Boku no Hero Academia

Chapters Out. We discuss now.

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Boring arc to be quite honest. I hope it goes even more downhill from here.

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>rich man with an exceedingly long nose and an unusually early receeding hairline uses his familial influence to get publishing companies to teach kids that it's ok for the sheep to play with the crocodiles and for little girls to trust big black guys
>the message of treating others with superpowers fairly is pushed more than treating those without superpowers fairly

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Could Aizawa make her visible?

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I'm really enjoying it desu

Mob psycho is better

O my quirk evolution

To be fair, in their world 80% of population posessess quirks, it's the quirkless folks who are a minority.


No, the same way he can't make Ojiro's tail dissappear or make Mina's skin fair.
He can only deactivate the quirk factor, but no erase the mutation.

>superpowers are linked to personality
That explains why invisible girl is such attention whore and Midnight borderline rapist.

No, but the de-quirking bullets could.

He'd stop her quirk, so she can't make/refract light beams any more, but her mutation of invisibility would still remain.


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Considering Deku has like 6 quirks now I think it's only fair.

The League already has several High End Nomus or is that just too easy to overcome.

>This kills the Redestro.

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One of those Nomus might have Dekus' real quirk now that I think on it.

>Shiggys quirk changes from 5 fingers to 'all the finger on one hand'
>this could have been it from the getgo, since the application of the quirk is otherwise the exact same

How will all of these be defeated?

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What if Redestro beats giga? He'll become devoted to him, rigth?

> could have been it from the getgo
Read slower

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He's gonna get mogged.

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>How will all of these be defeated?

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How much time in manga time was that? In Yakuza arc he only needs like one second


Unless a huge time skip happens, Deku can't defeat all of those alone. It would be impossible

Deku asspulls a new quirk at the right moment

Didn't they monitored the LoV with some high tech satelittes? How did they not know about Giga?

Give me your wishing energy to get a timeskip to the second year

>caon femnomu

Turn off your brain

The lady nouma with the power of dick.

You throw Eri at the nomu, she freaks out and the nomu reverts to normal/vanishes

>tfw the final battle is actually Shiggy and Deku vs AFO

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Third year if Deku was to even challenge a High End Nomu. His 2nd year is way too early

So we know who 5 of the hand pairs are...what about the last 2? Shiggy wears a total of 14 hands, there are 2 people there not yet mentioned at all.

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Yeah, and he still has to touch to with all his fingers; he just has less fingers. Instead of 'all five' its 'all two'

Since she know what she looks like, she either can see herself when no one else can, or she can turn off her invisibility. If the latter, then it's not a permanent feature but rather her quirk, and yes, he probably could.

Why do so much people want time skips I don't understand I'm following a story why would I like to skip though some part even if they are not important?

They only started tracking them when they called Twice due to finding them by the phone. And that was right at the time where Giga went to sleep and we know from when Ujiko woke him up that he apparently buries himself for that time.

They're his own hands

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but he's already done the impossible those Nomus would be small fry compared to Kaijuhaul

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Nana and her husband.

Deku's 100% is suposed to be superior than AM 100% and to keep growing while he has it, so how much % needed for deku to beat one high end?

Why is his biceps a quadriceps

He can't do shit without eri

High End would decapitate Kaijuhaul.

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They're bored. They want to avoid the slice of life stuff, the slow development, the thinking, and just get right to the fighting. Frankly, this probably isn't the series for them.

If all the High Ends have super regeneration, he would need firepower to beat even one.

Shinso could do it on his own if they can talk.

When was the last time we saw the actual cast and why should we care about psychopathic murderers winning against other villains?
I honestly don't get the pacing and arcs Hori is going for. Does he even have an actual idea where to go with this manga?
Remember Gentle? Wtf is even going on right now?

>Implying the High End wouldnt straight away tear Shinsou in two.

Unlike others a High Ends not going to bother answering when ordered to kill.

>the final battle is actually Shiggy and Deku vs AFO

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>I honestly don't get the pacing and arcs Hori is going for. Does he even have an actual idea where to go with this manga?

No, Naruto for exemple by this chapter number was already done with Naruto vs Sasuke, and the direction of the show was well stablished. BnH still a directionless mess because Hori just makes random arcs

I don't know, but the joint training arc was awful and being followed by this one wasn't a good idea. It won't translate well into the anime at all.


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he's getting more powers plus why would Ujiko/LoV unleash all the Nomus at once? if they do it one at a time that'll give Deku enough time to unlock a new Quirk each time.

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"Who is the strongest here?"

"Why do you want to know?"

"To FIGHT!" Nomu freezes, eyes go blank.

"You lose."

You aren't noticing what this fight is doing to Shiggy, Speed-Reader kun?

Is it just me or Redestro is kind of handsome?

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>hyper regeneration vs rapid disassembly+reassembly (Overhaul)
sounds like a cool fight desu

I have no problems with SOL, but the manga is stagnant as fuck right now. Why would I want to go to happy times after society received a blow like this? I want consequences dammit.

The Naruto comparison reminded me of another problem this manga has: There is no real end goal for the mc or cats in general to achieve.
They want to be heroes, sure, but they already are sort of. Just look at how powerful some of them are and what battles they already fought.
Also becoming a hero is nothing special in their world.
Luffy and his crew want to find the One Piece, Naruto wanted to become Hokage and so on.
Bleach had the same problem, but it had interesting characters and fights and the Bankai system had enough surprises left for later fights.
BnHA has nothing going for it. Like that other user said, just random arcs with no overall goal behind them and no world building at all.

>eri will save all the nomus

Until she runs out of power

>Physically reverts the Nomu.
>The now once again thinking person still has all the memory of being a Nomu.
>They absolutely mindbreak and loose their shit.

Yeah no, mercy kill is the only option for Nomus.

I did. This arc gave him asspull power-ups that go against established rules, because Hori realized disintegration is a horrible ability for fights against non-throw away characters and especially the mc.

Bleach peaked with hueco mundo, and after that it went to shit because of the issues you're pointing out, zero direction.
I hope this isn't the case for BNHA.

I can't believe Gigantomachia is going to eat the LoV

shut it jew

>I hope this isn't the case for BNHA.
BnHA had no direction to begin with.

This chapter just seals two things.
1. More "muh direct parallels" between Deku and Shiggy
2. ReDestro and the rest of his army is going to die

Shiggy also has no real consequences for losing part of his hand, but maybe if we're all lucky he'll at least come out of it with a stronger ideology and goal than "WE LIVE IN A SOCIETY"

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Wait so if his quirk doesn't need all 5 fingers touching to activate anymore, how is he going to pick stuff up now?

By not touching with all fingers. Its clearly "Needs to touch with all attached fingers".

I know for a fact some nice drawfag lewded her up but I cant find it

but the aftermath the results of this arc. the way hori handles the fallout of this arc will be make or break for the quality of the rest of the manga.

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This one?

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>the blacker he becomes, the more handsome and stronger as well

One finger, and a lotta grip strength or the other hadn

pick things up with thumb and forefinger instead of just pinky up

nopes but im still looking. im talking unf levels of lewd and very well done

He means that that hand has now only two fingers. His grappling motion in that hand only can be used as an offense not utility

If we have SOL and no consequences in society then it shit.
If we have consequences and drastic measures due to what just happened then it will be okay.

The aftermath are the quirk upgrades and maybe better ideals for Shiggy. MLA is most likely gonna disapppear and his hand is gonna be repaired or replaced by Eggman

>no changes in society as a whole whatsoever
That'd be shit writing.

maybe it just speeds up the more fingers he has on it then? or he can turn it off and on now?

Giga will stress Redestro out so much that he will exceed Giga's power and it'll be up to Shiggy to save the day. This is what will make Giga finally respect Shiggy.

>I did. This arc gave him asspull power-ups that go against established rules

Shiggy could always move very fast, disintegrate things with his hands, take a lot of damage, and show amazing stamina. Now he can move even faster, launch disintegration waves, take even more damage, and has even more stamina. I don't see this as asspulls. More like going from 5% to 8%.

Also, remember Chitose introduced this idea of quirk evolution when she found herself airborne. She was wrong in that case - Toga's quirk wasn't changing, she was just doing when she'd always been able to do but we'd never seen - but her comments indicated that it DOES happen. And now it's apparently happening to Shiggy. As per established rules for this series.

> because Hori realized disintegration is a horrible ability for fights against non-throw away characters and especially the mc.

And now it's worse. Gosh, almost like Shiggy might have an actual chance of wining.

>replaces one of his hands with the hand of a family member that has oddly been kept perfectly preserved all these decades

Maybe some of the hands are just costuming. Don't act like he's not doing this thing for fashion.

>All of the main antagonists at the same time have their quirks awakened and taken to the next level
>Training did nothing

OKAY. 10/10

I love you_

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The hands have lego blocks at the bottom connected to some long red fuckery, maybe thats for easy replacement or some shit

>22 IP
where did everybody go

They left for greener pastures.

Stagnant? I would say we are looking at a society in serious trouble. They depended on All Might and the artificial calm he provided, and got soft. Now that's coming back to bite them, as the villains are moving in response to both AM and AfO being taken out of the picture, and the authorities can't keep up. We're seeing the consequences all around. That doesn't mean the students can't be happy, train hard, enjoy normal activities, just that there's a shadow over them. Like looming war. And the risk that, at any time, things could blow up...

The guy was wearing pajamas for the longest time before he got a trenchcoat, i dont think he knows what fashion is.

I was busy masturbating, whats up?

how the fuck did shiggy just stand up and walk after being hit by a slap taht destroyed a big portion of the city

>in bnha universe because of Rikiya Beastars are published by Shueisha
Omegajew got decent taste

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in the Dr. Stone thread talking about a better series

you're so sweet!
i love you too!

Is it just me or are villains as powerful as All Might cropping up too often? What the fuck was even special about him, did he just never fight people with good quirks except for AFO? What would have happened if he had fought Redestro or Muscular or Gigantomachia or Overhaul, who all existed while he was active as a hero?

Shit arc, sorry I'll be back when it's over same as remedial arc.

Why do people in Dr, Stone thread talk about Dorohedoro?

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He disintegrates momentum around him, you see

Why would you want to focus on the SOL aspect of the story when everything else is fucked up? It is like playing while there's war in the background, it doesn't go well with the current tone of the story. There's no time to show us students being happy when the entire society is in danger and in consequence their future as heroes. There are things that have to be addressed, school life isn't one.

I just realized "replacement" hands have two holes, so Hori could be extremely edgy and make that they can replace a severed hand by inserting the correponding bone in each hole although it would be extremely painful

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Overhaul would get trashed like nothing just like 100% Deku did to him, Muscular went down to one direct punch and All Might could have easily pummeled him down. Redestro is the only maybe, but hasnt demonstrated anything All Might couldnt have dealt with so far.

Overhaul and Redestro didn't want to act while All Might was the top hero, peak All Might would have annihilated Muscular

The reason why OH lost was because Eri rewound him back to his no kaijuself.

SoL would help a lot. We know fuck all about many of the central characters (except Bakugou) so letting them interact in a normal way that isn't FIGHT THINGS would help to flesh them out.
Seeing Ochako suplex some B-tier doesn't tell me much about her character, but deciding on a birthday gift or whatever would.
School festival didn't really help with that. In order for characters to grow you need to put them in different situations, and unfortunately this hasn't happened.

for you

Did you completely miss the part where Deku treated him as a punching bag?

Do we even need to know anything about Ochako?

Maybe after this Shiggy will become a masochist slut who loves pain

likes: money, food, Deku and secondarily being a hero
dislikes: starving, not being around Deku

AM won AFO in kamino with less than ten punches and barely moving, and as told in the first Nomu fight even then he had depowered a lot, so I'm guessing a few years back he could destroy redestro with no problem

And while he was unconscious he was still going to smash deku with his giant hand, but eri reversed that and as a result turned him back to normal.

>people taking what redestro said literally
>people thinking Shig will be redeemed or become a good guy when it's 99% guaranteed to be the exact opposite and he'll double down even harder on his insanity
>people wanting a lunatic psycho who's also the puppet of a mastermind psycho to have rational and logical reasoning behind his destructive/homicidal impulses
>people actually believing Shiggy is the end boss of the manga (barring him being the last fought before a timeskip or sequel)
I know this is Yea Forums but god damn try not to be such huge retards. It's like you've never read a manga in your lives and can't see shit that's right in front of you. Is this what speedreading does to you?

he's already a masochist slut that loves my strap on

Yeah, and that only was a problem because Eris Rewind was getting stronger and keeping Deku from dodging. All Might would have dealt with that easily.

And that's all we need to know

based strapfriend

Shiggy will realize that his onee-chan wanted him to become a hero, and that he's already the League's hero

But user, Twice is already filling in for the villains hero.

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And there are situations where you can do that without harming the story, or ways in which you can reveal aspects of your characters like it happened with ochako after the overhaul arc as well as the JT arc. We didn't need SOL for that.
right now this isn't the time to relax and shift the tone so drastically, that would be pretty shit and damaging. The story needs to move forward continously, follow a flow instead of making stops here and there to show something that could be told in a myriad of different ways.

By Deku or some other hero hitting them harder.

I really hope Shiggy isn't the final boss because it would end in such a cheesy way it would taint the entire manga. I know it's for naught but if Hori can round up the VA part of BNHA within ~150 chapters then it would really make things more interesting.

>everyone in the League becomes each others' hero
>the League of Villains is destroyed
>and from its ashes rises the League of Best Friends

LoV will be the next symbol of peace

>who are also happen to be terrorists

His quirk is perfect for being a villain though. Why can't people idolize villains? That's the real issue with this story, there's no villain idolization problem yet. The world needs a handsome superstar villain. Stain and Gentle never achieved it.

Why wouldn't Shiggy get redemption? His family's memories must have certainly affected him in a way that made him more compassionate.

it's brought up when Shishikura's teacher chastises him for being too much of a Stainfag, but it's never really explored

>and from its ashes rises the League of Best Friends
how can heroes even compete?

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For instance, because he wants to have his revenge for what happened to him and his family

Stain did that. He's pretty much Che Guevara tier in the BNHA universe.

But he's the one who did it, so revenge on fucking who?

>as powerful as All might
Can you even read or do you just look at the pretty pictures? The All Might we see in the show and the manga, who's already a powerhouse, is literally at the very end of his power and gets even weaker when he passes OfA to Midoriya. The only reason he can even still use muscle form after giving it to Deku is because the transfer effect isn't instant, if it was he wouldn't have been able to fight against the first Noumu or anyone else.

Did Twice, Dabi and Tofa decided to commit sudoku via shiggitouch?

Could bnha continue after AFO is defeated? I mean it's not like you have a lot of misteries like shingeki had to pull off a crazy twist, would it be then doomed to follow one piece-dragon ball-whatever path of villain defeated bring next villain? I always have this in my head while reading shounen I like

Well, it would explain why he is so self destructive.

>fan art of Shiggy where the artist forgot how his quirk works
fuck you

To a society that let it happened. To a society who left him alone after ir happened.

OfA is one big mystery, but yeah it needs more plot points and less useless characters.

I've just stopped caring for the most part. I think I'm only reading at point because of sunk cost fallacy.

>Not even bothering with the detail of Shiggys fingers not fully touching.


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Society didn't let it happen, Shiggy was a malfunction and there was no way society could tell he'd have such an unique quirk, like it happened with Eri. They're extremely rare cases.

The holder of OFA, be it Deku or the next, would have to become a villain for there to be anything interesting left.

Mob psycho litterly has nothing going for it

How fucking tall is Shiggy supposed to be in this pic

Even if he was the final boss (which I heavily doubt), it would still not be a conclusive end. It would be one of those "we stopped the biggest immediate threat but there's much bigger shit lurking" scenarios. The only way he can even really be the final boss is if AfO actually passes down all his power to Shig (and dies) and they also grab the doctor and all Noumu data while they beat the League.

Everyone is just small.

If Hori can forget things, so can fan artists

2019... I am forgotten...

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Maybe they drew him as a white guy

That's like your opinion, man

shroom shroom

>these thick mushroom thighs

This page sure aged like a banana

Kinoko is cute! CUTE!

I really wish I could forget how shit that arc was. Seriously how did Hori manage to write one of the best arcs in the series and then follow it up with one of the worst arcs. TWICE!

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I thought Shiggy's quirk was activated, not passive, as in he needs to touch with all fingers but also has to want to fuck shit up. Isn't that how Uraraka's works too, she has to touch and activate and then release the quirk? Does he really never grab anything with a full hand?
His life will fucking suck if its passive now with the boost, fucker will struggle just to drink water.

>ywn be part of the league of friends

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>Boring arc
We clearly aren't reading the same arc

Redestro has at best one more chapter before he's disposed of by Hori. Did anyone really think he'd stick around instead of being a powerup plot device for Tomura?

>Does he really never grab anything with a full hand?
No, he doesn't.

Everyone, EVERYONE knew that this was just a time waster for Deku to unlock OfA.
And still people were theorizing.
Hori is dragging this shit out so fucking hard my blue balls popped months ago. God forbid he follows up his 7 quirk bait with actual development.

>give a chance to Monona to become important by making him Eri's coach
>lol no


Shiggy and Ochaco's quirks are both automatic on contact, that's why Toga could accidentally use Ochaco's quirk and why Shiggy only ever holds things with 4 fingers

So because he has no Quirk of his own that means Deku has no personality?

>Local user took about 200 chapters to realize that Shiggy is always keeping one finger out.

I did

please stop replying to shitposters
for your own good

>expecting anyone in class be to have any sort of importance or relevance
Come on user, you should have known better.

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>tfw you will never have a oneechan cheering you up by saying that you can be a hero

Man, I am really sorry for Shiggy Diggy
He offed his own onee-chan on an accident, together with rest of a probably loving, caring family
No fucking wonder he's batshit insane

yfw Eri rewinds them

Shit I never noticed it because I just naturally assumed they weren't passive. Now I have to go back and re-read eery single page with Uraraka and Shiggy to see the lifted fingers.

Considering a good majority of his character is fanboying over All Might and Bakugo, pretty much yeah.

AfO really looks a lot like Ochako's dad

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I just want to give Shiggy a hug

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>yfw Eri rewinds them
She's such a fucking plot device it's not even funny.

there's even a volume extra where Hori says that Ochaco sleeps with oven mitts on so her bed doesn't float away

if he wasn't out for blood i'd want to hug him too

They're not alive, there's nothing eri can do.

i want to gently peg shiggy while we cuddle

With Shiggy its always interesting for fanart, you can spot a artists effort by Shiggy having his pinky out or not. Hori also is very consistent with it.

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how did Bakugo stand up after All Might threw him into a bus during the 2-person fight exam?

Because everyone has anime armor

who isn't

And Deku can't use some weird black whips made of literal mana
oh wait

What the fuck was the point of having the heroes encounter his villain support gear? Absolutely nothing about these guys will be relevant after the arc at this rate. Get ready for the fucking Slidin' Go revenge arc I guess?

She's too stupid to be one

this. Blunt damage doesn't count unless it's from punches or falling

Wasn't that shit anime only? And wasn't Deku the one thrown into a bus?

>Im going to defeat the League of Villains and take revenge for Redestro!
>Just like that time i escorted them into the city.

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So absolutely NOBODY in this city is thinking "maybe we won't survive if I don't call for outside help"?

fair enough

Slidin' Go vs Hawks when?

Or pipes.

>tfw revealing how cute and nice Shiggy's sister was makes me want him adopting Toga as a surrogate imouto even more

I want to cuddle shiggy while you peg him

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Now that TFS has exposed just how shitty your series is to the rest of the world, you will NEVER be able to defend it EVER again! TFS's millions of loyal subscribers will make sure you never have a peaceful discussion again without reminding you all of how Deku is "Green Goku" and Bakugo is "sarcastically deep"


The Anarcho Capitalists Shiggy is fighting aren't exactly the most engaging of villains

What if Shigaraki didn't have a quirk at the time of the flashback?

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>ugly fat nomu

I know you wanna start shit with TFS, but that clip mainly just shits on Bakugou and his fans


isn't this the channel ran by a literal furfaggot who gets triggered and goes on anti conservitard rants at the drop of a hat and who is currently struggling to stay relevant?

And that's only cause Kaiser is a thin skinned virtue signaling incel

Look at this user! He's like a NEET Louis C.K.

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it's commonly accepted fan theory at this point that AFO gave shiggy the quirk at some point to get things in motion.

He literally got triggered by the Gridman beach episode and called it pedophilia

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Fuck off, horse bitch

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Can you speak in things that aren't buzzwords?

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>Literal mindfuck
>She regains her humanity from it
Do it.

Manhandle the horse.

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I dunno, can you stop being a bitch Kaiser?

No, because he has to see people in order to stop their quirks, and he can't see her at all.

I'd literally skullfuck to death whoever didn't giggle like a little, cute, youthful girl while reading Re Destro vs Shigaraki. It's the 4th big hype fight this manga has gotten.

Hori unironically made theaybe best power level system in the entire genre of shounen and soft seinen. Quirks are directly connected to the personality. So either your power chances in which case it wouldn't fit to the personality anymore or (how based Hori does it) by evolving as character, the powers grow too

That's different, Deku's power has always been tricky as fuck and we understood there was more to it during the shinso fight.
Eri already has a set of limitations. Her quirk only affects living things.

>Shiggy could always move very fast, disintegrate things with his hands, take a lot of damage, and show amazing stamina

THe only thing in that post that is correct is him disintegerating stuff.
He was fast but nothing stupid fast.
Never had particularly good stamina and he's never been shown to take any decent amount of damage at any point in the series.
He's been fucking coddled and never actually fought anyone.
The first and only person in the series he could have fought was overhaul because of his powers and it would have been cool seeing a supervillian/ideology war that would force him to crystalize his...."message" and become an actual gangleader and not just the defacto leader of a group of low tier faggots who were bankroled by AfO as a fucking joke.

Also another user pointed out something that I said from the moment that he was first introduced.
His power dooms him to never being able to fight anyone of any note ever.
He disintigrates anything he touches.
Who can he fight in a story like this without it resorting to the hardest core asspulls imaginable.
Just like how absolutely bullshit broken twices power is.
If he's going to keep this series going then hes' going to have to sit down and think about their powers, how to extrapolate upon them in a way that doesn't break the story and makes them useful visually and story wise. Not just give them mindless Dragon Ball Super tier stupid as fuck powerups and hope that people will just be so amped by the super powers that they won't say "This shit is retarded" .

Thinking about it, how come gloves aren't affected? wouldn't they just float away or be dusted the moment they put them on?


Fuck the early episodes of Hellsing abridged where so good.

And an egomaniac who thinks he's the next Chris Sabat (which, who really wants to be that after all the dirt that's been dug up on him recently?), and some fuccboi who acts passive aggressively about his own anti-conservative shit and is a massive hypocrite.
Literally the least hateable member is the bitch who plays Bulma

Right.The later ones lost their edge.

What makes it hype?

Don't forget 'pandered to LBGT community by making Yajarobe and Korin gay'

the weight and friction of her hands is probably enough to stop them from floating away even if her quirk activates on them

None of those shitters is stronger than peak all migth

I thought about it right after posting and they could actually just cut one of a portion so only 4 of the fingers are inside the glove. This way neither the glove nor anything they touch would be affected.

I don't think so, I might put 100% Deku on the level of or better than Endeavor.

For starters Shigaraki feels like a protagonist, maybe even better than Deku. He's fighting for his friends and fighting to prove he's the best... and also fighting because he had no choice and got targeted in the middle of his month-long training session. He's running on fumes but giving it all he's got and evolving while having flashbacks.
It's hype to see him as the main character and now he might even get his
>I want to be a hero
And Re Destro, well, he's a good character. He's got enough humor, a nice design and he's intimidating as all hell. And he's determined to prove he's better than the LoV.

All in all it's a good clash. Though the liberation army got wasted in this arc, it was final arc material I mean we're talking about a hundred thousand soldiers.

How many more generations of OfA do you think users will be able to manage? Izuku can barely hold it despite all his training, as the energy keeps accumulating over time won't some users fucking explode just from trying to activate it? Maybe they'll make it so he loses the stored power near the end and has to rely on the extra quirks to fight.

YouTube and the current social climate just wouldn't allow it. Fuck I still remember the laughs I had when me and my friend where watching it. The dumbass decided to turn the volume up to max on my laptop when watching episode 2. The part where the guy was forced to read the script was playing and we where in public.

Stain was the first really likeable villian that hinted at the kind of world and story that is popular in superhero style comics the world over.
He's an unintential deconstruction of the 90's superhero and the all of your heroes are trash because they aren't the real deal non hypocritical deal.
Hearbroken adolescents who were upset that the other adults and even they themselves were not as great as the person they idolized, kind of thing as well.
Really resonated with the audience.
Then hori's pussboy editor probably told him RESPECT YOUR ELDERS AND SOCIETY and they dropped that juicy as fuck plotline that could have expanded upon the universe in the worst way possible.
It was poignant but it was so bitter and trash that it left a bad taste in the mouth of everyone who read it.
Then there was Gentile being the Carmen Sandiego and funny dashing rogue and potential first real useable archvillian of deku(no shiggy isn't a good villian and is unuseable as an arch villian).

Boku no bad history for villian no he's shit and unfun
Just over the top super violent pricks and the nice sweet little good folks being incapable of fighting them and lving in a world that is almost completely closed off from them.

It's not even a fun superhero style teen hero universe. It's like a toothless kiddyfied modern teen titans without the comedy where they occasionally have vilians fromSspawn show up and murder and rape everything.
He's fucking up the balance of the world

I love that he's acknowledging that the powers of the characters impact their personality/give rise to their powers.
But I hate how unfair the world is in dealing with that.
The only place this is even talked about is when dealing with shinso...the kid who can talk to people.
IF this was a part of what drives deku and he thinks that quirks can be good but also bad and try to talk no jutsu some of the badguys into being good or at the very least stop being bad...

Trips don't lie

Knowing about the characters is what makes them interesting. You cannot care about a character that you know nothing about.

Wanting to rush through to the action will just have people complaining that they don't care about any of it because the characters are all uninteresting and there is no info about them. Learn some patience.

I thought it was because when you get the quirk you get a temporary pseudo quirk where can stock pile power.
And what allmight was doing was running down his own stored stockpile of power till he completely ran out and was running on pure will and hope in his fight against the walking yet still horribly powerful corpse that used to be called AfO.


That's not my argument though. We don't need to know that much about Ochako (and many other students) because the story is not about them (yes, despite the name of the series).

this isn't one piece

You don't need SOL to give us information about the characters.

He was stupid fast, his first action in the story was moving too quick for Tsuyu and Deku to follow.
He got shot in every limb and managed to recover quickly. Then again the BNHA world has super medicine.As far as stamina goes, we've rarely seen him fight, so that was an unknown.

If he disintegrates things around him as he lands, then he'll have a soft landing.

A normal punch from All Might was almost as strong as one of Deku's 100% body breaking hits. And All Might could actually fight.
All Might was less a hero, and more a Pagan God of Justice.

i love everyone in this thread!

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It COULD have.
Problem is that they went full fucking shounen with a story that blew up in popularity in spite of there being no big crazy ass power level ceiling and blowing up moons and shit.

Yeah it was hype seeing deku blow up that robot.
But it would have been hype to see deku show off some crazy super speed jumping really high and putting a small buick sized dent into the side of the robot.
Nothing crazy just abnormal strength and a slowly growing body.
Moments of OFA tier strength should have been a massive FUCK YOU that completely crippled him and left him broken and bed ridden for days and even months.

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I want a spinoff about Mirio's quirkless adventures

That would be great....if class 1A was fucked and losing against a gang of bad guys while Deku and Bakugo was fighting their abnormally powerful leader.
Have those guys show up with a pic like that and have them show up like gaara and his siblings in the sasuke chase

>left him broken and bed ridden for days and even months.
That would've invalidated his training, though. He'd immediately fall behind any hope of competing with the current class as well.

I think in BNH individuals with quirks are just generally stronger physically then regular people. It kinda makes sense because for lots of them being durable enough to tank the recoil of their quirks is necessary so they don't get all busted or die. I might be wrong but at least that's the impression I get and it sorta explains stuff like Shigaraki's or Toga's speed and agility, as well as how half the students aren't dead by now.

I always wondered: is that Mirio being cucked by OH?

user, unless this dude has been partially enahanced with nomu shit...that's bullshit

Deku was able to partially keep up with AM during his fight with the Nomu.
Shiggy was not.

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You bet it is

Mirio has another gf, she's just not present

We need to know about them because otherwise the cast will feel incomplete.

Only having 'what is needed' for a story makes it feel incomplete. We don't need most things in most stories, but without them they wouldn't be cohesive.

No but SoL is a way to do it that doesn't get in the way of a bigger picture. If you interrupt a large battle or something to include info on a character that hurts the story far more than if you decided to take an aside from the plot and show that backstory separately. SoL allows for the inclusion of inane garbage that is integral to character and world building and making the story complete.

How precious

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>No, Naruto for exemple by this chapter number was already done with Naruto vs Sasuke, and the direction of the show was well stablished.
No it was not, Sasuke had left and now Naruto wasn't even focused on being the Hokage which is what was what the manga was focused on since the beginning than Part 2 came about and it became a MotW with the Akatsuki where nothing really happened for a good while since they had vague goals and Naruto had became a obessed bitch for Sasuke you then remember that he had not done anything to achieve his goal so nothing really has happened.

>BnH still a directionless mess because Hori just makes random arcs

MHA is about Deku's journey to become a hero, last arc was another training course with the cast that showcased how everyone had grown through the course of the year and Deku reveals another aspect of OfA he didn't know, How the fuck is any of that off track? Even this arc focusing on Shiggy does more for the narrative and themes of the series than anything post Chunnin Arc in Naruto.

>There is no real end goal for the mc or cats in general to achieve.

>They want to be heroes, sure, but they already are sort of.
They're not dumbfuk, they haven't graduated and are still vastly inexperienced. Deku has only managed to get out of situations thanks to the help of outside forces and thus far has only beaten one villain by himself which wasn't even a fucking villain.

They being the stupid bitch that you are you won't argue this and you're more than likely going to spout a meme or greentext because you're that fucking predictable.

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Shittiest arc.

>the cast will feel incomplete
What do you mean by "incomplete"? Every story got main characters, support cast and bg chracters. They all require different level of development. What's appropriate for Deku is way too much for Yanagi

I don't know how I feel about that.

And you can insert that sol when the story allows for it.
Doing slice of life after this arc would be detrimental.

Deku has never defeated a Nomu.

You just love talking out your ass don't you?

Stain was totally an intentional deconstruction of that archetype.
Its just that that archetype is not very deep nor interesting.

If Ochako can make herself float doesn't that mean that shigaraki can kill himself almost instantly with his quirk?


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Dumbass user arrived and he's on an autistic rampant it seems.

those Nomus would be small fry compared to Kaijuhaul

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t. dumbass user false flagging

It could go the SBR way of the big villain being beaten through something that the heroes cannot replicate, but a lesser but closer connected villain being the final boss.

Which one?

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Talking out your ass it is then.


Good to see that the senator lives on

I just made this. Thoughts? I actually really like that i used an anime picture for Deku so it shows how bright his future is compared to Shigaraki.

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his overhaul quirk could probably beat the regeneration the nomus have

Shiggy, to judge from his reactions and expression, was seeing what was going on during the AM / Nomu slugfest well enough to know Nomu was losing. Shiggy has tremendous speed, we've seen this plenty of times. You saying "No he doesn't because that conflicts with my head canon!" is, well...

And how do we know what quirks AfO put in him? He's got Decay; can you provide any proof that's ALL he's got?

Go to bed user

You know he can't.

punished Shiggy makes me feel fucking bad. I want to help him

We've seen him stay awake for a month and a half, for all except 3 hours every 48, fighting Giga in constant combat. If that's not stamina, I don't know what is.

That panel with his Sister hit way too close

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>literally any character can spawn a new power out of the blue because "muh evolution"

Boy I can't wait for Deku to get an invulnerability quirk and watch you faggots defend it

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I don't get it

A person like Kirishima or Shouji would have been able to handle OfA fine, just due to their strength/durability.
If All Might gave it to Endeavor it would be similar.

Deku for all of his training was just barely adequate to house the quirk when he got it. If he had trained for like another year he would have been better able to handle it.

he's a poor kid
it's a fate i'd not wish upon anyone
shame the first one to get to him was AfO who is well within his capabilities to orchestrate it

No need for more quirks, we got Stain who is also like very fast. Having a quirk in this world is not required to be super fast or durable for that matter

shiggychako is canon

>yfw 'lmao toe joint no quirks for you' will be used as a plot point
>that will make both Deku and Shiggy go 'was I lied to?'



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>Deku had a quirk all along
lol subversion isn't hacky at all

I wonder if Shiggy phisical feats are only because of training or Doctor messed with him a little, the actual villain from Vigilantes has his body modified without various quirks thing, just surgery and drugs.

Also I wonder if he will end being one of the High Ends.

Would have stopped have given real consequences to his whole mad man deku while giving him something to work with and work towards slowly over time.
High level basic strength speed durability stamina.
Basically captain america with a small boost of power that would need a shit ton of food to keep going and sleeps like a corpse.
His 100% PLUS ULTRA SMASH stuff will in fact cripple him severly and make him bedridden for a long time.
Yes healgirl(I forget the old ladies name) can heal him up or speed up the recovery faster then what OfA is(supposedly) doing.
But the very real possibility of being crippled and incapable of continuing the fight being killed in a fight or worse being a burden that causes the death of someone else will temper him and make the OFA full power attacks far more special. Something that Hori can build up in story.

Going full x-men with it huh?

So how long until theres some porn of Shiggy's sis. She's pretty cute.

Pretty hard to make sticky dust look cool man

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why? its only 2 am
he deserved better

Fanbase is gay and ignores its delicious lolis

>only 2 am
you need your rest

reminder that shiggy is a trans woman

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cute, and dare i say it, canon

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How do you manage to make everything worse? Is it just your presense or you're doing something special?

but i usually go to sleep at 5 am so i dont need to sleep yet. nice trips btw

Do we ever see an x-ray of Deku's feet other than the one provided by the doctor working with AfO? In fact, wouldn't doctors question why this kid who obviously has a quirk also has the defining trait of a quirkless person on one of the multiple times he goes to the hospital?
I'm not saying the whole "quirk stolen at birth/childhood" thing is real, just that the only evidence we have of him being quirkless is shady at best due to who provided it.

Cute kid, shame she crumbled to nothing as Shiggy was freaking out over likely just having crumbled their father and tried to calm him by holding his hand.

If the LA did this right, they've severed all normal means of communication and have jammers around the city blocking radio, cellphone, and satellite signals. Nobody - not the people stopped at the roadblocks, not any non-LA members in the city, not the LoV themselves - can call for help. Everything's shut down until ReDestro gives the word.

reminder to fuck your sister

1.Naruto only became good once he stopped his stupid bullshit about wanting to be the first abject retard hokage for no reason other then wanting people to stop treating him poorly.
The series shown in the side stories and side characters. Not slavishly following the dumb ass me want to be hokage thing.

2.You show your wannabe hero doing what is considered heroic in their universe and to the audience.
You don't show him going to school and having festivels and other dulls bullshit designed to make the eternally school enslaved japanese youths feel okay about their wasted adolesence.

Naruto wanted to be hokage correct. Then why not continue going to school and learning basic ninjitsu..
What's that?
No one liked the ninja school bullshit and they dropped that like a "goldstar" blonde dyke with a phat ass drops her panties at her totally platonic horse dicked friend Jamal's bedroom?

Now show the fucking kids having advengtures with random established superheros and not school field trips and bullshit like that.

what are you talking about? im not the mirio guy

>mirio eats eri out like a burrito
Based, I mean, basado

how can females be heroes if they get periods?

I mean I'd expect he did get x-rays because he got broken so many times but who knows.
I don't think Deku still has a quirk if he ever had one. If he did, AfO took it from him.

there aren't any proper Miruko doujins yet and one user couldn't wait and made his own Setsuna smut. also since it's Shiggy's sis. loli is very frowned upon nowadays. so you'll never see any porn of her for maybe a year or 2 to never ever forever.

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>naruto became good
I'm confused by this

How old do you think Hana was? She's pretty perfect so I'd say seven.

How do you eat out a burrito, you goddamn autist?

I'll draw up a comparison for you. Take Naruto, given that it is often compared to BNHA.
Most of the cast of Naruto is underutilized and pointless. That is to a great detriment to the story because even secondary characters that are very important are undeveloped (Rin for example or Minato or Kushina).
This makes the story feel incomplete when you cannot describe more than half the characters, who cares that Pain destroyed the Village if you didn't know anything about almost everyone in it. The world feels underdeveloped and extraneous when you don't know anything about it or its inhabitants.

For BNHA the case is similar. Why should you, the reader, care about anyone thats not one of the main characters if you don't have any info about them. If for example, UA is attacked why should I care about any of it if most of the people in there are useless and without character.

Because of this a good writer develops even the background characters so that they matter to the reader.

The kind of SoL that has been going on hasn't been great, but if we had an arc where the characters are all shown coming to terms with and reacting to the changing world, then that would be great development-wise. Characters just talking and interacting is one of the most overlooked parts of story telling.
People get caught up in big things like 'plot' or 'development' but just showing that your characters are human with their own opinions and lives is integral to a well crafted story.

>1.Naruto only became good
Stopped reading there

Oh user, if you like loli in any way shape or form you're automatically miriofag since apparently he's the only one who can appreciate lolis.

>Going full x-men with it huh?
I mean, durable bodies are pretty much a necessity with some of these quirks. I'm fairly sure even a buff athlete would get pretty fucked up from firing huge explosions from his hands, yet at most Bakugo feels some pain if he uses them too much.

why doesnt he just cut one of his fingers off?

problem solved

How do we know he didn't run into AfO sometime between his appearance in Vigilantes and becoming Hero Killer Stain? If I was AfO and I became aware of a madman who wanted to kill heroes, and had the drive and charisma to pull it off and make a major impact on Hero Society, I'd be happy to give him any quirks I might have around that could help, especially speed and strength.

>shpo is the best chance at Hana smut

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Ask Mirio, he's the one doing it.

>I think in BNH individuals with quirks are just generally stronger physically then regular people.

but 80% of the people have quirks and we've seen quirkless people fight against people with quirks in the vigilantes manga.

Shpo is a faggot, he doesn't draw loli.

agescaled is better than nothing

>loli is very frowned upon nowadays
Where the fuck is this bizarro world you speak of?

>Because of this a good writer develops even the background characters so that they matter to the reader.
Who put that idea inside your head and told you it's valid? The author develops the character they find important or intetresting. Just because you like a design or a power of some support or bg character doesn't mean the story's gonna become better if they get more focus. In fact, it can get less focused.

user, stain was in the manga for all of a day.
And he's STILL more liked and interesting then Shiggy. In spite of how many pages are wasted on him.

Stain is bad news as a character for the people in the MHA verse. Espescially if he becomes a sentient nomu with AM tier power.

>Also I wonder if he will end being one of the High Ends.
Nah, he will get AfO quirk.
What I'm thinking about it that could Twice make clones of various people so AfO can steal their quirks?

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doubt it. i've not seen any lewd Eri or other loli stuff by Shpo. unless i'm missing another site that he uploads to.

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I'm asking you cause you're saying it. Or do you say shit you don't even understand?

I'm saying it because mirio is doing it. He's eating her burrito alright.

here, there is a movement. a movement that comes from other places.

Read slower

I don't think he's into lolis. Unfortunate.

I want to bite Aizawa's nose!

You're saying it because you've no idea how to use words. "Eating out a burrito". You stupid motherfucker.

A movement that doesn't matter in the slightest. Japan won't change its love for loli, no matter how many westernfags complain.

>rEaD SlOwEr

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Read slower

- >

He's eating eri out (aka cunnylingus) like a burrito (burrilingus).

I don't follow vigilantes, but I don't get what the 80% part has to do with me saying individuals with quirks might be stronger than regular people. And it could be stronger as in they have naturally more resilient bodies or simply they have a higher ceiling than non-quirked individuals, so someone like Izuku's mother who doesn't train is gonna be regular fat human tier but someone like the students who trains all the time might go beyond what a regular person in the same circumstances could reach.

no need to complain when you can just control the Internet(google(since most normalfags use it)) and what gets shown/uploaded.

>wow, it's nothing.
Never expect loli from him.

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Stain is liked because he wasn't around long enough for people to realize how fucking stupid his beliefs were.

You sound like child challenged by the intellectual demands of life

Y-you too

>Now show the fucking kids having advengtures with random established superheros and not school field trips and bullshit like that.
>school field trips
>a training camp with 6 pro heroes, including an established 4 hero team
>that is immediately followed by a villain attack and fighting
What the fuck else do you want you stupid motherfucker?

>all this growth for shiggy
How do you think he's gonna look once all this shit is done with and he sleeps for like a month to recover?
Will he still look like a dying person or do you think he'll class up a bit like AfO?

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congrats you uploaded one of the few Loli Eri bits done by Shpo. if he were to do loli he'd have done so already. if he doesn't, whatever. there are plenty of other fags out there.

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1.Everyone could see the Nomu losing.
2.I mean he couldn't really follow AMs speed when he turned it on.
3.He doesn't have a quirk from AfO because he's sane. Two quirks in one body in canon fuckes people up. In a they are now braindead or retarded way. Not "WHEN I WAS YOUNG" emofag kind of way.

Lastly, everyone can't get abnormal physical prowess in the world from just training. There has to be something else too it or AMs speech to Deku on the rooftop will just seem assholish...unless he says that because Deku gives off the soft fanboy who's never ever tried to do anything in his life and was clinging to a hero fantasy rather then trying to make it real.
And being a Hero is REAL SHIT NIGGA unlike the fantasy that he showed him of AM.

I wonder why Hori dropped that though.
The broken down ugly used up battle scarred AM telling a kid who'd end up killing himslef or broken in a way that would make him the next great villian or antihero that his hero hopes are a fantasy.
I liked that he hinted back to that kind of thing with Stain and how he has a subtle disdain for the popularity contest that is the hero world

This is the smartest thing posted in this thread. Why do so many people have difficulty getting this?

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Mirio is such a lucky guy!

I really want a scene in the future where Izuku's mom is in danger and mirroring the times when he was a kid she calls for help and he comes and saves her, and she gets to see her son act like the hero he always wanted to be.

That would be more interesting then HE AM TRAIN REALLY HARD.
Dude is AfO's cocksleeve/spiteful project that he was building up to take down AM and then take down the society AM built.
Problem is that the nomu was incomplete and Shiggy is an absolute retard.
God I wish he was just completely deluded and actded as if he were a real supervillian ala comic books and honestly believed in the shit AfO spewed about hero's vs villians.
Much better then this meandering nonsense.

An author just focusing on what is necessary to a plot doesn't provide a good story. Only focusing on important characters has the same consequence.

If Catch 22 didn't include all that pointless nonsense about the rest of the soldiers the story would suck. If No Country for Old Men didn't waste time on inane conversations the same thing would happen. If BNHA doesn't include pointless details about the its cast and waste time on things that don't move the plot forward the exact same thing would occur as well.
A cohesive and interesting world is built out of pointless information.

He's just gonna get shot again.

>The kind of SoL that has been going on hasn't been great, but if we had an arc where the characters are all shown coming to terms with and reacting to the changing world, then that would be great development-wise. Characters just talking and interacting is one of the most overlooked parts of story telling.
>People get caught up in big things like 'plot' or 'development' but just showing that your characters are human with their own opinions and lives is integral to a well crafted story.

Hear hear.

People should consider Harry Potter. Rowlings started off with SoL in the Wizard World, letting us know what was normal and routine and allowing us to learn about the personalities of the characters. AND to start seeing some of the flaws. As things got worse and worse, we could appreciate how bad things were getting by how much the SoL bits were changing...

By who?!

People are just stronger in BNHA. Thats just how things are.
Its way easier to show action on a page when things are exaggerated and over-the-top than to draw things realistically.

this but Deku apologizing to Inko after he fails to rescue her.

Attached: 21.jpg (890x317, 83K)

Dude just lost half of his actual hand and probably broke half of his bones, plus he lost most of his "emotional support" hands. I doubt this nigga will be able to move for several weeks.


Sure. Doesn't mean we need to know more about Ochako or any particular student. Or that we need more SoL.

Someone write an Eri lewd fic

user, stain's "ideal" has been discussed constantly since his introduction.
Of course how it's bad.
Most of the bad comes from how it was applied and the way hori decided to kill it by making it the ramblings of a lone nut rather then someone who had something to say/was burned by hero society.

>set rules for a character's quirk
>break them for no reason because muh technicality
>act surprised when nobody cares anymore because the universe's rules will just change on a dime to suit the narrative
Next arc his entire body will dissolve whatever it touches!

raping Deku

Knowing more about Ochako turns the reader's reaction to seeing her in danger from, 'Oh Deku's future baby maker is in danger, how terrible' to, 'Oh this character who we've spent time on learning about their traits and wants, and have grown to understand is in danger, thats awful'.
It makes things more impactful.

>1.Everyone could see the Nomu losing.

We the viewers could see it. Deku could see it. Shiggy could see it. But keep in mid how fast Nomu and All Might could move. For everyone else, that was probably a blur.

>2.I mean he couldn't really follow AMs speed when he turned it on.

He couldn't match it. That doesn't mean he's not extremely fast in his own right.

>3.He doesn't have a quirk from AfO because he's sane. Two quirks in one body in canon fuckes people up. In a they are now braindead or retarded way. Not "WHEN I WAS YOUNG" emofag kind of way.

Really? Have you told All for One this? Deku? (oh my seven rubber quirks!), Nana or any of the previous OfA holders who had their own quirks AND OfA? Shoto? Giga? It would seem that while having more than one quirk CAN mess certain people up, there are others who can handle it just fine. That Shiggy is the descendant of one of those people, and therefore might have also been able to handle having many quirks, might well have been what actually attracted AfO's attention to him...

Well, if she's ever gonna be a damsel in distress, I will accept some Ochako focus as beneficial to the story, even though we've already had some.

Because those 80% of people with quirks don't matter.

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Oh certainly. I'm saying AFTER he gets his extended nap in.
Like, next time we see Shiggy at full health, how do people think he'll look?


Well done, user. Well done.

The SOL parts should be soft contained superhero missions or the kids are out talking to people or doing some project on their own and then they have to bust out their provisional hero license to help mountlady or some other hero take on a small gang of bad guys or stop a robbery or help with a massive accident while the other heroes are across the city/town/state fighting some huge powerful villian or monster that was left over from some quirk war or something.

The kids dealing with the fall out of a major war and helping out rather then another boring field trip or inner class gym fight or something.

Give them a taste of the real world and show them interacting with the normies and how they feel about them their powers and them being future heroes.
Not a test where they save people but them actually helping people who're stuck in a building and it having consequences.

Everything doesn't need a massive battle or some crazy ass boost in power to be powerful and move the audience.

Deku's reactions to AM as a kid and his life with his mother did more to engraciate him to the audience then him doing a 10000000000% smash or get a trillion new powers could ever do. Following the shounen formula does hori no favors in many cases.

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Ok, here goes:
>Midoriya goes visit Eri in his off time
>she's happy to see him and goes in for a hug
>but because of how tiny she is, her head is just on the height of his crotch
>she's too young to know better and too happy to care so she just pushes her face against it
>Midoriya gets a California Chub while he desperately fights to keep it from becoming the San Francisco Spear
>meanwhile the bald OfA user manifests and tells Deku he also had a very young wife, who he taught love to using his black whip
>"Those were different times, my boy"

>rocket fist

2.5 years later and pic related is STILL the definitive moment the series went off the cliff

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So, if Twice can clone someone to do blood transfusion, would a clone last long enough to do a hand transplant? Because he's gonna need it


I can't believe I once had faith in BnHA to not devolve into just another shounen

tumbnail looks like moot

The quirk works fine apparently like that, so honestly, a finger prothesis might already work out, no?


Nah, he will probably be even more messy. This neet will never be as classy as AfO, I mean he can't even clip his nails and clean his teeth.

She doesn't need to be a damsel at all. Regardless, Ochako was just an example.

If say Hagakure was taken hostage by the league next arc, would you truly care.
Probably not.
But if we instead got some Hagakure development, and we grew to understand her as a character and like her, and only then a few arcs down the road she was taken hostage, it would have a much greater effect.

This isn't DB.
Shiggy doesn't get the ability to see AM moving at full speed because he trained really hard.
hell even in db being good enough to see people moving fast is a power in and of itself and means you can physically keep up.
Shiggy couldn't see shit, Deku could see it all.

Lastly, OfA isn't a quirk. It's a symbiotic life form that travels from person to person for unknown reasons and in unknown ways.
And shoto and giga don't have two diferent quirks.
They have one quirk that is a fire and ice quirk and a quirk that is...fuck knows what giganto has going on.
I mean two or more seperate quirks.
It was a thing in the beginning of the manga.
They spoke about what happened to people when he gave them more then one quirk and how only nomus can handle a fuckton of quirks .

No, a broken bone is enough to destroy a clone.

The problem there is, clones turn to goop if they take too much damage. Break a bone, hit them too hard, that's it. Could you surgically remove a clone's hand without killing it? We don't know...

Yeah, thank god he fired that editor.

Taking an invisible person as a hostage sounds like a really bad idea.

Giga does have more and separate quirks than whatever makes Giga, Giga.
It was mentioned in his intro after exploding out of the ground.

oopsie forgot image

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Oh shit evil bad guy, must stop him!
>Punch but no effect
Damn he/she's really strong! I need to focus!
>Punch harder!
What's this guy's limit?! I can't defeat him like this!

What a shitty manga and anime.

>fire SoL editor
>manga becomes babysitting arc

So he's the only person in the series not named AfO or a Nomu who has more then one quirk.

So AfO experimented on him and he was physically strong enough to handle multiple quirks? Okay.

I think the broken bone thing is more physical impact shock than anything else. Surgically removing a hand from a clone under sedation seems like it would be less "damaging" in a sense than actively breaking a bone

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But if we spend all that time with her and every other characters and there nothing happens with them while the plot's going in a completely different direction then there's no point to it all. It's not like you can make every one of your side charaters unique and original. You focus on the few and leave everyone else kinda vague.

>same height as a 6 years old

>The arc will end on Shiggy getting some sleep.
>Since we get no direct follow up on Shiggys status, how injured he got and Hori overdoing it people will shitpost that Shiggys fucking died.
>The other half will hold onto him just sleeping.

You just know it will happen.

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Yeah, thats what makes him so important.
Guys who can get big aren't all that rare on their own. Guys who can take multiple Quirks without breaking are very very rare.

user, the SoL stuff was the weakest part of the Manga at that point.
Baku beating even 5% deku in a contest of strength was pure bullshit and threw any and all powerlevels and common sense out of the window.
No one talks about that nonsense for a reason.
It was bad.
The gay baiting ended after he was gone as well.

>tfw it's revealed at the end that the traitor is secretly All Might
>he did it because he realized people relying on him as the symbol of peace is a terrible thing and wanted to help them stand on their own

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I love you more!

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He seems to naturally been capable of holding multiple quirks, so the Nomu process if anything would be due to finding someone like this AFO&Doc trying to reproduce the effect.

>editor leaves
>Hori gives in his age gap fetish
Yes I'm thinking he's based

Seven different separate quirks, six of them not a part of OfA but passed along at the same time. Deku.

Multiple different separate quirks. AfO.

Giga. This discussion has been had before. The translation makes it clear, he has multiple different quirks, apparently some given him by AfO. And while he is strange, he's not mindless. In fact, he's pretty smart in a FE FI FO FUM way.

>Baku beating even 5% deku in a contest of strength
>contest of strength
God damn at this point I don't know if it's speedreaders, underage fags with minimal comprehension skills or legitimate retards. Maybe it's a combination.

>arc ends
>the VA go back into storage for two years
>everyone forgets about Shiggy because he isn't here
Fixed that for you

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Mirio and Eri out on their honeymoon consummating their marriage

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>includes a tranny for the SJWs
>portrays it as an ugly abomination
>kills it off without ever giving it a proper backstory or any relevance
He's always been based

how can a psycho murderer look this cute?

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I mentioned earlier the issue with the kind of SoL used in the story, and recommended a good (in my opinion) alternative style.
The side characters don't have to be totally fleshed out or unique, but they do have to have established personalities and traits if the author is going to include them. A vague and undefined character is worse than no character at all.

>pretending Tiger doesn't exist and isn't fucking Pixie-Bob

But that was when monji was still in charge

>Chisaki "Splatter the tranny" Kai.
>Chisaki "Identifies as corpse now" Kai.
>Chisaki "make a spill of the mentally ill" Kai
>Chisaki "Fruit Ninja" Kai
>Chisaki "Splitter Splatter how you identify no longer matters" Kai
>Chisaki "XX or XY you're still gonna die" Kai
>Chisaki "Muddle your gender, get put through a blender" Kai
>Chisaki "splash the tranny onto every nook and cranny" Kai
>Chisaki 'Deconstructing deconstructed gender norms' Kai
>Chisaki "confused about your gender, jump into a blender" Kai
>Chisaki "turn you into gore if you don't want a dick anymore" Kai
>Chisaki "wanna transition? prepare for annihilation" Kai
>Chisaki "destroying Thailand by hand" Kai
>Chisaki "feeling fruity, become a smoothie" Kai
>Chisaki "killjoy of the ladyboy" Kai
>Chisaki "eternal slumber for the assmuncher" Kai
>Chisaki "swing the other way? Let me swing you away" Kai
>Chisaki "no respite for sodomites" Kai
>Chisaki "killing queer is the best career" Kai
>Chisaki "preferred pronoun? Prepare for a showdown" Kai
>Chisaki "Pop goes the Tranny“ Kai

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wow, you must love me a lot then, because i love you so much!

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I mean, has Toga REALLY actually killed anyone outside of self defense?

> they do have to have established personalities and traits if the author is going to include them
I'm pretty sure a lot of them have those

The epithet is supposed to rhyme with the last name.
Get it right next time.

Describe their honeymoon in full detail

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Shortstacks deserve to be purged on sight.
How utterly disgusting.

...Is that a actual question? She slashed some school kids throat to stick a straw in and drink from.

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So he's the only guy in the entire series who are able to stand having multiple quirks from AfO.

ALL of those motherfucking quirks are stored in OFA.
It is all a package fucking deal.
He doesn't have multiple fucking quirks in his godddamned body.
Just OFA and all of the power and powers that comes from it.
Same for Afo as a matter of fact


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What is with that nose?

>lol she likes Deku because her first victim looked like him
Bravo cuckri

Tiger is a man, he just dresses like that for the group, he's literally taking one for the team. He makes up for it by being hardcore 24/7.

>Injured him severely
Never actually killed him

What else is new

She likes Deku because he was beaten and bloody the first time she saw him

Okay better.

Them out in a city or "in the field" fighting against a badguy/badguy's flunkies or helping in a major disaster.
Not a fucking school trip.
Hori doesn't need to slavishly stick to them being in fucking school
Just call it field training or hands on training.

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Giran said in introducing her to Shiggy and Kurogiri that she was suspect on the run for serial murders involving blood drainage. Giran wouldn't make a mistake in that, and if she hadn't done the killings, he'd have let Shiggy know.

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Do you think the user who passes on OfA loses their native quirk too or do they keep it and just lose the stored power, while sending a copy of it along?

>Tiger is a man
Yes, he identifies as such

>Tiger is a man
Tiger is a tranny.

Attached: took a trip to thailand.png (516x810, 130K)

It was explained I think in one of those bios at the end of a chapter or something similar that Tiger is transsexual.


....Holy shit
That's a good question.
What did the other users of OfA get out of the quirk if that was the case.

>Injured him severely.

...I really need to read slower sometimes, what the hell?

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I dunno. But she's cute. In my top 5 waifs from here.
I do! I love you so so much!

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They keep their native quirk I am pretty sure. Wasn't Nana depicted as flying in one of the prequel chapters after already passing on OfA?

Wtf I hate Hori now

Tiger got a magic sex change from some quirk in Thailand

Read slower

I heard that in his voice haha


user..."He" is in a gay relatioship and getting HBO's OZ tier plowed by "his" boyfriend.

So do you think Hori intended Todoroki to have an inflated opinion of Momo due to Aizawa going easy on her?

Because as much as we make fun of Todoroki giving a speech about not underestimating Momo and then Momo immediately jobbing, it actually makes complete sense for Todoroki to think Momo is more competent than she actually is.

It's all Aizawa's fault

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Those clothes are *extremely* see through

thanks! you make me smile!

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>there are people in this thread who still don't know that they're reading a manga with two trans and lesbians
I mean...?


Is that body paint?

Look at all these characters who won't amount to anything

>said straight literally nowhere
just say you wanted to talk about your fetish and go

>then he took a trip to Thailand
What did he mean by this?

>What did the other users of OfA get out of the quirk if that was the case.
Well presumably they passed it on before dying or retiring, and while using it they got a power boost so it had it's advantages. Or mayybe they felt they weren't ready to win vs AfO yet so they would rather pass it along than risk losing it forever.

Fuck Hori might be smarter than all of us.
Holy shit.

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So he's a man? What does this change?

Shortstacks are truly disgusting, there’s something wrong with you if you like them.

I just want the mushroom girl to get more screentime, dammit

Sorry I am bringing up points you can't refute and that cause you to lapse into vulgarity and rage. Perhaps some day you'll be capable of expressing yourself well enough to make a convincing logical argument, instead of just restating your position over and over and insisting that's reality.

Where? Toga's bi and I don't remember anyone else

nothing it's just repeated whenever retards yell about Magne splatter meaning Hori is redpilled

I thought you went to Thailand to fuck traps, not transform into a beefcake this bizarro world?
Are you shitting me?
Short stacks are handcrafted by god and are funsized sex pots.

>Wasn't Nana depicted as flying in one of the prequel chapters after already passing on OfA?
No idea but that could just be the leftover power like with All Might.

Nejire and her lesbian bg character friend. Please note that telling you this will drag the Amajire self-insert retard out from hiding and there's nothing I can do about it.

>Momos jobbing is a result of Aizawa going easy.

I almost forgot he did that, Aizawa you incompetent idiot.

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But he has two trannies, one got splatty while the other gets to be a hero.

Thailand got weird after the biggest Ladyboy pimp turned out to be the MHA equivalent of Ivankov.

Exactly. It'd mean something if Tiger got splatted but since Magne was a bad guy anyway, who cares

I suspect none of the OfA users lived very long after they passed it on. I would assume their quirks went with OfA.

Doesn't explain AM though.

Are they really? It's just a meme

>Toga's bi
Toga is probably assexual given her interest is in blood and not any sort of contact that doesn't involve biting or stabbing people. She gave 0 fucks about being see naked even if it was another person's body.

i wonder what Tiger looked like before

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They are. It's about as blatant as you're going to get in a Jump, but it's still there. It matters literally not at all.

>So he's a man?
She's a woman who was transformed into a man.

I would guess that they lose it just because All For One works that way and they're heavily related quirks. Nana died while still benefitting from OFA after passing it on, so All Might wouldn't have known if she gave up her quirk into it.

>thinking novels are canon
Nejire didn't even look at Juju while she was flying, meanwhile you had tamaki giving her THE LOOK and going on about how pure she looked. Cope tranny.

Sorry, man, I don't believe you

Explain what about AM? He was quirkless so there's nothing to keep, his muscle form is just his prime body flexing and the vestiges of his connection to OfA.

see what I mean

Not asexual, pan-sexual (had to look this up) it doesn't matter what it is, she can become attracted to anything.

Probably always was a Absolute Unit.

Stay with your novels tranny, that is all you'll ever get.

I think Hori is just a hack

After all how dumb is it to have Momo gradually get better after her tournament humiliation and then invalidate that progress entirely for no valid reason?

In what way? He was able to keep using OfA through his residual access until he burned that completely out fighting AfO. He may be the first OfA user to outlive his hero status, and only because he beat AfO at the end.

The funny thing is how little an impact it has yet it still sends you into a frothy rage

Like a normal woman with a :3 face.

He didn't get transformed back user. He's a man and is continuing to be a man.

If it has so little impact you wouldn't even consider it, but you still use it to shill your nonexistent yuri shit.
You need to cope, tranny.

>user so insistent on hating trans people that he accidentally validates them

Yeah she can become attracted to anything that bleeds, but the key point is her attraction isn't sexual, it's purely psychotic. She feels good from drinking their blood yes, but she has shown no desire to perform any sexual acts with people, even those she shows an interest on. If there's a term to describe people who get sexual pleasure from consuming blood then that's the only thing that properly describes her.

Yuyu is an obvious lesbian outed by her appearance alone. Nejire we have nothing on whatsoever.

If you're born a woman with female DNA, develop a woman's brain, and are socialized as a woman, you're a woman.
If you have your body changed into that of a man at the genetic level, you still have the consciousness of a woman in a man's body.
If your consciousness is changed into that of a man, then you didn't become a man. You're functionally dead and a man took your place.

>still coping with yurishit and his failed self-insert
trust me, your constant hovering in the thread is why I mention it

>It's all Aizawa's fault
definitely, totally, for sure.

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I bet Tiger was built like a truck and had muscletits.

>If there's a term to describe people who get sexual pleasure from consuming blood

Your life is sad.

Tiger was Kirishima's mom

Shortstacks are disgusting. They’re neither healthy women nor are they little girls. They deserve to be purged.

A girl gets to molest these milkers

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Nice fanfic

Nejire is my daughter so stay away from her.

Nejire is excellent at fingering and eating out pussy with her spiral technique. No wonder she'll make some dyke a happy bride

What progress? When did she ever get better?
The only accomplishment I can recall was when she made the tracker to attach to the Nomu, but that wasn't a fight. Her utility skills were never in question.
Other than that, Aizawa went easy on her, she didn't have any fights for 2 real life years, and then she jobbed to Kendou.

i'm picturing Mia Grand from Danmachi

Not interested in your discussion but after rewatching S3 recently I love some of the questions she makes and how even the students themselves seem unsure about the answer, as well as her playing with Ashido's horns.

Keep writing fanfic, that will help you cope

Nejire's diet is exclusively pineapple and cranberry juice just like her girlfriend's

Jesus fuck they used an air pump

Why is everything in this manga so boring

because you have shit taste

BONES knows what sells, milkers and fujobait

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Because the hero's motivation is being a hero and the villain's motivation is destroying everything because he just wants to.

Uh yuyuroastie?

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>calls her a fairy faggot

>English lingo is the same as Japanese
That is why nobody will ever take you roasties seriously

what in the fuck

>Fairy faggot sucks clit
>Tamaki, a literal faggot for Mirio who will never look at him twice, commenting on her fagginess

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>Quad quads
Boku no Hater DESTROYED

Don’t worry Nejire is my daughter and she told me she is straight.

Is it just me or do these threads always treat one character's interest as 'proof' of a ship? So we have Yuyu and Amajiki both admiring Nejire, but nothing from Nejire herself so there's just nothing anyway.

One is written and drawn by the mangaka.
Another one is written by a roastie whose fanfics happen to be official, though not canon.
You make your choice.

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your daughter is very cool, Mrs./Mr. Hadou

Thank you I am sure she’ll find you cool too

>a roastie whose fanfics happen to be official, though not canon.
please explain

that's nice

BNHA novels are written by a woman who goes by the name "Anri". She panders to fujos and degenerates.

I don't give a shit, you are using Amajiki's interest to 'disprove' something between two completely other people who aren't affected by it. It's a logic fail. Do you not understand that Amajiki's feelings, romantic or not, are literally irrelevant even if whatever transpires between Nejire and her dykecut friend is from fanfiction?

>is the baiter
Of course

After rewatching S3 the United States of Smash scene is still fucking hype as hell and everything is on fucking point. I know Nana's speech is from a flashback but I like to think somewhere in the last remains of OfA he still had, she was cheering for All Might.

Don’t listen to him my daughter Nejire is NOT a lesbin.

But wouldn't 'Tranny' have less negative connotations within the BNHA-verse?

If there's a quirk like Overhaul out there then you could probably find someone with a quirk that lets them change anyone's gender pretty easily. The service fee is probably ridiculous but I think it'd be worth it for actual functioning female/male genitalia and not having to cake your face in makeup to hide your actual features. Also, when you have literal lizard people like Spinner and other horrific mutants walking around, a woman who decided to become a 100% biological male through quirk-surgery probably doesn't register as 'offputting' to most.

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