Is Assassin's pride good?
Is Assassin's pride good?
Tell me more about these lolis
looks good to me
I'm a big fan. I wish more chapters were translated. Overall 8/10
Well, I see a lot of good things on that picture alone.
>that buttcrack, and midriff.
Yes. And I'm not just saying this because I'm a lolicon.
I like it. Female MC is just too good.
The thing I'm wondering most about from what I've read that's translated is if main girl is actually a bastard with no natural magic ability. I was fully expecting her to awaken some proper super duper special class, but I guess such a scenario would happen way down the line beyond what's currently translated.
I'll be impressed if that doesn't turn out to be the case.
The manga is pretty good and the girls are delicious. MC isn't beta or a wimp, so that's a plus. Assassin's Pride in the fall and this season's Cop Craft should satisfies my loli dosage for this year.
Cute aristocratic daughters fight, compete and learn how to fight and kill to earn their place in society.
>my life is pretty shitty since my waifu died
A lot of it is self inflicted, but still...Fergus my man, what a pathetic, but pity worthy person you are.
Look at that DFC
Which one?
What is that cow doing there? Back to the pasture.
Let's talk about the Night World, the enormous landmasses outside of Flandor covered in darkness.
It's overrun with lycanthropes of all stripes, shapes and forms. Some are humanoid, some are exotic beasts, some are formerly inanimate objects that are moving around like foxfire and doing weird shit.
Lycanthropes in general have quite a bit going for them. Not only do they have enormous resistance and endurance in general, they all have superpowers in the form of anima. In series, a lycanthrope inhales sarin gas, while being blasted with sonic cannons and hit in the face with multiple flashbangs. It keeps the man down for 30 seconds before the body adjusts.
And then there's the abilities themselves, for countless classes. For example, you could be a manticore! You're a humanoid lion man, with enormous physical strength and the one we've seen can control beasts. Or maybe you're an Alarune, who can split up into hundreds of copies of yourself, sharing HP and vision, laughing off getting crushed into paste, capable of gassing entire castles with poison and controlling plants. You could even be a Necromancer, who can survive as a spirit even if your body is reduced to ashes, controlling all undead under your will and having freaky curses at your command.
Sounds nice? Because they need all the advantages they can get.
The Night World is perpetually at war. Class versus class, groups of lycanthropes killing each other over resources, grudges, conquest or for the joy of combat.
Not every lycanthrope is into conquest, and we see examples clans who serve as information brokers, or mercenaries, or researchers, or even just bizarre little lolis who eat dreams and float around doing their thing without a fuck to give.
Life is rough. Many types of lycanthrope have gone extinct, many new ones have appeared.
The worst of it is that prolonged exposure to the darkness will eat away at the intelligence. Eventually, a lycanthrope becomes no different than a dumb animal.
Slutmom is the best duke.
blue is best
I love the combat outfits.
She is probably going to end up being some kind of half vampire or something like that.
That being said, there is a way to avoid having your intelligence eaten away. It's how nations and cities and all kinds of groups have sprung up in the insanity.
Flandor has the that they burn in the lamps for light, the Night World has which is a crystal shining like the moon.
Keep that around, and it will push back the negative effects of the darkness (it won't turn lycanthropes back into humans) and even improve on intelligence. It's not great for growing crops or helping humans survive the insanity of the Night like
There's only one place where it can be naturally found though.
At the most remote location of the mainland, there's a huge fucking canyon, a natural labyrinth that's almost impossible to navigate. At the center of it all is , the homeland of the most powerful lycanthropes: The Vampires.
Rumor has it is that the place completely made up of buildings of , like some kind of bizarro moon crystal city, but those are only rumors so far.
The Vampires do trade with other lycanthropes, sending trade groups out of the canyon, but at prices that are heart rending and rage inducing.
The prices are paid anyways, because Strongest Race makes examples out of belligerent assholes, and it's better than going dumb like an animal.
That said, there is an example of the vampires handing out the most purified samples of out to a werewolf lycanthrope who wanted to end the conflicts in the Night World and use a Perpetual Motion engine to serve as everyone's alternative to . He was also doing this out of love, and Kufa has no idea what the hell to make of any of this. The Vampires seem...strange to him.
About that...
part of volume 10's story involves her daughter. A locket and a letter were found in the Night World, with the locket being a picture of Mir when she was around ten years old. The word "Tindharia" is written on the back, which specifically has no entry in the Flandor dictionary.
The letter is directly addressed to Kufa from Mir, and can only have been written recently, although the letter material itself is falling apart like it's decades old
Which character can I self-insert to?
Though the setting of Vampires and Wolves are boring.
The little girl
Despite all of Flandor's natural barriers and its army and industry, it's 100% certain that if the Night World united to attack, that's game over. It's almost 100% already a given if any lycanthrope nation decides to assault Flandor in current times.
But that's not much of a surprise when the entire population has superpowers, and the most combative classes grow up fighting one enemy or another under some of the harshest battlefields imaginable.
The big reason why there's no yearly invasion is because lycanthropes have no agreement about what to do about humans. Some say "let's just wipe them all out", others will say "why don't we wait and see?", or "y'know, we should leave a few alive", "aren't they killing themselves off? Why should we do anything?", and "WHO FUCKING CARES"
The purpose of lycanthrope races is also pretty varied. Some live for conquest, some love spycraft and the malevolence of ruining nations through lies, unrest and rumors, some are out to create the immortal body, and some are out to get on with their lives.
What the hell the Vampires want is a mystery to all, and nobody knows what their motivation is.
If this was a MMO, I'd play it.
One of the lolis. I'm going with the Silver one because she's thirsty for the blonde loli's V.
Literally a board.
Assman Pride is about a dude tasked with killing a powerless girl if he is unable to awaken her power. Dude awakens her power in some way and she instead of being some holy knight or something is just a samurai assman that certain individuals really don't want prancing anyway. Dude plans on mentoring her until she is able to kill him.
Dude she is like 11.
Those eye shapes on her uniform are forcing me to stare at her flat chest.
>Dude awakens her power in some way
He stuff his samurai juice into her body.
Melida's cousin is kinda dumb. Clever like she is, but kinda dumb.
I think she's 12. Silver is 11, iirc.
Both 13 starting out
Oh. I thought Pink was 13?
Does this count as a harem battle academy?
It's whatever your fantasies want it to be.
All 4 were 13. Now they're in 3rd year, and are 15. Every girl's in real trouble or about to be
Is she secretly aware of how sexy she is?
3rd year already? The story has to be nearing the end. I can't see them go into JK years or else a large part of the series' appeal will go out the window. Like in Zettai Karen Children's case where they stopped being lolis after JC years and the series became dead fast.
Could the end really be her killing him and him saying the assassin pride was the friend she made along the way
It's not like they're experiencing a skyrocketing growth in height, and I doubt the author wants to leave Melida as someone who will never confront daddy.
Besides, Melida's mom was a real womanlet compared to her dad.
Well, if they don't grow physically older, then it shouldn't be a problem.
well if none of the girls grow at all, it would just be stupid.
I really wanted to like Blue, but she's just so annoying. I'd fuck her and not take responsability
Kufa likes big boobs so she has to try to get something going there. (It's going to fail)
>pic related is when your mother doesn't quite reach the shoulders of dad
2D and magic ain't got to explain shit.jpg
Sounds like something Id read
The background of each novel cover touches on the contents and environment of the storyline. So for example, volume 3's cover brings up accreditation, letters, a trial in Alice of Wonderland, masks, a model of the world, and the giant library underneath the surface of Flandor, the Biblia Goetia.
The underground library has a surface area double the size of the city of Flandor, with entrances at multiple schools and locations. It goes 99 floors deep, built during the time of the civilization before the world got covered in monsters and night.
What's in the library is a copy of basically anything that has been written down, covering an unknown amount of history, and languages ranging from the current tongue to ones that are extinct. This includes grimoires of ancient alchemy, private diaries, love letters, shopping lists, encyclopedias, magic books with reality warping effects and scribbles from kindergartners. These can be from the current year, the past ten years, the time of Shakespeare, it just goes on and on and on.
People can't take out books willy nilly, the magic behind the library won't allow it. Complete trials, get a pull for a random piece of literature per floor. The deeper you go, the better your chances are at getting something really really interesting instead of the mundane.
However, there are catches.
You have only certain amounts of time to complete your trials on a floor.
Run out and your main route back up is lost, gotta find another exit across a pretty lengthy labyrinth. Die in the library, you become undead and another hazard to knights. Start ruining books and destroying scenery, you could just call up an army of the very angry undead.
Apparently, there's a prophecy for how the world will end on the bottom floor. While no one we know of has seen it, the rumor of it caused a giant ass civil war in Flandor centuries ago, and is part of the reason why the library is stuck with so many hostile undead mindlessly searching all over the place.
Heroine is implyed to be powerless due to cucking