
>get three (3) fucking recaps
>jojo anime cannot meet deadline
>still get retarded shitty shots like this
Why is David pro so incompetent?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Series climax full of recycled animation
>Yea Forums will defend it

The budget for that scene went into the background and Trish's ass.

i can't wait for the naked edit

i know right? i cant wait to see mista's naked hairy butthole haha

haha imagine the smell haha


Giorno looking like Doug Funnie


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And that's great

I rewatched 3 times and still didn't understand when SC requiem got killed, the fuck is that ball out of nowhere

watch the last episode

Did you skip an episode? The ball was already explained.

Still better than Diamond is QUALITY.

I think I skipped episode 36 ball part, I'm dumb

itt: retards still don't know what in-betweens are

turns out anime is hard to make, wow who could have imagined

Explain GERs ability without using the letter E

>Giorno I’m going to do [Thing]
>no you will not


imagine how DP will animate Jolyne

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Go back to start, no truth

nullify truth

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lolno: the stand


Can you name a better shounen than this? The answer is no, you can't. The fight scenes are so much better than any other shounen fights. These fight scenes are written with brain and intelligence. They're very original fight scenes and don't follow a traditional fight scene formula in any way. Dragon Ball can go fuck itself. Also, the JoJo fanbase are some of the nicest and most intelligent people you will meet on the internet. We just want to have fun and share our fun little memes. I want to marry Araki, but that's muda for me unfortunately.

say it 10 more times

ok I will thanks

It just works

We only got 2-3 seconds of QUALITY. Overall, this episode was very well animated.

There was a time when the JoJo community really was just a bunch of nice people. Not anymore.

Jolyne have exactly the same bitchface Jotaro has. I love things like that.

dat OST
Can't wait for pucci. Jolyne is my favorite Jojo too.

My opinion will be unpopular, but I don't believe that David Production, overall, has performed an excellent adaptation of Jojo. Of course, there are things they made very peculiar, things that maybe some other production company who could have been entrusted with Jojo has been entrusted with would not have done, like graphic filters, onomatopoeias on the screen, or more particular moments like the Oingo / Boingo and Boingo / Hol Horse ending, Cesar's death, the fillers of La Squadra, the villains who invade the openings, but, for the rest, I believe that the merit is of the manga itself. Araki's work is so beautiful that even a mediocre adaptation would be appreciated Not that I believe David's work is mediocre, but it's not even excellent. I think it's acceptable, from 0 to 10 is 6 for me, that's all. Most of the goodness come from Araki's basic material, to which David occasionally adds some gems

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Its not 10/10 but it definitely could be way worse so I'm still grateful we get anything. Especially during those dark years when Jojo was getting absolutely NO attention. Look at the poor adaptations a legendary manga like Berserk has.

>Reusing half of the fucking OP in the last episode of the final fight
You Part 5fags were always so damn naive and retarded. I don't feel bad but I still pity your bitch asses.

Can't wait.

Attached: jolynespinebreaker.png (419x565, 500K)

>don't believe that David Production, overall, has performed an excellent adaptation of Jojo
Only one of the most well directed, having the best soundtrack, best sound directing animation of all time.

You're fucking retarded.

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>How Araki made Jolyne so THICC in the manga
when part 6 gets animated we are going to get a lot more Jolyne porn than usual

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I wonder if they keep the shirt for couple of first episodes.

I meant Skirt, what am I saying.

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this but unironically

Hopefully not at all since they need to skip part 6 and do Steel Ball Run asap

All good things are worth waiting for.

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To be precise
Phantom Blood really sucks, sincerely both in terms of animations, drawings, soundtracks and even pacing (too many things happen in just 20 minutes).
Battle Tendency is technically mediocre, but you can see the passion that David put into the work, but passion only is not enough when the technical compart is embarrassing. However, the OST is 10/10
Part 3 is has a better technical compart, but the pacing is really bad, it had to be 39 episodes, but it's 48, and given the monster of the week structure, those 3 more hours of vision weigh like a boulder.
DIU is ... so-so, something beautiful, some QUALITY moments, some cuts here and there that should not have been made.
VA is sincerely the only part that I consider really well done, it has its flaws, but overall it's well done

Is the sad opera song that plays when Bruno is ascending to heaven some classical song like mozart or some shit, or is it specifically an OST?

Despite everything, is it just me or does this season have the best sound design? It's fucking orgasmic.

>no pics of johnny taking horsecock

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>Phantom Blood really sucks

Also is Jojo your first anime?

What about raptor penis?

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Is she going to debut on facial abuse?

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shes kinda cute but theres something off about her face

is this the first SFX jojo opening? i thought those ones on youtube were fanmade

Attached: [HorribleSubs] JoJo's Bizarre Adventure - Golden Wind - 37 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_01.44_[2019.07. (1920x1080, 332K)

Listen, I know we are on Yea Forums and we both know it's not exactly a platform where you can always seriously discuss with another person. But I'll try:
The Chara design COMPLETELY different from that of the manga, it is not even modern, it is simply ugly, the lines of the face that look like slits, spiky hair that should be smooth and soft (those of Dio in the first place, but also Speedwagon and Jonathan), pig noses (I am watching you, Jonathan), eyes completely different from the eyes in Araki's drawings.
The animations are obscene, iconic the yellow overdrive sunlight against Bruford composed of TWO frames repeated for 5 seconds.
Each episode covers over 100 pages, making it too fast, without mentioning the cuts made especially in the first chapters.
The horrible, horrible censorship (but there are BD's, ok)
On the OST it is subjective, I don't even remember one iconic trace, but hey, personal tastes (maybe even shit tastes, I don't know)
One last thing, the onomatopoeias on the screen and the graphic filters are beautiful, but expecially in the first two series they are used to "deceive" the viewer and not making him notice the lack of animations

Best part, and objectively best Jojo.

DP knows that part 5 is shit so they gave it's budget to CHAD Force

>Series climax

How many parts were published in shounen magazines?

6 parts and 25 chapters of SBR

Then stop skipping OPs, retard.

>SBR cut from shounen magazines
why do they hate it so much

Attached: [HorribleSubs] JoJo's Bizarre Adventure - Golden Wind - 37 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_04.33_[2019.07. (656x715, 105K)

i didnt watch part 3 or 4, i'll watch them later
i couldn't read part 5 because the scans were such shit, so i'm watching 5. this part owns

Your actions didn't count, bro.

Part 4 fags SEETHING

>episode ends in the middle of the MUDAMUDA
i-is the implication here that Diavolo's getting MUDAed constantly for the entire week between episodes??

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Fair enough.
I have Alzheimer's but I remember at least two other OPs where they did this, and that time-pause thing where the OP is changed happened once too. Plus OPs that get more and more things added to it as the plot advances.
Honorable mention to part 4's Chic-a-Cherry Cola, which also added things gradually but hid a lot of messages from the get-go.

N-no user, but the Themes!

To be fair maybe its because it was the bad scans but I forgot all about the ball. How fucking dumb. Kinda ruins the SCR fight desu

I love Diavolo and when I grow up, I'm gonna marry her

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How did Giorno end up with the arrow when it was flying above Trish's body when the bodies swapped back

It's called being happa.

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I see hunterkiddies are going wild itt.

>he can fly now

Attached: [HorribleSubs] JoJo's Bizarre Adventure - Golden Wind - 37 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_16.24_[2019.07. (1920x1080, 263K)

I want to FUCK Jolyne

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Literally this

i love jolyne's ass

>Villain has power that allows him to see into the future and to see things that are going to happen.

GER nullified the past and the arrows movement

GER nullified gravity

Attached: Spur5.jpg (2111x1007, 334K)

>Yea Forums saying we’re on a three-week hiatus now
G-Guys? It’s not true, r-right?

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"giorno i just did this thin-"

"lmao no you didn't."

>july 28
life is suffering

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Fuck off with your retarded threads

a sage isn't a downvote

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I want GER to nullify itself

Part 5 had good and bad parts, mostly the powers were too complex sometimes to enjoy.

So far 1 > 2 > 4 > 5 > 3

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>1 and 2 that high

are you insane

>the entire budget got concentrated into trish's ass

>Can you name a better shounen than this?

I can't but to be fair I hate most shonen and my favorite parts are 7 and 8.

More like Araki moved to a monthly schedule so he'd be less exhausted and his work would improve.

“I am god”

>The fight scenes are so much better than any other shounen fights.
>Dragon Ball can go fuck itself.
The irony of saying that after this episode.

>sbretard thinks davidpoo is actually going to put any effort into part 7

One of her eyes is farther away and higher from the nose compared to her other eye, and her mouth slightly bends down. I think her nose also looks like its bent

Aren't those just from the expression she's making

>not knowing how to sage
>announcing a sage
I bet you watch HxH

flying italian man

Every other shot in the episode was great.

Attached: hair.webm (640x360, 2.93M)

"lol no X ∞"

God she was so cute before she got fucked and chucked by that criminal and became a massive whore.

>blocks your path


So based.

>The Chara design COMPLETELY different from that of the manga, it is not even modern, it is simply ugly, the lines of the face that look like slits, spiky hair that should be smooth and soft (those of Dio in the first place, but also Speedwagon and Jonathan), pig noses (I am watching you, Jonathan), eyes completely different from the eyes in Araki's drawings.

Based and redpilled, cannot stand how Part 1 and 2 look.

>arrow that's been foreshadowed and sought after for many episodes

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How did Giorno make the arrow go "back" to him?

GER really is kind of a weak finale.
I mean finales usually have asspulls but requiem's power literally just being "no u didnt times infinity" doesn't really feel like a satisfying win against king crimson

The arrow did it by itself, like how Kira's arrow went into him when he gained Bites the Dust.

At least he didn't just suddenly develop time erase himself and then punch Diavolo hard.

Lol you got baited by a pasta

Jusy wait till the blu-ray release brother

Anyone has a webm of Diavolo excitedly circling around Giorno? It was cute as hell.

>mostly the powers were too complex sometimes to enjoy.
Drop Jojo now. You're gonna hate the next part.

>people on this board will die before part 5 is animated

And it's still better overall than the Part 4 adaptation

He was sure he had won.

Attached: diavolo.webm (1920x1080, 2.09M)

That movement just gives off classic Disney villain vibes but it's so swift too

animeonly fag here but I just came to say that this finale has been incredibly shit lol
part 4 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> part 5

>Mista is now his favorite character

That scene was so good.


People actually believe it though.

based what a chad

That's what makes it great satire lol

because its true

I just hope they don't absolutely ruin jotaro
Part 5 Jotaro made me uncomfortable

Attached: nonbuff jotaro.jpg (1280x720, 159K)

He actually looks cool now?

Yes, but there is irony in saying that after an episode where the protagonist powers up and becomes invincible.

The titties on this girl wheres the edit

he's skinny, it weirds me out

>more accurate version of jotaro

he's a fucking teenager, man.

Not every male characters has to get your dick hard.

>recycled animation
This was only true for the first season and definitely not for the last one.
Go back.

did anyone understood the one-hour special thing? will it affect the last episodes?

at least they gradually build to that and jotaro has to do work to survive up to that point, and even then, it's not just an auto-win.

GER is literally just "i win no backsies: the stand" for better or worse

Complexity is not the problem, abstractness is.
Cause if you can't translate it well into words and images for visualization, it doesn't seem complex or smart, just asspulled and nonsensical.

Part 5 was either badly translated or completely asspulled.

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m8 look at today's episode instead of sniffing your ass.

Last episodes = one hour special

True. When you think about it all Jotaro's time stop did was save him from the road roller and let him hit DIO in the leg once. They still fought before and after that.

They've built up the final fight since Episode 33 my dude, which is much longer than DIO's World's 3 episode fight

>recycled animation

Getting GER was the whole fucking point??

I read the special is airing on a Sunday, that's why I got confused, thanks

every time you experience Deja Vu just King Crimson's ability being used
>every time you experience Deja Vu just King Crimson's ability being used
every time you experience Deja Vu just King Crimson's ability being used

Its more like when you are searching for something only to realize it was always in your hand




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This episode was kinda sad, diavolo kept getting excited over gaining the advantage only to get shat on immediately after. This happens like three times too.

he totally deserved it for being a fag

Jesus that hurt to watch. What's with Araki and trying to make you have sympathy for the villains

If Diavolo had won, how would life have been for him afterwards? Doppio is "dead" now, right? He wouldn't have two personalities anymore, right?

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Dio rightfully lost
Kars rightfully lost
Kira shoulda won
Diavolo shoulda won

His mental state would deteriorate even further from the betrayals and not having anybody left to talk to.

Kars literally got asspulled to "death", how was it rightfull?

Pretty sure KCR would keep his identity hidden for good. He'd just run the gang without existing

>Diavolo throws blood at Giorno in skipped time
I thought he couldnt do shit while skipping time.

There was no asspull

No wonder Jotaro has issues with self control

Attached: You thought it was Jolyne but it was I DIO.jpg (686x411, 211K)

Bruno's ghost gave it to him

The volcano not turning Joseph into pink mist from the force of the eruption was an asspull. Kars reaching terminal velocity was a gigantic fucking asspull and flat out impossible. Kars not landing somewhere else and floating through space forever is definitely an asspull.

You're either baiting or a supreme retard

we know anasui

We'd better get a GER version or I'm going to REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE so goddamn hard

That's just plot armor. You don't know what an asspull is. new op was kinda neat, I like when they do the sound effect thing

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Can any user help me out? I'm looking for that ghastly Araki drawing of the Gangstars in part 6 style. It has like, pistachio Gold Experience.

He planned all that.

It just works. It was almost like it never impacted and wouldn't have any effect until time resumed. As far as I can tell that's what it was going to do, be ignored until time resumed its normal course, like DIO throwing knives and then stopping, except if DIO was close enough/threw them hard enough he would have reached Jotaro and stabbed him right then.

Pretty sure there's something to completely contradict that being a limitation of KC, but here we are.

Like father like son

*It's a hologram*

Honestly the SFX version of this felt really low-energy. I suppose they didn't have that much to work with but just having stuff like exaggerated sound of blood drops was really hard to engage with compared to previous ones, and there was no fun sound during erased time except a lazy 'king crimson appears' sound.

Just focus on Trish's ass, pay no attention to Cheese Head.

3 weeks of muda

>Can re-write physics by telling the laws of physics the next thing it's going to say
>Hand is so strong that it can withstand a blast stronger than any eruption in the history of the Earth, potentially an extinction level event
You're not wrong, but its still an asspull.

Attached: 36 Kars on Mars.jpg (250x220, 8K)

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>It just works!
>No, it doesn't.

Everything you don't like is an asspull?

He's meant to look like teen here. He still looked big at the beginning of part 5.

People just don't know the meaning of the phrase and keep using it to refer to any kind of plot convenience.


This. They've been talking about the arrow(s) and how dangerous they are since Part 3

>everyone starting to scream about asspulls before a clear explanation and the sleeping slaves adaption in 2 weeks.

KC looks like Secco here begging for sugar cubes

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What's this I heard about a month until the next episode?

KCR would bring Doppio back.

>since Part 3
There were no arrows mentioned in Part 3

>I'm going to kill you Giorn-

>Part 5
>Mafia theme
>it has nothing to do with Mafia or how it works

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bizarre wouldnt you say?


I would say it's terrible, not bizarre

What clear explanation? There is no explanation beyond requiems being really powerful.


bro bro....wawawawaiit bucciarati broo.... don't do this to me, no hard feelings right? I gave you a warning to leave bro BRO




Attached: LOOKATME.png (1556x1155, 2.52M)

>Guys this arrow will give you enough power to defeat Diavolo.

It can turn all actions, things, and possibility to 0. It can do this without commands from Giorno, stopping harm Giorno isn't conscious of.





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I made a ton of these awful edits. I'm p happy with how they came out

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did anyone else think it was dumb how Giorno can listen to Bucciarati's soul? I get the soul motive, it's been in most of the parts. you can perhaps sense it or life leaving someone because you're a stand user and some bullshit, but that's a bit too much.


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Pucci's ending was an absolute retarded asspull shit ending, only good thing about it is Weather Report, the best stand in the part, beats him.
I LOVE Weather Report!

>Jotaro actually looking his age
>absolutely ruined

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Alright hear me out. What if fate doesn't really exist in the main JoJo universe, and instead Pucci's universal reset is behind everything.

sounds dumb

>people talking shit about part 6 when it has some amazing fights

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David Pro should include Giorno in Part 6 but just have MiH kill him before he can stab himself with the arrow to activate GER


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why don't they put the blu ray anime out for digital release? I'd buy it


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That were ruined by poor pacing. Seriously, all of the Maximum Security fights were great on their own, but because they were all crammed together with piss poor cohesion it made people hate Dragon Dream's and Yo Yo Ma when they were actually pretty interesting Stand Ideas.

Or maybe people just didn't like them because they were bad


Nah, they're good, I also hated DD when I first read it, but when I started reading individual fights I liked it quit a bit until Araki run out of time and rushed the end of fight by creating a Plot Hole with Anaisu's ability.

King Crimson faces are a treat, you can tell they loved animating him. Whomever came up with the idea that KC should be Diavolo's avatar was a genius

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Whenever I go back to this final segment of part 5 I can never piece together exactly what makes it bad. I just feel really confused about it afterwards.

Battle Tendency was the last good well done adaptation of jojo

why is polnareff standing like that?

Who knows.

Attached: posereff.jpg (1280x720, 191K)

When the anime airs people will pretend how they always loved them, trust me.

No there are actually people that like them, they just come out when the anime starts

imagine being a resident of Rome when in a matter of a few hours people you possibly loved died from mold decaying their entire body. Then while mourning, you find yourself in another person's body with an alien life form growing from your neck.

Attached: Quad managements.jpg (250x220, 57K)

"No. Go back"

you sound dumb

it being a total stomp. part 7 did the main villain fight much better even if johnny gets an op ability

But at least the new boss doesn't want his dealers to sell drugs to kids

Nah they just start hating on part 7 or part 3.

No 14 year old is this well-endowed

>in part 3, the climax is Jotaro fighting Dio
>in part 4, the climax is Josuke fighting Kira and preventing him from using Bites the Dust
>in part 5, the climax is body swap shenanigans and getting an arrow from a berserk stand, followed by a one-sided steamroll
If it weren't for Sleeping Slaves, people would be much more vocal about part 5's disappointing ending imo.

Honestly how much budget did DP use on animating KC in the goofiest style possible?
Shit reminds me of that Aqua scene

The main problem is that Araki wanted to incorporate Diavolo being a sneaky asshole into the final fight. So he needed to make a puzzle fight, instead of the usual test of skill or power that the others were. This is where SCR comes into things. The crew and Diavolo can have a battle of wits, trying to get in range of SCR and claim the "I win" button. It's not that the I Win feels cheap, it's that it feels like there was no proper build up to fighting Diavolo himself. The villains personality, clashing with the idea of what a final confrontation should be.

Meanwhile, look at Valentine, he is there for the entirety of the final battle with him and while it's a puzzle trying to side step his ability, he never feels uninvolved from the conflict.

>he didn't watch the entire first half of the part
As expected of someone mentally disabled enough to frogpost

You barely ever see diavolos face so they compensate with KC by making it more expressive

You've never taught at a middle school. Parents should be fined for letting their daughter dress like complete sluts just because they got tits early. Its not the norm, but it happens.

Do you think it's a bad thing?

>If it weren't for Sleeping Slaves, people would be much more vocal about part 5's disappointing ending imo.

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It sucks but Sleeping Slaves diverts some of your attention away from how bad it is

Homeschooled, eh?

>tfw the 12 year old girl with the huge knockers comes to school with a funny jersey, number 69

Man, I'm gonna miss king crimson.

Attached: hype.webm (830x720, 62K)

Im sure whitesnake will get the same treatment dont worry

anybody got the Risotto edit of this

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Sleeping Slaves is part of the reason it is considered bad...

Whitesnake is nowhere, NOWHERE, near as animated as KC.

I hate Sleeping Slaves way more than this final confrontation, sure it's dissapointing to see Araki write himself out of a corner with GER but Sleeping Slaves ruined the entire part for me
Whitesnake is definetly going to be like KC, at least at the start of the part.

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why did araki go from listening to king crimson, notorious BIG, aerosmith and Metallica and then go back to listening to White Snake? in 2000? white snake? really?

Sleeping Slaves is a pretty cool arc that reflects upon the story and its themes nicely. Essentially it overshadows how shitty the final fights were. It ended part 5 on a slightly better note, simply because it was placed after the chronological ending.

But it’s a great way to end the part.

i love that even epitaph is worried about the incoming king crimson rage

I can't take Diavolo seriously at all, I know they have very little room to work with cause they can't change KC's design (which looks so fucking retarded my god) but making him expressive like doesn't help.

>Sleeping Slaves ruined the entire part for me

Since the final battle is predicated on the fact that SCR dying will reverse it's effects, does that mean when Giorno dies of old age/whatever and therefore GE too, will Bossu's death loop stop? Or would the stand have to die in GER form?

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What you should be asking is if the effect stops simply from reverting. Since that is what happened with SCR at the farm house. I don't think so. I think that Diavolo just simply can't stop dying, no matter what. This ability goes beyond time and space and it doesn't matter if the user is alive or not. Diavolo is always going to be an ending without an end.

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The "fight" was just the race to get the arrow. You're acting as if we didn't just spend multiple episodes watching them trying to get the arrow.

>Diavolo punches through Trish's soul / Mista's body
>Trish and Mista swap again
>both are still alive
shouldn't one be dead?

>King Crimson's design is bad

Here is a man with no taste. What the hell is a "cool design" for you then?

I think some of the angry faces are good, but the goofy putty ones ruin it despite being pretty funny. I have a whole folder of them. I don't even remember him talking in the mango, a constant grimace would have been both cooler and creepier. All the other main antagonist's stands other than Pucci's are ominous and imposing because of their silent stare.

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no u

For some reason, the damage to Mista's body wasn't as serious as the damage the stand suffered. This has been showed to happen multiple times through the series, but it's even more glaring here. Could also look back at the Janitor, who had a hole in his head from the arrow, but his body didn't have the same damage at all.

So nah, probably just some internal bleeding.

Attached: It is I who nuts to that.jpg (420x398, 26K)

What if the MiH opening is just all the footage from every previous part sped up?

This made 5s ending way better animated, it aint great but fuck it was so well done animated vs its 2D counter part.

I like it because it's Diavolo getting a taste of his own medicine. He's scared, powerless in the face of this threat and has no real idea what's going to happen to him.

>KC looks bad
this is the absolute worst taste I have ever seen. You should stop watching or reading anything related to JoJo and get the fuck out of here right now.

Attached: Listen to the man.png (312x346, 218K)

Next episode is on the 28th, and will be a two-for-one special.


Absolute shit taste.

So, you're asking what if its perfect?

What is this expression meant to convey?

Attached: Screenshot_20190706_042639.png (125x113, 24K)

When does Diavolo ever condemn someone to be tortured for eternity.


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>plpfttesase burrr blurrraayyyyy

Yeah its honestly the best sound design in anything i've ever heard, ever. I dont even know how to say how good i think it is without sounding like a shithead but they did such a good job.

wow they made giorno look a lot like DIO

I hope Coda does the opening for part 6

This pleases Gio's #1 fan

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imminent death with no chance to fight back

desu even in the manga it was one of the most expressive stands , there was ton of panels when he went from amazingly scary to amazingly goofy

Did anyone notice they added heaps of sound effects to the OP in episode 37


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No because I always skip it


At the end, the shortcut was the detour and the detour was the shortcut, never forget that. Only because of (You) we were able to to take that route

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They always do that, it sounds like shit.

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Sewer water >>>>>>>>> 2=3>6=5>7>1

Speaking of part 7, which fights do you guys think are going to be QUALITY, and which are going to have actual effort put into them?

Trish looks traced

True mans world has to be kino no matter what. Anything else I'm okay with QUALITY

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No! This can't be happening! I'm in charge here!

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"Nah bruh"


Anything that has a horse in the scene will be absolute QUALITY.

Also, expect CG horses for the races.

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Johnny should have died instead

How many times so far has Diavolo gotten cucked out of his rightful happy ending? I can count at least five.
>Figured out the mystery of Requiem by himself only for his enemies to take advantage of it
>Blood ants gnawing at the arrow shaft (btw that's not how Gold Experience has ever fucking worked fuck you Araki)
>Got lolnoped out of getting the arrow by Spice Girl's bubble gum bullet trick
>LITERALLY PIERCED HIMSELF WITH IT but nah fuck you Buccellati stole his light punch technique

Give me ONE good reason diavolo deserves a happy ending.

>implying Gold Experience ever used the same power twice

Yeah. Since in the Jojoverse there's apparently a confirmed afterlife that angel babies will carry you up to where you can hang with your friends (Abbacchio and his partner), killing people on the path to being a mafia boss doesn't seem as big a deal in retrospect. Diavolo got dealt a shitty hand.

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Because he’s cute.

first it could give life to dead things
then it could fuck with people's perceptions of reality while leaving their body helpless
then it could be used to substitute body parts, but not technically heal people
then it could just heal people
gold experience has like 6 different powers throughout this part

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>Give me ONE good reason diavolo deserves a happy ending.
He didn't kill the adorable granny maid in the hotel

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nope, but i got the torishu

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>Confusion will be my epitaph
really makes you think

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Diavolo wasn’t worthy, just like Giorno the first time

>Diavolo can't grab the arrow with his stand because Bruno was attacking the soul sun... with his stand
Complete and utter bullshit

Then why were they still fighting over the arrow?


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He is poorly written.

Will there be any hint at Part 6 in the special or will it be just Sleeping Slaves + The End?

>True mans world has to be kino no matter what

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>That base drop when GER comes in for the punch

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Should be some shot of Jolyne saying yare yare dawa since animeonlies need a catchphrase to be able to work out she's related to Jotaro

He was far more worthy than Giorno.

daily reminder

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>Dio rightfully lost
I'm amazed how DIO had the most fucking boring ending of any shonen villain I've ever seen
>Dio was beaten in a castle but came back and sort of died but not really while being held by his brother and sworn enemy, who loved him to the bitter end
>Kars got asspulled to space while believing it was sort of a brilliant plan by his enemy and will eternally float in space
>Kira got completelly beaten and got crushed by an ambulance that was trying to help him, then sent to hell forever
>Diavolo got eternally punished by GER
>Gay priest won
>After a leghty cool fight, DIO got punched in the leg and died.

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In its defense, I'm pretty sure the implication was that the body swap process had already begun, meaning that King Crimson had become incorporeal and was transferring back to Diavolo's body. Meaning the arrow never really pierced him at all, it just phased through him.
Still a rage-inducing cop out, but not totally bullshit.

Miss us with that gay shit, you must go back

>sent to hell forever
>he doesn’t know

light novels are not canon, never will

Dino Dio > Original Dio
Prove me wrong.

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>Gay priest won

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What a fucking dissapointment. Shit animation, shit drawing, shit music for the ONLY TIME a Super Saiyan moment happens in the original JOJOverse (I'm not counting Tusk Act 4 because that belongs to another continuity).
Shame on you David Pro, fucking hell...

It was pretty satisfying to see someone as arrogant as DIO to be mocked by some teenage edgelord

Dio Brando>Dino Dio>>>>DIO>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Alt Dio

He killed Jotaro and Joleyne, along with all the protagonists besides Emporio. Regardless of whether or not he won, we fucking lost, bro.

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>final encounter with the boss isn't just another main villain fight
>protagonist and antagonist confront their ideals
>followed by a disconnected arc set chronologically during the beginning of the story further fleshes the nature of 「FATE」
>Vento Aureo has gained it's place along with other masterpieces that have transcended plotfaggotry

Attached: plotfags will never undertand.jpg (2000x2444, 1.02M)

But that's what I mean. If the stands can't do anything because they are returning to the original body then how can Bruno keep attacking with his stand

Is this the anime equivalent of women who send love letters to imprisoned serial killers?

SBR has no real chance of being adapted properly. I would unironically prefer it to be a truncated movie trilogy.

here you go

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DMQ is a comic written by Araki.


I agree, this is cringe

I’m a male.

Third for cringe

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True man's world was lame though

Diavolo thought he would be judged worthy since fate gave him such a powerful stand.

The arrow disagrees with you, so you are objectively wrong.

But he saw it go through his hands

No because the arrow isn't real. It follows the whims of a flawed author rather than any objective standard.

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He also couldn't afford to let them have it, and he was too prideful to flee.

If the arrow disagrees, why was it only prevented from stabbing KC by Bruno and the gang?

Did you attack Giorno? Muda Muda, it is now naught!

>the arrow isn't real
That is a meaningless statement. Just because it doesn't follow your whims doesn't mean it's flawed.

Seethe, giornofag

The arrow can go pierce my dick.

Did you miss the part where it rejected him by phasing through his hand?

i know the last episode will be the epilogue but wasn't it like 4 or 5 chapters only? thats way too short, will Jolyne and Pucci make a cameo in the end?

That was because Bruno was destroying SCR.

I actually think Giorno is worst Jojo, but I see you have nothing left to say.

Did you miss the part where it was explained that that was happening because Bruno was defeating SCR and returning everyone to their own bodies?

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if i recall almost all of the episodes have been around 4~ chapters long

>I actually think Giorno is worst Jojo

Part 5's "Epilogue" was a single spread and there's a lot of space to flesh it out.

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>called me a Giornofag
>I explain how I don't particularly like him
no more (you)s for you.

Don't forget the passive ability to have anything he imbues life into to have a damage reflection ability that incurs equal damage to the amount of force his opponent uses on it.

If you think Giorno is more worthy than Diavolo you are a Giornofag. And a seething one at that.

I admit I was wrong about that, but the fact still remains that Giorno was found worthy, and we'll never know if Diavolo was worthy or not.

GER isn't the finale, it's the last attack against Diavolo.
That's equivalent to calling Jotaro beating the shit out of Kira the final fight of Part 4.

>just like Giorno the first time
What first time?

Projection at its finest.

Diavolo is worthy in my heart.

Yeah but that fact it kind of irrelevant to the discussion here.

Diavolo may be charming and all, but he's also a relentless, paranoid murderer.

So are all of the main characters

And he survives on his wits and skill.

is it just me, or is epitaph fucking huge compared to normal in that pic?

The main characters don't go out of their way to murder anyone who has the slightest chance of compromising them, unlike Diavolo.
But he never would've stood a chance without his top-tier stand.

>But he never would've stood a chance without his top-tier stand.
Just like every other character?

He used his stand to hard carry himself to his position as boss. There's no way to tell if he'd have ever made it there without it.

Again, the same applies to Giorno.

But the same could be said of any other character who uses their stand

Giorno obviously couldn't have become the boss without GE either

But we're talking about wits and skill here, and in that department Giorno has outwitted Diavolo multiple times.


He didn't outwit Diavolo, he just overpowered him. Diavolo made all the smart moves but lost because his super power was weaker than Giorno's super power.

For example, last episode he exposed the fact that Diavolo was hiding inside someone. Without that, they would've been taken by surprise and Diavolo probably would've won.

But that didn't even matter because Diavolo still ran away from them.

Man, I can't believe the ride is almost over.
Part 5's always been my 2nd favorite part, and it's nice to see that most people enjoyed the anime adaptation a lot.
Although, I would like to say one thing: Outside of legit anime OC like the new scenes of La Squadra and Fugo's expanded backstory, the anime didn't really "improve" anything. For example, I hear a lot about how the anime "vastly improved" on Diavolo as a villain, when those scenes were always there, and he was always a pretty great yet massively underrated villain.

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Poorly, because part 6 isn't popular enough in Japan to justify DP putting in effort.

My point is that they probably wouldn't have found out until he had taken them by surprise and escaped with the arrow.

Giorno could only figure out who was possessed because of a power he had that wasn’t even introduced until the Notorious BIG arc.

"Fuck you. I win."

I really liked Dragon's Dream, but fuck Yo yo ma. My mind has subconsciously blocked that shit out of my system.

>its been about a year since the first episode leaked from that french event

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>For example, I hear a lot about how the anime "vastly improved" on Diavolo as a villain, when those scenes were always there, and he was always a pretty great yet massively underrated villain.
Yeah, I think the people praising the anime were just speedreaders

>lol how about no

>Frame by frame, death by drowning, in your analysis
What did they mean by that?

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>entire week between episodes??
>entire week

Read the manga my anime-only friend

>every jojo villain gets a late-game ass-pull powerup that makes them so strong it takes incredible effort by the heroes to defeat them
>except for part 5, where the main character gets it instead

It happened in the anime too, but it only cut him instead of stabbing him, which doesn’t matter since how much the arrow hurts you is irrelevant and it wasn’t the requiem arrow anyway.

it was jotaro's weaker one-liner

6/10 bait.

Do you have a Twitter or something with a collection of these?


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Please call her Jojo

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There seem to be a lot of people with a misunderstanding. There's only one stand arrow with the power of Requiem, and it's the one that Polnareff found, which is the one with the beetle design. The others cannot grant Requiem stands.

>I just did that

>Nothing you do works

Or so people claim

Why did GER attack her?

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He was within range of King Crimson, why didn't Diavolo just use KC and remove the part from time where the arrow pierced him? It doesn't make sense, he could have removed that event from time and GER would never have been created.

Attached: why.png (1920x1080, 1.97M)

I've seen a lot of people say DP drastically improved on all the major death scenes, and while I haven't read the manga there's no doubt in my mind they did a fantastic job in that regard.

You're retarded.
>Erases the time when he pierces it
>GER gets created immediately without seemingly not being pierced by the arrow
He erases Cause from Effect. The Cause is the arrow piercing him, the Effect is GER. If he erases the Cause, the Effect still exists.

Because he can't remove the event per se, KC essentially fast forwards time while removing diavolo from reality and having everyone else on a sort of "autopilot", using KC would've basically caused Giorno to pierce himself with the arrow even faster, Diavolo was simply too far away to reach him on time.


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Is it considered necrophilia or bestiality if I want to fuck F.F?

Why did they do this to polnareff

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Yes to both.

Arrow hit stand so I win now

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what's this image meant to mean

There is no GER if the arrow never pierces Giorno. Jesus we've been over this a thousand times with other scenarios. That's what king crimson DOES.


I wanna suck on Trish’s fat tits

>erase the moment where narancia puts the chocolate in his mouth
>it's in his mouth at the end of the time skip

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we can't forget this, guys

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The fact that Epitaph is just fucking sitting there half the time doing the same expressions is even better

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That wasn't KC trying to erase Narancia's actions, that was an artifact of KC using his powers to erase Bucciarati's actions, Narancia was standing within range of the event so the frames where he moved his hand to his mouth were erased but not the result. If he had used KC to erase the event where Narancia put chocolates in his mouth then Narancia's mouth would have been empty.

Is this from one of the animators? I'd be really okay with this, she looks cute as fuck here

>that face at the end
holy fuck im dying

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The only other studios I can see doing Jojo properly are Bones and Madhouse, David Pro is doing great for the studio they operate

>"Don't worry about it, Giorno"
>"I'm only going back to where I was supposed to go."
>I'm simply returning to how I once was..."
>"That's all..."

Attached: ALEX JONES.png (819x652, 843K)

part 5 is actually so retarded
it's still very enjoyable but with how ill defined GE and KC are and because of the nature of how they work there's so much bullshit compared to intelligent use of stands with defined powers like parts 6-7 (though they're not flawless either)

>GER just shoots a fucking laser beam
also is polnareff actually just dead now? i don't remember if he just dies offscreen or stays as the turtle for some reason

he didn't shoot a laser beam, he flicked that rock at diavolo like firing a bullet

it was animated kinda weird like a laser, but it was just the rock being shot through his hand

It's an animation frame, retard, not a still.
Quit talking to yourself.

if you really wanna know [/spoiler] he lives inside the turtle forever, using mr president im assuming [/spoiler]

>part 5 climax sucks
Its an accurate adaptation of the manga then
Pol is dead and stays in the turtle as a ghost.

Fuck I thought the finale was next week. Dammit I missed the whole thing.

King Crimson faces is the best meme to come from Part 5

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>GER just shoots a fucking laser beam
It's a rock, retard. Rewatch it.

>"I'm going to achieve Heaven."
>"No you wont."
Part 6 over

I'm gonna miss king crimson and his autistic fury

Did people really not see Jotaro vs Dio?

King Crimson erases time. Not events.

All is now 0

It literally drags the whole thing down even further. G-guys, d-don't worry, it was destiny a-all along!

I'm gonna miss good jojo parts

neither of them have happened yet

Its better than just ending it at diavolo dying forever. You don't even get to see Trish or Mista react to Bucciarati dying, hell they are even laughing together at the end. Its so inconsistent tonally.

But you are the one who's seething.

Well the entire finale was terrible in itself, that's the broader issue.

We did it bros, we VA chads won in the end, we were proven right having Golden Wind as our favorite since day one, Pt 5 is the absolute peak of Jojo, that is now THE TRUTH.

Now i understand how HxHfags felt when CA was hated back in the day but when the anime came all of a suden it was recognized as the best.

Pt 5 is the CA of Jojo, let that sink it. We were right, not them, WE!.

Who cares if they adapt Pt 6 or Pt7, what matters is that Bucciarati's journey received the best anime adaptation of Jojo, even DP knew it bros... we won, i know it was hard, but we won.

add more please

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I know you're memeing but CA started really fucking shit then Togashi got his shit together and actually put some thought into the arc after one of his many hiatuses. It began universally panned for a reason, but no one who kept reading would dare call the arc bad.

That was a rock you dipshit. Start paying attention

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Two people already said that almost 40 minutes ago. You have contributed nothing to the thread and look like a fool.

"I can undo anything"

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Yeah I totally agree. Its the worst ending of any part by far.
Manga part 2 had nazis instead of "german soldiers". Also how the shit did they miss the Dio vs Jotaro panel in the top left? Its one of the most iconic panels in the series.

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>one hour finale
If they pull this shit off literally every instance of quality will have been worth it
Actually no, it'll be nullified

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There's a lot of cut content in parts 1 and 2. Even entire fights got cut out. Also for part 5 there's tsubasa on the tv and frogchasing

thx anons

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Preach the truth VA chad brother, I'm not going to lie it was tough, being lumped with that objectively and supremely shit Stone Ocean was rough, but I'm glad we never gave up preaching the truth.

We are indeed like HxH fans with that aura of superiority over the peasants all thanks to our advanced taste.

how the fuck did i forget araki drew hitler

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False, CA was already objectively brilliant just before the Palace Invasion.

we already know how it ends nigga

KC got sensual hips

He made sure not to kill Trish with that punch else he would have died too just like Narancia died when his soul was killed inside Giorno's body.

During last episode you could see that King Crimson had blood in his mouth after punching Trish so he also took damage from that punch.

Sometimes the OPs and EDs have special things after certain events (some episodes even get their own unique ED) so keep an eye for those changes or youtube them later.

while the manga only stuff was absolutely great, as far as adapting it it was generally acceptable losses for the sake of pacing. Not ideal, but acceptable.
Except the
>Oh? You're coming closer?
panel, the fact that they fucked THAT up is an atrocity
Also you missed "Look at her tits wobble"

Wired will get hit bad

As long as you got 'fate' plot-armor, you're fine. Mista can basically be used as a living shield.

Seeing epitaph happy fills my heart with joy.

I am pretty surprised that no one has fixed it yet. Just commision the panel to be drawn in anime style and place the panel in the anime scene, to avoid complications just add a title card so you don't need to animate it.

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If Mista was fated to be in a situation that would kill him, he would be fated to die.

>imbue life
>imbue too much life, so they go on an acid trip
>imbue a little bit of life to make flesh patches then use speedy life force (i.e. like aging the tree) to pump up the heal rate
>probably the same, just sped up because giorno looking for rocks and duct tape every heal would be tedious
only one that really just came and went out of left field was the damage reflection shit, poor luca deserved better

DitF was properly bad and dilutes that list

Giorno sticking his hand down Mista’s pants.

I raffed

>oh hey, my stand punches fast too, I can probably do that
>it worked lol
I don't care how fun road rolla was jotaro just getting time stop powers in 10 minutes was bigger horseshit than GER

was gonna add this before but forgot

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>what is Tusk Act 4

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But that's in the anime

Its love plot was unironically the highlight after most of it fell flat. As corny as it was there was next to no standard animu romance drama, brief "no im am monstar" drama followed by two autistic dinosaurs obsessed with each other to unhealthy degrees. Then they fuck that up with muh sacrifice, muh gainax pose, muh reincarnation so even that got fucked.

He literally jumped out of a building and crashed onto a car roof which would've certainly killed him was he conveniently not 'fated' to die then. He even states it himself. Now there's an in-universe explanation for literally all the retarded bullshit that happens and it's utter crap. You can be shot a million times but you'll survive if 'fate' (aka whatever Araki wants) says so.

DP's improvement actually gets me hyped about part 6. I didn't like some of the arcs it had but I have hopes DP will make me enjoy the bad parts and love the good ones.

Johnny had to work for Tusk Act 4.

there is no heterosexual explanation for this

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The anime butchered it by moving Giorno’s hand higher.

It's still the exact very specific power-up he needed to beat Valentine, though I agree it's handled better than GER.

Mista not being fated to die during The Rolling Stones encounter did not extend through the entire part.

Yes it does since he did not appear on the boulder like the other characters, and their deaths don't come up until somewhere around finale. He is essentially invincible in-universe for the duration of the part.

>Yes it does since he did not appear on the boulder like the other characters
Because he never ends up being lethally wounded.

Diavolo's always had a bum rap, partially because of poor translations and partially due to not really getting proper time to shine as himself.

I will say though, one thing that used to bother me was how, in the finale, his reveal was sidelined by Chariot Requiem, and his motivation of seeking perfect anonimity was instead replaced with him wanting the Arrow to stand at the top, which just felt like retreading Dio.

But watching this episode, and stuff like that part where Diavolo pathetically begs Bruno to acknowledge him as worthy of the arrow, and how he has to reassure himself over and over again throughout the episode that things are going to turn out allright, it made more sense to me that a batshit asshole this entitled and with a belief this strong and genuine that fate is on his side would want to become even more unbeatable, to never again feel threatened and exposed the way he's been made to in Part 5. It's always been a big ego wound for him. He thinks fate gave him power (King Crimson) for conquering his past (burning down his mom and hometown), of course he thinks it's going to happen again if he fully finishes the job this time (in this case, getting Requiem for killing Trish and the ones trying to beat him).
DIO wanted to conquer his fate, while Diavolo thought enslaving himself to it was the right thing to do. If anything Diavolo and Dio are opposites in motivation despite seemingly similar goals, and Diavolo's final moments reaffirm what a pathetic, desperate man he is when you strip him down to his core.

The anime didn't add this, but getting to revisit this part and experience Diavolo differently did help me change my opinion towards him.
Even though he's still my least favorite villain (if only because I like all the others much better) and I still think there are some issues with his writing, he's not a bad villain or character at all and I'm glad at least people are finally appreciating him.

get in line buddy


I prefer King Chinless honestly, it's creepier and more alien looking. I know that's a retcon Araki himself did though. Anime KC is still good but DP doesn't know to draw the eyes right most of the time.

>then sent to hell forever
dumb AnimeOnly

I'm torn
On one hand silently reee-ing ayy crimson is unique looking and creepy as fuck, and fits well with the general tone of fighting devil-o and his time skipping shenanigans, but on the other hand strong jawline crimson looks great in general and his preternaturally FUCKING ANGERY expressions are a true gift

Well we can have both, it's a better idea to have KC expressive in the anime so it stands apart from Killer Queen. I wonder what they'll do for Whitesnake? It's already a bit expressive in the manga.

Just the multiple times he got shot directly to the head or stomach, or completely shot up during White Album, the window jump or when KC punched him. Ofc Araki will give you a convenient explanation why he didn't die at some of those time, either getting healed by Giorno's bs or muh No.5 deflected 3 bullets inside his head or just forget about the wounds completely. But cus of the events now set up by RS, he simply could not have died anyway. He doesn't have extreme luck anymore, he's just literally not 'fated' to die for the duration of the story.

They really skipped the Stone Mask sacrifice? God I'm glad I didn't watch the Part 1 anime.

So can we agree that Part 5 has the worst finale of all JoJo anime parts? Like the source material is also one of the worst endings in the manga.

JoJo Part 5 = shit start (1st chapter until Formaggio), good middle (Prosciutto to Risotto), shit ending (everything after Oasis). Rest is transitional padding.

Its the worst finale of all jojo parts unless part 8's ending is somehow even shittier.

Who the fuck did this to Josuke?

Attached: file.png (530x275, 268K)

>Just the multiple times he got shot directly to the head or stomach, or completely shot up during White Album, the window jump or when KC punched him.
All of these are completely survivable in Jojo.

The biggest issue with Part 8 is that it could very well be the final Jojo part too, so Araki will have an even harder time ending it.

Jonathan's gutted childhood is always sad to me. Especially because those little shots of his mischievousness serve as foreshadowing for how every JoJo afterwards is in dire need of a strong parent to avoid falling off the deep end.

Love train, 95%.

Yeah I know the ending of part 8 is probably pretty far from now, but I hope he does it justice. I think its possible that we get a part 9. Araki doesn't seem like the type of guy to retire, he'd probably get too bored.

I hate when animeonly morons keep calling Johnathan a pure righteous saint, he beats up a group of kids just for gossiping, tortures frogs for fun and only helped Erina just to act noble. Of course all of this was a kid, but it still helped him feel a bit more rounded.

That's why like the idea that DIO just has every currently alive Joestar stand available
>Josephs' Hermit Purple
>Seems to have Holy's rose stand in the flashback of him meeting Kakyoin
>Could have Crazy Diamond's heal and just never used it because he's a prick
>Could have Golden Experience life ability and just not cared to use it since he can just turn people to vampires
>Time Stop is actually Jotaro's and DIO's the one copying.
Since out of these, Time Stop is easily the most powerful for fighting, it's the one that DIO uses more. It takes "same type of stand" and turns it into DIO just getting bad rng and having to fight the 1 in 5 JoJo's that had his preferred power.

He has said he wants to retire by the time he's 60 and he's 58 now. Sure some Mangaka have gone on for longer (Shigeru Mizuki was publishing at over 80) and Araki's working pretty well anyway, but I just can't see another part from him. Especially with how long Part 8 might go for, since the numbering implies at least 100 chapters.

>only morons keep calling Johnathan a pure righteous saint
To be fair the anime cuts mostly all of the stuff that would be evidence to the contrary.

That's what I said animeonly, yeah.

You're missing the point. It's no longer wounds being exaggerated for the sake of stylization, or him getting lucky, it's now aaccctuallllyyy an in-universe explained predetermination. It would be as if Araki stated that well you see, there is this literal thing called a deus ex machina and it's just a mystical force that intervenes with events when it wants and therefore every shitty asspull is now justified.

>8 years of part 8
And it sucks

since there is little left till part 5 ends, does that mean that we will get Rolling Stones in the next and last episode?

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>he wants to retire by the time he's 60
Even if he does retire I feel like he will still make more one off stories or something. Araki seems to enjoy his work far too much to just stop completely.

I assume that is the case, otherwise I can't think of anything that would fill the rest of the hour timeslot. The end credits hint at Rolling Stones too.

Don't respond to me


Why can't I get a gf like Jolyne?

She died bro

What do you not get about non lethal wounds being fated to be non lethal? It’s literally the same as previous parts but with fortune telling.

>why is X posing funny
nigger what do you think you're watching/reading

14 is pretty close to being fully-grown, though it varies.

Why Joseph hate Josuke?

Fine, like Irene, then.

>find stand arrow
>use your >tfwnojoylenegf rage to survive gaining a stand
>stand users are naturally attracted to each other, bound to meet someone

Irene will cuck you for Annakiss

She's engaged bro

More like Irene will cuck Annakiss for me.

>find stand arrow
>become stand user
>find requiem arrow
>use requiem arrow while desperately being in need of a jolynegf
>requiem arrow gives you the ability to get a jolynegf

yeah, she'll cuck Annakiss for some standless virgin.

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no, thats how you get a Trish gf

I am good with my tongue.

If I use the Requiem Arrow while I wish for a Jolyne gf, I get a Trish gf?
The Requiem Arrow really does twist the user's wishes.

if you are good with your tongue, you should become a milf hunter, not some faggot loli chaser.

To be fair, Annakiss is also a pink-haired tranny and probably a eunuch to boot.

Yeah but I don't want some meek mother who gets verbally abused by her shithead son. I want a woman with spunk who will kick asses and then ride my dick while going "ora ora ora" at me.

But how do I get both a Jolyne and a Trish gf?

josuke is a shit son who stole josephs wallet and tried to steal the red stone of aja

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It's called shitty writing that is now digging its grave even deeper by trying to make excuses for itself rather than just letting the audience suspend their disbelief. See also the unnecessary stupid explanation of arrows being imbued with an alien virus from a meteorite which somehow affects your spirit.

>>requiem arrow gives you the ability to be the jolynegf

I’ll agree that the alien virus is stupid.

At least I will be able to fuck myself

>a eunuch
would explain why his ex-wife cheated on him.
calm down, Emporio.
>find Trish in Italy
>infuse some Joestar DNA in her, enough to develop the birthmark
>wait until the gay priest summons all "Dio's children" to the Kennedy Space Station
>wait until Trish attacks Jolyne
>woosh in and kick Trish's ass but not too much that she dies while also making sure she doesn't see you
>secretly murder Annasui somewhere and if they find the body, tell them one of Pucci's lackeys did it
>help them kill gay priest
>get closer with Jolyne until she falls for you
>convince her to start a harem
>recruit Trish who you, meanwhile, helped recover from the ass-kicking you gave her back at the space station
>good job, now you have two cute girls that can give you a standjob

how would a string dildo feel like?

I was hoping that the greentext would lead to Trish being converted into a Jolyne.


am i the only weird one who finds Spice Girl more cute than Trish?

this is now a koichi hate thread
i want to put my foot above koichis head and force him to use act 3 to make my foot heavy so i can stomp his head in

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I would rather have Trish cuck me for a black guy

Great. I will make this plan into reality.
Maybe I could give Trish a concussion and then convince Jolyne that Trish is just Anasui who transformed back into a girl for some reason, too.

Probably not, it's a respectable choice
>that sassy finger wag

Weren't Oingo's and the alien's stands the closest we ever got to a shape-shifting Stand?

Shut up Giorno

2011 was 8 years ago, user.

Yellow temperance too kind of

The alien virus is quite literally midicholrians tier stupid. I really don't know anyone that needed an explanation for why the arrow gives people stands.
Why is his act 3 ability a downgrade from act 2. Act 2 is one of the most ridiculous stand abilities and he uses it like 3 times.

didn't Narancia have the hots for Trish?
or Fugo?

>spicy ho is a sentient stand like pistols or GER
>can go beyond kinky with both string power and soft power at your disposal

>Oingo returning in Part 6
>Oingo disguising himself as Jolyne
>Oingo killing Jolyne
>Pucci taking Oingo’s stand
>Oingo realizing that getting his stand taken away doesn’t reverse the transformation
>Oingo getting his memory disc stolen and replaced with Jolyne’s
Someone needs to write a fanfic about this.

Now you're telling me I have to go back in time, too?
This plan is starting to become slightly implausible.


Mista implied Fugo wanted to do Trish or something.
To be fair, besides Bruno and Abbacchiom they were all more or less hormonal teenagers so I'm surprised they managed to keep it in their pants at all.

never change Yea Forums

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where would Pucci get Jolyne's memory disc if Oingo killed her?
did you forget the Annasui Star Platinum disc scene?

because hes retarded

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Pucci took it as she was dying.

jesus christ user

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People say Okuyasu is dumb but at least he isn't a manlet. Fuck coochie.

why was act 3 a thing at all?
>onomatopoeia power
>onomatopoeia power juiced up
>gravity and ho killing

fuckin jimmy neutron accidentally wandered into morioh apparently, shit on plastic bag queen all you want but koichi not looking like a 30 cm tall potato was worth the wait for BD improvements

Isn't Act 3 also busted it's just used to spam three freeze?