Shingeki No Kyojin

Isayama interview and audio from last chapter. He is going full madmen.

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>f-fake memories

Kill this fucking cameraman

is 120 the last chapter? i remember someone saying it was but now people are saying it's not?

Can you unironically believe that ?

Arya El Goblina Sue La Creatura of All Fanfiction RUINED THE HYPE


Shamefur dispray, commit sepuku.

t. shitrenfag

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Eren in tanktop looks so hot.

Togashi is better


t. Historia

What is that shit in the pic? Some game?

Why what did the chink say? Too lazy to watch all that

Armin will kill Eren


eren is dead bros...

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He didn't say that

>the chink
Have some respect you fucking faggot

Wait I'm really confused. Is it actually the audio from the manga's final chapter?
When was this confirmed? What does it say?
Has he said how many chapters are left?

Bros... I'm scared...

>Armin was supposed to die, but now it's Eren
Feels good to be an Arminchad

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eren is an inner part of isayama and isayama explained that for a manga to be remembered in his heart, he wants to feel phenomenally hurt.
the reason it was so hard for him to say that eren was like an inner part of himself is because he will unleash the wall titans and he is alive

>Isayama is Eren
>Isayama is alive
>Therefore Eren is alive as well
We cracked the code

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>lost his head and doomed his people because he was too much of a pussy whipped cuck to just sacrifice Historia.

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Why did the manlet decide that he should be the one eaten by Falco

GoT ending confirmed

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Yeah, that's something I don't really get. It would have been infinitely SIMPLER to sacrifice Historia. If you could avert the genocide of your people by killing the girl you sort-of-liked, but is more like a colleague really, the choice is pretty obvious.

Hell, if you have an 'I win' button in the form of the Rumbling, the solution is "Yes, Rumble the world. Run, don't walk, we'll figure out the rest later after we win."


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>Tfw Eren would literally use his own head instead of hurting Historia

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Is Isayama depressed? Considering Eren is a part of Isayama’s inner self, will Isayama kill himself once Eren dies/the manga finishes? Why does he look like he’s blinking away tears?

Eren didn't know this would happen, dumb shipperwhale

The way I interpreted it is that isayama was using erens recent character to show his views, but was scared of how far eren would go to realize his goals which is the part of isayama that he was afraid of. So basically how far would you go to achieve freedom?

Fellas I'm worried about Mikasa's brain tumour.

Eren is going to meet Ymir Fritz and she's going to give him the choice whether to remain in the PATHS or return to the world, right? We all know what his choice already is.

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Sure he didn't know, but he's in war that he purposely participates that poses such risk.

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>she gets raped by Marleyans for the rest of her life.
B-based Chadren

but he was willing to sacrifice manlet, so at the very least Historia is more important for him than manlet

Liner will RAPE Ereh’s chuuni rectum

What a fucking qt. I'm glad he's satisfied with the way the Warhammer fight came out since it was probably the best fight in SnK.

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Punished Yelegoth; Ymir Fritz reincarnated into an Amazon Queen will squeeze Mary gargoyle Stark's head like a melon

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There is another way though which is titanizing Historia. That's why I said "purposely participates".

Not if Zeke uses Eren's head while there is still time

From what I interpreted:
He said he needed to hurt readers, and I understood from that that he needed a character going rogue and turning tyrannical/genocidal, anything that isn't too peachy rose and pretty "heroic" with nip readers and readers in general.
He thought that character was going to be Armin at first and he was obviously trying to slip maniacal Gesumin and giving us little tidbits of his "cruelty" as explained in his speech "bla bla if you want to defeat the monsters you need to become the devil". The SC primary figurehead served this purpose well, being the "Devil" in that he took unapologetic measures to reach his goal.

I think Isayama had his doubts about promoting Armin as Erwin's successor and is now turning to Eren, a character known for its single minded behavior, gave him a new purpose (muh freedoms) and unleashed his freedom autism on the whole world. Meaning, Eren now from an ethically objective standpoint is no longer the hero, because he's a rabid dog who wouldn't comply with the diplomatic approach and would rather genocide the whole world to save his people.

Does that hurt readers per se? I guess most faggots reading don't want to be challenged with a morally ambiguous character. What would really be ironic and a cute tied end for Eren's arc isn't for his death, but for him to turn into a "tyrant" during his quest for freedom.
Maybe he'll make it so every one of his successors is a slave to the "fight!" will, he who fought solely for freedom, will doom his people to endless slavery, just like Karl did a 100 years ago.

Anyways, all I know is that Armin was supposed to fulfill this dictatorial role from a narrative standpoint, but now the roles've been reversed. And Eren is essentially, with his plan to rumble the whole world, and not just release a mini nuke, a "villain" to be put down. I don't think he's destined to die before he activates the rumbling.

I'm not gay but Manlet looks pretty good with that outfit.

But the goal is not the Rumbling. It is to get to Ymir without her suspecting a thing.


>I'm not gay but
user, I...

So we're going full Scarlet King from SCP eh? Fuck

>There is another way though which is titanizing Historia.
nigger THAT is the way he is talking about because hange said "do you not care about what happens to historia" and that was his response. the plan, which was stated by the manlet, was to feed zeke to historia when she gave birth.

On a serious note, why did Isayama feel the need to make such a low quality cliffhanger? assuming Eren pulls an "O MY TRANSFERRED CONSCIOUSNESS" like reiner did next chapter, it'll honestly feel cheap.
I wish he actually did kill off Eren for real.

Is there a Gabi Coldsteel pic yet?

me too gaybi

Why is Eren a villain though? Why do you faggots keep saying this? Why aren't the people trying to eradicate his people the villains?
What is wrong with you faggots seriously.
You talk about moral ambiguity and then say biased bullshit like this, you make me sick with your language.

We know, Armin

Too forced user

>Why is Eren a villain though? Why do you faggots keep saying this? Why aren't the people trying to eradicate his people the villains?
If the only people left in the world are Eldians, the only free person in the world is the Founding Titan. The rest are his slaves.

>the only free person in the world is the Founding Titan. The rest are his slaves.
According to who? You are literally making this shit up from nothing

>I think Isayama had his doubts about promoting Armin as Erwin's successor
I hope this is true, because I think it really captures the way the readers feel about Armin's character, too. He built us up to believe that Armin would have the balls to throw away his humanity, but no one can fill the same shoes as Erwin and so we're all let down. Ultimately, we're all questioning whether or not he should have even been given the serum. It's similar to the way Isayama directed the reader's feelings toward Reiner. Initially, you like him since he's a cool dependable older brother type character, then you become angered and start to hate him when you find out he's the Armored titan. Then, all you can do is pity him once you learn of his circumstances and see how badly everything he did hurt him.

I don’t know if I would say it is a low quality cliffhanger. Regardless of whether you think eren is coming back, the MC getting fucking decapitated right in front of zeke is pretty good

the founding titan can, at will, make every single subject of ymir his own plaything. none of them will ever be as free as the founding titan. thats what he means, retard.

Every Eldian is controlled by the Founding Titan. It takes only a single person who inherits it with bad intentions to turn the entirety of (remaining) humanity into slaves.

>Why is Eren a villain though?
Are you mentally impaired or something? Did you not see me write that most AUDIENCES outside of your little thai web weaving forums don't like moral ambiguity? Where did I imply that I thought he was a villain you dense motherfucker?

From paradis (mostly civilian) standpoint he's a hero, sure, but for nearly the rest of the world he's an enemy that must be destroyed. Not that hard to get.

Maybe Armin should have died too. I guess Isayama wanted to show the monster thing with Eren

I'm glad Jeanbo survived another day, but I'm still scared for him since he's wearing the wrong gear for titan fighting.

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Then Isayama is a faggot for thinking this is hurtful and not emboldening.
He is letting his weakness win.

Sex with Annie!

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So what was the point of gesumin? Is it just abandoned now?

I'm a pedophile who wants to fuck Gabi and I also enjoy Eren's character.

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Did you not watch the interview? Eren is dead for good

He's a peacefag now, so yes.

when's the next chapter?

I'm honestly too much of a brainlet to understand the endgame. Too many people have an agenda, between the ones who want to kill all eldians, the ones who want to euthanize them, the ones who just want to preserve the status quo, the ones who want to wake up the wall titans, the ones who're just here for oil or some other bullshit etc etc, and Eren who's just acting like an asshole and I still cant tell if he believes it. Hell even the dead two thousand years old girl seems to have an agenda from beyond the grave for some reason. This is gonna be one hell of a mess to sort out in the few chapters left

Eren flashback chapter

Eren approves

>B-but that wit studio artwork
>S-surely it has to mean something

I honestly kind of like it better. If Armin was willing to fight, it would be far too easy for him with the CT. Since everyone always talks about Isayama's subversions, it once again subverts what was already established. Armin seemed like he was always willing to get his hands dirty in order for the greater good. Now he only begrudgingly does it. Eren seemed like a righteous shonen MC, but now he's relying on no one but himself and doing things we never imagined he'd do. In other words, Armin's outlook changes for the better, while Eren's just festers and becomes darker.

I guess he chose one of two ways. For the entirety of the last 100 chapters, Eren's development was a lot subtler than say Armin's which was outright addressed in the Trost arc with him overcoming his cowardice and taking on a more intellectual active role in the military. It's natural for Isyama to later give the flashy anti-hero development to Eren, who honestly I can't see any other way for him to be interesting in this arc.

>Then Isayama is a faggot for thinking this is hurtful and not emboldening.

No his editor is business savvy. I mean the guy got enough flack for including GASP armbands and Nazi/Jew imagery in the Marley arc. And people love to jump on a controversy.
You might find fighting for your own people to the bitter end emboldening, but most faggots do it the Armin way. The "let's talk it out" way.


What the fuck are you talking about, he said literally Zeke is unkillable. Feeding Zeke to Historia never was his plan.

gesumin has been long gone

Not so fast, George-kun.

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he said they couldn't kill zeke because historia was pregnant you fucking buffoon. either way, they couldn't kill him because he has royal blood and hes a titan shifter.

>I-I-I CAN C-CROSSDRESS AND BE YOUR BOYTOY *gradsplat and sniped*
He will end this cursed history, once and for all.

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But Armin's still willing to fight. Sure he's doing it begrudgingly, but he know it's needed to be done in order to preserve people he cares about. He killed children, user.

Jean is the only reason I'm still reading after my favorite character was killed off


Magath was in the left seat of the cannon.

But before he was willing to orchestrate those tragedies in order to further the SL's goals. Now, he's just pulled along by whatever is decided upon.

Am I supposed to believe that pixis just has a whole fucking bottle of jack Daniels in his coat that he carries around instead of a flask?

He most likely nicked it from somewhere using his alcoholic powers


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Why are people still saying Eren died when in the audio it seems like the rumbling is happening and Armin calls out Eren? I thought Isayama means Eren going full genocide when he talks about hurting his readers.

And he still insisted on using Zeke even after taking over the country just in two days. Just get Historia, abort the baby and titanize her. She doesn't need to be a shifter for the coordinate to work. He already forced or pimped her to get pregnant right? A measly abortion is nothing to the ruthless Eren and then feed her a shifter after his rumbling is a success if he plans to make her suffer more.

Why is he so cute?

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why is isayama such a hack? does he not give a shit about his manga?

>I mean the guy got enough flack for including GASP armbands and Nazi/Jew imagery in the Marley arc
Did he get flack for that in the only place that matters, or just the faggot West?

Gesumin lives inside of Eren now.

The pregnancy was an accident

I want to see Historia's bonding moment with Farmer kun.....

Oh boy I can´t wait to see Eren in this new manga chapter of Shingeki No Kyojin also known as Attack on Titan. Seeing him and Zeke win will be glorious.

To the user who wrote the AHEM manifesto, to you, 2000 posts in the future

First, your arguments are based on the premise that the Eldians and the FT are inherently bad, but that is only a potentiality. If you were to extinguish people based on the potentiality of them doing bad things, you might as well go all the way and kill everyone, seeing as everyone holds that potential - yes, it is called freedom.

It doesn't shock me that a Marley pawn like you would be against freedom; after all, you seem to revel in being nothing but a sheep and gobbling up their dehumanizing tactics, calling Eldians unfeeling abominations, constantly reiterating it to yourself to make it true, because admitting the shaky grounds of your "truth" would be admitting to being cattle: so Eldians cannot be anything else than "Demons! Devils! Unfeeling race of monsters!" despite the mounting evidence to the contrary. Eldians might be forced to be slaves, but you choose to be one.

And slave to whom may I ask? To nobody else than other Eldians. Eldians who probably made it possible for Marley to run in the first place. Eldians who recently cleverly removed many corrupt politicians from the scene, sacrificing much for the sake of the country.

You say it has been 150 rulers of the FT, yet have no evidence for your claims. As far as we know, it might have been just one, passing on his will and shortsightedness down the generations. So comes in Eren, a boy raised in an environment proud not for nation, but for humanity - Asian, African, he respects all without prejudice. He sees past the irrelevant categories of race and knows that all humans have the right for freedom. As the Attack Titan, this makes him absolutely immune, nay, opposed to the original FT will, and as such, he is the ideal candidate so far. After all, Eldians are slaves as you claim - but only if the ruler makes them, and even King Fritz never used his power constantly, letting the citizens live in relative freedom and peace.

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>Jack Daniels
Kek, I was thinking the same brand.

Peace isn't something you're familiar with? I'm not surprised. After all, it is your country that seems to be always rushing into conflict, claiming that they're goal is to exterminate all Eldians on the spot - and yet, they seem to keep them alive in internment camps. It is your country, as you said, who claims all Eldians are cannibal monsters - yet it is them who turns them into those monsters through science for war, despite them being harmless in their normal state. And it is Marley who wrote themselves into a corner with their devil narrative, blocking way to any diplomatic solution. And there are far more ethical ways of controlling this Devil curse as you speak of it, than outright genocide - it would only take imprisonment of the FT and the 13 year mandated replacement with a prisoner of non-royal blood to make everyone worry-free and to secure coexistence of the nations.

Destroying the world is of course unethical. Of course I will be first to admit that there are many Yeagerists amongst us Erenfags who wish to do so, but it isn't necessarily what Eren is trying to do: it wouldn't make his childhood friends happy, for whom he is arguably doing everything he does (subtly proved in many instances, including Kruger recalling his memories), and it wouldn't make the general reader happy, as it is too predictable, which, in an arc where we are purposefully led to guess Eren's intentions, is highly improbable.

Furthermore, killing all Eldians may be playing with forces we don't understand. If not for ethical reasons, I would like you to consider the unforeseen consequences of such an action, as there is a lot we don't know about the Paths, the Devil and Ymir herself. Killing all Eldians may very well result in an unprecedented catastrophe.

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At this point I don't even care anymore as long as my favorites stay alive.

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Me too.

When do you think Isayama decided he knew what he wanted the story to be like? How soon do you think he thought of Marley, and the Smiling Titan being royal blood, and stuff

Chadmin will fuck Pieck.

Only explanation because I don’t think it would literally fit anywhere on his person while riding a horse lmao

All in all, I am happy to live in a country which has presumption of innocence written into its laws, and not Marley. All nations have sins in their history. Nations are not hive minds: Individuals should not be punished in place of their ancestors or countrymen, but learn from them and strive to be better, to struggle against the cruelty of the world, hoping one day to end it - to fight. Fight.
I hope you realize that.

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Mikasa will impregnate Pieck and eat her

Is rumbling really gonna happen only in the last chapter? Seems a bit rushed to me. Didn't every other major battle had at least a chapter dedicated to the aftermath? And this will be the aftermath of the whole manga...

Why do people keep saying we have 3 chapters left? Don't mangakas and publishers announce ahead of time by a decent amount when their story will end?

CHADren will rape Pieck, Gabi and Armin

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I heard he wanted to end the manga after 90 chapters or so. Don't have any sources though

That's the next chapter user, Armin screams for Eren death and Zeke wakes up the titans of the walls

Because they’re retarded shitposters

user, that doesn't exist...

I really envy isayama his like an actual genuine genius, i'm really interested in his next story.

Zeke can't do that.

You better be AM fag then.

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Yes, he can if he eats Eren's head

Oh look, it's the very sad very big guy

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Wouldn't he be bound to Karl the Cuck's vow?

Regardless of Eren's death, that was the worst chapter Isayama has drawn and storyboarded to date since basement.

Doesn't help the writing and plot contrivances have been rising every chapter. I'm worried the ending will be botched, especially since he is squeezing so much in each chapter to rush to the end.

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Ok boys, this means that there were 21 pages in the chap that have inconsistencies on them that isayama had to get right, now we just have to spot them

>He said he wanted to do a gag manga next

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No, he wants to hurt ymir cucks

He needs to take a break desu
Based WIT with 2 AOTS in a row.

It's pretty much confirmed Eren raped and impregnated Historia. I wonder what Isayama's wife thinks about Eren being the inner part of him and that he wants to hurt people.

They were together tho at the farm... like how farmer kun is taking care of her

If Zeke inherits the founding then he gets cucked by Karl Fritz.

That would mean next chapter is the last.

So who will confess first?

im going to rape every european

the point is he doesn't want to turn her into a titan. that was apparent from the start, as soon as he figured out how to use the coordinate. he's trying to end the conflict BEFORE turning her into a titan, i assume. thats why the rumbling seems like a fool proof plan. simple, effective, he doesn't have to sacrifice historia, and all the "enemies on the other side of the walls" will be destroyed.

>Not snk

>literally fucking samura ninja jesus nartuo weebing out on vikings
no one gives a fuck this manga is ass

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He died as a man

I like when the shy ones are the first to confess.

>go on youtube and watch anything related to Gabi or Sasha
>people literally calling for a horrible death of an innocent little girl because she retaliated against people who attacked and murdured her friends

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>Willy Hatake

>diplomatic approach
It never works unless two sides are ready to settle after the exhausting bloodshed, retard.

>my favorites are the Brauns.
Feels so good.

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Eren dead? heheh don't tell me you actually believe this? When it's so clear that Eren is actually alive, he simply crafted a fake memory and tricked everyone.
Let me explain.

Much of what we see this chapter is fake, there are many very deliberate contradictions and changes this chapter, and i dont think these a simple visual errors. Visual errors happen all the time, but they are mostly inconsequential and have no plot implications, all the little fucks up this chapter stick out like a sour thumb and potentially mean a lot for the story.
I predict Eren somehow made contact with Zeke, Triggered the founding titans powers and created Fake Memories to trick the eldians, including reiner, zeke, etc(While we've seen the shifters resist the control of the founding titan, nothing says their memories can't be manipulated), into thinking his dead.

The rationale.
At the start of the chapter we get a shot of zeke, laying on Erens old titan shell, except now there's a weird gash their that was never shown before, we don't yet know what this means but i think that was erens doing. I hypothesizes that since the WHT can use its powers without titanizing, and it can access and use it's old structures or corpses, that eren used this to make contact with zeke, and trigger the founding titans powers.

Throughout this chapter, there are many deliberate errors, like the fight was rewritten, scenes don't seem to logically follow, first things first is piecke.
In the last chapter, she abandoned her titan corpse, so that Magath could get a clean shot on Zeke, yet immediately at the start of this chapter, she is fully gear up somehow, her old titan corpse is missing, the scenes simply don't logicially follow, she goes on to swing the gun around and fight soldiers, it's like the scene is fake, not based in reality, I feel half of what we've seen isn't real.

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That is some next level shit. Out of all outcomes he picked up the worst one.

maybe, and even Xaver and Zeke believed so
but I don't think he would for a multitude of reasons.

For Eren, sacrificing Historia is a no-go, so other then what "he's" trying to do, he is asking Hanji, "What other way is there?!"

She retaliated against herself?

Gabi doesn't deserve to be hated.

He has some pretty good jokes, user. Don't laugh just yet.

Predict what the bad ending will be like

>go on youtube
That was your first mistake.

Next up the mysterious case of Pixis.
He is said leading the charge for the soldiers, to route marley infantry, the very next scene with him, his in doors drinking alcohol.
These are just two scenes that don't in anyway logically follow, to me this serves as one of those lies and truth, both can't be true at the same time.One of these is reality, the other is a fake memory

For me the biggest hint was the scene in which gabi is riding a horse. In chapter 113, isayama made sure to mention this completely irrelevant pointless information, gabi currently does not know how to ride a horse.
This information serves absolutely no purpose what so ever, outside of being a blatant hint to the fact that what we're currently seeing is not reality.
The horse only appears for a single panel, and the scene works perfectly fine without, absolutely nothing entails that she should be riding a horse right now, nothing from the last chapter just logically follows to this. Isayama is very blatantly going out of his way to write this scenario.
He wants to leave blatant hints to attentive
readers, and this one is a dead give away.

And finally , Commander Pixis said something very interesting a few chapters prior.
"Do you want to know how to tell a good lie? You need to mix in a bit of truth from time to time"
I think this comment perfectly foreshadows and explains this entire chapter, some of what we've seen is in deed reality, i feel like zeke actually actually screamed and everyone got transformed, but some of what we see is also a lie, like erens death, piecke being geared up again, gabi suddenly learning to ride a horse. Ultimately Eren wants to fool his enemies into thinking his dead, and a lot of what we see this chapter is a fake memory.

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And my point is he would rather participate in war and shit which poses decapitation risk for him despite not knowing that would happen to him rather than sacrificing Historia.

>rumbling happened over a year ago
>we all speedread past it
we got too cocky, /snk/bros...

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Hanji accused him of sacrificing Historia and then he went on a rant and asked him if there is another way and that she should tell him. This implies he did sacrifice her in some way.


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>Wanting to end the greatest manga in the decade to for some jokes

this but unironically

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This whole thing feels bad and I don't think it is in the way Isayama wanted people to feel bad.
He is ruining his legacy, that's all he is doing.

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Where did I say I wanted SnK to end? Even so, it's already ending soon.

he can still make up for the rushed mess that was last chapter, im sure itll be fine.

I just feel like he's rushing it.

So Isayama wants us to love/support Eren while hate Gabi? Is that it?

Finally, confirmation that the creature was the one giving the apple and not receiving.

How? We are at the fucking climax.
We haven't even seen Eren's perspective ONCE.
If Eren dies like this then the manga will be marked as shit forever, it doesn't even matter if you don't like Eren or not, the quality drop is immense.
If the only way he could see him losing was throwing nonsense upon nonsense at him then that just shows how weak a writer he is.

Why is Isayama so handsome?

>rumbling crumbles the foundation of Paradis
>everybody falls into a colossal deathmosh pit because Karl buried them as a failsafe
>kino grimderp ending
woodju rike it gaijin???

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Depends if the rumble happens. [Spoiler]And if mist ending is endgame[/spoiler]

Here's OP's picture from a different angle

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Hanji asked him if he didn't care about Historia anymore and then he answered by asking whether Hanji had any other alternative on how to save Historia which she couldn't answer back and that what pissed Eren off. She talked as if there's any working plan b or plan c to save Historia while guilt tripping him.

Why do people suddenly believe mist ending will happen? I thought Isayama changed his mind.

Titans are ruthless the colossals would climb out of that pit to kill the human race. A colossal retard is worse than Bert because they have infinite stamina.

Because muh grimdark muh despair.

Based Isayama decided to not to pander to his retarded fanbase.

Because of Isayama's new interview. Isayama wants to hurt people and was self inserting as Eren

Aw, Eren was my favorite :(

At this point i already prepared myself for isayama going full "subvert expectations" and give us an ending that's only good for shock value

You can't even explain why you think a dark ending is good and yet you call people retarded, end your life.

So Eren becomes bad so Armin can be the hero instead?

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Imagine the amount of times psychoyama fapped to chapter 112.

>I guess most faggots reading don't want to be challenged with a morally ambiguous character

And you'd be right.

I love her..

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>rumbling happens
>everybody gets trampled by a million collossi

>going full subversion

What's wrong with that? Better than the predictable "Eren was saving everyone the whole time xD" or the generic Disney ending where the two sides go through hardship and then reconcile.

>Rumbling and sterilization happens
>Everyone dies outside and everyone slowly dies inside.

She doesn't deserve to be hated for killing Sasha or Eren.

She deserves to be hated for being a shit character in a shit subplot who remains alive only because her enemies refuse to kill her for being a little girl.

What does this even mean? The real GoT didn't even end yet and never will as GRRM will fucking die anytime soon

Jeanbo just confess already.

We have E:MAfags here as proof

Post that pic of Reiner.

We know, Eren's ghost.

Attached: 1534120857143.jpg (386x196, 25K)

Do you mean this pic?

Attached: Rifle-chan about to kiss Reiner goodbye.png (540x228, 106K)

i hope you didn't pay for this stupidly overpriced game, user. would be a shame if you were part of the reason why capitalists get away with what they do.

>Eren was saving everyone the whole time xD
Um user, Eren IS saving everyone, but at the expense of every other human in the entire world. He's decided to go full nuke and the weight of that may stay on his conscience or it may not.

Attached: 24.jpg (720x1280, 96K)


Why didnt Eren just touch Historia to activate the rumbling

>Eren last words to Mikasa are "I've always hated you"


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Oh, you mean this pic

Attached: Faceapp BLANCO.jpg (1136x640, 59K)

Annie pls stop

apparently just touching a shifter in human form is enough now for some reason

>haha Eren planned all this to be a sacrificial hero XD

He still killed innocent people that had nothing to do with his ancestors or genocide. His way of saving everyone, if that is the case, is not very efficient and not something he'll be praised for as a hero

user, really? You are really this dense? Look at it from Hanji's viewpoint. Eren went AWOL and charged at Marley with a dangerous plan in order to both get the WHT and retrieve Zeke. He went through a great deal of trouble and used a reckless plan to get Zeke on Paradise.
So from Hanji's viewpoint, Eren did everything he could to get Zeke on the island, as fast as possible in a really reckless way. The MP's can't trust Zeke, they are dead-set on feeding him to Historia (after the pregnancy) and Eren basically presented them Zeke on a silver platter. So again, from Hanji's viewpoint, it looks like Eren has forshaken Historia, so she asks him
>Don't you care anymore what happens to Historia?
Because that's what Eren's actions imply. Eren entirely "dodges" that question and instead starts listing facts and yells out"IF THERE IS ANOTHER WAY, PLEASE TELL ME!", but that is not an answer to whether he stopped caring about Historia or is planning on sacrificing her. Instead, he tells her that "whatever" he's doing, he's doing because he has no other choice. Eren never answers her question about Historia.

Eren is going to literally sacrifice the whole world, just so he doesn't have to use Historia.


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Why do people think they don't look absolutely retarded when they speedreader?

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They aren't married yet. It's haram to touch a non family girl


If Isayama wants to hurt his readers why not kill the manlet off? The fujo mass suicide would kill more then half the fanbase.


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me too

>just touching a shifter in human form
Shifters are titans you stupid faggot.

He wants to hurt his readers, not to become poor

Yelena is such a mysterious character now. Is she really supporting Yeager faction?

This nigger isn’t in his right mind, he’s no good to finish this shit right, call somebody else in!


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>tall manlet
This needs to stop.


Because he wants to hurt himself as well.
He is weak like that

Oh nonono

Attached: reiner.png (796x1333, 1.32M)

That’s so fucking gay. I thought this was a story not a teenage self harm experiment. He’ll probably change his mind about it in a week and feel retarded

You can't make this shit up

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calm down, Louise

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She is basically an Ackerdog with more personality

Can't we get both Armin and Eren's endgames?
Think about it. Eren rumbles, completely wipes Marley off the face of the earth and pauses the rumbling long enough to negotiate with the other world nations.

There's still the issue of those nations being more technologically advanced than Paradis and will probably try to find a scientific counter attack to the rumbling, and sure they all now hate Paradis thanks to Willy's speech and the tragedy of Liberio, but after rumbling Marley out of existence, Paradis will emerge in a position of power and will probably hold the whole world hostage to their whims. They've already made an example of what happens to nations that oppose them, and with Hizuru's help they can modernize their infrastructure as well and make it so they themselves can be independent of the rumbling as viable threat.

It's kinda like how the US of A created the new world order by nuking the nips. Sure the cold war later took place but only because the soviets were able to catch up to nuclear tech enough to pose a thread themselves, but it's not like there's any other nation in SNK's world that has a weapon that rivals the RUMBLING in its power of destruction.

This one?

Attached: Masochism.jpg (705x408, 39K)

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Can someone reach out to Isayama and take him to the gym? Maybe buy him a steak too. And just repeat this 2-3 times a week for a 6 month hiatus. I don’t think his test levels are high enough to do this properly right now

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What's the point of Louise? She has had like two pages of dialogue and somehow made it to a volume cover while Hanji has only been in two.

Eren got upset that Hanji asked him if sacrificing Historia means he doesn't care anymore about her. Eren clearly does care about her and his other friends, so he asked if there is another way

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How will she react to Eren’s death

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She's one of the only named Yeagerists. The other one is Surma.

Attached: Suicidal Reiner.jpg (2037x3056, 1.93M)

Sure. He'll forever be regarded as the ultimate devil. Or he'll literally be worshiped by his people until they reach the post modern age of denying "great men" their past accomplishments.
Fucking Alexander the great genocided a shitload of small local communities in his "hellenization" quest and was hailed the jesus of antiquity, until modern scholars decided he was a literally Macedonia's Hitler.

>Taller than Mankasa
Good one wit

She got other problem and will get over it quickly

Need to add some space for Porco.

>caring about looking stupid on anonymous chink forum
Besides, i've been following since 2012, like hell i remember everything. Dont at me again

here u go, bro

Attached: 1556818244914.jpg (487x792, 44K)

There it is

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I miss Chadco.

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delet this

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We will believe it when we see it.

Thank you.

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>cucked Reiner out of killing himself
What a dick

she will give the scarf back to Mikasa so Eren can wrap it around her again like he promised

>If the only people left in the world are Eldians, the only free person in the world is the Founding Titan. The rest are his slaves.
That's wrong though. The founding titan only has power if it is in the hands of a royal.

He was apparently going to die as well because he ran out of healing juice so he decided to kill himself to save Falco and Reiner

But Eren is dead

Mikasa indirectly killed Eren tho

Stop spouting this crap when it’s never been an explicitly stated requirement. We know Eren can activate the coordinate if he touches a mindless royal titan (Dina) and people project that situation to Zeke. There’s no reason to assume he can’t activate it if he touches a royal shifter who’s in human form, especially when we know Eren can activate the coordinate without being in his titan.

The reason this is important is because he doesn’t technically need the royal to be a shifter to use the coordinate. They could have just turned Historia into a mindless titan, which would also get around forcing a royal family member to die every 13 years.


But it was her free choice. Eren is proud

He wanted to one up Reiner

user, subversion almost everytime goes wrong its not equal to good writing

So Yelena is the devil right?

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It's not Eren's death that pisses me off, but fucking Gabi. She's pure cancer and feels like a self-insert character, actually, not even a character, but a half-assed plot device used to advance the story forward. Her emotionally distressed self firing that fuckhuge rifle with perfect accuracy was bullshit.

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>You just answered your own question

The manga will be boring without Eren. He was the only good character after the timeskip

No, she is going to die like a bitch and she knows it, that's why she closed her eyes like that.

>That face Yelena made in response to Armong's faggotry

>If you could avert the genocide of your people by killing the girl you sort-of-liked, but is more like a colleague really, the choice is pretty obvious
That's because she wasn't "more like a colleague" to Eren. Pretty simple stuff.

Why would Isayama draw this?

She closed her eyes to avoid being caught in Eren’s fake memories

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i wish they had kept this sequence in

You are just mad because she killed your favourite character. There are literally zero problems with Gabi shooting him

press F

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Gabi has been like this since she was introduced. The fact that she somehow wasn't killed when she was captured is complete bullshit

Why not to Eren then?

>It's not Eren's death that pisses me off
lmao sure thing

If anyone should have killed Eren it should have been Falco

>The fact that she somehow wasn't killed when she was captured is complete bullshit
She is a kid

How did Eren send memories to Kruger?

>She is a kid
more like a child soldier that already killed two people

Anyone know if the game () is actually worth the £55 price tag? It looks kinda neat, but I'm not sure I want to invest quite that much into it.


Gabi is the one who with actual combat ability tho


a) he's a raging homo
b) reiner deserves to be the only character with an officially depicted penis

He didn't do it. The answer is PATHS

Based Floch wanted to toss Gabi and Falco off the ship but The cuck gang was like what the fuck bro she's just a kid

So you're saying Eren is a cuck

what if eran faked his own memories?

Eren was 100% guaranteed to die, it was just about HOW he would go out. The MC of the series got killed by a kid introduced

>Shits himself before the suicidal charge
>Shits himself during the suicidal charge
>Becomes a devil's advocate
>Becomes an asshole
>4 year timeskip
>Is a literal Nazi
>His old instructor makes fun of him
>Miserably misses a shot on an unmoving target
>Gets so assmad he orders children to beat the target up
>Lets the Survey Corps commander escape
>Is without any doubt Zeke's pawn and very possibly Eren's since none of the high-ups share his chauvinistic ideology
>Attacks the weakest titan, twice
>Fails and is the last of his squad alive
>Makes sure if there are any other people he could sacrifice and hides himself
>Just a few moments later a transgender warrior and 2/10 combat warrior take on the titan themselves
>Mysteriously disappears
So this is the power of the alt-right?

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If she was 15 i would agree

When did he do it though?

3: Nicolo
4: Hannes
5: Marlowe and Hitch
8: Kenny
J: Jean
Q: Historia
K: Uri
A: Kruger
Unknown: Frieda

2: Bert's CT
J: Armin
A: Eren

6: Onyankopon
8: Pieck
10: Dina

3: Oluo
4: Gunther
5: Petra
7: Nanaba
8: Mike
9: Moblit
10: Hanji
J: Erwin
Q: Sasha
K: Chadren


Yelena and Floch

Attached: 1561638352928.jpg (1000x706, 257K)

I wish they kept the whole arc in.

this, if anyone shouldve killed eren it was reiner or armin

>The MC of the series got killed by a kid introduced

You don't need combat ability to shoot a plot device rifle from a short distance

t. mega manlet

>4'6" 70 lb loli shouldering a 25 lb anti-tank rifle to OHKO a moving target

It makes sense for good Eren to kill bad Eren. Is pottery

>Mysteriously disappears
He's going to eat Eren and become overwhelmed by Eren's memories and become Eren's vessel

he missed on purpose, everything else is valid though

Not like that invalidates his point when Eren says himself he'd gladly put his life on the line for the cause but can't bring himself to endanger Historia's.

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You need to know how to handle a weapon at the very least. Also Falco was already a total at that point

b-b-but she's a child soldier and had training



At what point do you think Isayama actually came up with Marley?

Now is that worse than the Eldians flying around at high speeds and experiencing crushing G force and surviving?

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If you consider waifufaggotry being a cuck, then sure.

You forgot
>has never been wrong

Attached: Floch 105.jpg (861x463, 232K)

he's not dead BRAINLET(shitrenfag)

>Annie is the queen of diamonds
Fitting, considering she makes me diamond hard

Attached: Best Girl underwear.jpg (615x1000, 380K)

what if isayama actually liked GoT season 8 and is trying to replicate that?

you should all just drop it right here right now
it's all going downhill from here

But I assume you don't have any complaints with 3DMG, right?

The start

>Blort gets two 2s
What a fucking joke of a character

marley in its entirety? probably ~70. another outside country and humans not being extinct? chapter one

is there any actual meaning behind these or is it just random?

you two are still in denial, get over it, he's fucking dead

At the very last minute. The whole Marley plot is very contrived. Tyber's speech illustrated this when he said "The only reason all this shit happened was because the all power monarch decided to be a cuck"

Eren deserved to get his head shot off because he was the one to literally kill Sasha in a similar way

>eren and historia aren't king and queen of the same set
absolutely based based of isayama to deconfirm EH

The writing is still strong so i dont don't see why anyone would drop it. Unless you are just mad about Gabi killing Eren that is

Based retard. Isayama has stated that he didn't like S8.

>muh 3DMG

>Eren is in three different spots

>Sasha is Eren's queen

Based Eren

see you next month retard
you will get btfo

>Erenfags SEETHING
Good chapter.

Eren is the father and he is not dead.

The anti-tank gun had supports for a reason but Gabi was lifting it and the supports were in the air. It's complete bullshit how are there people defending this?

>Aces are all the known AT holders+ AT itself.
Deepest lore.


Attached: weGoTnow.jpg (1200x800, 143K)

And no counter argument


>he missed on purpose
Floche is the only named soldier, other than Sasha and manlet for obvious reasons, we don't see armed with a single thunderspear during the attack on Liberio. His aim is literally that bad that no one could trust him with point and shoot explosives.

Attached: floche aim.png (847x939, 887K)

>The writing is still strong
How can you say that seeing Levi stand so close to a bomb of his own making and Zeke's retarded Euthanasia plan?

I have a feeling Kiyomi is with Historia right now for a visit...

>Ymir and Ymir

>OG Ymir is King
>Ymir is her Queen

Writing went downhill since Grim Reminder 2.0

Point me to the part where they say how heavy the rifle is, faggot.
Protip: the anti-titan rifle is not PTRD unless it's specifically stated it is, even if it looks similar.

>Still haven't found out AT's power and true history of the titans yet
Why is Isayama wasting so much time?

>EHfags thought Historia was Eren's queen.
>Instead, Sasha is her queen because they're both dead.



Gabi Braun = Garbage Brain

I’m uncomfortable with this lame character, her plot armor is so strong that she doesn’t need to become armored titan. I dislike how she has many convenient incidents to survive and show off.

The SCs were stupid enough to not guard a fucking open door on enemies’ land, the Garrisons were lack of soldiers that they couldn’t have more than one soldier to keep an eye on the brats coming from Marley, and a MP like Nile was so nice that he let them go.

Not to mention she was lucky enough to always find a gun to shoot, a horse to ride, a nice person to save her whenever she needs.

What the fuck is this ass pull?

Sieg was the one screamed to transform Falco into titan, he was laying down and couldn’t move an inch, she wanted to revenge for her friends and then she chose to shot running Eren??? By logical thinking, she would attack Sieg first, right?? Especially when Sieg is an easier target than Eren.

I get that Isayama want to make Garbage an excellent soldier who can kill Eren, but the way he writing this character and her development makes me disgusted.

to what? you failing to respond to the retarded writing that is a 4'6" 70 lb girl shouldering a 25 lb rifle and hitting a moving target in the next first try?

he just realized he wasted time so now hes rushing everything

Canon ships


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Why do you think Eren died, retard? He's going to speak to Ymir Fritz next chapter.

That’s your assumption you assmad shipperfag


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spades is titan shifters, diamond is from beyond the wall, spades is survey corps, not sure what hearts is yet, and joker is ackermans

Q predicted this

Was I the only one surprised to learn that Grisha actually did care about his family after all? He even admitted he was a terrible father but Zeke kind of deserved it.

All shifters are in two cards, but Eren is on three

>erehis SEETHING


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ur right it is probably a plastic toy gun. 5 lbs max

Might as well finish filling them all

2: Marco
3: Nicolo
4: Hannes
5: Marlowe and Hitch
6: Nile
7: Frieda
8: Kenny
9: Pixis
10: Carla
J: Jean
Q: Historia
K: Uri
A: Kruger

2: Bert's CT
3: Armin's CT
4: Reiner's AT
5: Ymir's JT
6: Porco's JT
7: Annie's FT
8: Pieck's Cart Titan
9: Zeke's BT
10: Maid's WHT
J: Armin
Q: Ymir
K: Ymir Fritz
A: Eren

2: Bert
3: Falco
4: Gabi
5: Yelena
6: Onyankopon
7: Kiyomi
8: Pieck
9: Floch
10: Dina
J: Reiner
Q: Annie
K: Zeke
A: Grisha

2: Connie
3: Oluo
4: Gunther
5: Petra
6: Erd
7: Nanaba
8: Mike
9: Moblit
10: Hanji
J: Erwin
Q: Sasha
K: Chadren
A: Eren's SNK



Reminder that PATHS was gonna be nanomachines in the atmosphere but then Fire Punch came out and Isayama had to scrap the ending

He said anti tank not anti titan retard.

Eren isn't dead but he will die.
Just accept it already.

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Then why did he have a little girl kill the final boss

Love how people unironically think Eren is dead when it’s already been demonstrated that Isayama he’ll asspull PATHS bullshit to keep characters alive. Remember when we thought Reiner and Zeke were done for?

>diamond is from beyond the wall
why is floch a diamond then?

Oh no

Attached: 1562073962254.jpg (564x580, 124K)

The most kino thing that happened after the timeskip was either Eren meeting his grandfather or his meeting with Reiner

Incest is wincest

Can we take a moment to appreciate just how, of all the people most likely to be Eren's love interest(or next closest thing), is fucking Historia?
A crackship has the best chances on being canon.

why are all the diamonds non-paradisians except for floch? unless there's something we don't know yet...

Reiner is based

didnt notice him well back to theorizing

I'm just pointing out how badly he got cucked yet again by getting two of the worst cards possible.

What does Eren have to do with this?

i rabu laina!

Attached: sleepylaina.png (890x460, 559K)

Are you still on chapter 10 or something?

Really makes you think...

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Who gives a shit about shipping? Jesus christ.

Godholdt was guiding Gabi's bullet.

Attached: D8F1jl2UYAAh6Ac.jpg (1600x2000, 141K)

Maybe he got mixed with Kruger

>How can you say that seeing Levi stand so close to a bomb of his own making
That was silly but he couldn't possibly had known Zeke wanted to die
>Zeke's retarded Euthanasia plan?
What's the problem here? It doesn't go against his character or anything

If Eren is not going to die now, he's never going to die. What's the point doing mc death fakeout if you going to kill him for real later, It will be less impactful.

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I have. He can't die here though

I just thought it was funny.

I don't think that Gabi knows who that is

Just because you didn't like it it doesn't mean is bad

Could be so, if Gabi can lift it. What's your point?
Either way lifting 11kg is not hard at all when you're 10 years old... unless you post on 4channel, it seems.
Based speedreader

The Attack Titan's power is going to be something lame like being immune to the founder's power.

>So we're going full Scarlet King from SCP eh?
I've stopped reading SCP stuff years ago.
What do you mean?

At least we'll have something to overanalyze until the next month.

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If he dies like this then Isayama is truly a hack.

>That was silly but he couldn't possibly had known Zeke wanted to die
Still a fucking retard for standing close to Zeke

is time loop

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I guess Zeke and Reiner will survive then

And why do you think she was preg, you fucking genius? If Eren had ever come to terms with the idea of letting her go she'd be a damn shifter right now and the government wouldn't have been overthrown either. The fact that "there is no other way" is due to Eren's choices and his alone, because the alternatives he had were no-go's for him.

You forgot
>Is the ruler of Paradis now that Eren lost his head

Seriously what the fuck was Karl the Cuck's problem?

>Yelena closed her eyes because she realized this was a failed loop

Nah, Eren went from stoic and cold badass to full retard, same with Levi.

How else was he supposed to ride the cart?

>Reiner's 13 years are up
>Meets sand loli
>Oh you can live another 13 years

tie him to a rope and drag him behind?

Lmao god I hope.

Attached: 1560731179346.jpg (310x316, 25K)

Wouldn't dragging him on the ground just risk activating the spear?

>Eren's head and body transform into AT
>The titan body grabs the head and puts it back on
screencap this.

He got brainwashed by the Tybur's and Marley.

I'm on chapter 119

Most don't really make sense except for the Ks. I don't think they put much thought into them other than an attempt of doing "Titans, Islanders, SL and non-Islanders" and still has got some fuck-ups like Floch with the non-islanders, Kruger with the islanders, SNK Eren with the SL, human Armin, Ymir and Eren filling out the titans, Jean not being in the SL.

>retards still falling for the timeloop meme

Maybe Manlet wanted to die? He seemed pretty depressed.


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How can you think Reiner was cool? He's a suicidal wreck who larped as his role model

just cut him up every few minutes instead of having a spear, also getting dragged on the ground would also hurt zeke continuosly preventing his transformation


Attached: i see dead people.jpg (1280x977, 603K)

>Eren went from stoic and cold badass to full retard
Boy next time try to make it less obvious you are an erenfag. Eren has always needed his friends to fix his shit. Just because he became edgy doesn't mean he is suddenly smart.

Can't wait till Falco tears Zekek to shreds next chapter and avenges his big bro.

>Reiner's reaction to that
How much time does Reiner have left anyway?

Attached: 6au0c2soxzwz.png (605x512, 460K)

>implying he wasn't just seeing the future
based retard

>Hurting him would prevent him from transforming

Attached: 1560537488178.png (204x219, 43K)

>Eren is a villain
>Historia is the enemy of humanity
>Historia promised to go help all those who needs help, but will destroy the world because nobody should be willing to save it
>yfw this reasoning got into Eren's mind

EreHisu ending is inminent.

King of spades isn't OGYmir it's the rep of the 9 titan holder after Ymir's death

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Reiner chickened out multiple times

>Historia x Uri
>Ymir x Ymir
>Annie x Zeke
>Sasha x Eren

What the fuck were they thinking
And how were the reactions when Historia's King was revealed to be Uri?

>Just because he became edgy
He wasn't edgy in Marley arc. He became edgy retard only after he got haircut

Attached: 1550066423.png (1067x1600, 2.31M)

You forgot to cross out manlet

Eren has the OP warhammer titan. He should wrecked them all

ES confirmed to reunite after death in heaven

yeah, if a shifter gets torn out of their titan they have to fully heal before they can transform again, thats why manlet was cutting him up in the first place

Reminder Frieda is a lesbian pedophile that molested Historia and erased her memory of their times in the meadow.

The Warriors needed to switch in because they didn't have enough stamina. How come Grisha made it the trip easily?

>But muh Godren :(


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Didn't learn how to use it so all he can do with it is spam spikes that fuck up his stamina

Why even give Eren such a hax power-up if he isn't going to be able to use it properly and dies in the very next fight?

So Eren is dead, uh? Nice.


No, they needed to switch because they were running away from the titans they needed to swarm the walls.

While Grisha just had a pleasant stroll through the titan woods

No way Eren is gonna die such a hilarious death

what was the fucking point of the warhammer? the only thing it did was give eren a powerup for him to end up losing anyway.

Gabo should be a professional matchmaker.

will WIT censor this

Mid-game boss fight

>Falco is a fully charged Jaw Titan.
He will defeat Armin.

Attached: 1538672819737.jpg (600x337, 16K)

That's not what I meant. Zeke wouldn't be on a stable surface if he were to be dragged on the ground, the spear could be activated with the bumps on the road. And in your scenario he'd still have to get close to Zeke every few minutes, so nothing really changes.

But all the Titans are attracted to the humans in the walls and try to reach the walls


LooooooooooooooooL, this is schizophrenia

Eren put up a really good fight considering he was against the Marley army and a bunch of Shifters

So Eren wouldn't be rekt and eaten in three seconds by Porco and Reiner.

>thinking wit are animating the next season
you poor thing
unless i'm the one out of the loop or something

Oh wait my bad I missed the part where you said no thunder spear was needed. Seems debatable considering the kind of shit shifters can pull off their asses when you expect it least.

Nobody can wreck Gabi Sue

>two of the worst cards possible
It depends of the game kek

If he had been allowed to use even half of the hax shit Maid-chan used he might have gotten away with a head.

Or if Floch and his jobber squad hadn't forgotten to bring guns and thunderspears

For Eren to be truly OP he would have needed to eat Porco after he used him as a nutcracker. With the Jaw Titan's claws and Teeth along with his other powers Eren would be unstoppable. If he did that he could have eaten Annie

Horse-san can

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>king of hearts isn't farmer
Farmerfags, I...

Did Marley seriously stage a rescue for some Eldians? What the fuck is this shit?




>he would have needed to eat Porco after he used him as a nutcracker
He nearly did but FG awoke Reiner with the power of friendship

Cuddling with Annie!

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Uri is the father, except that Uri is now Eren

>the attack titan fights for freedom
>the jaw titan sacrifices themselves for their friends
>armored titan suffers
>colossal titans despite being powerful have faggot users
what else?


he literally did, he body bagged reiner and porco at the same time and only got haxxed by getting sniped by pieck 500 yds away

Eren can just transfer his consciousness to his ass. How are people still falling for Isayama's lame shock value stunts?

>Isayama isn’t a hac-

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WIT won't animate it but the studio has nothing to do with censorship. Those are things NHK mandates.

She learned to ride offscreen in the farm between 109 and 111.

The real issue is why the fuck is she even telling Falco to run away with her when she agreed to Colt's dumb plan of asking Zeke not to scream in the previous chapter

Ignore him. He's mentally ill.

Stop speedreading

"Come on bro, Poundtown"

rescuing the kids was just a side benefit of them being where their air drop was

cart titan is always best boy_
beast titan is always a self-hating cuck
founding titan is always a peace-loving cuck
female titan is a psycho
warhammer titan is a nobody

Explain then.

Did Gabi predict with her Gabi-sense that Zeke was going to scream anyway so she ran to get a horse in half a page so she could save Falco or did she simply realize to late that it was a retarded plan?

They needed to get past Zeke to the gate to get away. The other exit was blocked.

Diamond is shit disturbers.


i wish my parents hadn't divorced

I wish I had a dad.

Smelly sex with Annie.

I wish my dad didn't have a second family.

I reread the chapter, actually she put the support on the ground while standing in a accovaciate position,we just got tricked by isayama's bad proportions.

I wish my mom actually cared when I was a teenager and stop me from letting my life go to shit.

She spent a month in the farm and i remeber in one chapter that kaya said to her that she will help her to learn how ride a horse.

Well, literally everyone have seen a big monkey falling by a 60 metres wall, plus an horse would actually be usefull just to reach the corner of the wall and try to escape/be safe from the current battle