MC of the show actually dies

>MC of the show actually dies

Attached: [HorribleSubs] JoJo's Bizarre Adventure - Golden Wind - 37 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_06.35_[2019.07. (1920x1080, 317K)

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It looks so stupid I can't even take it seriously. Looks like a bunch of yellow fart clouds. And angels, really?

Jojo always sucks. Big surprise.

Attached: Pain.png (807x617, 647K)

Remember how Naoki trolls us with the true MC of Billy the Bat? I cant fucking believe I waste 90 chapters on a wrong nigga

Get used to it.

>being this much of a raging contrarian faggot

The MC, Pucci Enrico, also dies.

Attached: 1552273659490.png (488x616, 108K)

it would have been funnier if you wrote
>mc becomes the Golden Wind
you missed your shot

Based Hairposter.

I still don't get it


According to an interview yesterday
>Araki's favorite character in Part 5 is Mista. Prosciutto out of the villains
>Favorite Italian food is spaghetti
>When asked about Purple Haze Feedback he said let me think about it
>Part 6 release depends on continued fan support

>Best Jojo
>Strongest Jojo
>Edgiest Jojo
>Gayest Jojo
>Cutest Jojo
>Broest Jojo
>Manliest Jojo

Yellow Diamond?

>the ONE part where the main character is a woman is the part where the main character fails miserably and a man has to do her job for her
what did araki mean by this?

Attached: so_color_v17_082.jpg (1560x1200, 1.14M)

Source? I remember the last two points coming from someone at DP.

>a black man pulls out a gun
>another black man is lazy and all of his success comes to him through luck

ashita no joe did it better spoilers

>killing the black man instantly makes the universe a better place

Jojo panel at Anime Expo

>Implying pucCHAD was Black/Evil
He was only giving everyone epitaph requiem to everyone

>sells drugs (to adult)
>asking for protection money
>murder (when he was a child even)
>probably shit tons of criminal acts
>go to heaven


I never said that he deserved it. Pucci was a stunning gay black man.


>do nothing wrong
>go to heaven
I don't see the problem

This guy's tweets about the interview are the closest thing you'll get for now

>Part 5 already popular as hell
>"p-please buy the merch"
They're either really cutting it close in terms of sales or really clever into getting JoJo fags to spend mlney

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