiority as the most based and the ones with the better taste in manga has been set in stone, we should be magnanimous towards them.

Of course so long as they don't mess with us, which i highly doubt seeing how they are getting destroyed like this they are scared of us now.

>calling Dr. Stone edgy
Why is everyone in this thread the genetic descendant of humanity's most retarded primate ancestor?

>no u!
Pathetic, low IQ Stonefag at work


just like rick and morty, ifuckinglovescience, online atheists, etc.
people who talk about how much they love science are always completely retarded

remember when the editor added the bullshit NBR in the final flashback chapter

>no u!
Pathetic, low IQ Hunterfag at work

Take a good look mangafriends. This is what an anime will do to your threads.

He's dead, rip

Said nobody
At least read the post, dumbass

If you like something, at least bring up the thing that makes you feel like a kid again or something practical/substantial anyone can relate to. If you bark it up saying "It's great and its saving anime" then you're not convincing anyone and you look like a brainlet who can't explain what he likes and you're bringing nothing to the discussion.

Hiatusfags BTFO

god it used to be so comfy. those days are over now.

Attached: drstone.jpg (1400x2170, 527K)

I feel fans will suffer from "Rick & Morty Syndrome" where they see something that co-ops scientific language, think themselves geniuses for watching something science-sounding, and then act egotistical while actual ppl in STEM shrug their shoulders or at most, mention how they make science look bad

>Falling for this shit
Why do you even bother
He's not even explaining how it's edgy, he's throwing any term he can to demean it without actually backing up anything
You're wasting a post on it.

Attached: 1562354612384.png (372x596, 152K)

Unbelievably based

I cri everytiem
It was a good run

Stone’s getting all the shitposters because of ToC rankings. Meanwhile nobody really gave a fuck about shitting up Hinomaru Zumo, Saiki, or World Trigger when their anime came out.

Actual scientist here. (inorganic chemist)

Show is
and annoying.

yeah the thing about dr. stone is that all the science used within it is actually quite accurate, but that will only make people feel "smart" for watching it, which is the major issue with any fanbase of something like this

these "intellectual" mongoloids are going to give the show a bad name and that's just such a shame

Don't worry they'll kill themselves trying to recreate Senkuus inventions
>rip colaanon

I need some merch in general to hurry up and exist. There's pretty much nothing right now.

Attached: festdrstone.jpg (1040x1040, 241K)

These new shitposters suck desu
I guess an anime gets the quality of poster it deserves...

Attached: tumblr_nkz8iocmBY1rkmjxwo1_500.gif (500x281, 494K)

This is just the effect of reaching a broad audience, it's nothing new.
Bring in people who may like it and you bring in all the retards who think its cool to bandwagon on trashtalking it.

If they aint saying anything interesting then you might as well ignore them and not bother giving them the yous.

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YuYu Hakusho is still better than HXH

Where can I buy that cutepack?

>actual scientist
>doesn't like dr. stone
Either you haven't read the manga or you have no love for your field. This manga has more respect for the process and beauty of scientific discovery than any other creative work I've seen.

Based Boichi, I wanna lick those abs desu.

All the popular shows get shitposters. The Black Clover threads were ridiculous right after the anime started.

The show gives science a better name than anything else though. Usually in junk media science is treated as magic to make cool lasers, in Dr. Stone it's actually heavily emphasized that scientific advancement takes a lot of hard work and failures.

>kohaku badge
Senkuu is claimed

>suika bracelet
>kohaku pin

Yeah, but Black Clover was garbage in the beginning. Dr. Stone, though great, has a similar problem if you ask me. The first few weeks will be rife with people trolling and shitting on it, but once the plot kicks off and best girl/best boy show up, things will reach a state of relative calm.

Uh huh, and I'm Mike Tyson.

It used to be dead, with most threads barely reaching 150 posts. Mangathreads will probably stay this way anyway.

Well it's common that most of the people who jump on board the troll/shitpost bandwagon arent even watchers/followers of the media, and once the wagoning trails off they will too.

If you're actually taking them seriously you don't deserve to enjoy it.
Unless they bring up legit criticisms of the show it's just more shonen cock fighting.

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Imagine not liking something that celebrates your passion because it celebrates your passion

I doubt it, it's incredibly easy to just say
>"Ugh this story is suck, cancelled soon"
And you'll get (You) 's. The thing in the manga threads was that this type of shitposting was very transparent. If you posted, you were already on board, you' re not gonna ask newbie questions. Here that's a different thing. Some newbie questions are actually legit. Just need to spot the trolling attempts and ignore them.

>implying a child's manga is scientifically sound and not an utter embarassment
Wow. Moving on.

I can understand not liking the series. There are valid criticisms that can be applied to it and it doesn't appeal to everybody's tastes.
But I just don't get the "SCIENCELOL" criticism. The scientific process is the tool that they use throughout the series, but it only underlies the fundamental wish that we have to push forward, expand our horizons, and better ourselves.
If people use the science aspect in some sort of superficial, meme-ish way divorced of the real human intent behind it, then that's their fault, not the show's.

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This show is going to fall into the depths of obscurity like Black Clover.

>expected quantum physics in a fucking shounen
You set yourself up, buddy

You're trying too hard Dr. Flopfag.

You think they'll go into detail on this?

Attached: sulfonamide-2.png (887x1300, 381K)

Explains why the Huntercopes are literal fecal farmers.

>Black Clover

Attached: avinagiggle.png (390x470, 12K)

>huntercucks will say this is IFUCKINGLOVESCIENCELOL

Attached: 7b7.png (807x430, 233K)

>people actually talk about BC
No they don't. And shonenfucks don't count since they'd be eager to watch that shit anyway.

>nobody watches that except people who like to watch it

Attached: comeon.jpg (960x882, 59K)

Just cap their current assumptions that it's babyscience then feed it back to them when the Sulfie-chan ep airs

>he thinks because shonenfucks watch a shonen it's relevant

Boichi abs are great.

Attached: Dr. Stone #77 - Page 2B.png (1370x1000, 2.56M)

>bringing up IFLS in the first place
Back to Facebook.

>"i don't like it so it sucks"
Amirite hunterguy?

>he's mad hiatus x hiatus has more relevancy than his shitty shonen
amirite cloverfag?

senku is fucking hot

Attached: my legs are open.png (927x351, 336K)

>on hiatus
>see crying hunterboys everyday hoping it's finally over and they can get their 2 shotas back
>threads more dead than dr. Stone threads on bad days
Very relevant indeed

>over 200k a volume
Cool lie bro

>there's dr. stone threads
Now that's funny
Also any actual Hunterfucks shouldn't be preparing for more HxH since we know Tagashi's on his Dragon Quest deathbed.

Oops, I shouldn't have told you, you'll shit them up now. Nevermind~ Forget I said anything.

I mean you shat this thread up and no one's even talking in here.
>83 posters

My god, you're right
So how did you like the first dr. Stone ep?

People just close the thread when they see tripfags.

>actually watching anime
It was alright, it's shonen.

Attached: 1509584326448.png (1122x877, 1.17M)

Have you read the manga or is this your first introduction? Imo the real animationcheck will be next ep with Tsukasa. There isn't a lot of movement in the first chapter of the manga either, fingers crossed.

Attached: Screenshot_20190706_235700.jpg (1080x1136, 229K)

Never read the manga but i'm giving it a chance. It's a nice introduction so far. I'll give it a 3 episode rule.

You should watch until the village comes into play at least, that's when it really picks up. About episode 5 or 6 with this pace, I think.

> 3 episode rule
that only works on a 12 ep show , the point is 25% watched , so for 24 eps you gotta get to 6 before dropping it

That might also be just before the more interesting part of the story starts

If you enjoy the art, I advise to read the manga alongside it. Boichi, the artist specifically requested nice scenery so I suppose the details on the characters and their expressions won't be as high as in the manga. Also I noticed they left out some memeworthy panels, however they are sticking to the story and pacing 100%.

Attached: IMG_20190614_121333.png (303x373, 137K)

i love this gif

I hope they won't ruin the cliffhangers with their 2 chapters =1 ep gimmick

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What the fuck are you on, that's absolutely standard

>watches 1 episode
>calls it a gimmick
They'll definitely adapt 3 chapters from now on. The first chapter was just super long

So does he not even care how the stoning happened?

Attached: Screenshot (154).png (1920x1080, 1.73M)

he does, but he doesn't go deep into thinking about it until after there's already a semblance of civilization established

He does. He's currently on a cruise in the manga to find the source of it and get its power

Of course he cares. That is the principal mystery of the series.

He cares a lot, that's where the manga is at right now.

He does, it's his "one piece". They need to build up civilization to a point where they are able to research it.

His "stone piece," if you will.

They left out a lot of panels when the "world ended" but idk, we'll see. 3 chapters per ep would be crazy fast tho.

This episode had around 80 pages of manga material (obviously they cut a lot out) so 3 chapters may be doable.

It would end at a very awkward place next ep, don't you think? I think I'd prefer 2 chapters per ep.

Jojo frequently does 5 chapters per ep. We'll have to wait and see I guess but 3 isn't that fast really. Depends on the number of pages too

Senku is extremely pragmatic, he does everything in the proper order, and he realizes he's not going to make any progress towards the stone mystery if he's still spending all his time on surviving.

Also he literally states his goal as making sure that science beats "fantasy" (fantasy being the seemingly magical petrifications)

I'm just assuming from the fact dr. Stone pacing is already fast as it is.

That's true but there's also a lot of explaining and exposition that will be way quicker in the anime form

I think the end of chapter 5 works fine. I'm mixed on how fast they should take the pacing. While the first episode did cut out bits here and there, it captured the soul of the first few chapters well. Since I've already read the manga I think I'd rather have a slightly less faithful adaptation if it means getting more episodes like the first.

You literally never made any argument in the first place you retarded manchild.

>363 posts
>85 ips
>all retarded
Dead series

I'll be honest, I felt the whole world going to shit felt a bit too fast, should've adapted a few extra panels. Thinking back, seeing buildings, bridges collapse and people in despair got me hooked. I wanted an extra minute of that good stuff. So I'm afraid they'll either skimp on the action or just throw an explanation at us to save time if they go too fast.

> 86th ip
> (you)
> also a retard

Why do shounenfags antagonize each other

>no u
Is this the power of SCIENCE

because we're all each others hotblooded rivals

Its not called Dr.Flop for kicks and giggles

It's a merrygoround
>"I got shitposters in my threads so you need to get shitposters in yours"

We are all friends

Because we all can't come to the realization that no matter how much our show sucks, it'll never be worse than Toriko

I think 2 chapters/episode works, with some short filler here and there. Maybe a "Senkuu's Science Lesson" omake at the end.
Thematically, I really don't see anywhere else they could end but Chapter 45 although after they show that montage of how all the generations progressed to the present to his current village allies, they'll have to insert a non-speaking 'live' shot of Taiju and Yuzuriha somewhere to show they're still out there and not forgotten.

Fight me, I love all three.


>like chi, chakra, nen and other childish things
None of these concepts are childish. What a weird and frankly retarded statement to make.

I want cooking with Senkuu segments where they were meant to happen, not at the end. I love that smugfaced segment so much.

Literally nobody calls it that.

but instead of superpowers all we have to compete with each other is hate filled shitposts

It's just some superhero aura concept. I'm tired of it. OPM is nice, everyone has their own bs, I'm fine with that. But no obvious superpowers is even better.

What are you talking about, Toriko had no anime.
You hear me?
It did not have one.

holy based


>all Senku can do is make shitty primitive devices
>Makes wireless headphone

srsly though, are wireless headphones that easy to make?

If we have to acknowledge HxH 1999 and Beelzebub, we have to acknowledge Toriko. Even if it had that one shitty OVA with One Piece.

The voice is doing him justice, too.

You better do, I still want more cola-kun for christmas.

HXH fags only like haitus x haitus for the shotas.

dr stone doesnt have enough loli or shota or fight scenes so it probably wont do that good in ratings. thats what happens when you deal with anime only low iqs

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Damn how did I miss it like, where did you find it like these 1,898 views?

The range is a problem, the signal wouldn't reach as far as it's shown, however it is possible. Just not as practical.

I'm sure these threads will be fine by at least episode 7

>World Trigger
Fuck, I forgot that pos existed.

As long as it lives, Idc, it's not about being numero uno with dr. Stone, it's the comfy feeling.

This guy fucks

Although i don't like HXH fags, i can't help be impressed (but also disgusted) by their sheer autistic dedication to their series.
Compare that to Berserk, i feel i haven't heard from it for a year.


The principles of the rochelle salt earring are much the same. The radio waves are received by the galena crystal at its resonant frequency and the copper loop through induction, and are turned into sound waves by the rochelle salts in the earpiece.

He should know that a sufficiently advanced alien civilization capable of manipulating protons and neutrons could flash transmute an entire species with relative ease.

Is this the Rick and Morty of anime?


Aylums is one of his theories behind the petrification

That was Pop Meme Epic.

I thought Dr. PUSH was just a meme but this thing is apparently getting ads on Times Square. Fuck are they doing with their money?

If you're tired of it, that's fine. Just don't put it behind some bullshit pretense like it being too childish for you. You're allowed to just not like stuff, y'know?

HxH is the Rick and Morty of anime, Dr. Stone is the Factorio of anime

Nah, that was the Robot Chicken of anime.

It just seems childish TO ME, it doesn't need to feel childish to you
Also nice digits

Will we still get a full ocean crossing boat arc with all kind of weather and sea phenomenons? I want it so bad.

No way in the 24 eps, manga is a different story

>may 2019 numbers out for a damn while
>Dr.Stone sold over 2.2mil for the first 11 volumes

I know it must be hard, but try racking up those single lonely cells inside that noggin and do some math.

Unironically yes. The posts itt confirm.

Most people did, but the few who didn’t are somehow OK with that.

Americans could use some basic education ngl

What's fun about shitposting?

getting (yous)

Baiting is fun. I do it from time to time. I don't see a point in active shitposting tho. Unless you have something funny to share. At least we don't have many fujos for now. Those are the worst

Getting the attention that you don't get in real life.

They're mostly waiting for Gen. I'm waiting for Tsukasa.

Attached: p.jpg (1067x1600, 336K)

When you get that one previous user who is genuinely upset and who you just know will dwell on it. That is worth an easy post or two.

>At least we don't have many fujos for now
I don't think Boichi's style is fujo-friendly, the guys are pretty buff with lots of muscle definition i love it.

Why does Senku look like he has algae growing in his hair like some kind of sloth?

Didn't stop jojo threads from becoming fujo ridden

The fujos will arrive when Gen does, or at the very latest, cola.

Fair enough, and thanks.

He looks so good. I want him to tenderly break my neck.

Haven't bothered with Jojo yet, my condolences though.

It feels like forced family gatherings or school situations where everything is so comfortably chaotic.
The guys who make bad jokes, the autistic people, the agressive boy who throws a tantrum, ... and the few people screaming about how they can't work in this noisy mess.

It's super cute, motherfucker.

Attached: 1200px-470Leafeon.png (1200x1200, 742K)

They anime better go all out at the cola scene.

There's a kid who can kill Lions with his barehands.

This shit is even more stupid as it doesn't even explain how.

Remember that the Ruri taking the medicine scene will be mere moments after that.

The cola in the OP made me happy, hopefully they'll do it justice.

Brute force.

>Taijuu's fingers turned red after brushing the snow off of Yuzu
I've watched the episode 3 times now and I keep noticing little things like this, I'm really happy so far.

Attached: Taijuu Fingers.jpg (1920x1080, 349K)

Why did this faggot shave.

the Yea Forums PUSH

Also when Kaseki shoots the fireball/blows glass you can see for a brief moment that the image is turned upside-down, because he is making a lens.

Attached: mpv-shot0002.jpg (1920x1080, 263K)

what do stone bros think about 2nd villain?

Attached: hyoga.png (400x447, 140K)


every season jumpfags hyping another moronic shounen series just for it to get shit on by anyone above the mental age of 12. It's not just that the adaptations are failing (which they are) but also that none of the manga were every good in the first place. They're writing for shounentards arguably the lowest common denominator of weebs, who are all retarded to begin with.

this anime does an excellent job of fellating man-children and teenagers into thinking their edgy fantasies are more sophisticated than they actually are

Already best episode.

Wow, you did a good job of writing a lot of words without actually saying anything. Impressive.

don't you get tired of posting literally the same thing so often?

His only reason to be in the story was to redeem Tsukasa, which is fine since Tsukasa is great. I feel like Hyoga has an arc coming but we'll have to see. Would be a waste to put him on the ship just for him not to do anything

*Slow golf clap*


Attached: seriously.png (439x718, 321K)

stop giving him replies, you should know better

>implying he's not answering to himself
5D chess.

>Hiatus x Hiatus fags flexing on Herofags for their mangaka being sick and taking lots of breaks

wew lad


he didn't want his waifu to be turned off

Attached: fgdgdfg.png (420x327, 152K)

Do you think anime will boost manga sales?

I'm pretty sure you can count the number of manga that didn't get a sales boost from an anime adaptation on one hand, so probably

Definitely. The question is, by how much?

He has no need to hide his good jawline. Only jawlets maintain a big beard.

Watching this fucking protagonist babble on about basic science shit like he's some kind of fucking genius is so annoying. The E=MC2 that has nothing to do with anything, the constant hitting you over the head with how science works, having him be Mr. All-Knowledgeable General Science Man, it's honestly Big Bang Theory-teir smart guy development and I hate it.

>The E=MC2 that has nothing to do with anything,


>If you chop up a long hydrocarbon chains you can get short hydrocarbon chains, *unjustified smuggness*
>Wow Mr. Incredible Science Man I didn't understand a word of what you just said, you must be the smartest person on earth

>The E=MC2 that has nothing to do with anything,

Attached: 8deaa7c52ca02ca855004ed51e201725c.jpg (720x720, 45K)

Hey, you stole that from me. That was me, a GangStar, absolutely destroying retarded and seething SOfags now that everyone can bask in how glorious Golden Wind is.

Why is everyone coping my post now? I mean i know i was absolutely based but just stop it.

you couldn't figure out why he wrote down E=MC^2 so his smugness is justified

>basic science shit
If most of the audience doesn't know, then it's nto really basic. Hell I'd have to question your intelligence if you think "E=MC2" has nothing to do with anything.

If I ever need reminder that I'm on Yea Forums...

Why is the OST so good? Damn. I love the music for the little research montage, and when Senku starts talking about how they're gonna take the world back.

>admits in public to watching Big Bang Theory enough to recognize its pattern of smart guy development
>thinks he can legitimately criticize any form of human entertainment from that point forward

>retarded animefags ruin threads of great manga

it really doesn't take more than a couple minutes to figure out

>retarded mangafags ruin threads of great anime


Except this is thread about a great manga with good threads ruined by animefags after the debut of the anime series, but nice try you braindead animeturd

why would wild grapes grow in japan?

A lot has changed in 3,700 years.

presumably there are grape orchards somewhere in Japan in the current year, 3700 years is enough time for plant life to spread

have sex


Grapes are cultivated in japan. It isn't out of the realm of possibility that after society disappeared domesticated grape varieties out competed some wild plants and survived. Grapes can grow well on mountains and in nutrient poor soil, actually making them fantastic at growing in many parts of japan.

Actual retard. The fight sections of dr stone have always been some of the most retarded shit ever, involving powerlevels, completely unrealistic superhuman shit and asspulls.


At least make them put some effort into their bait before giving out (you)s

Don't forget that the MC as well as many other humans already have alot of ideas in his head that other humans have been experimenting with for their whole lifetimes.

It's not like they have to relearn how to create fire.

kill yourself

Good job on throwing buzz word around and showing how you just shit posting when you already wrong before even post, check the source before posting fagget

why were all the girls in stone clothed and the guys naked?

the rushed the first chapter and skipped some scenes anime confirmed now being a shit adaption

Yuzuriha was naked, Taiju makes a dress for her statue. After the 3700 years, everybody was naked.

To be realistic it would need that Tsukasa weren't capable to stop the bolt of a ballista with his hands, but he does. It's not realistic realistic, it's like sports anime realistic, where a 15 year old kid does something every game that it's justified as possible because some guy at the NBA did it a couple of times, or Kenshin "if you slash fast enough you can create a vacuum". It's only realistic in the sense that they won't do magic.

In all honesty, if I were part of Senku's crew I feel that I would need 20 years to perfect how to make glasses, if I don't give up before. Of course, I'm not a talented borderline superhuman, but the series is about a cast of ridiculously capable people (not only Senku, everybody is broken in some way). I don't know why it's that hard to accept it, it's not the first series with characters like that.

Boichi's girls are super sexy.
Sadly, there is little of the erotic stuff.


>barely any modern human can survive in the wild alone with no tools or prep.
Just drink water from a stream and eat wild berries, not that big of a deal, so long as it's not winter or some shit.

Which, incidentally, was brought up in the actual show.

But yeah, at the end of the day it's not meant to be realistic, but more like realism looked at through a lens that cranks up everything to 11.

Tsukasa can kill lions with his bare hands. Not exactly Discovery channel stuff.


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I don't even like Dr. Stone and I think that comparison of yours is bullshit.

Everybody was petrified with their clothes intact. After thousands of years they deteriorated away.

>just drink water from a stream and eat wild berries,

You're bound to get a waterborne disease and get poisoned eventually.

Are they going to save the cute fertile girls right? In order procreate, most logical thing to do.

I swear I must be going insane or soemthing because I swear to fucking Christ I am the only person who cannot suspend their disbelief enough for this show.
It's a show all about SCIENCE ns shiet, yet I am suppose to believe that two high-school kids were concious while being strapped in stone being unable to see or hear or move at all for over 3000 fucking years and they havent gone completely and utterly fucking batshit insane?

he was trying to rub her clit

It's JUMP manga, user, the whole thing appeals to narcissistic teens more than anyone else. It's goofy, immature and barely makes sense.

>Gee I'm up against an army which is de-petrifying top breed soldiers at an alarmingly high rate while I'm stuck in my village with only 5 or so fight-ready soldiers, better spend 30 fucking chapters reinventing CELLPHONES outside the village and vulnerable to an attack at any time but it doesn't happen because the author is a retard who can't write anything realistically

>vulnerable to an attack at any time but it doesn't happen
Did you forget the part where Senku tricked them into believing that he had guns?

It was a race against time, remember all those fools that attacked Russia in the winter. Tsukasa was waiting for spring thus no attacks.
You dirty speedreader

What's wrong, feel bullied?

Literally with his hands, try to keep up. Just one good suckerpunch.

Hyoga wasn't stronger that Tsukasa iirc

Hyoga with his spear was said to be just as deadly

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