This is easily the worst final fight in any Jojo part. Not just GER, but everything leading up to it...

This is easily the worst final fight in any Jojo part. Not just GER, but everything leading up to it. There have been dumber fights, but there hasn't been a more uninteresting one.

>every other final villain: desperate struggles against someone with terrifying abilities
>Golden Wind: uh, freaky friday, and punching the Sun behind you, and then when we finally get to fighting him he's not scary anymore because we got an "I win" button

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Other urls found in this thread:

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Yeah nobody is going to disagree with you, it's been said millions of times

>Implying that "This fight literally only happened because the villain HAS to be retarded for a quick situational 5 seconds for it to even happen" wasn't much much MUCH worse

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Yeah, instead all the other characters except Diavolo are retards for not figuring out the puzzle that is the sun behind their heads.

Why do the villains become manchildren in the final fights? DIO, Kira, Diavolo, Pucci. Only Valentine kept his cool.

Diavolo is canonically mentally ill. Him acting like a retard makes sense

Independently of why it happened, it was a much better fight.

>Only Valentine kept his cool.
He's a true Übermensch, not like the other villains that pursue egoistic motivations that hurt other people.

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I disagree about the leadup. The fight with KC during Requiem is great, the part where they realize he's possessed one of them but can't tell and end up in a stand-off is kino. The anime in particular does an excellent job having KC essentially be Diavolo.

GER is absolute trash finale though, although again the anime handled it pretty well considering what they had to deal with.

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Valentine's conclusion is my favorite, not even a stand battle anymore Valentine tries to use his political silver tongue to trick Johnny and then it ends in a quickdraw duel.

And even defeated, he doesn't give up trying to secure the corpse for america and instead uses his last chance to create High Voltage.

I'd argue that Pucci also kept his cool. He was able to kill off 99% of the main cast for fucks sake. Only when Emporio was suffocating him he went crazy, but who wouldn't when you were about to die?

Part 7 fags are the cringiest

no you.

>whoever obtain the arrow will win
>Giorno obtained it because of Bruno
>animeonly still complain

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>The choir reaching a creschendo
I don't care if it makes me a normie, dramatic choirs are what i fucking live for

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This was followed by an actual fight

Josuke was looking for Hayato, and if he saw a man frightening the kid, he'd get suspicious anyway, because he knows Hayato is tied to Kira
If anything Kira being boastful only stopped Rohan from dying which didn't affect anything

Jojo is the most intelligent shounen ever written. Can you name a better shounen than this? The answer is no, you can't. The fight scenes are so much better than any other shounen fights. These fight scenes are written with brain and intelligence. They're very original fight scenes and don't follow a traditional fight scene formula in any way. Dragon Ball can go fuck itself. Also, the JoJo fanbase are some of the nicest and most intelligent people you will meet on the internet. We just want to have fun and share our fun little memes. I want to marry Araki, but that's muda for me unfortunately. Also, I like gay guys.

Why the fuck is JoJo having the same problem as fucking Rick and Morty? Why do idiots keep treating it as the second coming of Christ when it's just a pretty entertaining piece of media?

This. The fanbase is fucking delusional. They deny they have the same problem as Rick and Morty, but in reality, they really fucking do.

>The endless fan-made crossovers
>Most of the memes are "HE SAID THE THING"
>"If you don't like it, you just got filtered lol"
Jesus Christ, you're right

Does anyone have a torrent or MEGA for the entire Jojo manga, translated and in monochrome? I really can't fucking stand Jojo's Colored Adventure

Don't forget the
>I don't normally like anime but JoJo is DIFFERENT

This but unironically

That's pretty fucking gay

What can I say? JoJo is the first anime I’ve seen in the last 7 years that I watched from beginning to end

No one is complaining about winning by obtaining the arrow, but about the lackluster fight to get it. Cool strawman, though.

did valentine HAVE to trick johnny though? why couldnt he just revive gyro, take the corpse, and leave them be? was he just cornered because of the alternate gun thing?

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He always intended on tricking Johnny. Just had to get his guard down first.

>finally caught up with JoJolion
What the fuck is Araki doing with this part?

Is Johnny the strongest Jojo? I think so

why though? couldnt he just get the corpse and fuck off, or kill them after the obtained the corpse

Those are HxH fags

Nothing, unironically

with tusk act 4 yes, since 1 shot from it is an instant defeat. if giorno has GER than hes the strongest

Does a Requiem stand get a super OP ability based on what the user wants in their heart the most or would they all get the ”reset” ability?

probably what the user wants in their heart, but most users we've seen wanted to reverse something

what is the most kino moment of the anime? mine is:

What the user wants, Polnareff wanted to keep the arrow safe so that’s why SCR ability was a meme

Since SCR could be defeated, shouldn’t there be an equally convoluted way to defeat GER?

Wait a minutes, is this the last time Jotaro ORA'd someone?

Best fight was the train followed by coffee shark and green day. Airplane and metallica were too short. Boat is just for memes.

JoJo is different though, even if it has some of the same animay tropes and dumb fights. From the character design to plot it's its own thing. I can't watch HxH because it looks like a generic faggot Anime, same with 7 deadly sins or whatever it's called.

Things like Jojo, Berserk, Death Note, and One Punch Man I like because they're unique and good. All the other shit blends together into a stinky pile.

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>look at me I'm special
>also OPM being unique
This nigga

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t. samefag posting the same forced copypasta over and over on all the JoJo threads


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People are only starting to say Part 6 is good now because they don’t want to be stuck with a shitty anime for 8 months when it starts

Name others like it.

Not saying I'm special, im saying I'm not retarded like you.

I don't see how people think SCR is bad. It has body horror, it is tense when King Crimson is revealed to still be active and attached to one of them and DP has only made the arc better by improving Narancia and Doppio's deaths, as well as their sound direction during the stand off against King Crimson.
The people who don't like it are also probably the same people who put Part 1 at the bottom of a tier list and think Part 3 is good.

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How many episodes are left?

One 45 minute episode left on july 28th

The freaky friday thing is quite good the first time you read it, the lingering fear that Diavolo is hiding inside one of their bodies was pretty interesting and made him evene more menacing. After you read it and think about it, you realize that it's kinda ridiculous, he didn't even have a proper body and he was in a super tight spot, surrounded by 5 enemies and inside a body that he doesn't control, and he killed Narancia only out of desperation (in that spot, he could have killed Giorno or Trish, the only explanation is that he didn't get a satisfying prediction of him killing them).

I dunno, Part 5's final stretch never sat right with me, I didn't like it back when I first read the part and I don't like it in the anime (I mean in general, there are still some great moments of suspense and drama). I don't really know why, my guess would be two things:
1) Diavolo was amazingly efficient and intimidating throughout the whole race for the arrow - he managed to infiltrate the location, dispatch of Polnareff and Narancia, figure out how SCR worked etc, but when it came to trading the final blows, he was reduced to a mumbling retard whose only thought is "what's going on?"
2) the finale never feels like it's a struggle for our protagonists, even though some of them die; something like Part 4 showed the struggle of its final fight excellently, where both the protagonists and the villain become genuinely EXHAUSTED and fucked up, staying up only by their last r e s o l v e. Part 5 never felt that way to me, and the introduction of SCR-induced alien fuckery only highlights the fact that Araki desperately needed some more stakes and limits to the action as it would be too mild otherwise.

The manga shows Diavolo going through different kinds of deaths, one after another and it never ends. It gets to the point that he gets scared of a little girl approaching him. He isn’t dying or living, in constant fear.

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>The one JoJo where the MC is a girl
>It’s the worst part by far

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Killing Narancia removed their scouting ability mainly

it's true though

With Diavolo inside Mista's body, there wasn't any need for that. In terms of detecting Diavolo, Trish and Giorno were more dangerous, and he needed them to follow SCR anyway.

>he was reduced to a mumbling retard whose only thought is "what's going on?"
what else could you do against GER?

they are less annoying but only by virtue of being less numerous

Reminder that the best girl is Mista as Trish

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I need that choir piece yesterday

If we get technical, every anime is different from every other anime. Jojo itself is a battle manga, it has some cliches, but those cliches are from a time before Naruto and One Piece, and thus, look refreshing. Also, since Araki takes a lot of inspiration from movies, his fights tend to stray away from what people that only know Dragon Ball, Naruto, One Piece and HxH would expect (and the best fights in HxH are the ones that look more like Jojo fights). However, being different than the others it's not guarantee that it's good, but at least helps it leave a strong first impression.

Never said it wasn't unique and good, I'm referring to the response, never said Jojo wasn't good, all he did was address the average jojofag's pretentiousness because they like something most people enjoy, the guy I responded is a illiterate dumbass that proved the guy's point by putting his anime watchlist on the pedestal like if it was gospel.

Would Mista in Trish's body still carry a salami around? Where would he hide it? Trish doesn't have pockets or anything

Imagine if the Sex Pistols decided that instead of getting lunch for work, they want to explore Mista's new body as payment.

Tusk act 4 couldn't even beat the world

she has two organic pockets between her legs though?

I heard it from everyone but could not believe it until this fucking fight

It should have ended with the Assassins where Risotto vs Giorno and risotto killing his shitty gang then the boss

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How good/shit is Japan's taste?

Are you serious??



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>the part 5 anime adds a new final scene where Koichi returns to Morioh.
>he goes to school, exited to tell his friends about his vacation to Italy
>Koichi opens the door to his classroom as the music suddenly becomes ominous and foreboding.
>camera slowly pans up to reveal pic related
How would you feel?

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Polnareff awoke the same Requiem ability years earlier by accident, Requiem abilities are just soul-dominating powers that are unique to the user.

Don't negotiate with Terrorists.

People post this image a lot to answer your question. But you decide.

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Can anyone explain what this shit is supposed to be?

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theres nothing to suggest that valentine wouldnt use the corpse to protect his country

It's part of Silver Chariot Requiem's power. Since Chariot Requiem represents the shadow of everyone's soul, if you destroy what is casting the shadow, it dies.

I'd kill myself. As should you for having that shit on your computer, faggot.

so the little orb is his soul?

my sides: Over Fucking Heaven

Somehow this still always makes me laugh with the sheer perfection of it.

But the worst part by far is part 5 user. Well, Giorno is more of a girl so I guess that is true.

who shot johnny?

Diavolo explains it, then besto boi explains it.
Are you some kind of retard?

It's a part of Chariot Requiem put behind everyone so none can approach him... I guess.

My understanding is the orb itself is chariot requiem. The orb radiates some magical shit and the shadowy cowboy figure the person sees is actually the shadow cast by their own soul blocking the orb's light.

2 episodes left. scarlet jojohanson probably miscalculated and no bukake to save him with sticky fingers now

when goldwind hits some one they get super charged but dont do anything trapped in their mind. requiem does that as well. but does a stand ability alone determine the fight? why get 2 more episodes if it did?

Bruno ascends to haven, and the scene ends with Giorno clutching the arrow while standing. This is the very next shot, with him on the ground and with no arrow. What am I supposed to assume here?

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He would, but you're missing the point: he's a guy trying to do something seemgly noble for the wrong reasons.

He's not interested in making his country prosper for the sake of the less fortunate, he wants it to grow strong so he can sit on top of it and lead the world's strongest political force.

Polnareff always wanted to protect the arrow.

everyone plus himself

why didn't bruno destroy diavolo's body with sticky fingers while he was inhabiting it if he knew he was about to die anyways

I suppose its the most important part of this Stand. You beak it, it dissolves, as we've seen;

Leak from anime expo jojo panel

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If this doesn't receive an answer within 20 minutes then part 5 is officially the worst part.

Speaking of anime expo, Araki sees pic related as best Buccellati gang boy

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Punished!DIO would be a better ending than GER, that's how trash of an ending GER is.

Because he ultimately didn't trust Johnny.
He only truly trusted himself.

Who can possibly ever top Mudad? I cannot think of anyone, it's not possible.

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if diavolo used epitaph to see abbacchio using moody blues would he be looking into the future or the past

>he wants it to grow strong so he can sit on top of it and lead the world's strongest political force
Except even when he dies and accepts that there's nothing he can do to survive, he still brings over alternate Diego as a last-ditch attempt to achieve his goal.
The fact that Valentine still cared about his goal even when he wouldn't live to see it shows that he's not selfish. Misguided? Yes. But not selfish.

The present

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imagine abbacchio tricking diavolo like that during the final fight
goddammit why did hackari have to kill him off so early and write fugo out entirely
part 5's ending could have been great

By eliminating Narancia he made them think he didn't want them to scout him out. Similar to sabotaging Mista's gun he was banking on being able to trick all of them.

That actually sounds like a good strategy

Except if Diavolo killed Moody blues abbachio would also die

Let's say that in Epitaph's prediction Moody Blues takes the form of KC/Diavolo pretending to throw the arrow away. Diavolo would think that the arrow will be in another position in some seconds and head there, giving a chance to the gang to get the arrow. Or something like that, just be better than muh little sun

Polnareff didn't know the arrow was in any way special UNTIL Silver chariot pricked its finger there. Before that it was just another arrow and he knew Diavolo had at least one.

Him knowing it was special doesn't take away from the fact he wanted to protect it.

honestly part 4 final fight was much worse. Kira is easily the weakest out of all jojo villains. his stand just makes shit explode. and he gets killed by a fire truck. and half the fight is just josuke dodging bubbles

Bites the Dust was great but everything after Kira outing himself like a retard sucked ass and it was disappointing that a good chunk of the finale took place in a random person's home

When are we gonna see episode 38 and 39

july 28th

I don’t get why people like this season so much the background art and animation has been consistently terrible. At least part 3 had some cool sakuga

>Being this low IQ
Did you forget everything that happens in the previous loop is fated to occur again in the later loops? Kira said his name in the first loop therefore he said it again in the last one and Hayato took advantage of both that fact and Josuke's untimely arrival.

GER chapters happened at all because Bruno wasn't smart enough to zip his life into pieces before finishing off SCR. If Diavolo's soul re-entered into a pile of mince meat laid across the street the whole problem would have been solved.

Kill yourself, you fucking faggot


Why ?

dude you are cringe why even go on fucking /a if you are a pretentious beginner who doesn't like anime, you aren't special or smart you are just embarassing

cant air on friday due to the season ending so they will air the last two episodes that day back to back

Is it my idea or the last couple of episodes have been absent of the color swap moments seen in the rest of the anime?

true, there hasnt been one since oasis


Dio just reverted to his original bratty self. Being pushed by Jotaro probably made him feel like he was fighting Jonathan again.

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Shit taste. Only final fight without any asspulls imo, it cleverly used Josuke's growth and increased confidence in his abilities to have him counter Kira's upgraded Killer Queen. It did not rely on shit like a volcano erupting, "same type of stand" or a magic power-up arrow to have the protagonist win.

It only appears to be less numerous because its always on hiatus but if it had consistent chapter releases and an ongoing anime. We would never hear the end of it.

why didn't valentine just bring back a copy of himself, but not transfer D4C so he wouldn't get spin cycled

he would lose his stand but surely that's preferable to just dying, and if he got the corpse back he might get a new stand or something

the copy wouldnt have valentines memories of the corpse, it would be worthless

alt diego didn't have those memories either but he still made shit happen

>>every other final villain: desperate struggles against someone with terrifying abilities
That gets tiring after awhile.

"Oh no, I'm weaker. I hope I suddenly get smarter/strong enough and the villain becomes an idiot/arrogant so I can win."

That needs to be balanced out by the protagonist sometimes being on even ground or even stronger than the villain just to make it believable.

yeah but he had the world

Kira was wasted potential. He became a generic villain in the end.


It's not over yet, idiot.

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Diavolo deserved to win, it's not FUCKING fair

Can I start reading part 6 without finishing part 5? Have only been watching it up until now

HxH is the ultimate shounen though. Too bad its anime adaptations suck.

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sure, you wont get spoiled on 5 from 6

Skip part 6 and 7 just go straight to 8

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I get that Kira got hyper arrogant because muh deus ex machina, but it was still a horrible direction to take his personality.

Read the part 5 manga.

Remember when people said The World was Jonathan's stand? Are there any retarded theories like that still floating around?

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Bruno too lmao

part 8 is horse shit

i wish i had a gf that looked like bucciarati

I don't know, but I love it, it's a better part 3 and 4

Yes it could

DIO was worse. At least this one is amusing.

Scr was also berserk

At least it's a solid shit and not diarrhea like the other parts.

I appreciate that Kenshiro is edited to smile

im pretty sure people use to say the same thing about dbz

thats why he lost to diego

Sounds good, ty user.
But I want to see a raptor
I will after the anime finishes

Shit taste friendo

How are we going to call you now ?
The Pastaposter ?
The Shounenposter ?
Smartassposter ?

I don't remember phantom blood having a girl MC

That's true though.

Some people still believe that Giorno didn’t beat Baby Face with damage reflection.

i never finished reading part 6 but went to part 7 can some one explain to me if part 7 takes place in a alternate jojo universe becuase of pucci's stand or did araki just decide he was bored of the joestar blood line?

The two universes are not at all connected in the story.


you got my concession bro?

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So was he retarded
>has super OP stand where he can prevent others from attacking him
>can make Koichi learn Italian immediately and make Josuke fly 70 k/ph
>doesn't use it on someone and write "Knows the location and hidden identity of Yoshikage Kira"
>none of the gang thinks of this
>never uses it on cheap trick to say "Cannot kill Rohan" until he kills cheap trick to write "Going to hell"

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I like raptors too user

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remember when josuke made kiras hand fly back to the body when earlier he made okuyasus body fly back to his arm?

Araki wrote himself in a corner by making two protagonists almost completely unusable (Rohan, Okuyasu)

>doesn't use it on someone and write "Knows the location and hidden identity of Yoshikage Kira"
It would have been nice if it were addressed, but it sounds like he couldn't make someone learn information that they can't possibly learn. Speaking Italian is an ability that anyone can acquire. Rohan must have some limitations, I agree that making Josuke fly seems like he can pull lots of impossible shit, but he probably couldn't write "his stand is Star Platinum" in Koichi's head and have him change stands.

>he probably couldn't write "his stand is Star Platinum" in Koichi's head and have him change stands.
why not? its not like araki set limits for his stand

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Ah this character who showed up and did absolutely fuck all.

I assumed that Josuke couldn't pull on someone who's willingly running away from him. Either that, or it's just that when he fixes something that's separed in two parts, the part that feels the least resistance is the one that would fly towards the other. Josuke was holding Okuyasu, and the rest of the body was turned into almost weightless electrical current. Kira's hand was free to float, while Kira himself was heavier and running away from them.

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Even if Araki didn't set them, it doesn't mean that they don't exist. You always cry about having all the stands explained, but the instant that something goes unexplained you treat it like a plot hole.

Dio was the original autist.

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>Directly set up the events that led to Kira and Josefumi fusing
>Almost killed the entire Higashikata family
>Did absolutely fuck all

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Why are you defending Araki for creating an absolutely broken stand with no set limits? It’s ok to admit that Jojo isn’t perfect.

I need more damn it. There's not enough incentive for me to care.

He cancels actions made against him.

Not sure how big the spoil / reveal is but guess I can't remove it from my memory

I don't have any trouble admitting that it isn't perfect, but that nitpick is stupid. It's like saying "so why didn't Rohan write 'gains the power to shoot eyebeams and uses it to shoot Josuke through the wall' into Okuyasu's head?" Even if the limitations weren't set, there clearly were some limitations. Again, you're crying for not being spoonfed all the info, but then you also cry when you get spoonfed, and then pretend you're smart because Araki didn't write the Terms and Conditions of Rohan's stand.

What If GER's weakness was that he's the light of souls and that If someone steps on his soul's shadow, GER's going to break ?

I know this is bait, but this is how I interpret.
Cause -> Reaction
It nullifies the cause. So basically, the things you try to do never happen, they go back to zero. Diavolo tries to see the future and tries to skip time. But because GER was active, he couldn't do the time skip. Hence why he was able to see the future but things happened differently. He saw the reaction, but the cause could never happen because it has been nullified.

What if you were actually smart?

I hope DP will give us more DIO and Pucci scenes in the part 6 anime.

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I hope Anasui and Emporio get real backstories and Ermes' beef with Sports Maxx is foreshadowed.

About as retarded as Okuyasu.
>Shigechi runs away
>Runs after him instead of just using the hand to bring him back
>Kira's dad is getting away
>Doesn't even think about using his stand that can scrape away space

>Even if the limitations weren't set, there clearly were some limitations.
And we should know what they are so that we have a clear idea of what Rohan is capable of doing.
>Again, you're crying for not being spoonfed all the info, but then you also cry when you get spoonfed,
And now you’re putting words in my mouth.

Why didn't Giorno just turn some rubble into a swarm of ants and haev them cover him, any attack on them would be reflected on the attacker and he could be invincible even during time skips

The idiotic part is had he just not done that they could have followed the blood trail to Kira's body dead from blood loss.

He didn't do that.

>any attack on them would be reflected on the attacker

Can Diavolo attack during the skip time?

I remember Josuke explaining that he could bring back Okuyasu to his hand because he was electricity, thus weightless? Maybe wrong, memories are shit anyway

Shouldn't Diavolo stomping on the scorpion kill him?

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>Dio wakes up with a 100 year morning wood and sets on a search for some good boi pucci
>"Hello my name is Pucci and I am a God fearing good boy."

Will they be more or less gay?

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He can't create knowledge out of nothing, he says that Heaven's Door writes/reads on a body's memory. It must work on behaviorism: "I can't attack Rohan" by stimulating fear to one's body if you try to attack him; "I must get out of here 70mph" by making your body jumping with all your strength (muscles are capable of using a lot of force but brains limit them because it's dangerous), etc. Heaven's Door is not TWOH.

how does instantly learning italian work then?


>write "I gotta concentrate 100% for X time in learning a language"
>modifies brain plasticity in one of a child (when your first language quick and easy)
>gets Italian books
>reads them
I guess that could work, a language is knowledge recorded from centuries ago, not a mistery.

watch out for train

It works by Heaven's Door doing whatever Araki wants at the time.

the scene transitions in part 4 were absolut KINO

You know how Rohan could turn people into books and rip pages out of them to remove their memories?
Maybe he ripped pages out of a book for learning Italian and put them into Koichi.

Thats a "pucci can use people as cd players" tier asspull, so no.

Can't wait for the anime lol

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That sounds reasonable.

It’s sad I can’t tell what’s being spoken by retards, speed readers or just plain Trolls.

It's probably a mix of all three.

Jojo just hits all the right places for me. One of the biggest one being the more unorthodox powers which is something I always love to see.

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This is THE ABSOLUTE BEST final "fight" in the entire series. Not that Jojo is any good with finals fights, since they are all meh and never the highlight of their series, but the Requiem arc was just on another level.

It's the most original and unique final battle, the absolute best.

Because WE WON, we Gangstars won the Jojobowl and Golden Wind is now forever the absolute best Jojo part.

Golden Wind is a masterpiece and serious contender for anime of the decade.

Honestly VA chad bros, i feel bad now for SO fags. I know it's hard to believe someone liking that unironically but maybe they genuinely do?

I mean to each his own, i just feel pity for them after being utterly and completely destroyed by our superior arguments and the fact that WE WON and now Golden Wind has become the most acclaimed shounen since Hunter x Hunter i feel bad kicking a dead horse.

I won't make fun or bash SO fans again, if they like it good for them, i honestly expect they can enjoy the anime a few years from now.

I feel like we mustn't criticize them anymore now that our superiority as the most based and the ones with the better taste of Jojofans has been set in stone, we should be magnanimous towards them.

Of course so long as they don't mess with us, which i highly doubt seeing how they are getting destroyed like this they are scared of us now.

It's the opposite.
Diavolo only cares about results just like his power. GER removed those results because the cause is evil.
Just read/listen to Giorno speech just before.

Stone Ocean had the best finale because Pucci literally created the SBR universe.

Idk about people calling it big brain GOAT level entertainment. HxH fans make the big brain claims (though yes it’s not as bad as Rick and Morty) small for that) while Jojo fans are just happy to be here for the Friday’s and make fun of everything; the series, Araki, each other.

It’s a crazy manic party I'm happy to be apart of as long as no one gets hurts and you can’t hurt anons over the internet.

Relax bro. All GER does is nullify stand power - no matter how bizarre, powerful, broken, etc...

Not it didn't, another reason why SO retards are made fun of everywhere, they don't even understand it's ending.

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They fucked up. Like Corey and Trevor level fucked up


If you’re just going back to back from the parts, there’s literally no way to indicate the universe changes so it’s not hard to make the mistake. Chill.

>expected part 5 to be about the team steadily rising up the ranks of passione while working to uncover identity of the boss behind the scenes
>the second trish shows up it just becomes going from point a to b while fighting the enemy of the week

>expected part 5 to be about the team steadily rising up the ranks of passione while working to uncover identity of the boss behind the scenes
That would require Araki to do some actual research about what the mafia is besides dudes fighting each other with super powers

Just for argument's sake, if Enyaba only shot Dio's disembodied head, would he have still awakened the World? Or would it have been a different type of stand?

If Diavolo didn't try to kill Trish a few meters from Bruno then the first thing you said would happen. Bossu retard moment just accelerated the process.

>Bossu retard moment just accelerated the process.
*Araki retard moment

His soul would be the same

You are putting words in my mouth by saying that I defend Araki or that I pretend that Jojo is perfect. Whining because a character doesn't do X with his stand because the limitations set weren't clear doesn't make sense, learning to speak Italian and suddenly knowing Kira's location are two different things, as different as pretending that Rohan can make Okuyasu shoot laser beams, and still you act like it's the same thing. Also, I say that you don't need to get a written confirmation of Rohan's limitations to know or infer which they are, you personally are whining about that.

Um zach bell over here is ready to kick your ass.

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>learning to speak Italian and suddenly knowing Kira's location are two different things, as different as pretending that Rohan can make Okuyasu shoot laser beams, and still you act like it's the same thing
No I don’t.
>Also, I say that you don't need to get a written confirmation of Rohan's limitations to make up headcanons about what they are

tfw Rissoto couldve won it all if it wasn't for that damn orange

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Trish was a mistake, don't deny it

Bucci. Bruh. Amigo. Compadre. Just give it to me. I'm beggin' ya, c'mon. Just GIVE ME DA FUCKIN' GABAGOOL

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You're forgetting about the ambulamce, user.



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>tfw they animated it
God bless DP

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I mean, they're not wrong. They're just really fucking bad at finding good stuff is all.

>OPM is the first series to be a parody

Okay, bud.

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It looks like Araki is losing his youth. What happened?

That reflection power went away as soon as Giorno """matured""" during Baby Face

>That watermark
Zzz would've been good otherwise

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I wish this actually happened.

The arrow looks like his wiener haha



Giorno, duck

Because liking something like JoJo keeps faggots like you who watch isekai and pedophilic brainless slice of life shit.

Giorno is the worst villain in JoJo. The suffering he inflicted on Diavolo is far greater than any suffering inflicted by every villain put together.

anyone got a link to the first thread for episode 37 ? I wanna see everyone’s reaction

>part 6 animated next
>jotaro's death is gonna be a censored piece of shit

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Don't do this

Tusk is a stand with an infinitely powerful attack. Unlike Killer Queen that can be stopped by things like Crazy Diamond or Stray Cat, there is no stand that can protect itself from Tusk's power. However, if you can dodge the nail bullets, you will avoid the infinite spin. Because of this, stands that rely on mobility like Star Platinum, The World, King Crimson, or Made in Heaven, can avoid Tusk, and potentially defeat it if they play their cards right. However, stands like Love Train, Bites the Dust, and GER, which rely on blocking threats rather than avoiding them entirely, would be defeated by Tusk's infinite spin. Because of this, Jotaro, Giorno, and Johnny are all the strongest Jojos in a rock, paper, scissors type manner. Jotaro's time stop would be negated by Giorno's Zero ability, Giorno's Zero would be overpowered by Johnny's infinite spin, and Johnny's infite spin would be dodged by Jotaro's time stop.

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In addition, one must remember that Giorno's ability is only temporary, and can only be used when he has the arrow. Also, while Jotaro would have the upper hand against Johnny, as we saw with Diego, it would still be a battle. Diego had to implore many tricks to defeat Johnny, even going as far as to cut off his own leg just to defeat him. Because of this, I believe that Johnny is the strongest Jojo. The only downside is that he needs his horse to use his stand ability to his fullest potential, which one could argue is a bigger handicap than the other two. However, due to Johnny's talent as a jockey and not needing a specific horse unlike Giorno and the Requiem arrow, I'd say Johnny is still stronger than his other two competitors.

quick let's make jorge joestar 2

Is there anyway to get part 7 on paper in English? Reading it online just doesn’t do it for my ADHD

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Now there are 72 kars on mars

Sadao Kujo, 100% cyborg Stroheim who somehow survived WW2, pistol no 4, Shizuka Joestar and Punished Diavolo from a past universe who atoned for his sins team up to kill Unfunny Valentine who has the spear of Longinus and is using it to give stands to fucking everyone and gave Secco a really fucking strong stand because he somehow survived his fight with Bruno and merely pretended to die.


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>make KC ugly and human-like instead of alien and intimidating/mysterious
>when part 5's fault is already kind of boring and abstract

such a fucking mistake

2nd worst final Jojo fight. At least this one had poetic justice instead of just copying the enemies abilities like in Part 3.

>people are just learning part 4 sucks


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part 8 starts to be good only when there's the A.Phex Brothers arc

I preferred the name Stairway to Heaven.

>why yes, Stone Ocean is my favorite part. Why do you ask?

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Made in Heaven song fits the plot better desu.

I hope DP changes Anasui hair colour

What hair color would you prefer?

is that real?
stand is the manifestation of the soul, how can you shill opinion this level of autism

Crimson or Deep Red

If Jonathan's soul or willpower remained it would try to stop Dio at any given point. And the whole point of Dio's stand is that it's a manifestation of his desires. To be in complete control oof and stand at the top of 'the world'.

The most satisfying fight in the anime was Black Sabbath, not gonna lie
It felt like the main beatdown theme was composed specifically for that fight, was utilized perfectly with the choir coming on as the sun comes out and everything

JoJo, Stroheimer and Speedwagon solving crimes around the multiverse

After part 8 will there be a part 9?

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why does this make me laugh

Kars is by far the worst fight in the entire series. You can't defend it

tfw David will deliver yet another OP change so it features GER and the humming/"hooooo~" bit from the full song

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if part 9 is an alt version of 5 or 6 itd be very interesting, but araki could be in his 80s by then

Araki realized how OP the ability was and retconned it. It's unfortunate because it'd make for great TV, but like you said, there would literally be no reason for Giorno NOT to cover himself in bugs at all times.

why does riding on a space shuttle give pucci the power to rewrite the universe

>redo part 5 so it's actually good this time
would be incomparably based


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Did the episode leak? Anyway, I'm glad they're doing the scene justice. It looked kinda eh in the manga. And Dio looks great in this style

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>"fight" is all about acquiring object X so you can actually win the war even if you lost the battle
Sure as fuck beats "I punched you so hard you died".

All Star Battle was fun but holy shit who had the idea of making GER and MiH literally unusable in any normal fight?
>even if you combo the opponent to neverland they will stand up within a second or so
>these special abilities take 4-5 seconds to activate
>unless the opponent LETS YOU do the thing you will never be able to do the thing

Bucciarati deserved to be the mc more than Giorno ever did

So I just got caught up with part 8. Is the head doctor really 89 years old?

Now that would be one fantastic conclusion of a final fight.

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Which is worse: Stone Ocean or JoJolion?

if this actually happened id probably get more hyped than when alt diego had the world

Do people buy the Blu Ray's? Cause we ain't getting part 6 otherwise

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how has part 5's BDs done compared to the previous parts? better than 4?

why is the "golden wind" not "golden"

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Part 6 will be made, the only thing to fear is it'll have a lower budget from the committee and DavidPro will thus have to devote less resources to its production.

Part 7 on is the real shit to be worried about considering its not dven featured in Sono Chi No Sadame's OP like 1-6 are. I feel DP have known since the start that the classic run is all they're likely to get greenlit, and Part 6 is the most natural place to end the anime if they can't do the whole thing.

Doesn't help that Araki has taken years longer on Part 8 than anyone could have expected and is still probably 2-3 off from finishing it, so even if SO is done by mid 2022, BR starts airing in late 2023, takes 1.5 years to finish, has a 1.5 year break for JoJolion, and THAT takes another 2.5 years we STILL will probably be only halfway through Part 9. The anime is going to catch up eventually even if it has the stupid long break that 4->5 had.

They're clouds of dust

>all these newfags

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It'll end after SO either way because it's going to flop

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baste thanks

Reply to this post or else your mother dies in her sleep tonight.

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Dio wouldn't give a shit about Giorno. This is almost as bad as the "Le Bucciarati mom XD" meme

why are you the way that you are?

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Dio loves his son.

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git gud scrub


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Why are Valentine fags so delusional?

Is there actual gameplay footage of it being used in a pvp match? With how slow it is I never got it to work myself.

Because once something gets popular redditors will ruin the fanbase.

Yeah bro I'm sure the guy who developed a multitude of chronic complexes over his abusive father and mysteriously happened to spare a bunch of women he knocked up would feel nothing for his son.

why didn't diavolo just destroy his sun again to dab on GER


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daily reminder we're seeing pic related at the end of the month

also anyone who doesn't like part 6 can go back to Yea Forums

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Because he's the hero Jojo's deserves, but not the one it needs right now. So, we'll hunt him, because he can take it. Because he's not our hero. He's a silent guardian. A watchful protector. A Dark Knight

would buy on blue ray

>also anyone who doesn't like part 6 can go back to Yea Forums
Yeah man, I love hanging around the prison with the alien shaped humans for ever....oh wait, where did Hermes go? Araki wouldn't forget the JoBro of the part, would he?

How would Made in Heaven Requiem work?

It'll just be a little bit faster then usual.

Can make alternate universes at the user's will

Requiem does whatever the user wants to achieve at the time. If we assume Pucci wanted to get out of the Weather predicament, he'd probably have a counter to weather manipulation so maybe something like a stand that repels/reflects anything unnatural to the world, aka stand abilities and their effects which would bounce back all of Weather Report's attacks back to him. Even oxygen deprivation would take no toll on Pucci.

The artist didn't think this through

>a stand that makes sonds evolves into a stand that makes things heavy
>a stand that explodes things evolves into a stand that loops time
>a stand that stabs things evolves into a stand that manipulates souls
>a stand that creates life evolve into a stand that turns things to zero
>a stand that turnd memories into discs evolves into a stand that rotates gravity that evolves into a stand that accelerates time
None of this is consequent.

Who cares lol

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>Sound of words --> Meaning of words --> Weight of words
>Arrow gets the chosen one out of shitty situation
>Arrow gets the chosen one out of shitty situation, albeit whilst berserk so it didn't help much
>Arrow gets the chosen one out of shitty situation
>Pucci believed in gravity (C-Moon) as a means to attaining heaven (MiH)
Being pierced by the arrow helps the user in any way possible, not by logical evolution of the stand's ability. Koichi's stand developed naturally and Pucci's stand growth comes from following the steps to attaining heaven.

At least in the manga it was always yellow, the anime can't decide which color it wants it to be

>Volcano Erupting
but that was caused by Joseph, not a plot contrivance.

In Okuyasu's case it's because "Okuyasu is retarded" is his established weakness

You're just not big brained enough to appreciate the ending.

TBQH part 6 ending is perfect way for DP to end the Jojo saga, adding during Made In Heaven loop some flashbacks of previous arcs

it allows Pucci to win no matter what

Fuck off redditor. Part 4 had pretty much the best final villain fight of all parts. Him saying his name is literally grasping at straws compared to the asspulls that happened in every other one.

But he was fighting Jonathan again...

>a stand that shoots fingernail bullets evolves into a stand that shoots fingernail bullets at infinite speed
argument destroyed

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A /sci/ fag would know better than me, but doesn’t gravity play a big role in the aging and expansion of the universe? So it makes sense that gravity and time (relative to the inorganic, celestial bodies in the universe) would be related in the transformation from C-Moon to Made in Heaven.

Based Yujiro

>Chariot Requiem defends itself with its fists and other stands
>Instead of slicing shit with STANDO POWAH and the arrow
I’m still sort of disappointed, but I guess you shouldn’t attack with the thing you’re supposed to be protecting.

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Can we all agree that Silver Chariot was the most overpowered of the Part 3 Stands before Jotaro got The World on top of Star Platinum?

Its armor makes it literally invincible against Stand attacks, unless you hit it in the eye.

If I got it correct, Tamaki Damo is alt. universe Risotto Nero, right?

Can stand users see through the eyes of their stand? Because Polnareff couldn't when he was trapped under the bed, but long-range stand users need to. Also Jotaro uses Star Platinum to scout shit all the time. Does it depend on the stand?

It depends on the stand but im sure talking through a stand is universal

Not at all.

No? How did you come to that conclusion?

Anyone else always forget King Crimson has a second face on his forehead. I always get surprised seeing Epitah

Strongest was Magician Red for having the most raw offensive power imo

Silver Chariot is underrated amongst power types though. Outspeeds most punch ghosts, has better range than most too, with high defense and some high skill ceiling techniques possible on top of shit like the armour castoff and blade launching. Polnareff could probably body Jotaro in a fight before he got timestop.

Car/horse chase fights > all other fights

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does fire still burn in the frozen time

Yes but it's frozen

5 part - worst.


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What happens to your dick if you drip blood on the mask?

It gains the ability to shoot lasers.

It reaches its full potential and becomes a vagina.

I'll be so fucking mad if Pucci isn't voiced by Nakata.

Sorry, nigga, you weren't sexy enough to hold that arrow..


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> This is easily the worst final fight in any Jojo part
Kinda agree. It was lame, but that Matrix Reloaded toer shit was dope. Also, WLUB-WLUB-WLUUUuuuuub.. into the punch shit was KINO/20

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that reminded my of Dark Souls 3 desu


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