Hundreds and thousand of threads with King Crimson, with caption "HOW DOES IT WORK!?"

>hundreds and thousand of threads with King Crimson, with caption "HOW DOES IT WORK!?"
>King Crimson's abilities are actually pretty straight-forward and easy to explain
>not a single thread to explain this fucking bullshit
What the hell?

Attached: GER_Profile.png (900x1199, 2.84M)

Reality manipulation-lite

If anyone doesn't get either of these abilities within like 5 mins of looking into it, they're probably just retarded


What the fuck is with the MCs that can trap you in infinite loops?
>Tusk Act 4
>Stone Free if you stick your dick in her Möbius strip

We wanted to make threads about it but we never reached that reality

Because infinity is the most broken ability ever

If you'd stop jacking off to your own understanding of a shitty manga for two seconds maybe you'd notice that people GET how it works but HOW it works is just plain stupid.

Really sad they butchered the iconic pose in the anime
I hope the BDs fix it

>>not a single thread to explain this fucking bullshit
Fuck off animeonly. Whatever Jojo that you are watching have been discussed to death

Attached: it just works but the other way around.jpg (780x1200, 271K)

Why's Giorno suddenly floating?
What's with the blue smoke?
Why GER get massive stat upgrade in addition to broken ability? (can throw stone like a fucking laser)
Why are they posing instead immediately pummel Diavolo?

it just applies "multiple by zero" to anything with some extra bullshit about dying forever

Protip: that's all stands.

He takes after his father. Gotta get crazy ass power ups that changes the entire scope of the battle, pose up in front of your enemies instead of going for the insta-kill, and act like you're above mortality in general.


That's it, that's his power in the most literal sense

Was Polnareff's arrow the only one that could initiate a Requiem? If not it seems convenient Polpo never stuck a born stand user

pretty much this


Just a shower thought, it's been a while

Bites the Dust is also a Requiem stand and that shit was created by a different arrow.

What I don't get is why this always gets placed so high on power rankings.

Because being able to say "no, fuck you" anytime someone tries to do anything is pretty strong.


Because there literally is no way to beat it. You can try literally anything, but the Stand is 100% unbeatable. Any attempt to harm Giorno is not only stopped, it makes you not want to even try anymore. You could snipe him from miles away in stopped time and it would still negate the attack.
There is no answer. It's the equivalent of the kid on the playground who pulls out the invisible, invincible shield.

GER is consistent with what it does and
This perfectly explains how it works.
It literally makes Gio immune to being attacked.

how is there 2 more episodes after GER starts the muda

He reverts your actions in time, how difficult is to understand that?

Unless he's dumb enough to fist bump your reality altering fists, of course.

>Bites the Dust is also a Requiem stand
How? I don't remember that ever being a thing?

Bites the Dust wasn't called a Requiem Stand, but some people think that it's something like a "prototype Requiem Stand", before Araki refined it in Part 5.

He may be invulnerable, but anyone besides a regular human is pretty much invulnerable to him as well. Diavolo was still alive and able to swim after being hit innumerable times by GER. Against stronger beings, all he can do is create a stalemate situation where they both just opt to ignore each other because neither can hurt the other.

>all he can do is create a stalemate situation
Which is exactly why its powerful. It doesn't matter what your ability is, nothing beats GER.

Stand user gets pierced by an arrow and gets a power up based on his wishes at the moment, as this user says Araki just refined the concept in part 5.

Stupid thing is, GER should be weaker than GE itself, since GE can just make it so that every single attack against him not only doesn't hit him, but hits the person who attacked him with a strength multiplier. The only thing that makes GER stronger is that it fucks with causality.

It's more that Bites the Dust would probably have been a Requiem Stand if Araki had conceptualized Requiem Stands at the time. You have to take into account the fact that the rules are being laid down by a (very) fallible author as he goes along. Bites the Dust displays very similar traits to a Requiem Stand, and the fact a completely different arrow made Bites the Dust makes the question of whether or not there's only one arrow that makes specifically Requiem Stands pointless, because you can get effectively the same process from other arrows anyway.

>Dio, Giorno, Johnny
>Blonde Hair
>Apex Stands
What did Araki mean by this?

Characters with longer than normal lifespans (or immortality) could "defeat" him just by waiting for him to naturally die though, so he should rank lower than any such character. Giorno's body is just that of a normal human, at the end of the day.

He has Vampire genes

He was fathered with a Joestar body, not Dio's.

You asked why it was so high up in power rankings. Its the single strongest stand in the whole series.

>GE can just make it so that every single attack against him not only doesn't hit him, but hits the person who attacked him with a strength multiplier.
Why did this ability literally never show up again after the initial mention of it?

Attached: arakiforgot.jpg (562x519, 29K)

I meant those power ranking charts comprised of characters from a load of different series.

Yeah, but obviously DIO had some influence on him, since Giorno suddenly manifested blond hair.

Attached: file.png (1280x738, 1.54M)

Araki is obviouslly part of die übermench

See >You have to take into account the fact that the rules are being laid down by a (very) fallible author as he goes along.

Because it was bullshit.
Aren't those usually about who would win in a fight? GER can't be beaten in a fight and the scenario of waiting for Gio to die would just be a draw.

Attached: bait.jpg (760x1200, 854K)

Power: none
>let me flick my finger and shoot a floating rock at bullet speed lol

he forgot

He really should've been blonde from the start, and not half-japanese. The fuck was the point of that? Was Shonen Jump sperging out about him not being a jap? Turns out Jotaro has more Italian blood than him.

It's an improper translation. It uses "nashi" in Japanese, meaning "without", to indicate that GER is without a grade because it's beyond grading. Someone chose to translate that as "none" and it doesn't make a whole lot of sense.

The mysterious transformation was to prompt Koichi going to investigate him. They were worried that DIO's cells activating in him might be DIO resurrecting using Giorno's body.

>part takes place in italy
>every other character is presumably 100% italian
>Dio bangs a random Japanese lady that for some reason moves to Italy
The literal only relevant thing with Gio being Japanese is that it caused him to get bullied and even that is easy to change. I don't get why the main character of the italian part isn't italian.

It's a manga from Japan obviously. Why do you think Isekai is fucking hot shit right now? Since there can be Japanese people in a fantasy world.

What was the fucking point of Koichi in 5? He was in for like 5 min and did absolute jackshit

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>Stand user gets pierced by an arrow and gets a power up based on his wishes at the moment
No they don’t, retard. SCR proves this fan theory is bullshit since it happened twice.

What was the point of you being born? You were never relevant to anyone and didn’t accomplish shit.

I miss GER female voice from Eyes of Heaven and All Star Battle.

SCR getting body swap powers to begin with makes sense. Polnareff had been crippled to the point of being wheelchair bound and needing to use his stand to even reach behind a dresser. The arrow's twisted logic gave him the ability to switch bodies, presumably to switch his own body for one that wasn't crippled.

Why did it knock everyone out in the village then and he didn’t swap bodies?

Because Polnareff didn't have control over it. It just gave him the power, not the ability to properly utilize it.

>Part 1 takes place in England MC is english
>Part 2 takes place in America MC is an english immigrant
>Part 3 starts in Japan MC is japanese
>Part 4 is in Japan MC is japanese
>Part 5 is in Italy MC is japanese and english
It just doesn't make sense. Why would you even want to self insert into fucking italian mob violence anyways?

He still doesn't need to be Japanese for that. It's just needlessly convoluted. Jotaro got info on him from Speedwagon Foundation's research anyway, and they're global.

>They were worried that DIO's cells activating in him might be DIO resurrecting using Giorno's body.
No, they were just worried that he would be like Dio.

I liked the female voice because it implied that Giorno is trans.

It was probably just to give a framework for explaining the whole "Giorno is Dio's son" angle, because Giorno himself has no way of knowing the relevance of it.

If Giorno were trans, she could probably just use Gold Experience to make a female body with her cells in it and transfer her soul over.

She isn’t ready to come out yet.

The fuck are you on about? That doesn’t explain why he needed everyone in that village to get knocked out you dumb piece of shit.

There's also the point that he prevented Chariot from completing its ability. Which we still don't know what it ends in. I think the theory is valid since it's consistent with every time someone was hit with an arrow, but then again, Jojo has this whole "fate" mechanic, which maybe the Requiem stands are based on more, rathar than what you need *now*. Screw it, that theory's better.

The real question is how the crap Jotaro knew about Giorno in specific in the start of part 5.
I read part 6, it's still speculation.

He didn't "need" that to happen, that's just how the bodyswap power works. If he had control over it, he'd have been able to just use it on himself and a target body. Instead it went berserk and used it on everyone in its range.

> framework for explaining the whole "Giorno is Dio's son" angle
And this then goes absolutely nowhere and is just fanservice reference so he can say muda. Giorno is a complete waste of a good idea after that beginning.

>There's also the point that he prevented Chariot from completing its ability. Which we still don't know what it ends in.
Well it was going bersek so it swapped souls from other dimensions. I assume it would let him swap people's souls at will if he could actually control the thing.

I figure the idea of Giorno being Dio's son was just to explain how another Joestar popped up in that timeframe without making Joseph even more of a scoundrel.

>Enjoy part 6.
Yea yea I know all of it. But 5 is still worse cus he's supposed to be the mc (and Bruno is still a better protagonist even then).

Well it's a good idea precisely cus of that, and an ironic twist of the new Jojo actually being Dio's kid.

I feel Part 5 shifted a whole other direction at a point in terms of telling its story. Giorno proclaims he's going to have to do some messed up crap for a greater cause being a morally grey hero, but it ends up being monster of the week.

I understand that that isn't the kind of story Araki ended up wanting to write, but it still bothers me. Especially since 5 and 6 play out very similarly in formula (and quality).

btw, deleted the post because of potential spoilers. I'm sure many people here didn't finish part 5. Anyway, honestly part 5's cast as a whole felt inconsequential. Part 6 is a *little* better, but still.

It’s a meme you fkn retard, your mom must be very proud for giving birth to such an idiot

And monster of the week against some literal jobbers who just want to get money, nothing the gang does is remotely morally grey, they only act out of self-defense and are otherwise portrayed as little saints, Giorno and Bruno specifically, and for no good reason. Also their motivations are a mess of hypocrisy. Nothing seems like it has anything to do with the mafia anymore or the characters relations with it and it just spirals into typical shonen kakugou/fate bullcrap. I've no problem with it being ''stand of the week'' or the cast slightly more isolated but it's just the direction the story takes that is bad, especially the main villain. Seems like Araki just didn't know what to do with the setting at the time, and his depression didn't help.

I mean, regardless, I had fun out of it, despite me whining every other stand battle. *Giorno splashes blood around floating ice cubes painting a bright red arrow for Mista" and "Pepsi encouraging his friend as his brain is lodged against train tracks, still speaking"

Like, despite the crap, I liked Part 5. The anime did it more justice due to pacing. I just feel it's too by the numbers. Part 5 didn't just have to be Part 3 minus, but without any particularly interesting character interaction. Remember how you had these little skits in Part 3 where the characters would stop by a restaurant or whatever? In Part 5 it feels less like a team, it's just "we must do what needs to be done or face full life consequences" and the characters more or less live in isolation, but only come together once they see Giorno's resolve.

But I like to remember I'm criticizing something Araki wrote in 1999, and I still have Part 7 to look forward to, so there's that.

Can KC beat Love Train?

Araki read up a ton of stuff about physics and mathematics for Stone Ocean. It was super noticeable that he suddenly had this passion for hard science.

I read in one of these threads before that at least in part 3 he was told to make Jotaro half Japanese to increase marketability or something but haven't verified it.

just finished stone ocean starting steel ball run now. Why did he want to change the setting to another reality?

SBR was originally its own manga unconnected to JoJo, because Araki felt the series was complete after SO

However, people became confused seeing as he named the main character Johnny Joestar so after a while he just added "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure" back in front of the title

There's fucking nothing to understand, it just fucking wins, no explanation needed.

Bites the Dust isn't requiem, it just so happened that Araki had the faint idea around that time and decided Kira had enough resolution (I guess) to develop an extra ability based on his belief that luck (or fate if you may) was always on his side.

Me too.

For the most part, GER's ability is literally just "No."

Wrong. Araki always intended SBR to be Jojo Part 7, but Shueisha wanted to market it as a new series at first.

>>King Crimson's abilities are actually pretty straight-forward and easy to explain

explain how he cut off trishs hand and killed narancia while in skipped time

i thought he cant interact with people in skipped time HMMMM

It's cool.

Think of it as the inverse of King Crimson.

When King Crimson erases time, it eliminates cause but keeps effect in the fashion that most benefits Diavolo; only the results remain. Gold Experience Requiem, meanwhile, preserves cause but eliminates effect. GER attacking Diavolo kills him, but because the effect is reset to zero, it creates a paradox where he's fated to die but can't, essentially placing him in an eternal death loop.

Pass the torch from 4 to 5.

I disliked it overall, especially second half, yet it still has some of my fav fights and stands, I guess that's why it's extra frustrating cus I like alot of the ideas it has and the setting. It all just feels like wasted potential. And yeah, the story really wants you to think of them as a team but they hardly actually work together and are just being bounced around by the plot, they don't scheme or plan solutions or anything. Giorno is such a non-character later on and it makes no sense the rest of the cast have these sudden epiphanies about how great he is, neither did they have any time to bond. Just kind of a mess.

I remember having the most miserable time of my life getting through part 5 which had absolutely nothing to do with muh scans, but the anime is making me enjoy it a ton.
It's still my least favorite part, but I hold it on a higher regard than when I first experienced it through manga.
Part 5 being so action-focused really benefits from animation.

Even the throwing blood in the eyes is a bit iffy.

Why not throw your fist in his face at that point? Is Diavalo really such a big fan of the monologue before the donut?

my headcanon was that the blood actually stops like 1mm away from giorno/polnareffs eyes so that it's not actually interacting with them, but once he resumes time it will hit them

Agreed. Even the Gently Weeps stand battle I mentioned was one of my favorites, despite the bull crap. Part 5 is very much a bowl of Lucky Charms. But I still don't want to eat the boring brown parts.

It might be because I'm a manga babby, but I found many of the battles in part 5 hard to interpret in the manga, as bizarre as they get, I'm like "what am I looking at". That and the anime kind of goes through incredibly long stand battles like the train one in like 2-3 episodes, it made it more bearable.

Probably lost it after maturing during the Baby Face battle to be able to create limbs/organs instead

Ah, I stand corrected

>not a single thread to explain this fucking bullshit
GER is probably the simplest stand there is in terms of it's abilities. Basically, whatever you try to do, GER goes
And that's it.

>some extra bullshit about dying forever
It's not really complicated. He kills you, but prevents you from arriving to the result, making you forever approach it but never reach it.

People will tell you that, but there's literally no proof of that anywhere. And besides, every arrow was made from the same meteor so it doesn't make any sense that only one of them has different properties, especially when that's never stated to be the case. Polpo's arrow didn't give Giorno GER because Araki hadn't finalized the concept of Requiems at that point yet and the different design is most probably just Araki wanting it to look cool.
>Bites the Dust is also a Requiem stand
No it fucking isn't you goddamn speedwatching animeonly.

Who tf shot Johnny Joestar in late part 7?

To be fair, we could only see a tiny glimpse of GER's offensive capabilities because Diavolo got BTFO so fast. You can reasonably assume it has all of the soul manipulating abilities as well and who knows what else.


When the USER gets pierced, their stand just gets a new ability, when the STAND is pierced, it evolves into a Requiem. This is not a difficult distinction to grasp yet speedreaders have been missing it for literally years. It's baffling.

>it doesn't make any sense that only one of them has different properties
Maybe one of them was made with a different part of the meteor hence the different design, or the red gemstone was a bit of the meteor that possesses the requiem properties. Also Golden Experience got cut with Polpo's arrow and nothing happened.

it probably woulda been better to use N/A, not applicable

Yeah, maybe the arrow maker was actually a voodoo priest who cursed one arrow differently, who knows? The point is that it's NOWHERE stated that there was anything different done to that arrow to give it requiem maker abilities, so speculating like that is completely pointless.
>Also Golden Experience got cut with Polpo's arrow and nothing happened.
I literally addressed this.

I dunno you can make an argument for either case.

Pol said it gave control over souls themselves or somesuch but he really only has a reference of one, and you could say he was just hamming up how powerful requiem stands are. Then you'd have a reason for why Chariot Requiem only strolled after Pol with killing intent instead of blitzing him with soul magic.
On the other hand you could say Araki was spouting accurate exposition through Polnoreff at a time when it probably wouldn't be deducable.

I personally think thay could only really use one ability it was just insanely powerful.

It does tie in to GE’s dropped ability of “damage gets reflected+senses go wild”. It’s like a mutated OP combination if both

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How would King Crimson work without Epitaph? What would be the use for skipping time without being able to see what happens in that time? Would he just use it to skip boring train rides?

Join the 40%.

>How would King Crimson work without Epitaph?

Everyone. Not even joking.

There is no use. That’s why the powers come together as one.

I always took it that in order to Requiem the arrow has to strike someone who's gone through some major ordeal/change/growth for the power to manifest.

I literally thought they were going to exploit this for the fight against him or something lmao.

>I literally addressed this
Sorry, forgot to reply to

Or just simply go with the line they actually used several times.
>the arrow chooses who's worthy
It explains every inconsistency.

It would only be useful for immediate danger like, someone tries to stab you/shoot you, activate KC

Yes. It has a different design to the others for a reason.

Why didn't Giorno just turn Polnareff into an animal that could poison Diavolo?

Dumb speedreader.

Giorno can give life to inanimate things, not transform already living beings.

What would KC requiems power be?

Why didn't Giorno just punch the dirt to make a fuckton of bees to fuck Dioblo over?

Nobody fucking knows and speculating is pointless until Araki confirms whether the powers are really based on the user's wish or unrelated.

Same as GER, aka "I win, the end".

So then what if both Requiem stands happened?

opposite of GER. you always arrive at conclusion you desired nonetheless. if we take our the requiem arrow from the picture. can anyone actually defeat king crimson?

Attached: yu gi oh card ger.png (838x1220, 2.03M)

>if we take our the requiem arrow from the picture. can anyone actually defeat king crimson?

How am I wrong?

could giorno have survived through the part 6 reset with GER?

Giorno would later die of a cold

The reset didn’t kill anyone though.

No it isn't, fuck you.

KC is shit though, Polnareff almost beat Diavolo just because he knew how it worked. All you need to do to beat Diavolo is punch back when you notice shit weirds out.

Anyone who didn't die at Pucci's hands survived the part 6 reset, user.

You claim things as true based on nothing but interpretation and assumptions and not something that was actually stated or elaborated on. You're most probably just a dumbass wikifag or someone who listens to youtubers who make shit up as they go along, because the "the arrows work differently" -shit is such a prevalent meme among those faggots, but there's nothing actually proving that the different design is anything but Araki thinking it looks cool. Again, every arrow was made from the same meteor, what exactly would make one of them this drastically different? And why did nobody fucking mention a single thing about it?

Yes it is.


>Polnareff almost beat Diavolo just because he knew how it worked

so same as all other stands except for broken shit like GER.


Fuck off I’ve never looked at the wiki or any retarded ‘JoJotubers’ you pretentious cunt. I came to the conclusion on my own because that Arrow is drawn differently to the other five even when they all appear together in the flashback, and one of the normal looking Arrows pierced Gold Experience before and didn’t trigger Requiem. and there is a single, albeit tenuous line from Giorno in the manga suggesting a difference between the Arrows when Polnareff first sends them a picture of the Arrow. Giorno says something along the lines of ‘It’s the Arrow! Or at least similar.’ It’s obviously not concrete confirmation of it but it’s reasonable to assume that it could function differently since care was taken to differentiate it from the others, even if it was the bare minimum. As for why it would function differently, I don’t know because as you said it comes from the same meteor.

Not him but
>Different design and properties
Perhaps it was made differently? You're thinking too much into it, the point is that if you get struck with the snowflake arrow you get a cool power up.

Nah, GER could be beaten. He just can't be beaten by standard punch ghost strats.

Attached: CounterCounter-CP07-EN-C-UE.png (400x580, 566K)

>and there is a single, albeit tenuous line from Giorno in the manga suggesting a difference between the Arrows
Yes, that line means he notices the arrow is different from the one he knew, meaning there exist SEVERAL arrows and not just the one. It's not that complicated.
>and one of the normal looking Arrows pierced Gold Experience before and didn’t trigger Requiem
Already discussed several times in this thread.
You're the one thinking too much into it. You're making assumptions that were never stated anywhere just to suit your headcanon, when the simplest explanation is that either Araki hadn't yet decided how Requiem would activate when Polpo's arrow struck GE, or that the arrow didn't deem him worthy at that point yet. The latter could even be based on the actual dialogue in the manga, unlike the "arrows have different powers" -bullshit.

Could GER beat ultimate kars?

Depends on whether it got the same soul powers as SCR I guess.

GER and King Crimson are fine, but what I still don't get is Chariot Requiem and how he got defeated.
What the fuck is the source of light behind one's soul? How did Diavolo realize that and how come it was never mentioned before or after again? How can you destroy a source of light you can't see since it's always behind you? If that's the source of light from your soul wouldn't destroying it to kill Requiem kill you too? Why did Bruno die from that but not Diavolo?
It feels like Araki skipped on 3 chapters straight to this conclusion

Attached: 2e32e50e92a371d67a090be318d343a4.jpg (892x1280, 207K)

>Best Jojo
>Strongest Jojo
>Edgiest Jojo
>Gayest Jojo
>Cutest Jojo
>Broest Jojo
>Manliest Jojo

>Gayest one is the JoJo that fucked the most whores

>Best Jojo
>Strongest Jojo
>Gayest Jojo
>Cutest Jojo
>Broest Jojo
>Fabulous Jojo
>Manliest Jojo
>Edgiest Jojo
also Johnny
>Gappiest Jojo

Requiem is the shadow of your soul so it must be produced by a light source behind your soul. It’s kinda weird but it at least follows some kinda logic. It’s like the light of your intellect or something. Diavolo explains how he figured it out; when he noticed that Requiem’s shadow always pointed away from him, it meant that the light casting that shadow had to be coming from behind him, and it couldn’t be a physical light since it wasn’t casting any other shadows. It was another weird metaphor for overcoming one’s limitations. Bruno didn’t die from smashing the orb but because his body was already dead, his soul had nowhere to go but heaven. Bruno even points out that Diavolo didn’t completely destroy it because he wasn’t aiming on killing Requiem just yet, just incapacitating it. Bruno destroying his light’s soul was and dying was again metaphorical, it wasn’t what physically caused it but thematically it was relevant.

It’s all kinda sudden just like the Part 6 ending, but in both cases the information to decode it all is right there you just need to dig a bit.

>>Gappiest Jojo
This make me happy

so what's the deal with the next 2 episodes? are they going to air them together like I read some threads ago or what?

>Your head canon doesn't count
>But maybe Polpo's arrow could trigger requiem, Araki just didn't know or it didn't deem Giorno worthy yet!
It has always been crystal clear that only arrow capable of making Stands go requiem is the beetle arrow, why is that doesn't matter, the point is that that's how it is.

>even Giorno doesn't know this ability
Even Giorno doesn't understand how GER works.

It's all well and good up until the
>Continuously die infinitely
If the effects of a cause have been removed, then the infinite deaths shouldn't happen.
>Logic from Araki
Yes, I know. "It's cool" so ignore it.

He’s set their wills and actions to zero. This applies to their deaths as well, so while he’s fated to die every time he reaches that point it fails to happen because his death = null, he can’t die. So the universe rewinds and tries again to make that fate a reality but it hits the same roadblock each time.

I wonder what would happen if Pucci or Johnny tried to kill him.

>portrayed as little saints
Yeah, this was more than a little overdone for a gangster Araki.

Attached: 1558757206306.jpg (1280x720, 169K)

Bruno is so fucking weird, he's introduced as a sociopath that puts body parts in people's mouths and licks faces and in the end he's a literal saint.

Same thing that happened when Diavolo tried to kill him.
>"no u"

That was for an interrogation, you’re meant to act as detached and inhuman as possible for those. He himself says he was basically dead at that point anyway, it wasn’t until just after then with Giorno that he started feeling like he could do the right thing again.

gangstar you mean

Giorno doesn't even know that GER forces people to die forever. Imagine how many common thugs he's blown away and sentenced to infinite torment.

Attached: 1456462124168.jpg (477x493, 61K)

Not many since he keeps the arrow locked away.

Since GER is a conscious stand do you think it jerks Giorno off on the side?

Didn't he realize that GER did something to him while Mista and Trish were freaking out over the fact that Diavolo just disappeared in the river?

Yeah he realises something fucked up happened but not exactly what. All he knows is that Diavolo will never reach reality ever again.

Huh. I guess he does know.

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Have you paid respects to best capo and jobro yet?

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>Requiem arrow
>the arrow not working on King Crimson because reasons
>GER being fucking broken
Araki wrote himself into a corner so hard, one asspull wasn't enough to beat Diavolo, he had to make three.

He transformed his hand in a pirahna in the Baby Face fight.

Their souls returned to their own bodies the moment he tried to pick up the arrow

>Diavolo was still alive
Because GER was purposely putting him in the death loop retard

It could reset all his nuts to zero so Giorno could have unlimited stamina

Cute, makes me wanna make sweet love to you.

So he was merely pretending to be cruel while being cruel. And it still makes no sense why Giorno would cause him to think that (other than being the magical mc). All for kiddie drugs? Really? Wasn't it implied that he already kinda actually genuinely cares about the people in his turf regardless? Or is it just for show? What with them greeting him, talking to that grandma or offering the pizza guy money even tho he technically shouldn't have to (which was cut from the anime), but no it's actually only the drugs that really bother him? But rest of the gang shit is fine? Giorno thinking this aswell and still wants to perpetuate a criminal organization otherwise.

It's just so stupid and the later heavenly portrayal makes it even more laughable, and yet you could still easily incorporate the whole 'gangstar' theme into the story by having them plan to bring the organization down from within, that would actually make some sense.

After cutting it off and detaching it from a living person

I'm quite sure Giorno wants to rework the entire organization, drugs being the first step, things like "how are they gonna make money" or "they'll lose against the other gangs" are completely irrelevant considering they have literal super powers and a free God mode whenever boss feels like sending someone to the infinite super death limbo realm.

We can't say.
the requiem rejected diavolo because he wants the arrow, he didn't need it.
Pol and Gio want arrow bcuz they need its power.
CR - Gets soul manipulation bcuz he crippled and need to protect the arrow
GER - Gets Nullification to defeat KC time erase.

No limits fallacy. While pretty strong and nigh invincible, most "well GER can defeat literally everything and everyone!" arguments are based on conjecture. Araki stated that by the time of stone ocean MiH was the greatest stand ability he had come up with

Diavolo’s octo eyes

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>the requiem rejected diavolo because he wants the arrow, he didn't need it.
But the first time Pol activated his Requiem was by accident.

>Giorno literally becomes the unbeatable boss of Italy
Dio would be proud probably

can someone explain sleeping slaves? I feel dumb

so mista just got his teammates killed? or am I missing something?

But the very core of a mafia is criminal business, it doesn't work without it. You can't transform it into a charity, people within it are not just some poor folk in need of a ''proper leader'', they are criminals. It needs to be cut up to prevent it's larger negative influence on the community and politics. Giorno is a naive hypocrite.

do u know what octo means

It was fate user. That’s all that was revealed by that.

It's the opposite of King Crimson as another user put it. It doesn't work. It doesn't let anything work.

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Pol searches ways to defeat diavolo while cripp, maybe the arrow reacts to that desire that gives birth to CR

but mista literally changed fate

''ahhhh but that was also fated, see, gotcha!'' ~ The part

*The series


I don't think giorno has an issue with most of the mafia's activities. The thing that pissed him off was the selling drugs to kids part. I doubt he would be against doing extortion, selling counterfeit goods, racketeering, prostitution etc. as Iong as it's done to adults.

Atleast it doesn't get nearly as bad as it does with 5 and arguably 6.

Well yeah, that's kinda precisely the problem. It makes no sense for them to be portrayed as saintly figures while being that way, it's really dumb.

user, YOU’re dumb. There’s nothing saintly about them they’re just enforcing their own ideals

i hope dp kinda show us what was gonna kill him with the little girl

giorno's stand abilities have always been a clusterfuck

>Why's Giorno suddenly floating?
Sets his falling speed to 0, can literally "fly" with GER
>What's with the blue smoke?
Remnants of Silver Chariot Requiem's effect
> Why GER get massive stat upgrade in addition to broken ability? (can throw stone like a fucking laser)
Can set his limits to 0, aka still part of his ability. Listed as N/A on his stat sheet because of this.
>Why are they posing instead immediately pummel Diavolo?
cuz he feelin gold boi he boutta whoop that diva ass haha

user, my point is that they're not and YET they are portrayed that way. Have YOU seen the imagery?
^Shit like that, the pietas, the rightful arrow chosen one-ness, etc etc. Come on. It becomes so needlessly romanticized but their ultimate goals do not add up at all.

GER is ugly. That's why.

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remember "part 5 never ever"

Because at the end of the day Giorno is not going to be a bloodthirsty bastard like Diavolo. Giorno knows what he's going to do isn't exactly right, but he's seen and EXPERIENCED that life isn't just black and white, with all the resolve and will he's seen with his crew and enemies.

If you think about it, part 4 is probably the only time where everyone can be assumed to be speaking Japanese to each other.
>parts 1 and 2 have anglophone protags either in their own country or among people who would know English for diplomatic purposes
>Part 3 is a British-American, a half-American Jap, a normal jap, a Frenchman, and an Egyptian. As they are traveling across the world, they can be assumed to be using the lingua franca aka English.
>part 5 is all Italians in Italy except Polnareff

You know I wonder if the only reason Jotaro learned of him was Joseph popping out a convenient Spirit photo like with Josuke.

Too bad it’s never explained in depth, too bad there isn’t a little scene where they meet, and Jotaro sees Polnaturtle. Would be fun

Jojo is the most intelligent shounen ever written. Can you name a better shounen than this? The answer is no, you can't. The fight scenes are so much better than any other shounen fights. These fight scenes are written with brain and intelligence. They're very original fight scenes and don't follow a traditional fight scene formula in any way. Dragon Ball can go fuck itself. Also, the JoJo fanbase are some of the nicest and most intelligent people you will meet on the internet. We just want to have fun and share our fun little memes. I want to marry Araki, but that's muda for me unfortunately. Also, I like gay guys.

It's more simple than KC you tard. It's simply trapping the victim in an infinite loop. It is cause without effect to counter KC's effect without cause.

Now that the mess of part 5 is over they can begin animating the masterpiece that is stone ocean. I didn't even watch a single episode of Vento Aureo.

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Still better than part 6.

based. P5 is just fujo bait and shit writing. SO is in contention for best part. Kinda wish they skipped P5 for P6

>I didn't even watch a single episode of Vento Aureo.
As a SBRchad, I feel the exact same about Stone Ocean. The sooner they are done adapting that mess, the sooner they can get to the true masterpiece that is part 7.
If part 6 doesn't flop so hard that David Productions drops Jojos, that is.

Can't wait for salty fujo tiers to fuel me through SO.


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Polnareff also had legit possibly the singular fastest stand in existence, which is a significant factor in almost beating KC. Remember, SC is confirmed faster than Star Platinum, and fast enough to literally stop a bolt of light (Hanged Man). Granted, Polnareff himself could’ve gotten rusty in the past decade, but it still took that level of speed to even be able to respond to Diavolo’s attacks in time.

Can't beat Kars but Kars can't beat him, really it for pre stands

Awakened DIO barely survives due to his regen and Diavolo attempting to Kakyoin him instead of aiming for his head.

Rohan turns him into a book the moment he attempts to use Epitaph.

Cioccolata and Fugo, time skip means nothing if the attack is regularly unavoidable. Fugo kills himself in the process though.

Illuso can do some mirror shenanigans maybe.

Risotto because he would've won their encounter had Aerosmith not shot him.

Weather Report and Emporio with Weathers stand disc win for similar reasons to Fugo and Cioccolata.

Pucci takes it with any of his stands.

D4C Love Train wrecks him and Civil War Gives Diavolo an extremely hard time.

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Part 6 is objectively the worst part.

samefag meant to say Ultimate Kars

well Doppio is a retard who has to constantly pick up a phone, would Diavolo lose?

have sex pal

He's that kid at the playground that goes "nuh uh, that doesn't count!"

What colors will Jolyne's hair be?

objectively wrong. Have sex incel

Rent free.




Go back to making your shitty youtube videos, you goddamn retard.

The king crimson meme was because of how bad Part 5's manga translation was back in the day you fucking moron. Over time it started snowballing into reddit humor like "IT WAS ME DIO" and here we are.

How? Sure part 6 has some weak moments in early and mid but its not that bad overall
I find Part 5 worse because of its weak ending and Part 1 has to be the "worst" because it doesn't hold up when compared to the others

Extremely weak start and middle, Jotaro is weakened at the start via plot induced stupidity. The end being decent isn't enough.

>only 3 episodes of stupid sexy bossu

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More like 1 (half of 33 and half of 37)

Because "HOW DOES IT WORK?!" meme is from the times when the translation of part 5 was shit and nobody understood anything, fucking newfag.

The stand can manipulate space and time itself. Giorno needed something to beat Diavolo, so the arrow gave GW the ability to alter the one and only "truth". Giorno was destined to lose against Diavolo, but the stand said "fuck you and the truth" and changed that outcome.

best anti-meta

best mom also

Protecting his daughter is plot induced stupidity?

GER doesnt rewind time or control reality.

it resets and nullifies the opponents actions and reverts them to "zero". then for all eternity their actions are nulll and void. they cant act. they cant die. they just keep flipping through infinite possible realities unable to "do" anything.

its like when your playing with another kid on the playground and you say "I have the power to do anything!" and the kid is like "NU-UH!" and thinks that "nu-uh" is his power.

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We won, VA chads won in the end, it was our FATE that now we're recognized as the ones with good taste and intelligence amongst the Jojo fandom.

Like failing speedruns over and over

Not practicing your ace in the hole to the point that you can't stop time for even a moment is.

>it resets and nullifies the opponents actions and reverts them to "zero"


>then for all eternity their actions are nulll and void. they cant act. they cant die. they just keep flipping through infinite possible realities unable to "do" anything.

user, calm down with the headcanon. Nothing like that ever happens. In fact, Tusk Act 4 is closer to what you are describing.

i wanna get a fishnet top like diavolo

A stand with a flashy auto win vs. King Inconsistent


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its like the immovable object vs the unstoppable force. if one exists, the other cannot. the answer being that whichever one exists wins

Araki just arbitrarily changes the rules for King Crimson when he feels like it. He's done the same thing for Star Platinum, Gold Experience, Heavy Weather, Whitesnake, D4C, and Paisley Park too.

Blame the poor early scans amd retarded JoJotubers like xForts for presenting their theories as canon to mouthbreathing children.

It just wouldn't work. There's no poibt skipping time when you can't even foresee or necessarily control the outcome.

In short, the Requiem arc was an unnecessarily convoluted mess of a finale, with Araki throwing so many half-baked but esoteric concepts at the wall and only about 2 of them sticking.
Compared to that, King Crimson and GER are the simplest Stand power in the world.

So you complained about all the great parts?


>reddit humor like "IT WAS ME DIO"
Dipshit, even Reddit hate that meme.
That meme is more Facebook's level.

It's very simple.
Someone who wants to fuck with Giorno literally can't. The reality where Giorno is fucked with will never happen, the actions of the aggressor are returned to zero.
And you better fucking hope GER doesn't put you on its shit list.

>Yu-Gi-Oh! Requiem: activate the effect of children's card game card