Other urls found in this thread:
>I stayed up all night for this
>rate of stream
>Mari still makes people mad
Literally working as intended.
Rebuild was always fanservice.
Mari, Asuka and Kaworu fanservice.
Once you understand that Rebuild is really just Anno promoting his waifus by making a huge anti-Rei narrative, you can stop being disappointed.
>Never watched any of x.x movies
>Hear about 4.0 trailer coming out soon
>Think about giving the other movies a shot depending on how the trailer is
>Get what might as well been a Gundam Dynasty Warriors cutscene entirely focusing on OC-DONUT STEEL character
>muh purposely shit character to destroy eva!!!!
Fuck off
Get fucked anti-Mari fags
I stayed away for this shit
>having any hope for the franchise after 3.0
Your fault really. Were you unironically expecting anything good?
I dig the Spanish guitar
if the movie has plenty of Spanish guitar I will watch all the crap CGI
Khara did some work for AC7, they learned something about Spanish guitar + action
Either Anno really wants to butcher this because he hates the fans so much or it was purely promotional for Paris and won't be in the movie at all. Both is highly likely
I was hoping they would learn from their mistakes but looks like it's gonna be 3.0: Electric Boogaloo
at least I'm not paying for this shit.
I expected nothing and was not let down
Did I just really saw cgi Eva using Eiffel tower as a weapon?
Am I still dreaming?
What the fuck is this shit?
Watch 1.1 and 2.2
the entire rebuilds (but arguably, all of it, including the original show) has just been a 'fuck you' to the fans.
it was originally a really good anime, a well-made 'fuck you, but I also love you' to fans.
now it's just 'fuck you, you'll watch it no matter what'
Bros, I just cancelled my pre-order for EVA3+1. I'm going to watch Ghibli's final film instead of this bomb.
The ride (never) ends
>Ghibli's final film
Their 5th final film?
Was exptecting wtf and received wtf
If you expected anything else after 3.0 you were a retard
>Rei-fags still seething from Q
I literally just woke up, what happened
>now it's just 'fuck you, you'll watch it no matter what'
And everyone involved deserves it.
I fell into hysteric laughter right after Mari used the wheel to set back into some EVA 44 types like some mid-western trucker
God I wish 3.0 never happened as it did, everything is fucked. If only Mari never happened either.
I love the rebuild films but even I think that wasn't great. Anno really has his work cutout for him justifying Mari as a character in this final film. Thus far she has been completely unnecessary.
Mari tits juggling and tons of mass produced angel fodder getting killed
Is this some kind of parody?
The master hasn't lost his touch
3.0 was fucking based. What part don't you fags like? Bonus points if its not related to some gay waifu faggotry.
Did something happen?
Is this shit already uploaded on youtube or something?
3.0 was kino. Fuckin plebs.
Quick rundown?
Link to video?
But mari happened in 2.0
What the fuck is going on?
>I was merely pretending to be retarded
I just don't care anymore.
Fuck this.
It was true then, and it was true now.
>all this people mad for no reason
Yeah that shit instantly reminded me of Ace Combat Zero. Good to see at least all the Rebuild films are shaping up to have good music.
Sounds like you choose well.
145+ iq post
plotfags need not apply, this is PhD level thematic cognitive engineering senpaitachis
This desu
Eiffel tower got destroyed while being used to kill mass produced Evas
Ok Anno
im still surprised
i thought that Yea Forums learned that 3.3 was to piss off fags that liked 2.2 too much
i enjoyed every single second of the preview and i can't wait for subs
Hold the fuck up.
This is BEFORE 3.33333333?
Is Anno for fucking real?
>>>pedo hags
Where did you get that from?
Yes we know you've bee seething 24/7 for years now elonna
thanks based user
How the fuck is this movie going to explain what happened between 2.22 and 3.33 and conclude the story unless it's like 3 hours long? HOW, ANNO??????
sleep* kek, maybe not so good after all
>Hold the fuck up.
user, are you drunk?
Well at least she's having a good time
>dude what if EVA was a bullet hell
It's not. If you haven't understood that the Rebuilds is just ANno's butthurt revenge against Rei and Rei fans by now, you're retarded.
riked it
Does she have a heart beating in each tit? What the fuck is this animation
give it up already butthurt RDF retards
I thought it was a Daicon reference
That's all these fucking movies are, past Gainax references
Why is the cg in 3.0 and this worse than 2.22?
reminder that Eva hasn't been good since the TV series ended
What is this all about?
I have no idea what all of you are talking about. What did I miss?
I can't wait to see more. Also sums up my reaction perfectly.
it's the infamous gainax bounce
just what was that
nu-eva is pathetic desü
>EoE exists
Indeed. She is utter shit.
Marichads rise up!
So what is this thing, a bomb, a submarine?
nothing interesting
>days between Evangelion episode 1 and Eva 1.0: 4350
>days between Eva 1.0 and today: 4326
>people mad about mari's tits flopping around everywhere
so is Yea Forums full of trannies now or what
These colors are fucked up.
>entire stream
5/10, too much singing, too much talking
8/10, -1 for Mari, -1 for no Shinji
i think is time we all agree anno is a fucking HACK that was lucky to be surrounded of more talented people in gainax that made his shit look good
this is awful and saying "IS SUPPOSED TO BE BAD YOU PLEB" is just defending the hack
Any HQ link?
looks awful
i don't care about the rebuilds in any case but it looks and sounds shit and i really hope anno makes something interesting next instead of milking this franchise for another 20 years
Well that was fucking trash
Everything about it was shit
The CG is shit
The animation is shit
The red background is shit
The plot of restoring "light" to the red iss shit
Mari is shit
The action is shit cutting to the guy with laptops every 30 seconds
The battle was shit and not interesting
I didnt care for anything If anything I wanted Mari to die
check nyaa
And is worse than the TV series. Episodes 25 and 26 were a better ending.
Is Anno trying to free us from the curse of Eva? Because it's fucking working.
the fuck
Kill yourself, liking Rebuilds is a sin.
Say what you want but the music was unironically kino
>Once you understand that Rebuild is really just Anno promoting his waifus by making a huge anti-Rei narrative,
Once you understand that the rebuild movies are an anti-escapist narrative having a second go-around after all the retards ignored the message of the first series, but this time directly criticizing the audience**
It sounded great yeah, that's at least one good thing from these movies.
That's your average 'rebuilds are anti-rei propaganda' poster on a good day when they actually take their meds
Dick lips is looking pretty fine.
>The plot of restoring "light" to the red iss shit
Fuck, it's going to be about enviromentalism, isn't it. There's that shit about the 2011 earthquake influencing the writing of the movies too.
Does he want to impress Miyazaki?
I believe this was the "Anti-L" system that let them "clean" that area of Paris after the Angel died, yes? Bomb-like.
Sounded like the pulp fiction rift
I look forward to the doujins.
I like that stupid guitar at the end
Feels good to be a Marifag, this is the only thing other girls are good for
we literally got the worst design then
Can somebody with an IQ over 90 explain to me what the point of Mari's character is?
shes supposed to be hot
Can’t believe Mari is going to be the one ripped to shreds
Merchandise money
to sell merchandise and piss off fans
They couldn't get the rights to use Mana, so they just made a new one to replace her
Anno showing that waifufags are so stupid they'd like a retarded character just for her design and voice. Look at
Official answer: Anno wanted to "break ties" with the old Eva and said her character would have helped in completely changing the narrative
Real answer: money
To confirm that shinji/asuka is canon
Did you see her boobies bouncing?
Would make sense if not for the fact that escapist otaku are the only ones loving it.
She's an exaggerated anime waifu.
Okay but are they actually going to reveal that Mari is the daughter of EoE timeline Shinji and Asuka?
Hello Yea Forums
Just stopping by once again to say that I've already figured out all of this fucking years ago and that the Rebuilds and all of the impacts throughout the movies represent parenting, insemination and the 3 trimesters of pregnancy gone wrong.
The new clip is just adds even more backing to my theories.
To make it quick, she's basically the new Kaji. Plot-wise, at least.
They couldn't get the rights to Mana, so they had to come up with a new character to take her place.
Sorry, you need IQ over 140 to understand her.
See? Only 1 in 20 like which means shes an incredibly high IQ girl whom plebeians dislike
or more accurately a contrarian choice and/or outlet for people to shitpost as
Still the best Eva girl
Anno did not direct it,the Flcl guy did.Shin Godzilla was kino to
>that aspect ratio
I guess I need IQ over 140 to understand that too.
One more character to fill the coin grab machines at the Sega building
Simply untrue. Mari baits /u/ too hard and shows little interest in Shinji, whereas Mana is the girl with the most straightforward romantic interest in Shinji. Hardly the same role.
>version 706
How crazy would it be if the Master made different versions of the film?
>he thinks Evangelion is about money and not /x/-tier psyops
90% sure this is the direction it's going, the question is still how exactly it's resolved and how convincing it'll be to the audience which is the reason to follow it.
What happened?
Hey, you need money to become the irl equivalent of Seele
>Mana loving shinji
No she does not, I'm pretty sure she KEKs him in Eva GOS 1, still adding more layers of suffering atleast guarantees that shinji will be slightly more interesting instead of random fanservice slut
Mari broke the eiffel tower so they could steal eva parts.
All the Gainax peeps who worked with Anno on Eva are working on this as well. And they brought in a shitton of outside help as well. Anno has more people around him than ever.
It's pertaining to the event.
The event is called 0706 which is the date the 10 min preview was released. They probably called it this so that when they inevitably change it they have a papertrail.
from what I understood They did some mumbo jumpo and reverted teh quasi 3rd impact in that zone to unlock the HQ of Nerv in Euro, to salvage ammunitions and even more, parts to repair EVA 02 and 08, also i guess it means that whatever happened to the world normal people cant breath on the outside, but EVA pilots do can
Why is Fuyutsuki on Gendo's side? I know he likes Yui a lot, but surely by now he must realize it was kind of a shitty plan
we dont know what Rebuild gendo is trying to accomplish
*sips* Ah Eva... Now that was an anime!
old man cuck
>Khara did some work for AC7
What the fuck, really? This is the first time I've heard about this.
He's a double agent keeping the other side informed.
>It's all CGI
It happened with western animation and now it's happening to anime too.
This is the future, 2D Animation is dead.
>Why isnt my old and busted Rei or Asuka in the spotlight?
Age of Maki is upon us. Either embrace it or wither and die
Boning Yui again, that's all he ever wanted in each iteration
Shut up fattie
>they are struggling to animate robots in 2000+19 that they use CGI
>people in 90s can do it without problems
Explain this shit you absolute chucklefucks of a shill
Surely not, according to the preview he built those thundercock evas
EVA has been CGI since EoE, pleb, fuck off fake gamur gurl
I got the best lollipop.
What was the name of that song Takahashi sung between Tamashii no Refuran and Fly me to the Moon -- the one where they had to train the crowd calls. I didn't recognize it, and I really liked it.
You shut up virgin.
10/10 would watch again
isn't this ancient news, the fuck is going on here
Anno is a fucking hack, Mari needs to fucking go
Remind me again how Gendo is runnig Nerv all by himself. Do the little Rei clones do all the grunt work? Is that why Fuyu decided to stay?
Too much Mari /10
Needs more delicious lesbo tits
mari needs to die instead of asuka/10
Sell toys and bait yuriniggers
He got an early version of amazon alexa
I honestly don't remember ANYTHING that happened in the other Rebuild movies. The anime was extremely memorable but I can't seriously remember what the movies were even about.
Anyone else?
I'm confused wouldn't they have to add male pilots to even it out?
What was the point in previewing this in Paris and LA if it's still only getting a release next year in Japan? I figured that meant they were going to try for some kind of international release, sort of like Broly got.
I am just glad these films are over,and now Hideaki Anno and his staff could move on,Anno directed Shin Godzilla and Khara produced me,me,men
So I'm looking forward to what they do next after this.
>yfw anno is going to pair shinji with mari as the biggest baddest fuck you to the waifufags
Saigado, where are you?
Shit's all automated.
Dunno if you noticed but the entire open sequence takes place in Paris
Female figures sell more and the animators get to make more tits bounce
>Touji never be a pilot in rebuild
>user had any hope for the rebuild
ufufufufu how new
>Yea Forums
>IQ over 90
Okay so where are the links to a .mp4 or .webm of the scene? They should be out by now. I want to listen to Sagisu's new track again.
>the question is still how exactly it's resolved and how convincing it'll be to the audience which is the reason to follow it.
It will all make sense once it's finally revealed (well, most of it will at least,) but once this happens, I suspect the fanbase to go up in a shitstorm. It's going to devastate and weird out a lot of people.
To throw a bone: the reason Shinji plays such an important part in these impacts is due to the fact that this version of Shinji was never human to begin with. That and his relationship with Rei and Kaworu is not only pivotal to solving all of this, it's also primordial.
But we're in a timeloop, so technically Toji did pilot one in a previous life
Sure, but still, doesn't explain why they went through the effort of putting together screening events in multiple countries.
I remember nothing of 3.0 besides kaworu being way too gay
Gay piano
I'd rather see hand drawn evas than bouncing titties.
That's because the last Rebuild film WAS FUCKING 7 GODDAMN YEARS ago.
I've quit and rejoined Yea Forums like 9 times in that time period, of fucking course we can barely remember parts of the movies
Anno is just guilty that Shinji killed all of the plants and wildlife in EoE as part of his self-actualization journey.
It's fucking incredible and laughable that they said Anno should take over from Miyasan as the leader of the anime world. If that is true, there is no clearer sign of the stagnation and awfulness of the anime industry than these fucking Rebuild movies. They are boring, they can't do anything but reference themselves, they need to use anime tropes to be interesting, etc. pp. It just fully disgusts me at this point. There is nothing artsy left in anime, the best it can do is provide cute girls as a moe-supply for certain kinds of people to enjoy after coming home from work. There is nothing else left in this medium. It's done.
Sounds like a good reason to rewatch the rebuilds.
>replaced cute boy with good story for vapid pink tits
Mari isn't even good at selling merch because japan doesn't care about her beyond yurishipping her with Asuka.
well what's done is done , see you in 2020
I'll rewatch them in two years, when we'll actually have access to subbed BD downloads of 3.33+1.11.
Stand at the edge of the scene and take a piss at the audience why won't you Anno.
Shinji fucked up the world
Kaoru came and stop him
Everyone mad at Shinji
Shinji confuse af get abduct by worst Rei
GAY PIANO segment for 60% of the movie
Shinji get in the eva again with extra gay
Shit about to happen then Asuka and Mari goes cockblock
SHIT is sure going to happen but Kaoru gay power stop it again
Shinji emo mode activated Asuka and Rei drag him back home
Understand ? no ? good
Never again, user. Khara wants to push CGIshit. Never again. ;_;
That's actually Kazuya Tsurumakis piss
Anno is still Based
Anno still has the final say and accepts almost everything his buttbuddy says because he's too busy thinking about Gojiras
Don't forget that they took his scene and turned it into Asuka scene too.
Can I be gay with her?
How long until people actually understand that Anno hates Evangelion fans?
Anyone who had any hopes for the rebuild was fucking delusional to begin with. I seriously expect him to end it in the most embarassingly bad and miserable way possible just to spite everyone.
It's okay to not like Evangelion and let me tell you why it's okay to come to this realisation:
As our argument of a few months back continued simmering on the streets of Brooklyn, another friend wandered out of the apartment building. He was a practitioner of Judo. “So,” I said to my friend, “if he were to Judo throw you just once, would that be enough for you to know you didn’t like it? Or would he have to do it three times? Five times? Hundreds of times?”
“I don’t know,” he said. Suddenly, in one swift movement, our mutual friend picked him up, twisted him over, and laid him out on the pavement, unharmed but definitely surprised.
“Should he do it again? Did you like that?” I said.
“I don’t know if I liked that,” he said.
I don’t know if I liked that
he hates waifu fags not eva fans
I liked the Mari parts :3
What the fuck is that shit ?
Gojira was actually pretty good.
They took almost everything from the side characters and poured it into the three or so central characters, which is understandable because you have to shuffle and condense things for movie format. But even so, they did a piss poor job at it and imo the story is severly lacking in heart.
I have NO IDEA what they actually did, but they are credited. I tried to find out what they did briefly but I still don't know. I assume it involves cutscenes?
I was surprised too
Cool dancers tho.
It's been a while since I've last put this into use.
>There is nothing artsy left in anime
kyoani made art last year.
All the cinematics in the game were directed by Hibiki Yoshizaki of Khara
Apparently the cutscene director was a Khara employee.
Not hates but loves, and not waifu fags but waifu figs.
Speaking of Tsurumaki
>What do you think about Gendo Ikari?”
>Gendo was meant to be a strong father who should have a positive influence on Shinji so that he could grow to be more confident and adult-like. Many modern fathers in Japan are "mollycoddled" which was another reason to make Ikari Gendo into a strong father.
Jiggling Mari tits. Shit was cash.
>only cared about Eva for the plugsuits to begin with
>got a lot of that from this clip
Honestly satisfied.
>dueling tojos
But she already jiggled in previous movies.
France and Japan
He IS a waifu fag
post third impact paris looks better than current paris
DEEPfags are just that, fags.
>Japs get MPEvas
What does it fucking mean?
Evangelion is not DEEP. It has a very , VERY simple and clear message and all of its mindfuckery is simply the result of obfuscating of the intricate yet very straightforward lore. A brilliant move in hindsight because the whole confusion and resulting endless discussions would not exist if we got all the info via a straightforward info dump in the show.
4/10. Rebuilds are garbage and I don't see why this one would be any different but talking shit is fun so whatever.
Mari is annoying and pointless, does anyone even give a shit about her?
Still has dem dick-sucking lips.
Jet is (not) Alone
Ah, TY
well that's definitely where the spanish guitar influence comes in.
will be exciting to see if there are any subtle AC references in 4.0
Give me the rundown.
Yeah, but now she's gonna jiggle even more.
literally who
Its shit
anno apparently
More like that being all she ever does. Be a walking talking waste of time with bouncing tits meant for fanservice and drive the theoryfags crazy figuring out what point she serves when she doesn't have one other than fanservice.
her not having a point is the point
Mari throws the Eiffel Tower at a gun made of legs. Her boobs bounce.
sj/a/ is getting triggered because women has boobs
Post yfw we get godlike Eva 01/shinji vs wunder (I think it has its own engine if I remember correctly)
Interesting Parallel Anno could be some sort of father figure to a young Tsumuraki,I think Gendos involvement with Nerve and death of his wife took a toll on him making him more cold
Bottom looks like early alpha footage.
No matter what shit Anno comes up with, Sagisu will make something decent to accompany it. I never rewatched 3.33 but listen to the OST all the time.
don't spoil 5.0
(it's a CGI anno taking a CGI piss, coming out in 2030)
It's settled once and for all. Mari > Tojii
So I think at the end of that Mari says something like "I'll come and get you no matter where you are, so just wait for me a little longer, pup"
Did she promise something like that to Shinji in the previous movies? I haven't rewatched in a while and just don't remember.
what strain of weed will anno be on in the 2020 decade?
So the city blocks were just closets for more CG shit to make the Evas look even gayer in the climax.
Based Mari destroying the Eiffel Tower
she said she was sorry
top left makes my dick incredibly hard
Condolences on the brain cancer.
I want to see Kirika as an evangelion pilot.
When did unit 08 lost its arms?
oi oi hon hon baguette eiffel tower
im from frogland and i can confirm that kawoshin is canon now. They just forgot to stream the sex scene. Asukafag on sudoku watch.
I don't think anyone with an IQ that high will ever understand this character
She told Shinji to man the fuck up and save Asuka in the end of 3.33. We might be on some bullshit ruse cruise where this scene happens in the middle of the movie and Shinji is captured (again).
>that eyes
Did shinji cuck kaworu out of controlling evangelion 13 or was it Gendo? I mean the eyes turn instantly red when shinji gain full control and they look similar to Eva 1 awakened state. Also Eva 13 when from 4 red eyes to 2 red eyes after kaworu death. So evangelion that shinji pilot will have red eyes?
>rotating toilet seat Evangelion
I'll pass. Also, when I saw the Wille staff in plugsuits I expected them to pilot some Jet Alone equivalent to provide support fire or something, I was pretty disappointed. Might as well go all the way with the insanity.
I've never see 3.0
Had to go fap to Mari after seeing this.
this a rebuild character?
i think she has like three lines in the third movie
Whenever Shinji gets MOTIVATED, he activates the EVA and sends it into Impact creating mode. In the case of 13, she literally shoved the faggot out of control since the faggot lacked resolve to grab the spears.
Only if you want the story to suffer, because it's just time and effort that could be put to use. When a writer is willing to damage his work and mental state to prove a point to a shitty audience that won't get it, all he's doing is betraying himself with nothing to show for it in the long run. He even knows this, why else would Godzilla have been such an escape for him?
The arms were destroyed at the end of 3.0 when she pulled Shinji out of 13
Shinji will reverse all the impacts with the power of love.
Based and lovepilled.
I hope that the "sequel theory" never gets officially confirmed, so that this Rebuild shit can stay as disconnected from the original as possible.
i lost all faith when one of the evas activated neko neko mode in 3.0
>arms got literally destroy for holding Eva 13
How are they gonna stop Eva 01 (or other Adam evangelion)if shinji manage to awaken it again. Not to mention Eva 01 was able to fend off a laser with his AT field from a fused rei/zeruel whose normal form is already stronger than its NGE counter part
Shinji will become a magical girl with the help of a couple angles.
Gainax pose
>i lost all faith when one of the evas activated neko neko mode in 3.0
Amen, brother.
Now this. This's how you ride a mecha. Take note, all you darling in the franks out there. TAKE NOTE!
>Misato and the gang reverse the impact
>rebuild shinji goes full EOE shinji and cause another impact
Here's that pillar they used to reverse instrumentality, they also had them in the base at the beginning of 2.0.
And Jet Alone 2, read.
what the fuck, where's this from?
Got it.
Guess I gotta re-watch 3.0.
Mari is honestly one of the most hideous characters I’ve ever seen she is fucking disgusting to look at
>he didn't watch the after credit scenes
>angel sealing pillar
>angel sealing symbol
Well it’s look willie will put up a better fight. NGE nerve would have been destroyed in the rebuild
And then it gets reversed again. And then Shinji causes it once more. Repeat. Again and again.
Evangelion 5.01
Evangelion 6.66
Evangelion 3.14
Evangelion 0.001
Evangelion 13.37
Evangelion 1.488
Endless trash!
Evangelion 1.488 is one of my favorite
>420 seconds
what did Anno mean by this
Hopefully this glorious fucker will make it in somehow
anno pothead lore
Based wolf fren
What would evangelion boomers look like?
Rebuild is the Evangelion equivalent of the Star Wars sequels. Made only as a cashgrab from obsessive fanboys and the larger normie audience with no regard for or impact on the pre-existing canon of the characters and world. Only existing to sell merchandise, it can be safely ignored.
There's no deeper meaning, they're just writing whatever bullshit they feel like so they can shit out something that appeals to both nostalgia-fueled otaku and the broad audience who recognize the characters from razor advertisements and thinks the girls are cute and the robots are cool.
>Evangelion 1.488
>In which Asuka fully realizes her German heritage
Anno is always high.
wasnt that retconned in the new movies
whose fucking soul is in maris eva??
Rebuild is such a disaster it even ruined the Netflix dub
yeh, I asked before what strain will he take in 2020
Cut me off a slice of that soft pink goodness
It could also be the equivalent of the Star Wars prequels because those are cashgrabs too, and as we all know, Mari is the key to all of this.
That nigga lives in a tree what do you expect?
No, shit for brains. Read what it says on the buildings.
>Mari is soulless, just like these shitty films.
Fat, disgusting old perverts with bad combovers and crusty hands from jerking off to 14 year olds too much.
>shoes indoor
I skimmed through the movie and I don't see that anywhere
I don't think that the whole "Eva's soul" thing is still relevant in the Rebuilds.
thanks for reminding me that the retarded beast mode thing existed
Wtf is that on the bottom
And I swear the green ones on top looked like they had star of Davids on the front of them from the stream quality
Beast mode 02 looks just like asuka!
>Mari's whole purpose is fanservice
>Tits not even that big, jiggle a bit but overall nothing by anime standards
What a fucking waste, she isn't even good enough for fapbait outside of a couple of fanfics.
No, Asuka is still German.
> The "second girl" to ride on the EVA 2 unit.
>Originally from Germany, the image color of the plug suit is red.
>outside of a couple of fanfics
Would you be so kind as to share, user?
It's not ALL Japan. i was in tokyo and they were not like this
Fanfic a shit. Read Like a Beast.
Where are you at, tgfaggies? anno? more like OH NO HAHAHAHA
There you go.
>we waited 5 (five) years for this
Not worth the wait bros...
August Rain. Absolutely shameless smut which makes Mari out to be so much hotter than she actually is. AKA the best kind of lemon.
That's an eva bakanyaaaaaaaaaaa~
Mari is so perfect
So how many people have killed themselves over this?
>he reads fanfics written by men
Enjoy your cowtit inflation + other grotesque fetishes.
Oh hey I own that
Plot twist: the Rebuilds are actually based on the autobiographical book that Shinji tried to write post-EoE, but Asuka kept messing with him by stealing pages and rewriting some of the chapters.
Honestly glad it was bad because now I don't have to invest myself emotionally into the whole thing again. Anno was short of yanking on the chain again but HA! No cigar.
>not even a single frame of Asuka or Rei
I hope the actual movie will change that.
everyone in eva is surprisingly /fa/ honestly, even in pretty much all the newer art for merch and ads
>they can now reverse time
>they're not fighting angels but giant mechs
what the fuck did I missed?
>It was bad
lol it was great. Try hards.
I had stopped caring about 'wins' after pic related btfo so many people so hard and had 6 years worth of autistic denial on EvaGeeks destroyed, but it seems victory and being a Marifag just go hand in hand.
>they can now reverse time
They didn't.
>they're not fighting angels but giant mechs
They aren't.
>what the fuck did I missed?
Everything, apparently.
No, the Rebuild's are Shinji's last deranged dream world before leaving instrumentality in EoE.
Asuka also saw all of them, and they were so terrible they made her feel sick.
Sadamoto already debunked that frame lmao.
>Rebuilds are just fanfiction co-written by Shinji and Asuka
Angels used to look organic and now they're literal mechs.
>they didn't reverse time
So they just cleaned the blood off the city with a giant powerfield?
I hope they don't appear ever again
Those aren't Angels, they're mass production units made by Nerv. It even mentions they're now ignoring the Vatican Treaty.
cause they are mech, they are Mass produced evans modified to be full on military weaponry violating the Vatican Convention.
>11 minutes of EvaPoochie
I guess ain't missing anything
>Angels used to look organic and now they're literal mechs.
They aren't. Those are Mass Produced Eva units. Pay attention next time.
>So they just cleaned the blood off the city with a giant powerfield?
Oh I see, you're a massive casual. That thing they drove into the ground? It's an anti-angel pylon. The same sort of pylons they put around Asuka when she was infected by Bardiel. They have sealing glyphs and repelling glyphs. The anti-angel pylon removed the Core material from the Paris branch while leaving the rest untouched.
Do you think we'll be able to materialize Mari so I can drink milk from her juicy boobs during our lifetimes?
Evangelion 3.0 + 1.0: Kimochi warui
Who's hyped for english edition Anima?
Rei can stay. assuka has to go. The symptoms of asukafaggotry include autism and we cant have that.
>That frame
The whole chapter of the manga is about it. And yeah, I know it is based on the fact Anno had to cut any Mari development so the original plan was changed, but it still meant the original plan existed and that it involved a bunch of common theories that evafags always acted outraged at.
So does that mean that after the Near Third Impact Earth wasn't covered in Lilith's material like in EoE but Adam's core material instead?
Already got it ordered
No but we'll probably get a handful of eva doujins after 3.0+1.0 airs
I don't understand how her body works
Adam has never appeared in the Rebuilds.
I watched the thing in french so I didn't understand shit. Thanks for trying to explain it tho.
>anti-angel pylon
I don't remember those ever being introduced and I rewatched all the movies like last week.
>EVA has been CGI since EoE,
Simply untrue the fuck. EoEwas on fucking cells.
>It's only love
Will Utada do another song for Eva?
Good enough, I'll take that.
Ive wanted to read it for a long while, glad ill finally get the chance to
>I don't remember those ever being introduced and I rewatched all the movies like last week.
Then pay attention next time buddy.
EoE used CGI specifically for the scenes with the mass produced EVA fighting Asuka. You don't know shit.
Specifically the scene where the MP Eva drop out of the plane is one of those scenes.
Follow the lines.
>14 year old body
>producing breastmilk
He doesn't hape to apppear in person for the effects of his presence to be observed. Angels are a living proof that Adam is on Earth.
I mean... have you seen the size of these milkers?
Ok she's definitely broken, thanks user
No, he isn't. You're thinking of NGE. We have The Vessels of Adam in the Rebuilds.
Mari's like 30 or so man
These lads
Imagine that it's 2019 and you still haven't figured out that Eva was never good.
There is no way that is a 14 year old.
>thing appears in a couple frames where its not even the main focus of the scene
>its abilities are quirks are never spoken nor introduced by any of the characters
>pay attention
to what, exactly, headcanon?
Mari is from 2009 user, she is pretty much boomer tier now
What the fuck is a zoomer and a boomer
>The glyphs have no universally accepted meaning.
>Nothing has thus far been revealed about how the pillars work or regarding the nature of the glyphs.
>presumably used in the control and suppression of Angels
You and me respective Lee
Shitty Yea Forums memes. I apologize on their behalf.
Shinji, I'll say it red that only NERV can use.
>"provided by Evangelion 2.0 Complete Records Collection."
boomer is older than me
zoomer is younger than me
It looks terrible
we live in a world where dragon ball films have more integrity than nge
fuck you anno
Like the original EVA...
where, when, how
I don't get it.
>eva festival
Imagine all the fat incels marching around with their asuka/rei/misato plushies clutched to their chest as they get all sweaty in the sun.
imagine being stuck in line for something and there's this smelly tub of lard making out with his asuka daki infront of you. EWWWWWW
Lain should grow some tits then.
Zoomers = young people
Boomers = old people
You daft cunt
Right, but what does it matter?
Present day
Present time
She really is the Jar-Jar Binks of anime, isn't she....
I don't get it.
Then make a thread about it dumbass
The fuck are you on? It's the new "underagefag". How is that difficult to grasp? Are you being obtuse? Am I being baited?
Can you guys imagine how based evangelion could have been if Mari were in it from the start?
You reek of summer
The Rebuilds are stylistically designed to be that way.
I just don't take part in the whole me vs you stuff that you all do apparently. Got better things to do with my time, y'know?
At least they got the memo with Jar Jar and he fucked off from 99% of RotS
Read the interviews, fake fan.
Apparently not, because you're still here.
Yeah, asking questions and answering questions. Hardly giving anyone a hard time.
>3.0 was fucking based.
>3.0 was kino.
Do you even know the meaning of those words?
>You just need to read this obscure japanese book to understand it
>Pay attention to the movie!
How was I supposed to know critical info about a thing that was never presented to me in the first place? No amount of "paying attention" would've showed me what those things were unless I went out of my way to the fucking wiki.
I own genga from it. Prove it’s cgi dumb fag.
i agree user, its just Yea Forums being Yea Forums i guess?
I'm looking for the interview right now, you better get your asshole ready because I'm gonna fuck it harder than your dad did for your 13th birthday
>Got better things to do with my time, y'know?
No, I don't know — but you seem like you need to return to Reddit.
>How was I supposed to know critical info about a thing that was never presented to me in the first place?
Context clues. You've seen them be used to keep angels in, or keep angels out. Not my fault you lack the critical thinking to figure it out. Also not my fault you're a massive flaming casual that doesn't read source material.
I love Eva-08C and will do anything to protect it!
She doesn't fit in the narrative at all because TV series had realistic characters with relatable issues and Mari is a fanservice whore that belongs in some shounen shit.
Lain is a perfect work without flaw, so it doesn't need to be remade.
What will he announce?
Sometimes i like to sniff my cat and pretend i'm sniffing kaworu
>but you seem like you need to return to Reddit.
Nice bogeyman you've got there. Stop trying to fit in so much.
Go ahead let’s watch you backpedal.
>EoE used CGI specifically for the scenes with the mass produced EVA fighting Asuka
lmao brainlet
Of course its not your fault, its the series's for doing such a terrible job at telling a story.
Feel free to stay mad tho.
Are you fucking your cat too?
Stop fighting over stupid things.
We were united as one just a few hours ago... can we go back to that?
>its the series's for doing such a terrible job at telling a story.
First of all, it literally shows the pylons keeping angels in or keeping angels out.
Second, I'm not mad. What are you, 12?
This one has more footage than the sequence in the end of EP24 DC. Where is it from?
>Where is it from?
Uh... the fucking production?
It used CGI compositing for this shot, and as far as I know this shot only. The more promiment CGI is all Third Impact stuff.
KEK They have Angel repellents now? Why need Evas then, how did they fuck this up so badly to let TI happen.
It's still fucking awful. There are better ways to get the message across.
>b..but muh interview!
Has one retard ever been this btfo by a single webm?
I want to lick Ferry's armpits
>Got better things to do with my time, y'know?
You should probably stop posting and get back to that important stuff then
Prepare your assholes
Truer words have never been spoken.
Did I say important? Please learn to read properly user.
I mean - where was this clip originally released? The DVD/Blu-Rei extras, or somewhere else?
>You are the cause of all this
>As a result, Lilin punished you for your sins
Fucking bullshit
Sometimes I can't tell if I'm still on /gbfg/ or Yea Forums
thank you Moon Runes for reversing instrumentality!
>They have Angel repellents now?
>Why need Evas then
To fight the angels.
>how did they fuck this up so badly to let TI happen.
Your guess is as good as mine.
>It literally shows
2 frames showing them in 3 scenes is hardly "showing" them, if you don't read the wiki you can just assume they're some sort of energy field and not an anti-angel measure.
Why is it so hard for you to admit that the series does a terrible job at showing the things you need to know?
>Why is it so hard for you to admit that the series does a terrible job at showing the things you need to know?
Because I'm not a massive casual who doesn't read source material. Anyway, I'm out. Take care, casual.
I'm more curious about how two old men can build an army of fake angels and Evas when maintaining an Eva used to require a huge amount of manpower and money
>no mention of the actual fight scene
>I'm more curious about how two old men can build an army of fake angels and Evas when maintaining an Eva used to require a huge amount of manpower and money
>user ignored the scenes in 3.0 of the automated factory making MPEs
>used CGI specifically for the scenes with the mass produced EVA fighting Asuka
>CGI was actually used in the short scene where mass-production Evas are carried, but not in the fight scene.
Production is completely mechanized. Also, I doubt money is an issue when you look at the state of the world in 3.0.
>Anyway, I'm out. Take care, casual.
Holy shit you're so fucking mad.
Look at you faggots squirm
>b-but eva never used CGI!
take your shit back to discord yah faggot
Just means this, a five second shot. Everything that follows is animated traditionally. They also used CGI elements in the instrumentality sequence but it's really just used as visual effects, it's nothing close to constructing whole scenes out of it like Rebuild has.
Factories don't mantain/sustain themselves, they require a vast amount of manpower, even if the machines themselves are assembling the units.
Everyone knows that EoE had CGI, those scenes were quite obvious. But saying that Asuka vs mass-prod Evas was CGI is just pure heresy.
The producer botched Rebuild from the start. Anno originally wanted to deviated from NGE since the beginning, putting more attention to Shinji, Rei and Kaworu on the pilot side and Misato and Gendo on the adult side but the producer insisted with remaking episodes 1-6 because a radical departure could alienate the fans. The same producer also wanted a new female pilot for selling more merchandise
Who is the one backpeddaling now, bitch?
>e-everyone knows EoE had cg-cgi!
Then what are those?
>Shin Godzilla used Eva music
>Eva uses Shin Godzilla music
Neither of those anons, but I thought the subject of the debate was whether the Evas were CGI, which they weren't.
I'm not the person who started this discussion, so I've got nothing to backpedal from.
This was my first reply:
These Rebuild movies are lazy cash grabs, Anno has become full blown hack and is now one of those who encourage bad industry trends. (overuse of CGI, shitty, nonsensical plots and shitty character arcs)
He's the anime version of Kojima.
It's more a case of both of them ripping off James Bond music.
Show me the cgi Eva’s in EOE. It was always about the cgi evas. Not >muh fight scene vs mass produced is cgi!
No you were wrong tough cookies retard.
That was the debate. The user is now backpedaling as the Eva fights and evas were not cgi.
that explains why the quality of that shot is ugly as fuck on the bluray.
You sound like a huge pussy
>Lain is a perfect work without flaw, so it doesn't need to be remade.
Lain is borderline fatally aged
It made a whole bunch of predictions about future technology and was dead wrong about them
That's what Anno turned the eva into in 3.0
>still seething because you were wrong
What you replied to was my first post in the thread
>and was dead wrong about them
Your first post in the thread and it's all seething
To think that Mari's bouncing boobs are 1/10th of the movie's run time.
At least 1/10th.
Could be the whole thing.
And Shinji, Asuka, and Rei make no appearances.
Anno could literally put a footage of himself taking shit in it and everyone would still watch it.
Kaworu doesn't even stay consistent with himself. He says Near-Third and Third were one event, it's all Shinji's fault, and that's why they put the DSS on him, but then that the DSS was invented for him when he takes it.
Kino is the German word for film, do you have a problem with germans?
It isn't, it's the german word for cinema.
Kaworu is just as manipulative as Gendo, for different reason obviously.
>10 minutes of bad CGI Eva fight where Mari literally drives her Eva using a steering wheel
how much would it cost to make a garage kit of her?
And singing in the background again and nyanyanyanya.
Reminder that if you hate 3.33 you're just an angry weeb brainlet
This was literally all I expected and I warned you about it . That's why I slept over most of the stream.
Mari is hot
Eh, same shit
How the fuck is NERV producing so many fucking EVAs with only gendo and fuyutsuki there?
WHAT are they producing exactly?
It's even worse than I thought it'd be. You'd have to be completely brain dead to enjoy and/or defend this, even as pure action schlock divorced from its franchise this is completely worthless.
I get french, ask me anything.
I think there is a two year timeskip between this and 3.33
Did you hate it?
No, I was smiling at all time, loved it, but not more than the opening of 3.33