>You will never go around northern Japan on an onsen and food trip with a bored cheating housewife
why live?
You will never go around northern Japan on an onsen and food trip with a bored cheating housewife
You don't have to be Japanese to experience that. Just marry a Caucasian American woman. It will cheat on you, no exception
Why the fuck would I want used goods?
>implying they aren't all used goods at that age
you don't have a choice frendo
You're just going to fuck her, not marry or make her a gf.
>fuck her
and become used goods myself? no thanks.
Nice art
Thanks, you too.
so is anyone actually reading this series?
user, you're cute. Cute and pure!
Fuck these cuckposters.
I am but I'm the kinda trash that self inserts as the one who fucks the unsatisfied housewife, plus I like tits. Its why i also dig rakujitsu no pathos or megami no sprinter, though those are more for the tease.
to be fair, unless you fuck a 10yo little girl you are out of luck, modern western kids start very young.
that's pretty based, fuck thots!
more like retarded, being pure and old is dumb. You are only young once, no one gives a fuck about your chaste body, when your 43 years old.
Why do people do this to themselves.
You all are flesh, that smell and decay after a certain point, cucking yourself out of meaningful relationships doesn't make you superior. Not saying to go on a fucking spree but you retards take this shit too seriously.
same, good luck
don't follow the crowd you moron, regret is the only thing waiting for you.
don't put sex on a pedestal, user. The only important thing about it, it is reproduction and that will only happen with your significant other. For most people on Yea Forums that's a no no.
Caucasian American women are Asian women now? Are you retarded?
actually it is the opposite, you guys draw your self worth from not having sex. To me its like trying out new food. and just like food, I am trying them out before my taste buds go to shit/ get diabetes/ can't properly digest food due to low metabolism. The older you get, you get set in your ways, at that point you can cope say that not enjoying casual sex made you a better person. To each their own, atleast try it before you shit conventional wisdom and say it is for the normies. The pendulum swings the other way too.
>don't follow the crowd you moron
Following your words if following the crowd though, the same degenerates as you.
most people draw their self worth for doing things that are important for them, not for going into the rat race of putting your penis inside a human fleshlight.
>atleast try it before you shit conventional wisdom and say it is for the normies
I heard a crack addict cousin of mine say the same thing last thursday; what's up with people who say "at least try it before judging it"? That's the most ridiculous, yet common, argument to come up with.
nope to me, you are the same type of people as degenerates.
>>Ohh sex is everything, look at me, I bang 9s or 8s everyday == Fuck them retards sexxx is for degenerates, lets stay chaste and become wizards or shit.
Both group of people are compensating for something, that is why I told him not to follow the group. The current trend of "slaying thots" is the same as "sex is everything" culture that preceded it. Morons drink the kool-aid, at the expense of their personal development. Regret is all that is left.
yep lets equate normal human pair bonding/relation shipbuilding to taking drugs. Nice false analogy user
Only females attempt to devalue other people by telling them to make themselves impure to compensate for the fact they themselves wasted their one chance at purity
>yep lets equate normal human pair bonding/relation
Equating random sex escapades to normal human pair bonding is not normal.
Whatever that may be, the whole concept of """purity""" is retarded. It is like being content at being ignorant. At that point why better yourself/ try new things out.
>> I want to be as pure as I when I came into this earth.
No one is forcing anyone to be a degenerate. The wish to stay pure is pure cope, maybe a unwillingness to accept the fact that death is inevitable. No one is pure, from the moment your born you are flesh and blood, you are not an unopened figurine waiting to be opened by someone.
I sped read like 20 chapters waiting for it to finally shift genres into either horror or suspense when either it's revealed she's a monster or her husband comes calling to justify the whole "attack and rape a woman" beginning, but it never happened. The book is a shitty, shallow self insert manga for faggots that want to wallow in their own misery yet also have the world bend over backwards to reward shit behavior
At last, i see the light!
That's a lot of philosophical sophistry to cover the fact that being pure has been a thing in every developed society since time immemorial.
You're also presuming the wish to stay pure is the end goal rather than the "wish to stay pure until I marry" or other likewise respectable options.
Don't devalue others based on your own degeneracy.
Let's assume you are in middle 20s and you are pure. Are you really planning to marry someone pure of your age (or even younger) in a future?
Order / chaos.
The insistentence on only having sex in rigid social constructs is dumb. You take what you can get. If that is not something you want to, you always have the choice to retreat.
anything that fails to adapt, perishes.
Humans (atleast the ones that had heirs)have always found a way to fuck across racial lines, class lines, societal norms etc. The insistence on society bend to your will idiotic at best. Even 3rd worlders manage to have sex with less resources and huge social penalties if found out.
If some humans did something, it doesn't mean that it is good or necessary.
Neither of those things apply to me though. Why would we assume something unnecessarily?
Is your head so far up your ass that you are seriously claiming most people with loose sexual lives managed to have heirs, as in literally most miscegenation is the result of said acts? Damn, what sex cult do you belong to?
Sounds like a lotta fuckin drama.
What the hell are you talking about? The highest number of heirs always came from the backwoods country families that had like 15 children per home, coming only from one man and one woman.
It depends on what we are discussing. Is it some perfect ideal, or something practical for the modern times? If later, then being pure and searching for pure may present some trouble.
So you went from cosidering your sexual escapades, and people that behave like you do, from normal human boding to admiting you are going against the norms?
So you promote Rape then? That's taking what you can get and consensual sex is just a rigid social construct.
the absolute state of degenerates
consensual sex is already implied, stop distorting my point to win the argument. My initial argument was against staying chaste, and looking for the """perfect candidate""".
I agree, but western societies don't value female chastity. The societies that value chastity over all, tend to be regressive shitholes, if you were born in one of those, will make you wish for the freedom of choice.
You take what you can get, some people in this thread are looking for some disney princess to procreate.
I've never considered this. What a cute perspective!
Hes implying caucasian american women would cheat on you too. You are retarded
>rakujitsu no pathos or megami no sprinter
Got any other recommendations?
desu rape should not be illegal, and i'm a feminist. diseases are curable, and babies can be aborted, so rape is literally nothing.
Holy fuck, is this what enlightenment feels like?
Listen guys,
Nothing beats fucking a married women. You might think to yourself "no, they're sluts" and this is both a positive and a negative. The positive side is that because she's cheating on her husband with you the amount of kinky shit she will do with you she will never do with her husband. Since he's a cuck and a loser. The negative side is because a married woman cheats on her husband with you, this will always remind you that you will never fully trust your future wife. So, if you never want to have trust issues, don't fuck a married woman. If you don't give a fuck about getting married then just fuck them. Never fall for the cheating wife though, you're retarded if you do.
just read the chapter m8
I did this but in northern California with a visiting housewife. Fucked for a few days in marin County eating amazing food and drinking local wine.
Felt good.
I might, you don't know my life
Literal cavemen mentality.
You do realise you might have not been born or might've been dead aftee being killed your jealous father or mother if it weren't for that “rigid social constructs”. Fucking hell you degenerates loves the smell your own farts do you.
Id be more interested in the onsen part, tbqh. Womyn would just ruin it
fucking b&r.....
Absolutely based
>isn't actually a Yuki-onna manga
So a mexican housewife?
please, PLEASE, have sex.
we don't need another white incel school shooting.
This wizard is powerful and enlightened. Biggest regret of my life was sex
So how's isekai?
They are, they're cheating Asian women that's why they're called cock-asian
Make me.
Good thing I like ntr.
>said the increasingly nervous landwhale
you are all non white muds