Are you ready for some hot and gay viking action, Yea Forums?
Vinland Saga
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Wait Is this fujoshit?
I'm ready if they just fucking released the episode already
the action is hot and heavy and starts almost immediately
Call me doubtful
Once people stop caring about Vinland Saga (like has happened with Berserk) what will be the next baby's first violent seinen series?
Finland Saga
But it only gets gay in the Farmland arc.
it's not gay if you're bros
how is sowing your seed in your brothers fertile soil gay?
I tried to read this one but it was boring as shit. Should i continue, will it get better?
Nah. He NTRs a cute tomboy from her fiance and has a tsuntsun woman that follows him around threatening to kill him like a parrot.
No, go back to watching Naruto
obvious bait
Hardcore gay sex orgy on the 1st episode.
>somebody does not like this so he must be stoopid lolol cringe
this board is ruined, i hope you all die to cancer fags
Farmland Saga is unironically good
*tips fedora*
2012 wants its meme back
No, it's about the boy in the OP pic trying to get revenge for a viking killing his father. But life has a different doesn't always work out the way you want it
That actually threw me off. I didn't expect the series to take that route.
OP is a fucking degenerate gay retard.
come on, it's 2019. vikings were black and gay
Wrong, they were blonde and spoke Japanese
Farmland is okay, I don't know what the fuck Yukimura is thinking with the Baltic Sea arc though.
It's fine, it's just too long and Hild won't shut up
at this pace, you think they'll ever reach vinland?
Sure, but traveling through Eastern Europe and chilling in Greece is probably going to take another 100 chapters
I pray wit studio haven't fucked up the continuity, changing the order of the events.
Same here but I fear the worst. The first two chapters are a great introduction and the dialogue only works if you haven't seen the flashback
No, he calls it boring, obviously only retards would find this boring.
If you aren't hooked by the first chapter then just drop it. The first chapter of Vinland Saga is very compelling, so the only way you'd find it boring is if it just isn't your thing. No reason to try and force it.
Garm is the central problem. The other problem would probably be Yukimura being too direct with the themes. I wouldn't necessarily call Vinland Saga subtle, but for the first hundred or so chapters the readers were given some freedom in figuring out the themes and concepts for themselves.
the mango starts with action. the poster is not retard, he's trolling outside of Yea Forums. it's not a matter of if he doesn't like it, he's outright calling it boring. that's obvious bait/troll
Good manga that went to total shit after farmland,why is it all the good seinen mangas die when they go on boats?
Too many characters joined in too little time. It's Berserk all over again.
The direction is all over the place.
Flokis plot point was just shoved in all along the way.
While Thorkels motivation was in character for him it made the story worse because the siege had no reason so the investment was kinda low.
Garm himself was not so much the problem but the amount of time it was focused on him.
What happened on the roof should have happened long time ago.
Episode fucking when?
I just watch it and it's pretty good so far.
Just saw the first episode at Japan Expo. I haven't read the manga so I can't judge how good it is as an adaptation, but excluding some ugly CG during the fight at the beginning (it didn't last long so it's fine), that was really great.
Tommorow watchvinlandsaga com
The director has a lot of experience with cgi but I guess when they don't have money they just can't make it look good
Can you tell us how much did the first ep cover? Greentext the stuff that happened or something.
Judging by a comment I've seen Halfdan's slave and Thors are in the first episode so it looks like they go straight to the flashback.
I don't know if they skipped anything but it ended after they bought the dying slave to its owner and the kid asks Thors where should the people who want to run away go.
Huh, that's weird. Was the fort attack in the episode at all? Was Thorfinn like in the OP pic or only his younger self?
They've moved a flashback that would've come later to the start.
But what was the fight in the beginning with the bad CGI? Because that might be anime original since there wasn't one at the start of the flashback.
Only his younger self.
I was born ready.
t. Dane
Hm, can't say I'm 100% happy with that, since the flashback being later and only after we see Thorfinn interact with Askeladd makes it more powerful to see what actually happened between them.
Dunno, it was the father fighting but I don't remember if they gave any reasons as to why he does that. I guess they just wanted to show some action to make the episode more exciting.
I started reading it only recently. So I wasn't expecting the heroes to be paragon of virtues but goddamn did they not shy away from what the vikings were all about, man. Im not complaining, mind. I was just surprised.
I would have preferred them to keep to the original order too, but maybe this plays better on TV, especially when you've got three episodes altogether and then nothing for a few weeks.
>can't remember how many years ago I was reading this, or where I left off
well, I'll watch it for Thorkell
I'm ready for the manga to end.
Did I do that?
Oh that actually makes me think it's the fight I saw in the trailers where he's stabbing guys in the neck and stuff.
I was worried that was their adaptation of a fight we saw in the manga which wouldn't have made sense because he intentionally didn't kill anyone there.
I'm relieved.
Jesus fuck, is that all? I know anime tends to be a slower burn than manga but fuck me I feel like this anime might take forever to get anywhere without some heavy truncating
I'm disappointed but I can't complain too much, at least we get an adaptation by WIT
I have to assume the show will still cover the whole prologue though, 24 episodes for 54 chapters, should be very doable, if anything they might need to stall some to make it last.
And once they've covered that I'd be fine if they never get another season.
Trailers seem to have some young Thorfinn filler on them, hopefully Yukimura wrote those
>and then nothing for a few weeks.
Is this confirmed? Some user was saying that there is no break yesterday. Haven't seen a confirmation either way anywhere.
To go along with this, it's important to remember a lot of what makes the first, what is now?, a third? of Vinland Saga go on for so long is that a lot of it is action. And by the nature of things, action does not take up as much relative time to portray in a moving medium as it does in a sequential art one. Thorfinn's whole second fight with Thorkell won't last even a whole episode and it covers a few chapters in the manga, as I recall.
IT's not gay but it's fun
here's some tweet
Goddamnit. Thanks anyway.
I don't really mind since we get three episodes anyway, but it might hurt its popularity with new fans
Can't wait to see based Askeladd animated. For those that already saw the first episode, did they do him justice?
According to anons in this thread he's not even in it because they start with the flashback
Why would they do something like that
Sometimes anime adaptations do stupid shit just to be different from the original even if it makes no sense
Anyone know whether the anime original content is written by Yukimura?
It's likely that he's involved but I haven't seen any confirmation. There's probably not much of it anyway, just some Thorfinn's first kills stuff
What fucking cunts
If they didnt put the op and ed in the first episode they could have adapted the first chapter first episode with no op and ed, then had either the op or ed episode 2 and adapt 2 chapters and then in episode 3 had both op and ed and adapted 2 chapter or even 3, and then for following episodes had a constant 3 or 2 chapters per episode because at the start the chapters are long and then goes to 20 pages per chapter
It's strange that they didn't, you'd think they'd want to start with lots of action instead of slice of life viking village
fuck knows, maybe since 3 episodes at once and then a 3 week break, they will adapt the whole fucking flashback in 3 episodes, it will be like an arc, like they don't a 3 week space in a middle of an arc
Are there cute girls in this? Fanservice? Cute Lolis? Cute shotas at least?
So no? It better be gay as fuck to appeal they fujos then, otherwise this will be the first and last season of the anime.
Canute is the cutest and best girl.
Regardless of how well this season does sales wise it will most likely cover the part that really matters.
Season 2 would be a hard sell because of how different the manga is after the prologue, no matter how successful the first season is.
should have made him a girl
>you will never see farmland kino animated because normalfags can't handle character development
it hurts but maybe it's for the best
>CG trash
no thanks
You're trash.
Friendly reminder that You have no enemies. Not a single one.
That mentality is gong to get shit on the second Thorfinn reaches the new world. Wonder how the author is going to handle that aspect.
Why athe fuck are you still in here?
Just stop watching all anime completely.
There aren't any girls in this, user
Yes, now leave
Yes there are, they just aren't really relevant nor should they be. Out of all of them the most relevant one is Gudrid because she's Thorfinn's future wife.
Thorfin will be about to kill someone and Hild will do it instead
Worse. It's 3DCG infested fujoshit.
Is it out?
There's like 3 sec of CG so its full on cgshit?
The raws for episode 1 are out for now.
There's a lot more than fucking 3 seconds, if you'd seen more anime you'd instantly be able to recognise the shit. The water, ships and backgrounds are all 3dcg and look fucking disgusting. It's soulless schlock, a disgraceful ad for the manga which it hardly resembles.
Look at this, pure sakuga. Gorgeous hand painted backgrounds and stylised hand drawn animation. Those dirty, talentless, subhuman, bastards are too lazy to do something like this. They don't want to put the effort in because it's easier and faster to just vomit out cg.
See Fuck off.
that song is awful tho
How bad will it get censored? Titan couldn't even show an ear flying off
We've got rips from Amazon so presumably not at all.
Subs when
Here's a sneak preview
A typewriter is way too difficult to hand draw for a tv anime or even for a movie. They had no choice yet still made the effort to hand draw the close up shots. The hand drawn CM was infinitely better.
Not an argument you shit eater. There's a huge difference between a typewriter with lots of complex parts and simple backgrounds. They're abusing 3dcg to cut corners. We don't get 2d anime because of this fucking cancer. It doesn't do justice to the manga's 2d art style and it's fucking unacceptable. 3DCG cancer has already killed mecha, why the fuck are you defending it?
Look how much better this is.
hopefully never
>all that cost cutting cgi
I think i'm gonna hurl.
Well that's a PV on YouTube. Again, don't really see NHK let that pass when a simple ear had to be blurred.
But would they receive the unaltered version? Has it happened before?
Isn't this the series where the MC starts off cool but becomes a beta?
faggots see 2 men and think anything is gay
Starts as an edgelord and becomes a respectable person, yes.
Dorohedoro when it's actually animated
>Slideshow teaser and literally nothing else for months
Q Hayashida didn't deserve this
if by respectable person you mean a pacifist cuck
Isn't the episode tomorrow?
If you hate pacifism why are you here? This has literally been the point of the series since the very beginning.
[U3-Web] VINLAND SAGA / ヴィンランド・サガ - 01 [AMZN WEB-DL 1080p AVC E-AC-3(DDP)]
Scenes that women and sòyboys will NEVER understand
subs when
i thought it airs on 8th
pacifism is letting ad people murder your family.
thors was not a pacifist.
This is some Yea Forums level stupidity right here
He's not wrong.
I thought I was clear when I said it but I'll be more precise because some people argue about it. There really wasn't that much ugly CG in the episode. It lasted for like one minute, and the rest of the fight was in 2D (those parts were good btw). I only mentioned it because it looked bad compared to the rest of the episode that was very solid. And it really felt like a first episode even if it didn't cover the actual beginning of the manga.
Shingeki no Kyojin and you're 6 years late to that party.
yeah, but you're wrong
He's absolutely wrong. No one in the series or otherwise has ever advocated for letting people die. Pacifism is about minimizing ALL violence, not just your own. If you can maim someone to prevent them from killing someone else, that's fine and done on more than one occasion.
SnK is shonen.
>Thorfinn, if you kill your enemies, they win...
Subs fucking when?
I gave in and downloaded the RAW. It's so gorgeous. Thorkell's seiyuu is an absolute 11/10 casting.
implying fansubbers can translate without ripping official subs
>No one in the series or otherwise has ever advocated for letting people die.
and that's not pacifism
pacifism is not doing anything, pacifism is letting evil do its work.
there's no pacifism in the manga
To be more precise, that's absolute pacifism, but yes.
Batman is a pacifist?
How gay is it, really? I like my Vikings hella-gay.
There is no pacifistic ideal that denies people the right of self defense. Look at something like Jainism: the entire religion is centered on non-violence and they still make exceptions for defending yourself.
they're danes and norwegians, not swedish, sorry
It sounds more like you're arguing for a very strict reading of pacifism, where as it's mostly used as a synonym for nonviolence.
>muh definitions!
what matters is what people advocate and results from their policies. pacifist say and their policy results are you are not allowed to defend yourself.
Wow, that was great. CGI aside pretty much everything was better than I expected. The sound direction in particular was fantastic.
>not real pacifism
oh boy
The OP could be better (I don't understand why they still use that screamo shit) but other than that it was amazing.
No, it's too mature to be a shounen.
>muh definitions
Do you even hear yourself? You're the one that's invented this strawman definition of pacifism.
No, I'm saying that you're being willfully obtuse. No one uses pacifism to denote absolute non-action. It's more used as a guiding principle, to seek other options before violence.
It's literally in a shonen magazine.
Vagabond or Dorohedoro.
>pacifist say and their policy results are you are not allowed to defend yourself.
Except I literally gave you an example of a pacifistic ideology that still allows you to use violence to defend yourself. Other non-violence focused religions that make exceptions for self defense include Buddhism and Sikhism.
But since you're convinced that there's some powerful pacifism lobby that pushes policies that disallow self defense, maybe you can give some examples.
Watch the anime suddenly up the quality like the manga did in cour 2.
yeah, as if
Man are they going to be in for a rude surprise.
My vote goes to Kengan.
My fucking sides.
I don't even get what he's arguing for at this point. If pacifism doesn't allow defense of self or others, then thorfinn isn't a pacifist and his complaint that the MC is a 'pacifist cuck' is completely out the window.
Which means it's target demographic is shonen.
I like how they have her crying over the slave's grave in the OP despite it being entirely over how much her father paid for him.
>make thorfinn's sister a 10/10 viking goddess
>make his future wife some ugly brunette womanlet
Why is this allowed.
I'm not into screamo but those OP and ED still got me pretty hyped. I guess I need to download that episode now.
And you're wrong. I rest my case.
I think that was the initial point. user criticized calling "pacifism the entire point of the series" because Thorfinn and Thors are not pacifists per se. The replies and who argued what just got kinda messy.
So no Askeladd in this episode?
Mao did nothing wrong
Reminder that Hild exist
Why do these underaged posters treat shounen as some kind of insult? Watching "mature" shit doesn't make you mature you retards.
Hild is for anal.
Feels good living in Vinland.
Who had the superior farming arc: Vagabond or Vinland saga?
Anyone who complains about Thorfinn being a "Pacifist cuck" got filtered at chapter 55 and should be ignored.
>If pacifism doesn't allow defense of self or others,
The only people claiming this are idiots. Pacifism is a belief, not a dogma. It's the belief that you should avoid violence when possible and seek alternate means. However, there is no church of pacifism that says you absolutely must never use violence under any circumstances otherwise you're no longer a pacifist.
Retards in general think shounen/seinen are genres. Their understanding also seems to be that shounen = battle shounen and seinen = grimdark and edgy where the mc is allowed to kill people. It's pointless to argue with these plebs.
>However, there is no church of pacifism that says you absolutely must never use violence under any circumstances otherwise you're no longer a pacifist.
>one who believes that human life is so valuable, that a human should never be killed and war should never be conducted, even in self-defense
>even in self-defense
There absolutely exist pacifists who would not hurt others even in self defense, so I don't know why you're insisting otherwise. However, they are not all there are, so it's not true to claim that pacifism requires this by default either.
At any rate, just because no one is a pure pacifist in the series(save perhaps Willibald the drunk monk), doesn't mean the series isn't about it. Yukimura's on the record as saying he chose vikings as his setting simply because they were emblematic of a culture based on violence, and he wanted to explore the nature of violence and how one might divorce themselves from it.
But will the episodes also change from weekly to monthly then?
So the entire first episode is just a flashback? Kind of lame.
I liked both. I think Vinland's farming arc is more integrated into the overall story, to the point that it could be argued that Thorfinn's tale only really beings at chapter 55. The 100 chapter run from the beginning of the prologue to the end of farmland saga is among the highest quality manga I've ever read.
Maybe that's why they're airing the first 3 episodes so close together.
I'd say the series is more about finding your personal salvation and breaking free from the cycle of violence than any singular ideology, but it's semantics at this point.
When will the next episodes be released? I thought they'd release them all at once, but so far only 01 is out.
I'm claiming that no major ideology that embraces pacifistic beliefs espouses absolute pacifism. It's an extreme fringe of the belief, and it's disingenuous to act like it's the only true form of pacifism. It'd be like someone claiming that if you aren't a shaker, you aren't a true Christian because you aren't truly practicing celibacy.
I'm just saying that they exist.
These are the final hours before animeonlys invade. How will you spend them, anons?
Tomorrow maybe. Some schedule said that ep 1 comes out 2 days before the other 2.
>It’s so gorgeous
Sasuga WIT. All of their shit looks amazing.
First ep is out i think
Apparently by arguing about pacifism.
But not in any appreciable numbers. I mean, there might exist a small group who think breathing non-humidified air is like drinking Satan's cum, but no one would ever try to hold them up as THE standard for a world wide scale belief.
Is there even an example of an absolute pacifistic community? Maybe some extreme sects of Buddhism or Jainism?
So like every other Vinland thread.
>OP isn't bathory
Already ruined.
If you agree with thorkell on pretty much anything you're fucked in the head.
So how is this going to work in terms of subs now? Is it still going to go to CR so that we'll get HorribleSubs, or will it be exclusively on Amazon? Is it even going to get official subs or do we actually need fansubbers again? And if it's going to get official subs, how long will we have to wait after the RAW?
I mean we all know how Thorfinn's journey ends, it's a foregone conclusion. Thorkell is literally just foreshadowing it.
He's unironically right though and understands human nature.
the paneling and thorfinn looking away like that show that the author is implying he’s right for once
and in hindsight we know that there’s no peace in vinland
I think Amazon is streaming it with english subs within a day of the jap airing, this first few being released so weirdly is confusing the issue a bit.
Huh, they're actually using chichi-ue, ane-ue etc. for the family members, didn't know that before. Why are they being so respectful? Or is it just because it's more old-fashioned and the series is set in the past?
It should be out now. Like I've said in previous threads, subs will be delayed because Amazon sucks.
People assume the manga will follow the history to a T, but I don't remember any magic ogres in thorfinn's stories.
He's gonna reach canada and befriend the natives, just you wait.
3-tone shading, what is this the 90s?
fate is that way ----->
I've missed this motherfucker like you wouldn't believe.
>WIT produced Berserk animation never.
Only studio who could do it justice right now.
I don't really care. Threads only came up after a chapter release and it got only 50-100 replies anyway.
Your grace?
WIT is doing a great job so far holy shit
I guess I could just slap the manga translations to an .ass file but the actual subs would probably be out before I was done.
Ragnar's head isn't pointy enough
>it's been 3 hours
When you sail to the shores of the land of the sunrise and plunder it for yourself
Really? This is during that arc that I dropped the manga. Nothing happens for like 1 000 pages.
I legitimately felt the hype when Lief was on his ship seeing Vinland and then it crashed down the other side of the wave to that music.
It's called character development.
Thorfin can and has incapacitated a bunch of people, he just doesn t murder them which was a perfect revenge against Cube Head
There he is, the fucking madlad himself.
Are you worthy?
> These are the final hours before animeonlys invade.
Sadly VS fanbase got really shit around the time Farmland Saga came around (you know, the best part). Historie threads are still mostly fine since in the west it's much less popular. But I dread the day it'll attract more idiots.
You don't understand how excited I am to see Askeladd in action. He was the peak of Vinland Saga.
I like to be entertained when I read violent stuff, not to receive poorly written life lessons.
These Vikings need more diversity.
I wish crossbow bolts didn't shatter shields.
That's a cute girl!
Yes, Willibald is very moe
Not gritty enough, looks too cartoony
my sides
Askeladd was a better father to Thorfinn than Thors was.
Well..It is a cartoon.
Askeladd is my favourite character but that's a very silly thing to say, user.
You know what I mean you dingus
*kisses you*
What was the chapter where Thors and Thorkell were fighting that was in the beginning of the episode?
wait, it's already out?
That's just an anime original fight scene to show the battle where Thors went missing presumed dead in battle.
Probably a good idea to get that in there so there's at least some action in the first episode.
after first episode is released, which will be on 8th
Thorkell is straight out of shonenshit.
Well that sucks, I don't know enough moon that I'd be confident enough to sub that part myself.
The absolute state of fansubbing
Should already be here.
God bless Wit
No, but he is a more important figure in his life, which is the tragic irony of Thorfinn.
Vinland Saga was originally published in a shonen magazine.
Yeah, and then they left that magazine and this happened
Because its not the same studio? And Yukimura actually cares about how his series is portrayed, unlike Miura.
everywhere it says it will be aired on 8th. who should i believe? official sites or some faggot on Yea Forums?
it's amazon you faggot
Here you go, the first episode
Complete joke of a human being
Wasn't the first chapter of Vinland Saga the French castle siege with the Vikings carrying the ships overland?
They moved the Thors flashback to the beginning.
Yes, they moved the flashback from further in the manga to the start of the show.
We might not get the battle with the franks until the 4th episode.
If anyone is willing to translate the anime original bit in the beginning I can try to make a sub file I guess.
You might get cucked by Amazon before you're even finished.
They did say in that tweet above that the english subs should already have been available if they hadn't fucked up and they're trying to remedy it.
I know, I fully expect them to release before I'm done. I'm just passing the time and if the delay is so bad I actually finish before them, I could make some anons happy.
I don't like the change, but this will probably retain more viewers for longer. As much as I'd like to see people who think this series is gonna be all about fighting get trolled, starting off with it's actual strengths is smarter.
>official sites
What? Like MAL or Anichart? You don't even know what the word official means, retard.
Are you okay user?
Currently on antibiotics. I've got a full case of beer in the fridge and I can't touch it.
Where is hox?
Is there a group subbing this? I haven't heard of any groups stating that they were.
It's just a group that will be ripping from Amazon. I think it's apparently harder to rip from Amazon than from CR or Funi so shows being streamed on Amazon take longer to rip.
I'm trying not to open any images or watch the opening because I want to enjoy it properly with subs
please hurry
based WIT always puts out quality
Solid OP, full song will be nice.
Give me the translation for the anime original bits and I will you fag.
Just caught up, what's everyone's opinion on the Baltic Sea War arc?
There are some good moments, but overall it's mixed. Definitely a step (or several) down from the previous two arcs.
The second half of magus bride was kinda shitty. So not always.
Seems to be mixed. Personally everything involving Thorfinn couldn't interest me less, while I had a blast following Sigurd's wacky adventures. The guy really grew on me.
reminder that if you don't enjoy farmland arc that you're a genuine mouth breather
I'm not that autistic to learn a cartoon's language.
How do you feel about Thorfinn's future wife?
Why is she always blushing
she cute
How long is it?
She's cool.
i enjoyed it, sure its not as compelling as the England arc or as beautiful as the farming arc but it has its moments. The last few chapters have been pretty great imo
marriage when?
Shit except for this moment and the part where Thorfinn uses what Askeladd taught him when he was a kid to beat that spear fag.
>Eirik the Red's Saga depicts Thorfinn Karlsefni as a successful merchant from Reynines, Skagafjord, in the north of Iceland. Karlsefni embarks on a trading expedition with forty men, and arrive at Brattahlid, Greenland where they are hosted by Eirik the Red. Karlsefni marries Gudrid that winter.
Not for a long while
There's a couple of lines which I think are Thorkell asking Thors why he was spacing out and him replying that he was sleepy or something, then they fight for a bit and Thors falls in the sea and it's over. There's also a short bit after that where Ylva is telling Thorfinn to do some chores.
I've only read the first few chapters so my input might not be worth much , but I think they changed the order to be chronological to give a sense of progression to the anime-onlies, to make them feel like they're watching this cute innocent kid slowly become the war machine he is in the beginning of the series
I guess that works too, but it definitely changes the feeling. In the manga you already know how the flashback is going to end when it starts
They're doing a 3-episode special so using all that time to start with the flashback makes sense. The manga only had one chapter to make a first impression so they carried boats instead.
WIT did a similar thing with Shingeki no Kyojin to show the introduction of the recruits before showing them in their first battle in Trost
Where the FUCK are the subs?
is this going to get an English dub anytime soon? watching them travel around parts of England i live in speaking Japanese just feels so wrong
There it made more sense since you care a lot more about what happens in Trost when you know the characters. Not sure if it fits here since I'm still waiting for subs
And hearing them speak burger is somehow better? The only acceptable dub would be a Scandinavian one.
In Mongolia.
i said english dub not american dipshit
The Vikings wouldn't be speaking English, the Welsh wouldn't be speaking English and the English wouldn't be speaking anything recognisable as modern English so what does it matter?
Plus you just know the english dub will either be american accents or people doing bad fake english ones that aren't setting appropriate anyway.
Just play swedish chef from the muppets in the background while watching it, faggot
she's too cute for him
why did he have to hit puberty bros
They will speak brit like pricks
The only acceptable first dub would be Icelandic
I wouldn't mind post farmland if it wasn't for that annoying cunt Hild. What a garbage character.
if you ever say that again I'm going to shoot you with my crossbow ok?
im pretty apprehensive about this, its one of my favorite manga
Whilst the footage so far looks good there is obviously a massive amount of cg/3d being used. WIT have been good to ok with using it in SnK but it still makes me nervous that they will totally shit the bed at some point and we get a rushed mess like latter episodes of SnK crossed with Berserk 2016 tier animation
>scandinavian dub
I would watch it
>90% of the first arc takes place in England
>should be an Icelandic dub
Do they even dub animu up there?
>dubfags are retarded
Who'd have guessed?
Blame Amazon.
Yeah? Almost all of the characters are still Norse
the OP is fucking great
Nigga I don't give a fuck about dubs, but hearing a bunch of Nordic characters speaking Japanese in a story that is based off an Icelandic saga is just retarded.
Just read the manga
I hate Thorfinn and his JRPG party. especially the baby, Gudrid and Crossbowbitch
Are you one of those fags who would've wanted the actors to have a russian accent in Chernobyl?
No I wanted them to accurately speak Russian instead of having British accents.
the manga is just a Berserk rehash but with less fantasy, even the tonal shifts match up
Do you also get an autistic panic attack when you hear non-diegetic music in a show and realize none of the characters are reacting to it?
Gudrid did nothing wrong, and she's part of the original story and is Thorfinn's wife so she was going to be part of this series one way or another. The baby and Ms. No Fun Allowed on the other hand are shitty OCs.
Don't nigga me you monkey. I can't imagine a Scandinavian language in such a deadpan serious story, they're best for comfy and comedic stuff. And why are you even in Yea Forums if you can't handle Japanese language? Go back to Yea Forums or whatever shithole you crawled from.
the main issue is that Japs sound way too faggy to portrays vikings and proto brits
Do a fandub then.
Vikings were pretty gay.
Name 1 (ONE) notewothy Icelandic voice actor.
Just one.
There is one particularly terrible 3DCG shot in the opening battle of this episode.
It's a far cry from Berserk 2016 though and most of the episode looks good.
Stefan Karl Stefansson.
But he's dead.
Sigur Rós
Magnus Sigurdsen
the guys from For Honor
Looking at the manga RAWs to see how well they match up with the dialogue in the anime it's mostly the same, but there are some tiny changes here and there which make me not entirely sure using the manga script would be a good idea for quick subs.
Adult/old men Jap seiyuu don't sound faggy and practically everyone other than Thorfinn and Canute (who should sound faggy) with significant screentime fits that description.
>Wars don't happen anymore!
>Meanwhile, in the real world, most countries are at war, either internally or externally, because people are envious, greedy, stupid, violent, entitled, fanatical, and obsessive.
War is the natural state of life. Even if there is some peace, as long as there is more than one human being, there will be disagreements that will eventually lead to bloodshed.
And even if humans went extinct, wolves, chimpanzees, ants, bees, and anything else that has a social structure, will be committed to carving out territory for their family. War is the supreme authority, from which all other forms of authority, derive their legitimacy. You would have to be fucking crazed to think that eternal peace is possible. Peace is maintained through strength and war, not passivity. We know from 6,000 years of history that Thorkell is entirely correct.
I'd rather wait for proper subs, though if it's 99% same as manga I guess it would be fine to just watch it raw
By goly, it is filled with how, sweety steamy men helping each other with there feelings.
It's directly from the manga besides a couple of extra scenes in the beginning. That's why it would be a fairly simple thing to just copy the manga script for quick subs, but I'm a fucking autist and can't deal with inaccuracies, which is why I must be 100% sure the translations are correct.
>This is how Americans think
My country has not been in a war since ww2, and we have no real internal violence either.
I'm not American but there's a good chance whichever country you're from has its security ensured by countries like America.
Thorkell is right to the extent that war isn't something we can will out of existence and to prevent it someone must be prepared for it.
This post says more about the poster than it does about nature. Even if it were as true in the future as it was in the past, the only kind of person that would wish it to be so is someone who thinks(probably incorrectly) that they would benefit from a state of war.
>Yukimura's on the record as saying he chose vikings as his setting simply because they were emblematic of a culture based on violence, and he wanted to explore the nature of violence and how one might divorce themselves from it.
Then he's fucking stupid for choosing the exact moment in history when Vikings expanded their influence through military conquest.
Why does that make him stupid?
Are you under the impression he has to demonstrate that pacifism is pragmatic and effective?
easily my favorite manga which started in the 2000s
but the japanese dub sucks. I hope they try harder for the english one at least
I never felt like he really meant it.
especially not when we got to learned more about his past
But he's not wrong tho, whether its small or large conflict,imposition through violence will always be reality
nice callback to prologue finale
this is Yea Forums in the current year, everyone
Kill yourself.
Samme her broder.
Har følgt med siden 2013, er i gang med at læse for femte gang og havde glemt alt om anime adaption
but what if it does actually suck and you are in fact insufferable weebs?
nah the author is going to imply that thorfinn and his friends faked their death so that no other viking would ever dare to visit vinland either.
meanwhile they are going to have a nice happy life integrating into a native american village
What if you fucked off back to r*ddit?
holy shit i never realised Danish had so many words similar to English
>le ironic weeb meme
they literally got the most run of the middle japanese voice actors they could find.
none of them is even trying to not sound steriotpycial.
and the dialogue it self is also just generic anime trash. ancient Europeans didn´t talk like this
What the fuck are you even trying to say, you goddamn ESL retard?
You're telling me that anime sounds like anime? Who would have thought
He was affected.
Right after that he was going to duel Thorfinn and even Thorfinn got spooked by how Askeladd seemed after his death.
I mixed in a little english.
Why the fuck did you come to the designated weeb board then? Kill yourself retard
The Heart.
no thats exactly WHY he did and should choose that era... are you simple minded?
Do we really have to wait 20 hours for subs? I don't know if I can do that
He's right you deaf fuckers
Stop sucking nippon cock so much
how come he didn´t chose japans imperial period when they kept raping and massacring one Korean and Chinese city after another in the name of their manlet emperor?
Shut the fuck up Ylva go fuck some sheep since you love them so much
>dub defending normalfag calling anyone else deaf
Kill yourself.
Long haired Thorfinn is cuter than any girl, including Canute. Debate me.
I want to force prologue Thorfinn to wear a dress and watch him blush!!
user... you know that never happened
But the chinks deserve it
Yeah they have changed Leif's dialogue here and there. Nothing big, but some wordings and other minor stuff like that. I think I'll just wait for the ripped subs, I'm sorry.
You do realize that the characters are supposed to talk several different languages and not just English, right? A linguistically accurate adaptation of VS would be impossible, since the characters talk several different languages and no dub team is going to bother getting talented multilingual VAs for a fucking cartoon dub. And no, "Scandinavian accent" is not the solution either. Not everyone who watches this is a retarded burger that thinks a funny accent automatically makes shit authentic. Anyone who actually talks that language is going to find that lame and distracting.
>trying to talk sense to a dubfag
I'm so sorry, user.
There is nothing wrong with accepting the fact that dub is indeed better than the original chink-like screech
>Farmland Saga
Can't wait for the shitposting, manchildren trying to justify Thorfinn's equally infantile worldview that doesn't fit in neither pagan Norse nor Christian morality of the time and deteriorating dumpsterfire plot that serves as 1st worlder's morality lecture.
There's not a chance in hell it will reach that arc in these 24 episodes.
And it probably won't get a second season.
You knew someone would post this eventually.
i want to fuck canute. also I hope that they don't spend to many episodes on the prolouge shit and just get to the best arc (farm land arc) soon.
user there is no way it won't end with Askeladd going full mad man.
I don't see why they would stop there when that's practically the beginning of the series.
but yes askeladd is indeed very based as well as the true king.
Because it's a good cutoff point between seasons.
Because that's where the arc ends. There's only 24 episodes and 54 chapters fill those nicely
Cool pan but man the screaming in the song kind of ruins it. I hope I get used to it soon.
Is nobody subbing it until tomorrow because Amazon has autism or what?
I read in an interview that he wants thorfinn to stay like he is
dont think vikings are the kind of gigachad loudmouths hollywood portrays them as no different than how loud and violent dinosaurs are inaccurately portrayed i mean they created and played boardgames its kind of hard to see them huddled around playing a game through the scope of a romanticist
Are you pre-emptively complaining about them removing the part where the Vikings gangrape a Briton woman?
Whose to say it won't turn out more visceral with her gagged mouth enhanced with voice acting?
just scroll through the manga in the background
good, fuck this piece of garbage
>Whose to say it won't turn out more visceral with her gagged mouth enhanced with voice acting?
Imagine the reaction from western normalfags. Some entitled dub VA acted like a victim because her character got raped in SAO.
She shouldn't have blue eyes, blue eyes is a recessive gene so both parents need to have them, they shouldve been green or yellow like thorfinns
That's not how it works. You can still carry the gene and have brown eyes, that's what it being recessive means. Both of her parents could've carried the gene and she happened to get it from them both. Two brown eyed people can have a blue eyed kid, but two blue eyed people can't have a brown eyed kid.
Why are you even in this thread?
He's a nigger doesn't like VIKANGZ n shiieeeet
go back to hxh thread fag
I started using the manga script and comparing it to the episode, but happened. I don't think the dialogue is changed that much, but I just want to be exactly sure and unfortunately my level in moon is only on the level where I can get the general idea but not exact translations. I'd need someone fluent to check the translation of some lines and help me with the anime only scenes.
He's pretty much has his balls in Hild's hand. Without her he would be more likely to kill.
He's a beta
You're a complete retard and completely missed his entire character arc if you think he'd just start killing people again without Hild. The problem with Hild is that she's just being a bother and preventing Thorfinn from doing his things because she is constantly aiming a fucking crossbow at him and demanding that he keeps proving himself according to her autistic standards 24/7.
I wish my balls were in Hild's hand
I'd disagree, the first chapter was rather bad compared to both the flashback and the english stuff
lmao rent free
will the subs be posted here? like the file?
>it's full of 3d cgshit
>budget went to snk
fuck off to reddit newfag
I have the raw episode 1, just thinking if I can get just the sub file and add it through VLC you fucking nigger
You really need to fuck off.
It's a series with large scale battles with too much shit to animate at once regularly.
SImply being CGI doesn't make something bad, and this is the best cgi in the industry.
snk has some god tier sakuga all throughout, so you can expect the same here.
This is what berserk anime wishes it was.
Outside of that, the OP is fucking terrible
>[Anku & mutagenb] Vinland Saga - 01 [rus].mkv
Are you fucking kidding me?
>It's a series with large scale battles with too much shit to animate at once regularly.
WIT just did a trash job.
>SImply being CGI doesn't make something bad
I don't need you to tell me tranny. I don't like it and it obviously fails to express the maga's artstyle properly.
>and this is the best cgi in the industry.
Fuck off. It's not and even if it was it's still worse than even shit 2d animation.
>snk has some god tier sakuga all throughout, so you can expect the same here
How fucking delusional can you get? These trailers and first episode look like garbage compared to SnK, which itself had many problems like cg effects and colossal titan.
Time to cheeki breeki some viking kino I guess.
>gopniks get their subs before us
oh no no no
>best cgi in the industry
watch more anime reddit
Get out of here pillager.
>WIT just did a trash job.
WIT just did a job better then anyone else could
>lul it's not like the manga!
the only thing that can properly express the mangas art style, is the manga, litterally kill yourself with these cringe non-arguments
>not the best cgi
then what is?
>SNK has it's important moments in glorious sakuga, so vinland saga will probably have its important moments in glorious sakuga
what don't you get?
>[Anku & mutagenb] Vinland Saga - 01 [rus].mkv
Моё судно на воздушной подушке полно угрей amerikan pigs
the only other studio i can think of is the guys who did tranny rock girls. and vinland saga makes that look like complete shit.
You know Thorfinn was a real person right? We know his fate.Yukimura takes a lot of liberties but he tries to keep Thorfinn along the key points of the saga.
>It's a series with large scale battles with too much shit to animate at once regularly.
Wrong, so far it's only been less than six, and for a first season of 24 episodes, I'm rather sure it will barely get as far as Canute's introduction, so that'd be at least two.
>SImply being CGI doesn't make something bad
Wrong again.
>and this is the best cgi in the industry.
It's still cutting animation costs by using the cheapest means that aesthetically looks bad.
first space now this
The glorious motherland beats everyone to the punch again.
>WIT just did a job better then anyone else could
But that's bullshit. The production is absolute trash compared Flip Flappers, Violet Evergarden, MP100, Maid Dragon, Space dandy etc.. WIT themselves could've done a better job and so could other studios and freelancers. They really messed up this shit. It's unacceptably bad.
>the only thing that can properly express the mangas art style, is the manga, litterally kill yourself with these cringe non-arguments
>it can look absolutely nothing like the manga and that is perfectly fine because it's not manga
Fuck you and your cringe non argument you blind subhuman tranny. All you need to do is add color and cel shading. You don't go and make it fucking 3d. See attached image, this is the difference forcing shit into 3d makes.
>then what is?
Depends on the situation but it's usually irrelevant because sakuga is better. There is just far too much cost cutting cgi here.
>SNK has it's important moments in glorious sakuga
Like how they fucked up the colossal titan in S2 and the Rod titan in S3 with cgshit right?
>what don't you get?
Are you autistic? SnK looks better and has less cgshit in general.
How historically accurate is this?
The author does a lot of research and follows historical events, but obviously the historical record has lots of holes so he's free to fill the gaps however he likes
Seems like a few of the characters are based on sagas, but Canute was a real danish king and Denmark did control a good part of Britain (danelaw).
And King Canute ordering the waves to stop was a real thing that happened, although the context was very different.
So far it's a very fictionalized account on the conquest of England and some sackings in Normandy, as for the sacking of Jomsburg, that one so far is wrong, since it was Magnus the Good (Canute's successor) who did it.
jesus christ this is so bad
Damn, that was some kino.
cringe, ed is pretty good
>episode has been out the entire day
>still no subs
Bring me back to the good old days when sub groups weren't extinct
Do we still have groups on the same level as what underwater did with KLK?
Good, the series is garbage.
why are you still here? fuck off jew
>tfw even endro has more sakuga than this crapshow
Butthurt SnKiddo.
Why would i be butthurt when SnK has a better production than this trash?
end yourself you pathetic faggot.
Fucking called it.
>VS wankers crying that all of WIT's budget went to SnK
cringe and blue pilled
have sex
>still giving (You)s to the snkfag
>People talking about SnK as if it was a good standard for animation
snkfags haven't watched any other anime and wouldn't know
Good night, we better have subs in the morning
s2 when?
dubfags are the worst
made me laugh
that background and water look like bad cg from the 2000s
What water? That tiny bit in the very back?
I read the entire manga while listening to combat extended theme from fist of the north star on loop, i will be greatly disappointing if the music is not at least similar.
who is
the soundtrack is by Yutaka Yamada
reminder that Farmland Saga is one of the biggest pleb filter in manga history
Why do people still bring up farmland when every single facet of it's been discussed to death while it's been years since we moved on to the travesty that is the travel arc and there's something retarded to complain about every month?
Vagabond farming arc >>>>>>> Farmland saga
No way, OP is just a fag
My personal favorite bit.
because it's great. people still talk about NGE bro
Your imagie of comparison is flawed, they dont use cgi for close up facials.
WITS cgi is better then the cgi in every show you mentioned, and half of those shows dont even really use cgi.
CGI is not a substitute for Sakuga, the show will have CGI AND sakuga.
Each scene you mention from SNK has glorius sakuga though? They use the cgi in creative ways and it always works perfectly, i expect no less here.
No, these days people only bring it up to be contrarian to anyone who hates it. Nobody's actually talking about the story, they just recycle phrases everyone's seen a hundred times before.
Zombie vikings when?
That's awesome. I remember them having to put out a joint statement saying they were not the same series.
>thread hits bump limit waiting for subs
that's deep.
Would watch.She better the one punching a horse.