Why is no one talking about it? This is the best thing the shonen jump has published in a long time since they stopped publishing JoJo
Chainsaw Man
What are you on we've been having plenty of threads
We are talking about it
>since they stopped published jojo
I see summer is here.
They didn't stop publishing JoJo they switched it to Ultra Jump, you fucking retard.
>best thing
A mediocre edgy shit for underage retards.
There's a nearly maxed thread open right now and the series is good but it isn't all that impressive writing or art wise. Certainly the best Jump series in recent memory after that exorcist one that's really popular in Moonland but isn't talked about here
>Awful English grammar
>Calls me a retard
>I wrote specifically SHONEN JUMP PUBLISHING
Go kill yourself you filthy DBZ cock sucker spic
Chainsaw man protagonist is really shitty, I will give you that but the rest of the cast is really good and they do not have magic plot armor, I feel bad for Aki
Reminder that Aki could have had a cute cake but he chose the destructive path. Shit he got was all on his own actions and on nobody else
Fuck him, he deserves the suffering.
I wasn't sold on it at first, but the comedy brought me back in.
>Shit reading comprehension
>Calls op a retard
You neanderthal, he already knows that JoJos in Ultra. He clearly states that shounen jump STOPPED publishing JoJo
Why do people like you keep popping in trying so hard to fit in? Dude, just stop. You fuckers keep outing yourselves on your own.
Aki vs Katanaman rematch when?
probably because the plot and premise is a bit ordinary. The only thing really carrying this is the characters. I particularly like makima but i'm starting to like aki. It was pretty epic when chainsaw man was fighting that devil for 3 days until the devil decided to suicide because of the pain
not this guy but no one cares about grammar or capitalization here you stupid fuck. also jojo is for literal faggots. kys
>another shitty edgy manga where everyone dies
I want my wife Makima to crush me into a fine spray of blood!
Somehow I feel there are pages missing in the last episodes, like the flow of the narration is broken in between
>Why is no one talking about it?
We had threads since before the first chapter, you're just slow.
You're blind if you don't see constant threads here,the fact it's getting reprints in Japan and it's one of the most popular new manga even on fucking reddit or mangaplus,meaning even normalfags read it.
What? This is the most hyped I've seen Yea Forums in years. Axefags are desperate. Nothing can beat the Chainsaw. They fear it. And the more they fear it the stronger it becomes.
what a fucking retard OP, there are constant raw dumps after the ride FIre Punch was
That mole is so sexy holy shit
OP is a retarded faggot who wants a constant general to keep him company. Probably also a fan of mha.
I know what you’re trying to do user
So... Here i can wait for the viz version?
have sex
Just let this thread die. We literally just had a thread earlier. OP is a falseflagging piece of shit.
based retard
Lose fat
Throw your aki suffering here
I'm oddly attached to that messed up character. Healing arc when?
I wish I read this sooner, my first exposure to this was last chapter where people were getting fucked by Makima's demon, so I was under the impression this was just random edgy shit, how did everyone else react to most divisions getting blasted?
I’m oddly attracted to that character.
I thought "They died"!
Kobeni is cute
Its just edgy shit crammed in a manga, its meh in form.
>so I was under the impression this was just random edgy shit
I feel like this is always the first impression of fujimotos shit. You have to see beyond the gore and incest.
It's working as a pleb-filter as intended.
When he finally achieves the sweet embrace of death.
Because its generic trash that only a few teenagers read.
Oh look, another upsetti spaghetti huntiexhuntie
I hope she comes back, she was cute and I wanted her to grow as a person
It was a good run but it's time to move on.
He's shitty but in a good way. He's a sociopath created by a hard life growing up.
In the CSM universe Aki is the protag and Denji is the side character.
marry me power please
It feels fresh stylistically but so far there's literally nothing happening there. I read it though for Power and things like that vomit scene.
>that fakeout
Please don't bring Yea Forums tier bait ''ironic'' shitposting into Chainsaw threads.
Don't bump garbage threads either.
quit bumping this fucking thread you fucking moron.
This is the mark of an ideal woman.
We talk about it all the time when a chapter/leak is out. Hell it's even getting a cancerous fanbase of waifufags no character war shitposters yet thank god
don't jinx it
akicucks should shut the fuck up and know their place.
denjibros are all we need for chadsaw man kino.
We won't have to worry about akifags in 2 years
what is this face supposed to convey????????
>in love
I dropped Dr.Stone awhile ago.
He likes girls now? I thought his love was science
Stop replying to redditors, they don't know shit. Senku only gets hard for science. He's building a remote controlled drone out of bamboo right now.
Yes, I get that, when the manga started he actually was very good, but then he kept getting shitty, I guess is the way the manga artist has for us to tell us that he is becoming more of a devilman
someone who lost their parents
Seems actually meh.
Not enough chainsaw action, for starter.
And while Denji and Power are entertaining, I don't really see them able to carry the manga on their own if all the secondary characters start dying.
He fucking got me. I got lulled into a false sense of security by the shonen-like pacing and I was not prepared for shit to hit the fan.
>Why is no one talking about it?
Nice blindness
>This is the best thing the shonen jump has published in a long time since they stopped publishing JoJo
Nice shit taste
I liked it, I started it expecting generic shounen, but everything was unexpected
>get punched by coworker, kicked him back in the nut, repeatedly
>retarded, yet smart enough to catch on things
>picked a fight with infinity, and made it submit
>doesn't care for civilians, yet save all of them
>being relatable as shit
>get along really well with the favourite devilman he always pick a fight with
>doesn't give a fuck, at all
>not afraid to speak a piece of his mind and dropping truth bomb everywhere
>instead of I MUST TRAIN HARD, said fuck it with the revenge