Until the smell goes away
Every day
Other urls found in this thread:
what smell?
It never will because Rin a poop
a super high quality thread courtesy of /u/
My, my, Tohsaka-chan. Did you make another mess?
smell of rins sticky stockings
Rin isn't a poop, user.
She is the toilet.
How is this relevant to /u/? Toilets don't have sexualities
Today I will remind them
>he doesn't own a gay toilet
Lmaoing @ your life, dude.
N-no bully
Got about half way and had to stop.
Who actually enjoys this shit?
Sorry, I got carried away.
I apologize.
I hope Saber gets involved somehow
Did you not read it? Luvia isn't interested in that, and Shinji is strictly against it.
Yeah but it feels a bit like foreshadowing
No, it doesn't.
Why would shinji care? Feel like i should read this now
Meant to say Shirou.
No I don't think Saberfags share the same sort of fetishes as your average Rinfag.
I would only include Saber if it were highly requested. But, so far, requests have mostly been for more Rin humiliation via Luvia and some potential involvement from Shinji. The /u/ contributors are very much against Shinji having a bigger role outside of shit-cleaner though so I'm hesitant to involve him further
Where can I send requests?
11/10 would eat all of RIn's shit after she drunkenly binges on tacobell
I would do it while wearing a sombrero
Can post them here and I'll add it to the list
I don’t like Rin either but what is the point of making these toilet/scat threads every day?
> Not thinking scat is the patrician fetish and slowly becoming normalized
I don't understand what "not liking Rin" and "scat" have in common.
I like Rin because of the scat/toilet art she gets
Why you trying to fetish-shame us, user?
Because we love Toilet-chan
It's another poopy pants thread