Kino or Reddit

I literally never watched this, shoud I unironically give it a chance?

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I literally think that you are unironically from reddit and that you have unironically literally never watched it because you are just literally unironically new which isn't very kino.

reddit as fuck
it is not very enjoyable unless you are 15

Its better than most of the shit Yea Forums posts about, but I guess that isn't much of a complement

You should unironically crawl back to wherever you came from.

Kamina is the Gary Stu and ends up more popular than the main protag, figure it out user.

based dumbass

no, no, it complements it fairly well

>Kamina is the Gary Stu

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>gary stu
>literally fucking dies in the 8th episode

You will know within the first two episodes.
Dies stupidly and gets resurrected as Simon because he does everything in his power to imitate Kamina and try to become him. Also a complete idiot who lives only thanks to his incredible luck and the inability of everyone else to tell him to fuck off. Also everyone loves him and he doesn't afraid of anything.
100% Gary Stu, in fact we should replace the word Gary Stu with "Kamina". It's much clearer this way.
Nice life lesson btw, fake it till you make it. Who needs actual personality when you can just borrow it from someone dead?

This is the average age of Yea Forums nowadays.

it's one of my favorites, but anything good that isn't from the 80's, 2deep4u, sports, or a CGDCT will be labelled as /reddit/. don't go into it expecting your life to change, might be less enjoyable if you've already seen getter robo or any of trigger's popular shows

Aside from the fact that it's reddit incarnation, it's also very shallow at that and only liked by manchildren

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I love how everything is good up until monogatari in this image.
Nice bait.

why do you post here if you hate anime

I don't hate anime, I just dislike cheaply produced anime

Not like it's new, but this is the most retarded chart ever.

You literally are unironically from reddit. Find out for yourself.

>cheaply produced
>GITS movie

Seeing as you have sub 90 iq, you may like this show. But it's just a shitty power fantasy for retarded people who think emotions solve everything.

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Cheaply produced as in lacking various themes and a ambitious plot to keep the viewer interested in

>lacking various themes
blah blah blah
you seem like you just reactionarily hate things and try to find reasons for why after the fact

That's incorrect use of the term. So what're these various themes and more ambitious plots that keep your interest, user? And if you say Eva while shitting on all those other anime you're only being told what to think.

It's Reddit asf
Watch Evangelion on Netflix bro

>And if you say Eva while shitting on all those other anime you're only being told what to think.
thanks for remidning me to include this piece of shit show also in the chart

The fact he's copied by other protagonists to the very day shows Simon was never the true protag.

Kamina is just a copy of Gai Daigoji from Martian Successor Nadesico

Not the most well written shonen, but definitely worth watching
It tends to stack all its chips on the big climaxes of each respective arc to the point where the show suffers from it overall, bringing very frustrating pacing in the latter half.
But when those big fights happen, they are damn worth it

It's worth a watch and suspend your expectations.

>We have reached the day where anons think that shitting on TTGL with no actual criticisms and for the sole reason of being "le ebin contrarian" and trying to bait out (You)s for a dopamine rush is acceptable

What went so fucking wrong?

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Remove utena and it's a perfect list.

>series premiered 12 years ago
Half of the posters from back then are probably dead by now.

why don't you give it the three episode test, you lazy redditor

I don't know why but of all the shitty baits I've seen in this board this one is the first one to make me wonder if I'm too old for Yea Forums or if the new generations are just dumber.

That's only your headcanon user

2 digit IQ interpretation

Always the same shit posts that contribute nothing, I've come to expect no less from GLfags.

You didn't answer the question, what are your favorite anime, user?

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Very Reddit

How am I supposed to respond to a post that is obviously and factually wrong? Like, there's nothing to discuss, really, all you've said is just plain WRONG.

>12 years ago

Attached: AAAAAAAA.jpg (209x232, 33K)


Is it wrong because it makes you mad? Or is it wrong because you can't respond to it?

>ywn watch code geass weekly with Yea Forums again
>ywn watch ttgl weekly with Yea Forums again

If you think this is reddit it's just proving you're a contrarian newfag retard
the threads during that time period were probably the best this shit board has ever been

It's fun but stupid. The theme of "believe in yourself" is one that's usually played out and boring in anime, but this show has fun with it since believing in yourself lets you make galaxy-sized robots. Movie version of the final fight is kino
>Simon because he does everything in his power to imitate Kamina and try to become him
clearly didn't pay attention when Simon became a man

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unironically absolutely yes, top 5 anime for me

TTGL has been considered babby's first mecha since it came out you fucking newfag

I can't believe that your critical thinking is this shit

It's simply wrong user, face it.

>Only lives thanks to his luck
But user he's dead you dumb faggot

I never liked Code Gayass but watching TTGL as it aired was one of my best experiences on Yea Forums. I always knew Trigger was trash because watching Kill la Kill felt like a shallow imitation of that experience.

Most of us were teens/babbys when it came out though. Are you fitting in yet?

I actually love TTGL and was also 14 when it came out, I just know elitists have been shitting on it the whole time, and elitists comprise most of this board

Well, KLK is more consistent with it's highs and actually knows what it is better than TTGL

>KLK is more consistent with it's highs
>Tri-City School arc

>reddit anime
What the fuck does that even mean? You wanna know the worst thing about reddit? It's that tribalistic autists on Yea Forums have been conducting a neverending reddit witch hunt and referring to everything they don't like as being reddit. I'm so sick and fucking tired of this reddit non-argument, but I guess that's just how this place is nowadays. I wonder if it's the saje on reddit where everything they don't like is labelled Yea Forums, and people weasel out of arguments by telling others to go back to Yea Forums. At least then there'd be some symmetry to it all. It's my fault for expecting more out of this site, I suppose, but I thought you all were better than that and had minds of your own.

Neat. Get out of my house.

TTGL is only good at it's climaxes, with KLK you can actually enjoy the in-between moments

No, it's an awful anime. Me and a few other guys trolled hundreds of forums posing as many different people to hype it up as a goof.

There's always been a boogeyman, but at least with shit like Gaia the accusation was a lot of of the time at least somewhat coherent; there was a real connection between the subject at hand and the accusation being leveled. "reddit" is so nebulous it can be applied to literally anything.

I long for something like the Gaia rivalry or even Tumblr now. At least then you could call people out for actual things.

Deuluded Kamunafag

Is reddit shit by trigger.

TTGL progressed towards constant climaxes, with character building preparing the cast for the next challange

>buzzword buzzword buzzword
Literally kill yourself then get off the internet and wait one week until you get close to the computer again.

I blame ironic weebs

Imagine actually being too dumb to understand Gurren Lagann.


Spoke like a true redditor.

Kamina dies, Nia gets kidnapped by anti spirals, mc defeats them but then she also dies, the series ends with mc as a helpful hobo

Kill yourself.

GL is my philosophy. I don't care how corny it is.

that not what cheaply produced means at all ESL-kun.

Which makes the slower bits feel completely boring

Pretty kino, people only like to hate on it on here because of muh contranism.

It's good, give it a try
If episode 8 makes you want to drop it, keep going until at least episode 11
