Tanabata Haruhi

It's Tanabata, Yea Forums. This year for sure vol 12/S3 will be announced you haven't stopped believing in your true goddess right?

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Why was Kyon obsessed with Mikuru?

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let go


She's his daughter from the future.

Why is she a hobo here?

waiting for s3 be like that

Never. I want to believe.

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Let it go dude

The moment you stop believing in her is the moment she dies.

No! The ride (waiting for season 3) never ends!

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Will season 3 come before yuki finishes her sammich?

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why does she sits like that?

wasn't it like, just tanabata?

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Tanabata is on 7/7, dumbass. It barely turned 7/7 in Japan 3 and a half hours ago.

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Haruhi's message reached Altair already and will reach Vega soon.


Season three!
Say it with me!!
Season Three!!!

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The hype train that goes on forever, never stopping on never ending tracks, hoping, waiting, for the day it would ultimately arrive at the station, the station that doesn't exist.


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To show off her alien feet

s-season ₜₕᵣₑₑ

I'm starting to think there won't be a season 3

You can wait a little longer, right?



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Which endless 8 episode was best?

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whichever one had THAT ass shot.
You know the one.

season 3 never


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Perfect position for throatfucking.

I'm not sure if it isn't helping but I've been wishing for no S3 for every Tanabata and it seems to be working.

Flirting with Haruhi!
Inviting Haruhi out for dinner!
Getting to know Haruhi!
Walking Haruhi home!
Lending Haruhi my coat to keep her warm!
Holding hands with Haruhi!
Kissing Haruhi on the cheek!
Saying goodnight to Haruhi!
Walking around the back of the Haruhi residence!
Waiting three hours behind the Haruhi residence!
Climbing up to Haruhi's window!
Cracking open Haruhi's window and climbing in!
Sneaking up to Haruhi's bedside while she is asleep!
Covering Haruhi's mouth!
Taping Haruhi's mouth shut!
Holding down Haruhi!
Slipping my hand up Haruhi's nightgown!
Punching Haruhi to stop her squirming!
Grabbing Haruhi's ass!
Slipping my hand under Haruhi's pantsu!
Fingering Haruhi's pussy!
Pulling up Haruhi's nightgown!
Kissing and licking Haruhi's tummy!
Sucking Haruhi's perky pink nipples!
Licking Haruhi's armpits!
Ripping off Haruhi's pantsu!
Pulling Haruhi's legs apart!
Sliding my cock into Haruhi!
Fucking Haruhi in the pussy and then the asshole!
Cumming inside of Haruhi multiple times!
Rubbing my raw cock on Haruhi's cute little feet!
Wiping away Haruhi's tears!
Wrapping my hands around Haruhi's throat!
Strangling Haruhi until she stops breathing!
Carrying Haruhi out the window!
Tossing Haruhi in my car's trunk!
Driving home with Haruhi!
Putting Haruhi in my garage!
Noticing Haruhi is still alive!
Stabbing Haruhi with my kitchen knife 35 times!
Disemboweling Haruhi!
Spilling Haruhi's blood all over the floor!
Cutting Haruhi's body into various chunks!
Burying chunks of Haruhi in a shallow ditch!
Helping Mikuru search for Haruhi a week later!
Comforting Mikuru and assuring her Haruhi is just fine!
Flirting with Mikuru!

get help

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Jesus tap dancing Christ, why?!

>Mr and Mrs Suzumiya do you know anything about where she was the day of the crime?
>(sobbing) uh... she was out with user...
>police immediately get a warrant to search your everything

I like this meme

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You know theres no need to kill her, right?
Just don't cum inside and there will be no evidence.
Then you can support her through the post rape trauma and become her rock that she relies on. You could even tell her that her friends are saying nasty things about her behind her back like that she probably made the whole thing up. That way she will be socially isolated. She will fall in love with you because you will give her no other choice. If she wants to hang out with other people you can guilt trip the hell out of her because of how much you helped her before.
Then on your wedding night when you fuck for the "first" time, it will be all too familiar to her

I'm 50/50 on this. On the one hand, I want a new season. And I want it bad. On the other hand, it's impossible for it to re-capture the aesthetics of the original show. A new season would most likely look like the Yuki nagato spinoff. I bet it would be done by JC staff, it would be 12 episodes long and it would bomb, guaranteeing that we never get another season again.

why not?

You won't make me stop, you're just making me stronger.

in any loop kyon loses it and rape everyone including koizumi?

why wouldnt there be. there's literally no downside as long as yuki won't find out

How did it even start anyway?

I'd rather get a new season that is shit than get nothing at all.
>it would bomb, guaranteeing that we never get another season again.
The author isn't going to write more books anyways.

bad translation

Haruhi-chan 2, please.

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despite all odds you persist! ganbare user!

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Don't lose hope!

She's not a goddess. Kyon is the deity.

She is Yea Forums's goddess. Shitdoka and Homushit are just pretenders.

>whore seiyuu
>fucked everyone except the drummer

It was the bassist you meme spouting fuck.

I have, so go away.

Season 3 already came up, we've just been trapped in a time loop and haven't realized it yet


what does it says here?

College Haruhi when?

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Ah, its finally tanabata in my timezone

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>Still no tanzaku


Does Yea Forums not care about Haruhi anymore?

I dug up something from 2010, fun times

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Is that from Haruhi negai?

from this

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Haruhiism or /ksg/, which will last longer?

Season 3 already came out.

I barely remember that, for some reason I mixed it with the next year.

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I like to imagine Haruhi comes home after school to a trashy apartment like that and her deadbeat father beats her with that lead pipe where no one will see the bruises. Gives a new flavor to the show.


Special event since today until august 31

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>2014 was haruhi hunting
>tfw no one even bothered to Tl the new book since it was NIL of actual content


Well, they had event in Japan and dear god how everyone has aged. Dont get your hopes too high though

Adult Haruhi when?

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my dick will never be ready

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Bambi took 63 years to get a sequel. It could happen.

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Nagato S2 when?

that was so good

This will be the year lads, I can feel it.

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Did the novels ever come to an actual ending?

the last one

damn bitch, you live like this?

Why people want another season? I though anime was concluded.
I guess im not touching it then.

>literally stops at Kyon saying "we have to deal with this shit after finishing the nabe"
I guess nabe was poisoned all along

read the ln

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That Yuki spinoff made her look like an adult for some reason.

She is such a fucking semen demon it's unreal.


(would still watch it)


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Do it for ALS user.

Who else gonna rewatch the bamboo leaf rhapsody?
This and the DAL ova has become my annual tradition for Tanabata.

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but I rewatch the series almost every week

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depressing thread

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What do they say?

Who agrees?

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>imagine the smell
Was this intentional?

>snowy mountain syndrome OVA never


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That's my favorite story and I would never see it animated.
Fuck Kadokawa

It's actually going to be announced in 2021. I have a plan.

When I wish upon Tanabata for new seasons or at least OVAs of favourite franchises they come true but turn out to be shit. When I did it with Haruhi, Yuki-chan got announced.

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For fuck's sake, the first LN was released at fucking 2003. We are relatively closed to the 20th anniversary of the franchise. Just think about it for a second.

This must be one of the worst managed popular IP in the history.

Should we try to list all the unsolved mysteries or new developments that were teased and we won't ever see?

-The armored knights at the school festival
-What is the deal with Tsuruya?
-The vacations at the European enchanted castle