Why did Lucoa abuse young boys?

Why did Lucoa abuse young boys?

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It's OK when a beautiful large breasted woman does it.

Because it’s okay if a hot woman does it

It's not abuse if, after the assault, you masturbate in bed to the idea of it happening to you again

She's a modern day prometheus, giving the spark of the divine so that we may exalt ourselves.


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well female at least.

Is this a Lucoa thread?

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What is she doing here?

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she belongs in jail.

It's her nature.

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>all those rapeface shotas

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She's gonna stunt his growth

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Because she's not even aware of her actions. She has that dopey grin for most of her screen time.

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What would've happened if she was paired with Saikawa instead of Shouta?

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This one?

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One time at this hair salon I used to go to,

there was this busty mexican lady who washed your hair for a little while

She washed my hair once, and she would accidentally press her boobs on my face or lift my head up to her boobs.

I miss that mexican lady.

>"Mah body"

That's right,she is the breasts.

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I'd let her abuse me

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Lucoa will grow larger.

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Why not? they are deities or dragons, they aren't bound by the petty moralities of human mortals.

That guy was a teenager.

Lucoa is already huge.

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>shorts still visible
not there yet

Overcompensating much, faggots?

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How much milk does she produce?

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Confucius say "Big tits and no ass, fill your hands. But big ass and no tits, fill your heart.

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Enough to feed a nation of worshipers.

Yea, well if Confucius is so smart, why's he dead? Exactly.

He's not dead, I'm him
Also fuck Mongolians

But Lucoa has big tits and a big ass.

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You will delete that right now.

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Because the writer of this series has a powerful /ss/ and size gap fetish rivaled only by his love for huge tits.

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No it isn't. So don't post her anymore.

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Also oppai lolis.

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My favorite genre

Thats just him mixing his two loves together.

Does size gap include the girl being small then?

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lucoa tries to sneak her breast milk into shota's food the same way tooru tries to get kobayashi to eat her tail meat

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Her body?

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>"Having cereal? There's milk in the fridge Shouta."
>"Thanks... wait, we ran out of milk yesterday night, and it was too late to go to the store..."

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wasted quads

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quite to the contrary

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Yeah, and no tits big dick fill your ass

Being an incestuous lesbian worked out pretty poorly for her so she's trying her hand at being a pedo instead.

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Have we seen her dragon form yet?


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LITERALLY built for /ss/

Lucoa says, "hug your mother!"

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Well, sure. That's a given. If she's beautiful, why wouldn't you consent?

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I pay for my own internet and I can masturbate to anime as much as I want, it's my right as an American.

Yes. In fact, this is an /ss/ thread.

Post all your Ara-aras!


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>Yes. In fact, this is an /ss/ thread.
I'm glad I lived to see this masterpiece.

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Is it weird that I prefer fantasy DnD style /ss/? Imagine the demon mom queen to break the shota’s Oath of Devotion who doesn’t know what sex even is.

Knight raping her squire is good too.

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>Lucoa and Chel

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Am I ever glad the artist for Lucoa's manga decided to improve her design by thickening her up a whole lot. Her giant tits look much more fitting with the rest of her.