Is it even okay to read this? It just feels so illegal.
A Thing Hiding in a Erotic Cult
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How many sluts this time around?
What's it about?
>that title
why do cults have to be the way they are. why can't there be a nice cult or something why can't cultists jerk over something nice. Its always some bullshit that leads into almost rape or just rape rape, why can't there be the cult of Gochiusa or the cult of yuru camp or thick thighs or maybe takoyaki.
stop moralfagging and read it
I want to be in a cult that worships anime thighs
Isn't cult, by definition, have to be negative?
>a system of religious veneration and devotion directed towards a particular figure or object.
These are the supporting characters.
kokomi looks like best girl to me
Wait is this the one by the guy who did the alien sex cult island as well?
>cult of unironic Random Number God's (yes that RNG) thet spits out drops (that also unironically drops ranks from R to SSR, probably due to their effects in real life like the intro) by trading people lives for a pull
Kek, this shit is batshit insane. As expected from the creators of Rape Island + Ayylmao + Sluts + Reincarnation/Body Swap Fuckery manga.
Kirio seems to be the main villain of this arc, he wants to sleep with MCs sister.
Kokomi is a huge bitch from what I've read so far.
>implying everyone doesn't
The only fag who doesn't want to sleep with her is his brother (probably even NBR brother most likely)
AN erotic cult. Fucking Japs can't even use a grammar checker.
That would just regular religion
Falun Gong?
lmao idiots I can't wait til next chapter where he bait-and-switches and puts his dick in the brother instead
How many chapters are out so far?
3, but long chapters. ~90 pages
From the mangaka of rape island with aliens. She really loves the rape theme huh.
IIRC, they are against science to various degree of extremism. Which is never a good thing in general.
Is she hot? Asking for a friend
Now everything makes sense.
>The Ten Greatest Evils in The World (世界十惡) according to Li Hongzhi:
>迷信科學 變異人類 (science, apparently it leads to mutations)
the others seem to be mostly about moral and cultural decay, homosexuality and so on.
Basically the /pol/ of asia.
Suicide pact when?
The difference between Cult and Religion is
1. Religion welcomes anyone, believer or not.
2. Cults require their members to cut off all ties with any non-member, family or not.
By that definition alone, all cults are guaranteed to be bad because why else do they have to hide their operations if what they do is perfectly legal and moral?
Surprisingly, most of them are just some money schemes who prey on mentally troubled people. Very few are actually crazy. All are bad, still.
>why can't there be the cult of Gochiusa
They are called Fanclubs, user
Forgot to mention:
Not a single cult actually refers to themselves as cults.
They always disguise themselves as just a group, congregation, fanclub, activist, or whatever.
Just be wary that if your group/partner demands many finances and want you to abandon everything that does not please them, drop them with a splat.
How to ruin your story. Works every time.
Throw a bunch of make up on her and get me drunk and 10/10
>A Thing Hiding in a Erotic Cult
Is this a manga or a LN?
>being threatened of repercussions for being exposed to something that hurts noone
Well, i'm pretty disappointed in the alien island thing and have many questions unanswered.
It just seems to me that the author changed her mind several times during the course of making the story
Now, we will just wait and see how absurd this manga isand how many questions we will have
>that last chapter
Am I deluded for hoping nothing is going to happen to yume?
Maybe he's actually a good guy.
In other words.....PICKED THE FUCK UP!
>that also unironically drops ranks from R to SSR
I don't get what's so funny about this
chinese scanlation
Would have actually been good if the supernatural shit didn't exist. Cults are already fucking freaky as is.
Nips are fucked in the head they need to stop gambling
What would you do?
>Asking for a friend
Very funny ledditor. Kill yourself.
Sweat profusely.
Just read this, the art is hot. Does the artist do porn?
best girl
All I want is an ecchi manga with lewds and sexy stuff. Please recommend me stuff.
Yume is better.
There already is a gochiusa cult, go read the threads sometime.
And then jam it in.
Man fuck cults, disgusting degenerate fuckers. Chairman Mao did the right thing when he decided to purge all cults. Fuck cults.
Why did black-hair prick try to escape from his bed? Did that girl have a dick or something?
How long until he ends up with a similar personality to the last MC, but with tentacles this time?
>Is it even okay to read this? It just feels so illegal.
Fucking normalfaggots, when will they learn?
third result
Always like hearing You
Because then it would be a religion
He is a bit too comically edgy to be a serious character, but thats nothing new in manga
If a cult gets big enough it starts being called a religion.