Shingeki no Kyojin

Piiku will survaibu! AM will be destroyed by Piiku!

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Other urls found in this thread:


I miss Pokko...

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AM will capture Pieck. Also AM is endgame

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...What's happening with the threads?

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>AM will capure Pieck
They won't be a be able to resist going to Eren
Pii is safe.

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Wtf why was three nuked, you fucking trannies


Is that Willy Tyber speaking?

5 threads lol

Who's Willy VA?

You know what needs to happen for peak Mankasa, drama, and paths fuckery? Manlet dies and Mankasa gets his paths Ackerman physical prowess and battle experience.

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yeah turn her into a bigger Mary Sue

The yeagerists are fucking useless lmao

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When Kenny died neither of them got his strength so that's not happening.

>thread has a guy pacing out the final season and posting where want episode will start and end
>minimal faggotry
>one shipfag lunatic even gets outed for samefagging
>thread gets nuked
Gee I wonder why the mods would do this?

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>mfw Shitren dead

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I usually hate motion comics but that looked really cool

Marleykino by UFO confirmed

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GODgath will survive!

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Finished pacing out the episode lengths for the Final Season. Whether Wit cuts out a lot of material for it all to fit in 25 episodes or stretches the season to possibly 30 episodes is up to Araki.

I feel like I've done this before.

>Episode 01 (The Other Side of the Ocean) - Chapter 91, 92

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I wish shipping would be a bannable offense..

>Episode 02 (Marley's Soldiers) - Chapter 93, 94 (end Page 8)

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Tick tock, cartfags. Nile and Pixis are coming for that sweet shifter juice.

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>Episode 03 (The Boy Inside the Walls) - Chapter 94 (Page 9 on), 95 (end Page 20)

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They can’t get banned if they are the mods...

>Episode 04 (Liar) - Chapter 95 (Page 21 on), 96

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>Nile and Pixis spitroasting Pieck

>Rewatch SnK
Is it weird to feel nostalgic for this? SnK might be my favorite anime of all time.

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>Episode 05 (From One Hand to Another) - Chapter 97

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that's pretty Kino alright

Mods on a warpath, huh? Yesterday, I was mostly convinced Eren will get a Phoenix Down next month. Today, I'm 50-50 he's gonna stay dead. The mangaka wants to hurt us, anons.

>Episode 06 (Good to See) - Chapter 98

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Absolutely not. The first opening is top notch even after all these years.

In his interview, isayama said he thought that a character like eren is necessary to the story. So I doubt he would get killed yet, especially when final chapter sounds like rumbling was maybe activated

>Episode 07 (Guilty Shadow) - Chapter 99

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>Episode 08 (Declaration of War) - Chapter 100, 101 (end Page 13)

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Tasty tasty shifters are in abundance right now

Surviving explosions is nothing to a Marleyan BVLL.

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That was so fucking amazing. Reminded me of Phantom Blood's opening with how the manga panels were animated.

>Episode 09 (The War Hammer Titan) - Chapter 101 (Page 14 on), 102

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This is Gabi "Helos" Braun, the hero that save the world. Say something nice about her.

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>MC dies in "cheap shock value: the series".
I don't think so

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Fuck I can’t wait to see this animated

>Episode 10 (Victors) - Chapter 103, 104

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Is there any character that can defeat Eren Yeager? And I'm not talking about Shingeki no Kyojin Eren Yeager. Hell, I'm not even talking about Shingeki no Kyojin Eren Yeager in contact with an Eldian of royal blood, so that he activates his Shiso no Kyojin coordinate powers. I'm NOT talking about Shingeki no Kyojin Eren Yeager after ingesting the Yoroi no Kyojin serum and having practiced his hardening abilities with Hange and the Survey Corps. I couldn't be talking about Shingeki no Kyojin Eren Yaeger using Porco Galliard as a nutcracker to destroy the Sentsui no Kyojin crystal so he can consume Ms. Tybur and gain precise creation abilities. I'm really not talking about Shingeki no Kyojin Eren Yeager commanding a group of loyal followers who have dedicated their lives to fulfilling Eren's dream of finally setting his people free and ensuring the safety of generations to come. Do you think I'm talking about Shingeki no Kyojin Eren Yeager after going fully nuclear and telling Mikasa he's hated her his entire life and beating the shit out of Armin because they're both just slaves who refuse to accept freedom and try to get in the way of his true, eternal freedom? You better be joking if you think I'm talking about Shingeki no Kyojin Eren Yeager after being ambushed by the surviving members of the Senshi-tai, effectively fighting off both Reiner and Porco at the same time and even taking on Reiner, solo, after eating two direct headshots from an anti-titan sniper rifle. I'm definitely not talking about Shingeki no Kyojin Eren Yeager surviving after being decapitated by top Senshi-tai candidate, Gabi Braun, and still moving forward to enact his master keikaku. I'm talking about Shingeki no Kyojin Eren Yeager in contact with Sieg's Kemono no Kyojin form, albeit rejecting Sieg's plan to force Eldians into sterility in order to protect his lover, Historia Reiss, so that his child can be born free into this world.

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Bless you user. I don't agree with some of your pacing but good on you for getting right back to it despite that thread getting shanked.

I hope her death will be gruesome and terrifying

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I wanna see GODgath animated, dammit

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I would like her more if she were a cute shota

To the user who posted this, youre so fucked, but i fucking love it


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I can't believe Eren Yaeger is fucking dead.

>Episode 11 (Assassin's Bullet) - Chapter 105

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Fuck the world and every Marley dog so desperate to defend the people that hate them.

So this pretty much confirms that the Devil gave Ymir the apple and not the other way around?

>Episode 12 (Visitor) - Chapter 106, 107 (only Page 43-45)
Followed by a year break and return in 2021 for the Final Season, Part Two.

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SSY sounds like the type of thing Isayama would like desu

He wants to hurt us by making Eren a genocidal maniac. He thinks people would be sad if Eren turned that way. He is wrong.

EMA gets the same response from me

>Episode 13 (A Sound Argument) - Chapter 107 (only Page 01-42), 108 (only Page 40-45)

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That's Willy's fanfiction though, literally propaganda


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>Episode 14 (Guides) - Chapter 110 (only Page 01-06), Chapter 108 (only Page 01-39)

Pacing is clunky in the second half which may require scenes being switched around.

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Was that intended to be Willy's narration? I don't understand Japanese so I don't know if it was his play or not.

Do it again sniper Gabi

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>Episode 15 (Children of the Forest) - Chapter 109

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>That AAfag always yelling

>Episode 16 (Counterfeit) - Chapter 110 (only Page 07-45)

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Absolute kino

Is this from the exhibition? I don't know why I was always worried that Willy's VA would sound gay like James from Pokemon or Pegasus from Yu-Gi-Oh but I like this.
Also kek at the utter lack of retarded cheering and clapping at the end.

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yeah it's his narration before Eren busted out and grim reminded everyone

>Episode 17 (Ignorance) - Chapter 111, Chapter 112 (end Page 08)

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>Episode 18 (Savagery) - Chapter 112 (Page 09 on), Chapter 113 (end Page 30)

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Unironically this, normal fans are looking at Eren through the same lens as Mikasa before. He's still a good boy in their eyes.


>Episode 19 (Sole Salvation) - Chapter 113 (Page 31 on), Chapter 114

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Good news anons! I got some some fresh leaks for the next chapter!!!!

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If Isayama actually pulls off fake memory bullshit, he'll effectively translate the unreliable narrator technique to a manga and go down as one of the greatest post-modern writers alongside Brett Easton Ellis, Chuck Palahniuk, David Foster Wallace, and Hideo Kojima.

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AM is based and the posters are not trash unlike the AAfag

Why are Erenfags so retarded?

You don't read much, do you

>Episode 20 (All Creation) - Chapter 115, 116 (only Page 01-04, 14-19, 25-45)
Pacing is really fucked around now so AMJC jail scenes with Yelena moved to following episode as flashbacks at the start. Or some dialogue may be cut out entirely instead to fit it all.

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I said IF this is what he's trying to do.

where are your prons?

Calm down AAshit

>Episode 21 (Judgement) - Chapter 116 (only Page 05-13 & 20-24), 117, 118 (Page 08 end)

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It's impossible with the Armongwhale spamming Erenfags this, writing in uppercase and replying to her own shit

What's this expression trying to convey

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>Episode 22 (Big Brothers and Little Brothers) - Chapter 118 (Page 09 on), 119

And that's all for now. As you can tell, it only leaves room for three more episodes which I'm sure is not enough to finish the rest of the story Isayama has yet to show.

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So this will pay off?

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The joy of murdering island devils



Thanks for giving us the Mist Ending. Now I get to see all the Eldian scum die.



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>Episode 01 (The Other Side of the Ocean) - Chapter 91, 92
>Episode 02 (Marley's Soldiers) - Chapter 93, 94 (end Page 8)
>Episode 03 (The Boy Inside the Walls) - Chapter 94 (Page 9 on), 95 (end Page 20)
>Episode 04 (Liar) - Chapter 95 (Page 21 on), 96
>Episode 05 (From One Hand to Another) - Chapter 97
>Episode 06 (Good to See) - Chapter 98
>Episode 07 (Guilty Shadow) - Chapter 99
>Episode 08 (Declaration of War) - Chapter 100, 101 (end Page 13)
>Episode 09 (The War Hammer Titan) - Chapter 101 (Page 14 on), 102
>Episode 10 (Victors) - Chapter 103, 104
>Episode 11 (Assassin's Bullet) - Chapter 105
>Episode 12 (Visitor) - Chapter 106, 107 (only Page 43-45)
>Episode 13 (A Sound Argument) - Chapter 107 (only Page 01-42), 108 (only Page 40-45)
>Episode 14 (Guides) - Chapter 110 (only Page 01-06), Chapter 108 (only Page 01-39)
>Episode 15 (Children of the Forest) - Chapter 109
>Episode 16 (Counterfeit) - Chapter 110 (only Page 07-45)
>Episode 17 (Ignorance) - Chapter 111, Chapter 112 (end Page 08)
>Episode 18 (Savagery) - Chapter 112 (Page 09 on), Chapter 113 (end Page 30)
>Episode 19 (Sole Salvation) - Chapter 113 (Page 31 on), Chapter 114
>Episode 20 (All Creation) - Chapter 115, 116 (only Page 01-04, 14-19, 25-45)
>Episode 21 (Judgement) - Chapter 116 (only Page 05-13 & 20-24), 117, 118 (Page 08 end)
>Episode 22 (Big Brothers and Little Brothers) - Chapter 118 (Page 09 on), 119

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>Erenfags are mentally ill.
Nothing new

Why you have butthurt, kid?

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The second cour will end at the start of the rumbling.

The contrivances and amount of character stupidity in these last two chapters pisses me off. You expect me to believe these guys were going to get Zeke, but only went equipped with blades and some rifles to take on Manlet? Especially after we saw how well rifles worked against fast moving targets (unless you’re Gabi) in Liberio. Why were they not in anti-personnel gear or carrying thunder spears and grenades? Also Eren getting the warhammer but only being able to shoot out some spikes is retarded. Reiner and Porco also got btfo multiple times but healed rapidly while Eren limped forward at a snails pace or Zeke layed there the whole time.

He said "if", Armongcancer

Appreciate it. It's simply a template to follow if Araki chooses not to completely alter it like Season 3, Part One.

Digits and GODbi destroys Zekuck next chapter

Armin will make a truce with Magath and Pieck now that Shitren is dead.

Because you cry a lot for every posts that contains the word Eren

pretty much why he didn't shift

>reading literature

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whats with this whole ‘Yelena is Ymir Fritz’ theory I’m hearing recently? What evidence is there for this lol?

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>s-stop hating cuckren

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Moral of the story lads

Do not generalize

I don't care if you hate him but crying for every post is annoying

Why are Erenfags so retarded?



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Apparently there are two versions of the exhibition, interesting

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So the anime finished. What chapter can I start reading from?

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>almost ending
>no annie
fuck Isayama

Wasn't there some confirmation of Pii's first name at the exhibition?

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Erencucks and Hongoloids should kill themselves

Did Tybur know he was about to die?

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>You are not allowed to turn back and view the other choice

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>Nile or Pixis will become the cart titan

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I just want to see the rumbling, lads.

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source on this?

Imagine speedreading that fast


Ending audio

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>You literally have to keep moving forward

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>You are not allowed to turn back and view the other choice
The fucking time loop is real boys

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So you don't know either. Ok, anyone else?


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>Manga and Anime will both have a different ending

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>Isayama breaks the fourth wall

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he didn't know

Hopefully it'll be a 30 episode season

He already did the rumbling when fucking Historia

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This is an bad idea and you should feel bad


>There is no true ending
>All it takes is for someone to say it's true to make it so

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Eren was really cute in that chapter.

memory manipulation confirmed

nigga we, the audience, are the ones choosing our own paths

That's not what it means. If anything this confirm there's no time loop. You have to keep moving forward. No second chance to fix your fuck up.

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Rumble rumble rumble

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Shitren's dying head will come in contract with Zekuck and activate the Rumbling before he dies, rendering the Colossal titans out of control. Now Armong and Mankasa will have no choice but to cooperate with GODgath in order to save the world.

Screenshot this

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I'm really curious if this works like Zero Escape, Eren's head will probably fall on Zeke's hand, would he continue with his plan, rage and release the rumbling or is Eren's head enough conscious to transfer his memories 5 minutes earlier

What is this expression trying to convey ?

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>the live action series will be the third iteration of the loop, continuing the anime ending

To me it feels more like you have to choose whether you want to see the story from the perspective of the people outside the walls or inside the walls.

I don't give a shit about Magath but I felt bad for Porco.

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i watch snk so that i can see toxic annoying midget die, when will it happen already?

What is going on with his left eye?
We just saw the right half of his face in the last panel.

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She's pregnant right now, she can't die.

Anyone know about this? Always wanted to know her first name

it was the wisest to kill Eren aka the low iq lunatic.

Godgath was based alright

Explain false memories to me, I was out of the loop for some time

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Wet eyes



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Gabi will die soon

Erenfags coping

All of this could have been avoided if Magath sent Pieck and tried to negotiate with Hange

Erenfags desperately coping.


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Is there any leaked video from inside the exhibit?

Endgame indeed.

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But I'm an Erenfag and I disagree

Oh my, imagine the scent and the sweat.

>rumble WILL activate
>founder Ymir put in failsafe
>Wall Titans walk inward instead of outward
>everyone we know gets fucked

Isayama made some mistakes this chapter so people thought it was deliberate and they start making theory that everything that happened right now is false memories created by Eren through the FT's power.
I don't believe it desu. I'm on the lolimir camp. She's going to revive her future father.

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GODgath would execute the Hongoloid


Erwin would have destroyed Marley

Hello bros I have been gone for a long time, tell me spoilers
I stopped when Pieck aimed a gun at Eren's forehead

Erenfags are brainlets

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>future father.
Cringe. Also, he will be eaten by someone, before some mindless titan can put him in his belly and regenerate him for who knows how long it will take

Daily reminder that this is endgame.

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>Generalizing again

you are dumber than Eren

people desperately clinging to any hope that Eren isn't dead and that they will be saved by their goddess. We know the rumble is going to happen and everyone except armin and mikasa will die

EL looking cute here

Erwin in no time would have realized the world wants them dead so would opt for genocide. Marley simply being the assholes behind the titan attacks in Walldia is enough motivation for any Walldian to genocide them.

>Short haired Historia

Is that Armong?

What this user said. I got involved in the crazy for about a hour before I wised up and just stayed clear of the crazy. Still, it seemed to have cooled down already. There’s also official stuff from Isayama that the mistakes are due to his being extra busy lately - probably due to the anime and the event.

Are you retarded? Erwin would have realized Paradis was an excuse for politic reasons and resources.

The fake memories is and was a common shitposting theory. It got new traction now that Isayama made several mistakes in the latest chapter.
>Gabi stated before that she can't ride but now she's riding
>Piecks re-transformed again and has already the cannon on her back despite that it was stated that this would need 15 minutes to do so
>Eren lost a part of his pants when porco bit him but now the fabric magically healed
Most people go with this theory because of confirmation bias and wishful thinking.
Personally I go with it because I want to give isayama the benefit of the doubt that he wouldn't make 3 mistakes in one chapter.

Man, they look so good together.


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You can thank Shitren for that. Pieck will negotiate with Armin now though.

Why not raise a monument for her instead ?

Terrorists and lovers

I just hope Mikasa will be happy..

Did you speedread Marley?

What does this post have to do with eren again?

Erwin can negotiate, Arm*n can't

Now that her character is complete what next for her?

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The most aesthetically pleasing pair.

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Teodoru Godogato will END Shitke.

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You should reread the arc. Not even joking, It's a really good arc and it looks like you missed some details.

Becoming the next attack titan

Killing Manlet, Hange, Historia, Jean and Connie. She can't be stopped.

explaining why not all eldians are bad to the world

Dying by Mikasas hand

This was just the start.

>women reading

The coordinate should have the power to turn titans into humans at wish.

Doesn't this apply to 90% of the characters in this manga

This. The build up for chapter 100 is really great.

The most interesting part of the theory for me is the volume 29 cover art. It’s full of fog and Eren is the only one without his eyes shaded. This could mean false memories or just indicate everyone’s in the dark about what Eren’s planning. It isn’t the first time Isayama’s foreshadowed something in the cover art.

Now that Falcon is the Jaws Titan, is he going to side with Marley? He doesn't want to kill anyone.

It could also mean that nobody, not even his allies, know his true plan.

Who will be the first to eat Eren's spine? Reiner, Armong or Zeke?



Oh Lord if it’s Reiner.

Nobody. He's dead.


Marleycucks are up for a grim reminder next chapter

Imagine Zeke taking Erens head ant putting the wound on his mouth and then drinking his blood
Close your eyes and imagine that scene

So many autistic overanalyzing rеdditors in these threads, fucking hell

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They can still quickly eat his spine

Same here, Isayama did half of the chapter in two days

His left eye is hidden from view the next panels we see him in as well.

Attached: eye.png (1796x1654, 2.09M)

Oh, I realized you said that after I submitted my post.

That's just Isayama making Zeke's eyes teary

No way. His other eye looks fine. The left eye has an uncanny thickness to its outline.

Is it Kakashi's VA?

I don't care about anime anymore, I want SNK to be a puppet show

It could be just the drawing

if dubs, it's finally time to rest

>i rabu piku
>sergeant major gross
>redpilled retribution
when will mods ban youtubers from this place?

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Is Isayama the ballsiest mangaka ever? No one ever does this to their protag that they've been building up since chapter 1. It's not like Jojo where each part has a different mc and there's weird ressurections and universal alterations. This is just one ongoing shonen story that's near its end but the lead boy is shot. If he actually goes through with this and doesn't pull a burning armin-style plot armor bullfuck Isayama will be known as the bravest author in shonen history.

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If only Erwin was still alive, Armin is zero hype

Post images that aged poorly.

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Reiner is 100% hype if he's the next protagonist.


Remember to Gab on them haters.

Eren stopped being the MC though I think his head will touch Zeke's hand

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>You did admirably Gabi.
>now leave the rest to your big sister.

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so you are saying yimir is not the ancestor to eldians but rather erens daughter sending her memories to the past to make sure she is born?

Right now, he’s the closest shifter to gobble up Eren and also Zeke.

Becoming Yimir Duh

Attached: QueenGabi.jpg (480x480, 30K)

>Eren's head is about to touch Zeke
>Gabi shoots it away with another sniper shot

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Levi is never going to die

>Gabi pretty much loses even more people she loves in a matter of minutes and goes even deeper into a pit of forever despair

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Spiral power

>Eren stopped being the MC
>When Isayama literally said the final arc is guessing what the protagonist (Eren) is thinking

This is why Gabi is so based. Even when all hope seems lost she refuses to give up. She'll make a good Attack Titan.

To me it is Historia

I still don't think so. Isayama is usually very meticulous with characters' eyes.

kek, imagine the erenfags (including me) literally implode

Arya El Gablina La Creatura Sue of All Fanfiction and Darth Erekose Uchiha The Edgehog WIPED THE HYPE by POWERWANKING and JOBBING (respectively)

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Can’t wait for Zeke to go completely out of character next chapter and not command the titans to kill Gabi

well, whoever eats Eren will get to know what the fuck he had been thinking

Gabipedos are getting btfo next chapter

This is some insane level of shipperfag cope. You YH shipperfags are desperately clinging on to the "FAKE MEMORIES" theory, as if that's something more than 1-2 people here believe. Everyone knows that Eren will just get revived.

>Why yes, i support the Eldian genocide plan, how did you know?

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Nah, Eren will thank Gabi for propelling him forward. It will be revealed that he was about to be killed by Magath, but Gabi saved Eren.

I'd rather have Eren stay dead than an asspull of this magnitude

Stupid faggot, stop posting.
The Gabi gang is neutral as always. It's you retarded shippers who are fighting eachother trying to piss eachother off.

I want to see Farmer kun, I've missed him so much

Kek imagine her reaction

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We all know that the loli will save him

>Gabi pretty much loses even more people she loves in a matter of minutes and goes even deeper into a pit of forever despair

We all know Eren will be resurrected from his death! Time travel will prevent that from happening...

>an asspull of this magnitude
It would be an asspull for Eren to not die after all the shit Reiner, Levi and Zeke survived.

>gets sent back here

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Erenfags are fucking hypocrites.
>Chapters ago: Gabi is a good character

Holy shit, is Isayama hinting at OnyanxHisu?

Gabi will kill Zekek next.

>why yes, I do support razing civilization and extinguishing the biosphere to slaughter billions of humans and animals to save a million abominations, how did you know?

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save us bobby b

>that's why he still has his pants and shoes because he avoids Porco in the new timeline

Based Magath shitposter

Imagine Gabi on her knees, looking up at you with her big eyes, with an expression of fear on her small face. She's kneeling between your legs, and her tiny fingers start caressing your low-hanging heavy ballsack. She lightly squeezes and massages them. Before sliding those little smooth fingers onto the bumpy veiny pulsating monster shaft above it. Some pre drips down, coating her hands. Gabi keeps staring at the throbbing pillar of manhood but often looks up to make eye contact every now and then. She lolls her tongue out and drags it sloooowly from the base of your erection to the tip, tasting and slurping on every vein and genital wart. She gives the beastly member some reluctant kisses, making you feel her soft luscious lips on your sensitive prick. She then takes the tip between her lips, glurking on the gargantuan girth. She can taste the pre covering her small tongue but keeps on dutifully sucking and gagging. Her cheeks cave in and she makes loud sloppy slurpsounds, swirling her tongue on your dong as if her life depended on it. Your toes are curling in your shoes and your eyes are rolling back with how overwhelming the pleasure is. She manages to get the entire length down her throat and then she sticks her little finger in your anus to give you further stimulation. Tears are rolling down her eyes and she groans with your manmeat stuck in her throat. After hours of the sloppiest, saliva-bubble covered, snot, pre, piss bj you finally bust an inhuman volume of thick potent seed in her. There's so much it fires out of her nostrils.

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Soon, Mikasa

nope, it's all staged, eren will eat her and end the titans

i feel fucking betrayed knowing eren is a hypocrite

>1 month of erenfag sperging

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>Supporting Eldritch abominations killing off humanity
That's going to be a yikes from me there, pal.

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>There's so much it fires out of her nostrils.
My fucking sides

The Ptrd is only a one shot weapon. Unless she grabbed more bullets I predict she'll aim the gun at Zeke but it will just click

the story is from those abomination viewpoint,
imaging having no empathy and brag about that


>implying some are not shippers glad to get rid of the competition

what did gabi mean by that?

Can't wait for multiple years of Gabipedo sperging after the next chapter.

all snk threads please

Reddit false flagging.
Gabi gang exists only in these threads and it's literally 3 people.

p-please leave this one alive


>dude muh bromance with wrex and eren lmao

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>Even when Eren loses people can't stop crying
Based Fatheren

Hypocrite because of what?

Chadren will live

3 with the eventual webnovel
4 with the game


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I love Eren, but no. I will lose all respect I have for Isayama if he plot armors this shit again like he did with Armin. Eren dying makes SnK one of the most unique and daring manga to ever exist, him being resurrected will be bullshit.

Gabi does a popular

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Digits and he dies

Gabi more like Dabi

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So that is falseflagging but with other posters isn't?

Why have Gabi actually shoot Eren's head off though? He could've just written that part differently, it's not like he was backed into a corner. He had like 100000 different scenarios to write in 119, it's so strange. I need the next chapter badly.

>erens head touches zeke
>reforms his body instantly
>Gabi mindbreak
Founding titan can cure plague and turn eldians into 200ft giants, 1 body regen is nothing

CHADren chads always win

They were meabt for each other

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Next chapter will finally cut to Historia, Hange, and Levi. You know it's true.

>555 (Eren is #5)
Uh oh

Isayama wouldn't make something as clear and blatant as Eren dying then revive him the next chapter you delusional gook.




Magato Kaminandesu means... Magath is God... Magath is God! MAGATH IS GOD! MAGATH IS GOD!

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Who can stop her?

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>gets smoked like cannon fodder again

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Cuckrenfag are losing it

Connie's bitchbreaking girth.


Kek, I got that reference.

>another month of people believing the protagonist is dead
It's the fourth time already


Eren never learned how to use the founding titan powers, specifically the memory thing. And he had no royal blood next to him when he got shot? Reiner is the next MC

It's going to be at least 2-3 months before we find out what's going to happen because next chapter or two will be a flashback and the one after that will be a PATHS conversation between Falco and Eren.

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Only Ymir Fritz can rival her power.

Except we're on the last volume according to the author. It makes sense he dies in the last arc, brainlet.

Third reread, and Porco’s death scene is still the highlight of the chapter for me. Something I noticed is that Eren seems to be speechless, mute this chapter.

>Except we're on the last volume according to the author

I wish Mikasa would love me instead of Eren..

No one believes Eren is dead, it's just shitposting because it makes people angry when you say something wrong.

>last volume according to the author

I did too kek

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This Eren is just a clone made from WHT’s power. Real Eren is still in the hardened titan

I want her to rape you as well Louise.

Upvoted Gabi gang :3


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>Eren x Nanaba
Absolutely patrician.

>Something I noticed is that Eren seems to be speechless, mute this chapter.
He was speechless in previus chapter too, speedreader

Erencucks BTFO

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>No one believes Eren is dead

nigga his brain got disconnected from his body and he can no longer be conscious to activate any of his powers

Gabi Gang will destroy the Hongoloids next

the absolute state of edgeren uchiha getting BTFO after acting chuuni in the recent chapters and acting like hotshit on the cover

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Gabi is fucking creepy, i'd break her face with warhammer

Man Eren really triggers some people here

Imagine Gabi putting on lipstick and leaving smears and kiss marks on your balls and asshole

OH NONONO, 5 years late from leaving his chuuni phase

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The absolute state of these threads

Did zeke loli'ing himself back to life not raise any flags for you? Like maybe a new mechanic to deal exactly with this sort of thing? Zeke did just scream, after all, in a place where plenty of people had drinken his spinal fluid.

YHbros, Falco is now the Jaw Titan which means he will receive Ymir’s memories. Therefore, Gabri needs to die so that Falco can forget her and fall in love with Historia.

God I fucking hate the manbun thing. I'd rather a buzzcut or a travis bickle mohawk then that gay hipster shit. Japan's obsession with trannies is so jarring.

Shipperfags hiding behind Gabi now, ignore them

ah yes getting improbably killed by a loli with zero payoff. bravo isayama. really subverted my expectations there. this is got tier. gabi has not earned any of her victories. she succeeds at everything she tries no matter how improbable. if he wanted to kill eren off he could have set up a situation that made more sense and had actual thematic value

>erenfag can't take banter
the absolute state of your pussywhipped genocidal maniac getting smoked after throwing an impotent tantrum at Mikasa for her being stronger than him growing up

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Erenpedos on suicide watch.

>fake memories


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Jesus you are so triggered you skipped one Erenfag post I quoted

you'll protect her from AM, r-right?

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>this is got tier
You're gonna have to deal with it. Isayama is a huge GoTfag, he drew that page with direct references to Varys, Margaery and others. Gabi is obviously his own version of Arya, so makes sense she's the next main character. Subverting expectations is the hot new thing nowadays.

So youre saying we only have 3 chapters left?
And Hajime is going to resolve all of the following in 3 chapters
>Who is the father
>what's going on with Levi
>and much more
I don't buy it user, we got at least 7 chapters left, but probably 11

This is what happens when you put pussy on a pedestal. Let this be a lesson to you Erenfags.

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>Mankasa selfinserters still seething
>p-please don't shitpost against us
My sides
Btw upvoted

Wait a minute, didn't he lose his legs in the same chapter?

Slowpoke, return!

CHADren will live and rape Gabi and Pieck

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Godbi rockers in the house tonight

Why does Gabi make my pp hard? Anyone else feel the same way?


She’s a female Eren. It’s perfectly normal to want to fuck female Eren

>p-please don't shitpost against us
This is what I find funny, they are always crying saying erenfags ruined their lives but then they shitpost x3. I guess feminists are just bipolars

>s-stop hating my character

>Uhhhhh why didn't Gabi let Eren murder the rest of her friends and destroy the world?

>is free
>depressed that he isn't in a state of conflict, because that's all his 3/10 wits knows how to live in
here's how your freedom man is doing while free bro

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>Erenfags are ledditors

I didn't say that, just that you are really triggered

No Armongpedo he will have sex with Pieck, Annie, and Historia because raping is for incels like you

eren WILL live

Chadmin will save Paradise now that Eren is dead and gone.

I don't know as many ledditors as you, I just googled it and you are a bunch of fujo ledditors


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>tfw you manipulate a child into coming into a basement so you can transform and potentially kill him
>tfw you laugh about your friend's death in front of everybody and don't apologize
>tfw you lock your friends in a building filled with serumified eldians

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It's gonna be the Ayanami effect all over again. Anno intended to make her weird and unlikable but all it did was created a generation of animu fans with a fetish for autistic girls. So all Isayama will do is create a generation that says Hitleren did nothing wrong.

And it will be the greatest generation.

Even even Chadren dies feminists can't stop seething

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Why did he laugh at Sasha’s death?


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Even when* oopsie

where is this info from?

anyone have a link to the official translation? its not on nyaa

No wonder he's pussywhipped. Look at the amount of soi he's been taking

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What the fuck was the point of this scene?

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I just read it.
Isamaya fucked up or is it a Kage Bunshin?

Erenfags will defend this.

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Nobody really knows.

I thought it was gonna be some goofy cash-in attempt but the more I hear about it the more awesome it sounds

Gabi's Ackerman is so cute.

>erenhaters are coltniggers and nilefags

Eren still killed innocent people so he deserves to die like Zeke. No one will defend that.

>tfw he laughed because this is no longer Eren's first time in the loop and the reason his attitude is no longer like it used to be is because he knows his destiny now
>The reason he laughed is because he's seen this play out so many times now

user's butt cavern.


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How could you say that to me, user?

Nile >>>>>>> shitren Uchiha

These statistics are outdated. Armin was supposed to be a pathetic 2/10 in combat, but he's keeping up with everyone else just fine.

who is the father of Historia's child?

>not a nerd or popular
>this is a bad thing
Why are burgers so mentally ill?

She looks like she fucks white guys.

whites belong with whites.

>this is the psycho who has the keys to the world's only WMDs

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Thank god.

From what I interpreted:
He said he needed to hurt readers, and I understood from that that he needed a character going rogue and turning tyrannical/genocidal, anything that isn't too peachy rose and pretty "heroic" with nip readers and readers in general.
He thought that character was going to be Armin at first and he was obviously trying to slip maniacal Gesumin and giving us little tidbits of his "cruelty" as explained in his speech "bla bla if you want to defeat the monsters you need to become the devil". The SC primary figurehead served this purpose well, being the "Devil" in that he took unapologetic measures to reach his goal.

I think Isayama had his doubts about promoting Armin as Erwin's successor and is now turning to Eren, a character known for its single minded behavior, gave him a new purpose (muh freedoms) and unleashed his freedom autism on the whole world. Meaning, Eren now from an ethically objective standpoint is no longer the hero, because he's a rabid dog who wouldn't comply with the diplomatic approach and would rather genocide the whole world to save his people.

Does that hurt readers per se? I guess most faggots reading don't want to be challenged with a morally ambiguous character. What would really be ironic and a cute tied end for Eren's arc isn't for his death, but for him to turn into a "tyrant" during his quest for freedom.
Maybe he'll make it so every one of his successors is a slave to the "fight!" will, he who fought solely for freedom, will doom his people to endless slavery, just like Karl did a 100 years ago.

Anyways, all I know is that Armin was supposed to fulfill this dictatorial role from a narrative standpoint, but now the roles've been reversed. And Eren is essentially, with his plan to rumble the whole world, and not just release a mini nuke, a "villain" to be put down. I don't think he's destined to die before he activates the rumbling.

He's dead and Arya is the new protag.

>Marley needs better technology to beat titans
>titans will be useless
>ending audio sounds hellish
>doesn't sound like rumbling however
>look at all the WW2 parallels
>tfw Marley develops an atomic bomb to kill all of Paradis + wall titans

Armin's slave is so adorable

literally a NIGGER mindset

screencap this, this is what is going to happen. You all forgot about warhammer underground abilities as well as the remote control of a titan

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chapter 112 really broke some people beyond repair ?


Could we have some discussion? Jesus christ why is everyone at each other's throats

This is one of the most significant cliffhangers in the manga you fucks.

The CHAD femboy
perfect for enticing the marleyan soldiers into converting to jaegerism and falling for eren’s bolshevik-tier trickery


>Armin Colossal fighting mindless colossals

Her husband would have.

Attached: pock_protecting_his_cute_smug_wife_Pii_and_their_based_daughter_gabos_.png (810x531, 516K)

Eren was never in that spot under Zeke, there was no time for him to dig under there in that exact spot beforehand. And Eren's never been shown to make 2 functioning titans at the same time.

Leave Eren's crotchspawn, and executing a KINO ending to me

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>you are free, my nephew
>*snaps baby's neck*

Gabo Gabbers the Gabster Gabi

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Every month the art gets worse and worse. Why?

>I don't buy it user, we got at least 7 chapters left, but probably 11
Did you not notice how rushed the deaths were this chap? I mean the Colt moment was very touching and Eren is debatable, but relatively important characters like Pixis just... died. If there were 7 or even ELEVEN chaps left, there's no way this would've happened in this way

We have 3 chaps left. That's ~120 pages I believe.

Annie isn't going to do shit and neither is Levi. Remember when people thought Ymir would play a pivotal role in RTS? Paths and Historia's baby won't take up multiple chapters either, and the rumbling can be inserted right near the end along with the timeloop. I just hope we get some Krugerkino


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Eren loves Historia and Historia loves Eren

he peaked at around ~90-100. ever since then it slowly decreases. there are of course some good pages in the newer chapters, but you can tell it gets worse.


mmy favourite lesbian couple

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Godbi is a stupid name. Her name is Gabi.

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Don't worry though, she has Falchad now.

Now I'm disappointed. Dictatormin would've been much more intresting than what we got with him now.

>3 chaps left
in your dreams. 11 chapters is the perfect amount to end the story so we can get no loose ends. 7 wouldn't be enough either.

Gabiledditors seething


If Hajime just forgets about fucking Annie and does nothing im gonna be pissed. I want fucking closure on her story, id be pissed if he kills her but at least then there's some form of closure. It isnt fucking fair man.

Die user.

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Google, user

It's not anywhere yet. All we have for now is translation from the gook scans. Check again in a few days.

what are you talking about? the Warhammer can make anything out of anything, that's how Eren escaped prison, he tunneled underground and didnt even have to turn into a titan. An he only produced one titan this entire fight, he's gonna make one under zeke and eat him and then use the founding titan's power

So let me get this straight, we have 3 chapters to resolve what happened to Hisu, LH's fate, Annie's fate and what's the deal with the devil the apple and the loli? Oh, and the MC is minus a head, not that he ever used it but he sort of needed it.
Trainwreck here we come!

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>literally these threads are ledditors vs ledditors

>but relatively important characters like Pixis just... died.
But he didn't die. He's rollicking around the streets of Shinganshina munching on tender beef-fed Marleyan lads, a great big smile on his face and a song in his heart.

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So what happened to Eren? WHT memories fucked him up?

Attached: ErenRegression.jpg (1828x1057, 766K)

It's easy if everyone dies.

Not confirmed user, truth is we probably have 11 chapters

>pic related is the niggers to re*ner but it’s not re*ner it’s you and your real self instead of just your photo

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Please tell me what content could actually be in those 11 chapters mate. Otherwise you're just pulling comfortable-sounding numbers out of nowhere

God can you imagine being Eren. Just IMAGINE.

He's been through the loop too many times now. Between 90 and when we met hobo eren it's been hidden that Eren has died multiple times and the Eren we see now is trying to do it correctly

EL BLANCO humbled him.

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>scared eren
What a cute girl!

Fathers are too stressed

Will he put Eren into the camel clutch?

Yes because one user on 4channel said so.
Get a grip.

Ackermans are scared of water

LH died in the river and when Annie gets out she is just a corpse


so btw, looking at that picture in the middle bottom. When he grabs Hanji we can see that he can titanize without injuries, so what does that mean?

Reiner and Ymir, forever cucked!

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Wait, do the brainlets ITT actually think Eren is dead?
Coming from a show in which the mc has "died" 2 times already. First being eaten by santa titan, 2nd time almost being eaten by annie.
Also Armin "died", and so did Levi and Zeke just recently. I feel like Reiner was also at one point thought to be dead but I'm not sure.


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Eren ran so he can touch Zeke, if the real him was underground he wouldn't even need to run and get shot you DUMB NIGGER

i thought pic related was from the official scans?.i know for sure its not from the reddit fukkatsu translation and the scan looks better

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I just want it put on record that I believed in this little shit from his rageturd days and I knew that the only logical progression for his arc would be to become the "anti-hero".
Here's to him living out his 13 year term, rumbling the world, and turning into the most revered/loathed figure in Eldian history

Eren's going through phase. I believe he needs counseling and mental check up

>Eren would choose decapitation before sacrificing Historia

>Eren we see now is trying to do it correctly
Ah, i see

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>cucked out of his own death
>humbling anyone

Yea. Lainer needs to stop jobbing to do that desu

youre the dumb NIGGER we have seen Miss Tybur produce a tendril from herself and recreate a second titan under Eren's titan and impale him with a giant fucking tree made of titan crystal.

its been explained that the WHT shifter doesn't need to be a titan to use its powers. thats how eren escaped from the jail cell.

Just read from ch1-119 after dropping it years ago.
I don't understand half of the meme in the thread but It's pretty nice.

>yfw eren really died and was eaten by Reiner

When will we see any WHT memories? Surely they are important, to see the Marley side of the great Titan war?

You can tell in his final moments he wished he'd done it all along.

the real him IS being shot, at the moment he realized Gabi was gonna shoot him he made a titan underground with a tendril and transfered his consciousness there. Screencap it so you can print it later and frame it over your bed you cock sucker

I know Louise is in Yeager faction but where the hell she is? I miss her so much

>a year break
No. Fuck off

She isn't a character, she is a plot device with plot armor out the wazoo.

Hello newfriend! Welcome to /snk/. We have our own special breed of shitposting here brought to (You) exclusively by our wonderful team of shipperfags and character autists. Feel free to spout as much "X WILL KILL SHITMIN" or "X WILL BEHEAD KEKREN". Remember to learn our special words for these different shingekis. Have fun posting and good luck!

eren got ONE memory from the founding titan by himself without any other person influencing the trigger (kissing historia's hand, rod/historia touching him.) and it was a glimpse of frieda brushing her hair. give up on the WHT memory meme

I’d love it if Falco picked up Gabi and rapidly chewed her up like a rabbit shoving leafs into its mouth

do people unironically think we are not gonna get the rumbling even a small scale one after all this teasing?

>designated slaves
>scared of water

Eren creates a fake memory of the rumbling to make everyone scared of him.

every 200+ IQ individual understands that eren isn't really dead and that he will rumble everyone outside of paradis

Marley will drop an atomic bomb on the wall titans to stop it


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>the moment he realized Gabi was gonna shoot he made a titan undeground

He did all that faster than a bullet killed him, nah. Stay seething,


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The point is that it is a decoy

What Erenfag said Gabi is a good character? People understand WHY she'd kill Eren. Doesn't make her doing be good writing:

>Kills 2 main characters
>Escapes from prison in a day without a sweat
>Gets her enemy to feel bad for her (Mikasa)
>Somehow, nobody kills her for what she does
>Everyone else's IQ drops by 80 whenever she arrives
>Has way too much screentime for such basic ass boring character development
>It's as if the young hothead "Shonen Protagonist!" Eren was taken from the beginning of the story to the end...except in Gabi's case, instead of getting her shit kicked in or kidnapped all the time, she is hyper competent
>Basically a 12 year old girl is carrying an entire army while the rest Job


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erenchad will make a titan big enough to go to the moon

Screencap this shit fags
Eren won't die and will rumble. Gabi will get trampled. Falco however will survive and live the remaining 4 years with the Eldians, getting prepped to receive the Attack titan from Eren.
When he eventually does and inherits his memories, he'll discover that his predecessor is the orchestra-tor of his misery and yet he will be destined to perpetually follow the path that Eren has designed for all his successor since he pre-imposed a Karl like will in his titan before his death.

You're the one who's seething. We know what he can do BASED ON THE FUCKING LORE OF THE MANGA

maybe try reading the words in the little bubbles next time if your IQ or 80 allows for that you subhuman piece of shit

>kills 2 main characters
like who? Sasha isnt even a main character

Do you know how fast a bullet is? Eren can't make something underground or shoot tendrils faster than a bullet. You fucking retarded NIGGER

You can clearly see that eren spots gabi a few seconds before she shoots, it’s not implausible that he did something in those few seconds

>gay hipster shit. Japan's obsession with trannies is so jarring.
How does this picture make you feel?

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>Character who has been there for 100 chapters as part of the 104th and one of the 9 SL to survive RtS isn’t a main character

Yeah I wonder

>live the remaining 4 years
Am I a speedreader?



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Erenchads are ETERNAL

>eren gets revived when he dies
>gabi doesn't when she gets killed inevitably

She was always a minor character who only existed because Isayama thought it would be better if Ymir wasn't in the top 10 and needed a placeholder. She would have died years ago if the editor didn't cry.

This is the holder of the founding titan, the attack titan and the warhammer titan,

Attached: Erun.jpg (549x549, 57K)

do you know how titans can materialize instantly with the speed of lightning? is a bullet faster than ligthning?? you fucking APE shit eating MOTHERFUCKING nipple twisting ASPHALT LICKING peehole sounding N I G G E R !!!!!!!

>lets kill this guy who has three titans so those three titans can go to three different eldian babies being born
is isayama this crazy?

I don't understand how one could like Gabi and NOT be a pedo. She has no interesting qualities and has no interesting development. Yet everything she tries she succeeds at. She's more of a plot tool than a character.

Attached: YoIsayama.png (512x265, 131K)

hes referring to Eren's 3 and a half or so years he has left

The remaining 4 years Eren has to live?



Reminder that next chapter will be a flashback and we won't know what happened to Eren.

Imagine a child growing up and realising s/he is basically a god.

this 100%. honestly he'll go back to levi/hange after the flashback chapter as well

This is the thing about Gabi. I always believed she's a red herring of a character. Ooo she looks like Eren and has his same resolve so she must be the new MC. I believe something tragic will happen to her to set up Falco as the new MC.

i hated Gabi at the beginning but after she baked the potato I started to like her. Not because of her as a character, but for how she riled up the fanbase.

Now she's completely destroyed the fanbase and I like her even more.

Attached: connect bullet 1.png (670x666, 709K)

imagine that baby getting an injury, throwing a temper tantrum then turning into a fucking titan crushing their entire family

And she hasn't gotten any comeuppance. Well, she got Falco titanized, I guess.

Lmao you fags have literally been saying this since she was introduced. Face it, based Gabi is living to the endgame

>Lmao you fags have literally been saying this since she was introduced
no not really.

You're about 25 chapters too late to post this.

falco's confession deathflag was bait. everyone knew that falco would end up being a shifter (definitely not the jaw titan though). gabi is the one thats going to die

I want falco to eat her on accident so bad

Probbably the only good reason to justify irrational fear of Eldians.

We know, Sasha.

>gets dabbed on by King Fritz
>rumbling activates
>wall titans walk inwards and exterminate Eldians for good

Idk I mean Gabi's arc was predictable (oh go on a devil island and learn their customs and oh they're not so devilish after all) but I just don't see how it's gonna go from here. Is she becoming a shifter? By whose hand? But that literally undoes all the work and sacrifice Falco put to sideline her. Is she gonna become some random housewife to falco? Who knows.

Do you think Gabi can take a full cock or just a tip?

I thought she'd join Armin and co, but from this chapter it doesn't look like it, so not sure either.

Whole head

It being predictable doesn't make it bad, what makes it bad is that isayama put no effort in Gabi's character arc

You aren't the first person I've seen on this site who views a piece of media through the lens of "fandom". But man, I find that line of thinking so odd.

I like characters that are well written. I like stories that are well put together. Why would my enjoyment of a story or characters be derived from my hate towards certain fans? Gabifags are annoying, but that isn't why I dislike her.

>>gets dabbed on by King Fritz
>implying zeke and king fritz wouldnt be the best of bros to build a small paradise for their eldians to live in peace before their inevitable death