Introducing the most JUST'D villian in all of JOJO

>Be around late 30's early 40's
> A crime boss that controls the underworld of Italy
>Get ass kicked by a 15 year old boi with a mullet

part 5 fags are the dumbest fags in all of JOJO.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>it's okay when part 2 does it
>it's okay when part 3 does it
>it's okay when part 7 does it

>Get ass kicked by a 15 year old boi with a mullet
>DIO lost to a 17 year old high school kid
>Kira lost to a 16 year old high school kid
>Pucci lost to a midget

>the most defeated villain is the worst part
I can't see your logic here

>Kars got memed
>DIO got beat up by a high schooler
>Kira got outsmarted by a child and beat up by teenagers

But DIO was 100 and Kars was 10,000

You guys are forgetting that DIO is allergic to the sun and Kira was never a fighter. This nigga Diavolo has no excuse.

>DIO is allergic to the sun
DIO wasn't defeated by the sun.

>Kira was never a fighter
True but a stand user doesn't need to be a trained martial artists in order to fight. they just need to be strategic.

>Diavolo has no excuse.
He has a great excuse, if he's facing off against "deus ex machina" the stand.

Kira had luck, a cat stand, daddy and a deus ex machina helping him and still lost.

Reminder that you're talking about the same series where the president of the united states gets killed by a cripple

Name one (1) stand user who stands a chance against Giorno even for a minute.

*Cripple with gun

>has no excuse
he's mentally ill* user, leave him be


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Can GER beat Thanos with the infinity gauntlet?

Literal dogshit>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2>3=6=8>5>7>4>1
Jojo is a shit overrated series


Why not?

What to Trish armpits smell like?

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Enrico Pucci.

He'd literally die in seconds.

>Kira was never a fighter
Did you see how fucking ripped he was

>Conviently ignores Kars
Joseph won because he flinched

being ripped has absolute no relation with being a fighter

If GER is this much of a bullshit how would King Crimson Requiem be like? I feel like it would be x100000 times OP than MiH

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what does Mista's crotch smell like?

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I love how "No." entirely describes its power.

based dumbs, based pic


He can just run away.

Now imagine Made in Heaven Requiem.

Kira lost to 27 28 years old Jotaro he would have used bite the dusted otherwise
Dio fought two jojo at the same time and wasen't fully healed
Pucci won

>Pucci won
No he didn't speed reader

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But couldn't act because of the sun it gave them time to run away from is palace

He killed off the main cast except pic related, that's all that matters

He won by killing the main cast and resetting the universe and therefore we don't get to see the best casts anymore.
We got some shitty western trash and some retarded equivocal bullshit that LITERALLY nobody likes

Diavolo also killed the main character. Does that count too?

No, Thanos could destroy the sun or something similar that would indirectly kill Giorno.

He reached the heavens i know it
Kars=Ninja/ultimate lifeform
Kira=Perfect serial killer

>Dio fought two jojo at the same time and wasen't fully healed
I know you're not forgetting my boy Kakyoin figuring out The World and Poleraff for the save on Jotaro?


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Why are most jojo Youtubers shit
Kaleb is good, he's chill, and seems like he's just trying to start discussions, not passing his word as law
Xforts is a stubborn retard
Meti is an autistic stubborn retard
Shuckmeister is a long winded autistic stubborn retard

>We got some shitty western trash and some retarded equivocal bullshit that LITERALLY nobody likes

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>We got some shitty western trash
You take that weak excuse of a bait back.

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but giorno can do miracles just like jesus with the healings and he is Dio's son, i really think he was meant to make you think about jesus

you best be trolling

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he didnt deserve this

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>brutally murders innocent women
>gets to be reincarnated in the afterlife as a spirit detective

>only murdered evil gangsters that got in his way
>suffers infinite deaths for all eternity

he killed polnareff, thats enough to warrant those deaths

Polnareff is still alive and is going the second in command of the italian mafia

Is this still happening or what?

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he sells drugs to kids.

Kira is more evil than Diavolo because he killed a dog.

this was funny like 4 months ago

no hes a ghost now

In 3 weeks user

>They made Giorno fly during the GER pose
Super fucking gay.

being a ghost detective is part of kira's punishment, I think.

if he runs, then he lost. giorno wins against everyone.

Someone redpill me on what happened in part 6's ending. Preferably only from what's stated in the manga itself, not the headcanons that keep being repeated around here.

that was in the manga too

JoJo is the most intelligent shounen ever written. Can you name a better shounen than this? The answer is no, you can't. The fight scenes are so much better than any other shounen fights. These fight scenes are written with brain and intelligence. They're very original fight scenes and don't follow a traditional fight scene formula in any way. Dragon Ball can go fuck itself. Also, the JoJo fanbase are some of the nicest and most intelligent people you will meet on the internet. We just want to have fun and share our fun little memes. I want to marry Araki, but that's muda for me unfortunately.

This shot is worth the budget.

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kira killed a dog? i thought he got shigechied because he spared the dog

>Diavolo discovers the arrows
>Sells them to Enya
>DIO gains The World
>Enya sells one to Yoshihiro
>Kira gains Killer Queen
Boss indirectly caused the events of part 3 and part 4.

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You guys are so fucking dumb.
I can't believe there's STILL people that don't know how mih works, people that think pucci won and people that think the main cast actually died.
People that believe jolyne lost

They're the exact same fucking people, the ending is meant to be a happy one, you fucking speed readers

You're gay.

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DIO Over Heaven

Mista was the one that pulled a miracle. Giornio couldn’t do shit with Narancia and Abbacchio.

How the fuck does GER even work?

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>Blue wind

>we don't get to see the best casts anymore
But Josuke and friends are unharmed by the Universal Reset.

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>Jobin Higashikata
>Norisuke (Josuke at birth) Higashikata
>Josephumi Kujo
>Josuke Higashikata (who is actually a fusion of Yoshikage Kira and Josephumi Kujo)
>Johnny Joestar

Is this why it's called JoJolion?

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Based but cringepilled. Part 7 sucks, the only good thing out of it is being the base for Part 8

Wait people don't like Kars getting memed to death?

Everyone came back though. Except Foo Fighters. RIP Foo Fighters.

Yet more absolutely fucking based sound direction from David prod. I can't wait to see what sounds they use for Diavolos deathloop

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It's just fate lmao.

Not really a deus ex machina if it's been foreshadowed for literally months

>Part 7 sucks
I take pity of you guys that are so memed by other people's opinions on parts that you think any JoJo part "sucks."

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Pucci's stand has the ability to reset the universe. Anybody that dies during the reset process is erased from history and replaced with a double. In Pucci's new universe the souls remember everything that happened in the previous universe, and must re-enact what they did in the previous universe. In this sense they have attained "heaven", living while knowing what fate has in store for you.

When Emporio/Weather killed Pucci, his stand effect was undone, undoing the universe reset, since the universe reset wasn't complete, Pucci dying also erased himself from history. So the universe reset is undone and history proceeds as if Pucci never existed, which means Jolyne was never framed and the events of stone ocean never happen.

We know Pucci's universe reset was undone because people no longer lived chained to a fate they know has to occur. Jolyne was named Irene by Jotaro and Annasui was named Annakiss due to butterfly effects from Pucci never existing, also because Araki enjoyed the pun (I lean and I kiss).

He deserve it for what he did to Orange boy

>Everyone came back though. Except Foo Fighters

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Fuck you asshole, you ruined my night

What would you rate this episode?

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who is the hottest part 5 character?

This isn't like part 3 where Jotaro bullshits his way to victory because OH STAR PLATINUMS ZA WARUDO, the final fight here was a bout of capture the flag where the winner would get a bullshit power-up from the arrow, which Diavolo lost

Irene is also Araki being a cheeky cunt and making a throwback.
Symbolizing how Jolyne goal is finally met and she's free, the Joestar lineage is finally free from Dio's bullshit, there's no need for them anymore, but they're still rightfully joestars.

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>Leave pucci to me

>Why are people so sympathetic towards Diavolo?
He's a mentally ill guy who became a part-time archaeologist and then a powerful mafia boss despite his disorder, and 15 years later his long lost daughter comes asking for child support even though he didn't know what sex was when he was dating Donatella because his dad was a catholic priest. Truly the most tragic backstory.

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dio literally only managed to kill one of the crusaders despite being able to stop time and being a vampire. meanwhile diavolo managed to kill like 3 of the main crew by himself.


He was like 3 feet off the ground, not flying like in the part 3 DIO fight.

Trish's dad

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You left out the part where Donatella date raped him

>no u requiem
Araki is a fucking hack, how does he keep getting away with this shit?

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Even if thanos does anything with the gauntlet, GER can still reset that action back to "zero"

>giorno can do miracles just like jesus with the healings
So can Josuke but you don't see people calling him the second coming of Christ now do you?

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because he's the creator

Unironically Bossu. He's beautiful and smells good.

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>he still doesn't get what GER does

>donatella means gift
>diavolo thinks fate keeps rewarding him
Based and kinopilled

I don't remember that part in the manga. Guy was fucking so pathetic at that point, begging that they let him win. It's like, what the fuck? Diavolo is like that kid that has never lost and finally when someone beats his shit in, he whines and cries and says you "YOU CAN'T DO THIS!"

God it was so satisfying to shut his mouth.

Whens jojo featuring Kars arriving on some alien planet, and the people there have to defeat him?

Isn't it more reasonable to assume that GER is paying Diavolo back for all the times he's cheated death with King Crimson? I notice many people just dismissed the infinite deaths as some sort of GER's ability but I always thought it was basically a side effect of it reverting King Crimson - he's now dying for every time he WOULD have died had he not escaped with KC, like a glitch in the system.

No wonder he actually did it with her. Then shit went down with Mom and he couldn't properly clean up everything, didn't even think about it. No way that ONE time would get her preggers. Oops, one mistake fucks your life Diavolo, isn't that the truth for all of us?

Diavolo is unironically more childish and cowardly than Doppio.

Read the Jorge Joestar light novel user.

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I wonder if Bossu still liked his GF since he didn't seek her out to kill after all those years.

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The whole Una family is pretty fantastic.

Also Bruno

Even if he did arrive somewhere, he was brain dead because he longed to die. So maybe his body would act on instinct and be some all consuming horrible creature to some far off planet, but it wouldn't go very far beyond that.

That doesn't really explain the completely new scenarios he gets dropped in. If it worked your way, it would make more sense for it to revert time again.

>I don't remember that part in the manga
That's exactly how it went there too.

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I love that a lot. He never had Dio's charisma or Kira's cunning/plot blessings, he's just a really fucked up man who got blessed with the most busted Stand in the series.

Maybe Diavolo is as potent as Jonathan.
The anime implies that they went on several dates though if that's canon.

>Stand so broken the only way you could be defeated it's by the most broken ability ever

DIOtards on suicide watch

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I just remembered that one of his deaths was getting hit by a car and the guy had some close calls with automobiles in the past.

Are you guys retarded? They are not the same people
Imagine a gay priest kills your mom, except she comes back without any memories with you, to her you are no more than a stranger, can you still call her mom despite she not even knowing who you are?
They might be the same people physically or spiritually or whatever but they are not the same people that you shared good times with or life and death moments.
it's fucking retarded to think they are the same people when they clearly aren't for practical purposes

bruh this nigga goes up against GER, that shit is retarded in its own right

does polnareff not get his own going to heaven scene? is he just gone?

he is alive in the turtle

Diavolo is just an older Doppio

>comparing the virgin josuke with the chad giorno
you should be ashamed

the eternal debate

who wins, DIO with the world or Diavolo with KC

>They are not the same people
It is LITERALLY confirmed by araki.
They're the exact same people, they just dont remember it, however they retained character progression because it's the same soul and they still went through that shit, just that the body doesn't remembers how the soul got to that state of mind

Dio easily

It ties into what Araki views as cool and uncool in characters, going from imposing and confident to wimpy and pathetic since people like confidence in people and characters but despise characters who kneel and grovel, especially after being introduced as cool in the beginning.

You see this a few times, many of the villains go down like this with notable examples being Damo from Part 8 and Funny Valentine at the end of the Love Train arc. People can shit on Araki for a lot of things but he knows how to give satisfying ends to villains.


>tfw couldn't protect that smile
Why live

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It’s actually interesting the contrast. Giornos actions are all Proactive and goat oriented with him going did that big picture stuff of changing the status Quo. Josukes is more reactive with no real goals outside of living a normal life or honouring the memories of both his Hero and his Grandfather. Both have powers with limitless potential but Giorno’a evolves GE whole Josuke simple has to become more and more creative with the set limits of his powers.

I do enjoy how they can be so similar yes so complex in their own ways.

Thanks, mane. I still hope Jotaro's called Jotaro in this universe - which I would think since Pucci wouldn't have had an effect on him here - but I guess we'll never know for certain.

If DIO za warudos before Diavolo Epitaphs, then DIO.
Otherwise it could go either way.

Those scenarios could just be extensions of points in reality where he would have died. We don't really know if they're new or not because we haven't seen his entire life.

>chad giorno
Asspulls run in the family user they're all chads

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Most likely Diavolo wouldn't be able to predict Dio's time skips

It doesn't really matters what his name is, everything happened exactly the same up until part 6, sans things that pucci had a direct effect towards

jotaro is still jotaro because he still had to fight dio so he is still a jojo,the whole reason jolyne is now irene is because she didnt have to fight so she wasnt a jojo

Wasn't this week's episode supposed to be 1 hour long? when are we getting the real final episode then?

he keeped a photo of her so he could has hace nostalgic episodes

>It is LITERALLY confirmed by araki.
You and me know user that Araki's word can't be trusted, he barely remembers the shit he wrote on previous parts
>They're the exact same people, they just dont remember it
I agree that they are the same people from the previous Universe, but they are not the same people Emporio met

Boss hits hard like Jotaro and kill DIO with ONE PUNCH.

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It was the next episode, I thought.
But then they said next episode would be just 38 like usual

Yeah through a multitude of convoluted asspulls

Why didn't DP give GER a different VA?

I would assume that his premonition would just be Dio standing there or Dio disappearing into thin air, so Dio could probably just stop time and punch through him

What would happen if daivolo and io activated their respective abilities at the same time

Someone make a gif of the GER muda

Giogio is the best JoJo,He isn't as bland as a harem protagonist he is just misunderstood.If I had to compare him to anyone he's like Vito Corleone,he's the most logical JoJo, he's always the face of reason. He's like an anti naruto,he wants to become the mob boss the a way naruto wants to become the hokage but he doesn't cut corners, he is always to steps ahead and ready to take risks which is why when he becomes the mob boss you feel that it couldn't have been anyone but him unlike in Naruto where litteraly any other ninja would have made a better hokage than him. You don't feel cheated by the end because you know how serious he was to reach his goal because of course he is, he isn't like the other JoJo's that came before him that wanted to protect the peace,all he ever wanted was to become the mob boss

Experience Requiem is the real 'it just works' stand in Part V.

It depends on if King Crimson is like The World or Star Platinum. Can he 'enter' the world of the frozen time. Or rather, can the frozen time reach him in erased time? If the Frozen time counts as actual time, then Diavolo should be able to erase it, as long as he can act in the frozen time anyway.

So it would probably depend on who is acting first. If Dio tries to freeze time after it's already being erased, then it is likely that nothing would happen. If Diavolo tries to erase time while it is frozen, he might only be able to erase as many seconds as he can move during it. Now what Epithath would see is a complete mystery.

All sentient Stands so far have been shown to share a VA with their user, so they kept that.

epitaph doesn't make sense unless there is a parallel dimension in which the seeing and altering of timelines happen. I don't think the world would work against it (but this literally comes from my headcanon)

diavolo would just see all that dio did in stopped time and just skip it

Isn’t one of his deaths ODing on drugs

If you're referring to the photo Doppio had then he got that after taking pictures of Donatella's house that Squadra trashed after her death.

No. It's being stabbed by some junkie, being autopsied, getting hit by a car, and that's it.

>but they are not the same people Emporio met
They are, because again, they retained character progression.
They might have different memories but their personality remains the same, because it's the same soul.

Doesn't matters what you think or not, araki word is final.

I think that is just what the lady assumed, as she was cutting him open. I mean, you find a guy in the sewers, no wounds on him, you kind of assume drugs as a first cause of death.

why would they?

Can King Crimson actually hurt people in erased time? Like 90% of the times he used it, he simply walked around or dodged attacks in the skipped time then attacked after it.

Didn't Act 3 have it's own voice? Same with Sex Pistols

i mean they have much bigger parts than ger

>he thinks Part 6's ending is SBRverse

He still had the photos on his hard drive. Though he broke his laptop.

No, he has to time his attack to the erased time ending. The better his timing, the less window people have to act and defend themselves. Unlike Dio, who can do whatever the fuck he wants in frozen time.

Reminder that this guy had his very own VA.

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anyone has the quality screen cap of Giorno, GER, and Diavolo?

Epitaph foreshadows that Diavolo gets donuted with Dio essentially teleporting Diavolo is confused but skips ahead and realizes he’s fine. Dio keeps trying time stop while Diavolo keeps skipping, eventually Diavolo gets close enough so that afterskipping time he donuts Dio. However thinking that he’s won, Diavolo drops his guard, not realizing that Dios a regenerating vampire and finally manages to get a hit on Diavolo

Both Act 3 and Sex Pistols share voice actors with Koichi and Mista. They're just doing different voices but they keep the voice actors the same.

What? Those are voiced by Kaji and Toriumi

Joestar bloodline too strong

So then Diavolo has no chance. Dio can just kill him while time is stopped.

That was actually the producer's cousin. It was a paid for cameo.

If you need a in universe explanation, Jotaro's wife named their child Jolyne, but in the new universe Pucci isn't leading the remnants of Dio's cult so he can stay at home and he is the one to name her Irene.

So their personalities are not determined or affected by their actions but are just some nebulous defaults. They are different people. And just because Araki has the final word that does not mean it is sensible or good.


he should have ran, just time skip and disappear like he's constantly done before.
as soon as they seized the arrow his fight was lost. he's an idiot for not realizing that.

That was a very clean and sexy muda

he isnt a pussy why would he run

Joseph > Kars
DIO > Joseph
Jotaro > DIO
Sheer Heart Attack > Jotaro
Koichi > Sheer Heart Attack
Giorno > Koichi

Giorno > All

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He was about to, but he became complacent because he believed he saw the arrow rejecting Giorno in Epitaph.

He ultimately failed because he's a glass half full guy.

epitaph showed him winning

Part 5 of jojo is full of bullshit but it is entertaining compared to other animes

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Why is Dio so sexy?

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because they gave it a different one in the games

Only Araki knows

He was too prideful for that and the vision he saw only fueled him further. If Giorno hadn't gone to stab himself, he might have still retreated, even with Trish saying that.

But it was fate, he was already on the road to ruin, nothing he did would change that. Even retreating and attacking later, the result would have been the same. Even hiding, the result would be the same. Trish and the gang would find him, there was no one left that would be loyal to him and him alone. No one knew what he fucking looked like, if Giorno showed up and calls himself the boss and no one knocks him off, the gang is going to answer to him and then it's just a matter of tracking Diavolo down.

Diavolo actually did the only sensible thing, rushing towards his fate.


>Mista's VS had to voice Mista, SPs and MistaTrish
What a trooper.

Sure he can, he would use Epitaph to see the future and see that one second he's fine, and the next second he's donuted and then skip over the whole thing

People need to remember Dio's World it's not exactly a solid time stop, star platinum could move due his speed, i'm sure diavolo could act in a similar way with the time skip.

But dio still wins by being a vampire.

>he isnt a pussy
This is Diavolo's idea of being at the top

Attached: The_boss_computer.png (1920x1080, 1.46M)

weird decision

>Punished Leaky Eye Luca
>Truck driver
>Pistol no 4
>The Fly
>The gangster from Giorno's backstory
>That one guy Abbacchio/Mista/Narancia beat up for no reason
>The female prison guard
>Solido Naso
>Reincarnated Janitor Mario
>Punished Polnareff
>Another Jojo
>Some random faggot from a gang members backstory

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A perfect example of reaching the right conclusion using wrong methodology.


The sound right before GER MUDA was nutworthy

Based asf. He has the right idea.

>if Giorno showed up and calls himself the boss
He might aswell start his whole journey with that, you know.

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Hey, has the right to decide how he spends his money

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I seriously remember when I saw that in Pixiv when I was searching for JJBA images and I thought that I had gotten spoiled for the ending of Part 5.

Before you ask me how did I think Dio could ever come back: Hey look, Dio was able to somehow able to bullshit his way into surviving after that whole ship explosion thing. I didn't ever think about it but if you asked me, I would've just said that Dio managed to somehow get a stand user to clone him and have the fake Dio fight Jotaro and co while the real one went into hiding and building up more stand users in the very final battle.

Star Platinum could move because of being another timestoper. Silver Chariot is faster than SP and couldn't move because Polnareff is not a timestoper.

i never realized how much i had in common with this man

>Deus ex machina
Don't use terms you don't understand.

Well, no one kind of realized that the boss had never showed himself to this extent. Also, that would be suicide, since if he started calling himself the boss, then he would just be killed.

Because he doesn't care.

FUCK Giorno. Start the Diavoloposting

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do i like stone ocean

Absolutely based, and he would've gotten away with it were it not for those meddling moralizing criminal kiddies.

I never realized i was at the top this entire time.

>Title of Episode where Giorno gets the most broken ability in the series is titled "King of Kings"
>Son of DIO, the Italian word for GOD
Parts 7 and 8 have their Jesus and 1-6 have their own

Hottest? Mista.

Prettiest? Giorno.

Cutest? It's a tie between Doppio and Narancia.

Gayest? Diavolo no doubt, ive been to quite a few queer parades and gay nightclubs and he looks exactly like
the crazed lesbians you'd see.

DIO stops time and kills Diavolo.

Diavolo skips over the Time Stop, as it's still a moment in time that can be skipped, and kills DIO.

Diavolo skips over the Time Stop, as it's still a moment in time that can be skipped, and punches DIO. DIO then proceeds to kill him anyways because he's a fucking vampire, he won't die from that.

>Is this still happening or what?
narancia is already dead

Doppio by far.

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Even some vidya dev billionaire now only spends his entire life shitposting from home
It's truly the greatest high

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diavolo had a daughter though

>Parts 7 and 8 have their Jesus
Yes REAL Jesus not FAKE allegory Jesus

Liking girls is gay cuz that's what guys like so that's mega gay.

He was just taking a nap

>Another "Time Stop is just super speed" retard
You need to go back to ®eddit and stay there. You are among the dumbest motherfuckers on the internet. Congratulations.

>Son of DIO
>Son of GOD
Same thing. Cope, bitch nigga.

Diavolo, the man obsessed with anonymity, risked everything just to fuck a woman. The entire cause of his downfall is his straightness.

What boards do you think the boss frequents?

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>Chariot is destroyed.
>souls swapped back
If it killed bruno, wouldn't it kill pol too?

The gauntlet only work on the universe it was created.

>They are, because again, they retained character progression
With each other but not with Emporio
>They might have different memories but their personality remains the same, because it's the same soul.
having the same soul doesn't mean same personality see D4C in part 7

>Doesn't matters what you think or not, araki word is final.
He constantly contradicts himself and is inconsistent with his writing. As good and as entertaining as Jojo is I think it's fair to question him whenever possible

Loved that full orchestral version of Diavolo's theme @18-19m of the episode

What if Giorno prevented Made in Heaven, and SBR+Jojolion are Life Shot boosted Epitaph predictions

Haha is there any gay art of DioxDiavolo? Asking for a friend

>The gauntlet only work on the universe it was created.
You got that from Death Battle didn't you?

>jojolion ends with Diavolo dying
>it was just a long diavolo death loop run

GER use all his energy to make everyone dead go back to 0 so they comeback, this revive DIO as he was on Gio's DNA cause vampire magic or something.

i mean in theory one of diavolos death could have been after years

/biz/, probably /an/ for frog pictures

Yes and Pol even said it himself. He would likely return to a dead body and his soul would move on.

But he manged to keep hold in the Turtle anyway and says he wants to stick around for a while to see where things head, before he goes to the afterlife himself.


There was an artist on pixiv called エンリ that posted some really good stuff but I just checked and their account is suspended, the fuck user. Did you do this?

comic Thanos shits on every 'no-limits fallacy' stand that jojo has to offer


Attached: [HorribleSubs] JoJo's Bizarre Adventure - Golden Wind - 37 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_07.01_[2019.07. (1920x1080, 157K)

>Bruno truly was the Golden Wind

>only giorno and mista are left of the gangstars
maybe it wasnt worth it

Attached: [HorribleSubs] JoJo's Bizarre Adventure - Golden Wind - 37 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_08.01_[2019.07. (1920x1080, 357K)

>he doesn't know as well
nice projection. Go back to watching your "EPIC YOUTUBER" cringefag garbage and your hollywood capeshit.

this is giorno giovanna

he has gold experience requiem and he can beat the boss once and for all but only if you reply


Attached: BpdN24IIcAAzHFc.png (500x199, 152K)

so that's why it's called golden wind, after the real protagonist of this story. noice

You didn't ask that question.


>calling someone smart with that many misspellings in your post

Figures lmao

Would you trade your entire squad for a one OP bro and a hot 15 year old girl to bang?

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>>Be around late 30's early 40's
>> A crime boss that controls the underworld of Italy
>>Get ass kicked by a 15 year old boi with a mullet
>part 5 fags are the dumbest fags in all of JOJO.
News alert Young protagonist beats older experienced antagonist, out of all the things you choose to complain about a common shounen troupe congratulations you pointed out the obvious, do you even shounen?

What's the physically strongest stand in the series?

Just in terms of who can punch the hardest?

In a heartbeat

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That's cute and all but he actually fully deserved to be the new bossu and not some newbie faggot who was just handed everything on a silver platter.

Pu him down

With the gauntlet, Thanos is less powerful that exactly two entities: The Living Tribunal (Direct Aspect of GOD), and the One-Above-All aka, GOD.

They don't do much at all to interfere either, giving Thanos free reign. If GER is absolute, he wins, but realistically, there's way too many entities that have power way beyond GER as far as Marvel is concerned that GER would have to be above in the hierarchy to have its power be absolute, and those all under whomever has the Gauntlet.

This is the exact reason why such discussions are fucking retarded, because if you don't make someone's power absolute, it turns into power level/hierarchy/authority bullshit, and mixing systems is never accurate. Giorno is meant to be absolute in his world, Thanos is meant to be NEAR absolute in his, so the argument swings the other way too.

So, avoid these pointless discussions unless you love autism.

I would argue Pucci lost in the most complete way

I'm lazy to fix the pasta.

Obviously Star Platinum when not being nerfed for plot reasons. Remember that time it punched diamonds to smithereens? Probably not, but that happened.

no fuck that, I want Narancia back, she's the real waifu

Attached: autistic shrieks.gif (480x351, 535K)

King Crimson seems to be up there, maybe tying Star Platinum and The World. Crazy Diamond when Josuke has been insulted might be the strongest though. I don't think anyone is stronger then these.

Star Platinum/The World. I guess second and third places go for King Crimson and Crazy Diamond.

He almost lost several times to non-time stoppers. DIO lost only to another time-stopper and only because he was surprised (and was arrogant to the point of stupidity as well as HIGH AS FUCK)

So does this mean that the 1 hour special is going to be either Rolling Stones, or a double-length boring wrapup? Because fuck that shit, I wanted to see an actual fucking fight between Giorno and Diavolo.

Post Narancia art pls

is this a real question? no

Leave GER to me.

Attached: B.I.G.jpg (1280x720, 77K)

Is KC really that strong? I don't remember it doing anything particularly impressive compared to other stands. Yeah, he donuts people but so does Killer Queen and Whitesnake so it's clearly something most stands can do.

>C range, A durability.
>E range, E durability.

Attached: Doppio.jpg (1280x720, 142K)

>i must confront them
but you've been running from them the entire time, for good reason too. i liked that diavolo is so strong but figured, "there's too many to deal with at once, i better just hide for a sec"
unless he suddenly started caring what they think

Attached: theyll call me a pussy.jpg (1920x1080, 395K)

>Anyone hitting hard like Jotaro
Get a load of this retard.

DIO lost to poorly/unforeshadowed asspulls and plot armor. Diavolo lost to foreshadowed OP bullshit/FATE. If Diavolo was worthy of the arrow, the whole grew would be a fine paste on the ground, but he wasn't.

The arrow didn't exist until part 4, if it did, DIO would have experimented with it, considering he wanted to reach HEAVEN, and the person that followed that path got the only stand int he series that MIGHT be able to do something at all with GER.



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someone should photoshop GER so that his forehead arrow is his nose

Araki knows how to draw the basic shape of humans now, but the anatomy is still way off. Those muscles make no sense.

haven't seen a good bait in a while

Attached: DMsKNkHX4AEngx3.jpg (552x807, 66K)

t. incel who still gets nagged by mother

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now that's QUALITY

unless you're talking from araki's writing perspective, the arrows definitely did exist before part 4. Diavolo sold Enya the stand arrows, remember? That's how Dio got his stand in the first place.

If we're only comparing stands, KC beats TW because the amount of time he can skip is longer than the time stopped by TW (using part 3 limits of below and up to 9 seconds).
But when we take the users into play, DIO wins. Him being a vampire means that unless Diavolo decides to donut his head, it most likely will do nothing.

God works out in mysterious ways.

trish with mista's soul

He's so relatable.

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Yeah, it's a bit silly.
He's a sneaky fuck throughout the whole part, cowering in the shadows, hiding from maids, doing quick hit and runs and suddenly he's compelled to attack? I guess you can argue it was because of Trish in particular insulting him, but it still feels kinda out of place.

You did pick Diavolo's route, right user?

Attached: 1562358348921.jpg (1920x1080, 189K)

Trish's stand, spice girls

Diavolo can dodge DIO, but he goes for the donut or the arm cut like always instead of the head.
This leads to Diavolo freaking out about DIO acting like he's just fine even with a soccerball sized hole in the guts and then The World bodies him in stopped time

Dio. Not only is he and Za Warudo just stronger in every way, but his power actually stops time instead of skips it.
Plus if Jotaro could move and see in stopped time, then he'd probably be able to do the same with skipped time, and thus that'd carry over for Dio as well.

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But stopping time essentially just compresses your actions into one moment, it's not like that can't be skipped. DIO would probably still win but I don't get why people think KC can't skip stopped time

Who gives a shit about that gay looking NEET?
Now King Crimson, that's husbando material.

Imagine if that had actually worked.

This. If Epitaph is active first, Diavolo can see where Dio would end up, but unlike everyone else who would phsically move between points A and B, Dio would seem to teleport between points A and B. Just like how Boss avoided Aerosmith's bullets in his fight with Risotto, he could erase the time where he'd get donut'd or knife'd or anything like that, set up a kill on Dio/The World, and survive.

But if Dio activates his stand first, Diavolo can't do shit.

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He looks so cute here. Who could resist saying no?

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They took everything from him

What? His hotel keys?

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>diavolo can't help but shittalk at this crucial moment

Attached: diavolo.webm (1920x1080, 2.09M)

>Diavolo's route
If only there was 7th stand user for part 5. This would be even worse then betraying the Stardust Crusaders. KCR, gains the ability to erase the memories of himself, there is no final fight, the gang doesn't even remember why they were in Rome. Diavolo reigns in the shadows, forever.

I'm really gonna miss King Crimsons facial expressions.

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>I don't get why people think KC can't skip stopped time
Probably because it's hard to define how much he's skipping, what KC and people that aren't KC are able to do in that stopped time, and how time being stopped factors into the skip. Either way, the best Diavolo could probably manage would be to draw out the fight a bit longer, and pretty much everyone should realize Diavolo can't win a fight of attrition against Dio.

I like how Diavolo is so autistic that the most terrible insult he could come up with is "you dirty pukes spewed into the toilet" while Doppio swears like a sailor

Would the phantom hands from the Morioh alley be able to defeat GER?

I don't know, if my opponent really couldn't move, I probably would too. The way he moves around Giorno here, so fucking smooth. He was so goddamn sure that he was going to win.


imagine her wrapping her pink lips around your dick and giving you the craziest blowjob of your life
imagine one second you're getting nice succies, and the next 10 seconds have passed and there's already cum all over her face

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I ALWAYS thought the final battle was happening at night. That's really a boomer if you ask me.

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She was the rain.

One hour of GER would be glorious.

Attached: ger.gif (450x310, 135K)

make everybody happy

yeah, if he hurt someone in erased time, it would just be erased

>imagine her wrapping her pink lips around your dick and giving you the craziest blowjob of your life

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Yes, effortlessly. Giorno with Ass Fuck Requiem is one of the strongest characters in all of fiction, he can at least handle universe-level threats - at least.

If Kira saw a hand with holes in it, would he find it more arousing?

he cares what trish thinks

King crimson can read the future so he can read the time stop but faggots like dio more everyone will say dio, so dio.

Except for unique existences like Adam Warlock. Which is probably something that Giorno has achieved with GER.

The Lovers

and yet his Universe got reset in part 6

>Pucci runs away
>the universe resets
>Giorno is set to before he used the arrow
>Pucci stabs him in the neck

Attached: Pucci_after.png (309x466, 380K)

Diavolo deserves no sympathy, he's literally a speed reader incarnate, skipping all the shit and going to the end just to see what happened. Based GER forever denies the ending to speed readers like Diavolo.

Diavolo one shots and Dio regenerates. Repeat ad infinitum

wrong, retard

Does Dio or Diavolo have more memetic power?


You can't just ignore Za Warudo from your tier list if you're putting in King Crimson.


nigger you're high
>GER punches gravity - MiH back to zero
>GER punches space - MiH back to zero
and so on

Kira has more memetic power than Dio and Diavolo.

Step aside, Diofags.

Attached: kira.png (500x556, 314K)

King of Kings was about Diavolo retard beceause in that one chapter it seemed he won.

He still hit Giorno in the face though. GER's bullshit was at play though so it wouldn't have mattered.

Would Great Days's Bite Za Dusto variant have worked better as a Gold Experience Requeim variant? Yes or yes?

Diavolo by far if you count Doppio and King Crimson

Don't forget all the other first sons of the Higashikata family who were also Jojos.

I mean if you actually look at what the most successful Jojo memes have been, it's obviously DIO. Diavolo memes don't even exist outside of the Jojo fanbase.

While I think none of KC stuff will ever be as being as Za warudo, it is worth mentioning that a lot of the memes based on the world were because the ovas have been around for a long time. I think KC faces and expressions have more day to day usage and range.

Just because he can reverse enemy's actions doesn't mean he has the offensive power to actually defeat them. He could defeat Diavolo because in the end he's just another human, but what can he do against something in the scale of, say, Galactus? He could keep it at bay but never actually kill it.

How would GER even handle Made in Heaven? Just keep resetting Pucci back to before time started speeding up?

>I think KC faces and expressions have more day to day usage and range.
In which case, we'd have to wait and see just how proliferated he becomes as a macro. But I'll warn you that not even the most moe of smug anime girls macros have managed to stand the test of time. Not Haruhi, not Chaika, not even Umaru.

The time acceleration would cause the arrow to crumble to dust

What makes every person distinct from others are their memories and experiences, which guide their actions. Even if two characters have the same body, the same personality, or even the same soul, if their memories are life experiences are different, then they're not the same person.

>ability to erase the memories of himself

I prefer thinking that KCR would allow Diavolo to erase the past, a nice inverse of his original power, and quite suited to his goals

shouldn't you be dying right now, JUSTavolo?

i want to fuck trish

GER nullifies the alley into nonexistence

Karen has

Attached: ayaya.png (1280x720, 595K)

Star Platinum without a doubt. There's a reason Araki thinks it's the best.

Punch strength really is just how mad the user is.
Diavolo is a rabid dog when you think about it.

Attached: Jotaro.gif (338x294, 3.79M)

Only because brit/pol/ has adopted her as a mascot. You don't see her on Yea Forums or Yea Forums much.

Also, I'm surprised the first response wasn't Girls und Panzer or Kantai Collection.

Does anyone happen to have the previous thread when the episode first aired? trying to steal more reaction images / screen caps

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Holo is timeless as well

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is there one more ep?

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People say it's strong but it's biggest feat of strength is just being able to rip people apart, which was the standard for stands back in Part 3. Part 5 just has weaker stands so King Crimson stands out more.

Two more, played back to back on the 28th. Hate waiting so long, but I think it works out well like this. Rolling Stone really needs to be played back to back anyway.

Hey, I just realized something:
If Giorno still had his "accelerate neural synapses of people he punches" power, couldn't he use that to fool Diavolo that he was using Epitaph?

He could have and it would have been interesting if that had been the case. But how would he have even gotten into range to give him a life shot anyway?

Tusk act 4

I still wonder, why Polnaref never asked for Jotaro help in all these years?

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Diavolo is straight, but Doppio, who actually interacts with the public --- he's absolutely a little faggot

Do you think Diavolo has to stop Doppio from fucking dudes, or does he just let it happen

Because he lived in an italian society.

How many times does it need to be said. The mafia controlled everything and Pol was too scared that he would get found out if his message was intercepted. Some guy calling for Jotaro, who the gang would undoubtedly know by name? As they would have completely investigated Polneraf?

All he needs to do is land a single blow.

Unironically Hey ya, what can GER do in the face of boundless positivity?

Which no one was able to do, except for Trish and that was simply because she got lucky with her attack not being in his prediction window.

Does polneraff ever contact Jotaro after Giorno takes over the mafia though?

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Well there's a few interactions to consider:

>Dio stops time before King crimson can initiate his time skip:
In this case Dio should be able to just walk over and one-shot Diavolo, as initiating a time-skip is a conscious action that he can't make in skipped time.

>Diavolo initiates a time-skip, and one of the actions that would happen in the skipped time is Dio freezing time.
Honestly not sure what would happen. Guess is that it wouldn't change anything since diavolo steps out of time and then jumps forward in the time stream, but it would look really weird to watch dio essentially teleport and then muda-muda empty air

And that's how you make the fight interesting.

Technically Pucci once time was going fast enough, but just for the brief bit of time before Pucci's actions and death gets zeroed.

>Yfw Diavolo IS King crimson; a sentient, parastic stand like Anubis or Cheap trick

I mean think about it; when the soul-swapping was going on, everyone had a soul AND a stand, but when he's without a body Diavolo just manifests as King Crimson. KC has also consistently spoken for or acted as the face of, diavolo throughout the part.

Probably not. I can't imagine he would stay forever. He said that he would stick around for a bit, but that implies that eventually he would move on, he is a ghost after all, best leave the land of the living to the living, right?

Let that be a lesson, gentlemen

Ok but did Donatella Rape Diavolo?

This fanfic is still going around?

I imagine most of that was just to show how much Diavolo was inhuman. He had none of the traits you would normally associate with someones soul, he did everything because of his ability. Also combined with the fact that Doppio and him are parts of a whole soul and only he could ever control KC.

Probably, but I think it's a cool idea nonetheless.

> OP forgets (allegedly) that said 15 Year Old literally can manipulate Cause and Effect and completely nullify everything The Boss can do.


I don't think Diavolo even knew about sex before he met Donatella.

he can't read the time stop because it's not in the timeline, time is stopped. He can see the consequences after it though


Giorno: I have a dream/That’s bullshit but I believe it/Gold Experience Requiem
Bruno: Taste of a liar/I can put anything I want in your mouth/Resolve
Abbacchio: Drink piss/Fuck you Giorno/Abbacchio joins the beating
Mista: The number 4/Gay blowjob
Narancia: Trap/Gay dance/Trish is me
Fugo: Cheese boy/Whogo
Trish: ???

>Trish's feet

Any stand with a oneshot ability that sneaks up on giorno/GER or stand that can mindfuck incapacitatee GER. GER isnt omniscent and if a stand is stealthy enoughy and manages to kill giorno before GER can react/realize its being attacked then it cant activate its power. GER isnt all knowing and doesnt react instantaneously.

I love autism and
absolute > near absolute
so problem solved.
>all logical thoughts that extend beyond autism are reset to zero

But the "time stop" doesn't actually stop time the user just perceives things so fast that it is like time is stopped

Trish is like a china mans daughter, better off dead

Attached: spiceyno.gif (600x338, 3.31M)

You don't even know what a deus ex machina is.

Even then (which I don't agree on), for the point of view of non-users it would all pass on a nanosecond, might as well be subliminal as far as Diavolo is concerned

Except that Diavolo says "I am Diavolo" and "This is my stand King Crimson". Sentient stands know that they are stands.

Attached: sentient.png (336x384, 267K)

so golden experience requiem power is healing back the TIME king crimson erases
this has to be one of the biggest asspulls this anime has brought up
>my power perfectly counters YOUR power
I'm not even surprised anymore

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They don't even know who he is

Attached: 1562349275352.png (1920x1080, 2.38M)

>so golden experience requiem power is healing back the TIME king crimson erases
It would actually be acceptable if that was all it was, because it would just put Giorno and Diavolo on an even playing field. The fact that it just completely nullifies Diavolo's ability to participate in the story is what makes it so bullshit.

GER isn't omniscient. It also works only on actions taken against Giorno, being an automatic stand. It doesn't see just anything and decide to zero it. Therefore, it wouldn't do anything to stop indirect attacks.

If polnareff didnt contact jotaro because he knew that if he called him the mafia would find him out, then how did Kokichi just walk off fine after calling jotaro multiple times

The whole image hurts to look at except for trish's butt

You could explain that by claiming that KC is also not completely sane; as in Doppio was so weak that when he couldn't control his stand, and it started to become independant, like we saw with spice girl when she first appeared, KC took over and eventually got aspirations of being a human

Yes that's kinda what the requiem arrow does, it provides the user what they desire most. Giorno desired defeating the boss and taking over passione the most and thus was granted a stand that could defeat king crimson.

That's too much added information that didn't come from the manga.

Is anyone streaming this? Or is it going to be recorded and uploaded later?

Attached: 1d3.gif (392x410, 451K)

but technically if Giorno considered Thanos an enemy and knew that the attack was happening then GER could possibly stop it

>Yes that's kinda what the requiem arrow does, it provides the user what they desire most.
No it doesn't. Silver Chariot Requiem proves this wrong.
>But Polnareff actually desired to put everyone to sleep and swap people's souls and turn them into monsters because he wanted to protect the arrow even though Silver Chariot Requiem failed to protect the arrow!

Why would Passione be listening for Koichi?

Koichi wasn't a threat to Diavolo, that's why.

No it doesn't, polnareff desired for the arrow to be protected from the boss at all costs. It did that.

Your desire clearly has SOME effect on how the requiem stand turns out or acts. Otherwise Polnareff wouldn't have been able to imbue Silver chariot with the desire to protect the arrow

>arrow is stated to be give a stand the godlike power to control and overpower all other stands
>does just that

wow what an asspull

>Your desire clearly has SOME effect on how the requiem stand turns out or acts.
It does affect how it acts. It does not affect what its powers are.

Probably because he didn't want to be recognized as that guy who ran away.
>What a pussy-ass-bitch-nigga boss, why do we work for him again?

>Silver chariot requiem prevents Diavolo from getting the arrow
>Gold experience requiem can nullify Diavolo's abilities
You sure about that?

Echoes act 3 is a hard counter for KC

Got any proof?


why was that part so unintentionally funny

animeonly here
what the actual fuck
I was waiting for a interesting development in giorno's power, like a really fucking complicated strategy to set diavolo into a trap, so he can be beated out of arrogance, like giorno tricking him into a rush attack that he was previously preparing in the timeless realm

but no, Fuck you, my stand just fucking SHITS on your stand
what is wrong with the author?

>Silver chariot requiem prevents Diavolo from getting the arrow
SCR didn't prevent Diavolo from getting the arrow. He did get it and Bruno had to destroy SCR to undo its effects in order to get Diavolo away from the arrow.
>Gold experience requiem can nullify Diavolo's abilities
It can nullify everyone's abilities. It has nothing to do with what you desire at the moment.

he still wants to look cool in front of his daughter

What else do you call an overpowered ability introduced late into the story by a new character?

That's why he had to btfo golden boy instead of run away

Giorno is Jesus so it’s ok.

That's not it. You think that the battle between Giorno and Diavolo was when GER btfo'd him, but the battle was getting the arrow.

It was pretty obvious that getting the arrow meant the end of the battle and it's pretty obvious that you're a faggot

>but the battle was getting the arrow.
which was a deus ex machina

Read the fucking manga. Genuinely read the fucking manga. The first time Polnareff used SCR, he was safe in his house and didn't even know the arrow was special to the extent he considered just fucking leaving it behind the dresser. There is absolutely nothing stating or showing that the arrow granted any of his wishes or desires at the time by doing what it did. Fuck off with your fan fiction.

>That's not it. You think that the battle between Giorno and Diavolo was when GER btfo'd him, but the battle was getting the arrow.
When did I say that?

That's not what a deus ex machina is. A deus ex machina is Joseph managing to blow Kars into space
The arrow was teased as the only way to defeat Diavolo and the cast had to go through Silver Chariot Requiem AND wrestle Diavolo for it.

I'd say that you can't earn a Deus Ex Machina, and Giorno earned the arrow and GER

I think David Production demonstrated quite clearly that the ending of Part 5 does, in fact, suck almost as much as Part 3, if not more. Total retard ball.

It leads to the best part so it's fine.

>Deus ex machina is a plot device whereby a seemingly unsolvable problem in a story is suddenly and abruptly resolved by an unexpected and seemingly unlikely occurrence, typically so much as to seem contrived.
Polnareff suddenly appearing with the powerup arrow is certainly an unexpected occurrence that solves a difficult problem.

>tell Giorno you won't give him a chance to regret his death
>from everyone's perspective, he just continued to stand there before eating shit

Yeah, if Giorno knew he had the ability he would be nearly unstoppable. This does make me consider the question, what kind of information does GER need to act. Let's say Giorno is standing in a room with a radioactive rock, but he doesn't know it. If he would later get sick from radiation poisoning, is GER able to know that it was radiation poisoning? Does it have to know where the rock is, to act? And if it wants to act, what would it do? The rock didn't take any actions, would he be able to reverse Giorno's own actions until before he walked into the room with the rock in it? Not that any of these scenarios will ever be answered in canon.

>Deus Ex Machina
>a person or thing (as in fiction or drama) that appears or is introduced suddenly and unexpectedly and provides a contrived solution to an apparently insoluble difficulty

This is exactly what happened when Polnareff shows up at the end of the story with an arrow that can
1. Bring Diavolo to them when they had no other way of finding him
2. Defeat him when they had no other way of dealing with his stand

Joseph and the volcano have nothing to do with this, you're probably just using the term wrong.


Alright, Jojo fighting ability ranking in terms of a one-on-one fight at full ability.
Thoughts? GER is literally unbeatable and TA4 is beatable but can one-shot at long range, among the other act's abilities. SP has short range but the best everything else on top of time-stop. There's a reason Araki called it invincible in part 6.
Now things get a bit tricky. S&W has average power, but most of the fighting comes from the bubbles anyways and those are basically unlimited and have incredible range, and are really versatile in what they can do. SF has fantastic power, but the strings are in general harder to utilize but still pretty useful for extending range and some minor healing. CD has fantastic power, but its healing ability is underutilized in a one-on-one fight unless there's some good planning (Josuke v. Kira was literally just flicking garbage through a window).
Joseph has some hamon gimmicks and a shit stand, and Jonathan doesn't even have a stand. Even if we assume Jonathan got something similar to HP, I would still put Joseph higher.

Did you miss the part where they say multiple times that the requiem arrow grants stands incomprehensible power?

It doesn't lead to anything... Part 5 is filler from the global story perspective. 0 connection to any other part other than Koichi's early cameo and Polnareff dying. Never referenced in the future.

>only GRAPHITE can kill Giorno
Too bad for Diavolo they're not in Ukraine

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>0 connection to any other part other than Koichi's early cameo and Polnareff dying
Diavolo excavated the fucking arrows. He caused parts 3-6.

Did you not hear what the stand said? It doesn't matter what power comes up against it, it's all useless.

GER reacts to Diavolo attacking an unaware Giorno, though.

>Joseph over Jonathan
>when Jonathan defeated a vampire even before Hamon and was a goddamn tank

Joseph is the weakest JoJo. He makes up for it with guile, but he's definitely the weakest.

Jonathan is probably physically the strongest, but would come up short against Stand Powers.

>dumbfuck speedreader using the word "filler" wrong

To be fair, Deus ex Machinas can still work if they relate to the themes and tone of the work. Joseph bullshitting his way to an impossible victory against an asshole who bullshitted himself to become inhumanly OP is an amazing fucking coda to Part 2. In a way, so is Giorno, since the Part has been building him up as a Jesus figure fighting against a guy literally called Diavolo, but it’s not as strong here because the characters and fights have been so much weaker this time around.

Polnareff desired protecting the arrow in general not just Diavolo. The arrow had only grazed silver chariot and didn't full pierce it like it did with gold experience leading to a significantly weaker stand.
Polnareff knew the power of the arrows and how it could grant stand abilities. It's why he and Jotaro sought them out in the first place.

>The arrow had only grazed silver chariot and didn't full pierce it like it did with gold experience leading to a significantly weaker stand.
The fanfiction just keeps growing and growing huh

yea but they won at jojo. that super ghey pose where gold wind was spooning gio gio was as ghey as it gets. the only way to top that is fishnets , hooker boots and a feather boa while the stand does the same pose but dry humps you

>Unless Araki specifically says it it must not be true

I call it Gold and Brash!
(Sorry my edit skills aren't good enough)

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Watching anime is filler, you could be doing something productive with your life instead.

It gets the same power when he stabs it directly. Next you’ll claim that Requiem stands gain powers based on the current situation.

the placement of that rock near his finger makes it look like he just picked a huge booger

what the absolute fuck did i just watch

why did diavolo destroying his sun not kill reqiuem

but bruno destroying his sun did?

probably because he doesn't have a body to go back to so it gives the stand an error

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Giorno has to stab his stand every time for GER to activate. After the battle it goes back to regular GE.

So literally anyone who can kill him before he stabs himself

But isn’t that Ultimate Made in Heaven Requiem?

How can GER reverse time that doesn't happen?

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Wait if next episode will be an hour long what exactly will it cover? Off the top of my head all there's left is Diavolo getting BTFO'd then infinitely dying, will they add filler to the episode?

Diavolo intentionality didn’t destroy his sun completely.

Polnareff only slight pricks his finger when he first uses the arrow. He also states the power of chariot requiem is only a fragment of the true power of the arrow.

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It erases the time erasure.

Araki used Irene for the pun and to commemorate his original work to show how far he'd come from writing female characters. He uses Irene and Joylene interchangeably.

Araki himself confirmed they're the same people. Joylene is also named Irene because she's not going to have a bizarre adventure. Its a bittersweet ending because Emperio's friends don't remember him.

Its an actually amazing end, the Joestar bloodline is no longer cursed, parts 1-5 happened. Jotaro, Irene/Joylene get to live happily ever after and none of the horrible shit that happens to the main cast ever happens.

You mean like this?

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>Wait if next episode will be an hour long what exactly will it cover?

I think we all know what the final episode is going to be

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if polnareff had a means of controlling SCR or figuring out more of it he would have been broken as fuck

being able to supercharge stands, command stands to attack owners, mind/body fuckery, all kinds of shit rolled into one

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Because it goes beyond just space and time. It is rewriting reality itself, putting back into place the time that was erased. It just looks reversed, because that is the only way for Diavolo to comprehend what is happening. In reality, he activated his ability and then nothing happened and he stood there like a doofus before GER punched him to death.

You can't erase nothing.

>Polnareff only slight pricks his finger when he first uses the arrow.
But the second time he stabs Silver Chariot in the face with the arrow and it gets the same powers.
>He also states the power of chariot requiem is only a fragment of the true power of the arrow.
He states that the soul swapping power is just one aspect of Chariot Requiems power, and we later see that it can also control stands and mutate people.

He is. Part 1-5 happened as normal. The Qtaro thing is from an in-joke in Part 3 where Jotaro signs his name to confuse Enya because he was suspicous of her. Everyone is named the same because they have a bizzare adventure. Except Joylene who is named Irene, because she is fated to know peace and not have one.

In part 6 lol

It took multiple destroyed suns to kill it

God I hope so.

So the final 2 eps is a 1 hour special, is in 3 weeks? you guys arent making this up?

time erasure isn't nothing

Koichi isn't looking for the boss or even aware of Passione.

>only murdered evil gangsters that got in his way
also burned down a town with everyone in there, just cuz

I prefer to interpret it that Bruno used Sticky Fingers to patch back up SCR’s weakpoint, so that it would have enough power to make the arrow go through King Crimson instead of pierce him. And then Bruno unpatched it afterwards to finish it off for good.

But the time was erased?

This is technically true. Jotaro would be different, because Pucci got erased from existence. He wouldn't have to go fight Stand users and got to raise a family. Once he took care of the arrows in part 4, there's no minions to fight. He'd be slightly different in ways we wouldn't know, because technically part 6 never happens.

He's identical to Parts 1-5 and probably has a similar personality but probably a bit more relaxed and doing Doctor things.

It’s also just gonna be a wrapup followed by Sleeping Slaves, instead of the Giorno vs Diavolo fight we all fucking deserve to see.

I like that if you go back, the stone is smooth and now it's got even more dents an cracks in it. Can't wait for it to look like Bruno in the final episode.

So I wonder how Sleeping Slaves will be handled. Will we get a Flashback when Trish stumbles over the stone and Mista freaks out and remembers Rolling Stone? Or will it happen more like the manga and we don't see the bosses fate until after the Rolling Stone arc is done? Seems strange to have the next episode title be GER if that is the case though.

The main purpose of the fire was to cover up the priest’s death and his own disappearance. A few other people died, but most of the village made it out alive.

That was the wind


You can't completely destroy something, only turn it into something else. Time can't be destroyed, but from their perspective, can be made to seem like it has vanished.

>Or will it happen more like the manga and we don't see the bosses fate until after the Rolling Stone arc is done?
That wasn’t how it was in the manga.

So Ger didn't erase the not erased time?

Ah, I misremembered. Still, this is going to jump around a lot. Diavolo's thing isn't going to take 22 minutes.

I assume there are commercials in-between.


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He saw himself winning

>i will think about it
>anime debunks PHF four different ways
>they didn't adapt Dead Man's Questions despite it canon

He was just being nice

SCR was "weak" because Polnareff couldn't control it. He said so himself, and that the reason he couldn't control it was because he was not in fighting condition anymore.

>ive been to quite a few queer parades and gay nightclubs and he looks exactly like
>the crazed lesbians you'd see.
Daily reminded that Bossu himself dresses like a normal person and was just unlucky that he couldn't change out of Doppio's weird fetish lingerie before the final fight.

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He thought Trish was dead, which was his whole motivation for going after them. With her dead, he could run away and wait to strike sometime in the future.

But when he heard Trish talk, he realized he couldn't run. Because she'll always be able to know when he's around.

I'm sure he was also worried he would lose if he allowed Giorno to use the arrow. Considering how SCR fucked with people, Diavolo probably didn't want to risk another soul-swap.

The irony is that his first death was being attacked by a junkie his gang created.

>who wins, DIO with the world or Diavolo with KC

In a stand rush? DIO. The World has better stats.

Ability-wise? Predicting the future doesn't matter if Diavolo can't move or do anything in frozen time, which makes Epitaph is useless. Skipping time momentarily could donut DIO by surprise, but even then Diavolo's too incompetent to kill DIO as DIO is a vampire. The Boss would need to destroy The World in order to kill DIO just as Jotaro did. DIO, being written as Araki usually writes him, would figure out Diavolo's ability stupidly fast because of this and freeze time, King Crimson likely can't skip time in frozen time. This would lead to DIO fucking with Diavolo for a few minutes because DIO is an egotist before turning Diavolo into a pincushion.

If The World was given to somebody without vampire powers, it's possible Diavolo could stand a chance.

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SBR is the worst part. Fuck Johnny Joestar. Cope harder, wheelchair fags.

Doppio was expecting to have a steamy phone session with Bossu after the mission to kill the traitors but he died and Bossu will never meet him in the afterlife

How was Emporio strong enough to use Weather Report, but Jolyne wasn't strong enough to use Star Platinum?

Because you touch yourself.

Fuck off Valentine.

> He unironially is braindead enough to like SBR



My headcanon is that Weather Report is willing to be used by anyone who wants to kill Pucci.

We've still got Whitesnake, user.
Unfortunately D4C wasn't nearly as chatty.

But after that we’ll get Speed King.

Whitesnake holding a gun is going to be a normalfag meme. I can feel it in my guts.

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>flashy pink long hair with black spots like a gay dalmatian
>black lipstick
he still looks gay

She's a woman.

>They're the exact same people, they just dont remember it
That's significant enough of a difference to call a major personal loss, but you do you

And the funniest thing is Giorno and Bruno never told the gang their real intentions.



So uh, are stands sentient?
I've always thought of them as more like imaginary friends that are no longer imaginary, rather than actual beings.

There are some sentient stands like Echoes

Just like people, some are sentient and some are not.

It is.

It's a spinoff, not really canon to part 4's story. Fuck PHF though.

It’s a canon spinoff, unlike PHF.

DMQ was written by Araki himself, making it canon. Similar to Golden Heart, Golden Ring.