What's your favorite pairing from this decade?
What's your favorite pairing from this decade?
pic not related?
Based as h*ck
op x cock
How was your vacation dude
tell me it's a hentai
Does it suck knowing that you've literally ruined your own life because you got so mad and upset people laughed at you for crying about having no friends. You bring it all on yourself.
Reply to this post only if you're mentally ill.
If you aren't mentally ill, you should have enough self-control on your actions to choose to not reply.
By replying to this post, you admit of being severely mentally ill.
Nah, it's not admitting to anything. Just because you say something doesn't mean it's true. What's actually funny is that YOU are the one with literally zero self control. Even when no one replies to you, you still spend hours EVERY SINGLE DAY talking to yourself about your boogieman and trying to force your "memes".
Please do tell, why don't you have any self control to stop yourself from being so pathetic you try (really hard) to "bait" people? The funny part is YOU literally won't be able to not reply to this post. Because "winning" by having "the last word" is LITERALLY the only thing you have in your life.
Thanks for confirming it.
Please stop polluting my thread, user
Thanks for proving this post is 100% correct about you.
Thanks for showing everyone you are so insane you think "anything i say is 100% objective truth and you have to accept it OR ELSE!"
Please stop making insanely shit spam threads for the sole purpose of trying to "bait".
We get it, you're a pathetic loser and the only way you can cope is by trying to attack people on Yea Forums. No need to spam about it so much.
I liked it.
You are never "summoning" anyone, you are just an insane mentally ill shitposter with no friends. And that really hurts you. So you try to cope by deluding yourself into thinking you hurt other people.
Cute Couple
How wow, I can't believe he still has the courage to show himself around after losing face and being laughed out of the last thread.
Hahaha, holy shit. You get blown the fuck out so hard and then you think you can samefag your way to damage control.
I love how you honestly think that if you just ignore how absolutely destroyed you get that it just doesn't happen and no one will notice.
You literally flat out proved you failed high school in that thread. You don't even know how basic word counting in essays works.
It's absolutely hilarious how you're trying to brag about the fact you failed high school.
Did you just confirm that you are only one person?
That was hilarious. He seems to have a chronic problem with basic math, he must be retarded or dyslexic.
Hahaha, holy shit. You literally can't stop yourself. All you can do is spam samefag replies to your own post trying to pretend anyone at all actually believes you.
The best part is how you make it so obvious who you are. Because you REFUSE to actually address anything anyone says to you.
No one confirmed anything, other than the fact you're a massive joke.
What the fuck are you on about you fucking sperg?
Article words don't count towards the total word count in formal papers, you stupid idiot. Hahahaha, it's fucking amazing how you are trying to brag about failing at everything in your life.
Could be a little more subtle with your samefagging?
Literally better than a name tag. It's so easy to tell who you are. And what makes it even more funny is you are trying to make other people look bad by showing how stupid you are. If you can't understand a post as simple and straight forward as the one you're replying to, then you have serious mental defects.
>still refusing to address a single thing said to him
Hahaha, it's fucking amazing. I love this so much. I love how stupid you make yourself look to everyone.
You literally publicly disgrace yourself.
take your meds sweetie
I also love how you brag about being a Yea Forumstard.
No other than you needs to take any meds.
You are the one how has to try so hard to block out reality.
Cute couple but this is a cuter couple.
Cute and canon.
You have godly taste user.
>ichigofags btfo
good shit
Protip: you have to reply two times to keep up the pretense of these being two people.
How embarassing.
Putting on a fake tripcode doesn't trick anyone at all.
And you replying to your own thread multiple times doesn't trick anyone either.
Imagine having nothing in your life other than shitposting on Yea Forums.
shipping is cancer and should be a bannable offence
>Imagine being this paranoid
And all of this just cause of a animated and canon het couple.
Protip. You have to go back in time and be here since day one to try and pretend your "durrr lol xdd if u tell me to stop shitposting i'm going to TRIGGER you, lololol" mentality is common place on this website.
>still refusing to address a single thing said to him
Get blown the fuck out. So hard it ruined your life.
Gintoki is a well known tripfag, you idiot.
>i- i can call u a samefag but u can't say im samefagging ur paranoid!!
Thanks for always making it so obvious who you are.
It's even more obvious who you are because you REFUSE to ever address how this isn't about "shipping", it's about you trying to attack people and "troll".
No, you're not a well known tripfag. Nor does anyone care about your shitty OCR google translates. OR your sub par typesets.
So this is the side effects of being a /u/nigger? Imagine getting buttblasted by a canon couple so much that everytime you see a cute and canon picture of them together you just have to go full batshit insane.
>still trying to pretend this is about shipping even after being directly told it's not
>won't even accept a pretense of the fact he's wrong about his baseless assumptions
You do realize that in the early Gridman threads people posted "het" just fine with no issue, the only time "het" got called out is when YOU, and YOU specifically were trying to "troll".
You will of course refuse to address this. Like always.
Yes. I wish he got into Hibike, the meltdown would have been hilarious.
Why are you replying to your own post? You can't honestly think anyone at all will fall for this. Sure is odd how "everyone" ignores that your posts are all blatantly wrong.
Yuriniggers really are something else.
>second time you've replied to your own post
>second time you've ignored it's blatantly wrong
Thanks for always making it so easy to tell who you are.
would be glorious, but dumb takeda played safe to the ending of the novel
Imagine having to spend years of your life talking to yourself because you're so upset you got laughed at for having no friends.
Oh look, you replied to your own thread again.
Hahah, your such a fucking joke.
Please, don't remind me that I'll be alone forever.
I love how you keep replying to your own post because you know that literally no one at all will ever listen to you, so you have to try and fake it.
>autistically replying to your own thread again
I fucking love it. I love knowing that this is literally your whole life and you have no means at all to cope.
You have no idea how hard I'm laughing right now. You are just so pathetic.
Does it suck knowing that your whole life is one massive joke and you literally can't recover because you've invested literally six straight years of your life into to trying to harass people over Yea Forums?
cute picture
Cutest couple.
I love how you're so pathetic and everyone hates you.
You're so mad and upset it's hilarious. Because you are trying to as hard as you possibly can to upset other people.
Why are mods so lazy today? I want to see some mass replies.
Why are you so pathetic that shitposting literally controls your life?
It's been a while since I checked those bait thread, let's see if he is still taking them
what's wrong with my post? i just like the picture
>it's been a while
Nah, you're the one who made this thread.
And you are the only one who replies "durerr lol xddd CUTE *upvoted*" to your own shit thread.
i didn't make this thread and why is wrong to like a cute picture
You did make this thread, and it's wrong for you to be so fucking obsessed with shitposting.
No one will believe it's not your thread, because you are obsessively bumping your own shit thread from the bottom of the catalog. Which no one else would do.
Your life is such a joke.
still the best one
See And yes, it's obvious you're replying to your own thread yet again.
It gets even more obvious because you always post the same small handful of images no matter what series you're shitposting about.
Seek medical help you pathetic loser.
very cute and very based, user
Imagine having to reply to yourself because you know you're hated by everyone.
Sexual tension... I can feel it
You're so fucking cringy. It's actually sad how pathetic your life is.
Thank you so much for always making it so obvious you're literally the only person who ever acts like this and the only person who posts like this on any board.
I love it.
What in the actual fuck is wrong with you, and how can you not function like a sane person? You literally can't stop yourself from trying to "bait" because this is the only way you can cope with your shit life.
can I have a quick rundown on them?
have they fucked already?
You are replying to your own post. Again. Because you are insane and mentally ill. Literally consumed with shitposting and trying to harass people.
Ok NOW that's what I call based
Yep, I'm thinking he's mad
oh no no no
what the fuck is this shit
No, you didn't "save" them, you are the one one posted them. And you are the only one who's mad here. If you weren't mad and literally shaking with rage you'd talk and act like a normal person. Address what people say to you, and not be consumed with trying to attack people.
I've got like 200 pictures, sharing is caring, right?
OP x over 9000 nigger penises
What went so wrong with your life that you actually think it's rational to act the way you do?