GER can beat Saitama

GER can beat Saitama

GER can beat ???? Mob

GER can beat Madara Uchiha

GER can beat Kaido

GER can beat Meruem

GER can beat all the Gods of Destruction, all the Angels, Jiren, Nu-Broly and Zeno.

GER can beat all the Fate Servants.

GER can beat Shiki.

GER can beat the Umineko witches.

GER can beat Tenga Toppen Gurren Lagann, Getter Emperor and Demonbane.

There is no one in all Anime and Manga that Gold Experience Requiem can't beat.

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Other urls found in this thread: jorge joestar canon

>There is no one in all Anime and Manga that Gold Experience Requiem can't beat
Leave GER to me

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>even GER can't bring him back

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>OP is a powerlevel kiddy
Go back.

>jobbed to The World Over Heaven

couldn’t beat goku, doesn’t have the feats

>cannot die to
fixed that for you
GER is basically invincible but it doesn't necessarily have the destructive capability to take down any of the characters you listed

Jiren literally undid a timelock by an opponent many times stronger than any character in JoJo, which means strong enough DB characters can undo time powers and other fuckery.

Saitama obviously would just punch straight through it.

>All Fate Servants
The Gay Bulge is literally meant to ignore non-divinely blessed people's protection, even those who reverse time themselves. His master's counter NP double KOs against it due to that.

>Still falling for the fanfiction level death battle shit
Haha OP, nobody will fall for that shit, right guys?


>GER can beat Saitama
No, saitama can't beat GER either
>GER can beat ???? Mob
>GER can beat Madara Uchiha
>GER can beat Kaido
Depends on how strong GER's punches are, but most likely no and vice versa.
>GER can beat Meruem
Same like kaido but meruem is easier
>GER can beat all the Gods of Destruction, all the Angels, Jiren, Nu-Broly and Zeno.
No, and vice versa
>GER can beat all the Fate Servants.
Most servants, but no servant could touch GER
>GER can beat Shiki.
Depends on which shiki, GER would destroy Shiki, Shiki, SHIKI, and Shiki. void shiki could potentially kill GER, but it has zero feat.
>GER can beat the Umineko witches.
Haven't read it so i don't know
>GER can beat Tenga Toppen Gurren Lagann, Getter Emperor and Demonbane.
No, and also demonbane destroys GER
>There is no one in all Anime and Manga that Gold Experience Requiem can't beat.
There are plenty

The only one who stands a chance against saitama is Fire Punch

Nothing can beat GER. That's it's power. It just says no. Jiren might have become stronger than time, but so has GER

GER might be nearly invincible, Giorno is not. Any blast that could destroy the earth/leave it ininhabitable would kill Giorno and end GER

GER Giorno jobbed to 「The World Over Heaven」 DIO in the Eyes of Heaven videogame.

God, these fucking newfags who are only talking about this now.

We settled this fucking years ago. GER loses to Power Man, Demonbane, Featherine, and ORT

would Gio with GER beat Numidium

Numinidum (Dragon Break) works in a similar way to King Crimson, so I would think so

Who would win, GER, Void Shiki, or Featherine?

>*resets you*
heh, nothing personal, child.

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Feathering isn‘t real and we never see Void do anything besides kill some ghosts in FGO, so would say GER easily

GER would lose to the Umineko witches and Demonbane, dunno bout Getter Emperor. But he'd certainly win vs the rest of those examples.

>Featherine isn't real

Imagine being this much of a goat.

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>sets time acceleration to 0
>kills you infinite times
Still bullshit that Giorno doesn‘t show up in Part 6

>GER can beat the Umineko witches
Not true if you count Featherine.

>Believing I’m magic
>after the game literally spells it out to you that isn‘t real

anyone else disappointed by the animation in this episode?

What does The World Over Heaven do?

>Believing the narration of a delusional old man and his once suicidal and delusional sister

Only Beatrice, Virgilia, and the demons are magical. Bern, Lambda and Featherine are metaphysical and independent from any gameboard.

Nothing personal

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It can rewrite reality any way DIO wants

Game boards aren‘t real, the metaphysical isn‘t real either.

It loses to the last two give or take.

Non cannon bullshit for effeminate gamers

great, another powerlevelfag thread

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Real things in Umineko:
Kinzo backstory
Yasu backstory
Something happening on the island so that it ends up exploding with only Eva and Battler (and maybe Yasu) surviving
Yasu sending off her bottles
Battler almost drowning after he tried to get off the island on a rowing boat like an idiot, having learned Yasu‘s backstory (maybe Yasu was on the boat with him and drowned, maybe she died beforehand)
Battler losing most of his memories and developing a new personality
New personality battler being taken in by Ikuko and slowly regaining his memories, using them to help her write more stories
Eva and Ange messy shit
Ange trying to kill herself but surviving
Ange giving up the company and retiring, eventually Meeting Battler again
Things not real in Umineko:

>muh over heaven
non-canon user

Doesn‘t matter, we‘re not talking about in-universe battles here

Featherine and Freshmaker. The two Fs of Fuck You in anime.

Half of the cast in Medaka Box could defeat GER

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The World Over Heaven originates from Eyes of Heaven so we can consider his abilities from that game because it's the only media he exists in. But it means pretty much nothing that GER got bodied by The World Over Heaven in The World Over Heaven's non-canon video game. You have to actually compare canon GER to The World Over Heaven, not the GER from that game that had to get bodied to fit the shitty Part 3 retelling narrative.

Problem with GER is that we don‘t know when exactly it can apply it‘s power. Does it require physical contact? Thought? Giorno‘s awareness? It‘s certainly not autonomous.

But then we are at a point of arguing which reality bending power can bend reality harder and that‘s basically impossible to decide.

>Problem with GER is that we don‘t know when exactly it can apply it‘s power. Does it require physical contact?
It responds to any event that may affect Giorno in a negative way. The only drawback it has is not being a permanent power up, Giorno has to use the arrow again to get Requiem back.

>It‘s certainly not autonomous.
I may be anime-only here, but it literally just spoke in the middle of fucked time and did so to say that even Giorno isn't aware of its power. Considering the point of erased time is that only Diavolo is conscious of it, it certainly seems like GER activated without his awareness. Every sign from this episode pointed toward it being autonomous.

>It responds to any event that may affect Giorno in a negative way.
so basically love train

It's basically Love Train but better, yes.

That might be true, but who cares? Even as a little kid, I used to wrinkle my face whenever someone was like, "Dude, this guy can beat ANYBODY!" Yeah. That's really boring. Who cares?
>Who would win, Goku or Superman?!
Whoever the author wants, retard.

And people call me a powerlevelfag.

Maybe. But the non-canon GER nerf isn't the way to determine that he loses.
I didn't play Eyes of Heaven, but from what I gather, DIO can only overwrite reality through his fists. Meanwhile, GER doesn't need to physically touch someone to undo their actions. So it seems to me that GER could undo literally anything that DIO might try, while DIO would have nothing to physically touch and overwrite. Even if Giorno and GER were well within range, how is DIO going to attack? What will he punch to stop his own will to punch from being reset to zero?

No, ZWOH can rewrite reality at thought just like GER. When it turns out that Jotaro has the same type of stand (EOH story is dumb) he uses it to immediately revive all his friends, no fists required

>tfw my madara pasta is too long for Yea Forums(nel)

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Well done Gold Experience Requiem and Tusk Act Four, well done, HOWEVER

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GER can't beat Yhwach

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Can't beat this guy.

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>No servant could touch GER

Is there a character that could even possibly EVEN TOUCH Superman? Let alone defeat him. And I'm not talking about Post-Crisis Superman. I'm not talking about sundipped Post-Crisis Superman either. Hell, I'm not even talking about sundipped Post-Crisis Superman with his mental blocks unlocked with the Torquasm-Rao and Torquasm-Vo Kryptonian martial arts, equipped with a GL ring, a perfect Jimmy Olsen, control of Titano and a Sun-Eater, with Lex/Batman DNA implanted in him giving him 24th lvl intellect. I’m also not talking about blue sundipped instant lobotomy enraged Post-Crisis Superman, with the White Lantern Ring and his original silver age powers and a Helmet of Fate on his head, host to Parallax and wielding a Sword of Superman because he is a master in kenjutsu and taijutsu, a perfect Jimmy Olsen (that can use Silver Age Powers), control of both Titano and a Sun-Eater, with Lex and Batman’s DNA and face implanted on his chest, access to the Green, sundipped Krypto guarding him and nine mini black holes floating behind him, entered Prime One Million Mode, casting galaxy wide Superhypnosis to everybody with Super mindcontrol to steal their powers. I'm talking about blue sundipped for 10^10^100 octillion years Prime One Million Pre-Crisis Rebirth Cosmic Armor Thought Robot Strange Visitor Superman with the White Lantern Ring, Helmet of Fate, Silver Age superpowers, Batman/Lex DNA, retcon punch, Miracle Machine and host to all emotional entities, access to all the Elemental Realms, three swords style w/ Sword of Supermans, casting Skyfather Jimmy Olsen as his servant, trained under Muhammad Ali, absorbed all 5D imps, having become the original vampire after having absorbed Mandrakk and obtaining the Demiurgic power, control over the speedforce with Endless concepts implanted in him and having rewritten the Book of Destiny while possessing quantum powers like Dr. Manhattan, and fused with SuperNicCage while having mastered 127 martial arts.

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So this whole part about disabling DIO's arms to render his overwrite useless is bullshit?
If that's true then OK. Neither GER or TWOH should have been using their fists on each other when they did so I'm calling it an inaccurate representation of both of them (?).
Seriously that's a major inconsistency if true.

Can't even beat Madara probs lol

I won’t argue the rest but this is wrong.
Demonbane, Umineko witches and Gudou/Hadou gods are on an entire different level of bullshit, GER can’t compete.

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Jojo is the most intelligent shounen ever written. Can you name a better shounen than this? The answer is no, you can't. The fight scenes are so much better than any other shounen fights. These fight scenes are written with brain and intelligence. They're very original fight scenes and don't follow a traditional fight scene formula in any way. Dragon Ball can go fuck itself. Also, the JoJo fanbase are some of the nicest and most intelligent people you will meet on the internet. We just want to have fun and share our fun little memes. I want to marry Araki, but that's muda for me unfortunately.

This guy>>>>One shots all of your visual novel shit

this but unironically

We´ve had these argument for years animeonlies. The answer is yes to everything

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Jiren could beat them
Zeno would just erase it

medaka or any nisio meta character can probably beat GER

Chadren's power is already beyond that of concepts such as time as shown by the Hit fight. CHADren is immune to GER and would blitz Cuckno in a few seconds.

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Bohemian Rhapsody could probably beat GER

All you'd have to do is write a shitty MS Paint comic about Power-Man being able to beat GER and it would become reality

But it's kind of annoying that in the anime the characters explain literally everything that's happening, even though you can already deduce it, and it kinda feels insulting (is the manga the same?). Code Geass did the same thing.

Based chadbro

Exit Jobren

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Thats what every anime does.

Sigourney Weaver

Jojo is meant for 15 year olds (which is why all the protags are always 15) so it has to assume the audience are idiots.

lol no

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Reality warping, can rewrite reality in any way of anything it touches with its fists.
But then SAME KIND OF STAND bullshit happens and Jotaro gets his own Star Platinum Over Heaven, breaks DIO's fists thus preventing him from using his Over Heaven rewriting and then punches him out of existence (again).

this works when read both ways

This. Saitama has gag powers on his side.

>beat Demonbane

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why 36, whats the story behind this

Giorno has gary stu powers on his side


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Read the Jorge Joestar light novel and find out.

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anime watchers now just figured out this

GER only works on evil people

He can't beat The world over heaven.

>Still bullshit that Giorno doesn‘t show up in Part 6
Because he's fucking broken, no wonder the universe had to literally be reset. Girono was peak power creep in the series


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>powerlevel fighting on Yea Forums

kriptonite chan

But Touma cant survive all the making things alive attacking him from different direction

>There is no one in all Anime and Manga that Gold Experience Requiem can't beat.
Pucci canonically defeated GER.

>The only drawback it has is not being a permanent power up, Giorno has to use the arrow again to get Requiem back.
when is this stated?


What's the origin of this copypasta anyway?

Based retard.

>GER can beat the Umineko witches.

It's time to d-d-d-ddd-die

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Touma also has a stand.

>Pucci canonically defeated GER.
No he didn't. The only mention we get of Giorno is that he's unaffected by Pucci's pull for Dio spawn.

If GER didn't stop MIH he's not the strongest stand in Jojo, he's universal at best

Leave Giorno to me!

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It's the same in the manga.

Not him, but not even close. In fact, he did not even say anything impressive, user.

Every time

Tell me, Gangstar, if GER is so great, why couldn't Giorno save Jotaro and Joleyne?

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There is literally nothing proving Giorno can beat any of those guys, yeah he can return space and time back to 0 but there's nothing showing him that he can kill anyone tougher than King Crimson, someone even crippled Polnareff could harm with ease.So what if he doesn't die he still can't kill anyone above his power level

Giorno didn't even answer that faggot's call, so he had no chance of being there when shit went down.

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Ger didnt see Time acceleration as a treat

Because it got axed before Araki could include Josuke and Giorno

Seeing Josuke and Giorno together would be a treat, considering Josuke would undoubtedly be a lawman in the future and Giorno is convinced that the law is no good.

Range shouldn't have been an issue since time erasure is universal and GER acts independently from Giorno. Hack writing from Araki's part or not stopping something that affects the universe and stopping something that destroys the universe are on completely different leagues, the fact he didn't stop GER already shows defeat

I don't know if it counts as "canon" for the purposes of this discussion, but in the two CyberConnect 2 Jojo games (overseen by Araki himself), Pucci's Made in Heaven is immune to GER.

He can trap them in loop mindfucks

By the way, TTGL crew already got out of some of those, made by a Universal tier enemy

Yeah but most of those shows are actually good unlike jojo

GER need to kill his opponent to send someone to the death loop.

You have all the gimmick but your strength is barely above super human

While it's true that GER isn't offensively that strong, he's probably phisically stronger than Star Platinum, The World, Crazy Diamond and King Crimson, which are pretty strong
Also it has None (which is basically infinite) in his stats, including Power/Destructive Force, so maybe he truly can OHKO people? It would be broken but he is already broken so it doesn't really matter

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GER can also reset an opponents will power to zero. So no screaming for half an episode either.

>jobs to narrative

medaka box is dumb

I mean those 3 things are all conceptual, its pointless to argue about it, we could argue in circles like how umineko is too meta to be scaled and how dies irae and demonbane both are conceptual, its just retarded

>Also it has None (which is basically infinite) in his stats, including Power/Destructive Force, so maybe he truly can OHKO people?
A lot of speculation without proof. He only fights with a human tier in defense. Anyone that can survive that would be enough to tank him until the arrow just stop working or the battle will never end. The opponent will never touch GER but at the same time GER don't have enough strength to kill his opponent and send him to the death loop.
We can say that GER is the ultimate defensive stand

Arguing about conceptual abilities is retarded as theres no place to point out where one is superior as conceptual abilities are in the first place authorial fiat.

Like I can say the flash is faster than any fate servant, but concepts are far far trickier, especially when you get to absoloute and overarching concepts like GER or demonbane, it just becomes retarded yelling at eachother cause there is literally no fucking way to actually decisively prove one beats the other

Theres nothing really saying GER is an absolute and overarching concept rather than a particularly powerful stand ability though.

well based on dialogue and stand description it sounds absoloute

of course if something beats a 'ominpotent' or 'absoloute' than its neither is it? but than you have to go into debates of logic which are outside of retard authors claiming there character is the strongest

Not only can GER undo literally anything their opponent does, it still has it's high IQ stand ability to give life to any inanimate object.

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Can wait to see 5000 more threads exactly like this now that animeonly cancer finally has access to it. And to think I actually used to find GER cool


>for some dumb reason TWoH can't parry Star Platinum
Fucking dumb. Let me guess, Jotaro asspulls the same power as Dio again? Thank god this is non-canon.

Is there a even character that’s close to being as perfect as Cell? Let alone be him. And I'm not talking about Perfect Cell. I'm not talking about Super Perfect either. Hell, I'm not even talking about SSGSS Golden Cell. I’m also not talking about SSGSS Golden Cell who fused with 9001 SSGSS Golden Cell Jrs & obtained Beerus & Whis' DNA. I'm definitely NOT Talking about SSGSS Golden Cell who fused with 9001 SSGSS Golden Cell Jrs & obtained Beerus, Whis, Champa & Vados' DNA after absorbing enough Spiral Power & Getter Rays to use SSGSS Golden Tengen Toppa Getter Emperor. I'm talking about SSGSS Golden Cell who fused with an infinite number of SSGSS Golden Cell Jrs, wished himself immortal with the Super Dragon Balls & obtained Beerus, Whis, Champa, Vados, Zeno, Madara Uchiha & Ultimate Kars' DNA to obtain Requiem versions of every Stand (including but not limited to Gold Experience Requiem, Made in Heaven Requiem, The World Over Heaven Requiem & D4C Requiem) after absorbing enough Spiral Power & Getter Rays to use SSGSS Golden Tengen Toppa Getter Emperor as he pilots Elder Demonbane with Cosmic Armor, Power Cosmic (all of it), and Omega effect, the Anti-Life Equation also flowing through his veins (because that's apparently how it works), while he does 101 Push-ups, 101 Sit-ups, 101 Squats, 11 km run per day as a park ranger for over 4 months inside the sun after ingesting Kryptonian DNA (to somehow obtain infinite power from a finite source) after consuming Popeye's Spinach while riding the writer's cock to battle.

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>All these blithering newfags

I fucking hate you all

Needs a mention of Infinite Taikyoku and it's perfect

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>only infinite
He only posted part of the pasta.

Does Spinne need to choke another bitch?

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Is there a even character that’s close to being as perfect as Cell? Let alone be him. And I'm not talking about Perfect Cell. I'm not talking about Super Perfect either. Hell, I'm not even talking about SSGSS Golden Cell. I’m also not talking about SSGSS Golden Cell who fused with 9001 SSGSS Golden Cell Jrs & obtained Beerus & Whis' DNA. I'm definitely NOT Talking about SSGSS Golden Cell who fused with 9001 SSGSS Golden Cell Jrs & obtained Beerus, Whis, Champa & Vados' DNA after absorbing enough Spiral Power & Getter Rays to use SSGSS Golden Tengen Toppa Getter Emperor. I'm talking about SSGSS Golden Cell who fused with an infinite number of SSGSS Golden Cell Jrs, wished himself immortal with the Super Dragon Balls & obtained all the GoDs, angels, Zeno, Madara Uchiha & Ultimate Kars' DNA to obtain Requiem versions of every Stand (including but not limited to Gold Experience Requiem, Made in Heaven Requiem, The World Over Heaven Requiem & D4C Requiem) after absorbing enough Spiral Power & Getter Rays to use SSGSS Golden Tengen Toppa Getter Emperor as he pilots Elder Demonbane with Cosmic Armor, Power Cosmic (all of it), and Omega effect, the Anti-Life Equation also flowing through his veins (because that's apparently how it works), his Taikyoku value being beyond infinity, while he does 101 Push-ups, 101 Sit-ups, 101 Squats, 11 km run per day as a park ranger for over 4 months inside the sun after ingesting Kryptonian DNA (to somehow obtain infinite power from a finite source) after consuming Popeye's Spinach while riding the writer's cock to battle

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Leave this one to me

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Ki > hax
Anyone in db at infinite 3d power tier stomps

Yes, exactly. Star Platinum Over Heaven is the strongest stand.

Worst arc so far

I found someone he cant beat.

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>dbspic tier posting

Is the sick synth-y track that played during that scene on the OST?

I really fucking hate the arrogance of saitama fags that think he's the strongest character in all fiction because he is the strongest in his universe

sorry, but this is a koichi hate thread now

how would u torture/kill koichi?

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by calling him a manlet over an anonymous imageboard

What would happen if pic related got killed by GER ?, would he regret all of his life choices ?

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>Weaker than Might Gaine

GER couldn't beat zeno, because zeno would literally just erase the universe GER is occupying and that is effectively infinite death because GER has no way of getting to zeno.

I know this is another retarded power levels thread, but I'll ask the age old question anyway,
Can GER beat full-powered screw boy?

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>GER reduces Madara's life/willpower/strength to zero
Madara wins

If Silver Chariot Requiem is the "shadow" of everyone's souls, is Gold Experience Requiem the "shadow" of reality? Is GER reality itself? He seems to exist above reality and is fully sentient (he even knows the extent of his powers whereas Giorno does not), so perhaps GER is reality itself. Just a thought.

>Giorno shows up in the final fight of part 6
>GER fucks Made in Heaven up and Pucci is defeated
how would you have reacted?

pretty upset honestly, GER is too fucking good

Difficult to say, Kumagawa could end in the cycle of death, but still undo any one of those, or fail to do so infinitely and be brought to zero every time.
In conclusion I'm sure Misogi will lose.

Impressive. However

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>not even his strongest form
Get out of here with that trash

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You've got to be more than a speedreader to get 'magic doesn't exist' from all the even-numbered Episodes
You'd have to be - forgive me for uttering that word - a goat

It's useless for this thread to disappear.

Rewrites reality and is basically invcincible
because Jotaro has the same stand, he gets Star Platinum Over Heaven, defeats Dio, and rewrites reality to bring Iggy, Kakyoin, and Avdol back to life

Imagine writing a finale so awful you write a bonus chapter where mista fights a fucking rock so the part doesn't end on a low note

Can GER bypass Ban Midou's invincibility?
Can Ban's bullshit bypass GER's?

*literally everyone back to life
>William is in Dio's castle when Jonathan fights him
>Caesar and ACDC join Joseph and Wham in the arena
>Shigechi joins the trio of Josuke-Koichi-Okuyasu while Kosaku is alive
>Abbacchio and Fugo are in the Colosseum with the rest of the gang
>Weather joins the final fight with Pucci (?)
>Gyro fights The World Diego alongside Johnny
>Gappy is best buds with best boi (wonder what that would be if it was released now, Kira and Josefumi living happily and Gappy being alive anyways?)

GER can't beat Saitama because Saitama is a joke character so whatevers funniest has priority. He'd just keep walking through his own time centipede.

I'd be satisfied with that if they set up Giorno and Jolyne becoming allies during the part and had well developed interactions between the two. Would be a good way to end the Joestar/Brando feud.

ZA WARUDO OVAH HEVEN can beat GER dial with it you fucking nigger cunt


Power Man is quite literally just Saitama.

And if TWOH can beat GER then so can Heaven's Door.

The director of the Death Note Netflix live action film.

My favorite character is Saitama but it's actually Altair.She canonically beats anime stand users.

>Abbacchio and Fugo are in the Colosseum with the rest of the gang
>Narancia still dies shortly after

so does Polnareff

also just realized that fucking Joseph was the Crusader that lived the longest, that's wild

Featherine rapes him
Bernkastel rapes him
Lambdadelta rapes him
Battler rapes him
Ange rapes him
Even Williard beats him

Was TWOH even created by Araki? If we go by that, then all the bullshit in the Jorge Joestar novel should count as well.

Can any of the Umineko characters actually affect reality? They seem rather limited to pocket universes.

>There is no one in all Anime and Manga that Gold Experience Requiem can't beat.
read part 6 buddy

no, they can't. the entire point of umineko is that it takes place inside a closed space and is more of a metafiction about the mystery genre (not power level garbage, lmao).
putting any umineko character against another fictional character is just silly because they will have no "abilities" outside of the very specific setting of the VN
most umineko "power discussions" are just from secondaries who have only read forum/reddit powerlevel discussions or are fatefags.

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But can GER see why kids love cinnamon toast crunch?

GER doesn't stand a fucking chance

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I've never seen this version before

Sit down weaklings.

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>doesn't happen

>GER would destroy Shiki, Shiki, SHIKI, and Shiki.
I love Nasu for this autism

I haven't played the game and I heard that it's really bad. I can't really understand how a crossover of all the Joestars and villains from different parts could possibly go wrong, specially seeing that scene with Speedwagon and all the Jojos. One would think that, even if the story sucks, the fanservice of seeing all those characters together would suffice.

Well, admittely that would suck enough to counter most of the fanservice.

they're just fanfiction writers without any real power

Jorge Joestar novel Kars can, but he's absurdly, stupidly, unreasonable powerful. he basically has all the villain stands at once, but in "Ultimate" forms, and even has fucking Made In Heaven Ultimate Requiem. Yes, really.

Read Jorge Joestar.

Well actually, that shit is dumb as fuck, so don't read it, but basically GER ignored the time acceleration and Giorno's still around, as-is, during that story.

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It might be the way to beat GER. For GER to reduce the effects of an action to zero, the action must still happen, so if the action is strong enough to fuck up GER, maybe he would be unable to turn it to zero.

he could

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>GER can beat all the Gods of Destruction, Angels, Zeno, Nu-Broly, Saitama, ???? Mob, Kaido, Meruem, all Fate Servants, Shiki, Umineko witches, etc.
>GER can beat Jiren the Gray, the strongest of the strong, the fastest of the fastest, the swolest of the swole, the handsomest of the handsome, the chaddliest of chads, the smartest of the smart, the kindest being in existence, an anti-gimmick being.

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Are all of you speedreaders/don't actually know what GER does? It's offensive power, speed, durability- none of it matters. Its ability denies you from proceeding, meaning that no matter what is used on it (In direct combat, mind you.) it won't work. Its attack power is irrelevant, because it's capable of warping you on a conceptual scale, which is how it killed Diavolo infinitely to begin with.

In short: In direct combat, there is nothing you can do against GER- you are fated to lose. But, you can still use 4D and 5D abilities, and possibly normal 3D abilities on Giorno when outside of battle (Given that GER either is or isn't constantly active so long as Giorno has the arrow. Trish's remark of the arrow "Now belongs to Giorno!" can be interpreted in a few different ways.) So no, Saitama, Jiren, etc, can't beat him. GER is simple. You cannot run from it, you cannot oppress it, and no matter which angle you try to attack it from, it will fuck you up forever.

>Implying Jotaro's stand's true power isn't the ability to copy the powers of other stands when there is no other path to victory

Phew, okay. So...

>After Kars gets BTFO Earth, he eventually catches a ride on a shuttle to Mars
>Turns out MiH only affects Earth itself
>MiH happened through 36 timelines
>In each of those timelines, another Kars went through the same events
>But since the timeline only reset on Earth and not on mars, all previous Kars stayed there and hung out
>Eventually the first kars becomes a good guy because he found humans interesting in their capacity for more abstract thought, ends up making a spaceship out of all the other kars, and not only gets all the other villain stands by stealing them, he makes them into even stronger, Ultimate versions, and even makes, I shit you not, Made In Heaven Ultimate Requiem

Pic related is the spaceship made out of all the other Kars.

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Yeah but you know other series can have equally all-powerful abilities and stuff

Out of all the murderous anime villains why did you pick this obscure one

>probably he would since he pretty much stated that he knew that he’s fucked up in the head and wanted to die

gay bulge gg

>Made In Heaven Ultimate Requiem
sounds like a shitty fanfic

Can someone help me understand this new Golden Wind, why can Giorno control it why didnt it go apeshit does it have time travelling abilities, what the fuck

Anything that affects Giorno will instantly be negated by GER, it's in continous activation. If the Earth being destroyed would kill Giorno, GER returns it back to zero.

but can GER beat the cock?

>This is a mystery
What a shameless hack

Polnareff couldn't control Silver Chariot because his body had become very weak, and thus he didn't have the strength to keep it in check when it'd evolve. Giorno however is young, very mentally strong (Unlike Polnareff who more than likely has PTSD and also has suffered extreme defeats multiple times.) and also physically fresh, which is why he could "control" GER.
Also GER basically negates actions that are used towards Giorno regardless of what they are. Think about it, Diavolo's King Crimson allows ONLY Diavolo to move and act, yet GER was able to not only act anyways, but was able to completely undo Diavolo's otherwise invincible ability. In short: Nullification of Cause and Effect. Can also set someone's will power, life, and death to 0, which results in infinite deaths.

You basically just described the whole novel. It's not actually by Araki. It's an official Jojo brand product, but it's by someone else.


>"nice fanfiction dude"

tell me who, my FGO knowledge is limited
>because zeno would literally just erase the universe GER
GER would prevent zeno from erasing that, zeno isn't that almighty. zeno needs to be tenchi tier
>narutard being a retard
water is wet
GER can't be defeated by someone who can remove the cause from cause and effect, defeating someone who could reverse cause and effect is just as easy.

meant for

fuse these two and you get Cell Durado

I mean Silver Chariot is pretty broken too since it can just basically snap everyone to sleep and switch their souls. It would be even more scary if it was in control of Polnareff because he would be able to direct it. Silver Chariot in itself is really fucking strong and fast and could 1v1 Star Platinum (-The World). But yeah all in all Reqiuem stands are broken and i´m not a fan of a character who i really like having something that makes him stronger than he already was.

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>loses to a hint of penis

What about that guy from the seven deadly sins who isn’t allowed to harbor negative emotions to his enemies? Couldn’t he beat GER?

>Could shot himself and he would still win since literally infinity

trips of sad truth
i'm crying

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to be honest, I am really glad that Araki soft-resetted his series.
he didn't make sense anymore.
part 7 is a fucking gift of the heavens. part 8 is also better than part 5 and part 6.

>GER can beat Saitama.
No he can't. Saitama can't attack GER but GER's punches can't hurt Saitama. It's like metapod vs metapod, no one wins

>Jorge Joestar. jorge joestar canon

> Its ability denies you from proceeding, meaning that no matter what is used on it (In direct combat, mind you.) it won't work
you realize that other universes can have characters with better hax resistance than weak ass stand users?

GER's punches aren't meant to hurt, they literally set your life to 0 and kill you. Saitama loses.

Yeah, those characters are pretty strong.

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Mooncell BB has literally the same ability as GER, so he can't beat her.

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>Fateshit has the same ability as GER
>he can't beat her
Isn't BB just a reality warper?

DIO must be proud

It is also hilariously weaker than GER and only works in the Matrix. BB ain't shit.

>he thinks GER is stronger than anything from Medaka
If you can't beat a cripple on a horse or your dad, you're not strong enough to beat anyone who is conceptual.

Buddha would steamroll this bitch. Unlimited in the Mooncell is still weaker than Unlimited in the Universe.

Post disregarded. Also, Giorno and Johnny didn't even fight? You also say 'Your dad" as if The World Over Heaven isn't powerful as fuck

Your forgot that GER can't beat Star Platinum, because, as it turns out, they are the same type of stand.

BB got out of the Mooncell and into Chaldea and still kept Ten Crowns though.

Altair doesn't care about powerups either.

Is the only true answer.

It's weaker when BB turns down the rank from EX to D, but unless you hack the mooncell to turn it off she's invincible

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>GER can beat the Umineko witches.
As long as you're not calling Featherine a simple "witch". Lambda and Bern might be able to create and destroy universes while fighting, but Featherine could end their existence with a thought.

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Very nice.

Reminder that GER loses to The Sun.



I really really like part 1.

Can GER beat itself except 50% faster?

shit game who cares

he could beat everyone but her

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>implying she is anything more than a drowning man's delusions & broken memory

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The ultimate bait thread

No, it doesn't.

Then what happened in part 6? Why didn't GER activate and reset Made in Heaven?

Because he doesn't have GER active during part 6 speed reader

He wouldn't have thrown the arrow away, and it would be weird for him to not use the arrow again when the sun started to draw a line in the sky.

Bait Requiem?


Maybe he was taking a nap?

>jojo babies trying to bring powerlevel faggotry against the king of power level faggotry that is fate
Kid...just're embarrassing yourself.
>Imperial Privilege EX
Now she has all your powers and shes even better at it than you were. Only side effect is she later has a minor head ache

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Remember that to fight Demonbane you have to defeat yourself three times over (yourself piloting a Demonbane, a Demonbane with your powers, and a Demonbane reincarnated as you) just to start, before the rest of infinity crashes down around your head.

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Imperial Privilege only goes to what she believes she can do. While she is arrogant and has a flagrantly inflated opinion of herself, she does not view herself as an omnipotent being.

Yes to all.

>Now she has all your powers and shes even better at it than you were.
Good job, my Emperor.
HOWEVER...Guess what is one of GER's powers? It is to be Giorno's stand. That is right: now you're Giorno's stand as well and under his control, so congratulations for jobbing yourself so spectacularly.

I just watched the first episode of Thus Spoke Kishibe Rohan. Am I getting it right that while Rohan immediately lost Kyoka to the mountain, Kyoka lost the fucking bird before she lost Rohan? Kind of fucked up.


Vanessa from Black Clover.

>Can any of the Umineko characters actually affect reality
They get conceptually choked

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>Whore of Babylon
>succeeding at anything

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ayyy ayyy ayyyyy

LMFAO, Gers got nothing on wishing energy.

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Google's CEO he created 4channel

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