Is this the most annoying fanbase currently?

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Bokuben is the worst fanbase.

Especially Rizufags, but thankfully there are not many of them.

Part 7 fags are the worst.

not at all, online sure especially with the influx of fujos but in reality most of them seem to be chill bros

i find fanbases like, off the top of my head, hero academia and love live to be more annoying

no but Hunter X Hunter faggots are annoying


Fuck off.

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jojofags, titanfags and hunterfags
literally smearing shit all over this board on a daily basis

You spelled HunterChad wrong

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JoJo is the most intelligent shounen ever written. Can you name a better shounen than this? The answer is no, you can't. The fight scenes are so much better than any other shounen fights. These fight scenes are written with brain and intelligence. They're very original fight scenes and don't follow a traditional fight scene formula in any way. Dragon Ball can go fuck itself. Also, the JoJo fanbase are some of the nicest and most intelligent people you will meet on the internet. We just want to have fun and share our fun little memes. I want to marry Araki, but that's muda for me unfortunately.

Which fanbase has the most unfunny people?

Yeah, part 5 fags are the worst.

Nice digits.

Tokyo ghoul fags are the worst

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This but unironically

I'd say Boogiepop but thats like 3 people posting the same 3 screencaps over and over and I think even they died down now

DB spics are the absolute worst.

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On Yea Forums? Probably snk or hunterfags. In general? Jojo.

Nope. Dr. Stone brainlets are the worst.

>jojo isnt homo erotica!
>theyre all muscular with hearts in their shirts
Why cant jojofags accept their fagdom

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This, part 7 fags are embarrassing.

>rent free
user, TG ended 1 year ago. let go


DB used to be legitimately funny though. Gohan blanco got popular cause of them, and others started to copy them.

These annoying faggots flock everything that Jojo had referenced, worst part is when they get called annoying they sperg out and call it a win if you don't answer fast, they ruined part 7 too and spoil everything to people that haven't seen it yet


Yes, the part 8 fans are the only good part of the fanbase

Absolutely agreed

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The anime ruined Jojo

Honestly probably 5Toubun. Threads are unbearable right now and have been unbearable for a while now.

sometimes I wonder if they've even read any of the other parts.

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5Toubun threads are nowhere near as bad as SaeKano or Yahari threads used to be in their time.

It's a pretty chill fanbase rn wtf
Tho some threads are pretty messy, they're not the worst.

I would agree, but most JoJo fans I've net come across as super autismo about it.

jojo attracts trannies and other degenerates.

If it isn't then its getting there really fucking fast. Sucks too because is such a great manga.

Eva fans are because they stopped watching anime in 1996 and they don’t realize that their favorite series has been surpassed a long time ago. Then they ask you what anime surpassed it and you tell them and they pretend like they’ve watched that anime even though it’s clear they don’t have a clue what they’re talking about.

Jojo homos have been the worst for years now

The fanbase on Yea Forums is really suprisingly tame compared to other places. Can't stand most of the threads here about the series, but those threads when a new Jojolion chapter are always the best. Some of the best discussion of the series goes on there.

This, steel ball run was utter dogshit compared to stone ocean.

Dbretards, yes.

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After a certain point I had more fun in TG threads than I did actually reading the manga

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It has become popular. Always the same result.

Man you hxhFags so pathetic, that you seethe so much that you actually thread hop into a db thread to your spam trash not only DB thread also one piece threads as well

I'm kidding, I'm just glad we got material after like 20yrs of only having phantom

BNHA and Danganronpa are hands down the most autistic and annoying fanbases. Full of middle schoolers and autists that try to mash together random characters to force ships and then headcanon shit randomly.

>Part 2 is his favorite part
What type of person do you imagine?


I think it's Yea Forums in general getting tamed.

Outside of Yea Forums Jojofags are insufferable
Just suddenly one day 40% of conversation became exclusively about JoJo memes. I can't fucking escape it.

I feel the pain you do.

Man the sameface in this series is really fucking bad

male feminist

Stop bumping this thread.

I swear the fandom just makes like same three jokes about the series over and over again. Never has a fandom been so unselfaware on how cringy and unoriginal they actually are.

This. Completely agreed.

go back to Yea Forums

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You triggered because people are talking shit about your favourite anime?

He watched the anime adaptation and hasn't read the manga. Part 2 is honestly the worst part in the manga.

The most based since Pt 5 is the absolute AOTY. Shitty shounentards can't compare.

Jojo characters get way more pussy than you ever will. Hell even a turbo manlet like Koichi was able to get coochie.

For how creative Araki is the fanbase he spawned is the complete opposite.

Surely there's bounds of autism surrounding Jojos due to all the fucking memes, but that's inevitable once it gets popular. I still love it though.

>Is this the most annoying fanbase currently?
no, whichever fanbase you're apart of is.

I dare you to name a single intelligent fandom.

I fucking hate how the use of Roundabout in the end credits of the anime ended up turning that song into a goddamn joke to most people and I'll never forgive the low IQ fandom of this series for that

What's bad about the fanbase?

Part 6 is definitely worst.

Part 7 fanbase is actually very small. Most of the 'people' who say Part 7 is their favorite are actually just redditors (Part 5/6 is their favorite) who say that they like 7 the most because they think it "legitimizes" their opinion. They think that Part 7 must be the best one, even if they didn't like it, because that's when JoJo changed from shonen to seinen, so that means it became adult and smart right? (That's how they think.)

Part 6 is superior to parts 1-3 and you know it.

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Nope, Part 2 shits on it from afar. It's about as good as Part 3, but Part 3 doesn't have a fanbase.

It also introduced a ton of new people to a great song so it isn't all bad.
>Part 2 is better
Part 2 is the worst part in the manga by far
>Part 3
>No fanbase
>All of the Japanese jojo fans don't count

Are you talking about part 5 or JoJo in general? Tbh JoJo fanbase rn is like FNaF fanbase was few years ago, not sure why people dont hate on it so much. JoJo is a masterpiece but I haaaaaaaaate the fanbase.

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Even the part 6 anime is in jeopardy of being produced since it's japan's least favorite part. DP basically went and said that the anime will happen depending on how much fans support the franchise.
It'd be hilarious if they skipped it entirely.

Not even in the same league as any other fanbase mentioned. For one thing they're way too small and the other is that they're only rude to speedwatchers and or people who complained about being confused.

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>It'd be hilarious if they skipped it entirely.
I'm certain Araki wouldn't let them just skip an entire part. Hell with that logic they should have just skipped the first two parts and started with 3, since its Japans favorite.

hunterfags are the worst on Yea Forums but jojo fans have uniquely massive range of pollution and seem to have no shame in forcing their series into any discussion on any topic.

any time there's a picture or video of someone who isn't in a simple standing pose be prepared for a lot of lemmings to come in and say stupid shit lie "HEHEH LOOK FUNNEE JOJO POSE ORA ORA ORA"

Is this a JoJo reference?

>Is this a JoJo reference?
This is the most annoying thing in the fanbase for me. Is commenting this on everything supposed to be funny?

I know in context you're just taking the piss out of that meme by replying to me with it but a wave of sheer annoyance washed over me just from reading it on pure instinct

God forbid you scroll through the comments relating to any band remotely associated with the series.

Like one joke would be fine, but literally almost all of the comments on ANY song related to the series are jojo memes. I feel bad for anyone that actually wants to talk about the songs/bands.

help me fill the blanks lads

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Move this to a better thread please.

El Hermano and Gohan Blanco make me chuckle

Hunter""""chads"""" ruined show for me. Thanks to them i noticed all the flaw in the anime.

Snk because their threads are the worst and every time new chapter releases, they spam the shit out of the catalog

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*blocks your path*

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KKK from part 6

Mista and narancia chasing the frogs giorno created.
Mista knocking out the truck driver cause the pistols stole food from him.

wait for the mob retard

>Part 2 is the worst part in the manga by far
As expected of a braindead 6dditor

Only threads about the anime. JoJolion threads are comfy.

BHA, HxH, SNK and DBS are the most annoying by far.

At least those fags usually know to label their OPs.
I need 3x as many filter words for jojofags and they still keep getting through.

already put hitler
im only covering things that were in the manga but not animated, so only parts 1-5

God, Sugar Mountain is so cute.

for some reason they were quite silent lately

mista watching captain tsubasa inside the turtle when they get on the train


Kinda hard to shitpost about your glorious manga when it hasn't gotten a single chapter since a millenia because Togashi is on life support.

That's not really fanbase. It doesn't have human beings in it.

titanfags stick to their containment thread, and at least jojo is decent

you cant say either of those things about hunterfags


not even close

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All me.

I read through some of juan piss and it's decent, but your average pissfag has the mental power of a toddler.

Good thing people in my country don't know jojo

The cancer that can't be contained...

I always suspected it was a hunternigger false-flagging.

is one piece for literal children? every clip ive seen from it looks painfully unfunny and awkward


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Easily this fandom.

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MHA has the worst fanbase currently. Not debatable.

You’re proving his point dumbass

But they are self contained and everyoen laughs at them whenever they get out of their containment threads

Worst thing is they don't even do the joke right.

does this show get better? i watched like 7 episodes and got bored

Just look at how much space you have there!

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Its not my fault its the best part

This has to be bait, part 6 is the most boring part except for the final Battle and ending

Part 5 is Japan's favorite. Prior to that it was 3, but in general the Japs cream themselves over VA.
I'n pretty sure reddit had a hateboner for Vento Aureo not too long ago. No idea if they still hate it, though.

checked, also this

I'm sorry, who doesn't admit it's homoerotic and full of metrosexuals and/or fujo bait?

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HxH is always on Hiatus, so the fans just leak all over Yea Forums.

>Even the part 6 anime is in jeopardy
Only for retards hoping it'll get skipped. There's been nothing at all said about part 6's anime adaptation and Jolyne was included in part 1's opening. At the very least they're intending to do it and unless DP goes completely bankrupt (which I don't see happening since they do other things) it's going to be made.

>Mista knocking out the truck driver cause the pistols stole food from him.
that was in the anime no?

It was, that dude is a speedwatcher

>every dio song now has the exact comments you think it does
Also tangential, but my dad met Dio once, the guy was apparently an absolute manlet but pretty cool.

Most people who get into JoJo because of the memes only end up watching part 3.

I know I'm late but



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Remember when ROADOROLLA DA WRRRRY was the only jojo meme? Good times.

because anyone who genuinely cares about jojo (small minority) is reading jojolion and participating in discussion unlike the smoothbrains smearing shit in the VA anime threads and obvious shit post threads.

Remember when that wasn't even animated because the part 3 OVA replaced it with an oil tanker?

Indeed, Bruno was the protagonist of this part. Giorno was the Koichi.

>they do other things
speaking of, is there any signs of more cells stuff from them? I haven't kept up in a while

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Only the mentally deficient still follow One Piece

Fate was a mistake

it's literally the main appeal

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>diavolo looks like a potato face despite it being the first asskicking from GER in the final showdown
>bucciallati's farewell was crafted with the utmost care and effort, a literal flight of angels singing him to his rest with an actual requiem playing him off
based dp knew who deserved the budget of this episode

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You have to define what it means to be an annoying fanbase. Jojo flaunts itself but I don't really see Jojo fans go on the attack at other fandoms. Meanwhile there's a bizarre half-joking eternal war between series like say One Peace and Hunter x Hunter. That shit derails every thread I'd see, and I'd consider that a lot more annoying.
Jojo's bigger problem is infighting. Every other supposed fan of Jojo has a tinfoil hat painted with what they believe to be some definitive ranking of what is good and bad in Jojo, and that people who think differently are "reddit" or "smooth-brain" or some other pejorative.

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Almost every Joestar save Giorno is certified straight. I think leaving it at "Jojo is homoerotic because it doesn't look like what I expect men fighting to look like" is pretty clearly closed-minded.

Either JoJo or Hunter x Hunter since one is absolutely reddit and the other is just fullblown 70iq autism.

Golden Kamuy is the only series unashamedly and completely unironicly gay as hell.

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why is that image so funny, fuck

Speedwagon was gay for sure at least

>at least jojo is decent

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Attack on titan faggots are currently the most obnoxious fanbase on this website

Change skateboard to a hospital bed, huntard. We both know that Togashi can't fuck his wife with his health issues, not even mentioning skating.

DB, always has been.
If you say you don't watch/like DB, literally everyone jumps down your throat like "YOU DIDN'T HAVE A CHILDHOOD IF YOU DIDN'T WATCH/LIKE DB" or acts like its some kind of sin to have never watched/liked it.
And this isn't even limited to Yea Forums, this is on any kind of social media or in-person conversation with anime fans and normies alike.
Every Jojofag I've ever talked to just excitedly recommended it to me and describe a character or two they think I'd like, but DBfags just chastise anyone who hasn't watched their shit nonsense show.

Especially the ironic normalfags who only get attached to its faggy visuals

vegfags on any animation thread
hunterfags on any thread
haibanefags on lain/tex thread
moefags on pseudointellectual thread

Notice a similarity?
That's right, they're all shonen. Ban Shonenfags.

>Even the part 6 anime is in jeopardy of being produced since it's japan's least favorite part.
Stop parroting this bullshit that doesn't even have a source. Part 8 and 1 are Japan's least favorite.

Evafags are a lot worse.

Pesci going inside the turtle

worthy trade for the uncomfortable rubbing sfx

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I could see Johnny being bi since he was such a slut before he lost his legs.