Shingeki no Kyojin

Bert is so proud of the Warriors, his spirit will protect Annie too

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Other urls found in this thread:

Fucking disgusting.

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Hahaha so tsundere

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>''f-fake memories''

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Kill yourself Blastita_

Gabi does a climb away from shippers.

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>Erenfags would be okay with this

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Hope Armong is next

Armin will kill Gabi

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Make it so user

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That's not my reddit account :^)


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Why is Manlet taller than Mikasa?


>yfw you realize that most of the ‘inconsistencies’ those posters are talking about come in the first 21 pages of the chapter so the rush doesn’t natter anyway
Sucks to be a brainlet

How much longer until animekasa becomes an oppai loli?

>those severe high inaccuracies
Excuse me what the fuck

CHADren will rape Pieck

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i rabu laina!

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Annie isn't a tsundere, she's usually blunt and speaks what's on her mind so you can be sure that she fucking hates cucktolt.

It's a cute ship.

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Falco didn’t eat porco correctly so he’s still mindless. Next chap zeke will scream in anguish and falco will run over and eat gabi.
Cap this

I'm re-watching season one and and this fucking bitch caused so many fucking deaths, and she hasn't fucking paid for it yet

>he thinks page are made in order
what a fucking retard, never saw how mangakas work?

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because wit studio is retarded

absolutely lmaoing at all the tards on >leddit that actually, unironically believe the 'fake memories' '''''theory''''''. imagine actually having to cope so hard you come up with something as braindead as that.

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>shitren self-inserter

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Obviously the ground isn't flat user!

What about this one?

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Cringe ship

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>freckled, muscular tomboy

Finished pacing out the episode lengths for the Final Season. Whether Wit cuts out a lot of material for it all to fit in 25 episodes or stretches the season to possibly 30 episodes is up to Araki.

>Episode 01 (The Other Side of the Ocean) - Chapter 91, 92

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That is a disgusting image.


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>Episode 02 (Marley's Soldiers) - Chapter 93, 94 (end Page 8)

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Cute and canon.

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I think it's alright in AUs where Annie isn't comatose. (Or she is, but there's been a well-established relationship prior to.)

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>Episode 03 (The Boy Inside the Walls) - Chapter 94 (Page 9 on), 95 (end Page 20)

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>Episode 04 (Liar) - Chapter 95 (Page 21 on), 96

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>Episode 05 (From One Hand to Another) - Chapter 97

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Reiner abandoned the person his best friend loved. How can he look Bert in the eyes when they meet again in heaven?


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>Episode 06 (Good to See) - Chapter 98

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What are we supposed to be looking at?

That was directed at Jean, guidebook confirmed it

UFO kino

>Episode 07 (Guilty Shadow) - Chapter 99

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Wait, is the rabbi on the right here supposed to be Pieck's dad?

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>erwin is a manlet now

>Episode 08 (Declaration of War) - Chapter 100, 101 (end Page 13)

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Why the hell would that be Pieck's dad? He'd be ancient by the modern time.

I don't see any aliens.

>Episode 09 (The War Hammer Titan) - Chapter 101 (Page 14 on), 102

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>101 (end Page 13)
This is a bad call


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Explain it to me instead of calling me a brainlet, cockmonger.

>Episode 10 (Victors) - Chapter 103, 104

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>story ends with AYYYY

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Based newfag

Consider defenestrating yourself

She's tsundere for Jean

Not that user, but dude it’s pretty obvious what is going on

>Episode 11 (Assassin's Bullet) - Chapter 105

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This is why AMfags>>>>>>roAAstie

Reminder that Ymir is dead and your degenerate yurishit will never happend.

He literally explained it in this post, retard

>Episode 12 (Visitor) - Chapter 106, 107 (only Page 43-45)

Followed by a year break and return in 2021.

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That's probably sneed or the BAspic

What? Can you stop being a faggot for one second and explain what "ufo kino" is?

>1 chapter per episode
This shit will be in parts again, right?

>Episode 13 (A Sound Argument) - Chapter 107 (only Page 01-42), 108 (only Page 40-45)

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I want to molest Armin!

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They would really have to space this out to get a full episode out of it

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I miss BRA

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>Episode 14 (Guides) - Chapter 110 (only Page 01-06), Chapter 108 (only Page 01-39)

Pacing is clunky in the second half which may require scenes being switched up.

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>the rumbling already happened over a year ago
>everybody speedread past it
we got too cocky /snk/bros ...

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>Episode 15 (Children of the Forest) - Chapter 109

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You already have, Eren.

UFO is a production studio

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Hey user, why were you pretending to be me in the other thread? You kind of sound like the AAfag who gets really mad at me and other AMfags for no reason. Care to explain this?

And? Since when were they confirmed to produce the last season?


>Episode 16 (Counterfeit) – Chapter 110 (only Page 07-45)

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t. Annie

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What did he mean by this?


>Implying he isn't another AMfag, even more mentally ill than you

I literally fought with the AAfujo before just because she seethed at my "AM is more logical" post and when did I pretend to be you

kill yourself rEHtard

here's your 3 frames per second rumbling before we cut away to still images bro

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It was auto correct sorry

>Episode 17 (Ignorance) - Chapter 111, Chapter 112 (end Page 08)

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t. BAspic

Don't know if it was already posted but here is the full interview to Isayama

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Last thread. You pretended to be me replying to that person who was defending me. You sound a little confused. I highly doubt you're an AMfag.

jiku is not a sociopath !! stop being mean >:(

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>Episode 18 (Savagery) - Chapter 112 (Page 09 on), Chapter 113 (end Page 30)

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Eren confirmed not dead yet. Fuck you ending confirmed. I’m ready to be hurt isayama you abusive asshole

What are the ayyliums gonna do bros?

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Imagine if Marley attacked like half an hour later.

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>Episode 19 (Sole Salvation) - Chapter 113 (Page 31 on), Chapter 114

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t. schizo AMfag

Why is Manlet so tall?

Care to post the post?

Yeah you definitely aren't an AMfag. You're the assmad AAfag. Get a hobby and dilate.

>Annie feeling Bert's colossal cock

Attached: Armin_encounters_Titan_Annie.jpg (1018x1600, 899K)

>AMfag arguing with Zecuckhater
>"AMfag" speedreads a post defending AMfag and pretends to be that AMfag

>Episode 20 (All Creation) - Chapter 115, 116 (excluded Page 05-13 & 20-24)

Pacing is really fucked around now so AMJC jail scenes with Yelena moved to following episode as flashbacks at the start. Or scenes may be cut out entirely instead.

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>isayama is an edgeren self inserter

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What happened AMfags, weren't you supposed to be the based ship that everyone respected?
Now you are as annoying as the BAspic and the roAAstie, i hope you are happy.

>AA/BAspic seething so hard its trying to emulate an AMfag and cause confusion
imagine being this mentally ill

>Episode 21 (Judgement) - Chapter 116 (only Page 05-13 & 20-24), 117, 118 (Page 08 end)

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I actually don't hate Zeke at all, I like him as a character. I just don't need to defend him to like him. He's fucking insane and that's what's fun about him

He was right

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Now you're deflecting because I called you out on your bullshit. I knew it from the start. Seriously, seek help. I want you to get better but right now you are very unwell and unstable if you're so emotionally distraught that you'd try to imitate me or other AMfags by doing this shit in these threads. I knwo it's you too because you claim to hate AMfags while using the term "roAAstie", the one a supposed "AMfag" just used above.

Nobody cares stop

bert was a garbage character and he died like one also. annie has a chance at redemption but they aren't going to do anything with her

Nope, it's just the mentally ill BAspic

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Colt = Marcel > Shit >>>>>>>>>>>> Zeke

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Erenfags are pathetic.

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Annie doesn't need redemption, she did nothing wrong

>y-you're annoying because you didn't fall for my jewish tricks!!!!

>Episode 22 (Big Brothers and Little Brothers) - Chapter 118 (Page 09 on), 119

And that's all for now. As you can tell, it only leaves room for three more episodes which I'm sure is not enough to finish the rest of the story Isayama has yet to show.

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Not me user

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If you don't want someone to supplant your identity get a trip or leave Yea Forums. But please stop filling the threads with your crying.

But Eren is racist as well

Maybe they'll wrap it up with a movie or something.

Nope. They already told us that season 4 is the last season. 1 or 2 episodes per chapter would be really nice but I assume they will put all of the remaining story into season 4. Eren Reiner Falco scene will be the cliffhanger of episode 2.
>inb4 that's retarded
I know. It is.


BAspic mad

But i only hate you, BAspic. No one is as spammy and annoying as you are.

If this is the final anime season (24~26 episodes), that would mean the manga has 8 chapters at most.


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everything the marelyans did was wrong

Who gives a shit? Move on grandpa

If Yimuru was a toxic male people would call out his abusive behavior towards Historia.
Guess lesbians can get away with everything.

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stop giving it (You)s

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I just came back this summer and you started accusing me of harassing other posters like AMfags or LHfags. If you hate them then hate them, but don't use me!

Minor setback. What is dead may never die

This is probably where the first cour will end

What is going on here? Historia interrupting Manlet and Hans?

You just lost all your credibility

>Isayama: I think I wanted to attack something. Like betraying people or hurting people. And, well, it's not exactly nice, but hurting the readers too... In all honestly, I feel that's what I really wanted to do. For me, as a reader, when I think, "this manga will remain in my heart," it means, for example, it phenomenally hurt me: It's those kinds of experiences I'm after.
Who hurt him?

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Source now, if it's good I want to translate it

Why are spics so easily deceived? Not only by propaganda but also by cliffhanger's that fake tension like these.

Isayama did this 14 times. Not even once did the character die.

But you spics just keep believing it.

He's not wrong though


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Wasn't he bullied when he was a kid?

Mangaka whose works he remembers.

He's so close to nailing it but he might fuck it all up

This is why we need a white ethnostate.

user, the sooner you accept it, the easier it will be when it's confirmed.

His daddy did. I'm serious, he has daddy issue based on his past interview and he was a bullied child

Erenfags are only about as smart as their husbando.

This is good though. I want him to write the ending he originally wanted to write. It’s not good when an artist changes their art based on fear of how consumers will view it. Isayama needs to just tell the story that he wants to tell

>collects toenails in multiple jars
Better question is what ISN'T wrong with him?

>next chapter probably won't resolve this
>Eren's going to be dead all summer

This guy did a really great job of scoring Zackley's assassination and the scene where Eren does the chad pose. I hope they deliver.

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>Exhibition ends on 9/8
>Official release on 9/9
No shit


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what was that interview?

Historia(?) Interrupting manlet's reply to Hanji love confession

Extra cute and extra canon

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On what grounds were Floche and the rest imprisoned on their return to Paradis? Was it related to some news they leaked to the public? Imagine throwing a hundred soldiers in person for that..

Who is the sick bringing names from tumblr? The mods deleted your annoying Gabi pedo spam and after that happened you posted it again and fucking quoted me, and you also called LHfags some tumbrlina name
You are pathetic and a coward

user the two of those that are mine are just memes calm down I don't think Eren is actually dead.
Can you not
Space your posts like an obnoxious retard?

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His father doesn't approve his career or something. I don't quite remember.

That's cute.

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The dfference is in this cliffhanger we actually see him getting his head shot off. It's not a cliffhanger with someone who is close to dying by being shot. Also with Reiner's and Zeke's asspull they were actually lucky they were either alone or no one payed attention to them, while in Eren's sitation everyone will be after his spine and trying to eat him, so the founding titan won't be lost. He will have no time to regenerate like Zeke or Reiner.

>doesn't approve
>one of the richest people in the industry
Well then.

>Annie's man hand vs Armin's dainty fingers

The group was much smaller than that. Looked like 10 or less because they didn't realize how many Jaegerists there actually were

user, Por favor, source

Only 4. The rest of the Yeagerists were working with the chairbomb and delivering wine to manlet's squad

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Sex with Annie!

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