Episode in 1 hour! Pig day today
Kimetsu no Yaiba
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Pig a shit
>13 episodes in
>barely 26 chapters adapted
What the fuck is wrong with this adaptation
Can somebody post the Japanese thread for the ep
I want to touch his thighs
>comedy episode
Why is it so great?
Seducing lolis with his big, hard forehead.
why does he wear the mask?
taking their time
what is your problem
no need to rush
>2 chapters per episode
That's fine.
what an amusing episode
i cant remember the last time an anime actually made me laugh but i had a smile on my face the entire episode
> so fucking stupid he didn't even realize he got knocked the fuck out until a minute later
Last 2 episodes have felt way too slow, idk what is happening
Pig faggot and Zentitsu ruined the show
Stop complaining about the adaptation being slow, the manga is turning out to be a short one anyways.
>I've got a keen sense of smell
>that's why i know how kind you are
Stage 1: Denial. Also samefag
>[Pig Assault] Kimetsu no Yaiba - 14.ass
But it's ok anyways. We knew from the beginning it would end at the Muzan meeting with the jobber demons.
he can smell emotions and shit
Inosuke can really breakdance.
maybe something like Synesthesia. like pic related ability.
cutest imouto
Inosuke is such a fucking Chad holy shit.
Also Zenitsu's incel sperging over Tanjiro traveling with hot pussy was hiliarious.
Zen has no chance against Inosuke for the Nezukobowl.
>Casting for 10 seconds
you can tell she has wide hips
La Mística !!!!
>pigshit >chad
Have you watch the PV of the Spider Mountain arc? It looks amazing
Oh plz user Ino has the personality of a dude who can steal bitchs easily. He is so Chad he gots Nezuko greeting him all the time in the manga like a boss, he trained that bitch without even trying a true Chad.
Most of the damage from repeated headbutts is not external.
Inosuke is like Bakugo, but retarded.
I think they keep Shinobu as a surprise so her pv might come out next week or later just like Inosuke's.
At least people around him teach him some lessons and not letting him be a jerk all the time like Deku does.
Inosuke isnt a bully hes just a jerk. Notice he only wanted to fight Tanjiro not Zenitsu if he was a bully he would target Zenitsu.
Inosuke has a reason for being a brute, he was raised by boars. Bakugo has no valid reason to act like he does and he gets a slap on the wrist all the time.
So will Inosuke ever apologise to Zenitsu? Or will they let it slide? "We are friends now, let's pretend you never tried to kill me"?
True bros try to kill each other all the time.
He's on that capoeira shit.
>comin' through
Apologize for what? Tanjirou and Zenitsu were protecting a demon while Inosuke only wanted to do his job.
It's a nice and irresistible flower.
Of course not , Inosuke is acting on instinct he sees apology as weakness so refuses to do so even when he knows he is in the wrong.
Oh shit! VIZ TL does it again
I like the detail. Inosuke reaction here foreshadowing his ability to sense "enemies' presence" . He panic a bit cause he can't sense the old lady presence.
Cute retards
Someone post the cute vore from the databook
In these past chapters, it has occurred to me that witnessing Inosuke without his boar mask, as beautiful as he may be, feels wrong and unsettling.
It may be because he doesn't frequently take it off, but unlike other characters whose face is hidden, Inosuke puts me at unease when he's not wearing his mask. As if that is not how it should be, as if I'm not suppose to see what I'm seeing.
I believe his face is beautiful, he is a very pretty guy, who makes me question my sexual orientation. His eyes are that of a beautiful girl, and so is the structure of his face. Capturing his beauty on paper doesn't come easy, I bet.
His hair are also very comforting, barely reaching shoulder level, they appear soft, like those of a pretty young lady.
It all seems wonderful, as long as its hidden below his boar mask, which appears as if it's purposely there to seal away that beautiful, mysterious gaze of his.
I still recall of a scene in a chapter where Inosuke peeked out of his mask, ever so slightly, to grab something to eat. I couldn't help but freeze myself for a second, and stare at his face, focused on the task of consuming the food that stood before him. That very face, felt as if it was a blessing, which no mere human like myself was allowed to experience.
In recent chapters, there's a lot of mask-less Inosuke, which creates a disturbing sensation which goes down my spine every time I see a panel representing him. Is this right? Should I look away? Should I keep reading as if nothing was happening?
How could I possibly pretend that his face didn't give me a feeling of discomfort. That was simply not possible. Panel after panel, he is there, as precious and graceful as ever, perhaps even more than usual.
The day has finally arrived. Few minutes away to see his gracious, beautiful face animated. That moment when the mask fell, I didn't know what to do, I freezed for seconds and when they focused his face, my eyes had witnessed the beauty of a young muscular boy in full motion. I almost shed tears of joy and excitement. How such character managed to make me feel like this? Why him? It's something that can't be answered that easily.
He is even prettier, his green eyes are more vivid, his color skin looks like porcelain, his hair looks more well-cared, his eyelashes of a girl, everything was done perfectly. He is beautiful. I have hundreds of words to describe all his graciousness in this episode. But I wouldn't finish.
But let me tell to you about this specific pic. This was the drop that spilled the glass. Resting there carelessly like that, like if he wanted me to observe all his features from head to toe, made me questioned about my sexuality again. Before this scene I was sure I was apreciating only his beauty, anyone would do that right? But Ufotable delivering this scene, made me realize I want more and more of Inosuke. This just can't end, his face and everything is all over my mind
Based Inosuke user.
Poetic as fuck.
Do the two new guys get less annoying or at least leave for a while? I'm tired of them already.
What the fuck
I'm happy for you, user-san.
But can Demons see why the DemonCorps love Wisteria Toast Crunch?
Men shouldn't be pretty.
I actually can't believe they did a 1.5 again and it didn't end with them leaving or even the spider arc tease. You can't even say they're saving, there was a lot of unnecessary animation in Inosuke vs Tanjiro "fight".
What else is the Author into?
Ew it should be a giant Nezuko dropping all three of them into her bloody saliva fillde warm mouth.
people losing eye or limb.
I thought it was a great ep, a lot of filler but it was enjoyable. We definitely won't get the train arc but I'd rather have enjoyable moments like these instead of rushing through just to get more fight scenes. Last episode was still atrocious though.
More potatoes to this thread
pathetic no wonder he's not even popular
>Inosuke is like a retarded charafcetr but retarded
What did user mean by that?
Does Inosuke breed like a beast too?
Because they are too slow. Episode 13 and 14 have only adapted 1.5 chapters each.
You know, pig guy is really weird. You have everyone looking fairly chic and on the darker side of a shonen series, and then you have a guy wearing a literal boar's head.
I'm just saying, Pork Boy and Lightning Dude are kind of jarring. Even the Michael Jackson demon has the dark, sinister child-molestor vibe to him.
season 2 confirmed [spoilers]please[/spoilers]
What about Tanjiro
can someone post Aima chapter from giga jump with better quality than this one.
Pigfags show their intellect level, nothing new here.
>You know, pig guy is really weird.
Wait till you meet the Pillars
scanlate this already
Is there any pillar that even seems halfway normal? Rock would be one I guess, but then you get his training and realize he's anything but.
Kokushibro can see it.
Pig lad is hot
i posted this on my phone since i'm not home, since i kept using ctrl + s i didn't remember if it was spoiler/spoilers. give me a break.
>pigfags are phoneposters
Is there a worse fanbase in all of Kimetsu?
Weirdest pickup line ever
>4-5 years
There have been shorter, the author is probably afraid if he drags it out to 8-10 years it'll be shitty
wani is a girl.
Does anyone know who's wani editor?
Stop pushing your hate boner, retard
But why does he go around shirtless and wearing a mask?
He is a boar.
Current One Piece editor - Takano
I'm assuming they don't want to go too fast and leave too little material for season 2.
I actually think that's alright. Most of the time adaptations rush things too much or drag things too much. The pacing with this one is actually good.
On a side note, why don't the demon corps just go from town to town handing out demon wisteria repellent to everyone? Or at least warn them that this shit can save their lives.
You'll look like a cult.
because he can. Can you?
To cover his "best girl" face.
I was looking for this all week
Gongratz Inosuke user
Why is this guy so beautiful and sexy?
Zenitsu > Tanjirou > Inosuke.
Fight me!
fuck off fujo zenitsu is the worst
>this will never be your imouto
the contrast between a animalistic and savage personality while having a beautiful face is what makes the appeal. he's also pretty cute when he doesn't quite understand something due his upbringing.
>Is there any pillar that even seems halfway normal?
Rengoku I guess, his whole thing is he's just a positive guy doing what he can to help people.
This was EASILY the best episode so far. Fight me.
Piglet is literally the biggest gaybait in the series.
I had a big old smile all the way through. Good fistfight scene, and the second half being really good with the comedy.
Nice catch
Uzui/Zenitsu does not make any sense. Uzui has three wives and Zenitsu ogles every girl in the series.
The only fujo pairing that does make sense is one-sided Tomioka/Sabito.
Can someone clip that part where Inosuke leans back to dodge and raises up again during the fight?
His torso is criminally attractive.
but uzui only has wives to save his clan of ninjas.
and it doesnt matter if Zenitsu likes girls when he is just getting raped
fuck off retarded faggot pitou poster
why does nezuko get so much fanart. she barely does anything, even in the manga she barely does anything
did the databook get fully translated yet
>Why does the cute imouto get so much fan art
it's a mystery
Only a few pages here and there. I think we're waiting on anons to get the book and scan it themselves.
she fills a niche
Why Tomioka is so based? Also, nice to hear Sakurai again.
Half of audience watch this anime just for her and don't care about the plot.
>nice to hear Sakurai again.
My thoughts exactly.
He is frustrated because he Is so ugly.
>Why Tomioka is so Gay?
Stop Zenitsu abuse please.
Sakurai is in the new Fruits Basket as well.
why are no doujins getting scanned
Half of the people here are only watching this because they heard there would an obedient cute demon girl that lives in a box.
Yeah I'm watching that too but I like him more as Tomioka
Because they are gay.
4 episodes until Six-Fold slash.
>Goes for the best boy first
Based Gay but still ugly.
you'd think fujos would scan than
Are they all about Tomioka?
>Tanjiro eating Nezuko
Guess incest was wincest all along.
D-damn you, now I want to see a porn version of that image.
And yet Zenitsu is the one who the fujos latch onto
>Author didnt make piggy a cute ripped flat super tomboy girly
fucking faggot ass author im going to geld him
I saw it and may jaw litterally dropped on the flooe, THAT FISTFAIGHT WAS AMAZING!!! sorry for the typos, the hype was too great.
She is a female, she is pandering to her own fetishes. You degenerate.
tapioca is ugly and gaypilled
God just shut up
UZen: 538 results
RenTan: 488 results
GiyuTan: 351 results
TanZen: 229 results (+69 results for ZenTan)
TanIno: 74 results (+53 results for InoTan)
InoZen: 34 results
Summarily Tanjirou has more gay art for the obvious reason of being the MC, but Zeni has the single most popular pairing.
wait wut
It’s weird how episode 12 adapted 3 manga chapters but episodes 13 and 14 have been both 1.5 adaptation.
I like Sakurai a lot as a voice actor but for some reason his role as Giyuu doesn’t sit well with me. I don’t know why but I hate it
Reminder this is endgame
and gay
and ugly
His voice is not as a monotone and autistic, doesn't fit him really well.
Kaji Yuki would have worked better for Tomioka, he can do autistic voices with ease
>implying he won't end up with Kanao and learn to solve their respective autism problems together
If you haven't noticed, fujos are really into mentor x pupil dynamics. I imagine if Urokodaki was younger he would be shipped with Tanjirou intensely too.
My nigger.
Surprise me fujos haven't found a ship to latch onto Haganezuka when was discovered to be a bishounen.
What kind of bias bullshit is this you lying little shit, now link the actual solo gay artworks, Zenitsu doesn't have a fraction of Inosuke's, you Boarfags are gay as it can get and dare to have Zenitsu be a fujoshi concentration camp.
Nah, Tanjiro/Kanao is pretty set on stone despite the lack of interaction
Nezuko is more of a wild card and could end up with Giyuu for all we know
How old is she
>only likable character jobs to O MY HARD HEAD
this show gets worse and worse every single week
I've seen Haganezuka/Tanjirou floating around on twitter.
Reminder that is only a inside cover-art compared to all other omakes Zenitsu has with Nezuko
>Nezuko is more of a wild card and could end up with Giyuu
This is the most random pair I have read.
Another based user.
You know, aside from the memes I think this might be exactly why I just don’t see it, his current voice doesn’t fit him. I am very picky about how much the certain nuisances of a character can be heard through just their voice and with Sakurai it’s just not there
I don’t really see Kaji as Giyuu either to be honest, I feel like his voice is too high pitched and there’d still be a little too much passion or something left in it, I don’t know. With monotone characters like Giyuu I feel like it’s really hard to get the voice just right.
Inosuke is a failure, he didn't get strong till literally quite recently in the manga, Tanjiro and Zenitsu have always been stronger than him.
>Nezuko is more of a wild card and could end up with Giyuu for all we know
How the hell is Nezuko a wild card? Do you people even follow the volume extras? It's either Zenitsu endgame or Nezuko will run off to her grave as a sacrifice against Muzan.
he's bullshitting
Nezuko is pic related
Bulging thick veins, eyes, geometric clothes
Inosuke got cocky in the Spider Arc and paid dearly for it, he didn't get a solid win for a long while after that, the guy was basically a support to Tanjiro on the group fights till he realized he had to get stronger.
Which omakes? You mean the ones of him being delusional?
And tiny stubby hands
And weird bumpy muscles
And potatoes
>now link the actual solo gay artworks
Is it a stealth request for Zenitsu gay porn? You can just ask nicely, you know...
Incestfags will never be pandered to in this series, they have a healthy platonic sibling relationship.
Wish it was a different bulging and thick kind of thing.
No, the one where Zenitsu takes pretty items for Nezuko to play. Like hijacking Shinou's fish bowl.
My ears are bleeding from watching this episode, so much yelling. I actually had to skip ahead to stop it because it was getting on my nerves. Pig is fucking shit and annoying, I'm thinking of dropping this now if all the characters are going to be this annoying.
>this is the peak of japanese comedy
>yelling in your face
I like this pair as well, more than with Tanjirou but I don't think it will happen sadly.
it reminded me of fucking around with my close mates, general banter , shouting ect
you do have friends right user
You sure are a party killer
all the omakes involve Zenitsu being one-sidedly fantasizing about Nezuko while she barely knows who he is, Zenitsufags are as delusional as their character
See you next week.
>InoZen: 34 results
Really weird how little they have
The bickering 2 guys dynamic is really popular in most other shonen manga
I don't want to hear that while there are Boarfags who take InosukeXNezuko as endgame because he forced her to remember his name, as a throwback gag to him not being good at remembering people's names, or InosukeXKanao as endgame just because they fought a common enemy.
The fishbow event wasn't a delusion, nor one-sided, Nezuko liked the fishbow sighting a lot.
Why are they wearing normal clothes
Gay. Also ugly.
it is a doujin
why is every male character in this series other than Tanjiro and obnoxious screaming retard? You can really tell this series was written by a woman because the MC is a perfect husbando and every other boy is a complete spastic with absurd waifufag tendencies
a lot of the pillar boys are quite good
1) You should try to understand what jokes are
2) and not take things too seriously.
We're reaching cringe levels of arguments in here.
>complete spastic with absurd waifufag tendencies
Delet this
A woman didn’t write it user, a crocodile did.
Fuck why'd they have to make him so hot
I'm not gay I'm not gay I'm not gay I'm not gay I'm not gay I'm not gay I'm not gay I'm not gay I'm not gay I'm not gay I'm not gay I'm not gay I'm not gay I'm not gay I'm not gay I'm not gay I'm not gay I'm not gay I'm NOT FUCKING GAY FUCK
More like Kimetsu no 1 chapter per episode
No fucking way. Love it.
At least Kanroji seems to like snek. If he plays his cards right he could actually score
He needs to get laid.
And they say that Mexican wrestling is boring
What kind of damage does that make? Is it to distract your opponent?
With me
There's four "he"s in that vid, who specifically?
it's to look flashy
Shut the fuck up Shinobu.
He's not wrong. Among the 5 that passed Inosuke has always been the weakest along with Genya.
It's something like Kanao >>> Zenitsu > tanjirou >>>>> Inosuke & Genya in terms of power early on, and Tanjirou being stronger than Zenitsu and maybe Kanao later.
Why is he so hot?
The ugly one.
The two new characters are annoying and shit. Ruining the show for me.
I thought the show was already ruined for you
Id they are doing the school sketches then we can see her again?
The only other time I felt disappointed with the show was at the end of the first episode they played the intro animation and I realized that despite the first episode being absolutely amazing, I was watching shonenshit.
Could user survive his gym class?
user, age gap is a major fujo fetish too. When it comes to them, the bigger, the better.
Not an upgrade, but still good
It really hurt.
When Zenitsu called her a girl, my brain kinda shut down and I somehow forgot she was shirtless the whole time and went "best waifu ever if she's a girl!"
Sad she isn't.
the sketches are in omake, if she wasnt there she wont come back
You deserve to get permanently banned
A Todoroki-like voice would be perfect for Giyuu.
Ripped as fuck in a very aesthetic way.
woah woah
Calm the fuck down.
There might be something wrong with your brain
How will momjiro take care of his retarded children?
>4 broken ribs
Is this the power of piggains?
That's about as likely as stopping Giyuu bullying.
You have literal shit taste. I'm not kidding. I bet every time you open your mouth it results in the immediate arrival of a team of plumbers.
Those laughs by Inosuke during the scene were hilarious. The VA did a great job with him.
Zenitsu popping up and screeching at Tanjiro and Inosuke to shut the fuck up actually made me belly laugh, I backed it up a couple of times just to watch it again. Not sure why it tickled me so
Inosuke fucks the Touhou girls I think.
Take a drink every time someone says they're quitting the anime because of Inosuke or Zenitsu. You'll be pretty drunk when it's all said and done
Why is nezuko so damn hot ?
I 100% without a shred of irony or doubt in my soul enjoyed the whole episode and laughed quite a bit. It's like these assholes have never been around loud family or friends.
There's some art of it on pixiv. Thouvgh now that I search around, there's also Tomioka/Zenitsu art...
Silly user, she's 14.
Okay Tomioka
Zenitsu isn't really annoying, he's the voice of reason of the group
Lo siento. I probably should have done the page above that.
Are BD sales out?
Kimetsu was doing great but these last episodes wrecked the pacing, even the fight against the Lower Moon was disappointing.
What would you have done to improve the fight?
I thought the fight choreography itself and the way they incorporated the 3d animated aspects into the stage were both really good and satisfying. I don’t think that it really took a step down in terms of animation compared to the other fights so far. I feel like the fight and the arc itself are just not the most interesting of them all, even in the manga. The fucking flashbacks and repeated scenes were unfortunate though
God damn is this a good anime!
Every episode is incredible.
Last show I enjoyed this much was Asobi Asobase.
It's just shonenfags infesting the threads
My fellow loud screaming somewhat gay anime enjoyer
you gotta let go user
now that I think about it, a (sfw) KnY x Touhou crossover could be pretty fun
>tfw no qt Nezuko daughteru
I want to hug her so much and feed her tasty food
Admit it Yea Forums, Nezuko isn't as cute before she turned into a demon
Why did Wani get so much better at comedy around this point?
Look at these dorks
Who's the cutest Kny boy and why is it Giyuu?
She's cute either way, but to be honest her demon nails freak me out a bit.
Obanai is cutest boy
It's the autism moe factor
I need his backstory in order to rank him properly in my mind.
Wait, how can they be the Three Stooges if there are four? Explain this Wani
More cute retards to work with.
All three of them are complete psychos in their own way.
Tomioka and Inosuke are the cutest for me. Uzui is probably my favorite but he is not cute, he is a Chad.
Only snek and wind hate him, why does Shinobu bully him so?
It's like the three musketeers, there's actually four of them, even if the title says otherwise.
She doesn't know how to flirt.
She's pretty bad at playing tsundere
She wants his dick, really bad.
I don't think he wants her though. Dude showed zero emotion towards her death
He is autistic and gay.
He needs to keep his focus. He will put ohagi on her grave when they get back.
Nezuko isn't a person
Rude and uncalled
So...Susamaru returns?
He was shocked by her last words.
He is and that's cute
>tfw Inosuke will never ride you roughly
Holy shit this episode was so cringe. Is the manga this bad with its overthetop forced humor?
good chapter, zenitsu is (as always) /ourguy/
>not wanting to ride him roughly
Murata is /ourguy/
This. Murata is based.
No, giant Nezuko is a good girl who would only eat other demons
Yes, just wait
Is this the most well choreographed fight of the year? This shit was insane, I love ufotable.
Uzui is the Sound pillar and Zenitsu has perfect hearing. Only Zenitsu can't truly appreciate Uzui's flashy sounds.
Jesus Christ, at this pacing I'd wouldn't be surprise to see all 12 episodes used just for the Spider Family battle (which is like 20 chapters). Ideally I would like the anime to atleast clear the Pillar meeting, but clearly they want to take their sweet ass time to adapt things. Atleast WSJ anime almost always gets more seasons.
>ugly and gay reacts to beautiful and straight
>Atleast WSJ anime almost always gets more seasons.
Not "always" in this day and age, it has to be pretty damn successful in bringing more readership to Weekly Shounen Jump and sell merchandise for them to bankroll more than 13/26 episodes.
I don't know, user. Look at fucking Souma.
>the cut on her thigh
This shit makes me diamond
Souma had a stable popularity in the past though, its downfall is something else.
First season worked really good yes, but after that one all went to shit and it still got one last season to finish the story despise the sales being even less that the second volume.
So far for this series the boost seems fine.
To be fair Soma is made for cheap as hell and it really shows
Correct me if I'm wrong, but almost all WSJ anime in the lasf few years got second seasons at the very least (even the fucking BokuBen anime which sold quite badly compared to the manga got one). And this is battle shounenshit, which is quintessential WSJ stuff, of course they'll keep pushing the producers to promote it. The only thing in my mind is how long would it take with how many) much Fate stuff and other works Ufotable have in their pipeline.
The face of waifufaggotry.
The problem with those examples is that they were made by less notorious studios and likely didn't cost as much to produce, ufotable doesn't come cheap, the only companies that keep coming back to work with them is Aniplex which keeps bankrolling Fate adaptations how much of a giant franchise it became over the years, and Bandai Namco with Tales Of which is pretty much an ufotable tradition at this point.
Waifufaggots that get shit done at least when they aren't drolling over their subject of adoration.
At least they’re cute
This episode was garbage. Low point of the series so far.
>dude i wanna fight lmao
Worse than Zenitsu. Is the audience 5 year old boys?
I don't know if this is a rumor, but didn't ufotable themselves reach out to Shueisha with an offer to adapt the manga? Maybe some higher-ups like it?
I want Iguro's backstory ASAP. Hell I want that snakes backstory as well, you know it's seen some shit in its life.
>Is the audience 5 year old boys?
You’ve almost cracked the code
Are you going? I guess they will release the english dub pv
I keep hearing that but never bothered to look it up on actual sources, although it is true that studios themselves aproach publishers to pitch an animated adapation if they so want, the people at WIT for one didn't even hide how much they loved Attack on Titan.
Does Snek have to see everytime Obanai jerks off to Kanroji?
Nasu and Togashi liked it.
>Implying KnY animu costs are higher than your average battle shonen
Like OPMS1 by Madhouse, this here its example of a studio and the people behind it been so fucking autistic, or passionate if will you, about it, that they put everything on it. Ufo is that kinda studio. And I'm sure that at this point a S2 is on its way.
Zenitsu is literally ruining this show. It was great for the first few episodes but it's been crashing and burning ever since he became a lead character.
I see there still people who didn't catch the tune of the show by the time it reached the 5th episode, with its mood whiplash of horror and humor.
Just drop it then, this isn't for you.
I think that was Wani herself that confirmes in one of the tanko comments
>mood whiplash of horror and humor
You mean a mood whiplash of horror and mental retardation?
There has been humor in the series up until now. There was none this episode, only inexplicable mentally challenged spastic behaviour that perhaps an AI with no real understanding of humans calculated would be funny.
done, enjoy Japanese Johnny Test
What's up with kids these days? Too much trash on TV playing while you grew up? The schtick with Zenitsu is the same thing old ass Merry Melodies cartoons had back in the day, everyone liked it and laughed it out.
Whatever lets you sleep at night user
You must be funny at parties
>There has been humor in the series up until now
Confirmed retard, Tanjro was making stupid faces and weird assertions by the time he reached Muzan, then it all rolled when Yushiro came into play.
>Crossboarders shitposters
Of course
You're out of your mind you fucking zoomer, this trash is right up your braindead alley.
You have the wit of an autistic
I don't think the pacing is that fucked up. I'm pretty sure that they intended to end the season at the Spider Mountain. It's not as bad as TPN, tho
Especially piggy. I lost my sides when he screeched and threw his pillow at pussy boi
>shonenfags in a shonen anime thread
you dont say
You seem riled up
>this anime for teenage boys and adult men has "humor" comparable to cartoons for little kids
Thank you for reinforcing my point.
You're linking to Johnny fucking Test, who are you calling a zoomer?
We've discovered the apex retard
>comparable to cartoons for little kids
>Merry Melodies
>for kids
Yep, children these days are damn stupid.
Good bait but you need to calm the fucking down, not everyone needs to laugh or get the jokes in this series.
>not everyone needs to laugh
good defense of the show's "humor"
I don't think Spider Mountain and the meeting has enough content to fill another 12 episodes but I could bem wrong
I thought Zenitsu was a shit character until pig appeared. Now thats a shit character.
Fuck, Marry, Kill.
>zenitsucker is also a jojo fag
Disgusting but cute art
>Fucking, marrying or killing girls
Das gay mate
>piggy doesn’t look like a guy
What is wrong with you?
Calm down, Tomioka.
Spider Mountain starts at Chapter 29 and goes till Chapter 43, the first bigger arc in the series, 14 chapters could be squashed in 6 episodes if they went with the 2 chapters per episodes aproach but I feel like the major moments, like Zenitsu's fight and Tanjiro's first taste of flames will get streched out for climax purposes.
There's a difference between someone that enjoys a shonen manga and someone that goes apeshit because not every shonen is naruto or bnha
Fem!Inosuke looks like Ryuuko
should look like a handsome guy with voluptuous body
What would female Zenitsu's problem be? She'd be able to get a boyfriend no problem.
>Zenitsu looks like Kanronji
Probably infinitely more annoying as well
They will pull out an episode 12 again. I agree they will give more scenes on Zenitsu's and Tanjirou's fightings.
Anyone can post the link of the episodes arc from the last thread?
All her boyfriends bump and dump her.
kimetsu no aima for ep 13
Oh, that's sad.
Nvm I found it. I was talking about this one
>This site has the eps structured into arcs for a prize giveaway. 2 "trials" are hidden right now, probably the Spider eps and the Functional Training arc eps.
There are two main points.
>1: How happy she is about KImetsu's official fanbook.
>2: She hopes you enjoy it like she did with other fanbooks she has read.
>3: Her daily life is full of clumsiness.
Oh, damn...
You're telling me Nezuko can go sexy horned oni mode AND sexy loli mode?
I'm assuming it's not that simple to cultivate it otherwise they'd be planting that shit all over Japan and poof problem solved
You couldn't have read that far without noticing it.
Let's be honest, he's pretty hot.
Maybe you should check the show tag before watching.
What was Nezuko's lullaby again? Something red eyed rabbit something
Inosuke should have a bombshell body
Just read the first 3 chapters you fucking moron
Something like that.
Isn't Genya Bakugou?
Would her and Wind look good together? He also shows off his bare chest.
Based user! even as a yurifag you've got all my respect
boyfriends are terrified of demonslaying girls that goes buts when she sleeps
A pair of sluts.
HOLY FUCK I AM SEETHING PLATINUM MAD. I am at anime expo and arrived two hours early for the kimetsu no yaiba special event and for some reason this is the only event they did not allow early line up for so they try to disperse every and tell them to come back thirty minutes before the event starts because they don’t want a crowd I guess???. So thirty minutes before there is a giant fucking mob waiting and the organizers have no fucking idea how to start letting people in. First they just start selecting people at random, then they try to use fucking sticky notes as a raffle to randomly let people in. Then they go back to randomly selecting people who were mobbing the line, which is exactly what they were trying to prevent in the first place so they reward the people who just stood around blocking paths.
Then some retard volunteers who are doin it for free start snickering and joking that “ these people think they can think of a better system”. I told the guy three different ideas that could of worked, and this fucking goblin claims he is a business management major and knows what he is doing and asks what my qualifications are. I tell him I graduated with an accounting major and am a CPA and he just turns around and walks away. People then start trying to pick fights with the volunteers and they threaten to call the cops and rope off the area. I filled with weeb anger
/end blog post
So how was the new episode?
This made me cry laughing
very good, the pacing is still a bit slow but the fight in the beginning with Inosuke was fantastic and it's the funniest episode yet.
Holy shit, that screech. Fucking Matsuoka destroying his vocals
Is this pasta?
It's why I never go to AX anymore. Did the panel even start?
Did you make it in?
Seek help
>feral female Inosuke
Jesus christ my dick
No just me being ass pained, feel free to use it as one but it’s gonna be a weak ass pasta
I’m glad I could at least make you laugh. I got the contact info of one of the people who got in also to see what announcements there were and what the free item was. He told me him and a bunch of others got kicked out of the actual presenataion room because they over counted people lmao.
And the free item turned out to be some garbage ass low quality magnet. So I have some solace
Too autistic to want a boyfriend but also freak out about not having one at the same time.
Eat my dick
Sure thing but it better be big.
>I told the guy three different ideas that could of worked, and this fucking goblin claims he is a business management major and knows what he is doing and asks what my qualifications are. I tell him I graduated with an accounting major and am a CPA and he just turns around and walks away.
I’m glad I don’t go to cons
Don't you have any shame, Giyuu?
Aw its small, in that case kill yourself I only suck big dicks.
Tanjiro sees a boulder
>Muh ancestor
That wasn’t me, eat my dick
>oni chan your head is so hard
They know they are going to get a second season so they are taking their time
Why does Tanjirou get bullied like this.
Is it big?
Shame about the neutered translation here.
I suppose it is a kids show though and western children will get confused if she actually calls him brother
Get a fucking room you faggots
Gotta even out the fact he just makes everyone like in the main series.
The STINK of kindness. It's how anime girls can tell who the harem protagonist is.
Anime has been made standard at this point in the west, people will know what she means by calling him Onii-chan.
They premiered Ep 15 at the AX event.
>Takahashi-san (Aniplex producer) says that they had specifically requested ufotable for their amazing, high quality work to work on Kimetsu no Yaiba
It remains to be seen of Aniplex likes Kimetsu no Yaiba as much as they love Fate, in order to keep financing more animated projects from ufotable.
I'm not the only one who wanted the amazing Shoichi-kun and his sexy imouto to join the gang, am I?
>Raffled off manuscripts
Sounds cool.
Be honest with me, guys, is this show mainly for fujoshis? I started watching it last night and the cute imouto caught my attention and had me wanting more, but after several episodes in, I can't shake the sense of boys love focus instead of than imouto focus. What to do?
No a ton of people got let in and we’re even seated in the presentation room and then they asked people to stand up and leave because they miscounted
This is a giant fucking cluster fuck
Yes. Sabito comes back from the dead and he and Giyuu become a pair.
I honestly thought they would be recurring characters at least considering how much they were involved.
It would be sort of fun if Shoichi-kun went with them and kept the joke going, but that would get old really fast. It was a smart move to stop right there.
are merch sales data ever released
>is this show mainly for fujoshis
The same way Bleach was, it just has dudes that fujos masturbate over but the series itself remains solely aimed at dudes who want to see action.
I'm might be crazy but I think ufo finished the season even before jump festa
I was going thinking he was going to try to become an apprentice due to how amazed he was at Zentitsu fighting. Given how they were almost killed by demons I feel like one of them would want to protect their family given they had one with rare blood.
Gotta track down the manufacturer and read their fiscal reports, people never reports news about these unless the manufacturer is one of the giants such as Bandai and Hasbro.
Look at Amazon.jp in the top selling manga category.
You can just request a high quality studio? Somebody should have told One Punch Man S2.
I can imagine fujos shlicking over the main trio, but I don't see anything canon gay. Also we've got some good females, like the doctor, nezuko and the four arms girl. Next episode we'll get pic related. I want to lick her feet and I'm not even a footfag.
Well, this show has very few female characters, so naturally fujo will flock to the cool and cute guys.
The few girls it has are all 10/10 though.
>You can just request a high quality studio?
Request as in "we paid for their services", Aniplex is a huge company within Sony Music Japan.
They just want to release it as soon as possible cause normalfags gonna watch it anyway. While in Kimetsu case they really need good studio to boost popularity.
Opm was doomed when madhouse dropped it
Don't worry, the quality for S2 of Kimetsu will decline.
Adults maybe but again this is a kids show
>is this show mainly for fujoshis?
No, it's a solid shonen but it has many bishonen so fujo love it. In this day and age we can't avoid fujo and publishers/studio just start to milk their money. They tend to buy everything people throw at them.
Not as long Aniplex keeps a tight hold on the license, they can tell ufotable to animate whatever the hell they want.
>quality studio
If anything they did the show a favor
what's Nezuko's birthday? does the data leak mentioned it?
looking good
What translation is this? the one on animelab says it's a flower that demons can't abide
It did mention, but I forgot, you could look for in the archive.
The Databook in digital format will be out July 18th so I imagine it'll be uploaded in full soon afterwards.
>animeonlies thought that the person behind the boar mask was Genya
>unnecessary animation
It's not unnecessary if it gives us a good fight
So where did this pasta come from? I've first seen it in Dororo threads, regarding Hyakkimaru.
>In this day and age we can't avoid fujo and publishers/studio just start to milk their money. They tend to buy everything people throw at them.
It's insane how crazy they can get when it comes to buying merchandises and stuff. Often even more than hardcore male otakus.
That’s actually a smart headcanon
Who the hell is the teacher?
An ugly gay you may recall from the first episode.
They know dam well they are going to be given as many seasons as they need to finish the story, they are free to go at their own pace
Tanko hit the wall hard.
>She wants him
No she doesn't. She just feels bad for him, stop this retarded meme
She thought about tanjiro but never even acknowledge his existence when she was dying or when she died
Fuck off
Demon slayer from the first chap.
Oh right that guy
Who should voice him Yea Forums?
>She thought about tanjiro
She thought about what Tanjiro said about her bottled up anger, don't spin this shit yourself as well.
Tachiki, Fumihiko
>first seen it in dororo threads
Well I can tell you whoever post it just changed the name with Hyakki. This pasta is already a month and first posted in one of the KnY threads.
Ryouta Takeuchi is what comes up to my head
I like this show but the last few episodes have covered so little.. I'd prefer that they cover more manga chapters per episode and give us an amazing show with bigger breaks between seasons rather than a slow paced shitty show to air as much as possible.
Way to old but it would be funny
Fujo and Kpop fan lack ability to control the urge to buy stuff. Only hardcore otaku would spend that much money but normal fujo/kpop fan tend to spend that amount of money anyway. Have seen Kpop fan who bought kpop idol used tissue paper. On the bright side our serie future is secure since fujo gonna buy everything.
Gamer girl bath water
>Have seen Kpop fan who bought kpop idol used tissue paper.
>Have seen Kpop fan who bought kpop idol used tissue paper.
This season will probably end at chapter 51 or 53, will the second season adapt until chapter 99 (end of the Red light district arc) or 131 (end of the village swordsmith arc).
I think that 2nd season will probably go until chapter 99 more the extra chapters (Kanao and Inosuke) Tomioka Gaiden and some of the Light Novel material.
Hopefully they just slowed down the pacing to introduce 2 new characters (ep 14 is not bad but the one before it was just atrocious), Now that the next arc is full-blown action, I expect they will cover more chapter each episode.
Men buy exactly the same shit ( provided an example, many give fortunes to e-thots and aidorus), and I'd say they spend more money because there's more lewd things to buy like h-figures and sex dolls.
I think it'll probably end on 52, that's the end of volume 6. The season should end with Muzan killing all the LMs.
isn't it typical for mangaka to do signings? it's possible we will get a pic of her in the future.
Nope. He is a pure, gently boy
>This season will probably end at chapter 51 or 53
This can only be possible if you are assuming they will cover the Spider Mountain in less than 6 episodes, I don't see it, there would need to be 2 chapters and half adapted in every episode and one full 3 chapters episode to seal the deal. I can definitely see them stretching out Zenitsu and Tanjiro's fight to make them more climatic.
The anime will end at the Pilar Summit, mark my words.
You will see after they change the visuals in the opening
It would have more sense with this season ending at Demon train arc and the 2nd season ending at chapter 131, the 3rd season would probably be the final adapting the current arc.
>It would have more sense with this season ending at Demon train arc
Literally impossible at this point.
The opening has scenes from chapter 53 (Kanao with the butterfly and Genya grownup)
We are already at 14 episode, there is no change in the op until this season end.
It did feel a tad slower. You can tell that they were really stretching for time from when Tanjiro got out of the mansion to see Zenitsu be beaten up to the end of the episode last week. They've been going slower than they should since the duo fight. This week was much better though.
I'm wonder whether we'll actually see the train arc or if they'll drag the spiders and Pillar meeting out.
The anime also showed clear sillouetes of all Moons during Rayga's flashback when he got exiled from being a lower moon, that wasn't as clear cut in the manga. The opening could just be making the same fanservice.
Song isn't changing, but I do believe they anniunced that the visuals were.
Didn't they say we will have new visual but keep the same songs?
At this point they can only adapt up to the lower moon meeting.
Where’d you hear that?
Yes it was confirmed and for the ending too.
This season won’t end at the Pillar meeting I would have believed this if was confirmed only 24 episodes but 26 eps and the current rhythm of manga chapters per episode pretty much confirms that will reach chapter 51 at least.
Does Nezuko ever take out her gag?
Natagumo mountain arc will probably be between episode 15 to 23 of the anime.
Inosuke isthe best
Cutest boy
Akio Otsuka