Should I stop liking the Cell arc even though all of the intelligent DB fans don't like it?

Should I stop liking the Cell arc even though all of the intelligent DB fans don't like it?

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>intelligent DB fans

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No, Because actually intelligent people know it's best part of Dragon Ball while the fans think shit like the Goku Black arc is good.

> Intelligent
> Dragon Ball Fan

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>DB fans
They exist?

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Enjoy what you enjoy. Thinking how others should shape your entertainment tastes is stupid.

>jojo fans

DBfags consistently have the highest IQ discussions these days

>intelligent DB fans

There's no such thing.

What makes the Cell arc the best part of Dragon Ball?

based trunks based gohan based vegeta based goku based krillin is it that hard to realize?

>even though
did you mean 'because'?
is English not your first language?

Pay-off from them talking up Gohan as having the potential to be stronger than everybody since the Saiyan Saga.

there is no intelligence when it comes to db friendo

Ignoring the moronic intent behind OP's statement, I don't shit on people who like Cell Saga the most since it at least tried to experiment a little, even if its flaws keep it from being my personal favorite.

It's an excellent conclusion to the story until then, it has excellent payoff and very good character growth from all characters. All of them.

The Android saga is fairly weak, however once Cell enters it becomes kinographical.

>Hyperbolic time chamber father son training shenans
>Cell's personality mimic the Z-Fighter he battles in that form
>Cell as a horror movie monster, then cocky asshole, then spirited fighter
>Trunks overconfidence
>Vegeta being utterly embarrassed
>Goku vs Cell in the Cell Ring in its entirety calling back to DB tournament arcs where the focus is on fighting technique not smashing eachother repeatedly through mountains
>Warp Kamehameha
>all of Perfect Cell's smug as shit dialogue
>Gohan's whole character finally realized
>Goku being shown again to be truly the fighting savant realizing the best use of the Super Saiyan transformation isn't cranking up strength/power output but instead making it innate

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I think it's one of the worst arcs in the series in some respects but I still like it. I don't think the original Dragon Ball manga has an outright bad arc, really.

>based "let Cell become Perfect" Vegeta
>based "Android booty is more important than my friends" Krillin
>based "Here Cell, have a senzu bean!" Goku
>based "fuck finishing Cell off, I'm gonna fuck with him some more" Gohan

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>I don't think the original Dragon Ball manga has an outright bad arc, really.

General Blue

>based "gonna kill myself with Cell teleporting to Kaio-sama's planet" Goku
>based "Protect the animals I love stranger kid I don't even know!" Android 16
>based "O MY BRAIN CHIP" Cell
>based "gonna make a pointless tournament so I can't regret that decision later on" Cell

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Nice cope, gokutard.

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