NEET cake
NEET cake
I prefer working cakes thanks.
The only reason Japanese women work is to find a husband anyways. They just retire and become stay-at-home moms after they get knocked up and have babies.
>boy was the best girl
What did they mean by this?
one of the reason the birthrates are declining is because theyre literally doing the opposite
birth rates are down because nobody can afford or has the time to have a fucking child with their crazy work culture.
raising a kid anywhere is gonna be expensive.
don't see it ever happening on a single income for the rest of us.
Everyone in first world countries is living more luxurious lives than even kings of the middle ages so how does nobody have enough money to raise offspring?
Kids aren't fucking cheap mate
Then why are the poorest of the poor reproducing but you are not?
You just don't want to give up your luxury for children.
Because they are poor and stupid, the infant mortality rate in shitholes is extremely high
You used to make kids as a retirement plan, not so much anymore. Plus you rather make one with all his needs fulfilled than scattershot
>have a great premise about a neet cake playing mmo's
>immediately ruin it in the first episode by having her become a normie because of a love interest
>rest of the series turns into a dating anime
Poor are reproducing because they are poor. They live a harsh life without a certain future that's why their instincts kick in. We had silenced ours long ago. Pray for war or this will be the end of our civilisation. That's the natural order and we're aproaching the end times.
the whole point of the show was to demonstrate how a couple of 30-year old boomer autists came out of their shells and made a connection through a game, and it does it with an authentic humane approach
>Mori Mori was close to breaking out of her NEETdom
>mangaka gets sick and cancels it just as Mori Mori is getting to the last hurdle
What did life mean by this?
There's no point in trying
Give her a haircut, new glasses, and makeup, and she'll go from frumpy/10 to 10/10.
It's so predictable it's boring.
at least the poor mangaka didn't fucking die, so there is that.
The elites and capitalists have brainwashed almost everyone that raising kids is expensive.
They just need clothes, food and a bed.
Because I don't want a child.
It's a porno. No need to take it so seriously.
We would make amazing girls if we were cute
>capitalists brainwash everyone
>hurr durr don't have kids because if you do, you will be buying clothes, food, and bed from moi sweatshop
Why did the male love interest have to be a spineless bitchboi?
Why are all nips such spineless bitchbois?
>spineless bitchboi
>"she's so beautiful I'm happy you're not here to see her."
He's no bitch he's just not a social dude, he plays as a cute girl in an MMO after all.
They are expensive in the capitalist world though.
>he doesn't know that food, clothing and beds cost money
She wouldn't be half as cute if it weren't for her voice. My heart melted and my knees went weak every time I heard her voice.
I wish I had a neet friend to suffer with.
Checked and they ar cheap, it’s just an extra purchase at the supermarket and mall.
Only retards spend tens of thousands on it.
>tfw 27 and prime cake age now
I can't read this one because it hurts so much
That's me in a couple months. Would join the 27 club if my parents weren't still kicking.
God damn it this shouldn't hurt this much.
I didn't even have friends to play vidya with it was just my older siblings I'm so fucking alone now fuck you user I didn't need a reminder I'm going to hang myself.
Wish I could put my pee pee in her smell vag
What about the pen15 club?
That sure sounds convincing from someone who has never raised a child.
dude that is what she would normally do. They purposely dress her down to make her revealed as a hotty later on. Like pretty woman but with out the prostitution.
eh such is life. Thats why I try to have a life outside of video games now
>being a normalfag
There's Japanese no term for Males with similar situation with Females. Because there's literally no reason for Males, not to get any Females in any point of History of those Japanese. This is also true among all Cultures in Earth.
I hope this stroke didn't effect you too bad user.
>Give her a haircut, new glasses, and makeup, and she'll go from 10/10 to slut/10.
she's not even frumpy there
It's not about money, it's about the absolute state of modern women.
Artificial wombs can't come fast enough.
A childless faggot is a better consumer of pointless garbage than a married person, and that is even without talking about being a perfect drone for the system.
>better consumer
Maybe you are, I buy all my needless shit from local businesses, hand crafted most of the time.
Sure, I pay premium, but it's worth it.
Raising kids isn't really expensive but it's more work and annoyance than it'll ever be worth, fuck that shit.
Then what is the point of your existence?
To live doing what I please and then die. Existing doesn't need a reason.
A life of leisure and pointless hedonism. Might as well simply jack a pleasure-button to your brain like in the mice experiment and simply fry it.
hello user from Yea Forums the other day
They made her cut her fucking hair
Having a family means much less expenses as you rent one unit instead of two, use less water and heat in said unit, need 2x less bullshit like dishwashing machines and fridges. You also don't need to buy stuff for each kid you have - they can share or hand it down.
Being a NEET or Normalfag is objectively unhealthy because they're extremes. Find the balance and you'll live a much better life.
If you're not well off and you have kids, you're indirectly harming their development.
Oh fuck me, that manga.
>feet gets their shadow rendered
>her head does not
Who cares about that?
birth rates are down because of feminism and women having too high standards
>if i'm going to marry someone he has to be over 10 feet tall, make over 10 figures, have a dick over 10 inches, have a 10/10 face and body, be a doctor and a lawyer, never cheat, but doesnt mind if i cheat on him, etc etc
poverty has nothing to do with low birth rates
the poorest countries have the highest birth rates
Can 25+ guys be neet cakes too?
this is the dumbest thing i've read all week
birth rates are down because people dont want to have kids
Fuck back to /pol/ retard
Different angle and height.
because feminism tells women to not have kids
If you can provide food, clothing and parenting - you're good. Your kids don't require tutors and tons of extracurriculars to succeed in life, even by exaggerated standards of "success" (becoming a CEO/politician/businessman)
Its not just feminism tho. People before had children due to them actually being the only way you get to live to old age comfortably. You couldnt rely and nobody believed they would be taken care of in later life by the state, so they had first and foremost children as their pension plan.
Modern people have been duped into believing there will always be a state, or an institution there to take care of them when they start to break down with old age, so children are a useless extra expense.
Birth rates are down because of constant financial instability in the breeding age population. Back to pol, roastie poster
like i said money has nothing to do with it
the poorest people have the most kids
men dont want to have kids either
>the poorest people have the most kids
of appropriate quality for those living conditions, yeah
It's almost as if quality of life is inversely tied to birth rates or something.
It's almost as if people having good life for themselves all want for their kids to have same opportunities and comforts growing up.
It's almost likes this takes years, preparation and can still fail into debt and poverty.
It's almost like poor countries migrants after 2-3 generations fully adapt and their fertility rates plummet to hell.
It's almost like you knew all this but still shitpost.
>birth rates are down because of feminism and women having too high standards
What standards do you think I have after years and years of anime and hentai?
Here's a reality friendly representation.
Fucking image thieves this isn't the one I posted
the kind that effect your browser preferences?
>Everyone of your age is settling with their girlfriends.
This is an abstract feel of despair.
The only thing that affects my browser preference: chrome toblerones the tabs when it's 20+ of them.
Also it has too many processes that can't reliably be killed in 2 clicks.
Why should obeying biological urges be the whole reason for existence?
Doing as people please is exactly how human society have progressed so far, what does achieving flight have to do with making babies and so on.
Different people should have different reasons for being, diversifying that would ensure better progress for humanity as a whole.
If all biological existence only has the purpose of leaving progeny then we should live in a society whose main activity should just be fucking for most of their lives and nothing else.
>just be fucking for most of their lives and nothing else.
I imagine that's what post-scarcity would look like.
Shelter, food and security are universal, STD and aging are defeated.
People would just fuck on the street with strangers they find to their liking.
Frankly, people worry too much about how their kids will turn out. Some will turn out shit, others good. Some deserve and can benefit from a college education. Others are destined to be working class. Let chips fall as they may.
We already live in a post scarcity world though. We already fuck stangers which we like.
some do, some don't
>We already live in a post scarcity world though.
Yeah you're fucking retarded: even food still costs money.
Look up the mice utopia experiment.
Not saying humans will end up exactly like the mice but it might be good to take some notes for the future.
It costs less than it used to, relative to incomes.
>As the chart shows, the average share of per capita income spent on food fell from 17.5 percent in 1960 to 9.6 percent in 2007. (It has since risen slightly, reaching 9.9 percent in 2013.)
Food costs pennies though. I can get 2 kilos or apples/potatoes etc for like 1 euro and thats in a high price country.
In this experiment their environment was severely limited.
Humans already don't procreate enough in first world countries, China is soon to follow. Overall humanity should stabilize around 15-20 billion people.
WIth stuff like fusion reactors and food printers - Earth alone is more than enough to feed all of them.
And rats didn't have any toys in that experiment either: in pleasure button experiment with drugs too.
When there's no readily available alternative simplest pleasures like stuffing your stomach and emptying your balls matter the most.
You still don't understand what post-scarcity is.
>We already live in a post scarcity world though.
i dont believe we are
For UK 1957 vs 2017
>What we are allocating to food has more than halved. It was a third of spending, at 33%, and now only 16%.
Where would you get those 2 pennies retards?
You still have to work to feed yourself, pay for roof over your head and also taxes.
post-scarcity vs scarcity is not binary state, there will always be scarcity of SOMETHING, even if it's just human attention
We could live in a post-scarcity world but the system that humanity has adopted cannot continue with such a benevolent idea of free food, housing and healthcare for all.
Such a thing would probably also take away some personal freedoms to be viable.
Kowloon walled city is the most densely populated place to have ever existed,it was so dense if the entire world was as densely populated it could fit in Palestine. their society did not collapase , everyone just went on with their lives.
>post-scarcity vs scarcity is not binary state
But you can't call it post-scarcity until at least all the critical stuff is free.
Critical as in you die of hunger, hypothermia, exposure, sickness or thirst without it.
When you have to pay for food, accommodations, healthcare - it's still very much scarcity.
Government provides them for me
We absolutely can, we just lack technological means.
>fusion reactors
>advanced AI automation
Should be enough.
Dont need kids, we’ll just import low iq high birth rate muslims to replace us.
Someone somewhere had to grow or make that food you buy and probably got paid to do that as a job.
Until all the basic human needs are automated - it's not post-scarcity.
The society is also morally corrupt and became increasingly unsanitary.
Ah, another cringy underage "cleaner', dreaming of the 1937 Red Terror happening today.
Not that user but
>fusion reactors
Irrelevant. Modern energy production is already top notch, we literally cant run out of it thanks to advances in solar and nuclear. Fusion is just a cherry on top.
We have those too, theyre called farms albeit their sustainability over long term is iffy.
>advanced AI automation
We have that too. Its called outsourcing or automation.
We already live in a (post-scarcity) society in terms of production. The reason why there is scarcity is a societal and political one, we have scarcity by design and human condition. Sure, not every nation even has the economy for post-scarcity but I dont think anyone is talking about 3rd world shitholes.
>it's not post-scarcity.
But it is. Post-scarcity is about the distribution and availability of goods. We by the very definition live in a post-scarcity world. The problem here does not come from the fact that we can feed or cloth everyone in a modern nation for practically nothing but from the definition of the word. You see, even if we reach the utopia youre thinking doesnt mean we live in a post scarcity world in every definition of the world. What happens if humanity reaches the stars, is it post scarcity when sex, food, pleasure and healthcare is completely automated? Of course not, youre still confined to a single cluster of asteroids instead of owning your own whole planet. Thats not post scarcity since resources are still scarce, rich own planets while you fuck off in some Nebula hellhole.
>Irrelevant. Modern energy production is already top notch
>0.6 Kardashev
Relevant because energy consumption grows exponentially, nuclear and solar can't answer it alone.
>We have those too, theyre called farms
We don't: meat farms are incredibly inefficient, wasteful and polluting, agricultural farms are less so but with food printers there are better ways to grow biomass efficiently and then convert her into any kind of food.
>We have that too. Its called outsourcing or automation.
We don't.
There's no general artificial intelligence, outsourcing is just other people doing your job and modern automation still doesn't even leverage specialized AI fully.
>But it is.
It is not. TL;DR: your post is bullshit and you are retarded.
>Relevant because energy consumption grows exponentially, nuclear and solar can't answer it alone.
If you look at math it can, solar itself is enough even if we adhere your popsci bullshit. Making earth or/and space brim with highly efficient panels is much easier and more efficient than muh fusion. Sure, you have the problem of resistance but if we adhere some Kardashev scifi shit then we can handwave that away as well.
>We don't: meat farms are incredibly inefficient, wasteful and polluting, agricultural farms are less so but with food printers there are better ways to grow biomass efficiently and then convert her into any kind of food.
That doesnt have anything to do with post scarcity though. Efficiency or if something is better is completely irrelevant.
>There's no general artificial intelligence, outsourcing is just other people doing your job and modern automation still doesn't even leverage specialized AI fully.
Again, doesnt have anything to do with post-scarcity civilization.
Read a book nigger, post scarcity has a real explicit meaning and its not muh culture/scifi utopia
well i certainly did not see the thread taking this direction
Imagine shoving your head in her unkempt smelly bush after a full day of mmo gaming to eat out her unwashed pussy.
>solar itself is enough
Sure if you cover whole fucking Earth in solar panels.
Setting up farms around the Sun, Mercury or Moon and beaming energy back is alternative but at this point even Fusion is more realistic alternative.
>hat doesnt have anything to do with post scarcity though. Efficiency or if something is better is completely irrelevant.
Are you fucking retarded?
You can't meet all basic needs of combined 21XXAD Earth population relying on inefficient methods you'd run out of space for food factories and habitation.
>Again, doesnt have anything to do with post-scarcity civilization.
Again: you're fucking retarded.
Outsourcing to poor 4th world countries isn't post-scarcity it's modern form of slavery.
Arguably every society needs slaves it's just AI and robots have much simpler and predictable needs than a bloated unqualified workforce.
>has a real explicit meaning
Yeah, and it;s this one you twat It's when your critical needs are met for free.
>not living in a major urban area where people in their 30s are still "just dating"
I get to be a kid until I hit 40 and realize my life was wasted
Main cost of kids is the need for a larger home and loss of potential income in the form that you cant work odd hour jobs and have to take more time off work to deal with emergencies. I could afford a family with my current salary, but I wouldn't be able to keep my job if my spouse also needed to work, and switching jobs and working less hours would have a significant effect on my salary.
All my colleagues who have kids are the same, they are never at work, if they do come then they are late or they leave early. Even the guys who somehow manage to have a housewife have to take time off.
Kids are for rich people.
Watch WotaKoi.
>they are never at work, if they do come then they are late or they leave early
wtf is there a kid somewhere in my apartment then?