Why remake Akira

What's the point of a new Akira anime? New modern anime reboots of classic properties suck ass.
Gits? Sucked.
LogH? Sucked.
Hokuto no Ken? Sucked?

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Because RETARDS keep buying them.

Akira was never good, so that isn't really a problem.

Adapt the second half of the manga that wasn't even written when the movie was made

We need a brotherhood: brotherhood

>What's the point of a new Akira anime?
Because the movie is an awful adaptation. I don't even know if I'd call it an adaptation since it only takes bits and pieces from a couple of the volumes. Why do people never understand what a readaptation is? It isn't a reboot and it isn't a remake. It's going back to the source material and actually adapting it rather than throwing money at some shitty abridged version of an unfinished at the time story.

To add more chase scenes.

Rotoscoping soon

Yeah, also Kino's Journey, FLCL, and Boogiepop. I don't really get it other than maybe they're copying america for the profit.

Because the movie fucking sucks, that's why, Horrible pacing, uncanny animation and an overall sloppy adaptation of the plot.

Akira in general sucked. I It was just people's first anime

Kino no Tabi is a long LN series that has a shitload of content. It's nice getting the occasional anime adaptation to see some of the other stories animated that either didn't exist in 2003 or that just weren't chosen for that adaptation. Though the new adaptation got the same reception as this new Akira anime is getting now. People that are overly attached to the original adaptation (the 2003 KnT adaptation is a better adaptation than the Akira movie at least) see that it isn't the same thing and throw a fit about it.

It was actually the west's first big anime (not counting 60's and 70's classics from when the concept of foreign cartoons was inexistent). It's actually understandable why it became so popular 40 years ago, but now it just seems odd.

Because we never got a proper adaptation of the entire story to screen.

Because Otomo hates the movie.

Rotoscoping is good so long as no one tells you it is their. As soon as you notice it is sticks out like a sore thumb.


Because the manga is really good

To do a better job of adapting the story of the manga, and maybe wipe out the bad taste of the Hollywood adaptation as a bonus.

>Tetsuo's drug withdrawals will be animated
It'll be kino regardless of you fags complaining

Akira had perfect animation that stands up today.

But the story was not there. It cut too much from the manga. It needs an OVA.

I feel if it comes back it will look like some Mitsuo Iso crap.

>uncanny animation
thats the most objectively wrong opinion I've heard in my life. are you going to tell me ghost in the shell had uncanny animation next? fantasia?

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The animation for Akira is some of the greatest of all time, what are you talking about?

people realized what crap they're fed now.
rotoscoping that's bad always stands out as fake. look at the animated lord of the rings. its realistic in a way that feels stilted.

What format will it be, movie or TV series? If a series, then it's to adapt the manga and not focus on animation. If a movie, it will only ever be endlessly compared.

The movie didn't cover the full manga since it wasn't even written yet

I'm sure it's not a movie or series of movies. It's Sunrise doing it so maybe it could be an OVA/ONA like Gundam Thunderbolt. I always see screenshots with Sunrise's logo in the corner so I imagine they have their own streaming site or something. It could be a TV series but I'd prefer something a bit higher budget. I do wonder how many episodes it would take to adapt the entire manga.

TV series. They will be compared regardless because their both animated adaptations of Akira.

AKIRA's one of the most "animated" anime we've ever had, with very little expense spared. It was more of a demonstration piece of how much money TMS and co. had to throw at a single project. There's no way to do that now, and it will be full of CGI elements which make things like bike animation trivial.

>It was more of a demonstration piece of how much money TMS and co. had to throw at a single project.
Funny thing is it lost a lot of money.

Which was the result if throwing so much at it that it couldnt possibly be a success, even if it did well in the box office for anime film standards.

>New modern anime reboots of classic properties suck ass.
*blocks your path*

The new Boogiepop anime wasn't a reboot, it's just an adaption of the LNs. The 2000 anime isn't canon and it's pretty much the director's anime-original fanfiction.

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>uncanny animation
what does this even mean

animated badly

Exactly. 1963's Cleopatra was also a huge hit at the box office, but it could never recoup the ridiculous sum that it cost to produce, it almost bankrupted Fox.

>in general
It was a visual masterpiece, though. Are you just pretending to be retarded?

Movie did not cover the entire manga.

It's gonna be a series?

Attached: [bonkai77] Akira - 25th Anniversary Edition (1988) [1080p] [DUAL-AUDIO] [x265] [HEVC] [AAC] [10bit]. (1840x1040, 836K)

Same shit as what Hollywood is doing
Just remake all the old shit for nostalgia money

It's getting a new anime because the manga never got a proper adaptation. The new Akira anime isn't Akira the Film, it's going to be Akira the Manga the Anime

I really hope not. The rest of it can be rotoscoped for all I care, but the withdrawal scene and Tetsuo awakening his powers are some of my favorite scenes in the manga
I also want them to give the Colonel the recognition he deserves. He was a pansy in the anime but a fucking badass in the manga.

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If anything the original movie is what Hollywood is doing. Dumping a shitton of money into something that would be better spent on something else.

Because you can't properly adapt a 2,100 pages source in a 120mins movie. I'm not against a remake as long as they get a good staff.

Because outside of looking good, the movie is a piss poor representation of Otomo's overall talent.

They didn't give any details, but if it's not a tv show then multiple movies.

It may be personal, but the way things are in constant motion and charcater movement in general always made me uneasy. I think "overproduced" is the word I'm thinking of.


Fuck remakes and remasters. The fact people want them instead of companies spending money on trying something new shows how much modern society sucks.

It isn't a remake or remaster though. And what is Sunrise going to make if not Akira? Another shitty Gundam series? Another Unicorn sequel?

I can see what you mean, a lot the fluidity is unnecessary, but it is still anime's big showpiece of what they were able to accomplish in that time of excess. What comes close? DYRL, Honneamise?

Char's Counterattack is almost constantly in motion. It's not visually as good as some other movies but I think it looks cool.

Akira was a good anime due to the craftsmanship put into it, not the shitty source material.

F-91 was like that at times too, but that's what happens when you cut OVAs or series into movies.

It wasn't good because of the source material because it shit all over the source material in favor of being a technical showcase. You can have both a good movie that has good animation and there's plenty of other 80s and 90s movies that are.

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Because the movie had fuck all about the manga in it? It's praised as a visual masterpiece not some revolutionary fucking story

It's an adaptation of the complete manga story by Sunrise. Also cos muh 2020 olympics.

Neither DYRL and Honneamise really come close to Akira. DYRL is completely outshined by Akira, not just because of the drawing style but because its animation quality is pretty choppy and unremarkable even for 1984 standards most of the time, and Honneamise has very creative and well drawn retro designs/world but is mostly decent animation quality save for the ending and flight sequence.

The fight against the assassin in Royal Space Force was pretty well animated.

Char's counterattack is okay, not the most high quality but its consistently good. The character acting is completely standard 80s anime stuff.

Yes I forgot that one too. Honneamise is is still well animated, they just went more all out when the movie needed it too. The opening, flight sequence, assasination, and ending were highlights. The various work montages are nicely done too.

I expected motorcycle kino from this, but at most there was like 2-3 motorcycle scenes, is it more popular because of the manga? I already spoiled a bunch for myself.

The mangaka/original creator directed the movie

People always bring this up but it doesn't matter. It doesn't make the movie any better. He directed Steamboy too but a lot of people don't like that movie. The original creator of Macross I'm pretty sure was involved in DYRL too and I think that movie isn't good either for much the same reasons I don't like the Akira movie as much as other people do.

>is it more popular because of the manga?
No, it's popular with the 8 0 s A E S T H E T I C crowd and people that watch anime for the animation and so only like 80s and 90s movies and OVAs.

The Akira movie is just sakugafag pretty colors shit, who cares.

I’m just excited we get a 4k release.

It’s going to look amazing.

CCA has some pretty elaborately and densely drawn beam effect and funnel animation, the fin funnel shield cut is actually a really complex once when you break it down frame by frame thanks to Shinya Ohira, who always was doing the most dense effects animation possible during that period, like when he drew several hundred key frames for a 3 second laser beam in Gall Force 2. The movie also goes really hard on dynamic trajectories of motion in the choreography to create a constant sense of three dimensionality and depth, lots of nice intricacies in the mecha motions themselves as well and the screen is usually filled up with effects animation at the same time, so its really quite busy. They just really cut down on the detail of drawings and did nothing special with the character acting to achieve that. Its actually really underrated in its mecha animation quality because its less highlight heavy or good for aesthetic screenshots, and more so just consistently impressive in more nuanced ways.

Akira really did suck. I watched it twice and didn't find much charm in it besides the setting I guess

Brand Name Recognition
At least a few oldfags will go see "thing I like" while newfags will flock to the shiny "brand new thing" version of the old thing because it looks prettier and they have no ability to determine actual quality.

>it looks prettier

>all this sakugafag shit
go kill yourselves, i hate listening to you sperg over such trivial crap

Speaking of remakes, I'm kind of glad Spriggan is getting one. I haven't read the manga, but the movie was in the "interesting but executed poorly"
category; enough that I'd like to see how it carries over to a full length show.

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I'd rather someone translates the manga. I wonder how much it's going to cover though.

this, these old mangas need real adaptations instead of just old OVAs imo

dont forget FLCL

In anime? Nothing, really. There are western movies that come quite close in the sense of pushing the technical qualities of the time to the extreme, but that's a completely different question.

Angel Densetsu comes to mind.

This. There's actually a reason to re-adapt something that was left unfinished, but Hollywood adaptations? Almost always purely cashgrab, even if the person put in charge is actually a fan or something.

"Looking good" is a great representation of Otomo's talent, since he directed the fucking thing.


>over produced

I just think it's way too unnatural. Here's an example.

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Shit you almost had me there

That's the right way to go about it, they can't do the first half better than the movie did it, what's the point of even trying.

I've read this somewhere else but I doubt it is true.
He had a big hand in doing it and it is considered one of the most influential animated movies in history.

That looks fine. I think you're just autistic.

The movie didn't do the "first half". It never followed the manga outside of a few scenes here and there and skipped around a lot. Doing an adaptation of the second half of the manga wouldn't make sense to anyone that hasn't read the manga, especially since they completely remove Akira from the plot and only have him show up as a ghost near the end of the movie.

This one of my favorite cuts. Lots of expression and movement as you would expect from a group of teenagers

For money. It'll make money off retards.

I think you're just getting spooked that cartoon characters are moving like real people do.

I disagree on Akira but I get where you are coming from, 60fps in movies also makes me feel uneasy. There's a similar issue when people try to imitate 2d using 3d, or even 3d alone, into the spiderverse is really choppy because of this.

Unnatural? But its wonderfully well done. Every character moves with intention and there's not a dull movement in sight. Everything from trying to put Yamagata's tooth back in his mouth, to Kai spitting up blood (to get punched right after), to Kaneda's hoe offering him a cig only for him to spit it out. It's really graceful and anime rarely springs to life quite like this.

Who wouldn't be lmao

Why would they walk in any other fashion? It's smoothly done and full of character.

>It was a visual masterpiece

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The average person who saw Akira. Does this also feel "unnatural" to you?

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That's not even as smooth you can see the frame jump

pretty sure it was just one of those teens that works at burgerking who has no idea what hes talking about and likes to throw out words like 'visual masterpiece' to hopefully sound like he knows what hes talking about which works probably on his brainlet friends

>literally a animes about the supernatural
>"it's too unnatural!"

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Why are you guys using fucking gifs to argue animation quality in 2019?

>using greentext to denote irony
>what you're pointing out is true and not actually ironic
go be contrarian elsewhere

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>What's the point of a new Akira anime?
A production committee is formed when there is an idea to make money. In this case, it is to milk the nostalgia of old Akira fans. A lot of Akira fandom in the previous century was due to how new some of the ideas presented were. But this is 2019 and we have hindsight over all the ideas presented in the previous decades. Once new ideas are no long new and have been repeatedly used since then. So it will be difficult for Otomo and the production committee to have any new ideas or plot twists.

It wouldn't be surprising, but it would be interesting if the other aspects of that world culture were developed. For example, there is certainly no "judge dredd" in the Akira universe, but that society would certainly support the concepts of a toned-down judge anderson and other types of on the spot law enforcement.

>Akira was never good
You have to be from that era. You judge it from where you are. It would be like today's kids judging George Washington. Look at that old bald coot. He's so stupid! And he's racist as fuck. He's a worthless trash. He has slaves and profits from them. His clothes look funny. And stupid. He was never any good.

Adapting the manga.

Sunrise is kino this is not some netflix shit

Admittedly it's been a long time since I read the manga and even longer since I saw the movie but is that much context needed if they start around when Kaneda reunites with Kaisuke?

>It was a visual masterpiece, though.
It was one of the last major cel-animated movies too. The scene with the falling glass was done with cels as descrbed in directory commentary.

I'm pretty sure that's an issue with the gif,

That gif is nowhere close to smooth at all.
To be clear, I don't find that the characters in GITS or Akira move like real people, it is still far from rotoscoping which is around where it gets spooky for me.

Akira being a bunch of body parts being frozen already changes the context of the story entirely.
Without Akira being alive, Tetsuo never quits his drug habit to see how far his powers can go, never starts the Great Tokyo Empire, and never has two Akira-blasts go off at once.
Plus a lot of side characters were either cut entirely or barely shown in the movie.

Dororo reboot was wonderful.

Or because the movie did a shitty job at adapting (partially because the manga wasn't finished) and some people want to actually see stuff from the manga animated even if it isn't as pretty as the movie. I know you're probably an animeonly and have no concept of poor adaptations but others do.

Don't know the exact point you're talking about since it's been awhile for me too but I just checked and the point where Tetsuo is shot by the space laser is about 1.5 hours into the movie and that's at the end of volume 2 out of 6. Then after that it does the blob shit in the coliseum which kind of mimics some things from volume 6 or something but that leaves a lot of stuff unadapted or changed. Going from movie to manga stuff wouldn't be coherent regardless of where you start from other than the beginning.

Not really. There were plenty of movies after 1988 and those were cels too. Cels didn't start going away until the late 90s.

>You have to be from that era.
Wizard here. Akira was uninteresting shit, both manga and movie. Same with that other overrated garbage Ninja Scroll.

What do you count as major?
There aren't exactly a lack of good looking cel animated films from 89-01.

What anime from back then did you like?

Fair enough, I just hope it doesn't look too bad.

Good luck getting an answer from such obvious troll

Giant Robo, particularly episodes 1-3 and 7.

Record of Lodoss War OVAs were my favorite

I can name a ton of anime I watched back then that I enjoyed, unlike Akira.

Akira brotherhood
adapting the full manga

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