
Culture Festival soon

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Other urls found in this thread:

youtube.com/watch?v=_GsmAIgES_w Vtuber

I vote for haunted house.

So this means it's gonna be maid cafe right?

haunted maid cafe


Yuri would be an awful maid.

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>Yuri spills my tea
>Yuri burns my pancake
>Yuri gets my order wrong
>Yuri is so nervous she forgets to charge me at the end
I'd love an autistic maid cafe

there is one lesbian in that pic, can you guess, Yea Forums?


>Literally called Yuri
Hmm I wonder who it could be
It's Ucchi obviously

What's gonna happen to Fuuka, Yea Forums?

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Akane and Nemo were wearing maid outfit during 1st year cultural festival.

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How come there was no festival for the second year?

And apparently Nemo supplied the outfits and nearly got caught out by her anime like choices.

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Speaking of Nemo

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I need to see maid Yoshida

Why is Pineapple confused?

Ucchi but she's a closeted dyke and it's up to Ucchi Gang to drag her out of the closet

I hope that we get some actual conflict in the next volume. All of this friendship shit is fine, but I want something to actually happen for once. I don't think I can handle any more SOL chapters.

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Kora! You messing with me punk? m-more tea okyakusama?

Deepest lore

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Who would be the most likely candidate for the source of some conflict?

Fang and Yuri

>no minami

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Asuka after she becomes the psychotic lesbian stalker Tomoko thinks Mako is.

Hopefully Fang. I want to see Tomoko destroy that bitch.

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Asuka isn't gay


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Asuka isn't gay

>Asukafag posts yet another Asuka doujin to prove their yuri delusionals aren't bullshit
Say what you will about the rest of the manga but Asuka getting main girl status was a huge mistake

>Fang/Yuri backstory
>Mako and Yoshida's relationship, Yuri digging into more of her texts.
>Asaka and Yuu showdown
>Ucchi's apology
>Asaka going to a love hotel with Tomoko as a "joke"
>Yoshida's future
>Road trip and deciding who's going.

There's still a bunch of stuff to explore. I can see Watamote going to at least it's 10 year anniversary.

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The guy who made that godlike trilogy with Yuri jumped over to the Asaka bandwagon.

Now that's saying something about Asaka as a main character.

>Asuka goes to school, pulls out a knife, and murders all the superfluous and annoying characters introduced since Disneyland.
>Confesses her love to Tomoko.
>Tomoko rejects her, Asuka commits suicide along with all her retarded fans from /u/.
>Tomoko becomes a traumatized wreck and reverts to the way she was at the beginning of the manga.
Best ending.

I see you're a fellow user of culture.

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She would also punch you if you piss her off.

Oof, I want to BUST A NUT inside these maids...

It also says a lot about some of these /u/ fags since a lot of them bailed on Yuri because they thought yuribait Asuka had a better chance of winning. To these degenerates the story and characters are secondary to the possibility of yuri.

Fang has yet to actually interact with Tomoko in any way, I'm sure that would start some shit.


It was said somewhere, maybe during the sports festival, that they rotate years so one year it's a cultural festival, the next it's a sports, etc. The sports thing this year wasn't a general sports festival but a school wide sports tournament for two sports (softball and table tennis).

We got cultural festival first year, sports second and cultural again the third.

That'd be from, what, chapter 20 or 21? So well within what the anime covered. I wonder if they actually did have an idea for Nemo from the start.

>Fang tries to start shit
>Pineapple steps in to shut her down
>"I can't believe her. Besides I don't like it when someone puts down my friends."
>"Even mega normie Forehead thinks I'm her friend!?"
>"T-Thanks... eheheh!"

Why do Yurifags treat everything like an actual shipping war? No other waifufags do it.

According to that radio interview they do come up with some basic ideas for all the characters they make, so they may well have had Nemo being secretly into anime in mind from the start.

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date with truck-kun

Funny you say that

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>Futaki, Anna and Rena getting isekai'd
I'd read it.

I wonder how Tomoko will fare being forced to serve in a lewd costume

Is Yuri a psychopath?

No, she's a very emotional girl when nobody's watching

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No, just autistic.

Based Asuka

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Remember when people thought that Fuuka would “steal” Asuka due to being the popular girl in the school?

Her brother would be indifferent. Now if it was Komi-something...

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He'd look at Komi-shit in disgust

tomoki would probably like this outfit better

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Same thing.

She's just struggles a little with social interaction, is clingy with her friends and doesn't respond well to stimulus. If that makes my daughter Yuri autistic then I guess she's autistic.

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When are we going to get a solo chapter about Tomoko, Yuri and Nemo only? Serious when? It's probably the most anticipated moment still to come in the manga.

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Mor-san is very cute and sex

I do hope Tomoki’s third year is enjoyable once the weirdos have graduated

Tomoko has tiny feet

Is Y/u/ri a psychopomp?

Go back

>make joke
>but it's also a manga with a lot of yuribait

I don't understand where the fuck you are when /u/ is shitting up other threads, but it's this one where you get upset

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user, in the face of obvious mockery, does not get when someone is busting his balls.

>Tomoki demonstrating any sort of sexual interest
This might be one of the most OOC things I've ever seen.

Seriously though, that boy ain't right

Usually I'm complaining about it but Asukafags are tough nuts to crack since they genuinely believe that there's a yuri end in sight.
It's hard to tell anymore. When it was about Yuri most people laughed it off as light-hearted yurishitposting and when it was Ucchi most of us accepted she was a closet homo but that her status as a gag character precluded her from getting with Tomoko. Can't give Asukafags an inch because they believe all of Asuka's ambiguous behaviour is an obvious sign she's gay and that Nico has to make her gay since she's got a large yurifag following now.

God forbid fans of something want a thing to happen. You do realize that wanting something to happen and pointing out why you think it's possible is completely within the realm of reason, right? That's what most of the Japanese fans are doing, with a lot of the characters, not only Asuka.
Jeeesus, you must have brain problems. Good thing you're a minority.

youtube.com/watch?v=_GsmAIgES_w Vtuber related

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There's a distinct difference between wanting something to happen and expecting it to happen. For Asukafags, a yuri ending is very much in the latter category. At this point some of these faggots are confusing this manga with Tadokoro-san as if it's actually a parody of Watamote (which has become a recurring joke on 2ch)

It's called being hopeful you dip.

>For Asukafags, a yuri ending is very much in the latter category
So what

Okay. And?

How's /u/'s track record on that? I'm not saying the possibility is zero but it's incredibly low.

Who fucked Tomoko?

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With what? Are you somehow so out of touch that you think people on /u/ genuinely think any manga can become yuri when yuri is a fucking niche genre and most slice of life that tease it ONLY ever tease it? Watamote literally has
1. A bisexual main character who is in denial about her obvious attraction to women.
2. A confirmed gay character that other characters are beginning to realize is gay, and her homosexuality is treated serious
3. A character who the MC is physically and emotionally attracted to, the interactions with which are painted with romantic subtext, often erring on the side of drama and seriousness rather than comedy, and literally, on multiple occasions, have hearts in the background while they speak.

What I'm saying is this isn't K-ON.

He still have dicky chan and loud sayaka.

oh actually now that I post that, K-ON is a bad example since it also has a gay character. The difference is that Mugi is "generally gay" and "gay as a joke" whereas Ucchi is legitimately in love with the protagonist of the series.

>Mugi is "generally gay" and "gay as a joke"

That sounds an awful lot like Ucchi

First, Ucchi is definitely not generally gay, don't be contrarian for contrarian's sake. She is only interested in Tomoko.

Chapter where she gives Tomoko omiyage. Blushes deeply when she receives a thank you letter.
Chapter where they exchange chocolates. When Tomoko leaves hers in Ucchi's locker, she silently holds back. Not a joke (though this chapter does end on a joke of her eating poop)
Omake where she notices that Tomoko's nails are painted. Ends with her sad, not a joke.
Ucchi spicing up Tomoko's food at a party and blushing. No joke there.
Naturally, the chapter where Ucchi shoots herself in the foot. Almost the entire chapter is taken seriously, and a joke is only made when her being closet gay gets so bad for her that she pretty much ruins her already fragile relationship with Tomoko.

Are most of Ucchi's moments comedic? Yes. Are all of them? Definitely not, and there are moments like post-Amusement Park where it's a blend of Ucchi taking things seriously and Ucchi being made fun of (getting the key chain and really feeling sincere about having received a special gift, only to realize Tomoko is getting away from her and she is NOT special).

>Are you somehow so out of touch that you think people on /u/ genuinely think any manga can become yuri when yuri is a fucking niche genre and most slice of life that tease it ONLY ever tease it?
Yes. There's half a dozen different sol anime manga discussed almost daily on /u/ as if it's yuri solely because of their all-female casts. /u/ will jump at anything with the tiniest hints of yuri (at least in their eyes) and call it subtext.

>Mugi is gay
Never mind. Didn't realise you were mentally disabled.

She dressed like Kiki from Kiki's Delivery Service in the anime

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>>Mugi is gay
>Never mind. Didn't realise you were mentally disabled.

Oh, I guess you haven't watched or read it. K-ON is a series about a light music club. This character called Mugi is openly lesbian. Nobody else though.

And user no shit people will point at subtext. What. How ignorant are you? I mean jesus h christ, what? What else would they do, they enjoy yuri you fucking idiot! That doesn't mean they expect something like Non Non Biyori to legitimately ever have romance. Why? Because series like it never do, but that doesn't have to stop you from fantasizing

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Mugi was a straight girl that liked yuri manga. Those kind of people exist. I mean you're a gay male that likes yuri. There's no real difference since neither of you will actually engage in sexual relations with other women but you both still enjoy the genre.

I think we get this arc only if there will be college continuation.

Oh whoa, the hypocrisy of calling someone mentally disabled or deluded and thinking a gay woman likes men.

Honestly I don't even care because I think Mugi is a lousy character, it's just dumb as shit to say something that sincerely. She's a dyke, that's the joke.

>This character called Mugi is openly lesbian. Nobody else though.
"openly" really? does it really happens in the manga?

She has no qualms pointing out her love of girls. She's just "that character", like the annoying older sister in Mikakunin who was gay and a lolicon.

I've read K-on. The college sequel as well. Mugi is more accurately portrayed as enamoured with female relationships because of her rigid family upbringing. She isn't a lesbian, she just wants to learn more about what it means to be friends with normal girls. Female friendship being an alien concept to /u/tards. btw I do think Ucchi is gay before you try to say that I'm blind about the yuri themes in Watamote, I just consider Ucchi to be the only proper evidence thus far of yuri as opposed to hamfisted Asuka yuribait

>hamfisted Asuka yuribait
I'm just reading "I have no idea what I'm talking about".

Here, try this imgur.com/a/kow44Y1
if you've seen it already and don't care, okay
if you haven't and look and still don't care, whatever
point is, it's not bait if it actually has legitimate buildup.

They warned me some yurifags would be batshit insane. Didn't think the delusion was this real

I really don't care, man. Like I said, I don't even like Mugi or characters like her.

Imgur really? You don't have the time to meticulously comb through the archives looking for evidence to justify Asuka's out of character behaviour (at least after the college trip because that was the tipping point since she was a relatively minor character prior to this point, similar to Akane) as anything more than yuribait? I'm disappointed Asuka Autist.

Being nice to Fang!

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The only reason you'd be nice to Fang is to trick her into starring in a JAV then leaving her when she's old and worn-out.

>Asukafags are delusional
>Tadakoro-san didn't start out as a Watamote riff
What's it like being this out of touch with reality? I wouldn't at all be surprised if the authors blueballed but they're setting up Asuka as having a genuine romantic interest in Tomoko and Tomoko at least has a girl crush if not romantic crush on her right now.

Tadokoro-san has a lot of common yuri tropes the main ones being the tall confident popular blonde haired girl and the timid unpopular dark haired girl. That in no way implies that the author simply ripped-off Watamote. Only that they share certain superficial similarities. As for their personalities, they in no way resemblance each other, especially Tadokoro and Tomoko. You're probably right about Tomoko's girl crush on Asuka but I don't expect that Nico would actually have Asuka reciprocate those feelings. It doesn't sit well with the tone of the manga. A yuri direction is very different from the shift from otaku loner manga to coming of age story. Indeed, it would be a betrayal of the spirit of the manga for Tomoko to conveniently (for the yuri fans at least) to end up with the popular girl.

Disclaimer: This is my personal opinion so don't go crazy and assume that I have presented my opinions as unassailable facts. Watamote may well have a yuri ending since it's in the realm of possibilities but even something like a no romance or het ending is possible.

Fang is only for being beaten and gangraped by her entire year level.

>It doesn't sit well with the tone of the manga. A yuri direction is very different from the shift from otaku loner manga to coming of age story. Indeed, it would be a betrayal of the spirit of the manga for Tomoko to conveniently (for the yuri fans at least) to end up with the popular girl.
I could indeed see how someone not paying attention could feel that way.

Now you're just acting like a typical obnoxious /u/ fag who believes that their assertions about current events, of which their future ramifications are not yet certain (ie Asuka's actions motives), are the only valid ones. Tell you what, in 1-2 years time when this is all over you come to here and we can discuss how it ended. If it is yuri then I'll concede to all I posted above and beyond this thread as total bullshit. If not, then you'll do the same.

*come here

I didn't notice it before, but now that Tomomote confirmed How yoshida looked before Tomoko met her, I'm pretty sure that's her.

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No user I'm just saying that being ignorant of the manga's events which have been transpiring since literally the start is an absurdist notion. Your main character wants to fuck girls. Having her fuck girls is not a "betrayal of the spirit of the manga". Throughout the series Tomoko has confronted and addressed issues with herself and her own honesty. Her problems of wanting friendship but wanting to believe everyone was an awful normalfag, her problems of thinking herself better than everyone but realizing that she's worse, and there is another issue that IS a matter that has been brought up but not resolved of "I am interested in girls BUT NO I'M NOT GAY NO NO DEFINITELY NOT", an arc that a separate character has literally experienced and gone through and it wasn't downplayed but instead treated earnestly. I'm not speaking of guarantees, I'm saying that your assertion that yuri would be ill fitting demonstrates a total, willful ignorance of the manga you allegedly read.

yes, it's been pointed out
Ucchi and Ucchi's friend are there as well.


use sauce nao for pixiv images
pixiv filenames have _# in their names, ie _0 _1 _2

>absently watching/listening to a nip's reactions to chapters
>ANY time Nemo appears: "DAMN, SHE'S CUTE"
it's hilarious

and she is

Asuka would totally make Tomoko wear this

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>but I don't expect that Nico would actually have Asuka reciprocate those feelings
user, Asuka definitely reciprocates those feelings. Nico goes out of their way to show that her interest in Tomoko is deeper than wanting to be her friend or getting to know her a little better.

Beyond the little artistic flourishes like Asuka thinking Tomoko wanted to run her fingers through her bush with hearts in the background and stuff there's her constant defense of Tomoko against people she feels are putting her down. There's her insistence on the two of them going to the same college together and not seemingly giving a shit if anyone else makes it in. There was her disappointment when she felt Tomoko wasn't being honest or comfortable around her during that trip, complete with looks of longing. Her depression during Tomoko's suspension. Most importantly her being happy when she thought Tomoko was the only one she sent a text to and annoyed when she heard she responded to Yuu as well.

Those aren't the actions of someone who just "wants to be friends" or whose motivations and intentions are ambigious. They're telling the reader that yes, Asuka is very much in love with Tomoko and wants her all to herself. She's very clearly meant to mirror and contrast Ucchi (both having similar obsessions and set ups) who is, of course, gay for Tomoko too.

Whether Tomoko actually ends up with Asuka or if there's any actual full yuri end is up in the air; Japanese writers seem averse to doing anything before the end for fear of upsetting readers so we likely won't know until the series is on its retirement road. What's not is Asuka's feelings: she's gay and specifically is gay for Tomoko.

You seem more interested in Tomoko being gay for your own personal reasons. You have almost a zealous attachment to the idea that this manga is best as a yuri manga rather than a healing manga with a focus on comedy instead of romance. Let Nico tell the story they want to tell rather than read yuri into every interaction between Tomoko and Asuka. I don't even know why you use this board Asuka autist. Your conjectures would be far more welcome on /u/.

Asuka isn't gay, yet. As it stands there is inconclusive evidence she is gay. Maybe she is. Maybe she isn't. It's one thing to hope she's gay and another to declare she is and belittle us for doubting your opinion. Please be patient and refrain from insult people for having legitimate reserves about your 'Asuka is gay' theory because all of what you say remains speculation

Do we really need the same discussion every single Watamote thread?
Look at those walls of texts.
Christ anons, give it a rest already

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Not him, I agree, but I think this is the sort of post that bothers people. I don't think it's badly written or written with ill intention, but even confidently stating something you believe, so long as it's 1) gay and more importantly 2) about Asuka is enough to make people think that you're obnoxious, which is quite absurd.

I mean even if you believe this, which I do, this shouldn't make anyone upset. If you believe it and someone else disagrees, that should be the end of it: disagreement. I honestly do believe Asuka is Ucchi's parallel, and that she's in love with Tomoko, and I think that's obvious especially if you look closely, but if you don't agree with me so what? What makes that irritating? Is it just that you have the gall to want homosexuality? Is it just "not hating Katou Asuka, whom everyone should hate?" I don't really get it.

He's Asuka Autist for a reason. I'm a het lover sitting on the sidelines but it's fun to watch. I'll get involved when Wada takes the cock out of his mouth and makes a move on Asuka

If I'm free to just post what I want to post, be it Asuka, Nemo, Yuri, Ucchi, Tomoko herself, or whoever, and I'm free to post about them, and I'm free to talk about why I think X, Y, or Z then I'll be fine. I think what I'll personally do now on is try to ignore people who consistently reply to posts with "go back to /u/" or "you're delusional!" and so on, as well as people claiming the threads have been ruined by literally the fanbase that revived the series. It's difficult to ignore as they are persistent and apparently on the autistic spectrum, because they really just can't leave anything alone, but meh.

Might just start reporting more. Like any "talking about the fanbase" or "shitflinging at anyone who likes yuri". Can't report people saying they hate the manga, as even if it's repetitive and spam-esque they're entitled to saying that they hate it, but yeah I'll have that button handy more

user you're a fucking nutjob and literally obsessed with yuri. Seek help. And to clarify the yuri fans didn't revive the manga. It was the self-improvement loving fans that did because they had become invested in the character development and the assortment of interesting characters that had been incorporated into the manga. Imae-senpai's graduation wasn't about throwing a bone to yurifags, it was about showing Tomoko's potential for critical reflection on her high school life. Also I think volume 15 dipped a little compared to 12 and 13.

on oricon

I said
>as well as people claiming the threads have been ruined by literally the fanbase that revived the series
as in
so literally slow your fucking roll. I am talking about people who come in saying she should have never had friends and that those developments were sudden. I am WELL AWARE of what revived the series, but your blind hatred of yuri means you can't even realize we see eye to eye on a matter, and just want to immediately call me a nutjob. I mean fuck, I don't even think more than 3 characters in this series are homosexual, and I believe 1 of those likes dicks. Is the yuri fanbase fervent? Yes, but it's never been why the series became popular again. Obviously. Now again, calm down, and stop being a shithead

How you composed your post effectively conflated the two points. Only you knew what you had tried to say. We just had to assume which group you were referring to. Either the anti-yuri fags or the self-insert fags. Since you hate both it's impossible to rule out either. Now please stop acting like a self assured jackass Asuka autist and calm down

thats pretty hot

Meiru sucks, world three is shit

Yoshida is cute but she's no Wada

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I feel extremely proud for my girl. She is a serious competitor for the tomokobowl

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fuck asukafags

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wada is just mako(male)

Ucchi bro here to save us from the Asuka autist

Emoji is beautiful!

Futaki is just a new and improved Ucchi

This whole thing is pretty hot you guys

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With enough stimulus I'm sure we could see Tomoki's horny boy side, he's a teen after all.


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Anime when?

What has she done that's out of character?

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Not my Tomoko


What is this a sample for?

They do their best with the little time they apparently have.

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The last time we had one was 140 chapters ago.

>we dont know asukas thoughts

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It's not exactly ludicrous to have not noticed that, by the way. In fact it was only recently on Yea Forums that anyone pointed this page out. This said, it still holds true that unlike Yoshida, Nemo, Yuri, Yuu, Komi, Tomoko, and even Mako (even their teacher, even Tomoki, even that fat artist, honestly name a character) until one chapter ago we had never gotten Asuka's feelings or thoughts on matters. Even this is not thoughts on something, it's an observation.

To be fair that one line doesn't really tell us much about Asuka's mindset, it's not the same as the amount of inner monologue we get with the other characters.

Generally a means to discourage copying and losing profits

I think user is asking what these are samples of, not why they're samples

She's not nor has she ever been. Tomoko will get with Glasses-chan before she even considers Emoji.

Most likely acrylic stands

im gonna need more of this or a source

So Tomoko's an armpit girl. Where does that rank among fetishes. Is that a step above foot fags?


I don't know but she's into incest too so she's pretty cool.

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>adult Tomoko

Ascended Tomoko: Office Lady Final Form, Italian vacation

Thank you user


Suspension arc was shit, the latest chapter also feels forced and out of place as fuck

it reminded me of early - middle watamote chapter, which was fucking shite


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>condensed milk
sounds awful.

am still on around 150 chapters, is world three any good for translations? anything better/faster?

Taimanin Wada-kun...

It's sweet.

Official release?

armpit attraction is perfectly normal, only gets iffy when it's hairy pits

And so, our brave Oori has left us forever. Now a true lit girl, reading for pleasure alone in the library, and she'll keep reading forever among those bookshelves, until Nico decides to breathe new life upon her, if ever.

It's not fair, they never gave her the chance to be a proper manga, doing the story in 4koma medium doomed it from the start, and they should've known. Everyone of them, of us, failed her. Godspeed, you cute retard, I shall never forget.

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She's cute, but her story was pretty boring and the shoujo-esque vibe was not my cup of tea

Let’s say we get an anime next tear

Which studio should animate it?

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Why not stick with Silver Link

Better question should be who'd be adapting character designs


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Their designs looks too wide and lacks the awkward “sharpness” Ikko has

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I don't know if a second season would be so good, it would take the entire season to get from where they left off to the Kyoto trip unless they skip a ton of stuff. Also the last thing these threads need is a bunch of anime onlies coming in.

Asuka isn't gay. She just hasn't experienced the joys of motherhood that comes with a love of cocks yet.

Attached: LiterallyMadeForBreeding.jpg (700x979, 139K)

>also the last thing these threads need is a bunch of anime onlies coming in.
It would beat the current "le Asuka sucks" "mai waifu" shit that these threads have been floundering in for over a year. I'd welcome them.

You have no idea how bad these threads will be when an anime rolls around. The level of shitposting would make the rabid yurifags and the self-insert losers seem tame in comparison. Anime onlies ruin everything they touch.

>unless they skip a ton of stuff.
That would probably be the best bet, there isn't much that happens in that period that particularly matters other than introducing Nemo and Komi.

That’s how Tomoko sees them, maybe?

No, it’s just how the designs are

>Reverse Harem
>Gaybait shit

A single-cour season is plenty of time to adapt up to the Kyoto arc, there's plenty of unimportant gag chapters they can skip/condense to make it up to that point. As long as they adapt everything involving Nemo/Komi/Ogino/Imae I don't think there's any problem. And chapter 82 makes for a pretty easy ending point as well, and that would allow them to adapt up to the end of second year pretty easily in the hypothetical follow-up season.

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Well, of course tomoko's soulmate would be different.
You don't present your gf the same way like your friends, do you?

Confronting the source of the grossness.

>Good evening madame. I'm with the city's health and hygiene department. I was wondering if you would let me examine your daughter's used underwear and bedsheets. There's been an outbreak of grossness recently so we're doing everything we can to ensure the safety of our citizens.

Yuri's horn must have gone right up into Tomoko's brain.

From a strictly story telling point, this is pretty interesting. But, I think Nico will be aiming for an ending resulting in less casualties.

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Let me fuck your daughter

How do you fuck up that badly, did she have an autistic fit in the middle of cutting?

She has something against pizza

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She didn't expect Tomoko chating and hugging with some flashy pretty girl

Maybe she was going for something like a star shape.

I hope she releases Numbers again. Fuck fake lit girl.

It's a girl though

Tomoko was lying about cosplaying.

Attached: 008.png (870x1236, 260K)

ikr! Also most fierce and vocal Asuka haters are Yurifags too in general. They moved to her after Nemo stopped be threat for them.

Coincidence, I'm re-reading the manga and I'm in this chapter right now

Holy shit!

Pretty sure I've seen a translated version

Go to bed Asuka autist. Just about everyone beside you fags are sick to death of all your excessive focus on shilling Asuka. You're all worse than the average waifu fag. And Asuka isn't gay.

Good thing Asukafags don't seething and don't go all out on shipwars, just posting Asuka art and smirking peacefully.

That's not what it was at all.

At this point, it is clear that he isn't really an Asukafag. He is just trying to make anons hate the real Asukafags by being as obnoxious as possible. It's pretty clever if you think about it.

Asuka fags are ok in small doses (usually when she's got a role in the latest chapter so there's actual discussion) but every thread there's always one faggot that feels compelled to dump yet another Asuka doujin and it just gets repetitive. They don't even seem to engage much with anyone until someone shittalks Asuka. If they just wanted to dump Asuka content then /u/ is the better board for it.

Examples of "Asuka's out of character behavior" please?
And what do you mean "yuribait". Her behaviour is pretty gay at the moment. Straight girls don't act this way. And you believe Ucchi is gay but Asuka isn't? Why so? None of them said "I'm lesbian!", so according to your logic both of them are yuribate cause we don't know for sure.
What evidence do you need? Should Asuka fuck Tomoko in front of the class or what?

Preach it, my dude. I'm fine with Tomoko getting friends and life getting better for her, but it's like regardless of what she does there are no social consequences for her now.

This. A prophetic user on /u/ even predicted that this would happen. Or was he trying to set up his performance?

Oneesama, not even us want asuka in our precious /u/cchi threads.
Let them stay here (for ever), "please".

Is there a source for the announcement? The panel in the raws doesn't have anything.

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>No maid yoshida

I need an explanation Nico !

Her penis would be too notorious.

Ucchi said she already had someone she liked when she was asked about being Kowalith's (?) girlfriend. Nothing even close to that has been established with Asuka because we don't know her feelings for Tomoko. All of Asuka's actions have been incredibly vague and open to interpretation (such as that sexual harassment may in fact be a way of her bonding with Tomoko because she outright stated that she does that with her *friend* Yuu). It's a perfectly valid observation that all that's happening is just lighthearted teasing and Asuka being curious about Tomoko's unusual behaviour especially after she sorted out the Nemo/Akane problem. Maybe Asuka is gay but /u/ fags proclaiming she is gay is purely speculative, no matter how rude and abrasive they get about the subject.

>nico will never ever turn the series into yuri

Attached: 1561000194143.jpg (640x585, 73K)

I don't expect them to. But at least some Ucchi closure would be nice. We need an Ucchi Gang chapter where they get her to stop pretending she doesn't like girls.

Attached: ArrestedForLesbianCrimes.jpg (1028x1200, 119K)

I don't get it, is it easier for your to believe that Asuka is straight girl, who for some unexplained and unbelievable reasons trying to get closer to Tomoko with obviously not only friendly intentions, rather than to believe that Asuka is gay. Her being bi\lesbian totally explains her behavior. Just teen-girl being in love and unsure if her feelings are mutual, hence desire to get closer, receive proper reaction and jealousy.
It's not like far-fetched ships like YoriMoko or NemoMoko.

Minami and her friends

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>Minami and her friends
>her friends

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Fang has so many friends, you can't even see them!

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Watamote on LSD

Well, if Asuka just wants to be friends with Tomoko, why she wants it so badly? She invites Tomoko to sleep on her lap, happily let her to grope her boobs, insist Tomoko to enter the same college, become upset and jealous when she found out Tomoko called Yuu during suspension etc. Don't you think it's way too much if she just seeks only friendship? Threre is no logic in her behavior if she just wants to be friends and not interested in Tomoko romantically. Nico Tanigawa are pretty good with their characters behavior and motives.

>no pineapple chan

I'm liking Uchi more and more, so cute. I hope her lesbo dreams are fulfilled one day.

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I only want the lesbian arc to have a satisfying conclusion

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Fighting game when

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Hello father in law.

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>that image
Has a manga ever went to absolute dyke harem dogshit faster? My god what a train wreck. At least they axed the fucking anime early on. Maybe the jap viewers shunned it because they saw this garbage coming.

I honestly hope that after enrolling into college something will happen and go down spiral hard
Its the only way to keep developing tomoko in any meaningful way as a character

>Ucchi gets a college spin-off where she stalks unsuspecting straight girls
Good enough?

It needs 1-3 OVAs, then a second season


Just greeting her future mother-in-law

Attached: future.jpg (421x697, 60K)

You realize that when I'm posting about Nemo I won't post about Asuka, and when I'm positing about Asuka I won't post about Nemo, right? Do you understand? Do you also understand that "posting relevant images for the series" is completely on topic? You could ACTUALLY just replace "Asuka" in your post with any girl, and it wouldn't be too ill fitting, because everyone posts pictures of who they like, and most readers don't exclusively like one character. It's debatable that most art this day is of Asuka. If you have a problem with that crusade in Japan.

So even when it's proven that you agree with me you have to pretend you don't? That's an impressive level of autism.

If you're not going to read my posts or understand them, don't reply. You obviously don't get what I'm saying with this statement
>You have almost a zealous attachment to the idea that this manga is best as a yuri manga rather than

I said it wouldn't be inappropriate not that it would be best.

>implying it isn't the japs who turned this series into yurishit

Why do you always response so aggressively to these posts Asuka Autist? Is it that easy to set you off? Are you that fragile? Seems like half the time you're being baited to act like an obnoxious faggot and make all yurifags look bad, and each and every time you follow through with exactly the kind of response they're looking for. Why can't you just ignore them?

>implying it's even yurishit/absolute dyke harem dogshit
Two love interests is not a harem

Nico invited them in with yuri undertones and now they've made their nest the series. Can't wait for the shitstorm when Nico doesn't follow through with their wild expectations and make Asuka as gay.

What is this?

Someone posted it in the raws thread but there's no source for the image, so it seems to be fake

>implying there would be a shitstorm
This is the real delusion, believing anyone who wants it to happen will be bothered if it doesn't. It demonstrates a complete lack of awareness, too. It's most likely nothing will happen, and even a boyfriend is possible (though at present, given no boys have any actual development, it would be a poor writing decision).

The only two "ha ha not yuri" manga shitstorms I can even think of after having read maybe near a hundred yuri manga were over Stretch and Nanashi no Asterism. The second was literally about gay romance. In the final volume's extras, all the characters get boyfriends because they were basically only "gay in school". Then there's Stretch, which technically was not a yuri manga, but definitely HEAVILY IMPLIED that one character wanted to have a relationship with the other, and the other character at least found her attractive. In the end, they suddenly stop being roommates due to one of them getting a job in a different city. There is no setup for this, it just happens, and every single hint toward ANYTHING in the series (not only related to lesbianism) is dropped in an out of nowhere ending. This ending was so bafflingly terrible in has scarred almost the entire fanbase.

Thing is, the issue with Stretch wasn't even that the characters didn't become girlfriends despite really obviously moving toward that conclusion, the issue was that all of that tension wasn't addressed whatsoever. I am quite sure that if it had been addressed, and the "less gay" character had rejected the other one, people wouldn't have minded. Basically, the shitstorm was over how badly it was handled rather than what actually transpired.

chinpo chinchin chinpoko ochinchin ochinko mara

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It is too late for regrets. Reality just keeps cruelly moving forward. You have seen reality, so you ought to know: not one wish ever gets granted in this miserable world! That is why I shall guide it toward a dream of infinite Asuka x Tomoko sex! I shall create a world, where it won't be necessary for an Asukafag, to pathetically make excuses in front of a Watamote thread!

Attached: 1558715742652.jpg (1448x2048, 519K)

Started reading watamote this past month. Now having caught up, I feel empty having no more to read.

Attached: draper sad.gif (560x302, 1.55M)

Jesus christ fang chan is really the worst

Yuri would be the final boss like Dural in VF.

Attached: virtua-fighter-5-dural-1.jpg (1280x768, 278K)

read tomomote if you haven't yet

>most likely nothing will happen
Pretty much. But I do people you're wrong about thinking that there wouldn't be some blowback from a no yuri ending, especially on /u/ if there's a het ending instead since a vocal number of /u/ fags are unrepentant misandrists. And the reason why there's so few yuri manga shitstorms is because most of them are properly tagged as yuri so it's unlikely that something significant enough to cause a shitstorm would actually occur in those manga. Maybe if it was subtext and nothing happens at the end but only the most delusional yurifags actually expect something in those manga. Stretch also caused some much shit because the mangaka also did a lot of stupid shit previously and got Prism cancelled when it was just getting good.

Attached: D-4xKwjU4AAJuSJ.jpg (1200x1530, 208K)

You are not fooling anyone. It's so obvious that you are only falseflagging as an Asukafag to make them look bad. No one is this autistic.

I want more YuriNemo friendship chapters

Attached: YuriAndNemoAreEquallyBestGirl.png (850x1197, 1.39M)

Ucchi and her friends are so qt

Attached: __kayo_miyazaki_and_uchi_emiri_watashi_ga_motenai_no_wa_dou_kangaetemo_omaera_ga_warui_drawn_by_hara (850x1490, 312K)

Ucchi is THAT thicc?
How has mokocchu ignored her?

>But I do people you're wrong about thinking that there wouldn't be some blowback from a no yuri ending
There would be people disappointed and there would be a few angry crazies, but there wouldn't be a shitstorm. Most series with subtext end with just that. There obviously isn't a shitstorm every time a series ends with only subtext, or with boyfriends.

The thing about Watamote is, the main character also likes cocks. That alone shuts up most people. On /u/, there's only one dyke who's super deluded into thinking Nico has written Tomoko as a pure lesbian in denial and that even her blatant sexual attraction toward men, including masturbating to them and such, is all just social manipulation rather than her own bi sexuality. But her aside, most know you can't deny what she is attracted to. The only "evidence" that she might be more into girls is that we haven't seen what she masturbates to, which doesn't mean anything. I mean for fuck's sake, she's NEVER been shown to masturbate to girls, just that she's attracted to them

Huh? I'm not talking about Asuka at all. Why are you calling me autistic, anyway?

Oh, I was hoping they where daki samples.

>Stretch also caused some much shit because the mangaka also did a lot of stupid shit previously and got Prism cancelled when it was just getting good.
That really had nothing to do with it. Stretch ran years after Prism and was well received and highly acclaimed until the ending which, again, Prism and Show's tracing had absolutely nothing to do with.


I think Nico could very naturally develop Tomoko as bisexual because of her behaviour with Asuka and Yuu but as things stand she's closer to being bicurious than outright bisexual. Maybe the next few chapters about Asuka will provide more clarity. And that /u/ fag sounds like a total nutjob
There was anger because it was another example of the mangaka failing to deliver a satisfying yuri story although in Stretch's case it was a conscious decision to blueball the audience. Bet the vampire one ends up just as bad at the end

The Ucchi gang are top tier

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I want Kayo to step on my balls

Well most of them. Does anybody actually care about Natsu?

Her boyfriend

End of Tomoko coming soon

Ucchi and Mako are the best characters, design-wise

I don't know if I'd call it "curious" with her antics and her "holy shit I'm so wet right now" reaction to females. I will also admit that it's worthwhile to note that, like with most things about her, Tomoko's want of a boyfriend is definitely a social expectation rather than true feeling. She's only considered romance with a single boy, who she only got interested in due to something inconsequential. It was also only for that chapter (I refer to fat guy who drew her picture). Not only has she never had a crush on a boy, she seems to think her value as a person... sorry, SEEMED to think her value as a person was dependent on whether or not she had a boyfriend and whether or not her hymen was broken. It definitely seems like when romance is involved, like with her desire for friends and such, it was based on social expectation.

That said she definitely wants the D and the V, but ALSO due to social expectation she is in denial about her want of the V. She did recently say she still needs a boyfriend, but if that's the case she's not trying very hard to get one.

Onee-sama, you need to go back.
Even here we don't like your kind.

Sex with megane!

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We need a good chapter with her equal to the one where Tomoko hung out with Anna, Rena and Futaki. We need her name.

We haven't had a new chapter of write sisters in TWO FUCKING YEARS. momokomote takes priority but fuck if you're a /u/ fag you've been hard blue balled by this point

She'll realise where her priorities lie soon enough Deepest lore when this gets referenced again

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Glasses kun will drop an application on her desk and they will go out together at the culture festival.

Is this what you see when you read that post? Because saying "she definitely wants the D" isn't very /u/

Attached: file.png (1500x434, 19K)

Tomoko getting proposals wouldnt be that weird, she is now popular and surrounded by pretty girls, it's only a matter of time.

Too many gay girls appeared in this manga. All that pain forced me to grow up. Even innocent foolish children will grow up in the face of pain. Until their thoughts and beliefs are the same as adults. Oh user, you are still merely a shippingfag. However I, my heart in endless pain have matured and become much more than a fag. Yes, I've grown from a fag to a god. And since I'm a god all my words and thoughts have become absolute. Poor user, you are still only a fag. It's not your fault if you don't understand, what I'm saying. Things that I couldn't see when I was a fag are clear to me now. I've realized that there are things I can do, that mortal shippers can not even dream of. Or to put it more simply I've evolved beyond shippers. At last, I'm going to put an end to this senseless shipping. This will be my sacred deed. I will use the Watamote gay girls to develop new forbidden ships. A ship of such magnitude that just one could destroy an entire fandom. They will be the most powerful, the ultimate forbidden ships. The world is already filled with shipping wars. So what's the quickest way to get fags to stop fighting each other, user? To each one of the waring fags I will hand out a forbidden shipping weapon. For once they have them, once they possess such a power, then they are bound to use it. Just think, tens of millions of ships will die instantly. And all mankind will quake in terror. All of humanity all the fags will learn what pain truly is. Fear would breed a strong aversion to shipping. Conflicts would cease. It can be said, that this world is still in the process of maturing. That it's still on a path to stability. Pain will make the world grow up. Just like it forced ME to grow up. In order for the world to develop to the point, where it can think and ship on it's own, it needs the help of a god's out. This world is still but a child you see. I believe in this fully, because I'm a pacifist god. Oh, I'm not joking, far from it. My vision is too important..

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Imagine if all of this arguing and we do get a yuri end but it turns out to be someone like Miho winning.

Attached: Miho_Narita_c155.octet-stream.png (250x229, 60K)

Imagine if all of this arguing and we do get a het end but it turns out to be someone like Suzuki winning.
Anyone got that edit where he talks about raping Fang?

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Here, take this.

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>You will never banter with the Downtown lads.

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While I like Nemo, this isn't even translated. Go to the lesbian coven and come back when it is

fuck off

Still one of the funniest videos I've ever seen. The entire ketchup part is comedy kino.

Surprisingly, that is a very good summary of the plot so far.

just like watamote

So, has Nico milked /u/ enough? Is it time to self-insert as an autistic loner again?

Attached: Depressed_smug.jpg (1280x720, 102K)

Is that votes or something?

Self-insert as the cute delinquent you faggot

Attached: YoshidaBunny.webm (567x600, 1.37M)

I know people shit on Asuka a lot but Fuuka is easily the worst character in this manga right now. She's not even half as good a character as Pineapple

Attached: AkaneSnowman.jpg (600x800, 49K)

>Back before I died, I tried to lead you down a path, where you felt at home. Down a path without any normalfaggotry or unrelatable events. I shaped this illusion, with lies and my autism. You were supposed to happily walk that path, ignorant of everything. And so, I took advantage of the sympathy inside you. That's why I failed. Ultimately, I turned this illusion into a normalfag friendly environment and made you disconnected. I turned you into an alien inside your own dream! Even though, all I ever really wanted, was for you to have something you can relate to. I created a place which was only yours and then took it away. Properly speaking I'm dead now. There is no point in talking any further.

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Look at me! There is nothing in my heart. I don't feel pain any longer. There is no need to feel guilty, Tomoko. This hole was opened up by this world of hell. I only had pain inside here before, but really, what's the meaning in that? So, I've abandoned it all. Meanwhile, you have suffered all this time. Tomoko, it's okay now. You don't need to suffer anymore. Your harem is right here. Along with your ideal version of me. Wish for whatever you want, anything is possible in this wish fulfillment manga. That hole in your heart can be filled immediately.

Attached: T14.png (870x565, 254K)

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Just forget about me and enjoy your harem.

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I'll never forget you, Tomoko. Thank you, for everything.

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But there are a lot of Asuka haters in every thread, they quite repetitive too. Don't they bother you as well? There are a lot doujins in every thread not only Asuka ones.


Attached: Watamote Caramelldansen わたモテでウッーウッーウマウマ(゚∀゚) [ENG ITA sub].webm (480x360, 492K)

Attached: Watamote Caramelldansen わたモテでウッーウッーウマウマ(゚∀゚) [ENG ITA sub]Nemo.w (480x360, 90K)

Attached: Watamote Caramelldansen わたモテでウッーウッーウマウマ(゚∀゚) [ENG ITA sub]Yuri.w (480x360, 243K)

Attached: Watamote Caramelldansen わたモテでウッーウッーウマウマ(゚∀゚) [ENG ITA sub]YoshiM (480x360, 58K)

Attached: Watamote Caramelldansen わたモテでウッーウッーウマウマ(゚∀゚) [ENG ITA sub]Akane. (480x360, 79K)

Attached: Watamote Caramelldansen わたモテでウッーウッーウマウマ(゚∀゚) [ENG ITA sub]Ucchi. (480x360, 156K)

Attached: Watamote Caramelldansen わたモテでウッーウッーウマウマ(゚∀゚) [ENG ITA sub]Asuka. (480x360, 161K)

Attached: Watamote Caramelldansen わたモテでウッーウッーウマウマ(゚∀゚) [ENG ITA sub].mp4_s (480x360, 112K)

Attached: Watamote Caramelldansen わたモテでウッーウッーウマウマ(゚∀゚) [ENG ITA sub]AsukaO (480x360, 95K)

Why is Nemo such a bitch? I want to like her but she keeps being an insufferable asshole

There are so many moments that go like
>Person: "I really like X, have you heard of it?"
>Nemo: "Haha, I don't watch X, only degenerate shit-eating faggots like that show and I'm above that. Instead I watch Y. :)"

Attached: Watamote Caramelldansen わたモテでウッーウッーウマウマ(゚∀゚) [ENG ITA sub]KomiTo (480x360, 628K)

that's all of them

Attached: Watamote Caramelldansen わたモテでウッーウッーウマウマ(゚∀゚) [ENG ITA sub]Futaki (480x360, 90K)

Wake up, user! Anons are allowed to hate Asuka, no matter how much it bothers you. Reporting them and trying to get them censored will only make them stronger, anyway. If they bother you so much, perhaps you should consider leaving to a more Asuka friendly environment. They have as much right posting here as you.

Attached: 1hew3.png (553x616, 519K)

Futaki is S+ tier, Fang and Komi-shit are F tier. Don't know where everyone else falls.

>posting about characters is not allowed
>you should not post about characters relevant to the series

To be fair Mahou Shoujo Site is total shit

Thanks for supporting my right to shit on Asuka for being a boring waste of time.

People are still mad about Nemo being like that?

You're mad at her for being like you, basically: an Yea Forumsnon. Furthermore Tomoko gives Nemo as much shit as Nemo gives Tomoko.

Attached: D-4ilS3UIAEe93v.jpg (938x1200, 166K)

What a blast from the past.

I guess it's an easy meme to repurpose, so it's never *quite* died.

From the same artist.

I don't necessarily agree with "Asuka being a boring waste of time", since I quiet like the psycho Asuka interpretation, but I completely support your right to shit on her. Over-sensitive Asukafags should accommodate to you, not the other way around. And if they can't do that, they are free to leave anytime.

Attached: 1544075256103.jpg (622x880, 81K)

Wtf, have you even read post i answered to? Ok, one more time: anons allowed to hate Asuka and they allowed to post Asukas content and doujins as well, right? That was the point!

I actually agree with him, in that /u/ would be a better board for that, but when did he or me say that you are not allowed to post it here? Just don't be surprised if anons start complaining about it. Which, again, they are allowed to do.

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Where is my fucking second season?! I want to hear how Asuka and Ucchi sound like

Not my fault Japan hast taste for once and keep making tons of Asuka fanart

Attached: D-3g3u9UcAAMQas.jpg (1904x2898, 422K)

I want ucchi to beat the shit out of asuka tbqhwyf

>terrible taste
>terrible fan art
user, you disappoint me.

Attached: __katou_asuka_watashi_ga_motenai_no_wa_dou_kangaetemo_omaera_ga_warui_drawn_by_namicha__3b3c68a4e654 (819x1093, 98K)

>not psycho Asuka
user, are you trying to get yourself vixen'd?

Attached: _vixen.jpg (380x383, 49K)

Psycho Asuka is old and busted. Happy Asuka is the new hotness

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>saying "dude, shut the fuck up"
Not OK

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Attached: uchhicake.jpg (1200x1083, 135K)

Japan just like big titties

Nonsense. Psycho Asuka is eternal.

Attached: __katou_asuka_kuroki_tomoko_and_nemoto_hina_watashi_ga_motenai_no_wa_dou_kangaetemo_omaera_ga_warui_ (487x248, 56K)


Anna or Yuu are bigger titty monsters

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user, that's not what I said. Are you going to start complaining about me complaining that anons have a right to complain? By all means, enjoy.

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A second season probably wouldn't get to Asuka.

What if they skipped whole bunch?

And? Second year was peak Watamote. Don't need Asuka retroactively ruining all the good moments with her presence.

S2 doesn't need Asuka. Do you fags even like Watamote?

There is nothing wrong with having standards.

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>Some girls just want to watch the world burn

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Sweet dreams user.

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I want to make lots of babies with this pervert

Are you sure her tiny body cam handle that?

Editted out of Takane Shijou

Also anyone wanna translate radio heads latest work? The FutaMoko x Wada ill do the editing

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The baseball chapter that introduces Ucchi and Asuka would definitely be season 2. You wouldn't see her until season 3, but she'd be voiced.

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I hope she gets isekai'd so I don't have to worry about her anymore.

How pink is nemo ? If you know what i mean.

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If Asuka appeared in the anime, they could possibly give her an actual personality.

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They could convey moments like Yuri’s terrified shaking at the (not)Stitch show, but it would need a passionate director

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Tomoko's body was built for child-bearing, once she experiences the joys of getting pregnant she'll surely become unable to stop and have many dozen children as she spirals into depravity.

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The lesbian shit was funny at first with Tomoko molesting her childhood friend or with Emoji girl getting a crush on Tomoko but a full blown Yuri-bait harem is fucking retarded. It's incredible how I actually got my hopes up for this garbage when I started seeing some development for Tomoko only to devolve into whatever the fuck this shit is about now. I fucking hate the anime industry and I blame it's terrible otaku pandering ways for this shit and I hate you all especially for eating this shit despite not even being japs that live surrounded by people with this retarded mentality. Fucking dropped.

I want to put my hand on Tomoko's tummy and feel the baby kicking!

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Tanigawa thought a 4 koma would be easy to pull off alongside Watamote. Then they realised the grapes had to be pruned.

>a full blown Yuri-bait harem is fucking retarded
Yeah, good job we didn't get that.

just humped a petite body pillow and came into it imagining I was knocking up Tomoko maybe one day I'll buy a daki

Maybe the people doing Number Girl will finish Write Sisters when they're done with that. I think there's only one volume untranslated.

When is Square going to release new dakis?

You'd think someone who's into slice of life would be nicer about it though

Tomoko needs to learn how to interact with boys, assuming the manga is progressing her into becoming an actual normalfag.

At least more than just the occasional conversation or making smalltalk.

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7.1 on IMDB 76% on rotten tomatoes

Poor Fang

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Nemo was always crazy.

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>Fang will learn Kaioken to defeat everyone

There's plenty of obnoxious solfags to see on this site.

Yet people only focus on Asuka as they crazy one.

Probably because Asuka replaced Nemo in terms of significance.

What did Nemo do since her chapter again? Probably something so insignificant that it's not worth remembering anyway...

Poor Nemofags, Nico demoted her into a background character.

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Post some Nemo to throw Nemofags a bone.

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She wasn't?
What are you smoking, nigger?

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>Nemo wins the character popularity poll (even if it was rigged)
>Gets a cool bonus chapter that expands on her character
>Does literally nothing ever again
A-any chapter now right bros...

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It hurts

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>thicc nemo

Based Nemo

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so they have a bipolar kid?

Why is Nemo so scared of Asuka?

Fear of the unknown

Why aren't you scared of Asuka? She steals everything!

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First Nemo's screen time, now Emoji's face. What is she going to steal next? Yuri's autism?

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Maid Nemo

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Oh that's just weird. What kind of epilogue is that? Doesn't feel like an end, more like a build up to something else.

Autistic Asuka doesn't even sounds that bad. Imagine.

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>Some girls just want to watch Tomoko cum.

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Tiny Nemo!

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Very nice

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Reminder not to let the Mokocchi ride again.

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Well, Asuka is a bit autistic already

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She was cute. Sequel when?

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That's the face of a girl that know what she wants and how to get it.

That's the face of a vixen succubus.

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the weak should fear the strong

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I'd rather have her than more Fuuka shit

>That's the face of a girl in love


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That's the face of a vixen that wants to break Tomoko's mind. Is that what love is about?

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Yuri and Nemo friendship when?

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As soon as Yuri's autism and Nemo's trolling stops getting in between that.

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Her trolling is necessary to break through the autism.

More Yuri's Last Tour.

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Interesting. How? It seems to annoy Yuri and do little else.

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Sorry, couldn't find anymore.

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I know, I think it's just those two images. I've never been able to find any others.

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That's just sad. Maybe someone will make more.

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Have the creators ever talked about the change in direction the manga went during the Kyoto arc?

Those nip faggots on twitter should stop drawing Asuka shit and start drawing what really matters. It's like they don't even care about the series and are just using it as cheap yuri fuel.

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There was an interview with the writer recently where he was asked about the change in direction, and he said that it was initially Tomomote and the introduction of Komi that motivated him to expand the cast further.

>It's like they don't even care about the series and are just using it as cheap yuri fuel
That's exactly whats happening user, why do you think the anime flopped in japan but resurged in popularity after the Kyoto arc?

Sometimes I feel the same and it hurts.

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I'd like to see the original Kyoto group back together. Maybe with Nemo as well but not Mako since she's boring.

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What kind of anime does she like?

The original Kyoto group worked so well. I just want the introverted autistic loner dynamic between them back. I think too many extroverts are whats ruining the manga.

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I'd like this cast if there wasn't Mako and Asuka in it

Are they going to steal my soul?

And summer break even sooner.

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Will Nico deliver?

>Waiting in the shadows to tell Tomoko she hates the kind of anime she likes
This was a pretty chuuni moment for Nemo.

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Nemo should stop trying this hard to be my favorite girl

God, I want Nemo to tease the shit out of me and tell me my favourite anime is trash

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>pokes your cheek

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>messing with the violeng autist
You better check yourself Nemo

Yuri has only been seen hitting her friends, maybe Nemo wants that.

It'll be her time now that this suspension shit is over there's no need for page wasters like Fuuka anymore.

>Hit me, Yuri-chan! Come on. Come on, I want you to do it. I want you to do it. Come on. Come on, hit me. Come on, hit me. HIT ME!

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>If you hit your enemies they win

Nemo being a total chuuni is part of what makes her so great. She's not an edgelord but she tries to enact all of her favorite anime tropes IRL.

It just sounded like "it's ok to post Yuri, Nemo or Ucchi doujins, no matter how gay they are, but Asuka doujins are not so ok, post them to /u".

>Yuri can't do it and intentionally misses Nemo
She really is The Joker.

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Witch Yuri raises an orphaned Tomoko

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It's not like Asuka's bigger than half of the rest cast.

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Nemo thighs... omg!

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any translates of this out there?

Well, actually yes


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Only Asuka art gets translated nowadays, user.

Almost every show Tomoko mentions liking is garbage. Nemo is right, she has shit taste.

First school trip planned just with Komi and Tomoko, but then writer decided to introduce new characters. I guess at that moment it was obvious that manga has exhausted all options as one-man cringe comedy and changes are needed.

So beautiful

That's what the doujins told me.

So we are talking about DEEP love?

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Nemo's a big chuuni nerd

Why do people draw tits that big? Hers are big in series but not to that extent. It actually decreases the attractiveness when I see some anime girl with beach balls shoved into her shirt.

haunted yodeling!

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How many children is Tomoko going to have with her husband.

A couple. But her husbands going to have to buy a huge amount of condoms though for all the sex she'll be demanding once she has regular access to a guy.

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>haunted maid cafe

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Will Tomoko ever control her cock lust

I remember how after this chapter there was a lot of speculation about Nemo becoming an antagonist or even a bully, and look how it actually turned out.
I suspect it's going to be the same with Asuka, we are going to learn some more about her personality, Tomoko will stop being timid around her, and Asuka's gonna become yet another normal friend.

Why are they so smug?

>Nemo a bully
Little did they know they were going to enter peak watamote where Tomoko was going to mindbreak them. I miss 2nd year Moko. Those threads were fun.

They just had sex

I ship Tomoko with all the girls

Even Fang?

Expect her fuck the bitch. Well maybe some rape hatesex would be fine.


Poor fang

Gross baby

It'd be good for her in the end, could fix her attitude and maybe she could go on to make some actual friends.

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I ship Tomoko with no one because I'm not a degenerate shipperfag and trust Nico to deliver a satisfying conclusion.


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I want to fuck Minami

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are there other autistic collections of "evidence" like this for the other girls?
im not too big on the whole shipping aspect myself but i always like seeing other peoples interpretations

Would Mako be willing to go to such lengths to make her a good girl?

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I love this guy's animations.

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Good thread everyone.

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