Almost a work of art.
Daily Sketchbook Chapter
Other urls found in this thread:
酸, san: acid, bitterness, sour, tart
産, san: products, bear, give birth, yield, childbirth, native, proper
That's all for today. I think bean paste should not be used.
Ryou asking the real questions.
But what's the real answer?
Thanks, user.
Interesting! Didn't know about chemical names in Japanese.
>But what's the real answer?
There is no real answer. That problem requires complex number arithmetic and most probably ends up with some irrotional parts in its result.
thanks OP
Real answer is that it's neither. Such feature is called estuary.
I... Have done this before, too.
>Remaining energy
Yeah... that, too.
>On the shoulder...
That has happened to me (but it was a leaf that had fallen in my head).
Such a relatable manga. Thanks, OP.
>Such feature is called estuary.
You mean "estonia"?
strained is pretty good, mashed is not.
i had a ripe fig fall on my head, couldn't get it all out for hours.
Hey OP, I don't always open these threads as I don't like re-reading anything.
But I hope you keep doing what you're doing.
This is a great series and I love it, I cannot wait for the rest of the work to be translated.
But neither is better still.
>Can you tell like that...?
Wait, you don't?
Thanks. I have no idea what you should do with bean paste.
>I have no idea what you should do with bean paste.
Paste beans onto one another, obviously.
Silly me, thanks for the enlightment user.
It's a river, not a stone!
What's the difference?
Left is literally me.
Sketchbook is truly the epitome if sol.
I don't want to swim in a stone.
Negishi musst be amazing for hate sex.
He just needs a girl who would be I to that.
Negishi is the male version of a tsundere.
More like Angrydere.
Why not? You're not making any sense.
All the rocking makes me seasick.
Have you tried medication against that?
I've heard that smoking seaweed helps.
How do you light it underwater?
With the fire of a lanternfish's lantern, of course.
Aren't the modern ones all electric?
Maybe. But I'm sure you can find a more old-fashioned lanternfish if you ask around a bit.
That's an awful lot of work just to go swimming.
(Anyway, gotta go to bed now. See you.)
The seabed?
How do their brain works?
This picture brings peace to my heart. Do you have more?
Shit quality batteries tend to be lighter than good quality batteries, but weight does not change when discharging.
I dont want it to end....
>tfw it's actually the official final chapter
I fully expected you to link to some adult doujinshi or something.
I love these threads. Not only for the sketchbook dumps, but also because the conversations you guys have are entertaining. Thanks for making them OP.
>adult doujinshi
>weight does not change when discharging
It actually does, but by amounts so small you could never measure it.
isn't that normal? I've honestly had conversations like this plenyu of times. Am I the weird one?
I appreciate the selection bias here given the oddity of Yea Forums and then multiplying it by the sketchbook readership.
except for certain batteries.
the art style change is significant
I do think some artists are better at analogue art rather than digital itt's always a shame when they make a transition...they have to learn an entirely new drawing medium.
>except for certain batteries.
Only for certain batteries! Because uncertain batteries don't even have a defined weight.
I'm satisfied.
certain batteries use chemical bonds with oxygen they can recharge by sort of breathing unless I'm completely misremembering it probably only a small value though
Is there any series that's been running 10+ years that hasn't had a significant art style change?
every style changes
SYD is fairly consistent give or take
I think those two would fit right in on Yea Forums.
Which board for each sketchbook?
Oh my, daily Sketchbook came back while I wasn't looking. That means it's a good time to dump these chapters that may otherwise never see the light of day. Please don't upload these anywhere else though, just in case. Mangadex starts from 149. I've got 150-158, but no 151. Sorry in advance.
Why not to upload them? where are they from?
Basically unfinalized products our group was working on. The final products may come out, and we'd like those to be uploaded, since most sites won't bother to replace the old with the new.
Habanero? are you guys still in contact? it'd be nice if you were
To my knowledge, Habanero is a group of individual groups with no real intercommunication aside from their sites uploader. Out little 3 man group has been out of commission for about a year and a half, sadly.
I see, so you don't happen to have scripts anywhere? or psds and raws?
Pretty nice. But can't you make a MEGA-archive or something like that with them? Dumping them in here kinda dirupts the flow of the early chapters being dumped daily.
There has been some talk here about picking translations back up. You may want to check out
All I've got are the typeset translations from the threads a few years ago, like
They all use the same OP picture if I remember right, so you can find the rest with that.
I'll try after this chapter, I suppose.
I'll certainly look into this. I didn't even know the series had ended until this thread, so now if the perfect time to finish up translations.
found a Kate lood
someone upload it here
What are they doing there? And why?
so many dead images in the archive
Here's the promised MEGA with chapters 152-158. Let me know if I've screwed something up somewhere.
translations for 150 & 151
fireden might have images
yeah fireden has intact images
Thanks, user. It's appreciated.
not a dump user but I thought I'd look for stuff
Secret technique! Customizing!
That's all for today. I wish my bank had something like Fukuda Tokunosuke as a logo. All I get are some boring wavy lines.
Thanks, user.
>I wish my bank had something like Fukuda Tokunosuke as a logo.
No idea where you're from, but some German banks do have mascots! Pic related.
He doesn't look bad with a mustache.
I'd rather have a decent bnk
lloyds has a black horse and they used to give out these weird troll toys
which is the one with the meercat?
That's not cute enough. Are German banks run by flurries?
>Are German banks run by flurries?
Do you really have to ask?
shitty way to sell insurance
Thanks as always.
I hope she never finds a gacha game about cats.
I wonder if that's how the president's going to look in like 30 years.
Ho-How do you even eat a lemon like this? Kamiya is truly the strongest sketchbook.
And have a wallpaper I got from sending a comment to Mag Garden about the final chapter. There are other resolutions if anyone's interested, but this is as big as it gets. Too bad it's .jpg.
You can't expect anything else from Japan.
Yeah, for some reason nips don't really seem to care much about image quality and such as we do.
I was actually going to post that to the merch user who I was talking with the other thread. I wish those were for sale.
other series would have been her butt
artists self joke
Has there been a series that actually did that?
Yes, quite a few.
Don't pick on her. It's already bad enough that she has heartbreak.
Minami-ke had Kana butt
Nekokoneko has gone off the shits
Hazuki A cute
Type A cute.
What's the best way to get my own Hazuki? I was thinking of putting a sign on my house that says "rice 10 yen/kg".
I think Hazuki would be careful enough to suspect at how cheap that is.
But if I set it at a low but reasonable price, she'll get lost in the flood of obaa-sans.
Obaa-sans are your best ally here, be full upstanding nhard working nice guy and get a few of them to introduce you to their grandaughter or family member's daughters
But he wants a Hazuki, not some random girl.
Say you get 5 obaa-sans with maybe 2-3 kids on average each so that's 10-15 kids then for the next generation that could be 20-30 grandkids giving about 10-15 granddaughters, now add onto this all the obaa-san's networked friendss and family and their connection to potential Hazuki's of marriagable age
Plus who do you think trained Hazuki to shop?
Those odds seem too low. I can't put up with Tanaka-san complaining about her daughter-in-law when I could get the same odds searching door to door.
this method might get you an actual date instead of a rejection
But if it's not the right girl, there's no point.