What the fuck is this shit?

What the fuck is this shit?

Attached: 0.jpg (1370x907, 1.03M)

Other urls found in this thread:


The best damn sports show

>this shit
This is unironically the pinnacle of anime. It is like it was specially created just to cater to my taste

Attached: 44bb4096a853a61f933e21e6adae01a8.jpg (800x536, 91K)

Eva of our time


iam in the same boat. That is just what I wanted out of an anime

Attached: Erika smug laugh.png (388x422, 192K)

boring garbage

A great sport anime with great girls.

Attached: D-ruGNwUcAAz6vF-orig.jpg (818x1168, 369K)

t. plebs

Epic argument there, faggot.

One of the best sports shows ever.

Attached: katyusha is cute.jpg (600x676, 46K)



Attached: D-wkQ-xVAAAHqke-orig.jpg (709x956, 171K)

it actually appears and gets BTFO. really wish i could've watched it twice but japan had it full every day

Getting new girls and then ignore them is really a crime.

Attached: D-lsv8PUcAAa9OP-orig.jpg (700x1958, 241K)

Did the other team field emus?

no, unfortunately. most of the other teams were just shown in a montage because the second half was dedicated to evolved chihatan


We aren't running away! We're just charging in reverse!

The epitome of Martial Femenine Arts

How is tank combat feminine again? Do they ever explain that shit?

Attached: BD 4- Origins of Senshado.png (1465x2433, 926K)

Announce season 2 already you fuckers. You can keep Das Finale going in theaters while shifting to new characters for s2 (likely for international competition instead of just within Japan)

I want to see Kay's Burgerboos go up against the American team in a burger-eating contest!

sort of slice of life anime with alot of waifus involved with tanks, attracting both the autisitc boomer WoT/WT/Armour Warfare audience and the usual weebs

So many buzzwords

Movies give them more money, they will never do a second season.

it's a show that pays some attention to tank detail, and also displays the typical high school casual life for girls (in an anime) involving a club that operates these tanks in competitions, similar to sport-competition animes, but because it has tanks it's more unique i guess

also the girls larp as the country their tanks come from so there's alot of waifuing

This is better.

Attached: D-O7cKJUYAEbR7--orig.jpg (1062x1500, 534K)

am i wrong in the head if i still waifu them despite first watching season 1 7 years ago?

Attached: __akiyama_yukari_girls_und_panzer_drawn_by_miyao_ryuu__sample-ba615ace9d3be8f4a6dfdeb82c32f1b0.jpg (850x1189, 209K)

Good moelitary show, still not better than Sora No Woto though.

Attached: __sorami_kanata_sora_no_woto_drawn_by_wk_low_f__8e75671ef0f67f449e8a27cc2e62602b.png (800x1129, 800K)

What, all of them?

well, katyusha, yukari and kei


Das Finale is season 2. It should have been clear when the first movie spent over half its runtime on introductions and ended in the middle of a battle. It's structured like a TV series, not a series of movies. You can clearly see how it would be the first 2 episodes. If anything you have it backwards; the movies should have been new characters while a season 2 would be this direct continuation.

(Japanese animated) girls in (German) tanks, user

if sugisaki ken can have a harem so can i

Never watch it, still the OP is my favorite.

There is nothing wrong with liking many GuPs.

Attached: DQoL5rBUMAAc0oa.jpg (1200x1067, 210K)

i feel it has some similarity with touhou in this aspect

btw, have fun with this, not NSFW btw


Stil the best.

Attached: Mako 1.jpg (1066x1491, 214K)

I'll tell you what it is, OP. It's time

Attached: chovy dab gif.gif (1577x948, 774K)

I want to make Mako a mother and a wife

This, the producers know GuP prints money, so they're going to squeeze every Yen out of it they can

>Add yogurt and waffle
>Don't show any new characters

Do you even have to bother with angling in modern-day tanks or are the guns just good enough to chew through armor anyways?

It's complicated.
Well the front is always more protected than the sides. I'd rather shoot an Abrams or a Leo 2 in the side, than the front. Though most modern MBTs can even withstand older RPG rounds.

I want to make her a single mother.

Angled armor is still a thing, but from what I know, modern MBTs are designed to be "front toward enemy", so parking the tank at an angle isn't really a thing anymore.

Sloping is still better than not sloping as far as effective thickness is concerned, but it's more for keeping the height/radar profile low these days than it is for getting the most out of steel thickness, with the advent of superior/composite armours. As far as modern gen 4 tank guns are concerned 'first to shoot, first to kill' is probably assured, no matter how well armoured you are in a particular direction.


Attached: Mako 2.jpg (858x1200, 353K)

What kind of sausages does Italy have?

Not this one.

Attached: DznsJ_SUcAAp_ue.jpg (1181x1748, 220K)

Alisa-chan, please stop fantasising about Takagi-san in public like that. It's shameful.

Attached: 1546370517725.png (605x623, 763K)

I made an edit of this image a while ago where the sub sandwich was mosaic censored out but I didn't save it afterwards. Does anyone have it?

From personal experience, the kind that tastes fabulous, but sends people into coughing and sneezing fits when being prepared.

It's kinda surprising how every European country appears in the show except Hungary, even though they had a heavy tank research program and they were the only country along Germany that used the Tiger in WWII.
Do Japs hate Hungarians because an irrelevant Central European nation had better tanks than them?

Attached: 0.jpg (628x329, 88K)

Oh wait, Yugoslavia and Greece are also forgotten

no they just forget you exist

Isn't it Joghurt?

There are already plenty of girls with an appetite, no more hungry girls were needed.

Dude, even Burma was included. I just find it weird how every irrelevant country appears in the show, except Hungary, which had better tanks, than the shitty Panzer 38(t)

>shitty Panzer 38(t)
Without Czechs you won't even have Turan, which was just Skoda tank built under license.

Attached: GregorLT38.png (1772x1530, 604K)

Turan was crap, tough it wasn't as big of a crap as the T-21, which had constant engine problems. At least the Turan didn't break down on every corner, and the 50 mm cannon was better than the 47 mm one, while the Turan II was a glass cannon with its 75 mm main gun that could knock out T-34s.


a series that starts too slowly, show is OK but almost ruined by CG and a show that should've just stopped at the end of the first season. all the OVA, movies and other autism shit is just cheap cash-grabs for otaku money.

But that's when it gets good.

Won't change the fact that all Hungarians had were designs borrowed from someone else, and that LT Vz,38 was so shitty Germans actually built thousands of them. Also T-21 was a prototype, it was expected to have its faults, Turan being shit is not something you can blame on Czechs, that was full responsibility of Hungarians.


Attached: D-t2PZAU8AA5SMC-orig.jpg (749x767, 103K)

I love that baka Hip

Yeah, truly, what is this?

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God I wish that was me

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Anyone got that Orange pekoe hair tutorial image? Or was it Darj? Or am I imagining it, I dunno.

It does start way too slow, easy to get bored and drop it before it gets good. The large amount of characters benefit a rewatch to the detriment of the first time viewing. But the show constantly gets better. The action becomes more common and over the top. Maybe that's "otaku pandering" but the show wasn't fun because of its deep themes and we'll written plot

You know over half of the koala population has Chlamydia right?

You know anime isn't real, right?

You know tanks aren't real, right?


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Attached: D-opZpRU4AUsY22-orig.jpg (1449x2048, 467K)

Tanks in anime are not real, yes. No idea what that even has to do with the reply chain but okay.

Are you real?

Cute pits

Attached: 73850393_p1.jpg (640x800, 278K)

What a homo

Attached: 53829175_p2.png (750x1000, 292K)

Is Maho the only GuP who owns a pet, canonically?

Attached: panzer-kitty.jpg (300x300, 24K)

I am canonically Darjeeling's pet.

I want to impregnate Nonna's Ural Mountains, if you know what I mean

Attached: Nonna swimsuit tiddy.jpg (850x1063, 243K)

How cruel. Poor user.

Anzu has two.

Miho has one.

Attached: THATIII.png (570x1037, 557K)

Erika has one.

Attached: 54486029_p8.jpg (472x472, 152K)



Attached: 55440289_p0.png (1000x1117, 567K)

Attached: 55440289_p1.png (1000x1117, 505K)

Miho has two.

Attached: D9BE-YQVAAElBKh-orig.jpg (2703x2602, 1.46M)

A modern masterpiece and one of the best modern anime franchises, and the best sports anime, and the best military moe anime.

I mean that completely genuinely.

Attached: 1561667684612.jpg (3490x6671, 3.19M)

The only reason why I keep coming here.

Attached: 18.jpg (1280x1791, 326K)

I want to physically harm Erika.

>more than one waifu

Attached: polka stops oh shit.jpg (900x1200, 243K)

Dumb third wheel wani.

Attached: 19.jpg (1280x1791, 329K)

Good luck she's behind 150 mm of kruppstahl

>Nishi holding a crocodile

Attached: nishi.jpg (854x1206, 486K)

The wani doesn't deserve the bullying.

Attached: D-oVnzzUcAU_j6o-orig.jpg (525x875, 82K)

That's bullying.

Attached: 62636000_p2.png (500x700, 375K)

Erika having her boyfriend stolen right in front of her!

As expected of my wife

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That's best duck.

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>"I'm wearing this just for Maho..."


Attached: y5543.jpg (1200x1549, 197K)


Attached: D-pAwBXVAAAwbZW-orig.jpg (600x800, 164K)

How to fix Erika.

Attached: 55273864_p14.jpg (1417x1417, 694K)

Erika's girlfriend is a player.

Attached: __carpaccio_darjeeling_kay_mika_and_nishizumi_maho_girls_und_panzer_drawn_by_yuuhi_arcadia__fa181527 (592x800, 434K)


Maho doesn't like dark hair, does she?

None of the leaders or important characters of the individual schools have truly dark hair. Outside of Nishi. Technically speaking, Maho has dark hair anyways.

Miho a best
Darjeeling a second-best
Maho a third-best
Alice a fourth-best
And that all guppies are love and that there's no such thing as a worst GuP.

Hey fellow /gup/ anons, I was here when the movie dropped and loved it, but shortly afterwards was in an accident and left in a coma.

What has happened in Girls und Panzer since the movie?

Attached: 1394343534215.jpg (1280x720, 105K)

I need pics of French tanks!

Attached: 1512742109109.jpg (1456x819, 332K)

>there's no such thing as a worst GuP.

Attached: 66426708_p1.jpg (1300x1000, 913K)

What have I missed?


Attached: D2Vp37ZUwAAqDiJ.jpg (1000x800, 141K)

are they denizens of Oarai's J-burg?

The impregnators of the GuPs.


Momo is too dumb, now she needs Nishizumi's plot armor to not to be a prostitute.

>Outside of Nishi.
well, we now can add Eclair to Nishi.

Attached: e6697.jpg (1040x850, 309K)

Eclair a cute.

Tiger (Pee)

Attached: 1523979140562.png (490x567, 214K)

how could Oorai's lower decks be so lawless?

Imagine actually liking some greasy tank girl lmao

Attached: 1536191750287.png (1848x5048, 998K)

Greasy girls are sexy

Delete this

Attached: carl.png (810x482, 479K)

>I cant see any native brown girl

The fuck is this racist shit!?

Ooarai is run by a capitalist dictator. While Anzu is an autocrat who is willing to intervene to secure power and protect the ship from outside threats, she mostly let's the school run itsself. Rules aren't enforced and the school moral's committee is powerless. The result is that there is a large underclass of impoverished students who Anzu sees no reason to aid. What's more, her student council actually sees that they be protected from any disciplinary measures, allowing them to create another, less clean society they can run themselves. It's dirty, violent, and thuggish, but also free.

Attached: 1498773222752.jpg (480x430, 65K)

But the koala

I love these cute shitposters.


That guncondom

Attached: GuP Leary1.png (1200x1736, 684K)

Noriko = Best

Attached: __isobe_noriko_girls_und_panzer_drawn_by_haruhata_mutsuki__9b3ff00f7d4837a0da9c322bd645bd69.jpg (600x800, 51K)

I am still hoping for combined arms operations with fleet battle that involve several academy ships.

Are tanks an athlete?

we've been over this. Tanks are innocent.


Attached: gup.jpg (302x167, 11K)

If an athlete with a mechanical limb is human, an entirely mechanical tank is an athlete.

Inferior to Haifuri
Inb4 (you)

>even Burma was included
More relevant than Hungary

In before hamsters.

More movies.

Waking up early with Mako!

You die if you wake up early.

Waking up in cold sweats with Miho!

This is my wife Saori. Say something nice about her.

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Nice seal

Why nobody draw them like real and cannonical nazi girls? They will look great wearing the uniform from the League of German Girls (Bund Deutscher Mädel)

Attached: D-khu6bVAAEeEe--orig.jpg (2094x2314, 330K)

Sup LARPer

y is mare cri

Ooarai didn't deserve the victory

Anime of the century.

Attached: gup_mika_consider_the_following2.png (1040x1250, 344K)

post French tanks

GuP was my very first anime

this is a no-bullying zone

Attached: 1428070574104.jpg (1280x720, 115K)

Attached: wewsaori.jpg (650x850, 73K)

Au moins elle n'est pas Québécoise

>make mini series pre-WWII nazi GuP
>show /pol
>they buy tons of merch

Season 2 funded in less than a week.

Attached: imperial waifu.jpg (1280x720, 98K)

How long were you in a coma for?

>this is a no-bullying zone

Attached: 2573701795_1.jpg (600x325, 40K)

She's beautiful

Attached: Girls_Und_Panzer-3-02.jpg (1920x1080, 112K)

Alternatively, Anzu is a corrupt autocrat who wastes the school budget to get extra goodies for the student council as a whole and dried sweet potato skins for herself, instead of something that would benefit Ooarai. In this interpretation, her financial mismanagement necessitated the cliche sports anime plot as her harebrained scheme to prevent the school from being shut down.

How do I satisfy Mika?

Attached: __mika_girls_und_panzer_drawn_by_roivas__59c64b994f246a4ecf622839eb3678a7[1].jpg (1771x2205, 1.12M)

Bring her lolis

please delete this, my wife is pure

Attached: 3b58638faa65ee27756fe18c395c2da2.jpg (2591x3624, 948K)

>whores out her underarms to any Tom, Dick or Harry
user, I have some news for you...

dont give me flashbacks to that doujin

Alright you autists, where do I start with these qt tank grills?

Attached: >slavoids.jpg (960x798, 95K)

Is it just me or she looks mature and older now?

Attached: 5d16be3582d65_4c66fa538af6bc78687004fe23249bfa.jpg (640x360, 144K)

Rosehip is the absolute sexiest GuPpie. There should be little to zero dissent regarding this fact.

Attached: __rosehip_girls_und_panzer_drawn_by_inu_aerodog__sample-c2f2b01b07b5d1669972140f3944ff18.jpg (850x1269, 190K)

Rosehip goes in all fields.

Attached: ROSEHIP.png (450x740, 286K)

How do you satisfy the wind? Just enjoy it while it lasts. Bring food and cute girls.

Attached: gup_mika_sailor_seifuku.jpg (600x849, 201K)

Dumb and ugly.


Attached: rose.png (1200x601, 221K)


Attached: hip.png (1200x601, 215K)


Attached: happy_celebration_loli.gif (639x360, 469K)

updated confession album for BC never

Attached: 57.jpg (1066x1491, 199K)

Not true.

Attached: __rosehip_girls_und_panzer_drawn_by_nana_manaita_koumuten__41f38a6d03e6c8e1ed8671089a1e1f1f.jpg (600x750, 51K)

there are many, but luckily they are all divided up into teams for easy classification. Ooarai is the main character's school, is roughly half the characters, divided up into 9 teams. The rest of the characters come from WWII country-themed school. No team has more than 6 named characters, except Chi-Ha-Tan, though that's an anomoly as most of them are nobodies with less characterization than some of the unnamed characters.


Anglerfish Team - tank prodigies, dirves the Panzer Vor (4)
Miho Nishizumi - MC
Saori Takabe - thicc n' thirsty
Hana Isuzu - regal n' hungry
Yukari Akiyama - tank autist and spy
Mako Reizei - lazei, night owl, genious

Turtle Team - school council, drives the Panzer 38, later the Hetzer
Anzu Kadotani - president, good at everything, lazy
Momo Kawashima - public relations officer, bad at everything
Yuzu Koyama - vice president, work mule

Duck Team - Volleyball club, drives the type89
Noriko Isove - cute boy, like volleyball
Taeko Kondou - from gunbuster, likes volleyball
Shinobu Kawanishi - body-conscious, likes volleyball
Akebi Sasaki - blonde, likes volleyball and ballet

Hippo Team - History club, drives the stug III
Erwin - likes WWII history
Caesar - likes roman history
Seamonza - likes the sengoku period
Oryou - likes the meiji restoration

Rabbit Team - freshman team, drives the M3
Azusa Sawa - diligent captain
Ayumi Yamagou - actually missing in some scenes
Aya Oono - twintailed internet browser
Yuuki Utsugi - young, dumb, ready for fun
Karina Sakaguchi - excitable
Saki Maruyama - pondering life

Mallard Team - student morals committee, drive the Char B1
Sodoko - head of the committee, hates how lazy Mako is
Gomoyo - looks like sodoko, is meek and shy
Pazomi - looks like sodoko, had a rough past

Anteater Team - fucking nerds, drive the Type 3
Nekota - nyaa, could be pretty if she tried
Piyotan - piyo, fat
Momoga - gaaa, gross

Too bad they'll never be as good . Not even a Makofag.

Attached: kawaii.jpg (400x453, 126K)

I'm ok with feeding Marie cakes for life.

I meant where should I start with watching or reading, but I'm still going to save your post for reading when I understand the series better.

is2.Yea Forums.org/e/1562357916187.jpg

Attached: marie.png (500x500, 263K)

anime of the decade

i think i want to get into tanks now

maco is so cutee

Attached: baby seals.jpg (1458x1250, 245K)

mature after facing death and living.

Attached: fukuda lunge mine.png (848x820, 763K)

Good that we agree that Mako is the most precious girl.

I want my wife Shizuka to impregnate me!

Attached: gup shizuka and rins in lesbians with each other.jpg (600x742, 144K)

Leopon Team - automobile club, all tomboys, drive the Porsche
Nakajima - nothing ever gets her down
Hoshino - brown
Suzuki - brown and happy
Tsuchiya - likes to duriftu

Shark Team - delinquent sailors, drive the Mark IV
Ogin - captain and drinker of non-alcoholic rum
Murakami - brawler
Rum - non-alcoholic drunk
Flint - singer
Cutlass - bartender

St. Gloriana - british themed girls, named after teas
Darjeeling - school captain, command the Churchill
Orange Pekoe - cute boy, loads the Churchill
Assam - school intelligence officer, nerd, shoots the Churchill
Rukuriri - takes it from behind, command a Matilda
Rosehip - speed freak, poor, command the Crusaders

BC Freedom - French girls
Marie - rich and aloof school captain, commands the FT-17
Oshida - rich and angry, commands the ARL44s
Andou - poor and angry, commands the S35s

Pravda - soviet school
Katyusha - angry midget, school captain, commands a T-34
Nonna - midget's slave, shoots with an IS-2
Klara - only actual foreigner in the show, commands a T-34
Nina - dumb and cute, loads and commands a KV-2
Alina - helps load the KV-2, dirty party informant

Saunders - American themed school
Kay - school commander, fun and relaxed, commands an M4
Alisa - vice commander, uptight incel, commands an M4A1
Naomi - quiet gunman of the Firefly
Helmet-chan - Alisa's loader, great ass, no name

Kuromorimine - german themed
Maho Nishizumi - Miho's sister, autistic team captain, in the Tiger I
Erika Itsumi - bitch, worships Maho, vice commander, in the Tiger II
Koume Akaboshi - ghost of Miho's best friend
Emi Kojima - good at dancing, in the Jagdpanther
several unnamed characters also shown, they have fan names

BC lost because of her weight.

Attached: D90YKogUIAE7cdY_orig.jpg (992x1935, 160K)

Shit bruh, is this how you like spend a saturday night?

Attached: 0b45b42773d99669c64ca1dc6da5f919.jpg (500x800, 41K)

Rude, Koume is the goodest girl.

Chi-Ha-Tan - Imperial Japanese team, full of idiots
Kinuyo Nishi - well-meaning, hard working, limited ability to command her team. In a Type 97 Chi-Ha
Fukuda - freshman Tojo, only smart one on the team. in a Type 95
Tamada - highest kill count on team, in a Type 97 ShinHoTo
Hosomi - cinnamon bun hair, in a Type 97 ShinHoTo
Chi-Ha-Tan has 6 more named characters, but 2 of them are introduced in the yet unreleased (to us) film and 4 are shown on screen for like three seconds.

Anzio - Italian themed, poor
Anchovy - duce, command a P40
Pepperoni - baka, commands the CV.33
Carpaccio - fan of Caesar (female), commands the Semovantes
Amaretto - drives Pepperoni's CV.33, is ready for a fight

Jatkosota - based on Finland, bunch of dirty hobos. They all fit in the BT-42
Mika - commander, goes with the flow
Aki - loader and gunner, infatuated with Mika
Mikko - driver

Selection - United Nations based college. Characters command a bunch of tanks with no characters
Alice Shimada - commander, rival of the Nishizumi family, 13 year old college student, has a neural-net attached to her drivers and gunner. In the Centurion
Azumi - from BC Freedom
Megumi - from Saunders
Rumi - from Jatkosota

Recent film also showed us new characters, of note: Wallaby from Koala Forest (Australia), Eclaire from Maginot (another French school) who has her own manga, Kay's brown sister El from Blue Division (Spain). I assume they all get 3-10 seconds of screen time

just start with the main series. It's got an unfortunately slow start, about three episodes before we get a real tank fight, but it constantly gets better. After the main series, watch the Anzio OVA which is basically a lost episode from the middle. If you enjoyed the girls and want more from them, watch the 6 short OVAs. They fill in minor scenes from throughout the series but are pretty much just fan service of various types and can be skipped if you're just in it for the tanks
Der Film is the must see sequel and currently the series climax. Das finale is the 6 part sequel OVAs in the process of coming out over the next decade. Currently only part 1 is available, part 2 on the way. It's fun but don't expect satisfying conclusions for a long time. The series doesn't pace itsself well.
If you need manga, motto motto love is a 4-koma that helps characterize those 80 girls I listed. Ribbon Warrior is edgelord shit that explores the other schools more. there's a few other manga that have come out that i just haven't cared to read, and quite a few that haven't been fully translated (or at all)

Marie is so fat that she can't legally partake in Tankathelon

Rose~ chwan!

Attached: __rosehip_girls_und_panzer_drawn_by_a1__sample-4e98fb3d4da8aaa9d4c00ca5d667fe4f.jpg (850x1516, 142K)

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Stop being rude to Marie

Attached: D9P-jsTUEAAAKga.jpg (814x1200, 182K)

Attached: darjeeling+kay (girls und panzer)+naomi (girls und panzer)_wata do chinkuru_adbe0a05f269f993a8aaf5db (803x1000, 89K)

Thanks my man. I'll save all your posts, I'm sure I'l appreciate them more when I'm done!

Attached: D24_JgmUgAAlgcH.jpg (900x865, 124K)

>not die before Mako
tall order

Attached: D16BRTUUwAU2Cf6.jpg (800x1199, 198K)

guppies need to stop being so sexy so I can actually do things in my life

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Fucking Pravda sleeper agents!

Attached: Koume 'Red Star' Akaboshi.png (225x350, 141K)

>user actually do anything in life

Attached: D3g8DSEU8AAEFoY.jpg (1199x674, 117K)

A-Are those sweat?

wait this does not explain the lack of guys in the series, okay uncool is one thing, but what are they doing?
So the guys are all doing aerial combat now with fighter jets?

Attached: qmark2.jpg (374x374, 41K)

When will the Saunders spy ever be dealt with?

Attached: sakaguchi karina+sasaki akebi_onsen tamago (hs egg)_5fdc29b35608ec79411b2483b52934d0.jpg (1600x1600, 1.38M)

Based Leary

>casual darjeeling with hair down and zr
i can't control my horny levels


Attached: anchovy+carpaccio+lancia delta integrale+pepperoni (girls und panzer)_uona telepin_143bcf69b75ca053c (800x624, 352K)

>variable valve timing
>second gen soarer
Doubt (X)

Attached: Soarer.webm (1280x720, 2.18M)

Attached: D-oK4gZVUAAq2WC-orig.jpg (1750x2048, 452K)

Dumb loser


Attached: tanks vtol.jpg (1280x1280, 219K)

best girl

Attached: 1549690492823.png (871x871, 543K)

Attached: D7am7V0V4AUTLWi.jpg orig.jpg (1366x2048, 180K)

Attached: D7GBK7nVsAAmmFQ.jpg orig.jpg (1268x2048, 140K)

Go back to /c/ dumbass

Attached: 9421395.jpg (1920x1080, 306K)

don't sully my threads by comparing them to Yea Forums posters

Attached: 1395296688762.jpg (715x722, 67K)

Cute seal

Attached: Saori_swimsuit.jpg (270x480, 30K)

She deserves to be lovingly pounded.

She also deserves a bigger pic, but who am I to complain.

>Flat and fatty thighs
Marie is literally perfection.

Attached: D-YJ_L6U4AEk0Q6-orig.jpg (800x890, 55K)

>Mikko - driver
That's so little for one of the best drivers.

Attached: D0FcGBnVYAEvHja.png (538x900, 660K)


Attached: D7_KeooV4AEPlVh-orig.png (496x900, 631K)

Pantsu when?

Boys spinoff when?


Attached: D3epWINU0AESn1-.png (500x552, 236K)

Attached: Seal.jpg (792x1280, 167K)

I want to be the first to impregnate Saori!

Nice try, Saori.

Too late

where's the english versions?

Saori is infertile. Try Rosehip

Attached: 21b13c079bc3efca38263be79d8caae1.jpg (495x600, 208K)

Look in the archive.

Attached: Anzu.jpg (1066x1491, 708K)

>Wanting retarded children

Attached: 1447558123696.jpg (365x550, 81K)

>Saori is infertile
Those milkers say otherwise

The greatest love story ever told

more ribbon warrior when

Attached: ChallengerII 001.jpg (2304x1728, 691K)

On kaanniina muistona Karjalan maa :-D,
mutta vieläkin syömmestä soinnahtaa :-D
kun soittajan sormista kuulla saa :-D
Säkkijärven polokkaa! :-D

This thread needs more F L O O F

Attached: 1534336937459.png (1441x1500, 697K)

No more fluff.

Attached: D-SsnvHUwAEPfDc-orig.jpg (1200x1200, 187K)

Attached: gupyukari.png (1024x768, 1.24M)



Attached: 84521043005201627.jpg (1527x1080, 326K)

What a nutty edit, who was behind this?

90s gup best gup

Attached: 539cdf9dc95012f7981e8f10dd2e37ad.png (1024x768, 1.01M)

Fluff a best.

Attached: __akiyama_yukari_kadotani_anzu_kawashima_momo_koyama_yuzu_and_nishizumi_miho_girls_und_panzer_drawn_ (1024x768, 251K)

Attached: rh.jpg (750x900, 128K)

they are Toecutter & Bubba Zanetti

Greatest uniform ever made.

Attached: D-tKmt5U4AEzjEi.jpg orig.jpg (3121x3384, 953K)

I still like more my thighs.

Attached: 48651374_p11.jpg (1000x900, 271K)

Attached: D7VP-noU8AEmcd3.jpg orig.jpg (1366x2048, 146K)

what about the nightrider?

Aoshidan shows thighs AND cleavage.

Attached: aoshidan1561803987041.jpg (640x905, 106K)

Attached: D6OIyuSUUAIeCmi.jpg orig.jpg (960x1280, 72K)

Ooarai should step up their game.

Attached: 75589691_p0.jpg (1327x955, 211K)

>tiny areola

I wonder if Oshida likes crossdressing.

Attached: b0d6ffbc27ea47845884f5e05473fb26.png (789x1118, 730K)

But not in a cheeky way.

Attached: 1538703166839.png (260x500, 131K)

I want to ravage this boy.

They're lyrics from the song "I'm an asshole" by Denis Leary.

tiny areola is ideal

Dumb fucking imperials. They ruin like every mission.

Sensha do will never be real

I want to sniff her spats.

Attached: 1463539544537.png (900x1100, 271K)

Attached: 1536436272618.jpg (2150x3035, 682K)

back to /pol/

She's canon now.

Attached: 1561790010936.jpg (1500x844, 129K)

oh (((you)))

Attached: 1522385041527.gif (208x200, 3.24M)

alright, i'll revise it
>Mikko - coolest character in the show, driver

Attached: 1536912333817.jpg (1000x2344, 305K)

give her Karelia

Attached: finns.jpg (1080x766, 203K)

Attached: finns2.jpg (5136x3635, 2.01M)

Attached: finns3.png (1000x710, 669K)

Attached: finnsstealingrussian.jpg (800x1140, 639K)


Attached: njet, katyusha.jpg (850x516, 84K)

The cake was a lie.

Is that Katyusha on the second poster from the left, next to that bikini girl?
What she's doing, adverstising Pravda?

I think Naomi is really pretty.

Attached: 27674baf5f9383847bfb636ca70f74e4.jpg (1037x1000, 85K)

>Momo Kawashima - public relations officer, bad at everything
Not true, she's at least decent at doing her job as public relations manager, she's shown as skilled dancer and at least a OK loader.

Mikko telling her friends how amazing my dick feels, 2019, colorized.

Never been into GuP but this shit caught my eye. Why the fuck do the Finnish ones all have male names? Japs not even trying.

RW also gives us Aung. (Commander of the Burmese school, competes with Eclair for the title of the cutest loser).

Attached: aung.png (1024x1024, 1.07M)

>when you realize Fondue does not walk a bit behind of Eclair purely out of respect

Attached: 1515621739247.jpg (896x1027, 723K)

Same reason why Erwin and Caesar aren't generals and why Pepperoni and Carpaccio aren't food. They're all Japanese girls LARPing.

most of the characters have themed names. British girls named after teas, Russian girls have Russian names, American girls have American names. Italians named after Italian foods. French girls are named after play characters. Some of these are nicknames, as all the girls are larping as foreigners, with Anchovy and Carpaccio being the only one who's real name has been revealed (Chiyomi Anzai and Hina, respectively). Noteable that the Japanese themed school and the no-fun allowed German school use Japanese names. Even the Ooarai girls have themed names. Anyways, to answer your question, the Finnish girls are all given feminine Japanese names that happen to also be masculine Finnish names

Attached: 1524892910440.jpg (600x847, 82K)

A testament to the anime being dead. Just imagine if they really made a good war anime featuring tanks and brave soldiers on real battlefields, it would be glorious, no cute girls in sight, but only death, tanks and explosions. Shame we will never get that, since japs are fucktarded brained-diseased hikikomori's who cum on cute girl figurines in their spare time and the industry has to pander to their shit taste to get their autismbux money and what's worse is that Yea Forums considers it a masterpiece for some braindead reason, probably because most of Yea Forums is brained dead CGDCT moeshit figuring cum lovers.

How is the smell of her feet?

Attached: 74388153_p0.png (1448x2048, 2.54M)

>i wand cawadooty the annie may

Attached: KoumeDisgust.jpg (960x720, 69K)

God I want her to step on me so much.

Who said anything about COD? Is that all that pops into your braindead head when you hear words 'battlefield' or 'war'? You must have IQ of 0 if all you can think of when hearing these words are video games, you should probably get the fuck back to Yea Forums, shit for brains.


Attached: YukariTank.gif (550x400, 287K)

Miho really does fit that 90s style come to think of it.

Attached: __nishizumi_miho_girls_und_panzer_and_etc_drawn_by_a1__d1170b586c08d32f31d7dcd36d1136bc.jpg (950x777, 94K)

>no argument
As expected of your empty skull.

Looks like a Soviet propaganda poster, so it could be her


Attached: Miho.gif (444x408, 370K)

Yeah, blurting out 1 word replies sure must be fun, not that your empty skull can muster anything more than that. Just case in point for CGDCTfags.

cope that you'll never have your cawadoody anime.

Attached: MihoInvincible.gif (300x276, 221K)

as much as i'd like to see something like that, i'm unsure anime would be the best medium for it. the ratio of good to bad anime is atrocious and most of the good ones are lackluster in features that make for a good war story, not the least of which is animation and writing. even if it did come out, it would be a different product. half the appeal of this show is the absurdity. unrealistic action, the absurdity of girls running WWII equipment with zero risks or consequences. i can get "serious" action anywhere else (though I wish more of it would be world wars based), and i can get cute girls elsewhere in anime. This one combines the two well. if you don't like the first half of the title and really just want the second half, i imagine it would be a subpar experience

There's lots of mindless action anime with hot macho guys for you to self-insert as, the whole point of this is Sensha-do isn't war, it's a sport. If it had been made 20 or 30 years ago, the girls would be flying spacecraft or piloting mechs and the story would be identical

I don't know if is intended but there has also been two Finnish F1 drivers whose name is Mika (Häkkinen and Salo) and there was WRC driver named Mikko Hirvonen.

>wanting real war in GuP

Attached: 1546741058300.png (720x405, 500K)

You can watch GATE and rage some more.

>the ratio of good to bad anime is atrocious
The ratio of good to bad any media is always bad though?


my impression is that it's way worse in the anime medium. even many of the classics suffer from serious problems. my main issue is that the benefit of anime is that you can animate things, the detriment to anime is that no studio gets the talent/budget to do it and they have to constantly make shortcuts. so unless you want a serious war anime with shitty CGI, or short bursts of action with long periods of soldiers standing around and monologueing at each other, i'd look to the west for it. but maybe the trend of theater-based anime movies will help with getting better quality anime out there

GuP used to be big in 2012,now it's all about "wait 18 more years to get 6 final movies"

Attached: 1500634433689.jpg (967x902, 102K)

Some martial arts in Nippon are simply associated with women

There’s a small amount of detail you can add to Anzio
>Anchovy - almost as thirsty as Saori
>Pepperoni - good cook
>Carpaccio - hapa

Before it was just wait for the OVAs then the first movie.

also we all know oorai winning das finale is a foregone conclusion.

Yes, and?

zero fucking tension and surprise. a new school gets introduced only to job to oorai. people are gonna get bored of it.

Attached: MomoIntheShell.jpg (596x800, 168K)

>does fit
Nope. That nose looks ugly as hell

No offense but your post is extremely retarded. It is like you are 14 yo or something.

Attached: image.jpg (720x720, 103K)

Maybe it'll speed up when the Shirobako movie is done

It'll be real enough when we get a VR GuP game

Here you are

Attached: 48.jpg (1280x1829, 476K)

>VR GuP game
God, I want to be able to pet my Panzer IV in VR really bad.


my wife is sexy

A bunch of girls with down's syndrome, and lazy cgi tansk


Attached: shameonyou.png (1077x606, 634K)

You shouldn't have died early, Tsuneo. That's why she's so cranky now.

Man you guys are thirsty in this thread

>70% of Yea Forums is made out of autistic suicidal virgins
Imagine my shock.

Attached: 1546810734702.png (2132x1832, 428K)


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Attached: nishizumis.jpg (1200x1200, 204K)

Yes, they were warm that day I took them to the beach. We had fun. Shiho hadn't worn a bikini in public for a little while so she was a little embarrassed at first.

Attached: 196f6f5ae92ef840b9fb958ca607c1605c746e23.jpg (2437x3541, 561K)

What a bad mother

My daughter wife is very cute

Attached: 1556285674882.png (625x424, 557K)

S.T.A.L.K.E.R. mentioned it in a previous thread

Attached: 1560789975661.jpg (750x1085, 78K)

Attached: boko.jpg (850x439, 85K)

Darjeeling or Kay?


but to answer your question, Kay

Attached: darj.jpg (1000x1419, 1.5M)

Attached: darj2.jpg (1000x1419, 260K)

look, my wife Saori is cooking something for everyone

say something nice to her!

Attached: 7890b1180d8ddbe93fcbc303d48f61f5.jpg (1485x2083, 394K)

Dumb fat seal.

Smart beautiful human.

greetings fellow Americans

Attached: 1545012836422.jpg (737x467, 28K)



>cooking something for everyone
>Not cooking something for her husband only
your wife is the town bycicle

>he doesn't know how to interact and be social
no wonder you're a bitter incel

Attached: hrnyOfX (1).jpg (1920x1032, 428K)

>posting on Yea Forums
>not an antisocial hiki

not a tank

Attached: Disabled_Char_B1_1940.jpg (3656x2480, 2.42M)

Attached: Charków_po_zajęciu_przez_wojska_niemieckie_(2-723).jpg (2385x3520, 754K)

Meanwhile millions still to this day lap up same tired ass shonen shit that been same shit cookie cutter shit for decades. Where the mc jobs the entire fight only to unlock muh power of friendship super secret power move like there was any tension that the mc was ever going to lose in the first place.

>Nigel. I require blood. Blood of the Aryans, Nigel.

Attached: 00.png (1000x1419, 1.48M)

Attached: Darjeeling eternal anglo.png (638x685, 63K)

>My autism is my redeeming quality

The point is, why the fuck are you here if you're not an autistic fuck? If you're so into socializing go the fuck outside.

watch gup vids for anime girls and kino marching music
>glance at comments

>literal unironic neo nazis
>absolute brainlets who think this anime cares about their autistism for how tanks behave
>armchair generals
>armchair generals whose knowledge only comes from games and genuinely think real life war scenarios are fought by 100% stats. ie, if x tank cant normally penetrate y tank, therefore x tanks have NEVER killed or disabled a y tank EVER in the history of war

Attached: 1558159860276.png (753x565, 25K)

>You have to be at least this retarded to browse Yea Forums
Not everyone is a basement dwelling cretin, user.

Attached: (((.jpg (373x442, 66K)

>is on Yea Forums well known home of the antisocial autists
>complains about the antisocial autists

Get the fuck out of here lmao.

>Thinks everyone is an antisocial autist like him
>Thinks being mocked is complaining
I'm not complaining user, I just look down on you.

Attached: you.jpg (500x340, 35K)

Good maybe you can go do that on reddit or discord or whatever hugbox you're from.

Oh and Saori is an annoying fat slut desperate for any cock she can get. Literally the worst girl one can imagine.

Attached: 02.jpg (1280x1821, 621K)

Attached: 06.jpg (1280x1826, 602K)

Attached: rosehip kills shota.jpg (1200x1748, 266K)

I like Pepperoni

What's the best pic of her?

Attached: _008.png (1492x2087, 2.03M)

Volleyball is fun!

Attached: CmPP2tRWQAA45tI.jpg (848x1200, 144K)

Attached: 5c4b7634dd1411cc7400ef9543573e87.jpg (1000x1400, 873K)

is this some newfangled vehicular homicide fetish or something

No, it's a prelude to shotas being raped by guppies.

Attached: pekoe sad.jpg (566x653, 135K)

Would it have killed them to spend 10 minutes thinking about the plot before settling on literally nothing every time?
It would have been a 9 or 10 had there been any sort of worthwhile story.

As God intended

Attached: 1542727092333.jpg (595x842, 95K)

Most of the plots happen in the background, only appear in manga or just a fleeting allusions. Pravda's purge, St. Glo's civil war, Maginot's radical change, the new transfer student Duce taking over Anzio, Anzu disposing the Ooarai's chairman, what the fuck is going on with Count's Kohiyama, shits like that.

>Pravda's purge

Katyusha's manga.

Attached: DxgUwRnU0AEKmzv.jpg (1000x710, 158K)

Purge as expelling people or just removing them from positions in the Team?

Maybe the second, it's not over yet.

Fat disgusting slut

Attached: 1532642353607.jpg (766x1200, 116K)

Big homo

Attached: DyrEqZ9UwAEIJlr.jpg (1984x2205, 271K)

>He thinks I'm the Saorifag

Saori is not a slut.

Sidelining as an isekai transport service.

I really want a spinoff about how this fatty fixed her school.

Attached: D9_9OcGVAAAFAn7-orig.jpg (1653x1653, 268K)

arguibly the best anime this decade alongside hibike

Purge as in Katyusha beating the shit out of them.

Attached: GuP_Saga_of_Pravda_Ch01_16.png (1440x2066, 1.43M)

Attached: GuP_Saga_of_Pravda_Ch01_18.png (1440x2066, 1.15M)

Attached: D-3dtu0UIAEKd4J-orig.jpg (1024x818, 197K)

Nona VA is a fucking sovietfag, but Clara was really voiced by a Russian?

Attached: Uesaka is sovietpilled.png (1280x720, 551K)

What is Jormungand?


>There's lots of mindless action anime
No there is none, and I wasn't talking about mindless shooty shooty bang bang type of shit. I want something like GITS, Patlabor or Jin-Roh, but there's no such anime airing right now, literally none and there never will be, not unless the 11's demographic changes.

Yup Clara was modelled after her as well.

Attached: klara.jpg (800x521, 135K)

Attached: kat.jpg (1150x1450, 282K)

She gets fucked dark colored guys.

dumb slavic midget rat

Attached: marie pout.png (700x652, 584K)

Cute rude fatty

Attached: D-31FbaUIAApvot-orig.jpg (1172x1312, 115K)

Why is she is so strong?

It's fun.


I guess we need the thrilling conclusion.

Attached: GuP Leary2.png (1200x1728, 799K)

Attached: D-nwVx-U8AAhxTo.jpg (627x900, 138K)

>someone somewhere there's a PJ version of GuP waiting to propose to her senshado girlfriend

Attached: PJ_getting_shot_down.png (1048x719, 65K)


Attached: __reizei_mako_girls_und_panzer_and_etc_drawn_by_bbb_friskuser__sample-499ef980ba84d2c22477a18067c6cb (850x1244, 194K)


Attached: D-qHJwMUIAApCEz-orig.jpg (2800x3541, 562K)

Sad, but true


Based, but GuP is not nearly as bad as these threads make it seem


What a slut

Miho's fat butt.

more ribbon warrior when

Attached: ribbonwarrior.jpg (4199x3038, 3.74M)



Attached: GuP_Ribbon_Warrior_Ch16_14.png (2111x3030, 643K)

Too much tea

Attached: Girls-und-Panzer-Anime-Darjeeling-index-acg-3748700.png (928x1214, 1001K)

Never, i hope.


Attached: D8wR5-rV4AAXJAR-orig.png (827x900, 803K)

One day, i hope.

Attached: fatfrog.png (282x316, 74K)

Is that supposed to be menacing? because I could take out one of those with a molotov

KhTZ-16 a very brave

Fat aristocrat you go to gulag now!

Attached: M13 Torretta Telemetrica.jpg (532x321, 19K)

that's not how tankathalon works lad.

Attached: e25.png (2075x3028, 830K)

I want to pinch Marie's fat thighs!

Attached: D-aI0fvUcAAS0OP-orig.png (281x740, 79K)


Attached: 1538851589916.jpg (1280x1280, 162K)

Literally a communist revolution against her senpais.
I’d say she didn’t completely fix it yet, but that provides extra fuel for the potential spinoff.

Attached: DPEP4cuV4AI8vBN.jpg (850x626, 101K)


>Picking a Russophile nip and a Russian weeb to voice a Russophile nip and a Russian weeb

Even better, there is so much stuff that they can do.

Attached: D9frElBUEAAvo91-orig.jpg (675x2000, 259K)

Dumb midget

Attached: Dz7O8_dUUAALfWx.jpg (1066x1491, 227K)

Attached: yukari_subarashi.jpg (1280x720, 124K)

sauce? iqdb finds nothing, and google image search leads me back here

Attached: image.png (569x1025, 140K)


I love my wife

Attached: Yukarin_B-Day.jpg (2620x3715, 1.86M)

Thanks, Enigma is cracked.

Attached: wani.jpg (2150x1448, 655K)

Attached: 009.png (2079x3000, 1.84M)

bien dit tabarnak

Attached: marie (girls und panzer)_tavor (m tavor)_dd7ff58a0dd87022ef9d09d2a9b285cc.jpg (1792x3541, 1.12M)

Well tank sports would be thrown for a loop if infantry can exert influence with explosives.

yeah that's me

Attached: 49fd60b7a82c1c2bffa8a949130a73a8.jpg (2591x3624, 691K)

Attached: 1535156309914.jpg (2100x3250, 1.36M)

you're probably wondering how I got in this situation

Attached: 0.jpg (538x599, 48K)

Attached: 1534432920035.jpg (637x900, 75K)

Attached: erwin dab.jpg (827x798, 78K)

>Discord cancer
At least this time was late.

Attached: you ever fuck up so bad they make a scale model of how badly you fucked up.jpg (800x917, 283K)

Attached: 1544655624094.png (961x728, 398K)

>implying these haven't been image dumps for years

At least post something with the pics, there are other boards for spamming pics.

She also voiced a Japanese aircraft carrier, though.

So Miho gets involved?

Attached: 1547693549687.jpg (838x1200, 147K)

>Missing Nilhiri from Gloriana

>Missing Gelato and Panettone from Anzio

Add them user in that pasta

Attached: 1561694244873.jpg (1000x1000, 120K)

So Nilgiri is defense-Momo?

Attached: DyANnjxU8AI-_gh.jpg (1600x1180, 202K)

More like teaboo Momo
Same as useless

i'm not sure what discussions you're after, given we've already had them ages ago.

Attached: 5bce582284.jpg (672x720, 234K)

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Attached: 1494948603620.jpg (1200x1700, 166K)

Attached: 1557948662310.jpg (517x640, 63K)

I really like Yamashita's art and I'm sad that Koto isn't making GuP scales based on his GuP art as they did with the art he did for SF, Tekken, Marvel or DC

Attached: D-4EUV0VUAAQpW6.jpg (1150x1200, 149K)

At least Nilgiri is useful as a mobile target.

Attached: DMbFSZkVAAEC64F.jpg (700x577, 57K)

Discuss why Darjeeing is such a slag.

Attached: 74562488_p0.png (1066x1526, 1.41M)

Attached: 1552936771359.jpg (845x1200, 172K)

Attached: 1534173936700.jpg (858x1200, 184K)

What a cute dork.

Attached: ss+(2018-02-24+at+09.25.22).jpg (671x444, 159K)

Vanilla or Chocolate?

Attached: AC6E41A0-EDF6-4BCB-BB20-6463971031AC.png (800x644, 809K)

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As far as I’m concerned, that’s America’s ass.

Attached: 19DA4222-0CCC-4C1D-8D5C-6730FB3A10D7.jpg (850x1190, 225K)

Attached: ss+(2018-07-20+at+11.55.03).jpg (1186x593, 303K)

Those are swampy tits. Remove desu

The cute and talented Nishizumi Miho is my wife!!!

Attached: illust_71328137_20181109_000546.png (728x1032, 325K)


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You disgust me

That's Japanese, though.


Can she really grill?

That's not Anzu or Yukari though

Best image to post ratio a GuP thread has had in a year. Good work everyone.

I haven't kept up to date with gup in a while is this a new char or?

Nobody recognises Kay after she got BLACKED.com

That's L from the Paizuri school.