Okay Abe, enough is enough! Stop with the fucking hag propaganda! Cute boys doesn't belong to old hags

Okay Abe, enough is enough! Stop with the fucking hag propaganda! Cute boys doesn't belong to old hags.

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dump it fag

Too bad the boy act pretty generic.
Pic related were better.

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Not falling for this bullshit again. I want confirmed benis in bagina proof before i start reading.

Just read hentai you fag.

Literally first google result. I just read it from there.

dump it anyway, homosexual

This would be propaganda if they actually fucked. But they won't. It's 100% bait and you will fall for it.

go back

Stop getting abortions have children.

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Retard. Will they won't they is boring. You can have a cute romance without explicitly showing ponos in vagoo (see REC).
Though I'd say he is too needy, hugs, handholding and kisses are enough for me.

Holy fuck. This is right down my alley. Absolutely enlightened and delicious.

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What a chad.

Based Abe.

is this ss?

do they go anywhere at all?

Would be better with older woman younger woman.



do not ever reply to me again

whats with the upsurge if the use of that word

Dump it faggot

>/u/ have an entire board
>have constant self-proclaimed 'generals' on Yea Forums
>Still feel the need to enter het threads and spread their shit

You truly are a cancer.

2D hags a cute

I don't browse /u/, I just think age gap between men and women is always exactly the same and thus not really interesting to read any more than once.

yes when the man is older, this isn't the case here you turd.

Funny considering how yuri is almost always the same shit too. You just have a bias. Now get out of this thread for a hetero manga. You crying for yuri is pointless and off topic.

11/10 both look like cuties

remember when this happened and /u/ utterly lost its shit?

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What's the actual demography for this kind of manga?
I am female and younger boy/older woman is the only type of romance manga i can actually enjoy but they seem to be oriented more towards men.

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Pedo freak.

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Why would Abe make propaganda for old hags? They're past their prime fertility, and have more chances of having sick children. Japan is toning down on their pedophilia because little girls have a hard time carrying a pregnancy, Abe would concentrate on women between 15 and 25

Imagine a battle shounen where the MC ends up with the rival's hot mom.

You have failing young men and ailing single older women you might as well toss them together and hope some form of kid comes out.

A malformed Jap is better than a healthy American.

If those spineless males can't impregnate a beautiful woman, then the new generation will have to take the work.

>and hope some form of future tax payer comes out.

Such is the way of the world, you are a tax cattle goyim no matter where you go, the first world has had the ability and freedom for autonomy robbed from them and even the shitter governments have the technology to get their taxes for sure now even if you are a farmer in the bumfuck wilderness.

We gotta hope ebola chan comes and saves us.

he could still bait 20-25 year old girls into having babies

well you have a point, I guess that at this point they're trying anything but reflecting about the way their society squeezes the life out of people in a way that makes having children undesirable and financially impossible.

>the way their society squeezes the life out of people

>Japan is toning down on their pedophilia because little girls have a hard time carrying a pregnancy, Abe would concentrate on women between 15 and 25
Amazing Abe knows what he's doing

25 is considered old (for a woman) there.

if you're expected to work 12 yours and getting paid 8 and to give your life and loyalty to a company that treats you as a disposable drone, and you're still subjected to the same standards of people that could buy a house and have their life set up by working in a factory, without any of the benefits that those workers had in the past, when are you suppossed to impregnate a woman? Or get impregnated, if you're a woman

that's why it's the cap, though Japanese are faggots, their women look incredible way after their 30s

It's considered old here as well.


t. african

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This better end with him being a father by the time he's in high school.

Hell, I want him to have to explain to a cute classmate confessing to him that he's already married and has a kid.

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Was this ever fully translated?


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The hag is for ripped grizzled men. Young boys are for young girls.

What is the best /ss/ manga/h-manga?


does layers of white count?

Ane Naru Mono is fantastic

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It has to be this one.

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>Just read hentai you fag.
Hentai won't get more pregnancy in anime and video games nerd.

Sure thing but this'll be hard to explain to my parents.

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This is literally sexual assault and pedophilia. It's disgusting.

Boys are different from girls. There's literally nothing wrong with forcing a boy to get you pregnant then make him pay child support when he turns 18.

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>when he turns 18.

God, I wish an older lady would force me to impregnate her because she's a lonely cake


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Surely this one will end with a threesome

Regura never does sequels.
If he did though I'd rather it be male:netorare

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I'd prefer a sequel to this one

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this whole goddamn site is a cancer on society and every last one of you freaks deserve to die no matter what board you post on

>staying dry
She won't though.

All right, fine. I'll read it.

I'm not sure if I want an end where an escape attempt goes horribly wrong or a police raid ends up saving him. I find something hot about a mother knowing another woman her age pretty much raped her son daily and a bug at that.

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I kind of want one where the situation is reversed and she is hiding out in his apartment

Now that would be interesting.

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The crystal ball is clearly the best character.

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This must be destiny, this manga popping up right after Watashi no Shonen confirmed no romance end.

>Watashi no Shonen confirmed no romance end
Wait. Is that true?


no thank you,

And dropped.

It's not outright denial of a romance end, but more of a "he'd have to grow up first."


The age of /ss/ is upon us. What a great time to be alive!

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what about fantasy /ss/?

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Just from the art I am pretty sure this is aimed at women.

Spoonfeed me please, i've had a bad day.

use SauceNao

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Thats effort, i'll just wait for someone to spoonfeed me, its the weekend, I dont have to work.

on the contrary, he needs to double down on it
>how to sink your own manga in one hour

Then, you're a fool, I could easily find the sauce of each of the pages posted on this thread so far, which means I could easily add more mangas/doujins to my ever growing collection of /ss/ works and all that is just a few mouse clicks away

I would give you that's is hard to find sauce on cropped images, but this is not that case

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That looks like Otochichi if I'm not mistaken, though I know that Otochichi doesn't do /ss/.

Not him but in Poland 30 is pushing it to start a family (at least for women).

>Humans can't get bugs pregnant

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He does but they arent translated

I know, imagine being forced to help raise your insect-rape baby. How horrible.

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Imagine giving birth to an adorable baby boy and lovingly raising him for 10-13 years only for him to be defiled by some freak like that. It's gross honestly.

not with that attitude

Really? I should get around to reading them. I read mostly his mother works so it seems I've unintentionally missed some good ones. Thank you user.

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Your "baby" boy has the right to find love on his own and grow up.

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My blood boils when sister romance turns into "they are not actually blood related" or age-gape romance turns into "and then he grew up". Nothing makes me more likely to slap the author than this.

You just need to fill her womb enough

Oh I got something even better. How about an incest romance that pulls the NBR card at the end and not only that but the stepbrother's parents are actual brother and sister.

The actual incest romance occurred far before the manga even starts. What a fucking tease.

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I can't find TL for Uranaishi no Nayami, even on goddess. Two different search engines give me jack shit. Please help a brainlet.

Honestly, think about it rationally. You are feeding, clothing, raising and rearing a son for at least 18 years solely so he can go and ravage another woman. All the hard work you put into your beautiful little boy - singing him lullabies, taking him to sports practice, making sure he had a healthy diet to grow up big and strong, educating him, playing with him, giving him loving hugs. All of it has one simple result: his body is more enjoyable for the women that will eventually be fucked in every hole by him.

Raised the perfect boy? Great. Who benefits? If you're lucky, a random woman who had nothing to do with the way he grew up, who marries him. She gets to ride his thick cock every night. She gets the benefits of his strong but sweet personality that came from the way you raised him.

As a woman who has a son, you are LITERALLY dedicating at least 20 years of your life simply to raise a boy for another woman to enjoy. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL cuck. Think about it logically

That's at least interesting.

You forgot to attach a picture of a hobbit woman hitting her pipe.
6/10 - it's shit


Sounds logical to me.

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honestly if my son is handsome/cute enough to bang a hot cake several years his senior I would be proud of him, but this is a 3d argument so not relevant to 2d series
always remember 2d=/=3d

No one is translating Megami-ryou, or even uploading the raws from Shounen Ace

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No problemo my dude

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God, I love it when they lick their lips like that.

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