Hotori demands another season.
Soredemo Machi wa Mawatteiru
There being no /ss/ doujins of her and her brother should be illegal.
Takeru belongs to Ebi.
fuck that he has much more interesting shit going on now that would benefit from an anime.
I would kill for a Tengoku Daimakyou anime.
Translations never.
wtf he's just like Inumaru from Gosenzo-sama
this garbage didnt deserve a first season
I never knew I needed this
Nigger it's say above average SoL
What didn't you like about it? I thought it did everything very well.
Literally one of Shaft's best productions you plebeian.
It got licensed by Fakku's non-h publisher, so yeah, translations never.
Since when was she so busty?
Fukka got her own anime? gonna check it out
It varies.
Damn I forgot how fine Hotori was. Too bad she's a baka.
>Too bad she's a baka.
That's her charm point
what does the shirt say
Not OP, but I believe it says Hollywood.
Keyword being believe because I fucking hate reading Katakana.
Really love this image, but no clean version exists.
That era of shaft is sadly dead.
What I wouldn't do to be her teacher
Yeah, I also think it says Hollywood but I'm pretty shit at katakana.
I didn't like how some of the side characters were pretty much forgotten in the later volumes. The chapters focusing on the police officer were great, and I feel that adding the shrine priest to the occasional supernatural/horror chapters would have been a great addition.
I NEED more Kon
Don't we all?
that shit was lovely
Ask and you shall receive.
VA only did her.
Hotori is the best little big sister.
Same VA as Judo from SYD.
Both really good girl.
basically the only couple
>This show is almost a decade old
Hotori is a slut
That's clearly Ebisu and Kon.
What does ABAJ mean in Chinese?
>I don't know how to end this!
Is the the one whose VA retired?
chiaki is still around and she's lewd as ever
She's so adorable with short hair.
she's all puns
you think producers tried to molest the VA and she quit?