Not watching anime at 144fps

>not watching anime at 144fps

Attached: zZ86SqQ.jpg (891x717, 77K)

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Do you really think this stupid shit is funny enough to be worth posting? Come on man.

I can't even count that high, idiot.

but monitor framerate has no effect on a video animated on two's at 12fps. unless you use that discustinf frame interpolation shit that makes me want to slowly press screwdrivers into my iris's

Attached: resting head on hand.jpg (909x1080, 643K)

it does look pretty fucking awful i dont know why people pretend otherwise

You can always speed up the stream

it's so you can watch at a faster speed without frame skipping.

Attached: bc2fa834fc.jpg (900x1200, 428K)

>Not watching anime in 144p

Attached: Plebs.jpg (625x493, 40K)

>Watching anime at all

Attached: Disgusted(15).png (908x727, 591K)

>not watching anime at 144fps in 144p

Attached: 1438022668634.png (508x685, 398K)

lol our eyes can only see 20 fps.

lame feet
lame waifu

>lol our eyes can only see 30 fps.

There is no defined rate for our eyes.
The time that we need to get an image depends on the intensity of the light.
The less light, the more time we need, and that can go way below 10 fps.
But with a bright light, you can actually get more than 60 fps.

Now that's what I call advanced shitposting.

Attached: 1545656738470.png (550x720, 442K)

buy a better fucking eyes faggot

Attached: 1548105832118.png (1142x800, 1.02M)

Wish I could, user, wish I could...

Attached: Honoka.webm (1280x720, 984K)

It'd just look interlaced if anime was truly 144. another good example.