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Now this is actually a "literally nothing" page.

Was his face always that wide?

I still can't quite suspend my disbelief enough to view Gorou's actions in this arc as understandable even in this manga's universe. It just makes him seem like an asshole, which has never been the case before.

You're not thinking about it logically.

Having daughters is the ultimate cuckoldry.

I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than having a daughter. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are feeding, clothing, raising and rearing a girl for at least 18 years solely so she can go and get ravaged by another man. All the hard work you put into your beautiful little girl - reading her stories at bedtime, making her go to sports practice, making sure she had a healthy diet, educating her, playing with her. All of it has one simple result: her body is more enjoyable for the men that will eventually fuck her in every hole.

Raised the perfect girl? Great. Who benefits? If you're lucky, a random man who had nothing to do with the way she grew up, who marries her. He gets to fuck her tight pussy every night. He gets the benefits of her kind and sweet personality that came from the way you raised her.

As a man who has a daugher you are LITERALLY dedicating at least 20 years of your life simply to raise a girl for another man to enjoy. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL cuck. Think about it logically

Thank you for enlightening me.

Why are they so wide?

Did Fumita let Maybe draw this chapter?

So, that's why there are daughterwife manga out there.

Isnt Tomo stronger than Jun? Wouldnt it be better for Tomo to beat his dad and get the approval?

Someone should draw the characters in SSR/Hidamari style.

Literally Ryu/Akuma.

Please. You speak with the dull logic of a peasant.
A true man knows that both sons and daughters are only of value if they enrich the family. As I am not going to be having sex with either like some inbred yokel, both exist to benefit me in forging political and economic bonds through marriage.

kid Jun pls go

Attached: [#dropout] Tomo-chan wa Onna no ko! page 937.png (640x958, 271K)

if i remember right it's that jun could never beat tomo in match with rules snd points or whatever but in a real fight he'd win



How many pages are left?

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too many

Fumita is seriously going for the filler route? This sucks.

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They've barely translated a third of the manga. There's 15 more volumes to go.

>Isnt Tomo stronger than Jun?
Jun entire struggle before his first enlightment was that he became way stronger than Tomo for the simply fact of being a man so he will never be able the get a "fair" victory against her and therefore didn't feel like he had earned the gameboy back

About 50

>it's fucking NOTHING
Calling it now-

Tomo will show up
Jun will power up
Gorou will trip up
Akemi will dress up
and then Jun will Oyakudon'up

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Until around the end of the month
That was last month

>Misuzu, the biggest cunt in this series, supports Tomo with all she's got
>her own dad doesn't

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Any day now

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What the fuck dropout rss hasn't said shit

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retard you took the bait

They should drop this stupid story arc and transition into a new saga all about me fucking Misuzu.

This manga is so fucking garbage that i'm honestly amazed that any one of you faggots could possibly like it.

It's a long struggle getting to bed your tomboy but it will come soon.

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would the gayrus be able to contain their lust if they heard Tomo say this?

You say that every thread
You are obsessed.

see you tomozza

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>1 hour
>38 posts

the absolute state of tomo-chan

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He's literally Heihachi. They have the same hair and everything. And he's an asshole dad.

Oh hey, the anons who called the "Mudda da!" scene were right.

Why can't the japanese get some ending series skills? They are fucking awful at actually ending things.

misuzu will give in eventually. not like there's anyone else for her to get with

>no dick outline
confirmed asian micropeen

Watching your daughter have rough sex with another man preferably old, obese and bald is hot though.

>i-i-it's ending this time for good, I swear
>said increasingly nervous Hackmita shitsucker for 5000th time this century (that's how much time passes between each hiatus)

Exactly why you must fuck your daughter yourself.

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God, we're going to get like 10 pages of the dad teaching Jun about the importance of believing in yourself or some garbage until Tomo shows up, aren't we.

Everything about the manga industry is tuned around the idea that a series should keep going and keep making money for as long as possible. They're only ever allowed to end a story after wringing every last ounce of creativity and passion from the author, so there's nothing left inside of them to forge a good ending out of.


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How do you even achieve this? The levels of manipulation and child grooming to be able to fuck 5 generations of daughters must be ridiculous.

I never fucking expected Gorou to be the final boss.

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I thought it'd be Tomo's hymen

would a tomboy grow a fat masculine cock or a cute feminine cock?


What the fuck's going to happen? Dojo Namek?

and get his ass kicked even harder?

No! Tomo is about to show up and give Jun the strength he needs to nut up and kiss her right in front of her dad.

This is one of the fucking weakest endgames I've ever seen in my life, if not the wettest fart there is.

Told you niggers this was tomboy Nisekoi

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This manga fills me with nothing but anger now

Better than Seo

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Just end it Fumita, it's so clear you don't have a heart for this manga anymore.
Just press the button and kill it and then make a lewd ecchi manga about some new reverse trap tomboy getting guys and girls and spray things around.

Why doesn't he make official, canon H-manga?


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One of both.

So few replies. Everybody dropped this shit, huh? Can't really blame them, when it focused on comedy it was miles better.

I'm patiently waiting for the next Akemi appearance.

Why are we wasting time with this when Tanabe could be dicking Misuzu?

Eastern cultures are more about cycles than endings, once you internalize this a lot of shit clicks into place

Misuzu: How about you give up already? You can't fuck me as you are now.
Carol: not, not yet... All I need is one, if I try to fuck you thousands or tens of thousands of times. Even if I manage to fuck you once. That would be enough.
Misuzu: No way fag

To think I put off killing myself for THIS

Dual Techs when?

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