Trigger's Patreon

Did it flop? Even I make more than 7k a month.

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Its 7k of free money on top of everything else they make from sales and lisencing.

>Even I make more than 7k a month.
Are you a prostitute or just a white american?

>7k a month

Why doesn't every company set up a donation bin for free money? Other than a sense of honor and self-respect

its sad.
wonder how many girls they have in trigger.

maybe that will help them make some money of the numale community

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Maybe they can draw official lewds of their characters. I bet they would get lots of money that way.

It's triggers fault for not advertising their patreon


Trigger's only good anime was made by Trigger's non-anime production female staff as a joke. (I'm not making this up)

Attached: turning girls.jpg (1280x720, 125K)

good now they just need to show them doing something dunb and cute for the numales to throw money at them
they love asian girls do it should be easy

who digi patron here

Come talk when you got 7k tips per month then.

No lie, the only people I support on patreon are Digi and Trigger.

>2,6k patrons

>2,3 patrons

>1k patrons

Why are weebs so poor?

Well one, their rewards are a little weak and a lot of people impulsively donated at first. Second most of the people who are donating are in the North America, so their streams usually end up happening 3-5am, our time. People don't like that. Third, they've had some logistics problems along the way too. Also I think some YouTube tranny tried to convince everyone to pay for CR subscription instead of the patreon at one point.

A monthly 7K USD of free money is still probably nice but they haven't done much to keep it going.

they don't accept more than 5$ a month so

They're not marketing it well enough. I guarantee you if they started commercials on crunchyroll or some shit and put up Gridman, KLK, and LWA, as well as Hirayuki being responsible for TTGL, that the patreon number would go 5 digits easy almost overnight.

The Shantae they did

>Did it flop?
Yes. Hookers are expensive in Japan. Imaishi needs more money.

You people freak out but even she and similar young stars of the Internet age realize their money well will dry up fast and then they'll be unemployable for the rest of their life.

Don't know about that thot but I know leafy irl and he's pretty much set for life with all that youtube money. He act like your average joe and doesn't spend a single dime on useless shit tho


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Most are not westaboos like trigger is, so the idea of making fans give them extra money is probably shocking at best.

>Are you a prostitute or just a white american?
Found the bitchy white kid who's never gone through real adversity in their life and feels insignificant, so thay take it out on the succsessful people around them while pretending it's privlige's fault

user how many years do you think you need to work making 154k a month before you can retire comfortable? Most middle class retire with less than a million in equitable savings and will still make enough just on the interest to never actually draw from those savings. This person makes almost 2 million a year before taxes. By the time the money well dries up they'll retire more comfortable than your parents.

You seem to think Japanese crowd funding sites don't exist. Stop being an ignorant motherfucker please.

That assumes she isn't a retarded whore who will blow it on a bunch of expensive crap, raise her cost of living through the roof, and be broke just a few years after the money stops flowing like most lottery winners, professional athletes, pop stars, etcetera.

Honor, self-respect and the fact that someone on payroll has to manage it and deal with the complications that come from having to report a variable amount of monthly donation revenue for taxes. Plus it's a bad image to put forward for a company to beg for handouts directly from fans.

>You seem to think Japanese crowd funding sites don't exist
Yeah, and most Japanese companies don't use them because they are typically for individuals making independent works.

It is common for the privileged to think that they are not privileged, but hard workers. See Naruto.

>1st world country citizen
>going through real adversity

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yes. Real adversity is being born an ugly, low IQ paki like you.

that cant be real 150k A MONTH?

>have been making at least $7000 a month, for about a year for doing almost nothing
yeah, what a failure.

sex sells, who would have thought?

>being born white in a country were that alone makes you don't have to put any real effort to be successful in life
>still posting in an indian tapestry weaving imageboard
Imagine being this much of a failure.

This thread is shit and not Yea Forums, fuck off.

>sex sells
But who's buying?

but that nigiri girl used to had like 20-40k tops and she was like the most popular girl in the internet, 150 its just INSANE

Thirsty betas.

like you

Something's fishy though, she only has 2400 patreons and i doubt each one of them is paying 60 bucks every single month, that's crazy.

always shocked by retards who come on Yea Forums of all places to brag about being rich and then immediately begin seething

>patrons: 2612
>7k a month
>patrons: 2383
>150k a month

It's not really that hard to figure out user. Being a Whore is can be very profitable.

You need to pay like 100 bucks to get the good stuff, otherwise there's no point. Or you could download the rips that get posted right away, these people are fucking retarded, or rather, not fucking anything

No, namefag.

This is a meme, unless you're a complete retard you'll be able to retire comfortably long before the well goes dry

They won life on easy mode, it's that simple

All you really need is one guy willing to pay and post the stuff for free online and then the whole deal falls apart, you can literally find everything she's done on mega or thothub right now

>Kekkity kek they are poorer than me
>Booo hoo "white kid" earns more than me, he doesn't know real struggle boo hoo
Hey, you're the one who started being a faggot here, so don't come a start victimizing yourself now.

Some of them are paying a lot more. Sex sells but sexiness sells better. Belle Delphine is selling 'ironic' bathwater, unlike actual porn stars who sell bodily fluids all of her subscribers know that it is a meme and a joke, so they are all OK to buy it.
Her real skill is covering the porn with just enough layers of memes and irony so her fans can convince themselves they are not paying a camgirl.

>trying to bait people into discussing basic bitch lib talking points on an Indian tapestry weaving imageboard
El oh el @ your life

For every 10 people who pirate one person buys, people pirate porn and vidya but enough of it sells to support the industry.

>it's ironic and that makes it okay
I refuse to believe they're all just pretending to be retarded
A lot of those fags know damn well they're paying a shitty camgirl, they just won't admit it

I want this thread to be gone in easy mode. It's that simple.

pure flop

She gives them an important fig leaf of respectability. Kind of like how romance writers earn millions while erotica writers make pittance. People don't just want to fap, they want to fap and still feel good about themselves afterwards.

That makes absolutely no sense.

Many of them pay thousands of dollars

>responding to bait

Not the one you responded but this girl is actually a evil genius, or a psychopath, she won't spend her money like this unfortunately. Seeing her in misery 10 years from now would be nice but I know it won't happen.

Even if that happens, Some faggot with money will take her and she'll get away with it anyways.
I don't know if I should hate her or respect her honestly

Wow the mental dissonance here. Try reading your thread OP and then your post again.